A Fight to Remember

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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A werewolf meets his match.

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***This story is a commission!***

Description: Sam is a fierce wolf trained to capture powerful monsters that trespass into his world. One day, he meets an orc. What can possibly go wrong for a well endowed fighter like him? Read and find out!


Sam rushed through the forest. His prey was near. He could smell it.

A twig cracked to his right. He turned his head around. In a split second, his nostrils flared, catching the distinctive smell of barbaric orc. Then, his ears perked, isolating his heavy steps from the other distracting noises.

Finally, Sam's eyes narrowed as they noticed a distinctive green form running between the trees.

"Hnff," he drew a short breath before his strong legs launched him forward, his strides long and quick, eating the ground fast for the hulking beast that he was. Sam wasn't akin to a feral wolf. Not by far. His arms were thick like logs, his legs muscular like a bull's, and his gut was littered with just the right mixture of fat and muscle needed to reveal the outline of his abs with every stride.

Though he was big, Sam was fast for his size, quicker than the orc he was hunting. The green bastard thought he could outrun him. He kept the same pace, following the same direction, unaware of the danger lurking just behind him.

I got you now, you son of a beast, Sam gritted his teeth before he leaped, puncturing the earth and scattering the leaves with the might of his jump. In the span of a heartbeat, he soared through the air. The orc's back was widely exposed, his head still facing forward.

Sam had him. His fingers curled, ready to grip into the skin of his prey.

Then, the unthinkable happened. With unmatched agility, the orc's head tilted to the side, just enough to spot the furred menace with the corner of his eyes. His elbow vaulted through the air. Shit. He knew.

Sam's eyes bulged when that hard, compact elbow fell upon his gut with the force of a battering ram. The breath he held exploded out of his maw in a growling storm of pain and saliva.

"Grrroooaaaahhh!" Sam cried as his abdomen violently heaved. He crashed into the ground, jerking from the ripples dispersing through his body. "Im...Impossible..."

Why? He almost had the green bastard. Almost caught him. How did he know? Sam tried to focus. He was down. He was exposed. He needed to get up, or...

"Huunggff..." Sam helplessly clutched his aching belly, trying to rub off the lancing pain from his still-trembling muscles. The blow was hard, merciless to his unprotected belly. If he hardened, this wouldn't have hurt half as bad as it did now.

"Harr raahh!" a hoarse chuckle came from the approaching orc. "One blow, and you already squirm like pup begging for mother's teat."

"S-screw youuu!" Sam groaned. He couldn't allow this slow witted, lumbering piece of dung to see him like this. He tried to scramble onto his feet, fell, then tried again, growling in pain as his abs still trembled with the painful reminder of the orc's brutal strength.

Fuck, he was strong. Sam stared into his pebbly eyes to intimidate him, but he caught a glance of the orc's physique a few times already. Though he was a head and a half smaller, the brute's muscle-packed build complemented any kind of deficit. His arms were canons, loaded with rippling muscles. His chest was a chain of mountains plated with sturdy flesh. And his abs? Sam couldn't even give them a proper look without feeling the hot sting of envy slithering under his fur. Unlike him, the orc didn't just have an armored gut. He had a fortress, impenetrable to the sight, probably even impervious to pain.

No. He's puny. Small. Insignificant. I will find his weakness! Sam planted his arms into the ground, forcing himself up on his feet. He put on a brave, snarling face, though a couple of teeth and trembling lips were little reason to be afraid of. The orc saw through his façade, pointing at the wolf's trembling legs.

Sam wasn't steady yet, still trying to catch a proper grip with the help of the curling claws while the orc slowly climbed with his crooked finger, going over his bare crotch, insisting on what lay in between. That's when his mirth acquired the strength of a proper laughter.

"Stop pointing, you flat-faced ugliness. Stop pointing and fight!"

"Harr. Naked. Little fur. Barely any muscle."

"Stop laughing!" Sam snarled.

"Is reason to laugh, when belly is limp, like cock. Look here," the orc slammed a fist into his abs, the force deflecting along his hardened muscles as if it was glass. "Orc strong. Pup weak. Go home."

"Yeah?" Sam clenched his fist, pointing it at the orc. "Reasons? You need reasons to fight me? I'm going to give you a reason in a second, you stupid green midget!"

