Genesis (Illustrated)

Story by Skatelian on SoFurry

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So, I have never finished a story so fast... oh well. Not much to say, just enjoy and please comment!

Illustrations by the very talented Crimson Karma

Hello SF, today I bring you my new favorite story. I have never finished a story like this so fast, so I might've missed a typo or two. Anyway, do enjoy and please comment if you have anything to say, I love reading what you think!


Illustration by CrimsonKarma

It was a cold night of April, around the first week, forgotten in detail to history at large but so vivid in the minds of those there to witness the ultimate betrayal...

"We did it!! We goddamn did it!!! Oh god, this is... Max, the champagne!!! Yes, in the serum fridge!!" He shouted, his cries echoed throughout the laboratory in downtown Memphis.

Humankind had done it. They had driven the last stake into religion's coffin. Now gods were not the only ones allowed to breathe life into beings of their creation... In the lab, completely unaware of the celebration that was going on around it, a tiny pup looked into the glass walls of his habitat. Its husky tail swayed, still covered in artificial amniotic fluid as it took another pained lungful of air. Its paw reached out and grabbed onto the small water cup and toppled it, the sound of the spillage lost between the pouring of fermented carbonated grape juice, and its first night would be spent thirsty and hungry but, at most, confused. Confused because even it appeared to know, to fully understand... That it was not supposed to be alive.

*Five Years Later*

"Look, I'm just trying to tell you that this is completely inhumane!" The young woman said.

"So? It isn't a human, why be humane with it?" The older professor replied.

"He has fifty percent human genes, you can't simply deprive him of that..." She replied, heels struggling to keep up with the bulky frame of the Scandinavian.

"So? We treat IT half-humanely. Seems fair to me" he replied, again refusing to refer to the subject as a "he"

"Well, it isn't fair to him!" She snapped. He paused, took a deep breath and kept on going for a couple steps before turning harshly to face her.

"May I remind you, Miss Fowl, that you only got this job because your grades were 0.01 points higher than the runner up? A difference I'm more than happy to ignore if you keep with these comments" the man said.

"I'm sorry sir" she replied, immediately lowering her gaze.

"I'm glad that that is understood. Tell you what, since you're so fond with it, you can run tonight's sleep tests on it." He said, waving a hand in a dismissive way and leaving the lab, letting her carry on with what wasn't as much a benefit than a chore. But she didn't have a choice. She was part of a team that made headlines every odd day with their specimen, they were going to change the world... And she wasn't in any hurry to let that go away, especially if it only meant spending a dark, stormy night with the specimen. She even volunteered now and then.

"That son of a Nordic bitch..." She muttered as she stomped back into the lab. Stupid megalomaniac... She wasn't even demanding much out of it, simply clothing... He had several human-like artifacts inside, but they refused to let it wear clothing since they felt it would interfere with the investigation. She tuckered up her desk and then walked towards the specimen area. It had been 5 years, half a decade since they had shaken the foundations of the world. She scoffed to think that she had just stood up to the man whose discoveries had toppled most Islamic governments and reduced the number of faithful in the world population by over a 60 percent. And all because of a mistake...

The specimen bay was pretty well adapted, which was to be expected given their 9 digit research fund. Mostly computers occupied half of the room, the other half consisting of a massive crystal chamber, in which she saw the subject of her argument. Even though it was technically five, the cloning process had used both adult human cells and the accidental insertion of one canine hair, brought by a reckless lab worker who decided to not wash his hands after petting the husky his daughter had found on a street. This meant that at the moment of its birth, the creature had been nine years old genetically, and his cells had undergone a super-growth to try and catch up. It had been incubated in an artificial placenta, a bastard son of a stray dog and no mother to carry him in her belly. It looked almost passive, just sitting there, observing...

The staff had given it a name, besides the common pejoratives that were thrown to it at a daily basis. They called it Adam, in a visibly ironic way. However, they still always referred to the subject as an "it", even when it started speaking and learning. It was to he expected, it shared over 99% of its cephalic matrix with humans. Nonetheless to them it was just another lab rat... A multibillion dollar one.

"Hey Adam... Guess who gets to watch your lazy butt sleep" Alice said with a smile. She honestly didn't mind spending time with him, even though she had been ostracized by her personal involvement with the subject for some time now. She was just out of college, fresh from Harvard with the highest grades overall.

"Hello Miss Fowl" he said, it's voice much more childish than assumed. It was a fourteen year old after all... They wanted to clone another one, but they had been extremely unsuccessful, none of the others had survived past the first trimester. This had all the researchers on edge, they needed to know how to create more to replace the one that would sooner or later die... And leaning on sooner, since his cells were still growing at a faster pace than sustainable. It would live for another half decade at most...

"Aww drop the act you little troublemaker. You can always just call me Alice." She said in a casual tone. She was the only one that truly had conversations with him, besides the obvious interrogations these biologists did.

"O-okay Miss Fo... Miss Alice" he said, cocking its head to the side. It was a remarkably smart creature, and they had been supplying it carefully selected books for two years now, and it had a tally of read titles that surpassed the hundred.

"Oh dear, what shall I do with you" Alice giggled, amused, which made the young anthro boy blush. She kept fiddling with the equipment before looking at him. "Okay, you know the drill. Lie down and no sudden movements while I am inside the room, okay?" She said, donning some latex gloves and grabbing some gear. It was a natural precaution that had taken place after the evident need for humans to constantly go inside. At least they didn't fill the room with sleeping gas anymore. He did as asked, he had learned early in his life that cooperation was better. Especially with Alice and Dave, but he hadn't seen Dave in a long time...

"There you go, good boy" she said. She usually treated him like a human but sometimes that dog-like rewarding simply slipped through the creaks.

"Where's Dave? I haven't seen him around..." He asked in childish ignorance.

"Um... Dave took... Some vacations. Long ones, we don't know when he will return, sorry" she said, looking at him with pity. It was no secret that Dave and him had formed a bond, much like she had. He didn't seem like a troubled guy, so learning that he had been found hanging from his ceiling fan had been a bitter pill to swallow... And they had chosen not to tell the subject, lest it become aggressive...

"Oh, I bet he's having some fun" he said, which forced Alice to swallow as she set up the scanning equipment.

"He is..." She lied. How could she tell him the truth? He was just a boy... She set up everything and then looked at him. "So... Ready to go to bed?" She asked with an almost motherly smile, not quite developed in the twenty-two year old girl.

