To Love a Succubus Pt4

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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#4 of To Love a Succubus

This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now.(pfft yea that will happen) KC [email protected] (Note: This story takes place after The Succumouse story ends if you have not read that go Back! None of this will make much sense and you will be missing out on my cleverly laid jokes Also unlike that story series this one is in the prospective of Nara not Eliana. ~Dedicated To the many, many, many Furson's on yiffstar who demanded MORE! I thank you all~ Ps... Stop emailing me for more, I'm working on it...~? To Love a Succubus Pt 4 I should fell like crap, I should fell bad about it right? I mean I'm like cheating on my soul mate, not to even touch the whole sucking out the girl's life force just to keep from being uncomfortable. Then there's the whole, what the hell is the real Eliana going to do to her when my time in her body runs out? She can be twisted sometimes. Especially when she's upset, angry, jealous, excited... actually anything could set her tight ass off! I'm not sure what's worse feeding at random or having nightmares of what Eliana could do to Millie. That's her name, hehe isn't it just too cute...dame it stay focused! Markus an't helping any either. If he smiled any more after I brought her back to the house that night his skin would have pealed off his muzzle. Gawd, the only sane one around here is Carmel and shi's a freak with the spliced body and souls of twins. Hell she doesn't even know the truth that would push her no hir right off the deep end I'm sure... What in the name of all that is good, evil, and Eliana am I supposed to do now!... The hell was all that that just came out of my brain! Ouch, well there goes the last of my sanity. Look at her sleeping there on are bed, Eliana's and mine. I miss the evil bitch. I can't believe it but I do...I love the little grey bitch no matter how hartless she seems some tmies. Its funny I call her heartless yet almost ever thing she dose is... o shit that's what she has been trying to get me to see, well now I do fell like carp. All right at lest the worst is over, Millie survived feeding one and feeding two so shill be ok till the end of the month then Eliana will, hell if I know great I'm back at square one! This all makes my brain hurt what am I thinking I don't even have a brain I'm just energy floating in side the body of a demon goddess, then again she is only a goddess because of me right? With out me her soul would just be a black orb of death and destruction I keep it balanced...somewhat. Ok that's enough philosophical crap, besides I have to just tuff it out for another week...then what? I don't want to go back to that city, I miss the old days I cant remember the last time Eliana and I just laughed , back when things seemed so good and the world looked so foolish, they had years we had forever... back then we were all ways hap.... Wait dint that ugly bastard Doug say something about her being in dark moods before? Why dint that get me thinking before if we both were happy like I thought then why would she be in a dark mode, dame it now I have to know! But I can't just walk up to the bar looking like Eliana and get him to spill it for me...o wait, I'm in her body I have her just had this sudden urge to throw my head back laughing like an evil sadistic psycho bitch, hmmm must be the body it knows I'm going to mess with someone and it likes it. Ok that's enough seriously, scaring myself...screw it Muhahahahhhah... Ok no one heard that right, right. Well to the Trough...Gawd I hate that place. This place has always looked like one of them medieval tavern/inn's its "themed" as the owner likes to say. Looks like a dump, plaster walls set in square sections each section has a cross of wood in side giving the building a woven look. The roof is actually normal but has been done up to appear as though it is thatch and such in appearance. Five shuttered windows cross the second floor; an old wood sine hangs from two chains just below the middle window. It reads, The Trough. How dignified... Eliana used to come here a lot. I never went along; I did say I hated the place. Its not that I don't like a good drink now and then it's more, I hate the place. It's old, dusty, dark and with an overpowering hint of booze, smoke, mildew and old yiff. And not the good yiff I enjoy, the dirty male kind...makes me gag. What's really bugging me as I walk in is my mind finds the place disgusting yet the smells make this body quiver and actually excited. I actually fell like pushing away form it but I cant because I'm stuck in it its hard to describe the sensation of your mind and body having clashing sensations there obviously not meant to have. Doug's right were he was last time I was here. O crap, I just remembered I promised him a romp next time I saw him I'm going to need a lot of jack for that. How much did it take last time to make him half decent looking...Gawd five bottles ok you can do this just mind jack him and wait I forgot to ask the necklace how exactly to do that. Curse my curiosity, how did I walk all this way and not remember that. Ok Nara you can do this just lay on the charm...think girl, what would Eliana say to get him away form every one else down here. * * *

