Dust and Echoes - Part I

Story by OttersGonnaOtt on SoFurry

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#39 of Entropy Series

The newlyweds parse some interesting news while the gang settles in for boot camp.

And so the new book begins! At first I wanted to write a prologue chapter to lead into the main story, but every time I actually worked out the details I ended up giving too much away about future events. Instead, I scrapped that and we're here in the first full chapter! There's a bit of surreal information in this chapter that won't make too sense without going science geek on you guys, but that's sort of the intent. Just go with it and it'll all make much more sense as the story progresses.

Here's to another exciting and fun ride through Dust and Echoes! :3

As always, this story contains adult content and explicit sexual imagery. If you aren't allowed or don't wish to view such material, please stop reading immediately. To all the rest, enjoy! Comments and critiques are welcome and encouraged.


I spent about four hours this morning finally working out a way to keep my formatting when uploading stories. The staff patched my last exploit and I had to resort to loading Microsoft Word to fix it this time(but only using batch commands, thankfully). :u

Anyway, the formatting is fixed for both this entry and the epilogue of LtS. It takes a few more steps, but now I'm back with good old print formatting again. Enjoy!

A holographic display flickered over a set of enamel-coated sliding doors labeling 'East Elevator 4 - Sun Deck [201]' as the area beyond. Major Optik allowed a pair of girls to exit the lift, giggling apparently at the otter hybrid's gas mask and breathing apparatus. Carbon shook his head with a smirk as he made his way out into the open, harsh sunlight blinding him as he cleared the elevator's threshold.

Carbon pulled out a pair of aviator sunglasses and fixed them over his eyes. "Clear day today. That's rare this time of year."

"Yeah, I'd say." Carbon's phantasmal best friend coalesced into his view a bit ahead wearing a playful, if unnecessary, bikini and sun shirt. "I think there's a front moving through, so don't expect it to last."

"Oh I'll make the best of it for us, Evelyn." Carbon headed over to the right of the elevator stack and towards the 'rooftop' beaches. "So, think it's worth trying the kiddie pool?"

Eve looked towards both the inner and outer sides of the Sun Deck ring and then indecisively shrugged back to her host. "Close call. Might be more little kids if it's this sunny."

"Right. Adult side it is."

The Major groaned as he headed for the outer half of the ring, which was separated from the more public inner circle by a tall wall of concrete, as well as a visual barrier by the adult side. He nodded as the girls watched him head into the adult-only end, their gossiping and giggling only growing stronger as he disappeared from view. Once through the veil the graphite-furred otter began checking for a clear spot of sand to call his own, trying to ignore the various levels of undress around him in the process.

"Waterfront or the wall? I know you like the waves."

"Waves without the saltwater? Hell yeah." Evelyn checked about and then pointed to a specific area dead in the middle of the sand. "Over there, actually. Our newlyweds seem to be enjoying the sun too."

"Oh, they're up here? The way Cat behaved at her age I'd expect those two to be locked down in bed still." Carbon squinted his eyes as he tried to spot the two, with Evelyn eventually helping out by highlighting them in his vision. "There they are. You really think we should say 'Hi' though? I wouldn't want to interrupt their honeymoon."

"We'll just leave if they ask." The large plant girl shrunk herself down and appeared on Carbon's shoulder to ride the rest of the way there. "They've only got a few days until they'd have to see you anyway. Might as well try to start off on a friendly tone before their training."

"Sure. Why not." Carbon shrugged his shoulders and headed over at a decent trot, pausing above the two cuddling furs. "Hey Ilaria, Robyn. How's the honeymoon?"

Robyn jerked at the sudden words from behind, quickly snagging a look at their source. "Oh shit! Ottah..." The squirrel reached down between her legs and batted at something. "Ottah, stop that. The Major's right behind us."

Ilaria gasped lightly and pulled her hips back from her new spouse's own, revealing her hard manhood as she slipped it free of Robyn's thighs. "Crap, say something earlier. Uh... Major..."

