To Love a Succubus 5

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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#5 of To Love a Succubus

This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now.(pfft yea that will happen) KC, [email protected] (Note: This story takes place after The Succumouse story ends if you have not read that go Back! None of this will make much sense and you will be missing out on my cleverly laid jokes, Also unlike that story series this one is in the prospective of Nara not Eliana. ~Dedicated To the many, many, many Furson's on yiffstar who demanded MORE! I thank you all~ Ps... Stop emailing me for more, I'm working on it...O.o...~

Halfway down the road to Hell, in a shady meadow green. Dwell the children of Adams wife before Eve. And this eternal hidden place is known as Fiddlers Green. Marching past, straight through to Hell souls of the dammed are seen, accompanied by Fallen Angels, Monsters and Lost, for none but the blood of the first mother, lay at Fiddlers Green. And there in this lost patch of paradise carved off by the first mother herself high on the first cliff made is a solitary cave. Just with in its moth a visitor would see the a statue great and grand craved of the first stone itself of Lilith holding forth in her skyward reached hands her own hart in sacrifice to brake the One's command that one hundred of her children must die every day.

"So how is that old fable important to us again Eliana?"

~Are you serious, it's obvious is it not?~


~Nara...what you call a fable is a fragment of old truth, granted it's not actually located in any true relation to Hell nor Purgatory or On High. It is in fact one and its own place separate and yet equal to all others. Do you understand now?~

"So theirs like a huge place full of things like you and Lidérc out there in the void or something?"

~I wish you could see the look I was giving you right now... Yes and no Lidérc left that place and chose a side in the war, the others keep to themselves. The necklace that was given to me was stolen form that place. That also explains why I kept going back to Lidérc through him I could keep and eye on Lucy and expel my more negative tendencies on someone who would survive it.~

"So were going to this Fiddlers Green then, to what recruit the other succubus's to are side or something seems just, I don't know out there."

~More out there then us having a conversation across time and space inside your head wile a small mouse is playing with my cock that you happen to have at this time?~

"Point taken, and must you remind me of that I'm trying to not think about it...she likes it I...just tolerate it."

~Don't lie, it's unbecoming. Now were was I, yes, Fiddlers Green is not its actual name in fact that place is not even one and the same the two just happen to share a link to a very large area that all souls visit through out there lives and beyond it. And that is the place we must go, and once there ask its king were to find the realm of the first mother. See you bright and early tomorrow morning we will be setting off for the Kingdom of Nod.~

"Nod? I really should have paid more attention in Sunday school..."

My last day in this body, it's been a crazy mixed up loopy ride and I'm so glad it's over. I won't miss the power, the freaky urges or this ugly wolf dick I can't wait to be back in my normal body. First thing I'm going to do is rap my big fluffy tail around me and just coo for an hour. All I have to do now is wait out the rest of this day maybe ill watch some TV, poke Carmel for a few laughs, nothing could possibly go... crap, now that I thought that something is going to go wrong...Forget it just get up and get some solid food in your belly.

"Morning Nara, so what time exactly is Eliana going to pop back in? Want to have a heads up on when the egg shells are going back down on the floor."

"That's not funny Markus, and sometime early tomorrow morning most likely the first time you see this grey mouse tomorrow duck and cover. Or don't depends if you want her on your ass or not."

"Been there done that thank you very much, ill stick with Carmel, shi may be a bit off at times but at least theirs no bodies attributed to hir. Anyway pancakes or waffles"

A yell comes from down the hall over some running water.


"How dose shi do that? It's like shi has a sixth sense for any and all discussions on food or sex."

"I've stopped trying to figure that out, When your out to dinner with hir she can actually give you a play by play of what's happening to your food as its being prepared and predict its arrival with in five seconds...and yet shi can not cook! Nara you still in there?"

"What? Um yea, why you were just making a pretty funny joke about..."

As my response trails of I follow his gaze over to the kitchen table sitting there reading a news paper drinking a cup of coffee and eating a Everything Beagle with creamy cream creamy cheese, was me...or the at least the tigox I should look like, sleek vulpine curves and body, with a long feline tail with a fox like fluff at its end all with my lovely stripes.

"Good morning to you both, have you seen this headline seems vandals tore up The Trough's whole upstairs and smashed out one of the windows. Shame I do love that bar."

I could not help but feel out of place, describing the very situation to another furson is very difficult, the shear oddness and yet familiarity with the image you are seeing twists the mind into knots.

"I thought you could not come back until after 30 days were up the whole agreement very, very binding thing?"

"Yes, well I could not come back as me, it took a few tries but I found a loophole eventually, I am really good with loopholes after all."

Seeing my face make her little smirk seemed odd it did not fit right and seemed almost comical Seeing myself like this had me near speechless.

"Imagine how I feel Nara I've had to watch you stumble over my feet for a whole moth and your rendered speechless by my inability to translate minuet mussels movements that are reflexive to my own personality to fit your larger face. You for one should know it's not as easy as changing shoes."

"Well that's defiantly Eliana, just got back and already a smug bitch."

"Ignoring that Markus."

"I'm just saying, could you show a little emotion. You haven't seen Nara in a month and the first thing you say is Imagine how I feel, where's the, missed you so much Nar, are you ok Nara... Anything!"

"Let it go."

