Bully Problem (Part 3) : Enter Samson

Story by frozenthrone on SoFurry

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A piece that was written by the wonderful Arch Fox

Aaron's friend Samson pays a visit.

Another video. Chris had sent yet another video to Matt's phone of his older brother worshipping the Elk's cock. He watched as Aaron worked his tongue all over Chris's dick, lapping up his pre and sucking on the throbbing tip. The younger wolf switched it off and placed his phone on his desk before cupping his head in his hands and rubbing his eyes in exasperation. He had to do something. He couldn't leave his brother in the hands of the elk like this; he had to think of something. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the loud, high pitched buzzing of the doorbell going off. His parents were out which meant he'd have to answer the door and for a moment he considered just waiting for whoever was there to leave. He wasn't in the mood to entertain guests. He gave in when he heard the doorbell buzz two more times and got up from his computer desk with a groan.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming already!" he growled, rushing downstairs an opening the door. He took a surprised step back when he caught sight of the big, intimidating green-scaled dragon standing on his doorstep, "Er... Hi...?" Matt gulped.

"Hey. You must be Matt, right? Aaron's brother?" Matt nodded in reply, "Aaron told me a lot about you. I'm Samson. Or just Sam. Whatever suits you."

"Oh, yeah, Aaron's written to me about you." Matt said, "What brings you here?"

"I'm looking for him. He was supposed to be on assignment weeks ago but he hasn't shown up. It's not like him to just go AWOL like that. Is something wrong?" Matt's ears perked up when he realized: he could use this guy to save Aaron. He was big, strong and a scary sight to behold. He'd certainly be able to put a stop to what Chris had been doing to his brother.

"C-come in, I have to explain something..." Matt said, a mix of nervousness and excitement building up inside him. Samson noted the concern in Matt's voice and followed him inside. Matt led him to the living room where the dragon took a seat. Matt stayed standing. He was suddenly feeling far too restless to sit down.

Matt explained everything to him; how Chris had been bullying him and how Aaron had gone to deal with him, and how Chris had mentally broken him into being his willing sex slave. He explained how Chris had captured the two breakers he'd hired the other day and how Matt had run out of ideas for how to deal with him. Samson listened intently, a shocked look on his face. His navy buddy; that big, tough wolf who people were too intimidated by to so much as talk back to, had been turned into a sex slave by some teenage elk shithead? He was going to have to do something about this. No way was he going to let his navy buddy live like that. He got up from his chair and cracked his knuckles.

"Where's the asshole live?" he asked, "I'll deal with him."

"Y-you will? Oh, thank you!" Matt's tail started to wag happily, "Just get my brother out of there. Makes me sick thinking about what he's going through right now... Um, I'll get some paper and write down his address for you..." Matt did just that and Sam waited patiently for him to jot down the address and hand it to him.

"Alright. I'll head over there and deal with him. I'll be back in like an hour, if that. This won't take long." he turned to leave and headed towards the front door.

"Um... Be careful." Matt said, remembering what happened to those two breakers he'd hired.

"I'll be fine. I'm not scared of some little shit like this Chris guy." and with that, he was gone. Matt watched him leave and climb into his car before driving off, following the directions Matt had given him. The young wolf gulped nervously. Sam was a tough looking guy, but so was Aaron and the two breakers and they all still ended up being Chris's slaves. Matt returned to the safety of his room to await, hopefully, the safe return of his big brother.

It took Samson a few minutes to find the place, but he eventually drove up to the address Matt had given him. He got out of his car, slammed the door closed and stepped up to the door. It was a nice place. The kid was obviously very well off. Sam had to assume he had rich parents or something. But he wasn't there to admire the place. He rang the bell and waited; nothing. He rang it again, and then again. Still nothing. He rapped his knuckles against the thick wooden door hard.

"Hey! Open up!" he called out. No reply. He sighed and tried the door. To his surprise, it was unlocked. With a nonchalant shrug, Sam headed inside. He was immediately greeted with a loud slapping sound, as well as the sound of high-pitched moaning. He recognized those sounds. He'd fucked enough to know sex sounds when he heard them. Someone; Chris, he assumed, was banging some chick. He headed towards the sounds. Sam wasn't sure if it was Chris doing the fucking or someone else, but he was sure whoever it was would know where Aaron was.

He soon came to a large, overly decorated door. The sounds were coming from just beyond it. He cracked his neck and opened the door, storming inside to face whoever was there. His eyes widened as he saw Aaron, his navy buddy, bent over a desk while a young, teenage elk pounded away ruthlessly at his ass. What surprised him even more was the noise Aaron was making... So submissive, high-pitched and needy. He could have sworn it was some girl Chris had picked up. The elk acknowledged him for a moment before returning his attention to Aaron.

