A Little Extra Testing

A dark ring of metal and rubber with the valhalla industries logo emblazoned on a portion of the outer surface, and a set of letters and numbers etched into the metal just beside it. '_hyper-gasm ring. valhalla industries patent pending.

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Secretary Lunch

"this,' she said calmly, "is lucas bobbins, owner and ceo of bobtail industries. he has a son that is about twenty by the name of mycroft who is to start a business of his own and prove that he is able to someday take over bobtail industries.

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Ga' Roa Information Pamphlet: Taking Care of Recidians

This fine race of industrious creatures, and i do mean 'industrious', were acquired by our security division as a side product of harvesting their planet for resources.

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The City VII

"well, we know the industrial park, at worst, is trapped, and at best, has a lot of cover.


[Kraskits - Planets]

With patches of desert - expansive capital city "petro prime" - multiple mining operations and shipyards - major trading hub _samara:_ - rich in forest and vegitation with some industrial areas - first planet to be annexed by uif, starting the war


Atonement Chapter V - The Truth Shall Set You Free

It was identical to mine, just a mirror image, same industrial furniture, same industrial carpet, same industrial artwork. someone must be making a nice little earner churning out bland inoffensive crap for these places.

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03 - Rain always brings out the crazies...

He had let the rain (now mostly water and only partially effluent from the industrial zones) run over his dark brown fur before pulling up his own hood.

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Voyager: Chapter 4

We had just crossed over into the high tech industrial area. i had never been here and always assumed that the buildings everywhere in the city looked the same, but these ones were different.

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Portals - Chapter 2

It had begun as a subway, but out in the industrial outskirts of the city, where there was space for it and everything was utilitarian, it popped out of the ground, its cement and metal mag-lev trough running arrow straight.

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Playtesting Chapter 1

Same as the other major events industrial illusions puts out. granted you only dueled one duel, but still. i heard your duel was pretty damn sacky." lilly remarked. "it's chaos dragons, what else would you expect?

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I grr'ed at the industrial company statement. "...was it vulcan industries?" shepley sighed and nodded his horned head. "yes, it was. but it wasn't the leader of vulcan industries.

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Necrotic Sentience - Chapter 1

The air was thick with smoke and gas, the sky a dark, moody hue - a typical appearance for an industrial city. 'industrial city 17' read the sign at the station.

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