"No...Wow, your powerless in that body aren't you? You are, that's hilarious I actually got through a whole string of yelling at you with out instantly ending up in a black void in my head."

"Yes good for you, you found the reason this loophole worked. And I'm not powerless I just have only Nara's abilities and soul magic. I'm not even all here yet my emotional state has not yet fully passed the vial. My soul is like on dial-up down load here!.. There now I'm angry per normal that beater for your ass!"

"Well normally yea, you're cuter when you're mad, as a mouse. Not so much at the moment, doesn't really seem to work with the stripes and the snarl."

"Hey! Don't make fun of my stripes."

"It's not the stripes just..."

"Shut IT! Try and be a little nice, but that's beside the point. Haven't even been back for a whole five minuets that's got to be a recorded, I should have popped in somewhere else and walked here given me time to get all here, dame hindsight."

"Ok, ok that's enough all of you. Just take a deep breath if you happen to need to breathe and start over. This is slowing down my intake of waffles. I had hoped by the time I dried off there be a stack of them out here, but with all this bickering I'm never going to see one, you may commence ripping each other apart after he feeds me."

Leave it to Carmel fresh and still damp from the shower to be the voice of comedic reason. Now if only shi had remembered to grab a towel before walking out here. Her feminine Lynx curves openly displayed to all, along with her extra bits present and accounted for. An interesting construct of the odd things this body and hers could do together floated past the canvas of my mind nearly canceling out all other thoughts, until the firm slap across the face snapped me out of it.

"It is a very bad idea to gallivant around naked with a succubus only feet away form you. Sorry for hitting you but that train of thought would not have ended well."

"Yea, yea, right. Focus, focus for the love of all that is good go get dressed Carmel giving me the shakes here."

"Do as she sees sweets, waffles will be ready by the time you get back."

I could not drag my eyes off hir ass as shi walked out of the room the wetness of hir fur making hir glisten in the sunlight shining through the windows. Another slap from Eliana snaps me back to normal or at least as normal as I could get still in her body.

"Cobwebs cleared out now? Forgot how cute shi was actually, out did myself really. Sometimes I feel like a baker who has made the finest cake that has ever been made and must watch as it is enjoyed by someone else with out even a taste for myself."

"That's actually kind of sweet in a strange, disturbing kind of way."

"Thank you, there are a few soft spots left on my callused hart. When I'm not being the sexy, naughty, bitchy me."

I could not help but to notice the sound of Markus dropping the spatula on the floor as she leaned on the counter I was sitting at, her movements were a bit off as she was not used to being my size yet the clumsiness just made her seem all the more cute.

"Must you do that, trying to get me in trouble..."

"Aw, dose the big bad wolf not like it when I lean like this."

"Its not that I don't like it, it's that it's messing with my mental image of the furson you look like, Nara would never do that, sprawl all out like that she is far too conservative and..."

"You think so, you once told her she knew very little about me. You know very little about her. She just dose not do this kind of thing in front of others often even now you should see the tings she is thinking about doing to her own body that's why she so silent totally zonked out. Used to happen to me all the time, anyway you and Carmel enjoy the waffles I think its time for Nara and I to kiss and make up and this is just to kinky an opportunity to pass up if you know what I mean wolfie."

"Please don't start calling me that again... just get your striped ass out of here and take her with you she is starting to drool on my counter... And next time don't just poof us a dame door! Talking to my self now my life is insane I might as well follow it along..."

"Um how did I get down here I was in bed and..."

Welcome to my life Millie, Waffle?"

I felt my self fall through the floor of the kitchen and land on are bed on the second floor yet my mind was to occupied by the muzzle pressed to mine to think on the logic of how that could work. I'm not sure how or when, yet as the two of us rolled and trashed against one anther in a crazed melee of passion and lust the clothing that was present when we dropped into are bed seemed to disappear or just sees to exist all together.

Are paws explored each others bodies knowing every curve for they were area's, I could feel the fire burning inside my chest and yet I willed it back with all my might so as not to loss myself in the pleasure and shift forms. Yet as I tried harder and harder to prevent the change I felt the paw of my other half reach up the small chest that was hers in truth and press hard into the spot at it center. I screamed out in ecstasy as the fire burned through me, wings erupting from my spine, bones creaking and mussels shifting, faster and more intense then Id ever allowed it to go before.

For the first time in my memory she allowed me to roll her underneath me her wings that were mine raping us tightly together as are mating became more then just physical, I could feel her breathing harder and harder beneath me her form illuminated by the glow of her eyes that were mine. Faster and with such force I felt her pelvis crack beneath me I thrust her screams of pain and ecstasy drove this body mad and as I felt the build up that I know this form could hold back no longer she cried out. Break me, yes, do it.

Just like that I was alone drenched in sweat and blood of a body that was not even there, I lay existed more so then id ever been in the last month across are bed in the silence a small touch a fear runs down my spine until a soft voice coo's in my mind.

~dame burned that body out faster then I thought, was hoping it last at least an hour, o well see you tomorrow Nar.~

To love a Succubus 6

~This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now.(pfft yea that will happen) KC, [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) (Note: This story takes...

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Silent Void

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (Yea I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) Remember to comment or flame don't hold back now I'm in to that sort of thing. \* So this is the...

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To Love a Succubus Pt4

This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now.(pfft yea that will happen) KC [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) (Note: This story takes...

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