"I thought you'd take the hint and just fuck off eventually." he said, "Well? What do you want? If you're here for my parents, they're at work."

"No..." Sam took a moment to collect himself, "No, I'm here for Chris... That you?" Chris's thrusting slowed for a moment when he heard that, but he soon regained his speed.

"Yeah, that's me." he answered, "Lemme guess... That pussy ass loser Matt send you?"

"Huh, shit, listen to you." Sam gave an amused chuckle, "You probably think you're hot shit, don't you, rich boy?"

"I am hot shit." Chris grunted, thrusting deep into his bitch, "So did the slut's brother send you or not?"

"Yeah. Yeah, Matt sent me." Sam answered, "He wants his brother back."

"That right? Tough shit. He's mine now. Why don't you have a seat and watch? I'm nearly done here anyway."

"No thanks. You better pull that tiny dick of yours out of my buddy before I pull it out myself." Chris looked at him with a grin.

"Tiny dick, huh?" he said, "Hey bitch. Is my dick tiny?" he shoved his cock inside Aaron again, making him cry out in pain and submission.

"Ahh! N-no, Master! Your cock's so big!" he cried out, "S-so big! The slut needs it in him so bad!" Sam winced as he listened to his friend talking like that. What in the world had Chris done to him? The elk noticed the confused look on his face.

"Surprised? Yeah, this big, tough navy wolf is my bitch now." Chris said, "He's not going anywhere unless his master says so. So why don't you- ohh! Oh shit...!" his sentence was interrupted by his approaching climax.

"Hey!" Sam spoke up, "Aaron, what're you saying?! You're just gonna let him-"

"Shut up!" Chris growled, "Shut up, you're distracting me!" he kept pounding at Aaron's ass, gasping and moaning, his heavy balls tensing up and his cock twitching as he blew his load inside his slut. It wasn't the first load of cum Aaron had taken inside him that day and it certainly wasn't going to be the last. Sam clenched his fists and gave a low, enraged growl as he watched the elk filling his friend with his seed. Chris pulled out after a few moments. Sam could see the copious amounts of cum inside Aaron dripping from his abused asshole as he lay on the desk, panting; tongue lolling out of his mouth. Chris gave a content sigh and went to sit at the desk where an array of computer monitors were placed. Sam didn't know what he needed all those monitors for, and he didn't want to know. No doubt he had some perverted porn playing on most of them.

"If you want him, then feel free to take him." Chris said.

"Huh?" Sam gave him a surprised look, "Why? What's the catch?" Chris just shrugged.

"Well, if he wants to go with you, then take him. I'm not gonna stop you." the dragon and elk glared at each other for a few moments before Sam looked down at Aaron who was still lying on the desk with his tongue out.

"Let's get outta here, buddy. Your brother's waiting for you."

"Urrgh...?" Aaron let out an unintelligible garbled noise and looked up at Sam.

"I said let's get outta here, c'mon already."

"N... No... M-Master..." Sam saw Chris's smirk widen as Aaron spoke. The wolf pulled himself off the desk and dropped to all fours. The dragon watched as he crawled over to where Chris was sitting and started licking his feet.

"Well, shit, looks like your buddy here doesn't want to leave." he said. Samson could only stare aghast as his friend worked his tongue over the elk's feet.

"Aaron... What are you doing...?!" he gasped.

"What's it look like?" Chris asked, "He's serving his master. Anyway; moving on. You're my guest, so I guess I should offer you a drink. I like to be a good host." he pulled out a wine bottle and glass and poured the dragon a drink, "Go on. It's good stuff." Sam raised an eyebrow. No doubt the wine was drugged with something. Chris apparently didn't know that dragons have a resistance to most knockout drugs.

"I'd love a drink." he said with a smirk. He grabbed the glass and downed the wine in one gulp. The two waited in awkward silence and Sam could see the surprise in Chris's eyes.

"Here..." the elk said, pouring him another drink, "Have another."

"Thanks." Sam said, downing the wine again. Chris stared up at him. He wasn't going down.

"Er... Have another-"

"It's not going to work, buddy." Sam said, "What, your school not teach you that drugs have a hard time effecting dragons like me?" Chris grimaced.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just wanted to offer my guest a drink is all."

"Yeah, sure." Sam grunted, "Cut the bullshit and give me my friend already." Chris hesitated before standing up. Sam was too busy staring the elk down to notice him grabbing something from beneath the desk and hide it behind his back.

"Look..." he slowly and calmly approached the dragon who regarded him suspiciously; tensing his body up so that he was ready to counter if Chris tried anything, "I'm sure we can come to some kinda agreement."