(In Nara's head) ~you up stairs now.~ "No that will not work!" ~Yet it is what I would say.~ "Creepy could have sworn that was her voice, na she is off in purgatory or something partying most likely." ~I am and I am not.~ "Are you telling me you have been in my head this whole time." ~Were linked, we are one. I always know what your thinking, sadly it dose not work the other way around or you would not have need this time as me.~ "..." ~Nara, your wasting your time here, besides you do not want to be any were near his crouch I've seen equines with less. It actually hurts some times.~ "You have been in my head this whole time!' ~Yes.~ "..." ~Angry?~ "Yes" ~Good, now turn around and go home.~ "No" ~Nara~ "I said no. I get 30 days as you and there not up yet, if you wanted to hide something you should have been less rash and impulsive." ~Alright fine! Remember I warned you. Doug's head is not some were you want to be trust me. I put a lot of dark things in there, to hide them form the world and from myself. Go poking around and your not gong to like what you see, for the record I could make you go home. Yet perhaps this will learn you something.~ Bitch! She was, she is watching every thing I'm doing...Your getting a huge kick out of this aren't you!... Answer me! Fines don't want me to look then I'm going to look! * * *

(Speaking out loud) "You up sitars, now!" "Yes ma'ams, Hay Lou watch the bar." I did not just do that, I am not walking up these stairs; I did not just kick that door open. What the hell am I doing, getting back at Eliana! Am I really this petty...Ba how bad could it possibly be? Iv seen how she killed Kevin, what she did to Stacy was harsh but hell iv even been on the receiving end of her bad moods you get over it then again I do heal and pain is only in my head. Gawd he is an ugly bastard. "Just can't stay away can yea tight cheeks?" * * *

(In Nara's head) ~you are so far over your head~ "Shut up its not like I don't know how to feed" ~You can't even see it can you, he is not what you think he is.~ "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" ~leave now and ill tell you, or stay and learn thru pain.~ "You just don't want me to know your dirty little secret." (Speaking out loud) "Well how shell we go about this big dog daddy" "Why don't we just skip the formalities and the little tricks of forms, my evil little temptress of the night?" What? What in the hell is that supposed to...unholy shit he changing. That's nuts he's a, a, what the hell is he... ~An incubus~ The hell is that!? ~Simply put a male succubus, good luck. Ill leave you two alone now, o and his real name is Lidérc, hill know your not me soon enough then well I don't know.~ You, you, bitch you been cheating on me with a male succubus! ~...~ * * * Hell, she's gone. Crap I'm so screwed what am I supposed to do; well at least he is getting less ugly actually not bad in a demonic sort of way. Makes so much sense that's why every one in this place looks like Eliana's been with them I'm seeing the conquests of Lidérc here. Well compared to the bulldog he was this is an improvement. Still broad way to male for my liking but at least his face is not as squished as it was. Big and powerful how can Eliana stand it, wings of a bat horns, of a ram, tail of a demon yup defiantly a succubus body well incubus he is doing it slowly just to show off even I could make this body switch much faster. Right I beater get going on this my self or I'm going to be found out and I did not like the way Eliana said good luck and I don't know what will happen when he figures it out, I take a deep breath I'm still not used to changing and the sensations it brings. Yet at this point I would feel much safer in a form that can fly into a high tension power line and be fine, rip doors of hinges or if need be just teleport away o there's an idea keep that as a back up plan. I have to keep him out of my head; this is Eliana's body after all it has far more power then him right? Or is it the soul in the body that has the power? Either way I'm actually just part of her soul right? Might's are making me nervous... must remain strong focused determined to do this get the info I wanted and then bitch up a storm when I get home, this cant be what it looks like Eliana's evil but I don't think she is actually seeing this thing over me. All right here we go step one cloths off, that's it, nice and slow. Make him want it. Now touch the violet dot center of her chest feel the fire burn. Don't vocalize act as you have done this millions of time and the pleasure is nothing, that's not really easy but I can do it. Ok now, let it burn and consume. First the wings, tight skin, bones cracking, ripping, growing flesh and fur. Then head muzzle, tongue, teeth, ears, and horns. Now tail and try to skip that bit force the fire back send it to the rest of my flesh le tit be empowered...aww no, no focus keep control! There done well except the male bit but I don't think hill mind me not having that. "Missing bit there Hun" Dame it, think it. "We wont bee need that thing will we big boy." "Aw your just doing that for little old me, come here girl let me warm your cold hart." Ok now I just have to keep my mind occupied and him out of it, o Gawd is that his...that things as big as my leg. ", ready for me then?" "harhar, haven't heard you tremor like that since the first time been that long has it poor girl, don't you worry big Lidérc going to make you feel alive." Happy place, happy place, were the hell is my happy place...its ok its ok this body is not normal flesh and blood its demonic or something it can take it, it obviously has before. If I dint know for a fact I could not die id think that thing would kill me. * * *

(Inside Nara's Head) ~you may wish to make your self a little bigger before going any further~ "O thank Gawd, help." ~press your paw to the spot again and think bigger or find out what it's like to be a hot dog bun~ "Ok spot, fire, bigger...ouch, shit that hurts" ~well your stretching every fiber of my body and I don't do it often enough for it to get used to it.~ "I can't go any bigger I can't, I can't...Eliana? Crap!' * * *