"Can barely stand. Naked pup think he can hit me?"

"No. I will ravage you!" Sam took a combat stance, flushing his pain beneath layers of rage.

The orc still laughed. Still smiled. Still pointed fingers, almost asking to be beaten to a pulp.

Sam came at him with all he had. His first blows were to the head. His quick punch took the orc straight on the side, but not with the effect Sam expected. Instead of hurling his head around like any ordinary target, the orc remained steadfast as a cliff, only a soft grunt escaping him.

"Don't fuck around!" Sam threw a fist at his head, then another, and another, trying desperately to knock out this looser.

But he dodged, faster than Sam anticipated. He moved with uncharacteristic dexterity, flowing along the falling punches like a river between the rocks.

Was he trained? No. That couldn't be. Sam was too slow. He had to focus more. Be quicker.

Sam took a deep breath, snarled, then fell on the orc with a rain of vengeful blows. He struck at his gut, his neck, his head, took him in the chest with all the might he could muster.

And the orc barely flinched. The strikes that weren't avoided ended up blocked or deflected, and those that struck found rock hard muscle that quickly dampened any potential harm.

Sam grunted when a powerful shove sent him stumbling back.

"Had enough, little pup?" the orc flared his chest, muscles flexing along his body like an avalanche of falling rocks. "You stand against a mountain. Leave, before you break your fists against my body."

"Talk. All you do is talk," Sam put his guard up. "Come at me, you green little bitch. Fight me like a man!"

"Why waste effort, when anger brings you to me?" the orc smiled smugly. That was the smile of a male who underestimated his opponent big time. He knew he wasn't in any sort of danger.

And that angered Sam more than anything in the world. If his fists failed, then his kicks would break through.

"I'm bringing you down!"

Sam ran up to the orc. He swung a fist at his neck, expecting a parry. The orc did exactly as expected. His thick arm blocked the blow, opening up the entirety of his right side.

Sam whirled on his feet, dashing a storm of leaves and debris along the ground.

"ShatterStorm!" He screamed, connecting the entire might of his blow to the orc's side.


The contact ended in sharp, searing pain on Sam's side.

"Grarrr!" he drew his leg back, limping for a few seconds. Pain made him twitch. Within a moment, his balance wavered. Sam didn't fall. He harnessed the momentum, throwing it into a punch aimed to the orc's tensing gut.

The beast barely flinched. Rock hard muscles deflected Sam's fist as it was nothing but a leaf hurling itself at a cliff. Sam hit again. He pounded the orc's iron fortress, harder and faster with each upcoming blow.

"Why..." he buried his knuckles between the compact muscles. "Won't you..." he hit again. "Give uuuuup!"

His last blow was hard enough to make his arm tremble.

The orc too winced. Was he hurt? Sam looked down to see the orc's features darkened by a deep, hateful scowl.

"Enough," the orc growled. His hand shot into Sam's neck, gripping him into a hard, seeting embrace.

"Nghh..." Sam clutched both hands around the orc's arm, trying to dig his claws past his skin. "You...fucking..."

"Scratches," the orc laughed. "Scratches and poking. Is this all you can do, pup?"

Sam should've been the one talking down on this midget, not the other way around. This smelly green bastard behaved like he already won. How infuriating was that, to have a lesser, smaller creature look down upon his superiors?

Sam couldn't allow it. He couldn't forgive this beast for his transgressions. He looked over the orc's body. He was a mass of sturdy steel, though he was still a male.

And every male had the same crippling weakness.

Sam shoved a hand into the orc's neck to distract him. It worked. The beast focused more on the clutch, and not the kick that aimed right at the rocks hiding inside his loincloth.

"You're done!" Sam snarled.

The punch came out of nowhere, impacting his jaw, forcing his teeth to clatter and ache as the force of the impact sent Sam flying on his back.

For the second time, he fell down, crippled by jolts of pain. He moved his jaw around. It wasn't broken. Just terribly stiff.

"Graaah! Disgusting creature."

Something warm landed on Sam's crotch. When he perked up to see what, he noticed the tapered tip of his cock poking out of its grey furred shelter. He was humiliated, hurt, beaten. How in the world was that a reason to be aroused?

Sam blamed it on his thumping heart, the heated blood flowing through his veins, and the hatred he harbored for the muscle packed monster crouching near him. The orc's meaty fingers grabbed his sheath without any consent, shoving Sam's pitiful retaliations back to expose the entirety of his gender.