"Agreement? What're you up to, elk?" Sam asked, "Look, if you don't give me Aaron then-" he gave a sudden gasp when Chris lunged for him, revealing the syringe he'd hidden behind his back and aiming a strike a this exposed neck. Sam gave a grunt and stepped back as he felt the needle scrape harmlessly against his rough scales. Chris stumbled with a gasp and hardly had time to recover before Sam drove his fist into his stomach. Chris dropped the syringe to the floor, gasping as the wind was knocked out of him. He tried to strike out at the dragon who swiftly and effortlessly dodged the attack, countering with a punch to Chris's face. Aaron watched as Sam lunged for his master and started grappling with him. Chris fought back flailing and kicking at the dragon who shrugged off his blows like they were nothing. Sam eventually managed to get a hold on him and gripped his left antler before driving his knee into his gut. Chris could feel the air being knocked from him again, and Sam still wasn't done with him. Grabbing his antler tight he hurled him to the floor; the elk landing heavily and a loud snapping sound filling his ears. He looked up at the dragon, his eyes widening as he saw the snapped off antler he was holding in his hand.

"You..." Chris gasped, "You... You broke off my antler! My fucking antler!" Sam looked at it, surprised at his own strength, before tossing it to the floor as if it were nothing but a piece of trash. Chris was about to stand up when Sam placed a foot on his chest and held him down. Aaron kept watching. He didn't know what to do. He recognized Sam as his friend; his navy buddy that he'd spent so much time with... But that was his master being beaten up. Aaron had been turned into a loyal little slut of a puppy by him and couldn't bear to see him like this.

"Slave! Help me!" Chris ordered, looking over at Aaron and scrambling to his feet while his slut continued to kneel on the floor, uncertain of what to do.

"Don't listen to him, Aaron." Sam said, "He ain't your master. He's just some little shit who's brainwashed you. You understand me, Aaron?"

"U-um... I..." Aaron stuttered, unsure.

"Help me and I'll let you cum, slave!" Chris said, "You'd like that, won't you? You haven't cum in days! Just shove that tranquillizer into your buddy here and I'll let you cum as many times as you like!"

"You'll get to cum whenever you want when I get you out of here!" Sam said.

"You wouldn't cum without Master's permission, would you?" Chris asked, "Remember; you're only allowed to cum when I tell you!" Aaron looked from Sam to Chris and back to Sam again. His balls tingled at the thought of being allowed to cum. It had been so long... He needed release so bad...

He lunged for the syringe that Chris had dropped. Aaron stared long and hard at the vial. On the one paw, his "friend" was trying to help him. On the other, his master had given him a direct order.... Sam was too busy tying the elk up to notice and only realized what Aaron was doing when he felt a sharp pain in his neck as the wolf managed to shove the needle in-between his scales and inject him with the stuff. Sam spun around to face his friend, eyes wide in shock.

"A...Aaron...!" he gasped. They stared at each other. Sam was in disbelief. Chris had actually brainwashed him to the point that he'd actually betray his own friends in favour of him.

"Well, I guess we know where the bitch's loyalties lie." Chris said with a grin. Sam just scoffed angrily and lunged for the elk who yelped in surprise. He wasn't expecting him to be able to fight after being dosed with so much drug. Sam picked him up by the throat and hurled him across the room. "Bitch what did I tell you about dragons? That pussy shit doesn't work on us" Aaron gaped, watching as Chris was thrown against a small, decorative pedestal housing a big, expensive fact which broke and shattered as his body hit it. Chris grunted and looked down at the shattered pieces.

"Mother's going to kill me for that..." he said. He didn't have time to worry about the vase, however. Sam kept coming at him, the sedative cocktail seeming to taking it's time to effect the reptile. He picked Chris off the floor, delivering a couple of hard blows to his face followed by a strike of the knee to the gut. Chris double over and gave a breathless gasp as he was thrown into one of the antique wooden chairs nearby, its legs giving out under his weight and snapping; a painting on the wall shaking and falling from its perch, the frame clanging loudly as it hit the floor. Sam marched over to him, grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and threw him into the middle of the room.

"You little fu- oh..." Sam groaned, the room starting to spin as the drug started to take effect. He shook it off and hurried to Chris's side, pulling a length of rope from his jacket and kneeling down next to him. That tranquillizer was starting to work, he couldn't afford to screw around and beat on this guy for much longer.

He tried to tie up Chris's arms but he found himself fumbling with the rope, his vision going blurry. He cursed and dropped the rope, the world going hazy around him as he stumbled and collapsed backwards. He fought against it but there was nothing he could do; the drug was going to knock him out whether he liked it or not. He was unconscious in a matter of seconds.