(Out Load) "That should make this a bit less awkward right" "If you think you can handle it at that size tight cheeks" You're kidding me that was only two feet ok; two more go for an even six or more. Don't scream don't scream don't cry or scream. "I'm a little out of practice with that you understand." "Now were talking a my size mouse demon ready for the sticking" * * *

(In Nara's Head) "I have never wanted to kill someone more then I do right now!" ~don't try, hill think its foreplay and do back what you do~ "Shit your kidding" ~he is a demon~ "You're just going to sit there and watch aren't you." ~ I cant help you I'm stuck in purgatory till the end of the month, I gave my word and as an immortal its binding very, very binding.~ "But what about in the..." ~that place is independent of time and therefore dose not apply, your on your own mostly.~ "I can do this, I can do this." ~you going to walking funny tonight~ "That's Not Helping!" ~ill keep him out of your head that's all I can do from here and don't bother trying that shadow stepping trick all the rooms are demon scribed there locked up tight trust me I kind of put them on~ "Why would you do that?" ~Seemed like a good idea at the time Lucy kept popping in and bugging me so I locked the place down as mine~ "And that red lighted Lidérc here dint it?" ~Now your thinking Nar, however he dose not realize I'm not a normal succubus he thinks I'm just like him were we both know I'm more like Lucy, cant have him learning that.~ "May I ask why not?" ~well technically Lucy dose not have complete understanding on what makes me out of both his and he who calls him self I Am's power. Lidérc here could tell him and in my rash fit of rage at you I kind of left you extremely vulnerable.~ " what was that..." ~I um, look that's not really important right now all we have to do is keep Lidérc out of your head and Lucy will never know about the chance to take your soul out of mine thus destroying the two of use and damming all souls bound to m to hell.~ "..." ~Nara? ~ "..." ~Right I suppose that was something I should have just told you before you ran up the steps.~ "How the hell am I supposed to respond to that?" ~look its not going to fix any thing for me to say I'm sorry however I may have overreacted just a tad and not thought things all the way through~ "When you say destroying dose that mean dead or worse?" ~I, umm, don't know id say more like poof~ "Poof?" ~Poof, as in nothing as in gone as in no here no there no nothing just poof in a infinitely explody kind of way~ "Explody!" ~ well yes but not really more like all of the infant possibilities of are souls instantly coming to and end within the fire's of Hell...that would also provide enough of a kick start to cause every other soul in the pit to do the same making Lucy um power number two again~ " in more power full then..." ~ Yea he who is I Am's kid and then civil war of the havens round two...totally my bad.~ "Um out of curiosity doing this whole reveal thing did you remember shield my... umm your head." ~...~ "Eliana?" ~would it help to say I was more worried about losing you~ "Dame It!" ~shit, shit, shit... he heard every word I can feel the rumbling from here. You need to Run! Get back to the house and stay there do not leave! Go Now! You can shadow step once you hit the first landing of the steps~ "..." ~Nar?~ "He's here..." * * *

(Out load/Real time) Fan-yiffing-tastic first I'm going to get my brains screwed out by the worlds largest cock and now the lord of all evils going to rip my soul apart. Oddly I'm less worried about the soul ripping normal guys worries me but Gawd that thing is huge. Think, Think Run, Run curse my shaky knees and cowardly nature. "Hello Lucy comes up for some below trip digit weather." Great I'm so scared I'm resorting to sad pun jokes. Ok all I have to do is make it to the landing and I'm home free. "Well now this is interesting, Nara. I knew if I just waited she slip up sooner or later and now here we are and I'm about to get all I wanted from the spiteful bitch. With the plus of ending here very existence all at the same time, how satisfying." Gawd his laughter is sickening. Ok he is blocking the door, your naked, there is an incubus with a massive, ginormous cock behind you, and you have the powers of a succubus goddess what do you do, what do you do! The hell if I know, but I'm guessing standing here and thinking is not the right answer. "Lucy, Lucy, Lucy and just what are you going to do. Kill me, ill just reform some were else... I may not be Eliana but I have all her strength and power if you could not hurt her you're wasting your time with me." That's it bluff the demon king, inventor of lies. Like this is going to work shit, he can read my mind cant he. dame, dame, dame. "Why yes I can. Meaning you're not anywhere near as strong or as powerful as she herself is. That form is not yours and because of that its true power is locked away from you. You can't tap in to the strength of her followers and that is going to cost you and her dearly little one. I remember a little girl, confused, scared, willing to give anything for it all to go away, a mutt of a thing that should never have been by the old ways. Even now that little girl is in you trembling, knowing its over, how do you feel Nara?" "Well to be honest I've been beater o and there's something we both forgot." "And what pray tells is that mongrel" "There's a window behind monster cock and, I AM stronger then him!" Turn, Run, Tail, Slice, ouch that's got to that would make a nice...that's the body talking not me, Window, Kick, Wings open, sky above ground below. Woo, who would have thought that would work. Now all I have to do is touch a shadow and I'm home free, and how nice of Lucy giving Eliana these wings so long ago they make such nice shadows when folded. Poof HA! * * *

