"you're still very sleepy," dolfengra repeated. "i'm... yeah..." draco murmured in agreement. "you're very sleepy." "i'm... very sleepy." a little giggle trailed at the end of that statement. dolfengra huffed.

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The Bathing Stream

Laying his sleepy brother onto the hand-crafted bed and smiled warmly. asking his brother; "you want to know about something...?"

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Sure, they were tired of his behaviors. he knew that.

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Sovereing Revenge

All of this making his already tired body to succumb further into relaxation.

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Beauty of the Beast - Prologue

That's like asking if the world gets tired of breathing or if you get tired of playing sports" the spikey haired brunet teased. "i would like to get out of the house sometime this week before i'm forced into going on my family reunion."

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Writing Assinment: 5 min write, 5 min rewrite

Final: > it's almost 11:30 pm here in my beloved room and i'm tired as hell. my eyes are dried and sleepy, and looking at the laptop screen is painful.

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Chapter 4: Learning The Rules

sleepy?' but when he heard something of 'side effects' his mind although sleepy started to worry " drug me" andrew asked hazily between breathes, "hmmm i thought he would be too sleepy to even be able to think about it."

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Three Furs, One House

The tires squealed from the abuse. i hit the gas at the exit of the corner, the engine howling. charlie panted heavily as i slowed for the entrance to pit road.

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A Dragon's Life: Chapter 2

The nearest branch was higher than the cave and they were already tired, but he knew of no other way up.

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Maybe my mind is too tired. when i grow tired i tend to babble rubbish, jo knows that very well. rubbish as in, really, just ridiculous, nonsensical gibberish. one moment i'm in for gerrald, one moment i'm hugging jo.

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Kauto and MW Part 6

The team put a set of scrubbed tyres on both cars and both drivers were sent out for a quick stint to get a time in before the other drivers. both drivers did a lap behind the other to get the quickest time possible from the tyres.

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A Slippery Situation - Chapter 2

For a single, frightening second, the back-tyres span uselessly on the layer of thin ice covering the road, before mercifully digging in and finding grip.

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