The Furry Loveboat, Part 1: First Impressions

Story by Admiral Akio on SoFurry

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#3 of Love Boat!

The second installment of a choose-your-own-adventure style story! Voting for this one closes on June 10th, so post either "A," B," or "C" in a comment to let me know where the story should go next!

Closes June 10th! That's June 10th, 2014, for you time travelers! Wasn't GRB 140419A cool?

Did you know that I launched a patreon to go along with this story? You can vote two more times- for a total of three times per story- by subscribing there to support my writing!

I plan to post a serial story this length on The Love boat, every Saturday! For yiffing, for the plot development, and for your voting consideration!


The handsome little Squirrel finally kissed me back. I grinned and held his arm hostage after he was done, looking into his eyes. Hopefully he didn't notice how unsteady I felt.

"Lucky I found you, Captain." He squirmed just a bit, but then stopped resisting and looked deep into my eyes, and shakily said, "...but can I see your ship before I make any promises?"

"Of course," I bowed as I grabbed him by the shoulder once again, leading him swiftly out the door. The young squirrel grabbed my coat for me without thinking and followed close by me.

"Haven't I taken you on board before?" I teased as we walked.

"No. You talked about it once, when we were talking about the fox on your crew." He blushed again, looking down at the packed dirt road. "The one you said yiffs everybody on the crew."

I chuckled as I thought of that conversation. I wanted to introduce the concept of sex on a ship to him slowly, but ended up drunkenly talking about some of my favorite exploits. Instead of being upset, he seemed to be more impressed than anything. It turned out he had never done much more than experiment with other students.

"His name is Tyler. I suppose we both have fun with most of the crew." We walked in silence for a bit, before I saw him start to play with his tail and look at my twisted-up arm again. I chuckled at the sight, and made an effort to reach up and scratch my neck with the leaden-feeling paw.

"No, that's not convincing me," he said as he squinted, almost as if he read my mind. "When we get to your quarters-"

"My quarters? You mean my ship?" I teased him, knowing full well that he knew what I was planning. He just kept blushing and bullied on until we were in that very place.

Before I knew it, he had shut the cabin door behind me and put my coat on the hook, like I always forgot to. He approached me with a business-like quickness and pulled my shirt off, examining my arm closely. I winced as he twisted it, and he stopped.

"It'll be fine, just don't use it too much." He was still holding my hand.

"And, I'll have you aboard." I rose from my bunk and grabbed him in my arms, giving him a smaller kiss than before. He gave a small squeak, but then melted. "Say you'll come with me," I breathed into his ear as I gave him a slow pet from the top of his head down his spine. I looked over his shoulder as I bit him lightly on the neck, and saw his tail bristle out as I gently grabbed one of his ass cheeks.

"Oh, Nicholas-" the cute little Squirrel started to shiver, even though there was no hint of a chill while that Cat magician was on board. "Of course I'm going to come with you."

I grabbed him tight around the middle in a hug and tried not to be too desperate as I kissed him gently, slowly. I whispered, "me here with my shirt off, and you've still got everything on." The Squirrel whimpered as I started to untie his bandana and remove his shirt. I admired his lithe young body, kissing him gently on the neck and grabbing his bushy tail as he wrapped it around me in reflex. He gasped as I licked one of his nipples, putting a hand on my head that made me look back up at him. I grinned warmly as he looked into my eyes, and started to attack his nipple in earnest.

His gasps came faster and faster as he threw his head back, but then he devolved into a cute giggle, saying, "enough!" and bringing my face back up to his. I licked his neck on the way up, and we shared an even deeper kiss.

With a careful paw, I unhooked the tail-button on his trousers. My paw slipped under the garment as he started to dig his tongue into my mouth. I was surprised at his passion, but figured it was just because it had been too long for him. I kissed up and down his short chest and then slowly turned him around, admiring his skinny but powerfully muscled arms, his tight stomach, and the soft feel of his fur under my paws as we held each other.