"It's alright, Ilaria. I don't have any illusions as to what you two have been up to lately." Carbon averted his eyes politely and surveyed the various voyeurs that were enjoying the not-so-secret show. "Just to warn you though, I'm not sure all that's allowed here. The adult label's more for nude sunbathing. Anyway, I'll leave you guys to uh... finish."

Before Carbon could walk away Ari hooked her tail around his ankle. "Wait. You don't need to leave because of us."

The Major stood fast, looking down at the rusty-furred otter as she practically poured out of every part of her sand-caked bikini. "Eh... I don't want to upset your rhythm."

"Nonsense. You came here to enjoy the beach, so enjoy it." Ari rolled forward again and repositioned her length between Robyn's legs, oddly choosing to glide against her mound through her bottoms rather than penetrate her. "Sorry. I'm pretty close so can I finish before we talk? Just sit and I'll only be a minute."


"I gave the guy blue balls before the wedding. He deserves a bit of pawing material."

Carbon took his beach towel and threw it across the sand next to Ilaria. He placed his breathing unit down on top and slumped to a seat, his own erection poking a tent out in his swim trunks. "I'll stay if you really don't mind. At least I can block a few peepers for you."

"Sure." Evelyn appeared cross-legged on the far end of the towel. "And you ~totally~ aren't enjoying the view."

Robyn groaned as Ari resumed thrusting into the gap of her thighs. "Well make it quick, love. It's a tad embarrassing."

"Almost... there..."

Eve grinned as she watched the two. She then slowly slid a hand into a leg cuff of Carbon's trunks and softly rubbed his cock. "Why not join in? It ~has~ been a few weeks."

"No, Eve. Quit it." Carbon masked his whispered words with a grumble and then inconspicuously shooed away Evelyn's hand as if there was a fly on his leg. "Uh... Don't hold back on my account. Do what you need to do, Ilaria."

"Oh gods..." The otter bucked her hips in hard, full strokes until finally she happened to slip past Robyn's bikini and into her pussy with a wet squelch. "Fuck! Gods that's... I'm..."

Robyn squirmed about in place, trying to break herself free of her lover. "Ari, no! I told you I didn't... oh gods..."

Ilaria clamped one of her paws about halfway down her cock and used it to keep her from thrusting any deeper than that. "Cumming!"

"Ottah!" Robyn protested further, eventually finding the right random kick to Ari's legs to push herself free of the otter's length. "We agreed we wouldn't!"

Ari gasped for breath as she jerked her hips, a few large jolts of her amber cum joining the stream that leaked from her wife's honey pot. "I'm... Gods... I'm sorry, Pillow. Was an... accident..."

Carbon leaned over and offered a paw to Robyn, the pregnant squirrel gladly accepting his help in sitting up. "Did I miss something? Wasn't the point of honeymoon sex to do just that?"

"But we're not--" Robyn choked on her own words as she looked down at her tummy, a faint golden glow bleeding through her skin and fur. "Oh gods no! Ottah, I knew it!"

"Shh... It's okay, Robby. It'll be fine. I didn't go too deep." Ari roughly tucked herself into her bottom briefs and then pulled herself up to cradle her now-sobbing mate. "Nothing's happening to our baby. We'll, uh... We'll go see Ellie. Come on, I'll take you there now."

"B-But... if something happens..." Robyn stood up slowly, leaving Ilaria to scramble on the soft sand with only her own leg in an attempt to stand. "Ottah... we might never have another chance at this."

Evelyn dithered out of view and then reappeared next to Robyn, her hand resting on the squirrel's faintly-bulging belly. "She's doing pretty well for only a few weeks, eh? And I remember someone else who used to glow like this..."

Carbon quickly got to his hindpaws and shot the plant girl a harsh look. "You mean...? No..." He hooked an arm under Robyn's shoulder and helped steady her. "You two don't have access yet. I'll show you the way."

"Thanks." Ilaria finally got herself upright and then activated her prosthetic for its walking mode. "I'm sure it's nothing, Pillow. We expected there to be a few oddities with my condition. Right?"

"I'm bloody ~glowing~, Ottah."

"It's fine." Carbon started back for the elevators, Robyn thankfully calming down enough to hold her own weight as she was led over. "Elliot will show you that things will be great. I think I know what's going on."

