Disciplinary Action

Story by summerlong on SoFurry

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#17 of Undersourcing

Not too much to say here, more or less capping off the current story arc, so ideally, I can have more fun with the next few, haha. More than anything, I'm looking forward to expanding on the stores in the mall. Until then, I hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading!

Proofread by SkyWing

Standard boiler plate: This is fantasy, not real. Simple rule of thumb, do not do things to people without their consent in real life. That is bad. No more to say there than that.


"Well?" Chas said, holding the cum-bloated ram by the waist, steadily pumping him up and down his impressively large shaft.

The query instantly snapped Milo out of his nervous fugue. Ever since he had walked into his room and found the goat waiting for him, casually sitting on the bed while using his pink-furred servant as a fucktoy, he had been paralyzed into a stunned silence, not even responding to the initial greeting. Partly, it was due to the entrancing sight of Karl's rounded belly sloshing full of spunk, thumping against his leaking cock cage every time he was slammed against the goat's lap. More than anything, though, it was due to his prior resolution to discuss and - with any luck - put an end to Hell's reset clause. Now that the goat had finally made his appearance, there was no backing down.

"Oh! Yes, um... What was the question?" Milo asked, wiping a bit of nervous spittle from his chin. "Sorry, you took me by surprise there."

"I merely stated that I believed you were looking for me. Did you find something we could use against the raccoon?"

Fighting back the butterflies in his stomach, Milo cleared his throat. "Uh, no sir, not yet, I'm still working on sifting through the full contract. The reason I wanted to talk was because I spotted something unrelated that I can't really make sense of."

"Do tell." His interest dimmed by the negative response, Chas returned his full focus to fucking the ram, savoring the weak, gurgled moans and bleats.

"Oh...Yes, well, while I was going through the contract and taking notes, I came across a clause regarding caretakers. Specifically about how when you hire a new one, it restarts the sentences of all the damned souls still here."

"Yes, of course, the reset clause."

"So... you do know about it..."

"Indeed. I remember it well. What is your concern?"

"My concern? How do... You know what it means, right? What it does? It's a loophole to keep souls in Hell indefinitely! That doesn't bother you? Th-that doesn't seem wrong to you?"

"Not at all," the goat apathetically replied, not even bothering to throw a glance the weasel's way. He slammed the ram down onto his lap several more times before coming to an abrupt stop. Holding him flush against his lap, his full length sheathed inside the spasming tailhole, Chas sighed, experiencing another shuddering climax. An additional load of cum flooded the ram's insides, forcing the already impossibly distended, beach-ball-sized belly to grow even larger. Subservient as always, Karl offered no resistance, only taking a moment to caress his bulging stomach while letting out a low, rumbling groan. "And, to be frank, I do not see why you would have an issue with it either. It does not concern your tasks here. It is not remotely any of your business."

"What?" Milo said, feeling a small ember of white-hot anger flare up past his fear. "How could you possibly say that? It's exactly my business! The whole reason we're doing all this is to punish evil, isn't it? If-if-if the damned aren't allowed move on and try again, then all this is just torture for torture's sake!" Raising his arms up, he slammed them back against his sides with an angered sigh. The sight of the unamused goat staring at him over the bloated ram's shoulder helped that flash of anger to recede. "If this is how it really is... how it's supposed to be... then... then you lied to me. All this is a lie."

"I did not lie to you, Milo. Everything I told you is as it is. The worst offenders are here forever. All others take their punishments and go. That is all true."

"But with the reset clause, the worst offenders are the majority! Almost no one is ever allowed to leave! I'm sorry, you aren't really telling the truth about something if you intentionally leave out vital details that completely change its nature!" Milo bit his lip, trying to stay calm and in control. "A lie of omission is still a lie. I never would've agreed to be your caretaker if I knew the system was all so... so broken."

"Alright," the goat said, exuding an unsettling calm. "If this is such a problem for you, then perhaps you should know why it came about. One moment." He looked down at the ram, simply stating, "Open."

Obediently opening his mouth as wide as he could, Karl was lifted up, gradually pulling his ass off the truly massive, glistening shaft. A sheer waterfall of cum burst forth from his gaping tailhole the moment the thick cock-tip popped out.

Unperturbed by the mess soaking his crotchfur, Chas effortlessly flipped his living cocksleeve over and pulled him back down, relentlessly stuffing his throbbing pillar of flesh into the waiting gullet.