"I... Guess" he said.

"You don't want to go to sleep, do you?" She said with a sigh.

"N-no, Miss Fowl" he confirmed her.

"Okay... Why is that?" She asked.

"Th-the..." He began, pointing at the barred window that was In his side of the enclosure. Outside, lightning struck the top of the buildings almost rhythmically, and thunder rumbled through the air as a malevolent orchestra of millions of horns.

"Adam, we've been over this... It's nothing to be af-" she began, but was interrupted by a deafening noise. The lights went out and the building shook as the lightning struck the rusty lightning rod on top, creating a brief electrical surge. She felt something warm and furry pounce her to the ground, and time seemed to stop.

He's gonna kill me... He saw his chance to get free, and I'm going to die... I wonder ... which side of him will be the one that does the deed... Will it be his animal side by ripping off my throat? Or his human side by choking me to death? I... I feel... Shivers?

All this happened in the couple seconds it took for the power to return. She found herself being held tightly by the subject, who was shivering uncontrollably. She looked up and saw the door close automatically, a fail safe to prevent the creature's escape in case of power failure.

"Oh no, oh no no no!!!" Alice cried out, but try as she might she wasn't able to slip free from the terrified furry's grasp. The door closed with a pneumatic hiss, and they were left inside the glass cage.

"Is it over? Is it away?" The boy asked, his paws still holding the girl down as if his life depended on it.

"It's okay Adam, it passed, please... Y-you're hurting me..." She said. At once she was released, the boy still quaking in fear.

"Is it coming back, will it happen again?" He asked nervously.

"It won't Adam... But the door is closed, and the mechanism for resetting the system is on the other side..." She said, sitting down in a defeated way.

"What... Does that mean?" He asked intrigued. His height was almost as much as the girl's, his forehead at her nose level.

"Means I'm stuck inside until tomorrow morning, when the team returns..." She said. The husky hybrid sat next to her.

"It's okay. I'll keep you company" he said with a smile. Not having any other role model, the hybrid had learned all of its social cues from humans. It had been a very shocking day, three years ago, when it began to try and speak. She remembered the headlines during her sophomore year at Harvard... And from that point on she knew she wanted to be in that team, even if it meant isolation from her peers to get better grades... But that was fine, she was perfectly willing to give up contact with humans to be there... After all, humans were common, but Adam... He was more than unique.

"Thanks Adam, you're a charming little devil" she said, sitting to think about her words. How long till words like devil or holy simply disappeared... All because of the things that had happened in this lab... "Well, if I'm going to be here all night... Might as well get comfortable" she said and got up, followed by the subject, who had also retained some of its canid attributes, as evidenced by the standing hair that ran from his neck to his tail. She walked to the creature's bed, a not too interesting generic single bed. At least he wasn't sleeping in that stinking hay pile anymore... Dave had helped with that...

"Ah, much better" she said as she sat down on the bed. He did the same by her side, and the two simply sat there, looking forward into the glass division that separated them from the rest of the lab. It took a while for they to begin talking, but soon they developed a conversation in which he asked why a certain test was done to him and she explained. The furry boy was smarter than he looked, which was expected since his only escape from "the box of solitude" were books. At one point he simply remained silent, but looking at her as if he was trying to ask something, something he simply couldn't get out of his mind.

"So... T-the lab in New York..." He began, as if he was afraid not of the question, but the answer.

"It failed. Underdeveloped lungs, it was dead as soon as it was brought into the air..." She said. Their lab had another research program in manhattan trying to recreate the subject, leaving the main lab with time to focus in the one they already had. She looked at him and bit her lower lip as a sad gesture formed. "I'm sorry" she added.

The boy was dead silent, as if something deadly was boiling in his veins slowly. He got up and walked slowly towards the desk, before grabbing the small lamp and smashing it against a far end wall with a scream, a primal display of emotions that seemed to go even beyond his lung capacity as he collapsed on his knees, the scream trickling down to sickly pants and scoffs before he began to weep. Alice, who had been dead scared that he might hurt her in this fit of rage, seemed to collect herself and walk towards him.

"Listen, I understand..." She began, and immediately regretted her wording.

"Understand?!?! HOW? How can you understand what I'm feeling?! You know nothing about what I'm going through!!!" He screamed at her, baring his teeth. She drew back immediately.

"Look, I know it isn't fair that the other one didn't make it..." She said from her distant safe spot.

"No! No no no! It's fair, it's perfectly fair that it died!!!" He said, before coughing. "It's not fair... That I got... To live..." He said, before looking at her. Seeing her scared, rapidly breathing and with that look of terror on her face he simply snapped. He began to pour tears like a waterfall, the fur on his face becoming messy. "Please... Miss Alice... Don't... Don't go... Don't leave me alone, you're the only one I have left... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..." He wept, not even looking at her, burrowing his face in his paws.

"N-no, I'm not going anywhere Adam, just calm down, please... B-besides, you have others... Uh, you have... Dave! Yes, you have Dave. I'm sure that when he returns..." She began.

"Dave is dead" he said simply, still crying.

"What...?" She made out, shocked.

"He told me, the night before... Said he couldn't live with it, and that he didn't want me to think that he had abandoned me... And the next day one of the other guys left the paper in the desk... And I saw the headlines..." He said, his crying slowly drying up to a mere repetition of sobs.

"But if you knew..." She said.

"Dave said it was better to pretend I didn't know" he replied quickly.

"Of course..." She said. It made perfect sense, if they got word that he had known... He knew she had been lying about the vacation and... And yet kept the ball rolling... Scientifically it was amazing, such a depth of psyche... And yet it also was immensely sad... He simply cried away, and after a minute she scooted over to him and wrapped a gentle paw around his shoulders.

"Everything is going to be okay..." She said, softly and soothingly.

"How? How is it going to be okay??" He said, looking up at her. His eyes were red and there were clumps of wet, tangled fur in the path of his tears. He actually looked a bit on the cute side like that. She looked into those odd hazel colored eyes... And without really thinking it through she leaned in and gave him a short soft kiss, simply pressing her lips over his in a soft gentle motion for a split second, before blushing slightly.

"I don't know... It just will" she said.

What did I just do... I kissed him... That was my first kiss since high school... What about any disease, how do I know...? No, he couldn't, he was grown in a very sterile environment, he couldn't have... What would he think about it, does he even... Do I even?