"Is hard," the orc squeezed behind the knot, sending unwanted surges of pleasure along Sam's spine. "How? Why?" he growled, shoving the mild erection slapping back against the wolf's sizable balls. "Male only gets hard around female. You are weird. Freak," he spat again, this time taking Sam straight on the bulged formation that formed at the base of his cock. The knot that tied his kin to a female now served as a gateway to shame, stained by the orc's befouling saliva.

"Fall here, wicked beast!"

Sam's eyes widened as the orc tightened his fist. He cupped his exposed member inside a palm, then rolled to the side moments before the crashing blow would've obliterated his gut. As uncomfortable as his dry hand felt around such a sensitive organ, it was better than to roll along grass, leaves, pebbles, and anything that lay between him and the hard soil. After five rolls, Sam was far enough to get on his feet.

"Run, pup. Run before my fists smash you to dust."

"You're the one that's getting smashed, bonkhead!" Sam turned around, preparing to fight once again.

"Come then," the orc beckoned. "Bring your rage. Bring your skill. See how they measure against a true warrior."

"Grraaaah!" Sam charged at him, most eager to shut that stupid mouth from saying such nonsense, giving in to the anger that swatted aside his rational mind.

Sam knew he should've analyzed the situation. Charging head-first into a battle was always the wrong thing to do, especially with such a tough opponent. Pride was the downfall of every fighter.

And Sam was no different. He thought his sheer strength would be enough to put down this orc, muscular as he was.

Sam struck at his neck, his three blows falling to the orc's blocking maneuvers. His retaliation was a swift palm to the chest that caused Sam's breath to stick in his throat, denying his muscles of the much needed supply of air.


The next blow took him in the gut. He hadn't the time to fortify himself, and the orc's punch sunk unreasonably deep. Shocking pain webbed under Sam's rippling belly, his muscles relaxing and tensing erratically while they adjusted to the shock.

"Gloooh!" he drawled in pain, bringing his arms around just in time to deflect two of the orc's gut strikes. With his gut protected, the orc struck at his arms faster than the eyes could see. For all his great strength, Sam barely felt the orc's blows. His arms were much harder than his gut, easily bearing the blunt punishment inflicted by the orc's fists.

Sam sidestepped the upcoming blow, launching his own retaliation with a heavy punch to the orc's abdomen. His fingers drew inwards, knuckles barely burying between the creases formed by the orc's indomitable form. His muscles were tempered steel, warding off anything Sam threw at him. He punched, then rammed, then hit with his knee, coaxing nothing but a grunt from the trained orc.

He grabbed Sam's arms with both hands, restraining him completely. "Is that what you call strength?" the orc taunted.

"Grrrhhh," Sam kicked at his sides, succeeding only in unbalancing himself.

"I'll show you power, pup. Your gut will break under my fists!"

"Then come!" Sam snapped right into his face. "Stop playing games and fight me!"

He wished he would have never said that when the orc's hard fist assaulted his gut.

"Ghrooh!" Sam's back bent under the unexpected impact. Whatever saliva he had inside his mouth was hurled out, tongue dangling between his canines as he fought for control.

The orc allowed him no reprieve. His smaller stature was no longer a drawback, but an asset easily exploited. With startling quickness, the orc got under him.

"Rwohhh!" the orc grunted as he launched his first blow.

Sam withstood it. It didn't hurt that bad. He foe was tired. Losing strength.

"Rahh!" the beast came at him again.

Sam cut his breath to summon every ounce of strength he could muster. His biceps bulged, his pecs stood out against the pale grey covering his belly, and his abs lined up like a phalanx formation in defense of the weak organs laying behind them.

"Pup is finished!" the orc growled, then launched a barrage of blows at Sam's exposed gut."Roh rah rah rah rah rah...." He huffed with every blow.

And Sam responded with a weak, strained, "Unghhh...."

The orc's fists came from everywhere, pounding into his middle like there was no tomorrow.



"Gooh!" Sam bent under the ferocity of the blows. "Kahhh!" he strained.

Each blow had its ferocity suckled by the barrier of muscles. Yet as the orc continued his hits, so did Sam's defense wavered. His muscles could not hold off for long, and the need to breath increased with every beat of his racing heart.