"Wait, you do?" Ari caught up and replaced Carbon's arm with her own. "How do you know that?"

"I've got my sources." The hybrid adjusted the seal of his mask and tossed his breathing unit into his other paw. "Plus I think this happened to ~my~ mother."

"Hey lovebirds! Getting bored alrea--?"

Carbon cut off Elliot with a raised paw and then glided it over to Robyn's tummy. "Give Robyn a few scans. She's concerned about the baby."

"Finally!" The fair furred otter reached behind himself for his white doctor's coat and started wrapping it around his arms. "Something more than a paper cut. Been waiting for something to do."

Ilaria brought Robyn closer but frowned at her girly friend. "Not the sort of reaction I expect when our baby's concerned..."

"Oh. Sorry, hon." Ellie placed a webbed paw of his own over Robyn's belly and donned a more serious expression. "You're coming along faster than expected, Robyn. Yeah, we should go take a look. Come with me to the back."

Robyn nodded and tugged Ilaria along with her. "Right-o. Just hope we get cheery news from this, Ottah. I'm not sure I could handle any bad."

"Actually, I just meant the two of us. Radiation hazard outside the scanner." Ellie broke Ari free of the pair and whispered as he brought her over near Carbon. "She's flustered and that's not good for the baby. I'd rather it be just us to let her cool off--keep her stress down."

"But it's just a few scans, and I'm more or less radiation proof..."

Carbon pulled a finger towards himself a few times and invited the two closer. "Ilaria, you should stay back anyway. You'll need another semen sample to reproduce the scenario anyway." Ari silently nodded and sat herself down nearby. "Good. And Doctor Rustfelt? Make sure to run a broad EM scan, a millimeter wave image, and some kind of detailed image like ultrasound. I've got some things I'd like to see myself."

"Millimeter scan imaging? We have that here?"

"Part of the MRI machine."

"Oh. I'll see what I can do. Never touched one of those before so it might take a while." Ellie looked about and then found a condom, giving it to Ilaria. "I've got billions of these so might as well use them. fill that up somewhere and bring it in if that's really part of the test. What's the matter, anyway?"

Ilaria sighed as she tried to find the best words for the scenario. "We haven't ~made love~ since we knew about the baby. Robyn's scared we might screw things up, and we'll probably never get another crack at this." She shook her head as she started getting off track. "Anyway, I accidentally entered her and finished and she started glowing yellow. Actually it might have been the baby, I think."

"I know you're... well endowed." Ellie leaned in closer to avoid being overheard by his patient. "You didn't go too far, did you?"

"No, no... I stopped myself from doing that. All I did was finish inside."

Carbon sat down next to Ari and threw an arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm absolutely sure this is a normal thing for your baby. We just need to confirm my suspicions."

Ellie perked up at the news. "Oh? You know what's happening?"

"Yeah, but telling you would just skew the scans when we need the full picture. It's a bit odd so it's better if you go about your normal routine first."

"Right, I'll keep an eye out though." Ellie went back over to Robyn, wrapped an arm around her waist, and led her into the back. "Come on, hon. We'll get things sorted out in a jiffy."

Ilaria lightly waved her wife goodbye as they left the room, then turned her attention back to her little assignment. "So I need to... paw off..."

"Yeah... I'll leave you to that. Just grab me in the hallway when the results come back."

Ari reached over and prevented Carbon from standing. "I don't mind if you're here. You sort of earned yourself a look or two after I left you hanging by my parents' pool."

Carbon struggled to stand but soon gave up, trying to free himself with words instead. "You really don't need to be concerned about that. I'm fine."

Ilaria looked down at the tent in Carbon's trunks and gave the point a flick. "That's not the impression I'm getting. Seriously, if you need to take care of that go right ahead." She tugged on her briefs and exposed her crotch to the Major. "I'll even give you some good material to use, if you don't mind the guy bits anyway."

"I'm serious too. I'll be fine."

Ari huffed out a sigh at the hybrid's reluctance, then quickly yanked on his trunks until they were wrenched around his knees. "You deserve the help though. You gave us such a nice wedding... and the honeymoon too..."