(In Nara's mind) "Such a waste of a good..." "Shut up Eliana!" "Excuse me? Perhaps you're confusing me with some one else what makes you think I'm going to obey." "I just fix your goof up and saved the world, so there." "...saved the world... ~Muhahaha~ you save nothing only delay the coming war that can not be stopped." "Why must you do that?" "I am only speaking the truth the war must come in the end so you merely delayed the end." "Sure I'm the one who started all this, I'm the one who sinned over my soul to Lucy and dammed every one who so much as made a joke at your expense to hell. I'm the evil succubus, who has lied, mutilated and just planed tortured fursons just for kicks O wait that's YOU!" "Kevin started it all. And you did your part as well; there is no single entity responsible for my creation..." "Would you listen to your self for five seconds you were born not created your parents were..." "Never there, gave passing words of comfort and never stood up for me. I was an accident to them, and now I am one to the world. You think I haven't gone and seen them since then don't you. My hart is not black Nara it's just so callused and hard from years of neglect and pain... Do have any idea how easy it was to have them forget me because they never wanted me, and don't you dare tell me some heartfelt bullshit, I can look into soul's and when I say I know... I know." "That's right you're the only one who has ever had hard times, you're the only one in pain! You think I don't miss my life, you think I don't miss my home, my parents, my friends...No it's all about you, Eliana the tragic little..." "Enough! ... This is not how it was supposed to be, yet no matter what I do. I just can't stop the war in my head. You have been feeling just a small part of it and its week because it's not truly part of you... Imagine that hunger forever...the want, no, the need to cause pain and suffering. To enjoy the screams of another's anguish like the soft coos of a lover. No matter how I try to control it, seal that side of me out, its still there and the only way I can keep it there is to lock the emotions it thrives on. Love and Hate there not that different really both are wild, both are primal, and neither can be controlled with out the other... to love one is to shun all others... and if you cant do that, as I cant, then hate turns inward and burns hotter then the fires of hell." "Eliana?" "...I just keep hurting you, it will be over soon just stay inside, Lucy can't get in or any of his horde for that matter. It will be safe here. Nara, we need a plan this random furson thing didn't work... and you were right that city was a shit hole." "Wait did you say I was right? I mean that's not going to make this all go away." "You were right about, sum things. I still think not wanting to hurt every one I meet is not a bad thing however I'm willing to admit that at this time the goal of minimal suffering is unobtainable. I can't control myself if I keep it all locked up inside. I... have to let it out...let my demon side indulge itself. Problem is going back to living like that will require a little more help and I think I know were to find some extra eyes in the dark places of this world. I will not bauble to subside with out a familiar either..." "Millie can stay then?" "Millie could not leave even if we both wanted her to my body will not let her go now. Trying would just drive me nuts and likely cause a few deaths, there's also the matter of her contract. I will point out that you may want to be a tad rougher with her, I can't do gentile, very well... but you know that don't you Nar." "Alright... umm one thing Carmel been asking about..." "...and you want the truth just incase she worms it out of you before I'm back, No. If she finds out she will go nuts again." "Throw me a bone here I need to know." "Don't beg it's unbecoming, think I'm going to regret this but fine, the device that was used on the twins was exactly as advertised except it should have killed the first two it calibrated itself on. In fact it did, however I slipped something a little extra into the wavers they had them sine...Since they were having incisures yiff nearly constantly it was not to hard to collect them to are side. When the device finished taking them apart I picked up there souls and put what was left of the two back was a bit messy. Markus kind of needed a replacement for me, I dint want to kill him and the idea of a normal... well it just was not working for him. That was my fault he's the kind of guy that was good no matter how you... actually beater to keep that to myself talk to you latter Nar.

Changed Forever 2

\*This is an adult story if you are not 18 years or older (21 in some evil places) Please close this window now!\* (KC) Changed Forever 2 I was not always like I am today. That in it's self is not surprising everyone changes, some more then...

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To Love a Succubus Pt3

Mouse-Demon, F/F ,Drama Mind Control, Evil Soulmates, Tiger-Fox Hybrid This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now. KC...

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To Love a Succubus 2

This is an adult story you must be 18 (21 in some really dull places) or older to view. If some how you found this by mistake close it now. KC [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)~ (Note: This story takes place after The Succumouse...

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