I planted him down on the bunk as he gave a small sound of excitement. He buried his face in my furry chest for a moment, and then started to feel the outside of my pants. Blood flooded there instantly as he placed his mouth over my trousers, giving a small bite to what waited underneath.

I chuckled as I unbuttoned my pants and let them down, revealing myself to him- and then, before he could touch me, I kneeled down and started to pull his short pants off. At first, he giggled and resisted, but soon he was helping me pull them off of his ankles when I got them tangled there.

As he lowered his legs again, I took in the full glory of his young manhood, standing as straight as a mast without even being touched yet. He quickly covered himself up with his tail, but I nuzzled into it and pushed it aside, accessing his furry purse of low-hanging nuts with my tongue and bathing them with slow licks.

A high-pitched moan echoed throughout my cabin as I grasped his length in both paws and started to lick around his head. He grabbed my head with eager paws and started to pull on me from reflex, but I brushed them aside and placed them back by his sides. He blushed deeply and bit his lip as I continued to tease all around his thighs and balls, running my paws up and down his body as he shook with excitement.

"Oh, Nicholas, your arms are so strong," the Squirrel took my good arm into his paws and squeezed it, sucking on one of my fingers as he did. I wrapped that arm around him instead, holding him close while he gasped under my strength.

I took my mouth off of him and gave his manhood a lick from under his nuts, over his shaft, and ended it with another kiss on the tip. He hummed in appreciation as I finally took more of his shaft into my mouth, sucking him slowly and easily.

I built up speed until his balls started to clench up cutely around his shaft. I pulled them back down, holding them in my paw and giving them a rub, and then licking them again. The little Squirrel gave a disappointed moan as I took his member out of my mouth again.

"Oh Raynn," I chuckled as I continued to eat out his balls. "You're ready, eh? Here, let me up."

I sat next to him on my bunk, taking a moment to clean my muzzle off as the skinny Squirrel uttered a small apology with a giggle. I kissed him again and grabbed his shaft in my good paw, stroking it as he felt up around my balls.

"Oh, Captain, by the Stars!" Raynn broke away from me, even tossing my paws aside, as he held one of my balls in each paw, and squeezed them appreciatively. "I love the way you look," he giggled as he gave a series of bites on my thick chest and ended with a mighty lick on my shaft. It sprang to full hardness, and the young Squirrel bit his lip cutely again, looking up into my eyes and wrapping both paws around the thickness.

I already saw how he liked that- I wrapped my paws around his head and guided him down the thickness until he gagged, and I let him up for air again as his little nose twitched.

"Oh, Raynn, I love the way your mouth feels," I grinned as he nuzzled down onto my thick member, sucking as well he could. I got the feeling that he had practiced, or perhaps read, how to suck a fur off- he was looking into my eyes expectantly, even nervously, as he blushed furiously.

"Come here, I'm ready, too," I felt too close to climax for worry about how he was feeling, so I lifted him up to be on the bunk as he detached from me with an audible "pop." He moaned as I took control of him in my arms, still groping out for me as I positioned him next to me and leaned back, grabbing onto him once again and whispering in a growl, "You're gonna make me lose it, just keep going."

He stroked me and bit onto my neck until I felt the orgasm that had been building in my loins shoot out onto my partner's paws and arms. He watched in awe as I grabbed myself in one paw and the first shot turned into several thick ropes of cum that covered his chest and his abs.

I growled and gave a small roar from the release of tension as the last few shots catapulted into his shocked face. He swore louder than I had ever heard him speak before, and suddenly he was releasing a torrent of his own seed under my paws. As he threw back his head and squeaked in time, his cum shot out and arched high over his head, staining the pillows at the head of the bed with the first explosion and then spilling cutely on himself with the last of it, until he was shaking and begging for me to take my paws off of him.

I gladly let my arms rest and gave a heavy sigh, falling back onto the bed next to my partner and wrapping a paw around him again, hugging him close and giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

He turned to me, the bleariness of drink and sexual frustration fading. "Does... does this mean I'm on your crew now?" He giggled as he rubbed himself on the groin with our mixed fluids.