Milo couldn't quite tell if that had been done as a display of dominance, or if the goat was simply horny and wanted to switch things up. In either case, he kept quiet, watching the ram's lips making their way toward the base of the goat's cock. Gagging and gulping his whole way down, Karl's throat obscenely bulged outward as he swallowed around the length, all the way until he came to rest against its root.

Bending the ram's legs, Chas hooked them over his shoulders to hold him in place, then raised a hand, conjuring a thick, black butt-plug into his palm. He finished by stuffed the plug under the ram's tail, easily popping it inside the gaping hole. The ram made another weak gurgle, using both hands to stroke his leaky cage as the plug locked gallons of spent cum deep inside his belly.

"Since its inception," Chas said, fixing his gaze back on the weasel, "Hell was designed so that damned souls would come here upon death, drawn to my siblings and I. As time passed, my siblings and I grew bored, eventually going to war over the possession of those souls. Much later, we settled on a kind of truce. We pooled our powers to restructure things, splitting Hell into different realms, one for each of us to rule on our own. At the same time, we agreed to certain new rules - the contract you have been reading through - to govern the new Hell, including the right to hire caretakers and reset the sentences of the damned whenever a new caretaker is hired." He reached down, stroking the ram's neck, rubbing his own cock through the bulging throat.

"Yes... you told me all that before... Except for the reset... None of it explains why you went and ruined the whole system like that..."

"Not ruined. Fixed. The way Hell works is that the damned are punished for their sins, and after a set amount of time relative to the evil they wrought, they are reborn to live a new life. It is intended to be a forge of souls, burning out impurities through time and suffering. Minor offenders, such as that pet skunk your 'assistant' seems so fond of, are likely to avoid making the same mistakes after their time here. A simple panty-thief and chronic masturbator like him has the potential be forged into something better, moving on to leave a decent life the next time around without being seen here again. At least for a time. The vast majority of the damned, however, are simply too broken to ever be helped. Seeing so many come through here over and over through the millennia, learning nothing, committing those same evil acts upon rebirth, wore on us. If they were just going to keep winding up back here, better to make it so they never leave. If they stay, then they do not ever have the chance to hurt anyone ever again. Broken souls are permanently removed from the cycle of rebirth, and new ones have a chance to prove themselves. That is why we added the reset clause."

"But that... that..." Milo sighed, shaking his head. "Alright, I can understand how you made your decision... I agree with the idea of punishing crimes, I always have, and it makes sense that something like a soul would be difficult to change, but... but even if it's difficult, you can't just give up on them! If you take away any chance for redemption, then what's the point of any of this?" He swung both his arms out to his sides, indicating the entirety of his creation. "Why bother punishing them at all?"

"Redemption..." Chas muttered, flashing a condescending smirk. "Does that belief of yours apply to everyone, Milo?" He gestured toward Connie, the tightly bound kangaroo having been watching everything from the very beginning, cowering in the corner of the bedroom. "Even your good friend, there? Do you truly have hope he will ever be fixed?"

Milo grimaced. Every instinct, every belief he had made him want to respond with an emphatic yes. The problem was, when he looked at that bastard of a kangaroo, all he could see was the faces of the girls whose lives he had gleefully ruined. Not just them, but their families too. And, for that matter, his own. Being forced to drag their names through the mud for the sake of that unrepentant piece of... As much as he wanted to say that someday Connie deserved a chance to earn redemption, down to his core, all he wanted was to see him suffer. He trembled slightly, going completely silent. Mired in an endless loop of indecision, he cursed the goat for putting him in this position. Knowing far too well that Hell held a legion of souls far, far worse than the kangaroo... If he couldn't say yes for him... how could...

His fretful contemplation was interrupted by a loud, bleating moan. Milo looked up to see the goat enjoying another climax, firing an impossibly large load of cum directly into the ram's gut.

Karl's stomach rapidly inflated to an impossible level, making him appear as if he was carrying quintuplets. Aside from a faint bucking of his hips, he made no attempt to remove himself from the oversized shaft. Instead, no longer able to reach his twitching, pre-leaking, locked genitals, he reached down to give the goat's heavy, churning balls a pleasant massage.

"So... that's it then? They're just damned to uselessly rot away here for eternity?" Milo said, a tinge of sadness and regret in his voice. "That's all that's left for them?"

"I would not say they were useless, Milo. Punishment and a chance for redemption is only one of the reasons for the damned to come here. Tell me, have you ever heard of the Tzadikim Nistarim?"

"The philosophy about hidden saints without whom the universe would cease to exist?" Milo glanced down at the hem of his robes. "I've... heard about it, yes."

"Very good. It is close to correct, though, in actuality, the inverse is true."

"What... what do you mean?"