"What... Was that?" The furry boy asked, blushing wildly and feeling a tingle on his lips.

"That... Was a kiss..." She said, snapping out of her daydreaming, but not quite sure as to how to explain him.

"Why did you put... Your lips..." He said, softly brushing his finger on his own muzzle, curious.

"It's... Something us humans do, when uh... When we like someone" she said, trying to be objective about it.

"So... You like me?" He asked. His ears high, wagging tail and cute open puppy eyes... He just looked adorable, as always, Alice guessed. How long had she been feeling that way, she wasn't sure. She wasn't sure either whether it was a puppy love or a real attraction...

"I think I do..." She said shocked, mostly with herself. This was a lab specimen, she couldn't fall in love with it, she couldn't! Could she?

"C-can we do it Again?" He said softly, cutely. How could she say no to that puppy face...

"S-sure" she said with a deep breath, and leaned in. This time, they kept their lips locked longer, and simply enjoyed it. The furry boy was obviously in heaven, and had she looked down she would've seen the pink tip of a canine member peeking out, yet she was much too preoccupied with kissing this lovely creature, who was apparently capable of human affection... Finally they split up, and for a couple minutes the only sound in the room were their heavy breaths and the rhythmic thump of the boy's tail against the ground.

"I like this..." The boy said after a while, completely happy.

"It's a nice thing that humans do... And I guess that, if you like it... You do it as well..." She said with a soft blush, still sitting right by his side on the cold floor. She didn't notice how, but her hand ended up covered lovingly by his paw, his fingers crossing with hers in a way that made her feel so comfortable...

"Do they do it often? Kissing, I mean" he asked, his curious mind once again at work.

"When two humans like each other yeah... Also when... They want to do other stuff like that" she said, shyly looking away.

"There's more?" He said in disbelief.

"Oh yeah... I-I mean, a couple little things" she said, trying to regain herself.

"Like what?" He asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Uhm... There is... French kissing, yeah!" She said.

"Oh... People in France kiss differently?" He asked, now getting confused.

"N-no no, it's not... I don't even know why it's called that... It's like a kiss, but more intimate... Here, I'll show you. Follow my example" she said and leaned in for another kiss. At first it was just a regular kiss, but soon she tilted her head and parted her lips, and after a brief pause he did so as well. He found the practice to be highly delightful, especially when her tongue darted inside and persuaded his own to go out to play. Alice gave off a very delighted moan as his obviously canine tongue began to awkwardly play with hers. It felt so nice, slobbery but eager... And she couldn't help but wonder how that tongue would feel on a different, lower set of lips.

_Jesus, I'm not thinking of... No way, that just won't happen, it is just too risky... Besides, he wouldn't want to probably. Focus on something else Alice, do not begin to rub yourself, do not... _

They finally broke it up and this time both exhaled in soft, shaky pants. It had been quite the experience for both.

"Wow, that was... Amazing" he said, licking his lips in a way that seemed even adorable, ears twitching as he looked at her.

"It was... A bit more than expected" she conceded, shaking her head as if to try to gain control of herself.

"Is there more? Maybe Russian kissing?" He asked, half joking half serious.

"No, no Russian kissing... There is more, but I can't... I shouldn't tell" she said, biting her lower lip.

"Oh..." He made, and his ears dropped slightly before she talked again. "What, why? I wanna know, please. I won't tell anyone, I swear, please please please" he said childishly.

"I don't..." She said, before giving off a sigh. It couldn't harm him knowing a bit about human behavior... "Fine... Do you know how humans have babies?" She asked. She couldn't believe she was going to discuss the 'birds and the bees' with the subject...

"Uh, has something to do with Caroline's belly..." He began. Caroline was another tech employee that visited every two days, and she was in the late stages of pregnancy.

"Yes, babies grow in the female's belly for almost a year, and then they come out. But I'm asking if you know how they get into the belly on the first place" she said softly. The canine blushed and lowered his ears, slowly shaking his head. He hated not being able to answer a question, since the lab guys didn't like it and often punished him when he couldn't.

"Well, you see, to make a baby you need a female AND a male" she began. "If the male likes the female, and the female likes the male, then the male puts a baby inside the female" she said, now she herself feeling flustered and conscious that she was as red as a tomato.

"Really? How?" He asked, eyes wide open as he surely digested all that knowledge, his curious mind craving for more.

"Uh... This is the tricky part. You see, males and females are very different. You might already know that we have breasts while males don't... Well, there's another, bigger difference. Males have a penis, while females have a vagina" she said, nearly choking. She had gone past the point of no return, now the pup surely wanted to hear the whole thing.

"Wha...?" He began, looking confused.

"Look, see?" She said, pointing to his sheath, in which the pink tip was barely peeking out. "That pink thing is your penis. I don't have one of those, only males do" she said. Growing up without a real society to call his own, Adam had never really felt the need for covering up, so as she pointed he actually spread his legs a bit more to see better for himself.

"What does my pee thing have to do with babies?" He asked, now upside down confused.

"Well, it's not only for peeing. As I was saying, women...err... Females have a different thing. Instead of a penis, they have what's called a vagina, and it is like a... Hole" she said, trying to find at least a mildly elegant way to describe her flower, but no words helped.

"No way... And what is it for?" He asked with his head tilted in confusion and curiosity.

"It's for many things... Peeing is one, just like your penis... But it also serves for reproduction. You see, when a male and a female like each other a lot they can have something called sex... Which is when the male puts his penis... Into the female's vagina" she said. By now she was certain the room temperature had risen a couple degrees, and she was starting to sweat a little.

"Eww, gross... Why would...?" He made out, a predictable first impression.

"It actually feels very good for the male. And if the male is good at doing it, for the female as well. The male puts it in and pulls it out many times rapidly, until he has what we call an orgasm... It feels really really good, and the penis shoots a white sticky stuff called semen, which comes from your testicles or balls" she says, pointing at the boy's fuzzy orbs. Now she was actively breathing hard, and her clothes felt sticky on her.

"Even grosser... How could that feel good?" He said in disbelief.

"It does... That sticky stuff goes inside the female's womb, and if the time of the month is right, it forms a baby" she said, finally concluding her explanation. She took her lab-coat off, and sighed in relief as the cool air hit her regular shirt underneath.

