Warm Sands 1 (eng. Ver.)

Story by EribuWrites on SoFurry

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#1 of Warm Sands

During a time long lost to the sand, a powerful kingdom of flightless dragons ruled the desert. They were the children of the sun and nobody tried to oppose them. Nobody save a small kingdom ruled by fennecs. After three long years of war, prince Kheru of the dragons is sent on a diplomatic mission to work out a solution. On the first day of negotiations, he is attacked by Bakari, the prince of foxes. But the pretty fennec seems to have deeper feelings than hate for him...

If you're not here for the story and just want to read the spicy stuff, you can skip to the part in italics.

The familiar smell of hay greeted Kheru as he followed his horse into the stable. The doorframe was too low to step through without ducking down, but that was no surprise. As a drake in the kingdom of fennecs, he was easily twice the size of most inhabitants. Nevertheless he could see they had hastily raised the roof before his arrival. You had to hand it to them, they were as diplomatic as they were clever, and their tactics more than once had nearly cost him his scales on the battlefield. Making their guest feel welcome was an easy exercise for them. Even the stable boy was part of their plan. Despite shaking in his boots, he had insisted to take care of his horse - A man of his standing should not concern himself with such low work.

This was one of the many reasons why Prince Kheru did not enjoy diplomatic visits. If his father, praised he be by the sun, hadn't in his infinite wisdom decided it would be "an important tool for a future king" and "something he had to learn", he would have spared himself the long journey down endless rivers and across thousands of dunes. No, he was a man of action. A fight was honest. Life against life, conviction against conviction. A winner and a loser, direct results. Diplomacy was like honey in which you coated your sword. You hide it behind faked smiles and hypocrisy until it looks like a dull knife. But sword stays sword, and talking is often only a means to pass the time until your opponent turns their back to you.

As he followed one of their servants through the narrow streets, he had to admit that he was impressed. When rumor of a clan of fennecs demanding their independence had spread three years ago, he had thought it to be a lie. Nobody would dare stand against them. The River Kingdom had stood strong for aeons. Neither drought nor flood had been able to bring them down. They survived, even as the sun had vanished from the sky and left the day in darkness five hundred years ago. They were the descendants of Ra and their rule extended along the Nile and further. How should a bunch of foxes, of all things, stand against them? Three years of war later he had learned to not take them easy, but now that he approached the palace, he realized just how wrong is image of them had been.

It was gigantic. Monumental, for their standards. Not as monumental as the Palace of the Sun his father resided in, of course not. But far bigger than he could have dreamt. With a deep bow, the servant made an inviting gesture towards the white marble stairs. Reflecting the midday sun, they seemed to glow from the inside. Kheru had to swallow. What was this feeling spreading through his guts? Was he not the Prince of Dragons, Son of the Sunlight, Heir to the golden throne? How could it be that now that he climbed the stairs towards the palace, he felt so insignificant and small?

His jaw dropped as he reached the entrance. Pillars of white sandstone, adorned in gold and blue reached twice as high as him. Far above his head, the god Heka looked down on him in foxen shape. The two snakes which he usually held in his hands hung from his jaw, their scales shimmering as if they had been forged from green light itself. It took him a moment to realize which material the dome above his head was made from. Glass. Stained glass, worked with a level of filigree he had never seen before.

A voice called out behind him, and his heart nearly jumped out of his chest. "Impressive, is it not?" A slender fox appeared from the shadows. His voice was quiet and raspy, and his coat reminded him of the color of bloodstained sand. The fennec bowed, one hand gripping tighter around the staff he was carrying. "It is an honor to meet you, my prince. Please follow me, the king is waiting your arrival." Kheru cleared his throat and nodded. What a great first impression he made. Without a sound, the fox shuffled over the floor tiles. Kheru followed him through an imposing garden towards the main building. The heavy smell of frankincense and other incenses hovered around him as he stepped inside.

It was dark in here, and pleasantly cool. Golden fire burned in small bowls which had been placed along the path to the throne in regular intervals. The roof far above them was not visible through the darkness, but high up millions of small jewels glittered like a night sky.

Next to him, the one with the rust colored pelt struck the floor with his staff. Like thunder the sound echoed through the throne room. "His majesty Prince Kheru-sha-ta-kata, son and emissary of Pharaoh Amen-set-enet, Lord of the Nile and King of the sun," he announced. Once the echoes had died down, he motioned for him to step forward. A deep blue carpet had been rolled out for him. It swallowed every noise. In his mind, Kheru reviewed his words one more time. He could not remember being this nervous before. Had he been given the chance, he'd rather fought Ammit with bare hands than to take one more step towards the throne.