"I mean that the universe as you know it would cease to be, were it not for the sacrifice of the damned." The goat stopped to take a deep breath. "At the beginning of time, there was nothing. Nothing, until a creature appeared in the emptiness. Where it came from, even the creature did not know. Lonely in the emptiness, it wished for there to be something, and out of its own body, it formed the entirety of physical existence. Now a disembodied, though still omnipotent spirit, it sat back, watching its creation grow. Over time, life grew and evolved, spreading all across the vastness of creation, but something was amiss. Those initial lifeforms were themselves empty, little more than listless, soulless husks. Once more wishing to give of itself to its creation, the creature fashioned - out of its own spirit - heaven and hell. With that task done, it ended its individual existence by splitting its remnants into the lords of sin, and in so doing, it introduced the concept of morality to the world. With morality came free will, freedom of choice, love and hate, war and peace, crime and justice, the temptation of evil and the pursuit of good, and in turn, those empty shells began to form souls. A cycle was established: souls are either reborn, or if none are waiting, newly form as needed. Upon death they receive whatever reward their choices earned them. The innocent dwell for a time with the lesser spirits in heaven, while the others who embrace sin come directly to us."

"That's... fascinating and all... and raises far more questions than anything... but it also doesn't really explain your point at all."

"No, Milo, it explains everything. You have noticed that my siblings and I have fixations on the sins we embody, have you not?"

Glancing at the ram posted face down on the goat's cock, Milo nodded.

"Existing as the core of morality for all life takes quite a toll. To perform our roles in the cycle, we are forced to bathe ourselves in the suffering of the damned. Without the ability to torment all the souls coming through here, we would go berserk and creation itself would be threatened. Do you remember that civil war of ours? It came down to a resource war, threatening to shatter reality itself. Had we not come to a compromise, splitting souls apart based on their specific sins, it would have meant the end of everything." The goat wore a smug smile. "That is how the damned serve the greater good of all existence. Do you understand, now?"

Staring down at his feet, Milo scrambled to make sense of everything he had just learned. It certainly shed a new light on things. Hell wasn't just a place of punishment and rehabilitation; through the lords of sin, it allowed the very concept of morality, souls, and any possible meaning of life to exist. Still, while it did make perverse sort of sense, something about his argument just seemed off. "I... no, I don't understand... I've seen the numbers... even without splitting souls apart to share, so long as you all are providing the option to sin to the world, none of you are at any risk of ever running out. Without the reset clause, everything would be in perfect... balance."

The goat's smile faded.

"It just doesn't make any sense why you need... you need to..." Milo looked up at the goat, an unexpected confidence driving him past his crushing degree of fear. "Unless you don't HAVE a reason to keep them forever..." he said, clenching his fists, "and that's why you keep dancing around my questions. Telling all those stories. You don't NEED all those souls. You WANT them."

"Milo. Stop talking."

"That's what all this was, wasn't it? More distractions and lies, because that's what you do! You tell me ENOUGH of the truth that I fill in the blanks myself! You tell me what I want to hear, keeping me fat and happy so I never question it! You don't serve anyone but yourselves! You're parasites hoarding souls for no purpose than your own egos!"

"Be. Silent. NOW."

"I'm right, aren't I? That's it, then. I'm not playing anymore. I can agree with the concept of Hell before you destroyed it with that contract, punishing evil and keeping you sane and sated, there's a kind of justice in that. Assuming it's even true. But until you return Hell to what it was meant to be and stop pointlessly hoarding souls, I will no longer work for you."

"NO! THEY'RE MINE!!! THEY EMBRACED ME!!! THEY'RE MINE AND I'M NOT LETTING THEM GO!!!" The goat, in a state of frothing fury, stomped his hoof multiple times, shattering a large hole in the floor. "MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!!!"

Only at that moment did Milo truly realize everything he had said, essentially having threatened a being that claimed to be one of the last remnants of the creator of the universe. Cursing the timing of his idiotic bravado, he stood completely still, heart thundering in his chest, bracing himself for the inevitable blow-back. Within seconds, the entire room began shaking and rumbling as if an earthquake had struck. Falling against the wall, Milo looked up the goat, the only thing not violently shaking, gasping as he stared back with barely restrained fury. As quickly as it had begun, the shaking stopped, leaving Milo terrified yet unharmed.

"Milo," the goat said, calmly tenting his fingers in front of the ram's belly, "I believe I may have done you a disservice during our last chat. When I said I had grown fond of you, it seems to have given you the impression that I see you as a peer." Something like fire imperceptibly flickered in the goat's eyes. "I do not. You are an employee. A worker. An underling. A minion. I do value your work here, but do not think for a moment that I will allow you to make demands of me. And I sure as fuck will not accept criticism from a being that would not even exist were it not for me."