"Haha! Good boy!" Chris laughed, looking at Aaron and getting to his feet, "I knew I could count on my slut." he smirked and gave Sam's unconscious form a kick to the gut, "Fucker broke my antler... Tch. I'll get him back for that." he looked at Aaron, "I said you could cum if you helped me, so let me get the key to your chastity cage." Aaron's tail started to wag as his master went over to his desk and pulled out a small key. He tossed it to the wolf who fumbled it for a minute before managing to unlock his cage, sighing as he felt the cool air enveloping his furry crotch. He reached down and groped himself, squeezing and stroking himself, moaning at his own touch. Chris chuckled.

"You like that, slut?"

"Y-yes, Master! Thank you, Master! Thank you!" Aaron whimpered as he kept touching himself.

"Heh, you're a good boy, slut. Now help me get your buddy's clothes off and tie this asshole up and then you can play with yourself. In fact... I'll let you have some fun with him."

"Y-you'll let me fuck someone, Sir?"

"Heh, sure. Consider it a reward for helping me."

"Oh, thank you!" it had been so long since Aaron had been given the honour of fucking someone. His wolfhood was starting to harden at just the thought. The two set upon the dragon and had managed to tear his clothes off and tie his arms together at the wrists in a matter of seconds.

"Mrrph... A...Aaron...?" Sam groaned, his eyes slowly opening.

"Huh, guess this shit really doesn't work that well on dragons." Chris said, "Most people are out for hours after I shoot 'em full of that stuff," Sam looked up, his vision slowly clearing. He could make out the two of them standing over him.

"Aaron... What did you... Why...?"

"The little slut here didn't want to disobey his master. Ain't he a good slut?" Chris laughed but his demeanour suddenly hardened as he glared down at the dragon, "Now listen to me. You're gonna pay for breakin' my antler. You're gonna be beggin' me to forgive you soon enough."

"F...Fuck... you..." Sam grunted.

"Barely awake and he's still giving me attitude. He's got guts, gotta give him that." Chris said.

"Are you going to punish him, Master?" Aaron asked.

"Damn right." Chris answered. He reached down and groped at himself with a wide smirk on his face, "I'll even let you join in." Sam watched as he saw Chris's cock starting to harden from his sheath. He knew what he had planned.

"You're not gonna break me, asshole." he growled.

"Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say." Chris gave a mocking laugh, his cock growing harder as he stroked himself, "Slut! Help me get him into position!" he lay on the floor nearby, legs splayed, cock presented, "Lay him down on my dick for me."

"Yes, Sir!" Aaron said, obediently doing as he was told. He knelt down and grabbed Sam, dragging him over to the elk and laying the dragon down on top of him.

"Nghh! Aaron... Aaron, stop!" Sam implored his friend, but Aaron wasn't listening.

"Alright, stop there." Chris said, "Before we get to the real fun... I want to see you eat out your friend's slit."

"What?!" Sam gasped.

"Ah, don't act like you won't like it." Chris chuckled, "I bet you'll love being eaten out, just like a woman. Now hurry up, slut, I gave you an order!"

"Yes, Master!" Aaron said as he knelt down on all fours, his mouth positioned at Sam's crotch.

"Aaron! Knock this off!" Sam yelled down at him, "C'mon! Snap out of it, this is cra- nghh!" his body clenched and his teeth curled when he felt the wolf's start to tongue his vent. He shivered as his slit was stretched around it, "A...Aaron...!" he struggled and whimpered, but Chris held him in place, making sure he couldn't get away. Samson felt his friend's wet, warm tongue being forced deep inside his body. He hated it; this was disgusting... He hated how submissive he felt as he lay there whimpering and moaning while his own friend was made to eat him out... And he hated how good it felt. He found himself moaning with unwanted pleasure, tilting his head back and closing his eyes. Aaron kept licking and sucking on his vent, sending shivers through his body and making him squirm. Sam was so engrossed in what Aaron was doing that he didn't even notice the feeling of Chris's cock rubbing up against his hole until the first inch was already shoved inside of him. His eyes widened and he cried out in pain, his submissive squirming suddenly turning to desperate struggling. He managed to pull away slightly and get a few inches of Chris's dick out of his ass.

"Bitch!" Chris addressed Aaron, "Give me a hand here!"

"Yes, Master!" Aaron said and gripped Sam's waist. The dragon was about to beg him to stop when he was forced down on Chris's cock. He cried out as his ass was stretched painfully around that big, thick length.

"Y-you bastard!" Sam yelled back at Chris, "I'll get you back for this! I f-fucking swear it!" he felt Chris start pistoning inside his ass and gritted his teeth in an attempt to ignore the pain.