Sam jumped back, and the orc moved with him, shoving his arms aside to rain more fast paced hits into the wolf's unprotected gut.

"Nkhhhh!" the wolf snarled. Hot pain raced across his abdomen.

And the orc kept pounding his knuckles in, slamming with his palms, hitting with his fingers, altering the surface of the impact to trick the muscles into submission.

Sam became desperate. He rained his own punches on the orc's back, but they lacked vigor. Had no purpose. He had ribs and strong muscles protecting him, whereas Sam's gut wasn't properly trained to take such extended punishment. He had to do something. At this rate, he was bound to break.

A small window opened when the orc breathed for air. Sam threw himself to the side, adopting his usual guarding position...

Only to have the orc's elbow ram into him with unrelenting thirst.

"Hmpfooaaaahhh!" His gut shook under the might of the impact, muscles seizing up like a clam. The orc formed a spear of three fingers that pierced halfway through Sam's defenses, forcing his abs to tighten painfully hard. It hurt like hell, but he was protected.

At least until the orc's palm impacted his gut, causing the intense shock to disperse along the entirety of his belly. Each muscle froze in stasis, unable to either clench or relax.

Sam's fists went to his exposed gut, seeing right through the orc's plans. With a confident smirk, the green beast threw his head up with an uppercut, causing his hands to become inevitably limp. Sam's gut lay out in the open.

The orc drew his fist back, then threw himself forward with all he had, sinking his meteor fist into that blanket of shivering muscles and frail, defenseless organs.

First came the pain, with its cold, unrelenting sting. A flash of light speared through Sam's eyes. He closed his eyes, opened his mouth...

Then screamed a choked, gurgled growl as the tide of misery washed over him like a tidal wave. He fell onto his fours, wetting the ground underneath with strands of slimy saliva. No. Something else was coming up. Sam shut his eyes, forcing himself to keep the molten tide back.

"Gloooaaah!" he heaved instead as his battered stomach emptied its contents. "Nggffff....glooaaah!" he drew in a sharp breath, then spat again, splashing the ground with something too viscous to be a liquid, yet too thin to be food.

"F-fuck..." Sam wiped his muzzle. If the orc saw what he just spat, he would...

Something pushed him to the side. Sam groaned, too weak to put back a fight yet. He rolled onto his side, watching as the orc worked a stick around the slimy produce.

"Is not saliva. What is?"

Sam snarled at him. "None of your fucking business!"

"Brave words," the orc kept sliding through until his face acquired a dark scowl. "Seed? That what you did? Ate another male's seed?"

"None. Of your. Business!"

"Rah!" The orc's solid punch took Sam straight in the belly, forcing another drawn out moan from the wolf who desperately clutched his abused abdomen.

"Disgusting beast. Break order of things by laying with male!"

Sam's arms were hurled aside by the vengeful orc, who applied yet another forceful blow to his trembling abs. "Gruuuuh! You're not a...a..."

"Beast? Freak, like you?"

Sam rolled away, coughing and gasping for air. Saliva flowed between his canines along with the remnants of seed he ingested from his human lover the night before the fight. He was a warrior. He knew eating during hunts only made his stomach weaker. Skipping breakfast was easy, but pleasing his partner was something deep, something that a stupid boulder-headed orc couldn't understand.

"You call yourself...a warrior? That it? Hitting downed opponents makes you big, doesn't it?"

The orc was upon him in three steps, slamming one hand around Sam's muzzle and the other on his soft, exposed belly.

"Not my fault your gut breaks so easily," he ran his hand along Sam's gut, poking, prodding, making every throb worse. "See how it trembles? Like cunt before male takes female, har!"


"Would like that, eh?" the orc placed his heavy hand down, near the wolf's bothersome erection. He was harder than before, even with all the infernal pain coursing through his muscles.

"No," Sam swallowed whatever saliva he had left inside his mouth. "I'd rather...fuck a tree than sticking it into an ugly, smelly, pigmy piece of slime..."

The orc chuckled. He poked Sam's gut, watching him squirm, smiling at his discomfort. "Brave. Stupid, when cock is harder than gut. You are weak, pup. Untrained. Lucky I belong to StoneSpeakers. Other tribes not show mercy. Others kill."