But as the ship of Ra made its way over the sky day by bay, there was no way back for him. The fur of the old fox sitting on top of the throne was almost completely white. Expensive fabrics covered his body. Still, Kheru could see the muscles move underneath. This man was no royalty which had only known luxuries and riches. He had built his kingdom, in the truest sense of the word. With honest respect, he kneeled down before him. "My name is Kheru-sha-ta-kata, son of Amen-set-enet. In my name and the name of my father it is an honor to stand before you, King Athothes. May the sun always light your path."

"The same to you, son of Ra." The king's voice was calm, regal and as dark as the night itself. "Please, enough with the formalities. Raise yourself and follow me." Kheru did as instructed and the King guided him through a large door. A giant table had been decked with all sorts of delicacies. The room was open to the left. A small river splashed through the adjacent garden. The white fox clapped his hands, and the musicians began to play their harps and flutes and drums.

Next to him, the King stretched his paws over his head. He was bigger than most other foxes, reaching at least to his chest. "This was your first diplomatic meeting, was it not?" He asked with surprisingly well faked friendliness. "I am well versed in building new bridges," he responded, careful to pick out the right words. It was no lie, after all he had often accompanied his more eloquent siblings as bodyguard before. A chuckle escaped the old fox. "Do not worry. These meetings are always horrible, no matter if done the first or the hundredth time. Come, I want you to meet my family."

One after another, the foxes present around the feast stood up as they were introduced. "Phior, my youngest. His sisters, Tamun and Nubia." The latter let her eyes wander up his muscular body. One of her fingers played around her mouth, barely enough to let her red tongue peek through. Her father continued undeterred. "Ruhak and Bakari are my two eldest sons and our best fighters." Kheru could not stop a smile from forming on his lips. He had expected to be introduced to Nubia and Bakari as twin sisters. Both of them shared the same deep blue coat as well as their frame, although the prince was even prettier. Ruhak kept his antipathy well hidden behind a smile, but Bakari stared at him with blatant hate. As the only person in this room, he did not hide his true emotions. He liked it.

At the behest of the king, he sat down on the opposite side to the prince. From somewhere, servants stepped forth to pour wine. "We hope the food is to your liking," the king spoke. "Our best meat, brought here from all over the land, to your honor." Still, Kheru waited until the others had taken a bite before he began to eat. His cautiousness seemed to amuse the white fox. "Worry not, my prince. None of us would risk an incident. We're all interested in peace, are we not?" Kheru could see Bakari briefly roll his eyes at his father's words. Other than that, the first course went along well. Had the daggers inside the fox princes eyes taken physical form however, he would have been dead by the time the second course was served. "I am positive we can find a solution everyone is happy with," the king picked up the conversation again. "Surely you have taken note of our architecture, my prince. Our workers could serve your kingdom." Kheru took a sip from the wine. "As long as we let you stay on a land full of valuable minerals and accept your independence, correct?" The king moved his head to the side. "If we could stay, our men would have direct access to the mines. How else could we have build a palace such as this in so little time. Furthermore, is it not true that many of your priests are of my kin already? An alliance would provide you not only with the best sandstone, but also enough Lapis for hundreds of years." Prince Bakari let out an annoyed sigh which his father ignored. "I know of the Pharaohs age. He is preparing you to be his successor. Imagine the pyramid we could build for him."

The prince's fist connected with the table, making the glasses jump. "Our people will not do slave's work for these overgrown lizards!" He barked. "Claiming to be children of Ra, yet their backs do not even carry wings. They think they own the world just because they are oh so big and strong." His father shot him a stern look which he paid no attention to. "I refuse to grovel before these creatures that value the Ma'at as much as a sphinx values a true word."

Kheru stood up fast enough to knock his chair over. The musicians fell silent. "We do not respect the Ma'at?" He growled. "We, children of the sun, whose ancestors fought side by side with Ra themself? Be careful of your words, little fox." Something silver appeared from the silken robe of his opponent. He managed to grab it just in time. Bakari had jumped. One hand grabbed his neck, the other held a decorated dagger. The blade trembled in the air mere breaths away from his throat. It took him more strength than he had thought to keep it away from him. With all his might, he rammed his fist into the foxes stomach. His attacker let go with a gasp, stumbling backwards and falling into the river behind the table. Panic took over his mind. He dove over the table, hoping to not just have unleashed a new war. Much to his relief the prince was both still breathing and conscious.