"I wanted you to be on my crew ever since you told me you were getting shown the ropes," I chuckled, "you always were so romantic about being a sailor. You would probably come with me for nothing."

"I would." He turned his head to face me again, and I met his gaze. He licked his lips clean and gave me an answering peck on the cheek and I rose, searching for something to wipe him off with.

I eventually grabbed a spare blanket and put it on the bed next to him. He took it and reluctantly started to wipe himself off as I admired him. "Not everyone is romantic as you, Raynn." I sighed as I thought of the other few members we had at the moment. "I'll introduce you to them today, and you can be officially sailing with us tomorrow."

His cleaning suddenly became frantic as he looked around for his outfit. "Sounds like a plan, Papa Bear," he said distractedly as he sat on the edge of the bed donning his outfit. "Are they on the ship?"

I took the spare blanket away from him and wiped myself off, my cleaning job much easier than his. "Not all of them. But I could introduce you to Tyler, at least- I know he never leaves."

"Sounds good. Oh, I'm glad we just did that, I already feel like I'm going to explode out of excitement!" His face broke out into a huge grin, and I couldn't help but lock him in a hug while he protested, "wait, did you clean off yet?"

With a whispered "yes," into his little ear, he gave up the fight and was embracing me back.

As we exited the door, I was immediately set upon by the ship's first officer, a Lynx missing his left paw that had agreed to come with me because of our history together.

"Captain, I didn't see you come back. Did you find that surgeon with the seaman's license that you were talking about?"

I kept the door mostly closed, worried that I would embarrass my friend in front of the experienced sailor, but the Squirrel grabbed the door handle away from me and opened it.

"He found more than that, he found a fight, too. Luckily I was able to patch him back up for you."

The Lynx grinned easily and clapped Raynn on the shoulder, saying, "I bet ye did it on the house, too! Don't let this ol' Bear trick you into doin' that again." He looked me up and down, probably to check me for visible injuries. "Welcome to the crew, matey. What's yer name?"

"Thank you, Sir! It's Raynn."

"Well, mine's Simon, but I likes it when ye call me Sir, so ye can keep on callin' me that." He stood the doorway and turned back to me. "That's everythin' but a cook. Can you cook?"

"Don't ask the surgeon to cook, he needs to concentrate on keeping things clean," I grabbed my coat from the back of the door and put it on without donning a shirt, since I knew I was going to be on my own ship. "We have that quartermaster, the other feline. He can afford to make a hot meal once a day."

"That's fair, I'll tell 'im tonight. Come wit me, matey, I'll introduce ye," the Lynx took an arm and placed it about my young new lover's shoulders, and we shared a smile before turning to go below. I walked out onto the deck of the ship and the sun hit my face, the sky having cleared into a beautiful warm evening.


I smiled sadly at the bear as we parted. I had never gone that far with any fur before, and I was looking forward to the next time the Captain needed release and chose me. It was everything I had ever fantasized about with the huge, strong Bear. His scent, his experienced paws, his muscles... my head swam with the recent experience even as the Lynx next to me tried to show me around.

The Lynx, Simon, talked with a bit of a drawl, but he seemed sharp as a tack when it came to the ship.

"Ye can't concentrate for nothin', matey. It's 'cause ye just did that seaman thing, right?"

My head snapped around as I gasped. "Wait, what? How did you know?"

"Ye just gotcher seaman liscense, Cap'n said weeks ago. They taught ye all about the ropes just this year, eh? I remember when I thought I knew everythin'."

I regained my composure as I realized what he meant. "I'll try to listen, Sir. The- the Captain-" I started to stammer an honest excuse out before I caught myself. "Nicholas hurt his shoulder, I had a bit of his fright."

"You were lookin' at more'n his shoulder, I reckin," the Lynx gave a shallow laugh as he saw me blush. "It's alright, matey, he was so glad when we couldn't pay fer a real hackbones, you shoulda seen 'is face light up, 'e knew just what 'e was gonna do. 'E says, 'lemme go get this med student to be the doc.'" The feline dug into my shoulder. "So I know that 'e likes yer. And I know that you knows wotcher gettin into on here, just as I do. The Cap'n tries to take care of us, and the crew all work together better'n any ship I seen before." The Lynx went a bit misty-eyed, probably thinking of the last voyage.