Though Milo tried to reply, the only sounds coming out of his mouth were stuttered into oblivion.

"While I do wish for you to keep working for me, I believe you must first be reminded of your place."

"W-w-what d-does that m-mean? Y-you said y-y-y-you can't harm me!" Milo slowly, warily stepped backwards, heading to the doors, which were promptly fused into a solid, whole surface after a snap of the goat's fingers. "That was just a-a-a lie t-too wasn't it?"

"No, Milo, as I have said numerous times, I have not lied to you. I speak only the truth. You are not one of the damned. I cannot harm you."

"W-w-w-what d-do y-y-you m-mean then?" Milo asked, unable to recall ever being quite so terrified before. "Y-y-y-you're g-going to send me b-back into the v-v-void aren't you?"

"For a being of such delightful and innovative imagination," the goat said, his stare burning a hole through the weasel's very soul, "you can be so disappointingly limited. Have you truly forgotten what else happened on your first day?"

Too terrified to consider what the goat meant, Milo prepared himself for whatever hidden punishment the mad god of lust thought was fair. He held his eyes shut tight, almost pissing himself when the goat snapped his fingers again. Warily, he reopened his eyes, expecting to see nothing but an infinite, pure white expanse yawning out around him. Instead, he saw his room, same as it ever was.

"I cannot harm you, but then, I do not need to. You have made so many friends here, Milo. Perhaps one of them would like to thank you." Holding out his hand, Chas let a familiar gold ring fall to the carpet.

Turning his head toward the kangaroo, Milo gasped when he saw his favorite pet was missing almost all of his various sleeves, chains, and other assorted restraints. The kneeling roo still possessed the same dyed-pink fur and partially shaved poodle-cut, but the only other modifications remaining were his toe rings and assorted body piercings. Aside, of course, from the ring holding the tip of his cock to his taint, which was now sitting on the floor by the goat's hooves.

Realizing that he had - for the most part - been freed, Conrad slowly, shakily climbed to his feet, staring daggers at his longtime tormentor. After so much time spent in near constant bondage, being forced to walk on his elbows and knees, he was extremely sore, though that soreness was swiftly fading, and there were far more important matters at hand.

Seething with rage to the point where he was shaking, cracking his stiff, rapidly recovering joints with every twitch, Conrad pointed a finger a finger at Milo, uttering only, "You." Letting out a roar of fury, he lunged forward to attack. In only a couple of bounding steps, he covered the distance between them, striking the fear-paralyzed weasel's cheek with his closed fist the instant he was within range.

The impact sent Milo flying, crashing into the nearest wall, lingering there for a moment before falling to the floor with a painful thud. Scrambling back to his feet, he narrowly avoided another attack when he tripped over his robes and landed back on the floor. He had no time to right himself again, as the kangaroo had taken the opportunity to kneel atop his chest, squeezing the air right out of his lungs. Try as he might, he couldn't summon any chains to subdue his attacker this time around. His powers were gone. There was nothing he could do against the vastly physically superior roo.

"You miserable little piece of shit. I don't know what the fuck's going on here, but I'm gonna tear you limb from limb. Slowly." Grabbing the weasel around his throat, Conrad raised his other arm, brandishing his claws in order to follow through on his threat. The sound of a voice ringing out drew his attention, momentarily halting his attack.

"Now, now, Conrad. After all he has done to you, is this really the revenge you want?" the goat said, bucking his hips, injecting yet another load of cum into the ram's ever-growing belly. "Would you not rather pay him back in kind?" With a wave of his hand, a table full of various restraints appeared by the kangaroo's side.

Wincing at a sudden dull pulsing between his legs, Conrad remembered his long-denied cock snugly nestled between his balls. Though it was still partially restrained, threaded through a ring piercing his scrotum, he quickly realized that the tip was no longer pierced to his taint. Before his tapered length could get too hard, he pulled it out past the ring, sighing with pleasure as it throbbed free for the first time in... he didn't even know. In seconds, he was fully erect, feeling like his member was even bigger than it had ever been before.

"There you are, free once more. Now, use him as you will."

"Ain't... no... fag..." Conrad mumbled, forgetting the weasel pinned under him. Closing his eyes, he grit his teeth and proceeded to wildly jerk himself off, losing himself to the raw pleasure of simply getting hard and touching his cock again.