Kheru turned to the white fox and took a deep bow. "I humbly ask four your forgiveness, King Athothes. In no way had it been my intention to attack you in your own palace. I am deeply ashamed." The old fox let out a sigh and dismissed him with a wave of his hand. "This is not your fault. I should have known the prince is not yet mature enough for such a meeting. I would suggest continuing this conversation another time. It would be a pleasure if Amris would be allowed to show you your room." Kheru's eyes followed the extended hand of the king. The one that announced him earlier stood next to the door. Had he been there the whole time? He couldn't tell.

The room was more than worthy of him, to say the least. Opposite to the entrance was a large open balcony with a bath just for himself. Blue water shimmered in the evening sun and you could look over the whole city from the front. It was deep enough to swim, but not too deep to stand either. On the left side stood a bed big enough for three of him to sleep, covered in finest silk. A large black curtain around it separated the bed from the rest of the room.

The fox with the pelt of rusty red bowed. "I will leave you to yourself now. If you wish for anything, my chamber is just down the hall." Kheru took a deep breath as soon as he closed the door behind him. His broad shoulders sacked down and for a moment he just stood there listening to the birds. The setting sun covered the world in reddish golden light. He hadn't even noticed how much time had passed since he arrived. He sighed. What a fiasco. Under no circumstance should he have attacked the prince, not even with a knife to his throat. Luckily the king of foxes was honestly interested in a dialogue.

He let his robes fall to the ground and stepped into the water. It was pleasantly cool, but not cold. His muscles relaxed as he set down on the stairs leading to the deeper part of the bath. Close to the edge of the pool stood a small bronze bowl filled with leather pouches. He grabbed one of them and poured its contents into the water around him. A heavy sweet smell filled the air and made him pleasantly dizzy. Kheru closed his eyes and put his head in the neck. Rays of sunlight reflected of his deep green scales. A soft wind gently touched his muzzle while the water cooled his body from the shoulders downwards. For the first time in days he managed to relax, despite the accident from earlier.

An hour or more must have passed as the prince of drakes heard the door to his chamber open and close. Thinking the king had sent a servant or perhaps a concubine to calm the waves, he turned around. His heart skipped a beat for the second time today when he realized this was not the case. Before him stood prince Bakari, dressed only in a semi translucent loincloth. It barely covered his curves. The dragon prince couldn't help but notice the red tip of his penis pressing against the fabric. Bakari's eyes were still hot with anger, but there was also something else in them. Kheru couldn't stop himself from grinning. "How did your father know I had no interest in female company," he teased. The prince exhaled. "I'm not here for your amusement and surely not as this kind of company." The dragon cocked his head. "Then you're dressed like a brothel worker because?" The foxes eyes darted to the side. "I just didn't want to give myself the chance to smuggle another knife into your vicinity, that's all". Leaning forward he added, "trust me, if father wouldn't be that adamant to find a peaceful solution I wouldn't hesitate to try again. Take my apology, so I don't have to endure your brutish looks any longer."

Kheru grabbed the extended paw and pulled. With a surprised squeak, the prince fell headfirst into the water. He pulled him up , grabbing him below the arms. "That's exactly what I'm talking about," Bakari ranted. "Just because you scaled ones can just hold others like puppets and do whatever you want with them you think you own the world!" A laugh left Kheru's throat. "Almost sounds as if somebody's got a preference." The fox pushed his paws against his chest, without actually trying to free himself from his grip. "Certainly not!" With a grin, the prince of dragons leaned forward, pressing the fox against him. He felt his heartbeat speed up. The fennec's breath brushed his shoulder as he whispered into his ear. "So you wouldn't mind if I did this?"

Lowering his head, Kheru's tongue trailed downwards from the princes neck, stopping in the middle of his chest. From the corner of his eye, he could see something in his lap twitch. A whine escaped Bakari, as he playfully grabbed the skin of his neck with his teeth, just enough to hold it in his mouth.

Breathing heavily, the prince of foxes moved forward on his lap. His erect member pressed against Kheru's. "Well then, little fox," he growled, "Why don't you try it with an honest apology for a chance?" Desert colored eyes looked up to him. "I apologize for my behaviour, prince Kheru," his voice trailed off as a large hand gently wrapped its fingers around his cock. "I apologize... for trying to... kill you," he muttered. For a moment the dragon just let his hand slowly stroke the foxes shaft all the way from the tip down to the knot. Like hypnotized Bakari's eyes followed his movement. "My full name," he finally said. "Try again, and use my full name."