"I still can't believe it... It's just so icky" he said.

"Well, now you know how babies are born." She said, almost triumphantly. Having taught the boy his first lesson in sex-Ed felt almost motherly to Alice.

"But there's still something bugging me. This.. Va... Thing, that females have... What does it look like? Does it look like mine? Like my uh... Penis?" He asked, looking at her.

"Well, there's no real way to describe it... There are some folds, some skin, a bit of bare flesh..." She began, but quickly noticed the boy was just getting much more confused. Then, an idea popped into her mind.

No, no no no no you already went too far with this, seriously. You can't be considering this Alice, this is the most stupid, irrational and irresponsible...

"If you promise to behave I'll show you how mine looks like" she said, silencing her thoughts. The young anthro had no way of knowing just how special this was, since he had no real knowledge of how this 'cover up your body' thing worked.

"I behave, I promise!" He said, still a bit excited, but more in the curious way of a child than in a sexual way. She nodded and walked towards the bed, making him sit on one end as she sat in front of him, about three feet away.

"Okay... First rule, absolutely NO touching..." She said, undoing the button on her jeans and pulling the zipper down, revealing her deep blue panties. She got rid of the jeans and tossed them aside. She knew there were no security cameras, not since someone had tried to replicate the experiment using footage stolen from them and failed. "Second rule, you must NEVER speak about this, no one can know... We would both be in greater trouble than you think" she said, taking a deep breath before sliding her panties off, her crossed legs preventing him from seeing anything specific. "And finally, third rule... No talking while I explain" she said, and after getting a non-verbal agreement in the form of a quick nod she spread her legs, and placed them as open as possible, facing him. She constantly hid her age from her peers, doing her best to appear older by using makeup in certain ways or heels, but once her most private part was revealed, it was impossible to think of her as really an adult. In fact, one could say she even looked underage. Her two outer puffy lips covered her opening in an almost perfect way, only the tiniest of bits of her pink insides peeked out from under them. She had begun to shave recently, but mostly out of hygiene. She had no one to impress with her sex. In fact, she didn't say this but Adam was the first male to see her sex like that.

"I-is that...?" He began.

"Shhh, no talking" she reminded him, motioning him closer. "Slowly" she added. She definitely did NOT want him making sudden movements at that time. Once he was much closer, she directed his attention to her sex. "This is the outer part... Biologically speaking its called the vulva, but it has thousands of names. These two are the outer labia, which protect the whole thing" she said, softly touching said parts with her fingers to show him. She could tell his gaze, deep and curious, almost burning a hole on those outer lips. She used two fingers to spread her lips open, showing him the pink insides of her cunny. "These little things..." She said, hinting at her pink under-folds. "...Are the Labia Minora. They're there to... Uh... They're there" she said, now noticing that she had no idea what they were for.

This was actually very interesting for the girl; she had done this once while volunteering for a small rural school (using a diagram of course, not her own) and had found the experience quite bothersome in the sense that it was more a chore than anything else. But now she was using herself as a model for someone who really really wanted to know, and she blushed as she noticed she was getting aroused. Her pink sex was now slightly glistening, and she hoped he wouldn't notice. Well, he hadn't realized his own cock was half out of its sheath, so she should be fine. "Up here, this little bump, is called the clitoris or clit for short. It's the most sensitive part of a girl, and it can feel so good it hurts when not done properly" she said. She pulled back the hood to show him, and bit her trembling lower lip to stop from moaning out. She then moved on, showing him a spot just under the clit. "Here, I dunno if you can see it, is a tiny little hole. That's where pee comes from, so it stays separate from the reproductive part in a way" she said. She then moved to the opening of her vaginal canal. "And here is where the male's penis goes in. It might look too tight but it stretches out" she said, concluding her obscene tour. "That's about it. Questions?" She said, just like she would've done in a real class.

"Uh... A couple." Adam said when he understood it was okay to speak. "W-when the male puts his penis inside, does it hurt?" He asked.

"Good question. In humans, it generally doesn't unless the male is being waaaaaay too rough, and females don't usually enjoy that." She said. "One common exception though is for the female's first time. She is born with a small tissue barrier in her opening called the hymen, and during her first penetration it tears. It can cause bleeding and pain, but short lived and only once in a lifetime" she said.

"Oh, I see... One... Last question, if I may..." He said, and this time there was something, something that Alice couldn't quite understand but sent shivers down her spine anyways.

"Y-yes, go on?" She said, her hands keeping her cunny open and in display.

"Why... Is it wet?" He asked. Alice froze, he had noticed. There was no way out of this one.

"That's a... A... Natural lubricant... It begins to form when a female gets aroused... That is, sexually excited... And prepares the vagina for smooth penetrations" she said. She had been busted, he somehow knew, her mind was spinning so fast she couldn't tell up from down.

"Oh, I see... And... Does that mean that you are getting sexually excited?" He asked, just as she knew he would. In her shocked and aroused state, she couldn't say anything other than the truth.

"Y-yes..." She made out.

"Alice... Would you... Mate with me?" He asked. Alice was on the verge of fainting. This was unprecedented, and yet she kind of deserved it. But why was he asking? He could have her right there, his cock was erect, her legs spread open... But he still wanted it to be... Consensual? How could he even understand the term?

No, oh fuck no I won't, this is already beyond control... This is wrong on so many levels, this can NOT happen, this is impossible, risky and stupid, it is... It is... It... Is... What I want most in the world...

Alice succumbed to her inner mind, finally accepting herself. She wanted him to mate with her, that's why she had been so eager to strip for him, so happy to teach him... She had always been in love with him, and it explained so much stuff... She couldn't help but look at him in the eyes, those hazel eyes that couldn't possibly harbor any malicious ideas...

Then she replied with a nod.

She saw his ears perk up, his eyes glow with a spark of childish delight. And yet he didn't seem like a little kid anymore. He crawled up, and she thought he was going to downright penetrate her right then and there.

"W-wait, you're not supposed to just..." She said, but he silenced her with a loving kiss, long and tender.

"Shhh, I know" he told her. He had not done it, his cock was pressed idly against her thigh, deliberately out of the way.

"H-how...?" She made out in a soft whine.

"Biology books you hand me... Sometimes you don't check them as thoroughly as you think...." He said. Alice looked shocked, and then giggled, before laughing. He at first thought she was laughing at him, and felt a bit hurt, but she soon grabbed him by the neck and pulled him in for another kiss.