"Please, does that distinction even really matter anymore? He owes you, does he not? You should allow him to repay his debt."

His head totally swimming with built-up waves of lust crashing down upon him all at once, Conrad could only mumble back. He blinked rapidly, shaking his head in a haze, eventually giving a tentative nod. His mind was so rapidly addled that, despite his reservations, the goat's suggestion was beginning to sound less vile, and more like the perfect way to sate his need. Licking his lips, he let go of his cock, sliding off the weasel's chest and kneeling on the floor by his side. Just as his former tormentor took in a sharp, gasping breath, Conrad grabbed hold of his robes, digging his claws in, furiously ripping and tearing them to shreds.

Left totally nude, surrounded by the confetti that had been his favorite garment, Milo once more tried to scramble away from his attacker, who easily grabbed a hold of his tail. As hard as he struggled, the muscular kangaroo had no trouble reeling him back in.

Conrad was panting with raw anticipation as, hand over hand, he drew that vulnerable ass closer. Before he could pounce, burying his tapered shaft between those skinny cheeks, the goat helpfully chimed in again.

"After all he did, you're settling for simply raping him?" With a flick of his wrist, the goat moved the table of supplies closer to the lust-maddened roo, who broke into a cruel grin seeing his chance to give as good as he got.

Hopping to his feet, Conrad, stomping on the prone weasel's back to drop him flat, belly-down against the floor, perused the items, picking out a few choice ones. All the while, his cock leaked drip after drip of pre-cum, barely able to contain his excitement. Once he was satisfied with his choices, he dropped to his knees, straddling the weasel's hips, and pulled his arms behind his back, locking them together with a pair of handcuffs. Not that the weasel was even talking in his state of abject terror, but that fact did nothing to stop Conrad from sloppily jamming an oversized ball-gag in his mouth, forcing his jaw open painfully wide, then locking it behind his head.

Finally fighting back as best as he was able, Milo kicked his leg up and out, only grazing the lust-addled roo's cheek. He bit down on his gag as he felt his ankle grabbed, with one end of another pair of handcuffs promptly locked around it.

Grabbing the weasel's other ankle, Conrad was about to finish locking his legs together, when a cruel thought struck him. He fed the open end of the handcuffs through the ball-gag's strap before securing it to the other ankle, contorting his body, forcing his footpaws close to the back of his head.

At that moment, Milo had never been more thankful to be a weasel; if the position he was forced into was that painful already, he couldn't imagine how bad it would have been if it weren't for his natural flexibility. Before he could think of much else, the kangaroo flipped him over onto his back - or, rather, onto his severely bent legs - and totally put his sheath and balls on display. Smirking like a madman, the kangaroo forced a chastity cage on his crotch, not bothering to make sure it fit before locking it on. Milo could only make a pathetic, mewling whine as his predicament truly set in.

Satisfied with the few bits of applied gear, Conrad, almost at the point of bursting, knelt at the weasel's fearfully twitching genitals. He prodded his length under the tightly clenching balls, soon finding the fleshy ring hidden between his cheeks. Without any hesitation, the kangaroo grabbed the weasel's waist and thrust his hips. Only slightly lubed by his endless stream of pre, he soon had half his length buried in that tight, hot tailstar.

Milo could only close his eyes and scream at the shock of pain, only to realize it ended as quickly as it began. Confused, he reopened his eyes to see he was no longer in his bedroom. He was in an oppressive black void, surrounded on all sides by endless darkness. As he checked out his empty surroundings, realizing his restraints were gone and his robes were back, something like a TV screen flickered to life by his side. The screen showed a bird's-eye view of his room, complete with the goat and the ram on the bed, and the kangaroo raping... him... on the floor. He looked away with a mix of confusion and disgust, just to see another screen flicker on, showing the action from another angle. One by one, additional screens joined them, each one showing another angle, all forming a sphere surrounding his position.

Just as the last remaining bit of darkness was replaced by a close-up view of his own tailhole spreading around the kangaroo's length, the thunderous silence of his prison was replaced by the audio from the room. Furious grunting, pained cries, and the repetitive smacking of furred flesh against furred flesh echoed around him on all sides.

"Have you ever wondered," the goat's booming voice rang out, "why no matter the severity of the torment, no matter the tedium or agony, the damned never permanently 'break'? It is because I do not wish to let them break. If their fragile little minds slip away into a blissful catatonia, I merely wait for the next time they fall asleep. When they next wake up, they are restored, all their experiences remembered as if only a dream. And from there, they get to relive their tortures anew. In the case of those like your ram, if it entertains me, I will allow his mind to be trapped within itself, much like you are experiencing now. It is exceptionally delicious, hearing the screams of sinners locked in their own heads, forced to watch themselves be turned into obedient toys. After all, it the damned did not suffer. Forever. Then what would be the point of hell?"