The fennec puffed his cheeks. "You must be kidding. My mouth is physically unable to form such dissonant tones." Three clawed fingers grabbed his maw. "It's quite simple really," the dragon said, pulling his mouth open. "Kheru," he instructed. "Kheru," the fox repeated. "Sha," he continued, and Bakari repeated it as well. A drop of spit trailed down his fingers as he moved the fennecs mouth to the last two syllables of his name. With a satisfied smile, Kheru leaned back. "See, it wasn't so hard after all. Now why don't we go and see what else that mouth of yours is good for?"

The fur tickled his chest as the fox moved downwards. Despite kneeling only one step below him, his head was in one height with his cock. He needed both hands to hold the slick dragon penis. A low sigh escaped his throat as soft paws stroked the length of his shaft. Desire won over doubt, and the foxes red tongue ran along his length. He stopped at the tip, licking up a drop of pre. Resting the dick against his cheek, he looked up. "That won't fit, "he said softly. Kheru let his fingers run through his hair. "You're a fox. It will fit." Bakari scrunched his nose. "Why am I not surprised you're filled with stupid stereotypes." His warm breath tickled between his legs. The prince grabbed the jaw of the fennec, opening it a little. "Once we're done, you'll be filled of completely different things, little fox. Now get to work." He guided the mouth to his tip and moved his hips forward.

A sigh escaped the fennecs maw has he grabbed the back of his neck and gently pushed him down. In a calm rhythm, he moved back and forth inside his mouth, keeping the foxes head between his hands. Bakari closed his eyes and accommodated himself with his movement. His tongue swirled around his cock. With every thrust, a little more vanished in his throat. Kheru felt the muscles beneath his balls twitch. Warm and wet the fennecs maw enveloped his whole length and he could feel his breath just below his stomach. Just as Bakari wanted to pull back, he tightened his grip and held him down. With a whine, the tongue kept moving. He held him like this until he could feel the orgasm coming on. Just before he blew into his throat, he let go of him. With a wet plop, the fox pulled back. "Why did you stop," Bakari asked, gasping for air.

Kheru stroked his cheek. "There is more than one way to fill your belly, hungry little fox. Come to me." The fennec stood up and once again sat on his lap, facing him. Strong claws grabbed his hips and lifted him up. The slick penis aligned itself with his hole, twitching inches away from it. "Tell me how much you want it." Bakari was about to answer in the usual snide tone, but his response was cut short by the long tongue sliding across his mouth and down his neck. Blood pulsed through his ears and his chest felt as if it was about to explode. "I Bakari, prince of the foxes, want nothing more than to serve you as a pleasure toy." His voice was shaky with excitement, and Kheru could feel his dick twitch against his belly. "Now take me, before I lose it."

The prince of dragons needed no second invitation. He pressed his member against the foxes entrance and slid in. A yip escaped the prince and he quickly covered his mouth with his paws. Long legs wrapped around the back of his partner as he pushed deeper. A growl rose up from Kheru's throat as one powerful thrust after another made the fennecs dick twitch. Pre dropped down to his chest. Waves of lust pulsed through his body. The foxes muscles tightly wrapped around his cock and he gave him a few seconds to adjust. He held Bakari tight and moved his whole body up and down. With closed eyes and an open mouth, his thrusts grew heavier and his full size pushed into the fox.

Barely able to sigh, the fennec moved a hand to his belly. He could swear to feel the giant dick bulge him. Unable to form a coherent thought, he let his body relax, surrendering himself to the hands moving his body. The prince of foxes howled as he felt the cock inside him twitch. They both came at the same time. His legs spasmed as he the warmth filled him up. Like a jolt of electricity, the feeling jolted through his whole body. Kheru instinctively closed his eyes as the fox shot all the way up to his chin.

With a heavy breath, Bakari let himself sink into the dragons arms. For a while they both simply sat there, enjoying the feeling. Head against head they sat in the water as the sun vanished behind the horizon. After a while the prince of foxes tried to get up, still wobbly on his legs. He let himself fall down next to the dragon, and Kheru wrapped his arm around him. The fennec looked up and his tail began to tap the stone stairs. Without a word, he cuddled against his chest and closed his eyes. The way the negotiations went, this visit could take weeks Kheru thought with a smile. Maybe even months.

To be continued