"Still givin' me attitude, huh?" Chris grunted, "We'll see how long that lasts. Slut; fuck this bitch's slit for me."

"W-what?!" Sam gasped.

"Shut up! I wasn't talking to you, fuckslut!" Chris growled and looked back at Aaron, "Well? Get your dick in his vent already." Aaron hurried into position and lay on top of his friend, positioning his now hard canine cock against Sam's genital slit.

"Aaron! What are you doing?! You're really going to do this to me?!" Aaron froze up at the sound of his friend's voice.

"I... U-um..." Aaron stuttered, confused. Their eyes met and Aaron shrunk back slightly, pulling his cock away from the dragon's vent.

"Slut!" Chris yelled at him, "What are you waiting for? Fuck him already!"

"Y-yes, Sir!" Aaron said, obediently re-positioning his cock at Sam's vent and pushing forward, "Um... S-Sorry, Sam..."

"Hey! Don't apologise to him!" Chris growled, "Is this how you act when I let you fuck someone? Maybe you shouldn't be allowed to fuck after all..."

"N-no! I'm sorry, Sir! I'm sorry!" Aaron whimpered. His master had given him the honour of fucking someone and he dreaded having it taken away. He shoved in deep, making Sam moan as he stretched the dragon's vent around his fat wolf dick. Aaron gasped as he felt the Sam's warm body squeezing around his member like a vice, making him shiver in pleasure.

"Aaron... Aaron, stop! This isn't you!" Sam pleaded with him, but Aaron just toned him out. He knew if he listened to his friend's begging for too long he'd have no choice but to stop, and that would anger his master. He focused on how amazing it felt having his cock inside Sam's vent. His cock throbbed and twitched inside the dragon as he shoved his whole length inside him and started pounding away. Aaron lost himself in his thrusting, panting and gasping while he used his old Navy buddy.

"Aaron!" Sam yelled out with a whimper. He still hadn't given up on trying to reach him, "Aaron look at me! Look what you're doing-"

"Shut up, whore!" Aaron yelled back at him. Sam had to take a moment to collect himself after being taken aback by that. He'd never heard him talk like that to a friend before. It was as if he were a completely different person.

"Aaro- ahh!" Sam cried out as the wolf shoved his cock inside his vent, his body shivering as the overstimulating feeling surged through his body and made him squirm.

"Take my cock, slut!" Aaron growled and slammed his cock in deep, filling Sam's vent with his tool and making him whimper and struggle. Sam kept begging, but the wolf and elk just ignored him and kept fucking him in both his holes. Aaron kept trash talking him, "Filthy bitch! You moan just like a woman! You're a pathetic little cock warmer!" Aaron could feel his strong, dominant side returning. He degraded and humiliated Sam, fucking his vent hard and fast as he spat out insult after insult at the helpless reptile. Chris just laughed at their captive.

"How's that feel, you overgrown lizard? Does it hurt?" he asked.

"Nghh! Fuck you!" Sam cried out, wriggling as he was sandwiched between the wolf and elk. Aaron slammed his cock in deep and Sam could feel his dick rubbing against his own flaccid length. Aaron pushed in as deep as he could, shoving his entire length into the helpless dragon's vent and making him cry out with pain. Aaron felt starting to get his dominant spark back as he began fucking his friend. He worked his cock in and out of his slit forcefully, fucking him hard and rough and making him wriggle underneath him. Sam gave a soft whimper as he felt Aaron's pre-cum start to drip onto his sensitive length, covering his shaft in the stuff while the wolf pounded away at his increasingly sore slit. Beneath him, Chris was still shoving his cock inside his ass, enjoying the tightness and warmth of his fuckhole as he finally hilted inside him. He gave his ass a few good, hard humps, making the dragon moan each time he pushed forward. Before long Sam found himself being mercilessly fucked and raped from both sides; Chris working his cock in and out of his ass while Aaron pounded away at his slit.

"S...Stop...!" Sam grunted, "Stop it! I-I can't...!" he tried to keep his voice strong, tried to hide how much pain he was in, but it was no use. He could handle the ass fucking, but having Aaron's dick slammed into his overly sensitive vent was driving him mad. He struggled in vain, moaning and whimpering, his eyes starting to water as he was fucked from both sides, his ass and vent full of cock.

"You're a tight bitch." Chris growled, "I'm gonna really enjoy breaking you in, lizard boy." Sam was about to talk back but all that came out when he opened his mouth was a loud, submissive moan, "Listen to you moan! You're not about to break already, are you? C'mon, I figured you'd be stronger than that! It's no fun when a guy breaks straight away!"