From multiple angles on the various screens, Milo watched as the goat flash a genuinely terrifying grin.

"Regardless, I do not want you broken, either, Milo. I merely want you to see - and remember - what such pointless defiance will earn you. Enjoy."

More than anything, Milo wanted to cry out, but no matter what he did, he couldn't find his voice. Unable to see any possible escape through the unbroken wall of light, he fell to the side, curling up in a ball, forced to watch and listen as his mortal enemy used his bound body as a plaything.

Letting out a moan of pleasure, almost bordering on a squeal, Conrad continued to mercilessly pound his needy cock further into the weasel's overly-tight tailhole. Once he made it all the way in, up to his root, he ground his pubic bone against the weasel's balls, earning a squeak of pain as they were compressed between their bodies. Thumping his tail against the ground, Conrad sharply pulled out, and began pumping his hips, giving his tormentor the brutal fucking he so richly deserved. With every crazed, powerful thrust, he once again slammed his crotch against the weasel's balls, eking out a chorus of squeals amidst the repetitive, moist slaps.

Back in his mysterious viewing room, Milo wasn't sure what to make of what he was seeing. He had never been much for masochism, but his body was certainly reacting to being bound and tormented, gushing a full stream of clear pre-cum out the tip of the cage locking away his sheath. Whatever was going on, wherever he was, if nothing else he was grateful his own crotch was free. As he watched on, he could feel the telltale stirring of his cock swelling underneath his flowing robes.

Conrad's pace quickly grew to a fevered blur, utterly pummeling his tormentor's ass and crotch with pure need and ferocity. He was moaning at a pitch befitting his speed, eyes closed in anticipation of what was sure to be a mind-blowing orgasm. His first since waking up and being enslaved by the damned weasel. He deserved it. He earned it. He needed it.

But it never came.

Keeping up that furious pace for what felt like hours, endlessly fucking the weasel, he never moved beyond the precise edge of climax. As he grew increasingly exhausted, his impossibly fast pace taking its toll, the fog of lust lifted just enough for his mind to clear, if only a little bit.

"WHY! CAN'T! I! CUM!" he cried out between thrusts, tears of frustration running down his cheeks.

"Because I do not want you to," a voice said from just over his shoulder.

Never stopping his hips, he looked back to see the goat from the bed, whoever he was, was now standing behind him. The bloated, almost spherical ram that had previously been posted on his cock had fallen to the mattress in a heap, a river of cum gushing out his gaping maw, flowing all over the bed-sheets. Conrad's ears folded back as he realized that same cock was now poised at his backdoor. Unable to stop himself from pumping his needy cock in and out of the bound weasel, his own vulnerable rear made far too enticing a target. Before he could react, the goat gave a single, powerful thrust, shoving the tip of his throbbing shaft through the clenched ring. Conrad grit his teeth, his eyes going wide from the sudden intrusion as his hole was violated.

"It can be enjoyable for me sometimes, making some of you cum endlessly, learning to hate their releases," Chas said, working his saliva-and-cum-slick cock between the kangaroo's muscled cheeks with a series of short, brutal jerks. After fucking the ram to a loose gape, the comparatively snug hole was a welcome change. "In your case, as with most others, I vastly prefer making sure you never get to enjoy a single one."

Almost by reflex, Conrad brought his thick, powerful tail down on the goat's face as hard as he could. To his surprise, his attacker had scarcely even registered the impact. In a panic, he struck with his tail several more times, never getting any kind of reaction, almost as if the frantic attempts to defend himself only spurred the goat to go faster.

Immediately after fully sheathing his length inside the wonderfully inviting ass, Chas snapped his fingers. At his command, a number of the restraints remaining on the table flew toward the pinned roo, attaching themselves to various points along his body. A new pair of black, latex sheaths covered his arms, from his hands to his armpits, bending them at the elbow, then fusing into single, solid pieces. An additional pair did the same for his legs, bending them at the knees before fusing into solid pieces, leaving only his footpaws exposed. His original ring-gag was replaced by a full dental-gag and muzzle combination, stuffing itself into his maw and propping itself wide open. A small weight on a ring attached itself to the piercing left in his tongue, forcing the fleshy organ to dangle out of his mouth. Before his tail could strike the goat again, a cuff wrapped around it, latching itself to the back clip of his muzzle.