Carbon flushed cyan as he tried to cover his groin, but the damage was already done. Ilaria was not gawking once she realized things were not normal. "Please, just focus on yourself. I'll go find a girl upstairs or something."

"But... your balls are ~actually blue~!" Ari cupped the swollen, tennis-ballSized orbs and gawked at the way they hummed a bright cyan. "Seriously, this can't be healthy. You've done so much for us, so let me do something to help this."

"You know that's the only way to fix it," Evelyn reminded her host.

"No. The final word is 'no'." Carbon reached for the condom and held it up to Ilaria's face. "You need to take care of this for Robyn. I'm not your priority right now."

"Hrmph." Ari pouted as she gave in to her new commander's final order. "Alright, but you need to promise you'll do something about that today too. It sucks to know I could even do that to someone."

"It's not your fault, not really." Carbon pulled up his swim trunks and retied the drawstring. "I'm different than most furs. If I don't go all the way with someone it just won't go down."

"You ~need~ to have sex? That kind of sucks if you're single." Ari ripped open the wrapper and worked the latex sheathe around her length. "Oh, wait... You and Fleur don't... uh...?"

Carbon nearly barked in objection. "No, never! She's like a daughter to me!"

"Sorry! Just an idle thought, I swear." The otter worked her paw slowly up and down her manhood, trying to get herself into the mood. "She's just... really cute, and living with you. Siblings works as well as lovers for that though. I just didn't know what to think."

"Well if we're together, make sure to act like I'm her father. That's how we got her a visa to be on the platform."

Ilaria's paw started going a bit faster, focusing more on her tip now. "Oh, so ~that's~ how it is. Took her under your wing?"

"Yeah. I owed her grandfather a few favors, and then I discovered her on Beta Ring living in the streets." Carbon worked his erection around until it snaked into one of his leg sleeves. "So I faked her an ID and brought her planetside. One of these day's she'll even be approved to hit the mainland too. Always been her dream to see a natural forest."

"That's... extremely selfless of you. You're an even nicer guy than I thought." Ari started panting lightly as she spoke, her cock pulsing faster as her pace quickened. "She's extraterrestrial though? I heard the colonies were on their way out after... well, the explosions..."

"Nah, terrorists can't affect the space colonies too much. Take down one space elevator and we just build twenty more launchpads. Their cargo still trades one way or another." Carbon averted his eyes and tried focusing on the exit door. "I'm surprised you remember that. Loads of furs only remember things from puberty or so, though I'll admit that's a pretty significant day. Hell of a way to end the Reclamation War."

"Ah... shit..." Ilaria closed her eyes and focused on pleasuring herself, her one paw playing with the piercing near her tip and the other paw going down to rub her 'clit' piercing in small circles. "Well... I remember that... Was scared for weeks..."

"And it didn't help that Vasily and I ran off to clean up the mess. Sorry about stealing you dad away, Lulu."

"Ah!" Ari hunched forward and jerked her shoulders together as she hit her peak, the condom filling with creamy orange and beginning to inflate a bit. "Fuck... Sorry, I uh..." She leaned back in her seat as she rode out the throws of her light orgasm, then shot her eyes open towards the Major. "Wait, I said not to call me that."

"Crap, my bad. I've just called you 'baby Lulu' for ages and it's hard to break." Carbon looked back over, but his eyes settled upon the sloshing latex balloon on the end of Ari's cock. "I wasn't sure before in the sun, but it's obvious here. Her spunk glows too? But it's still really white..."

"Yeah, well she's got a bit of you in her but not the ~whole~ package." Evelyn appeared crouched in front of Ari's legs, inspecting the translucent liquid in the condom. "Looks like her genes are fully rebuilt with nanites though. Her kid could turn out more interesting than we think. Better make Robyn come in weekly to be sure."

Ilaria sat upright and started working the rubber from her length. "'Her'? You know, you've got a funny way with words."

"Sorry. That's another thing to explain, for another day." Again Carbon forced himself to look away out of politeness. "After you settle here in a few days I think we'll need to talk. I need to know how much you guys were affected by my nanite forge."