_Of course, of-fucking-course... He already knew, just like with Dave. He played me into giving him the grand tour of my body and the arts of human affection... Wether it was for curiosity or desire I probably will never know, and I don't care. He managed to force me to accept my feelings, and it no longer matters that I am teaching him or not... I just need him... And if I'm right, he might need me as well. _

"Sorry Adam, I didn't mean to appear mean, I just got nervous..." She said, pulling him in for yet another peck. "Did these books of yours tell you anything specific?" She asked.

"N-no, I was hoping you could help..." She said in a soft tone, ears flat.

"Come here..." She said and held him close to her. "I'll gladly teach you... And I'll gladly let you be my first..." She said.

"Wait, you've never...?" He said, this time amazed for real. She wasn't ugly at all, but then again he wasn't human. Her soft black hair, short and modern... Those soft emerald eyes... How could a girl like that not find a mate?

"Shhh it's not important now... Nothing matters anymore, just you and me..." She said. She enjoyed this embrace for a second more, before looking at him. "I need to get these pesky clothes off..." She said, hinting. He caught on surprisingly quick, and jumped in.

"I got it" he said, and with a lean in he began to slowly, oh so very carefully pull up her shirt. It slid right off, and left her with only her bra to cover her body. He fumbled with it, and with some giggles and her help she was fully naked.

This is so bizarre, just a day ago I was watching this unique thing through a glass with my colleagues, and now I'm inside... I'm on his bed, naked... I can feel his warmth, his soft fur on my bare skin... And he's going to be my first... Oh my gosh, I get to take the virginity of an entire species by myself... They should give me a Nobel for that...

Her mind worked all those thoughts in seconds, and as soon as she snapped out and looked at him he was ready for instructions. "Begin slow, kiss me, feel my body... Make me understand how much you want me..." She said in a soft, seductive voice she had never used before. She wanted to be irresistible to him, she needed to be his only thought... And so far she was. His kisses, soft and inexperienced but quite eager, traveled down her neck as his paws began to cup her small breasts.

"Aaaah... My god, your paws are so soft... K-keep doing that..." She said softly.

"My god..." I wonder how long that phrase is going to survive...

He muffled a reply against her neck, and his short whiskers tickled her a bit, causing her to squeal lovingly. His member still palpitating at the beat of his heart against her thigh, and oh those loving paws, those limbs that challenged the limit of fluffiness on a living thing... His gropes were inexperienced, of course, but oh my... They were so dedicated.

"G-go lower Adam... Don't hold back now... Explore my body, feel me up... And once you know by memory every wrinkle, joint and hair come back here for a kiss..." She said. She was feeling a bit poetical, but in truth it was a feeble attempt to mask just how horny she was feeling at the moment.

"Okay... I'll try..." He said and began to move down his paws. He traces the contours of her lean belly, the round perfection of her juvenile hips, the soft skin where her pelvis dived to create that tiny mound that hid her sex... And she was feeling him up as well, oh she was feeling him up nicely. Her hands were brushing into the fur on his back, free from their latex prison after so long dreaming of feeling his fur barehanded...

_Gloves... Latex... Bare... Oh no, I don't have a condom... I think in my purse... No, beyond the glass... Could I get pregnant? Or get a disease? I... I don't care, I'm not stopping him. _

"Something wrong?" He asked. He could tell by her face she had gotten worried about something, and thought maybe he had done something wrong. "N-no no, you're doing amazing honey, keep going..." She urged him. She then found a way to sneak a paw under his hip and towards his member, and at the slightest touch he jumped slightly. She tried again, and this time only got a gasp as she wrapped her hand around his member. It felt so hot and bare, and even if she had no way of comparing she almost knew for certain that his cock was hotter and wetter than a human one would be. She wrapped her fingers around and began to give it short strokes, which made him moan loudly into the enclosure.

"Hmmm, feel good Adam?" She said. She didn't really need an answer, his tail was all over the place in erratic wags. "Well, since you were asking about how could sex feel good... Just imagine instead of my hands something hotter, warmer, wet... She teased into his ear. This made him moan loudly, and she felt a soft splash of fluid on her hand.

_Done already? Awww, that wasn't as long as I expected... _

She pulled her fingers back and looked at the fluid. It wasn't cum, but it wasn't pee either. She then quickly remembered a study done in canines when she was at Harvard, before Adam had been created.

Of course, it's a dog penis... And doggy cocks ooze a lot of lube if they're excited... Yes! I still have some more fun with him!

As she was thinking this, she tried to return her hand there, but failed. Apparently he, motivated by her quick hand job, had found the courage to slip a paw in between her legs. At first she just felt the softness of his paws on her puffy cunny, and her own hands went limp.

_Oh my... This... This boy... He has the... Touch of a... Greek god... _

She couldn't believe the effect this was having on her. A couple boys had managed to sneak their cold hands down there when she was younger, and though it was nice it was nothing compared to this... His paw, soft and fluffy and warm, simply made her relax. He gained confidence by her reaction, and one of his digits parted her outer lips to rub at her pink soft flesh. She gasped for air loudly. How could one single digit feel so good?! He was touching in exactly the right places, his kisses bathing her upper body as she simply let him please her. She was about to cum, she could feel it in her bones even though she had never had an orgasm before. Sure, she had touched herself plenty, but never having really achieved her climax. Just as he was about to make her cum, she stopped him.

"D-did I do it wrong?" He asked. Always like that, always cutely wanting to do the best for her.

"No, no no you were doing too good... It's just..." She began, and decided to be sincere with him anyway. "Remember what I told you about boys? About their orgasm?" She said.

"Yeah. Read a bit on it too, why?" he replied.

"Girls have those too... But not as much as boys... And I have never had one" she said, grabbing him by the cheeks and pulling him up.

"So, do you want me to give you one?" He asked cutely, still not getting her point.

"Oh silly, more than anything... But I want it to be perfect... And right now perfect means you inside me..." She said, blushing like a little schoolgirl.

"Oh, okay, I got you... So should I just..." He asked, cautious.

"N-no, no... Lets go slow, we have all night... Let me guide you" she said in the most loving way she could possibly imagine.

"Okay, tell me what to do..." He said, looking at her.

"G-get my panties... Put them... Under my vagina..." She said.

"Uhm, okay... Why though?" He asked as he placed the deep blue garment under her sex.

