My Secret Girlfriend (Is a Goddess) Part 5

My secret girlfriend (is a goddess) part 5 the sound of rustling, silvery susuki grass filled the rolling hills in the autumn afternoon.

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My Secret Girlfriend (Is a Goddess) Part 4

#4 of my secret girlfriend (is a goddess) becky accepts the strange new situation with the fox-goddess, rei. she invites the okami to spend the day with her and they use the time to bond and learn more about each other.

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My Secret Girlfriend (Is a Goddess): Part 3

#3 of my secret girlfriend (is a goddess) wes' girlfriend comes back from a long assignment trip abroad. to her surprise, her boyfriend has taken up with the beautiful fox-goddess. how will she react to this new situation?

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My Secret Girlfriend (Is a Goddess) Part 2

* * * "so you've never given your girlfriend a back rub?" rei asked, her now fluffed white tail wagging back and forth.

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Sibling x Girlfriend 11 - Johanna's Birthday

It had been a long day, made longer by the sound of Dane's voice just across the hall from her. He'd never been very verbal in his gaming before, but since taking Ares' advice and starting a streaming channel, the Dalmatian had needed to present a...

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Sibling X Girlfriend Side-Stories - Reassurance

# Reassurance Johanna's ear twitched toward the door as the deadbolt clicked, though her eyes never broke away from her phone. "You're late," she remarked as Dane stepped through and locked the door again behind him, "Did it go well?" Her...

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The Victoria Chronicles - 16, Dinner and a Show

**The Victoria Chronicles** **Chapter 16 Dinner and a Show** By the time Frank made it back to the truck Vix was already sitting inside. She had deactivated the suit and was once again wearing the shops coveralls. He made his way to the driver's...

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The Sky and the Stars

This vignette was written for Aubrey as part of my themed Patreon request day for January 2020. This month's theme was "The Future!" and this story contains suggestions of F/F sex and romantic cuteness between a pair of consenting adults. \<3 ...

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Coming to Terms - Part 3

He realized how intently he was looking into his girlfriends huge wet vagina as she spread herself for him. his face was beet red as he looked away. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to..."

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Coming to Terms - Part 2

But she could see that he was looking at her, not as a monster, but as his girlfriend. she bounded forward and hugged joel tight. joel yelped at the sudden movement. her heavy breasts pushed against his chest between them.

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Coming to Terms - Part 6

He was talking with a giant eight-foot-tall bunny-wolf monster that was also coincidentally his girlfriend. "i-i don't know, nothing like this has ever happened before."

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