"So...I'm supposed to thank you?" Sam snarled. "No. The only way I'll send you back to those rocks is with a kick in the ass!"

"Words, frail gut. That all you have. Words."

Sam punched his face two times before the orc immobilized him.

"How's that for words?"


"Grrr. When you free me, I'm gonna punch you so hard in the face your mother's going to feel it!"

"No," the orc grunted. "You're done. Useless. Embrace the ground, or embrace pain. I care little of choice."

With that, the orc pulled back, offering Sam a moment to arrange his thoughts. He could strike now and fail, or bid the perfect moment to bring this hulking mass of muscles down. He looked around, trying to find anything he could exploit. There were no twigs nearby or rocks large enough to use as weapons.

All he had were his fists, his feet...and the orc's only sensitive spot cowering behind the ragged loincloth he wore.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Sam asked.

"Hate?" the orc shook his head. "I don't hate. I despise."

"You despise prettier races? Is that it?"

"No. Males like you. Males who grow hard on fighting, on seeing cock or ass."

"I didn't say I like males, bonkhead!" Sam said, even if it wasn't true. He thrived on fighting. How his muscles tensed before every hit, how they shook under every blow...it felt akin to the erotic thrusts used in pounding his partner during a hard loving session. Sam liked the challenge of subduing a male to his whims. He liked it tight, and hard, just like he favored a tough opponent.

But he hated the orc. He was more beast than man, with too many muscles hiding underneath his ugly green skin.

"Don't care," the orc grunted. "Male needs hard muscles only to protect family, and hard cock to create it. You have neither."

"Words," Sam scoffed. "You just pretend to know it all when in fact you haven't the vaguest idea of who I am."

"Runt with no purpose. Chase others, wasting life. Have family? Why not with them?"

"I like fighting. Got a problem with that, green head?"

The orc lodged his hand in Sam's throat. "Big problem. Speak more, and I will strip your fur. Remain bare. Pink, like cock."

Sam winced when his member found itself strangled by the orc's dry, brutish hand. For a family driven male, he had a thing for grabbing cocks. Sam really didn't care about his motivation. He just expected the right moment to strike, and with both of his hands occupied, the orc had very little means to protect his rocks in this vulnerable crouching position.

Sam seized every strength he had, directing it into a powerful swing that flattened the orc's loincloth along with everything it contained.

"Uaaaarrrggghhh!" he fell on the side, clutching his sore apples between his hands. "You....you..."

"I win, you thrice damned, stupid sack of shit!" Sam stood triumphantly. "Who's the bitch now, orc? You? Can your big hard muscles protect you now?"

He kicked at his gut, but the orc was still quick, still unpredictable. Sam found his foot trappe. With a twist, the orc sent him back into the ground. Sam kicked himself free, though by the time he got up, so did the orc. He was a tough bastard, that was true.

But he was also in pain. His eyes were flooded by tears, and his pose wasn't as steadfast as it used to be.

"Usually I hate beating on cripples, but you deserve it tenfold. I have no regrets."

With that, Sam hurled himself at the orc, putting his fists to bare. He struck at the neck mostly, where the flesh was sensitive and weak. The orc barely managed to catch all his blows. He staggered backwards, dragged down by his big, burning balls.

Sam's heart beat quicker. Blow after blow, his hopes swelled in the same manner as his member. The thrill of the fight consumed him. He moved around the orc, striking his eyes to keep him confused, misdirecting his protective arms towards his gut, then chopping his neck with the side of his palm every time he had an opportunity. He danced around the hulking beast, balls jiggling with every step, cock throbbing with every hit he launched. Sam prepared his finishing blow. The first punch dazed the orc. The second drew a sharp cough out of his throat.

Sam knew the third would bring him down for good. He just prepared to launch the hardest slicing fist of his life when the orc's brutish hand caught his head, bringing it over the orc's shoulder. Sam lost his balance. He stumbled forward, slouching like a drunk man. His fists pounded the orc's body, meeting the hard embrace of unrelenting steel.

Crap. He had no way out. And Sam's day was soon going to get a lot worse. He realized just how exposed his gut was when the orc leaned back for a familiar move that every fighter learned almost instinctively.

He was going to throw a punch, harder than life itself, aimed straight where it counted. Sam hardened as hard as he could...