"He told me he specializes in small, tight crews. That's why the owner hired him, right?"

"No offense to the Cap'n, matey, but the owner gave 'im this ship because he hasn't got a clue wot e's doin'. He just got the ship from 'is Daddy and Nicholas was the last one to wear the hat, so the sorry ass went straight to 'im when 'e had trouble." The Lynx shrugged as we walked down into the store hold.

"I see. He told me that he invested personally in the ship, as well."

"Invested personally? 'E gave up everythin' 'e 'ad on land so that Auggie's kid could keep the ship. Poor sap can't say no, especially when 'e 'as a chance to stick it to some pacifists."

"Ha! He was fighting some of the very same when I met up with him, just now. I can't begin to understand why they don't want to go to war with the wolves, when they clearly have been instigating things for nearly a year. We're only trying to protect our homes."

"I used t'be in the Royal Navy, right, matey? Wolves never acted like this before. The peaceful types don't know how to react 'cause the King 'imself seems t'be confused over it. Me, I got while the gettin' was good," he said while hefting his arm with the missing paw and pointing at it with the paw nearer to me.

"A removal means it was infected, then?" I leaned forward to get a better look at it, and he offered the stump up.

"Most can't stand to look at it," he admitted as I looked at it. "Say it makes them think o' wot 'avin' no paw'd be like. But yer right, I was on a ship where the enviromage was captured, and a germ set right in as soon as it were crushed. What do you think of that ol' hackbones handiwork?"

"He did a fine job on the surgery, from what I can tell." I gave him his arm back, and we stopped walking.

"Right you are. He was- oh, 'ere. This is obviously the storage quarters," he pointed out the piles of boxes and barrels and then led me around a corner, where there was another feline with his back turned to us, stacking goods. "And speakin' of enviromages and patriots, this is the star magician we picked up from Vera."

The Cat turned around, giving a salute and an, "Officer Simon, Sir," before noticing me and lowering his hand. "Well, hello! What have we here? Another prisoner, by how clean he looks. Got another free crew member, Sir?"

"This un's a student, not a ne'er-do-well like ye are. Surgeon by the name o' Raynn. Raynn, this is Elliot."

I offered my hand to the young feline and he shook it warmly. "A surgeon! You must be the smartest one on the ship. Not to mention the youngest, now. And probably the prettiest." The Cat looked me up and down, and I couldn't help but survey him, as well. He was supposedly a prisoner, but didn't wear any chains, or even a prisoner's collar, instead being dressed in a simple sailor's uniform. He didn't seem to have any significant amount of muscle, which made me suspect that he either had an eating disorder in prison or opted out of the training programs somehow. His fur was long, but well-kept, and made a pattern of black and white across his body.

"Pleased to meet you, Elliot, though I wish our circumstances were different. Were you gaining a seaman's lisence in prison rather than training?

He clapped his paws together and bit his lip. "You are a smart one. Yes, just recently. Can you guess what I did before that?"

"It has to be Celestial Illusion," I said as the taste of what the military refered to as 'enviromagic' started to echo on my tongue. "That would be very useful in a prison, to the point where if you're talented they probably trained you to your maximum level to assist them."

"That's pretty cold, Raynn. Enviromagic is a spiritual pursuit as well as a useful practise, and they helped me reform myself."

The Lynx looked at me and said, "'E won't tell ye, but I will. He got shut up fer stealin' coin from the Wolves."

I looked him in the eye and we both smiled. "Well, Elliot. I like the way you think, if you think celestially. I've been tasting a slight sweetness in the air, so you protect the ship from disease the same way you used to protect your cell block from disease, is that right?"

