The Revolution

Initiate operation: titanium." with that, the president abruptly disconnected. furdel waited for a minute. "marshal?" "yes furdel?" "where were the jcs?" "in a convoy towards the peoc, where the potus hopefully is. we are all that's left.


The Adventures of Dingo Dan: The Show

The first thing you'll see on it is the carbon fibre that covers a superstrong titanium alloy casing, tough as diamond, it'll survive a thousand foot drop with no dents or scratches afterward.

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"Overdrive" - Chapter 6

Compound iron nickel chromium titanium carbon molybdenum, surrounding on all six sides, penetrative scan, 10mm thick, tensile strength 210,000 k/sc.

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Land of the Lawless: Chapter 1

She went around to her personal armour set, titanium plating of primarily blue with royal purple accents, which didn't protect her cybernetics because of the materials the cybernetics were made out of.

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Project Mitosis: Chapter 5: Run

In but another moment, a massive, half-ton titanium wall came sliding down a barely visible pocket in the hallway roof directly in front of them. none of the other projects would escape. it was...over. .

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Military Measures -- Chapter 2 -- Part Three -- {A Different Adversary}

Jason's fist glowed a titanium white as it shone brightly, he directed the attack towards raiki who was looking to retaliate as well. the two closed in on proximity, both their right hands enveloped in their own element. "power-up punch!"

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Sideline Hacker Battles: Zavis vs Andre

He charged forward, swinging his titanium club around, and this time he was the one in charge.

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A New Life in a New Body V2 Blueberry Pie

Pointing it i wrapped the tip of my tail around the pressure trigger i said "light, did you use titanium?" nodding she said "i made all of it from titanium, the inside of the barrel itself though is actually made of an iridium titanium alloy.

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Scott's Remote | Chapter 1

Through a combination of biotechnology, an improbability-engine, and a calculator that essentially worked on the whimsical nature of the polarity of electrons whirling around in titanium atoms in the contraption, the device was able to access the particular

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My Final War

I strapped myself into the armor suit, and as i familiarized myself with the computer system, the armor closed, sealing me in a titanium tomb. i was ready. ready for my final fight.

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Inevitability pt 4

Though the door was titanium with carbon nano- tube weave, it would not survive the onslaught for long. though we did not see, we guessed what was happening.


Lost Archives of the Xenomorphs

He looked down below hundreds of feet below seeing that one queen was already laying her eggs and xenos trying to find a way out through the thick layer of electric fences and titanium. he sighed and looked down at them.

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