"Then how about tomorrow? I think we're going to move down here tonight."

"What? No, enjoy your honeymoon."

Ari took Carbon by the chin, spun his head her way, and gave his cheek a kiss. "You've given us a great time, but I think we'd rather have Robby keep close to Ellie. Besides, I promised she'd pass training and I don't know how much longer until she can't really handle that."

"Don't... worry about it. I think I'll find a proper room and bed for the two of you, and you can join Robyn there after training."

Ilaria pulled up her briefs and tucked herself away, the tied-up condom now resting on a nearby table. "No. I promised she'd be a part of this, and that promise wasn't just for you. We do everything together, remember?"

Carbon sighed as he thought over his options. "Okay. But I reserve the right to remove her for her and the baby's health. That acceptable?"

"Deal. Just don't take it easy on her because of any of this."

"Hmm?" Elliot walked back into the room and easily found the condom in the dim light. "Aha. Care to come on back for the remaining tests? I think Robyn's feeling better now that she's seen her baby's alright."

Ilaria perked up, attempting to stand and slipping back into her seat. "She's fine? The baby's doing fine?"

"Well, your baby's... yeah. I mean she's much, much further along than she should be; she's got all of her vital organs formed, so that's about eleven or twelve weeks normally." Ellie shook his head as he tried to contemplate what was happening with his patient. "It's only been about three, so it's shocking. Also the vitals are stable but the chemistry is off. Oxygen levels are a tad low, but the baby's actually handling that well."

"So... our baby's coming fast, but it's healthy? As long as there's no danger--"

"It's fine, Ilaria." The Major stood up and then offered his paw to help Ari stand as well. "I didn't expect it to be that fast, but your whelp's going to grow faster than most. There's more to show you though. Come on."

Ari took the offered paw and stood, then followed the others a few rooms back to the scanner bed that still held Robyn. "You doing alright, Pillow?"

"Yeah. Bloody cold in this room though."

Sure enough, there was a hint of frost on the outside of the scanner and Robyn was shivering slightly. "Wow, yeah. Just didn't notice with my fine fur I guess."

"Fuck me, it's cold!" Carbon started outright convulsing in his own crossed arms and hopped out towards the control room. "You need to crank up the heat on the bed first, Doc. The scanner's supercooled."

"I... sort of didn't know. Sorry, Robyn." Ellie walked over and watched Carbon tap out the right sequence of controls on the holographic display. "Got it. Should be better soon, hon."

"Good on ya', mate."

"So if we didn't notice then why did you, sir?" Ari found a few blankets near the door and used one to cover Robyn. "I mean, you look mostly like an otter."

"I've got a bit of all the mustelidae family in me actually. It's my father's side though." A particularly violent shiver sent the hybrid rushing for a blanket himself. "Can't handle the cold. In fact, I might have to step out for a bit before I pass out."

Ari rolled her eyes and took hold of Carbon's blanket, forcing herself beneath it as well. "I'll keep you warm. Now tell us what to do next."

"Th-Thanks..." Carbon gave his symbiont a glare as she snickered his way, then pointed to the condom. "Well we need to find a way to get some of that to the baby. Then get the scanners to record a live feed instead of still images, making sure to keep the EM scanner bracketed to read neural activity."

"Neural activity? The brain's barely developed."

Ilaria shot Ellie a serious look and he tapped out the right settings anyway. "Just do what he says. I'm concerned now."

Ellie walked out the room for a few seconds and returned with a large pipette. "Now Robyn, this might feel a bit strange. I have some of Ari's semen and apparently we need to feed some into your womb." He snipped the knot off the condom and poured the contents into a beaker, then sucked up a few ounces into the pipette. "It might pinch a bit when I touch your cervix, but it shouldn't hurt. Just make some noise if it does and I'll back off."

"Get it there, but don't squeeze it yet." Carbon nudged Ilaria with his snout and then nudged toward Robyn. "You're rad proof. Could you do that once we're watching the monitors? If I'm right, we'll see things take effect almost immediately."