Once again, the pink-furred kangaroo found himself tightly bound, forced to walk on all fours like a good pet for the foreseeable future, his brief taste of freedom already gone. He was returned to being little more than a toy for the goat to use, enabling him to fuck Milo by proxy. As soon as the bindings were fully in place, the goat put him to use with nothing short of delighted recklessness.

Falling forward onto his hands and knees, Chas pressed the bound pair belly to belly, forcing the kangaroo to stare down into the weasel's oddly vacant eyes with white-hot hatred. After roughly pulling his cock partway out of his groaning toy, he slammed back in, earning a shrill, gagging squeal for his efforts. The force of being reamed additionally sent the kangaroo's overly sensitive prick back to the hilt inside Milo, tormenting him on both sides.

Snorting and grunting like a feral beast, Chas pumped his hips, setting a steady, brisk pace to fuck Conrad, and through him, Milo. He made occasional pleasured bleats as he thrust in over and over, his massive balls slapping against the kangaroo's fat, pent-up orbs. Conrad made numerous slurred, gagging swears and cries while he was relentlessly pounded, only managing to send flecks of spittle all over the unresponsive weasel's face.

After what felt like yet another eternity to the kangaroo, Chas rapidly increased the speed of his thrusting, digging furrows in the floor with his hooves. Letting out another loud, moaning bleat, he hilted his length once more, slamming away with short, rapid-fire thrusts as his next climax struck.

Conrad let out a mewling mine as what felt like a full-on firehose opened up deep inside his colon. In mere seconds, his muscular stomach swelled, pressing harder against the weasel's soft-furred belly. His limbs uselessly sheathed in latex, he could only flail as his stomach grew ever-larger, pumped full of spooge. He continued to bloat up until the flow finally abated a minute later, ending up with his stomach reaching the size of a beach ball.

Not wishing to stay any longer than he needed too, Chas rose to his hooves, unceremoniously yanking his length from the kangaroo. A large glob of white goo began flowing from the gaping tailhole the moment he left it vacant. Grabbing the kangaroo by the scruff of his neck, he pulled him off of Milo, removing his denied, desperate cock from the weasel's depths, and tossed him onto the cum-covered bed beside the ram. He then knelt down beside the glassy-eyed weasel, and with a curt snap of his fingers, Milo was torn from the room full of screens, right back in his body.

Were it not for the gag stuffed in his maw, Milo would have gasped - then screamed - upon waking up. Instead, he remained silent as the goat's stern face appeared inches from his own.

"Do you understand now Milo? Raccoon aside, the system is as it should be. Your ethics may be why you are here as a guest instead of a resident, but the time for their usefulness has passed. Let them go. And if you ever have any more concerns with how I run things, please refer back to this moment. I value your work, and wish for you to continue to work for me, so I would prefer to avoid such unpleasantries in the future. Do your job, and do not slack off, because next time I will not be so nice. If you are able to help me get rid of the raccoon, I may be tempted to forget this ever happened. Until then, do not seek me unless you have found something useful. You are my employee, not my peer. Remember that."

Having said his final peace, the goat vanished, leaving the room empty and still, the only sounds coming from the three groaning bodies. It took Milo several minutes, staring at the ceiling in his painfully tight bonds, to realize that his powers had returned. Closing his eyes to concentrate, trying to shake off everything that had happened, he eventually calmed himself enough to disappear his restraints, heal his body, and repair his robes.

Shakily climbing back to his feet once he had fully recovered, he looked up to see the gurgling kangaroo on his bed. He ground his teeth as he staggered over, taking a seat down next to him, not caring that he landed in a puddle of spent cum.

"Well, Connie, that was certainly a fun little show you put on there."

Pointless though it was, Connie couldn't help but struggle to get away, only to get flipped onto his back by the weasel."

"For what it's worth, no matter what you may have done, in life or..." Milo said, baring his teeth, "...just... now... I still think you should get another chance someday. Nothing should last forever. No one deserves to-" The room rumbled once more, causing him to leap off the bed in a fright. Thankfully, the rumbling soon ceased, clearly intended to be a final warning from the goat. "No matter. In either case, we still have quite a bit of time left together, and I have more than a few issues to work out with you. For starters, you shouldn't be exposed like that." He pointed to the kangaroo's erect cock, getting a whimper from his favorite pet.