"I'll bleed a bit, and if they find a red patch tomorrow on your bed they'll want to analyze it... And they might not like what they find" she said. He understood perfectly. "G-good. Now, get in between my legs, but don't put it in..." She said. Carefully, she guided him into a missionary position.

Heh, I always thought I'd lose my virginity while being on top so I'd have control... But this feels better...

He got into position and ended up right on her face, their bodies a nice height match for the sexual position they were in. His cock was sandwiched between their bellies, and as she felt his pulse through it she wished she was a cat so she could purr out at it. "Okay, good... I'll use my hand to guide you, and help you place it right on my sex... When that happens, ease in very slowly, and as soon as you feel resistance stop..." She said. He nodded and she snaked a hand down, always looking at him in the eyes, as if trying to decipher him. She grasped his cock and gave it a squeeze, just to see his face contorted in pleasure again. Carefully, and noting its overall size a bit alarmingly, she placed it right on target. He panted as he felt her hot flesh on his tip, holding back his primal urges to just slam in. He slowly eased in, and Alice gave off the cutest of squeals as she was penetrated for the first time, his tip parting her folds before he reached a spot where her cunny seemed to bottleneck. "I'm there" he said. She was grimacing softly, she wasn't expecting it to hurt just from his touch. "I know...." She said, telling him to pause.

_This is it girl... This is the moment you've been waiting for all your life... One little jab and you're his forever... And he is yours as well... _

She silenced her thoughts before she could wonder why she was talking in third person to herself. She recounted her dateless prom night, seeing all the couples sneak upstairs and then return, holding hands harder than ever before... She had felt horrible that day, like she had been supposed to lose her virginity to a boy that night... But it all made sense now.

"Okay... When I count to three, I want you to thrust... One quick jab, go past the barrier in one thrust... It'll hurt and bleed, and I'll probably cry and maybe scream..." She said, before collecting herself. She didn't want to traumatize him into losing his erection. "But whatever happens, keep still, keep ME still, and don't pull out..." She said, taking deep breaths as he nodded his understanding. She grabbed his butt, fingers already digging into it, and again took a deep breath.

Holy shit... This is truly going to happen... Will it hurt too much? Will it bleed too much? Will he like it? Will I like it? Who is John Galt?

Again she smartly silenced her thoughts, and gulping hard she closed her eyes. She regretted doing that, and opened them again. She wanted to see him, she needed to see his face while he claimed her.

"One..." She said, both their breathings heavy and synchronized.

"Two" she made out, gritting her teeth and looking at him. Those eyes, oh those beautiful innocent eyes... That gave her the courage to keep on counting. She felt him draw his hips back a millimeter, like cocking a gun...


Time slowed down in a way that didn't seem possible. She felt him exhale, his hot breath on her naked skin felt almost like water in its slow splash.

I think he's not going to do it... Did I scare him too much? I'm terrified myself, I'm not sure I should have done this... Oh Alice, what did you get yourself into now... Maybe I didn't say three loud enough? I'm gonna...

Then it happened. He gave a sharp, Instinctual thrust, and simply took her childhood from her. She felt him push, it took an eternity for his penis to tear the barrier open, and when he finally did it only felt cold, quickly replaced by warmth as his member claimed her. It spread her in a way that couldn't possible be biologically correct, and yet it was... She had fingered herself once, one digit of hers not big enough to really break her hymen, and had found the experience quite interesting. But compared to his living, bare fleshed cock, it felt almost disgusting. He sunk halfway into her in one single motion, and she held her breath. It felt so...

And just as time had slowed down, it decided to speed up as if it had to catch up. The pain came, stinging and throbbing, causing the girl to yowl in pain loudly and dig her fingernails into his butt. "Adam, pull out, it hurts!" She clamored, wriggling. He used his hands to keep her still, just as she had asked, but his eyes conveyed an immense amount of fear. She could feel the warm dripping of blood on her sex, and a quick gaze would've confirmed that she was indeed bleeding, a bit more than expected. She had a slightly thicker hymen than average, nothing weird but certainly painful.

"Adam, please!" She begged once more, tears rolling down her cheeks. Adam was big if compared to humans, and she felt like he was splitting her in half. His ears lowered and his grip loosened a bit, the young boy doubting for a second.

No, Adam don't... Please don't, don't let me ruin it, I know I'm a weak girl but please pleaaaaaase don't let me ruin it...

And much to her delight he made up his mind and held her tight. He was probably fighting both the impulse to mate her wildly and the impulse to cum, and she was so grateful for that... Not that she knew that at the moment, she was only in pain, trying to understand why she had even agreed to this, what had caused her to think that sex might've been good...

Eventually the bleeding stopped, her blue panties now sporting a massive red stain. The pain took longer, but it eventually too receded, and all she was left with was the soft, dull ache on her hymenal remains. She looked at him and smiled, a signal that the worst was over. He looked at her with curiosity and then leaned in, very carefully licking off her tears with his puppy tongue. That left her even messier than before and quite icky, but the exponential increase on her smile was well worth it.

"Is it over? Does it still hurt?" He asked, concerned.

"A bit, but not too much now... Thanks for not pulling out, I don't know if I'd be able to continue if you had not stayed inside..." She said, blushing. "H-how does it feel?" She asked, curious.

"I... I hadn't really thought about it, I was focused in... Y'know... But it feels... Hot and very tight..." He said, blushing.

"Hah... I think you can... Try to go deeper. But slowly please, I'm still sensitive..." She said, looking straight into his eyes before pulling him in for a sloppy kiss. Nothing mattered now, he had claimed her as his, and she had ridden him of his innocence... And nothing would ever change that. He pushed slowly, and she moaned loudly into his mouth. His penis kept spreading her in ways she had never imagined, making her feel amazing in places that she only knew existed through her biology education. He stopped, and she felt a wide pressure on her opening. His knot, half inflated, was vying for entry at her oven, and without much hassle it slipped right in, aided by the copious lube he had produced.

"Oh my, Adam..." She said as she split the kiss, a tiny string of saliva joining their lips in a fleeting moment. "It's so big... I have never felt this full in my life, oh g-god..." She said in a very husky tone, sultry and ragged. Her fingers moved from his butt to his back, and held him close as she felt his tip barely tickle and brush her cervical opening.

"I-is that a good thing?" He asked nervously.