"S...screw y- ahh!" Sam gave out a pained yell as Aaron managed to thrust in particularly deep. His thrusting got harder; rougher. He loved how loud he was making Sam moan. It made him feel so dominant, like he was in charge. Aaron was going to recover his alpha status, whatever it took.

Chris's own pace was also starting to increase. He grunted and growled, pulling Sam down on his cock as he thrust upwards, filling his tight passage with his copious amounts of pre.

"I'm gonna blow, bitch." Chris growled, "And you're gonna take it all!"

"Unnf! N...No...!" Sam whimpered, as if he had a choice in the matter. He struggled in vain, trying to pull Chris's cock from his ass, but it was no use. Even if his hands weren't tied together, the drug he'd been injected with still had somewhat of a hold on him and had weakened him so that he could barely fight back. It only took a few more moments of hard fucking before Chris's furry balls tensed up and he blew his load inside the dragon's ass. He humped into him, pumping him full of his hot seed. Sam could feel every thick load of Chris's being shot into him, coating his insides with the stuff, the elk's seed filling his bowels.

"Unf! Nghh! Y-you bastard...!!" Sam yelled out, cum dripping out his ass around Chris's cock as the elk gave him a few more good, hard fucks before slipping his cock from his hole, cum pouring from his distended ass. He then pulled himself out from under Sam's body, letting the dragon drop to the floor as Aaron kept fucking his vent.

"Not bad!" Chris smirked, "Lizard boy there's got a pretty nice ass! Shame it's gonna be ruined by the end of the week. Ah well, such is life I guess!" he gave a mocking, wicked laugh and stared deep into Sam's eyes, "Bet you thought you were a real tough guy, huh? Big, tough navy boy coming to teach the bad, bad elk a lesson. Well look at you now! Not such a big guy now, are you?" Sam opened his mouth to respond but all that came out was more whimpering moans. Chris chuckled and turned his attention to Aaron who was still fucking the dragon's vent. His cock was still throbbing hard and Chris was up for a second round.

Aaron felt his master getting into position behind him, moving his tail out of the way and positioning his length at Aaron's hole. He gripped his ass tight and thrust forward, shoving his whole cock inside him with one powerful thrust. Chris pushed Aaron down against Sam, his knot pressing firmly against his vent. He then reached around and gripped Aaron's knot, squeezing it tight and making the wolf whimper and whine in his grip. Chris made sure his knot was aligned perfectly with the bitch's vent and pushed it forward. Sam's eyes widened as he felt his tight slit starting to stretch around it.

"No! Don't!" he begged, "Ahh! F-fuck, it hurts!" he squirmed and struggled in desperation as Aaron forcefully knotted him, shoving his bulbous knot inside his vent and sending burning waves of pain through his entire body. He could feel Aaron's cock rubbing up against his own soft, sensitive member, the wolf's canine length humping into him along with Chris's thrusts into Aaron's own ass. Chris gripped the base below Aaron's knot and made sure his cock was being humped into him. He was practically using Aaron's cock as a dildo to fuck Sam's vent with. Sam could feel his body involuntarily tensing up and his eyes widened in shock as he realized the fucking he was forced to endure was actually going to send him over the edge. He tried to stop himself; tried to fill his mind with dozens of gross turn offs to keep himself from reaching climax, but it was no use. The stimulation he was getting was too much. He was going to cum like this... Forced to cum with his own close friend's cock shoved deep in his vent. As hard as he tried, he couldn't hold back. His whole body spasmed as he came inside his own vent, crying out loudly, his voice echoing around the room. Chris looked over Aaron's shoulder and smirked as he noticed droplets of cum dripping from around his cock.

"Did the lizard boy blow his load?" he mocked, "Heh, well look at that. Looks like my slave can't even make a bitch cream on his own!"

"H-huh?" Aaron gave a confused squeak.

"I had to force you to knot him." Chris explained, "Even then I was controlling your fucking while I was using you. It was me who made him cum, not you, you pathetic bitch." Aaron's thrusting started to slow as he parsed his master's words, "Useless slut. You can't even use your own tool properly! And you think you can have the honour of cumming?!"

"I... I'm sorry, Master..." Aaron whimpered, his confidence quickly evaporating.

"Tch, you disgust me." Chris growled, "Get over here, slut!" he pulled Aaron back, yanking his knot from Sam's vent and making the dragon cry out in agony. Chris hurled his slave to the floor and pinned him down, still slamming his cock in and out of his sore ass.

"I'm sorry, Master! I'll do better next time!" Aaron gasped.

"Next time? Who says they'll be a next time!" Chris growled, "You obviously can't fuck for shit! Maybe you don't deserve the honour!"

"B-but Sir-!"

"Are you trying to talk back to me?!"