"Right you are. Very observant. And that means that you can cut people open to your heart's content, and I can get all the action I want, just like in Vera." He strode towards me confidently and ran his paw over my shoulder. I just brushed off the advance, still dizzy from the Captain's display. I turned back to the officer that I came down with.

"I think we can call each other introduced," I giggled as I squeezed the Cat's paw and then let it hang at his side. "I thought that the horny member of the crew was named Tyler?"

Both of the felines laughed at this harder than I thought they would, nodding sagely.

"You have to introduce him to Tyler next," the slender young Cat commanded, and the Lynx nodded in agreement, motioning with his paw for me to follow him back up to the deck.

"Young Tyler's the fireswinger of the ship-"

"Excuse me, Sir?" I stopped in my tracks. "Tyler is the archmage on board?"

"Aye, that's right, matey. Uncanny talent with firestreams. Come on, now, the light's not that harsh, come out."

"It's not that." I shaded my eyes from the sun as we crossed the deck and approached the bow. "I just thought that archmages are all old men? Even at university, they're ancient."

"That's usually the case, but we've got a secret weapon, a discount archmage," he whispered to me conspiritoraly, "and one that doesn't have to fly a university flag and give away our payload. Hedge Wizardry, they calls it. Born wit it, go mad wit it, die wit it."

I gasped. Hedge Wizards were only hired by those who were truly desperate- but, then again, the chance to have a fireship without paying for an archmage must have been a lucrative proposal. As we approached the fox, I couldn't help but notice his brightly dyed mess of head fur and colorful, effeminate clothing.

"Raynn! The captain just told me about you!" The fox jumped over the railing to the doghouse and landed next to me with a grin. As he stood, he started to babble, "Can I lick your face? Huh?" Before I could answer, he gave me a small lick on the cheek and then bounded behind me. I swatted him with a curl of my tail and turned to face him, giggling.

"Hey, watch it. I've heard far more about you."

He gasped and turned his innocent eyes onto me. "Thank the stars for that. Now I don't even have to ask. Take me, Raynn." He fell dramatically, putting a paw up to his face and leaning over towards me until he toppled like a tree.

I caught him awkwardly, and he looked up into my eyes with his own mis-matched retinas. He slid my paw from his chest to slide down his trousers, and I felt an intimidatingly large swelling in his groin. I blushed, but felt strangely aroused by the fox, who clearly was just trying to have fun with me. I took my paw off of the huge extremity and set him back to stand up on his heels.

"But Doc, you have to examine me," he came a little closer, and the Lynx stepped in.

"By the Stars, belay that order! Why did I think you would have manners? This is Tyler. Tyler, Raynn. Now, please! He already had enough trouble with Elliot, why don't you go bother him? I mean, help him with that gloryhole idea that you mentioned?"

"Ooo," the Fox went from staring at me to staring completely through me, eyes glazing over and tongue starting to loll out. "Yes. But later. Aren't we showing Raynn the ship?" His eyes snapped back to attention on me.

"We? I am." Simon stared him down with a frown, but the Fox just lowered his head and nodded.

"Right. I know when I'm not wanted. Just like my Mom." He turned away, but not before staring into the fair sky. "Maybe I'll set fire to something." He sulked away in a hunch that reduced his height to nearly half.

"Nothin' on the ship, mind you Messer Tyler!" Simon sighed and tapped his boot on the deck in frustration. "We're settin' sail tomorrow!" The Lynx shouted at his back. Tyler just answered with the middle finger of his paw. Simon sighed and shrugged at me. "Sorry about 'im. It's one way or the other, 'is mind don't work the way ours do." I nodded, but made a mental note to keep the mood light around him.

"Why don't we follow him, just to make sure he's alright?" I offered up, looking at him sulk through the hatch below.

"Oh, he'll be fine. It's yer own head ye should worry about. Let me take you to yer bunk space."




Who will have a scene with the Cat, Elliot?

A: Tyler the Fox, who's on his way? (Elliot tops)

B: Should he seduce the Squirrel when they set sail? (Elliot 69's)

C: Or maybe the captain will need him? (Elliot bottoms)