"More than good, it's perfect... Don't move for a second" she said.

"Huh? Is it hurting again?" He asked.

"A bit, don't worry" she said, but the true reason behind her request was for him to stay pulsating and throbbing inside her, that warmth spreading inside her like ripples on a pond, her initial arousal soon recovering.

I did it, he's fucking me... I have a penis inside of me, and it feels even better than I thought... I can feel him twitching, and it feels like he's spilling pre inside of me like a broken tap... I don't want this to end, ever...

"Okay, pull back until the tip is the only thing inside, and then push back in softly and smoothly, no more jabs required" she said with a pant into her lover's ear. He didn't understand, but did it anyway. He slid back, his knot popping out with a light wet sound, and his shaft following with a naughty squelch. She shuddered from head to toe, this feeling of emptiness he left behind was horrible, cold and sticky... She needed that cock back inside her, where it belonged the most. He did just that, jolting himself to the knot again with a wet and lewd sound that got drowned by the long moan both of them emitted. This was beyond their wildest expectations.

"Hyunh... S-see? T-told you it felt g-good" she said, trembling. "Now do that again, many many times... And I think instinct will do the rest" she said with a sexy and yet very affectionate smile at him. He nodded and smiled back, before repeating the motion. Every thrust went in easier than the last as her cunny accommodated to receive the intruder, her body heat rising and making his cock feel like it was in a hot wet oven, one whose muscles tried to pull him in and then refused to let him out...

My, his movements are so enthralling... The way he moved his hips is so lewd, so distinctly sexual... And... My hips are... Doing the same thing, and I'm not responsible... I can't control them, I can't make them stop. I'm not even sure I want to make them stop though...

Adam pumped in and out of her wet snatch, his penis making loud noises on entry and whenever his knot popped in or out. The latter action was becoming quite hard, the knot growing in size. He kept it out for now, doing shallower thrusts. He knew what it was for now, having read something about it before, and knew that once he pushed it in it would not come back out... But it might hurt her. He looked straight into her eyes, and his lips slowly formulated the question.

Alice, think clearly now... That thing is the size of a tennis ball, it'll split you open... It'll give you internal bleeding, lacerations and lots and lots of pain... How bad do I really want to be tied to him?

"Do it" she said, ignoring her thoughts again. He nodded slightly and on his next thrust he pushed. Alice groaned loudly as she felt the thing split her open like that, her outer lips straining to wrap themselves around something they weren't designed for. She panted and gasped as he kept on pushing, and once her lips were at its widest point she considered telling him to stop, that she would massage it with her hand or something. Luckily for both, right then her lips went by the midpoint and engulfed the thing like a hungry mouth, tying them together.

"G-gah!" She made out, feeling her sex so lewdly and almost painfully abused. Her hand snaked down and effectively felt the bulge that had formed on her pelvis. She looked at him, panting and taking every breath like the last of her life. He too was grunting and whimpering, in an adorably sexy way. He began to give her short humps, now limited greatly in his motions. She moaned loud and held into him, wanting him to cum really nicely.

Oh fuck I can't wait... I want to see if feeling his cum is possible... Will I notice? Oh gods that knot, it's so alive and beating... A millimeter bigger and I would probably be hurt... But then again there's blood already... Heh, luckily in not menstruating until this weekend... Oh shit, am I.... Am I ovulating? Oh gods... Well, he's not human so he can't... But he had human genes on him, maybe... It would be so unlikely though... What would the kids look like? Would they even survive?

All this thinking about breeding and ovulation got her to a peak in her pleasure faster than she would've thought possible. His heartbeat resonating through his knot and into what could only be her G-spot, the unbelievably soft feel of fur against her exposed clit, his tip bumping against her cervix constantly... Nothing on earth could resist that, and Alice was not going to be the exception.

"A-a-Adam, I'm gonna, I'm cu-I need to... Nyahhh!!!" She made out. He didn't listen or didn't care, or maybe he did care because he didn't stop... Anyway, she felt herself on the very edge of the highest cliff in the world, anything able to send her on her way down. What did it was his breath, one particular pant of his that hit the side of her neck and her earlobe as well, warm and loving...

And so she came. And she came hard.

Her body tensed, fingers dug into his fur hard and she held her breath. Her sex clamped down on that massively delightful member of his, and began to milk it for all it had. Her heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to burst, and then a huge wave of relief simply washed over her, as she rode the tsunami of endorphins during a good twenty-seconds, in which he didn't stop fucking her. He did begin to grunt, probably her tighter cunny making him work for every thrust, and his crotch fur immediately became damp with her arousal, sweet and tacky smelling juices that clumped up his hair. She finally let out a moan. Exhaling as her lungs burned in need of air, she panted out of that euphoric sensation slowly.

_Holy shit, that was much better than I had expected... But why didn't my body relax, I still feel... Needy in a way... He hasn't stopped either, my cervix feels numb now from all his pokes... Oh my, he's tensing up a lot, is he gonna cum? _

"A-Alice, I need to go..." He said, like replying to her unspoken question. "Like, right now..." He added with puppy eyes.

"Wha... Oh, it's not what you think, just let it go, just push hard into me and let it loose and... And..." She made out in squeaky notes.

And breed me, give me your babies... Wait, what? Am I thinking about... Sheesh, I'm such a pervert... But wouldn't that be nice? Imagine a swollen belly, their little kicks, I wonder what they would look like... What am I saying, it's not even possible...

"O-okay, I-Ill try, lemme..." He made out between grunts. He then pushed, deeper than Alice thought the anthro could go. His knot moved up her vaginal canal a bit, and his tip got lodged in her cervical opening, which made her gasp loudly. He then gave off a loud groan that transformed into a sigh, and stayed still.

Oh fuck, he's so deep inside... Is he cumming? I can't tell... Oh my gosh yes! Yes yes I feel it, it feels so warm, spreading inside me... I bet he's shooting right into my womb, the little devil. Look at his face, I have never seen a cutest... Wait, what is this... Feeling... Am I? Oh dear, I'm cumming again... H-he made me cum again, his filling of my womb is making my body beg for m-more...