"No!" Aaron gasped, fear welling up inside him as he realized how dangerously close he was to angering his master.

"Sounded like talk-back to me!" Chris growled, "I think I'll have to break out the special cage now, after I'm done fucking you!"

"N-no, Sir, please!" Aaron begged, but his pleading fell on deaf ears as Chris continued to rape his ass. Sam lay nearby watching them, cum dripping from his ass and cock slit, tears streaming down his face as his lower areas still throbbed in pain. He could hear Aaron whimpering and moaning, giving loud "Unf"s every time Chris thrust forward. The elk's hips were a blur as he fucked him and he soon reached fever pitch with his pounding; furiously fucking his bitch and finally, after mere moments of fucking, blowing his load inside him.

His orgasm soon subsiding, Chris pulled out from Aaron's ass. Without a word, he went over to his desk and pulled out two items. One was a vibrating butt plug and the other item was a cock cage with a vibrating sounding rod attachment.

"Shove this up your ass." he ordered, handing the plug to Aaron. He was reluctant, but Chris was his master and he needed to do whatever he said. He took the plug and reached around, grunting as he pressed the tip against his hole and finally managed to force it inside himself. He got the whole thing inside his passage and clenched down hard around it.

"Now put this on." Chris said, handing him the cock cage. Aaron nodded and placed it over his sheath, his cock having already softened from the abuse and humiliation he'd suffered. He nervously pressed the sounding rod against his sheath's opening and looked up at his master, "Yeah, get that in you too, hurry up!" Chris said. Aaron did as he was told and shoved the sounding rod into his sheath. He cried out and whined, his urethra stretching painfully as he shoved the rod as deep as it would go before locking it and the cage in place, sealing his sheath away.

"Good whore. Now lick this mess up." Chris ordered.

"S...Sir..." Aaron gave a pathetic whimper in reply.

"Shut up and do it! Your master gave you an order!" he grabbed a remote and turned it to the first setting, causing Aaron to cry out as he felt the rod inside his dick start vibrating. He crawled over to where Chris and Sam's cum had dripped onto the floor and starting licking the stuff up. He was so humiliated. Not only because of what Chris was doing to him, but because he'd actually turned on his own friend as per his orders... He'd drugged him, raped him, hurt him... And for what? Nothing. He wasn't even allowed to cum as he'd been promised. He was pathetic; a disgrace. He only hoped Sam could forgive him for this.

"Faster, slave. I'm getting bored waiting for you to finish." Chris turned the sounding rod to the second setting.

"Ahh! S-sorry, Sir! I'm sorry!" Aaron moaned and licked faster, his mouth full of the taste of stale cum as he swallowed the stuff and cleaned the floor until it was spotless.

"Now get back in your cage!" Chris ordered and Aaron obeyed, crawling on the floor and back into his metal cage which Chris locked him inside. He kept the sounding rod on vibrate and placed the controller on the desk, grabbing a second one and turning it onto the max setting. Aaron moaned as he felt the butt plug in his ass vibrating hard inside him.

"Heh... Now, let's get lizard boy into the dungeon. Maybe that cougar'll enjoy a new toy. He's been fucking that other kitty for a while now." he grabbed a ring of keys from one of the desk drawers and went over to where Sam lay, grabbed him by the ankle and dragged him out of the room. Sam winced as he felt his scales dragging across the floor, and cried out when he felt himself being dragged down a flight of stairs. Chris gave no thought to him at all. Sam was just an object to him. Something he could shove his dick in when he felt like it.

He entered the dungeon, bound dragon in tow, where Jack had Rex pinned against the wall; his hard cougar dick deep inside the lion's ass. Both of them had one of their ankles cuffed to the dungeon wall to minimize the chance of them trying to escape, although the chain attached to them was long enough for them to reach all the various sex and torture devices that littered the room. Jack had the lion on a collar, the chain of which was gripped tightly in Jack's hand. He yanked and pulled at it as he rammed his cock in and out of his sore, abused hole; a chastity belt keeping Rex's cock contained. Chris stepped and nonchalantly tossed the dragon in Jack's direction.

"Here. A new toy for you." he said, "Give me the cat. I want you to break this new boy in. Do a good job and I'll give you more privileges. Might give you some half-edible food sometime." Jack just grunted and threw Rex at him before turning his attention to Sam who tried to crawl away. Chris noted how pathetic he looked; wriggling away from Jack like a worm. The cougar easily grabbed him by the ankle, dragging him back into the cage and flipping him onto his back. Jack towered over him, his hard feline cock standing erect between his legs.

"N-no! Let go of me!" he yelled. Jack glared down at him, looking over his tough, scaly body before resting his eyes on his slit.