Materializing a handful of ice-cubes, Milo held them against the tapered length, quickly causing it to shrink and soften. Before it went down completely, he conjured a chastity cage to use instead of relying entirely on piercings. The new cage consisted of a base ring attached to a solid, curved metal tube, which was internally lined with small, irritating spikes and had an open ring attached by the tip slit. Ignoring the kangaroo's weak protests, he fed the receding prick into the cage, locked the base ring around his nutsack, then fed the curved tube through his scrotum piercing. Once everything was in place, he finished the set-up by replacing the vacant piercing hole in his taint with the cage's tip-ring, sealing it closed with a slight gesture.

Snapping his fingers, triggering the cage to begin vibrating, Milo let out a small sigh. "Alright then, that settles that. Now, I have some work to get done, so why don't you get this mess cleaned up?" Yanked the ram's buttplug out, he grabbing the back of the kangaroo's head and flicked his dangling tongue weight into the gaping hole, then shoved his forcibly open muzzle in as well, just past the rim. "I'll be back later. Have fun," he said, waving his hand to unseal his bedroom doors, briskly walking out, leaving the pair to wallow in the lake of spilled jizz that had covered his bed.


Strolling along the fog covered shore of the lake, Milo soon found his way to the spot where he had last seen the raccoon. Unsurprisingly, Avarice, was still there, though instead of resting on a lounge, he was lying directly on the sand, right up against the water. He was casually reclining, head resting on his arms, one leg crossed over his other knee, a fishing line leading from his toe to the water. The raccoon was also wearing a wide-brimmed, floppy hat, pulled down over his eyes as something of a sleep-mask. Somewhat disturbingly, a pile of fish in various states of rot sat a short distance away.

"Your meeting not go so well?" Avarice said, giving a bored yawn.

"You could say that. He told me the truth that you said he was hiding... and I figured out the rest."

"And he punished you for it. Wasn't very fun, seeing his true colors like that, hm?"

"How did you-"

"Envy has eyes and ears everywhere, Milo. I saw everything."

"Yes, well, after that... I made a decision. I'm going to keep working for him, just to keep him off my back, but-"

"Going from punishing the wicked to redeem them to punishing the wicked to save your own skin, how very noble of you."

"You didn't let me finish. I'm just going to play along until I'm able to take him down," Milo said, grimacing.

The raccoon grinned, lifting his hat to show a twinkling in his eyes. "Oh, does that mean you're finally ready to help me? I knew you'd come around eventually, Milo."

"Hold on. I'm not helping you either." To Milo's confusion, the raccoon's wide, malevolent grin didn't fade at all. Shaking his head, he continued. "After what he said about morality existing because of the sins, what will happen if you go through with your plan and finish assimilating them all?"

"Hmm, very clever. So long as one sin is independent of the whole, everything will continue to function, but once I'm done, it's the death of morality! I suppose I can't just sit back and leave mortals alone then, can I? Once I finish absorbing the sins, perhaps I'll just have to recreate a new set in my own image!"

"And that's why I won't help you. You're just as corrupt as the rest of them."

"Yes, well, that shouldn't be shocking. You know the only force in existence more corrupting than power? Time. And infinite time spent with infinite power? Of-fucking-course we're corrupt! But here's the thing, I'm still one of you, not nearly as corrupt as the rest of them. I will fix things for the betterment of all, one way or another. So, Milo, you can either choose stagnation in a broken system you know doesn't work, or you can come to my side and help me change what's broken."

"Or I can take the third option. I'm the only one here I can trust, and I'm going to find a way to take you all down and fix everything myself. I... don't know how yet... but I'll find a way, and I'll never stop until I do."

"Very ambitious! I certainly wish you the best of luck on your venture." Softly chuckling, Avarice pulled his hat back down, happily getting back to his rest and relaxation. "I will admit to some curiosity as to why you're telling me this."

"I... just had to say it to someone, and this is the only place where Lust can't hear me. Besides, I've made my opinion of you painfully clear before. I doubt it'd make a difference anyway."

"Fair enough." In a quick sequence, Avarice yanked his foot back, sending a fish flying into his outstretched hand. After removing the hook, he tossed the fish on the pile, then tossed the hook back in the water. "And for the record, he was technically telling the truth in there, everything except one final important little tidbit regarding you. Just thought you'd like to know."

"...Whatever. I've said what I came to say. I just want to go home now and forget this whole day," Milo said, turning around to head back home.

"Yes, well, thanks for the chat, Milo! Don't worry, we'll talk again soon!" the raccoon called out, breaking into a fit of laughter as he faded into the fog.

Doing his best to stay strong after everything that happened, Milo ignored the mocking sounds. In his head, he kept repeating 'You'll find a way to fix this', hoping that if he said it enough, he might just start to believe it. With a sigh, he kept on moving forward.