"Sure, just rewind or something so I can see too." Ari left the blanketed embrace and waited for Ellie to finish getting things set up. "Feeling okay, Pillow? It getting warmer now?"

"Yeah, but I'm more concerned with the turkey baster up my fanny." Robyn winced as the pipette finally poked through her cervix and then flattened the blanket down when Ellie's paw retracted. "Just take it slow and steady, yeah?"

Suddenly Sprite fluttered into the room and hovered ahead of Ilaria, flickering a message into her nanite glasses.

"Sprite, good. Here, take this thing beneath the blanket--but be sure not to move it." Ilaria gave Robyn's paw a quick pet and then went back to help Carbon warm himself. "When I tell you, could you please gently squeeze that into Robyn?"

Carbon nodded as Eve covertly relayed the fairy's words to him. "Good, we all get to watch now. You all set, Doc?"

"Yeah, one sec." Elliot tapped a few virtual keys and then clicked a physical confirmation button, resulting in a series of cross-section monitors flickering into view. "Voila. So let's see what you're talking about then."


"Go ahead, Sprite."

The group watched as the pipette was discharged into Robyn's uterus. Only a second after its contents made contact with the fetus the electromagnetic spectral view lit up like a the baby was a light bulb. A moment later the view's exposure compensated and gave them a clearer view, the baby's nerves and brain pulsing brightly. Closer inspection, under Carbon's guiding paw, showed the point of the experiment. The fetus's brain was initiating these pulses of activity, and they were coming from very early memory centers rather than the other areas.

"Are those... memory and cognitive sectors?" Ellie moved right up next to the screen for a closer look. "That's amazing. Nobody's ever been able to tell which parts of the brain develop when before. This is a breakthrough."

Eve pointed her own virtual paw at a few locations. "He's right, memory and cognition. But he's wrong too. These develop ~last~ on most furs. They even came pretty late for you due to your mom's genes."

"Yeah, that's about right." Carbon sat back and huddled beneath the blanket again to continue relaying Eve's analysis. "But those aren't normally formed yet unless you've got some of my unique side in you. Basically, the baby's barely conscious right now."

Ari shook her head in disbelief. "Conscious? No way that's right. That's just a reaction or something."

Carbon paused as Evelyn gave him some more details. "Maybe that's not the right word. Your baby is ~dreaming~ right now, and those dreams are of your own memories." The Major took a solid breath and exhaled it slowly. "It's assimilating your genetic memories, and in the process..."

"What?" Robyn started getting excited and shimmied out of the scanner's current focal area, her heart and lungs appearing on the screen. "What's going on with my baby?"

Carbon moved to the controls and rewound the footage for another playback, this time slowing the speed to half. He flicked a screen from the control monitor to sit right next to the EM readout, revealing the basic vitals for both Robyn and the fetus. "See how the blood mix steadies out? The oxygen and nitrogen levels adjust outside Earth standards, and the carbon compounds spike. There's even a bit of formaldehyde and loads of glucose in the nutrient stream. Your baby is learning how to compensate for its environment as well, and telling mommy what it needs."

Ellie checked the vitals as well and furled his brow at the results. "He's right. The baby was barely in safe limits before, and now it's... Well, it's out of safety limits in peripheral ways but the key vitals are perfect. The baby's doing great now."

"So... what does this..." Ilaria pulled the millimeter scan results up to her to see the basic shape of her child. "What do we do with this information. Is it good? Bad?"

"It's very good." Carbon hid beneath the blanket again and pointed out Robyn's glowing tummy. "Your baby's already getting what it needs from its mother, but it needs more genetic information from you as well. Your half of the child has different needs and only your genes can 'remind' it how to ask for what it needs."

"So our child needs..." Ilaria watched as the golden glow slowly faded away. "It needs me to make ~deposits~ every now and then to grow correctly? Ellie, is anything growing, uh... badly?"

The fairer-furred otter checked the ultrasound he'd taken earlier, then called up a copy of the broader EM scan. "Lungs, brain, working heart--with a strong heartbeat thanks to the test... Actually, everything checks out. You have one very healthy baby... otter from the looks of the tail."