But his weak mixture of fat and muscle could not stop the tide of pure force unleashed upon his gut. The orc's knuckles dug through the muscles like an earthquake, displacing them, shattering every trace of resistance in its way.

Sam's stomach caved in. The orc's fist sank so tight, colored stars burst before his unusually bulged eyes. His pupils narrowed into dots, amber eyes becoming wider than beads. Nothing could prepare him for the pain that followed.

Not years of training, not a harder gut, nothing.

"Ghhhrooooaaaahhh!" a wild, coarse scream exploded from Sam's maw along with a rain of pelting saliva as hot, intense pain washed over the entirety of his body. It hurt so bad. Felt as if the orc's fist wriggled its way inside, shifting and breaking everything in its path.

And that wasn't even the worst of it. The sting fettered every nerve in his body, yet the most intense fragments slithered down his abdomen, towards his crotch, dispersing along the length of his cock. His organ throbbed once, twice, thrice...

A sinister mixture of pleasure and pain that made the wolf go completely slack. This was by far the worst moment to cum, yet Sam knew exactly what was coming up his pipe. His hips shivered with strain, then started jerking violently the first surge of seed exploded out of his cock.

"Nghhhhooohhhh!" he grabbed hard onto the orc as he peaked.

The orc grunted in shock. He shoved Sam away, grumbling and spitting. Sam's feet crumbled underneath him. He fell, immediately rolling onto a fetus position to cover his destroyed gut while spurts of hot, milky cum dashed from his jerking cock.

"Ooofff..." he moaned when he drew in a shaky breath. "Uughh, how it hurts..."

It ached worse than the fiery depths of hell, yet very throb of agony lancing across his abdomen was met by an opposite spasm of bliss. Sam rolled onto his back, closing his eyes whimpering silently as his seed squirted over the pale fur of his belly, almost cold to his burning belly. Sam waited, throbbing and aching until his balls emptied and his gut stopped heaving every time he breathed.

When the world finally stopped spinning, Sam opened his eyes. The orc stood over him, his legs brought together as a countermeasure to any more dirty tricks.

"You released. Then stained me. I should be angry. Very angry."

"But you aren't..." Sam rubbed around his gut. The sticky seed made everything better. It was almost like an ointment against the terrible ache that still reigned within his midsection.

"No," the orc said. "Was first time I see a male releasing essence from pain. Hit too hard, maybe. Or maybe you enjoy pain."

"Like you enjoy cock, green skin!" Sam growled, then winced as his gut protested with a violent heave.

"Explains why gut so weak."

"Gruuuuhhh!" Sam drawled as the orc patted his belly. "Don't...ever...uurrggghhhh!"

That damned beast didn't seem disturbed by seed, nor the pain he caused. He poked a few more times, chuckling and laughing, delighting in how Sam's tongue rolled out of his maw with every strike.

"Is enough," the orc wiped himself on the ground. "Will leave you alone. Rest. Recover. Sleep."

"Not until....gah...not until I beat you," Sam tried to get up, only to have the orc lean him back down like a child.

"Tried, little pup. Tried."


The orc started working on his loincloth.

"What...what in the blazes do you think you're-"

Sam swallowed back his words when that dirty cloth was thrown over his cum covered cock.

"Clean. Then cover. Is too shameful to watch."

"And walking around butt naked isn't? How smart is that, bonkhead?"

"Forest big. Will find bear, kill, then cover myself with fur."

"Yeah yeah. Keep talking. As soon as I'm able, I'm coming after you."

The orc laughed. He gave Sam another pat on his belly as a farewell, then stood up.

Sam couldn't help from treating himself with a look at the orc's privates. As disgusting as that was, he wanted to see how competition matched against him.

And he wasn't disappointed. For a lumbering brute of his size, the orc measured no more than his sheath when flaccid, though his sizable nutsack made up for that particular deficit.

"I'll be coming after you..." Sam said. He grabbed the piece of cloth, then started wiping the traces of cum from his crotch. He was merely giving his opponent a head start. After all, how could a strong fighter like him refuse a challenge?

***THE END***

Poor Sam. He never saw that coming. How could a muscle machine beat him? Unthinkable! If you guys see an orc, it would be a good idea to run or entertain him. Don't do what Sam did unless you have either magic capabilities or a stronger gut. Please vote, fav, and comment!

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