"Heh, that cock slit of yours looks kinda like a pussy. Maybe I should use it like one." he descended on Sam, the dragon crying out and squirming underneath him as Jack shoved his cock inside his vent, causing Sam to scream in pain, his body locking up as his oversensitive vent was used. Sam's body clenched and he gritted his teeth. It hurt so much. He started thinking of ways to escape; he needed to get out of there. After a few moments he actually managed to come up with something. He didn't know if it would help him any, but it might be enough to buy him some reprieve from this ruthless fucking. He raised his tail and poised the tip at Jack's ass before pushing it against his hole. Jack stopped his thrusting and gave Sam a curious look before gasping in pain; the dragon's tail being shoved deep inside his ass.

"Ahh! Fuck!" he cried out, the thick, scaly appendage stretching his ass wide. Jack managed to collect himself, reach back and tear the tail from his ass, "Little shit..." he growled, pushing Sam's tail down and shoving it inside the dragon's own ass. Sam whimpered and struggled while Jack forced it deeper and deeper inside him, shoving it as far as he could before returning his attention to Sam's vent and resuming his fucking; harder this time, to punish him for that stunt with his tail.

Chris smirked and looked over at Rex.

"All fours." he said simply. Rex did as he was told. The strong, dominant lion he was before was now nothing more than an obedient kitty cat. Chris swung his legs over him and sat down on Rex, "Heh, you're a comfy ride." he said, "Hm? Oh, looks like your mane's starting to grow back. We'll have to give you a shave later. Manes are for men, you know that, right?"

"Y-yes, Sir..." Rex whimpered. Chris stayed sitting on Rex for a while, watching as Jack pounded Sam's slit hard. He was really going at it, mercilessly and ruthlessly fucking the poor, helpless dragon's vent. After a bit of watching, Chris addressed Rex.

"To the office, slut." he said, "I have a call to make."

"Yes, Sir..." Rex said. He started crawling out of the room while Chris gripped his ears as if they were a pair of reins.

"Come on, faster!" he dug his heels into Rex's sides.

"Nghh!" Rex grunted and tried his best to move faster, which wasn't easy with Chris putting all his weight on him. Eventually however, he reached the office. Aaron was still sitting in his cage, the rod and butt plug still vibrating inside him. The wolf was lying down, whimpering and sobbing as the vibrations tormented him. Chris just ignored him and ordered his ride over to his desk and rooted around in the drawers for his phone.


Matt heard his phone ringing and winced when he saw Chris's number come up. Oddly enough, it was a video call, which they'd never had before. Chris was usually content to just send him texts mocking him about his broken slut of a brother.

"No... Come on... He couldn't have gotten Samson too...?" he thought, sitting upright in his bed and reluctantly answering it. Chris's image appeared on his screen and Matt immediately noticed his brother lying caged behind him. His heart sank and his free hand clenched into an angry fist.

"Hey, Matt, good buddy!" Chris said with a wide smirk, "I got your gift! That dragon's gonna be a real nice addition to my collection."

"B...Bastard..." Matt said, his voice so weak and quiet that Chris didn't even hear him.

"You know, I was thinking... Mmm..." Chris gave a sudden moan and Matt looked at him curiously, "Oh, my bad. I'm just enjoying some slut's mouth right now." he aimed his camera down to show Matt the lion who was kneeling between his legs; lips wrapped tightly around his cock. Chris gave Matt a moment to enjoy the show before turning the camera back to himself, "Anyway, you've given me a ton of gifts lately so I was thinking I'd honour you with an audience."

"An audience...?" Matt echoed.

"Yeah, you heard me. I wanted to talk to you; see your face when you found out your dragon friend failed. Heh, you can see your brother back there, can't you?" he moved so that Matt could get a better look at the older wolf, "Hey, slut! Say hello to your bro!" Aaron looked up with a whimper.

"H...Hello... Matt..."

"Aaron! A-are you okay? What's he done to-"

"That's enough of the reunion." Chris moved again so that he once again took up most of the screen.

"Y-you asshole! Let my brother go!"

"Or what? You'll send another fucktoy over for me to own?" Chris laughed, "Keep trying, loser. I mean it, keep trying. It's cute seeing you try to save your brother again and again. And you always get other people to do your dirty work 'cos you can't do shit on your own. You're a pathetic loser. Anyway, I gotta go. I got better things to do than talk to you all day. I just wanted to remind you how pathetic you are." he hung up without giving Matt a chance to reply. The young wolf hurled his phone onto his bed and clenched his fists. He was going to make him pay. He was going to do everything in his power to humiliate and break Chris. He was going to ruin him, the same way he'd ruined Aaron, and he was going to save his brother. He swore it.