"Hear that, Pillow? We're having a baby rudder butt!"

Robyn slumped back on her scanner bed in relief. "She could be a rhino and I'd wouldn't mind. I'm just happy she's perfectly healthy."

"Agreed. Just..." Carbon snickered as he thought about the most polite way to phrase things. "No more denying your wife sex. Your baby needs the assistance."

"As long as she doesn't go too deep, I think I can do that." The squirrel sighed in relief and boasted a well-deserved smile. "Just how often do we need to 'feed' her, exactly?"

"Actually..." Elliot checked the amniotic fluid's chemical readout and held up a paw. "I wouldn't call your baby a 'she' just yet. There's an extra chromosome in there." He looked up to Ilaria with a huge grin. "You're having a baby boy."

"Aww!" Robyn threw up her arms playfully and made a few nonsense groans. "Now I'll never have my Michelle!"

Ari chuckled and offered some other choices. "You and that name. We could go with Micheal, or maybe Mikhail like my middle name. We'll figure it out."

"Well whatever the name, I'm happy for you two." Carbon halted a moment to get an answer from Eve and then relayed it to the expecting parents. "It looks like you'd just need to keep a residue constantly near the little guy. Just feed him his vitamins every other day and you'll likely be fine. Check in with the Doc here once a week to make sure though. Okay?"

Robyn slid the bed forward and sat herself upright. "No worries there, mate. I'll be back every day until I'm convinced, if that's alright."

"Sure, that's fine. We're stocked for five times the furs we actually have."

Ellie nodded in agreement with the Major. "Yeah, and I'm bored out of my mind more or less. I'd love the company."

"You'll take that back once we start training," remarked Carbon.

Ilaria frowned at that, but wrestled out a smile as a certain phrase bastardized itself in her mind. "Maybe, but at least we'll be making love, not war."

"Horrible, Ottah." Robyn laughed as she took the recently-removed pipette and waved it about. "Even for you, that's rotten."

"Hey, it's true. And after two weeks of everything ~but~ pussy, I'm getting some tonight."

"Ottah! We're not alone."

Ilaria left the cover of the blanket and instead worked her way into Robyn's, her chilled paw tickling and tingling over her tummy. "I know. It's not just the two of us anymore."

"Ottah..." Robyn huffed out a sigh and held her paws over her wife's with a grin. "I love you more and more, Ottah.

"Love you too, Pillow."

"Line up, guys. Come on." Major Optik sighed at the lack of action from the newcomers before barking out his next orders. "Atten-tion! Get in line!"

The remainder of the room jerked into action immediately, rushing to stand shoulder to shoulder. Even Ilaria stood up tall next to Carbon. "S-Sir!"

"Good effort, but you can relax." Carbon whispered something similar to Robyn as well on his other side before raising his voice to the others. "Good to see you remember ~something~ I taught you. Sergeant Ichor, anything to report?"

Vorak raised his paw for a salute and then sounded off to his commanding officer. "The new recruits need some manners, sir. Only the doctor seems to be working and the rest are lazy. Suggest you drop them prematurely, sir."

Carbon shook his head at the fluff drake's skewed observations. "No, they go through training. Speaking of which, we're starting early. As of now, these two are joining us and boot camp commences. Sergeant, you're in charge when I'm away." The otter mix looked to both newcomers and nudged them to the main line. "Now, there's going to be some changes at least until training is over. Now that I think about it, we need to rethink the barracks situation."

"Sir. Should we start using one room like the old days, sir?"

"No, Sarge. Not quite." Carbon tapped his temple for a few seconds while he sorted things out. "We'll separate the men and women. That should even things up, and Corporal Ichor can take care of the women when bunked."

"Sir?" Lilly spoke her mind when the math didn't add up. "Just reminding you sir... That puts the men's bunk larger than the women's, sir."

"No it doesn't, Corporal." The Major pointed to Carmine and huffed out another frustrated sigh. "Sorry to do this to you, Graziano. You're rooming up with the women."

"P-Permission to speak..."

"Yeah, Specialist?"