All her thoughts were expressed with a long, passionate moan as she clenched down on him even more. They both moaned for a couple seconds before she couldn't resist that cute face of his, and almost roughly pulled him down and effectively shut both of them up by dealing his mouth with hers. He still kept cumming, and at some point she even thought he had taken her advice too seriously and was peeing on her, but that wasn't the case. No, whatever he was dumping into her was thick and gooey, and unknown to them both quite fertile. His sperm filled her womb with ease, moving up into her Fallopian tubes and splashing them full as well, all the way to her ovaries. In the left one they found an egg, fresh out of her, and one of the little swimmers managed to breach the wall and make its way inside.

Their orgasms died down quick, both panting in exhaustion. She was sweating, he wasn't as much but still felt hot... She broke up the kiss and looked at him, both of them smiling in a way that transcended any species barrier. He looked back at her and lowered both ears, blushing like a tomato.

"Miss Fowl I... I think I love you" he said. This took her by surprise, even though she was half expecting it.

Can he? Can this being truly love? Or is he just reacting to a social cue? I don't know... But those eyes, his eyes just can't be lying, he must... He can, I'm sure... Do I? Do I know that? Do I love him back?

"Adam, you little fur-ball... I love you as well..." She said, holding him in a nice and warm embrace. Finally he stopped ejaculating within her, by now his seed already flooded her innermost sanctum and overflowing to her vagina, held inside of her only by that bulbous, still twitching knot. He tried to pull out, which drew a pained gasp from both.

"A-ah! S-sorry Miss Fowl" he said, looking at her.

"Don't be, I was gonna try it as well... Lets just cuddle, I think it's supposed to go down later... And drop the Miss part and call me Alice, I'm your lover now..." She said, a steady hand holding his butt in place so he wouldn't move too much.

"I have to say, it was... Simply breathtaking" The young boy said.

"Oh, you have no idea... You have totally no idea" she replied, cooing softly as clung to his chest, never feeling better in her life.

One Year Later

Alice Fowl hung up her coat on the door after closing it, the woman giving a soft sigh as she made sure all the locks were properly secured. The small suburban house smelled like home, and as she made her way into it she just threw her stuff in the hallway. It was late and she was tired, but she had still lots of work to do. She unlocked the basement with the small keypad, and hopped down the stairs until she made it down. Work at the pharmaceutical company paid decently, and she was able to live a life with most commodities. She had been lucky to find such a good job, after being fired from the most prominent research team in history.

She turned on the lights and the computer, and after typing in the long password she waited for it to boot up. She recalled that morning, almost a year ago. They had come in after daybreak, shocked to find her in the enclosure. With much more panic than really necessary they pulled her out of there. They had left no trace of their inter-species copulating, but being in thin ice due to her constant protesting didn't help her. The excuse they used was that she had failed to do the sleep tests she was ordered to, and she didn't deny them. Anyway, she had no reason to run them, they had not slept through the whole night. She blushed and rubbed her legs together as she remembered the rest of the events... The big mess as he pulled out, their making out as they cuddled some more... A pleasant chat about human sexual behaviors followed by a hands on explanation of what a blow-job was... She gasped as the vivid memories of his broad canine tongue exploring her folds and insides ran through her, vivid like it had been the day before. They had done it doggie-style as well, much to her amusement, and she had even let him try a bit of anal play, but she kept his knot out that time. By the time the sun rose she had cum in every hole of her body, and she had the feeling that she could die happy. She still remembers their frantic clean up and how they rehearsed what they would say when confronted.

Oh, I would give anything to live that night again, just once...

It was impossible though, and she knew it. Even if she could somehow sneak into the lab, it was of no use. Adam had died prematurely, the cell decay rate proving to be faster than anticipated. One of the lab workers had seen the pain in his eyes, during the last hours of his life, and decided to do the humane thing and sedate him. He had used his last waking breath to whisper Alice's name, but the lab worker thought he had said "Please"... Alice sniffed and wiped a tear of her cheek as the computer finally booted. She began to work on her DNA model, when a whimper distracted her. She looked to the right and saw little Jake, looking at her with those puppy eyes. He was walking towards her, one shaky step at a time. She got off her seat and went to him, picking him up and swinging him around lovingly, as the young husky anthro cub gave a delighted chortle.

"Hey there you little troublemaker... Did you miss mommy? Ooh yes you did, yes you did... Where is your sister?" She asked the cub. He looked at her puzzled, still too young to understand her. The answer came in form of a weak, high pitched yip on the other side of the room, where the twins had a nice little den built by her. She put the boy down and ruffled its hair as she walked towards the corner, and began to look behind the pants that hid their little enclosure nicely. Between two khakis she was met with a wet lick on her nose, and she gave off an eep before pulling the little cub out. The girl had a different eye color which made it easy to tell her from her identical twin brother, besides from the obvious since they still walked around nude.

"Hello there young lady, how are you? Has this young pup here been giving you trouble? Oh, I bet he has, hasn't he?" She said. This one didn't understand either, but the sound of her voice was soothing to them, and to Alice as well. Apparently during her night with Adam, her egg had been fertilized, and before morning it had attached itself to her uterine wall, after splitting into two different cells. After the shocking discovery that she was pregnant she had reconnected with a high school friend, who had grown up to be a gynecologist, and she kept tabs on her pregnancy away from prying eyes. The twins were delivered at home after a rather long and painful labor, but all had been well. There was still a mystery as to why if they were identical twins they had different genders and eye color, but she cared little about that. After filling their bottles with warm milk, she returned to her computer. There, she analyzed their DNA as she had done for the past three weeks.

I still can't believe that they're normal... Well, normal as in they're not going to die before puberty, probably... Their cells are growing at human rhythms, and they seem to be perfectly functional... If I can discover what changed, which one of my genes was responsible for that... I could find a lab and clone them... Maybe even switch species, felines for starters could work... Just imagine, a humanized version of every animal on earth... I could have the world in my fingertips!

Again she was cut short by something. This time, the two were tugging on her pants. She stopped her work and pulled both up into her lap, cuddling them up as they wagged in delight.

"Who am I kidding... I already have the world I want right here..." She said, as the two little creatures drifted into sleep in their mother's embrace, their young hearts beating on par with hers as she too, succumbed to sleep. She dreamed of Adam again, he was waiting for her in the doorway of her house.

"Honey, I've missed you..." He said, as both the cubs, a bit older, jumped up to say hi.

"Mommy mommy!" They said.

"I know honey... I missed you too" she replied with a soft kiss.

Back in the real world, a dreaming Alice smiled as the trail of a tear dried on her cheek.