Carmine started to fidget in place as he pressed the point. "Sir... Do I... Is it really right to... uh...?"

"When I think about it the ruling stands. If you've got a vagina you bunk with the ladies." Carbon paused to correct his tone. "It's nothing personal. I don't mean to expose you like this, but I can't have anyone hiding things from fellow bunkmates. You need to build trust, and hiding in the showers doesn't help that."


Carbon grumbled out another sigh as he walked over to put an apologetic paw on Carmine's shoulder. "At ease, soldiers. Just make sure you're split up by tomorrow. Training starts bright and early."

"Car..." Ademeus loosened up and looked to the quivering hare at his side. "So you're really a girl? I mean, it explains why you always took your own showers and all but..."

"No! I'm not a girl!" Car slumped to his knees as tears started welling up in his eyes. "I just have... girl parts..."

"He's right. He's mostly a guy except for that." Carbon offered his paw to help the little guy to his hindpaws but the offer was refused. He took a breath and raised his voice to the others. "And how about this? If I find out sexual alignment is being bullied I'll have the offender's head. Everyone got that?"

Vorak spoke out against this new ruling. "What about those chicks? They've got the same name, right? I mean, that's hot and all but--"

"They're married. You don't need to understand it, just respect it. Same goes for those two guys as well."

The drake shook his head and hissed out a remark. "They're a thing? Fuck. I'm not sharing a fucking bunk with no fucking ~faggots~."

Suddenly Carbon's fist smashed into the drake's jaw in a jumping punch, sending Vorak falling to the side despite the massive size difference. With his boot holding a very dazed Vorak down by his neck Carbon clearly stressed one point. "Never use that word if you value your life. No joking, no playing with phrasing, ~nothing~. The next time I hear that kind of hate from your muzzle I'll fucking take your jaw. You understand me?"

The drake gasped out a ragged, "Y-Yes sir..." before that boot let off.

Lilly dropped to the ground and cradled her sibling while he regained his senses. "Fuck, Major. Give my bro some slack."

"He ~knows~ I don't tolerate that shit. Brought it upon himself."

Carmine skittered away from the hostility, finding himself scuttled on the ground below Ilaria and Robyn. "Nice, uh... Nice to see you guys again..."

Ilaria hunched down, bracing her prosthetic leg as she knelt next to the bunny. "Don't worry, hon. I'm a bit like you. Intersex, that is. We can help each other deal with it. Okay?"

"Y-Yeah..." Car pushed himself to his hindpaws and rose back up with Ari. "Yeah, I'd like that. I didn't know there were more... like me, really."

Robyn snagged her wife and smiled to the hare. "And yet people still fall bonkers in love with intersex furs all the same, yeah? Don't pain yourself about it much, mate. You're normal in my book."

"So you're... definitely pregnant." Carmine stood up a bit more confidently, at least until Adem looked over his way. "Congratulations, I guess."

"Why thank you, sweetie." Robby looked down to her tummy and gave it a light rub at the comment. "Wait, is it really that apparent? Damn, there goes my figure."

"Not at all! I've always loved your curves..." Ari ran her paws down Robyn's sides, resting them on her hips. "...so now they get even better. Heeee..."

Carbon stepped in front of the three and snapped his fingers. "I knew I forgot something. Ladies, listen up. These two need personal time together every day. They're having a child and there's medical needs to be met that require they be left alone. I don't care how you work it out, but come to an agreement on making that happen. Alright? Lilith?"

"Sir, yes sir," the dragoness confirmed as she steadily hoisted her brother to his feet.

"Good. I'll leave you to each other." The Major lowered his voice to a more personal level and confirmed something for the newlyweds as he walked off. "You'll have ID cards tomorrow. Feel free to use my penthouse if you can't get some alone time."

"Carbon... ah, I mean sir..." Ilaria pulled Robyn in for a quick rearward hug. "Thank you."

"Do me a favor and let that wife of yours get some rest. I won't be so forgiving tomorrow." The hybrid stretched his arms behind his head and went towards one of the smaller elevators on the surface. "And don't mention it. Nothing your grandpa wouldn't have done for me anyway."