Chapter one: The Beginning

Story by Trang-oul on SoFurry

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#1 of The Tales of Angrond - The Awakening

The Tales of Angrond - The Awakening - Chapter 1: The Beginning To copywriters: Some things in this story are not completely my idea. I might change them a little to fit the story better but the general idea is NOT mine. What I'm going to do is tell you were I got the ideas, then if you want to know the specifics you can PM me and I'll tell you. But here's where I got the general idea: Diablo 2, Bleach, Lord of the rings, Naruto, DnD, Trigun, Onimusha, The wandering samurai, maybe Runescape, more may pop up that I forgot so if you think I missed something let me know. Writers note: This is the first try at a series made by me so here we go. Also just because I need the advice I'll probably ask questions at the end of the story that has nothing to do with it...I just have one rule if you are going to answer to them, don't be an ass just like the forum says you can be a pussy just not an ass. Oh one more thing, this series will never end unless it takes a horrible turn for the worse and can't be repaired but excluding that as long as I keep coming up with ideas for the story it will continue but if I'm out of ideas I'm relying on you people to help me. To Critics: If you do criticize then make it CONSTRUTIVE criticism. Warning: If you're under 18 FLY YOU FOOL!!! Run until your legs fall off before your virgin mind if ripped away by the painful pleasure that is (epic letters at the bottom of the screen) YIFFSTAR!!! To my sister, who we went through hell for me and I her...And to my beloved girlfriend, who was my light and my hope. Forever do I pledge my life, love and loyalty to you both.

"Hurry up Angrond or were going to be late!" Said a familiar voice outside his window. Angrond was about to fall asleep again before he felt an ice bolt come right at him. Rolling out of bed right before the bolt freezed the entire bed solid. Running up to the window he looked out the window seeing one of his best friends looking at him trying but falling to stop laughing. "Damit Ahali are you trying to kill me?!" Angrond said angrily. "Oh come on Angrond we all know that your almost immune to ice!" Ahali said still trying to not laugh. "You know damn well that it's still fucking cold!" Angrond said looking back at his still frozen solid bed. "And how the hell am I going to unfreeze my bed you ass!?" "I'll unfreeze it later but hurry up were going to be late and you know how much I hate waiting in this forest." Ahali said looking around at the forest hesitantly. "All right I'll be there in a minute, the doors unlocked and I think there's some food on the table if you're hungry." Angrond called down going back inside his house. Angronds house was actually a tower in the middle of the dark woods, a monster infested forest with HUGE 30 foot oak trees that keeps many of the wan-a-be bullies from coming and trying to harass him. Angrond started to undress; He stood 6' 7" tall, with hazel eyes, but in his case it was green with golden specks that many found (when it came down to guys) cool and others (when it came down to girls) sexy, he had black hair that came down to his shoulder, he was well built for a 16 year old, at least in his opinion, if he had to describe it he would be a medium build, except for his abs, with that he had an 8 pack of solid rock hard muscle. He was well toned and well tanned. the only thing that most people didn't notice about him (Besides his dick you idiots XD) was the fact that he was covered in gruesome scars (If you want to get an idea of what I'm thinking watch Trigun on YouTube except the metal bars) from his shoulders down to his lower back including his front except for the arms and it stopped just above his genitals. He put on his usual clothes, a plain black shirt, pants, and trench coat (like the one Vash wares in Trigun), and Black boots. And tying a bag he made to his back, along with strapping his katana on the right side of his back that his mother gave him before she vanished. Walking down to the ground floor he saw Ahali eating some stew he made the following night. Ahali was 6' 5", he had brown eyes and hair which was short, clean shaven, and of light build as he preferred to quickly attack and get out of reach before his opponent could do anything, he also wore the same clothes as Angrond except that they were brown. Every one of Angronds friends wore the same clothing except that they wore different colors. "I trust it's to your satisfaction?" Angrond asked "Yes it's extremely good; I keep forgetting how good of a cook you are!" Ahali said finishing the stew, sighing happily. "Aren't you going to have some?" "No I had some last night and it stays with you for a while, you ready?" Angrond said turning his head away from the fire. "Waiting on you, let's go!" Ahali said standing up slinging his long sword to his back. They walked out of the tower; Angrond locked the door muttering the password. "Jhys." they heard a hollow clicking sound and headed to town. "I still don't understand why you live this far into the forest, not only is it dangerous, the air's so close you can hardly breathe." Ahali complained looking nervously from shadow to shadow. "You know you say that every time but you still come to see me every morning." Angrond said looking straight ahead. "If you don't like it here then dont' come." "It's not that the trees are beautiful, what I don't understand is why you live this far in a monster filled, heavy aired forest that is even more dangerous at night to the point you can't see?" "It keeps those stupid idiots who think that there better than everyone else from coming and destroying what little I have in the world." Angrond said with obvious distaste. Ahali grunted in agreement, the idiots as Angrond called them were the school bullies, around 20 gangsters who took enjoyment in beating up anyone who couldn't resist, and since the school had a no magic use outside of grounds policy, that pretty much covered everyone. Though for some reason they didn't care if it was melee combat which Angrond and his friends found odd. Angrond had 4 friends, including Ahali who was an ice user, they included: Taryl a fire user, Varos a wind user, and Tylael a bone user. Together they decided that they should do as much as they could to make sure the amount of people that were hurt because of the gang was cut to a minimum. And for some reason the school didn't mind, even when several bones were broken they just healed them and told them to learn from their mistakes. They never did, and if anything they staked out Angrond and his friends out as primary targets. As they entered town they saw the usual hustle and bustle of the morning rush. The town was called Pas born, a small learning town, a perfect place to learn any trade of war and with the woods right next to the town, anyone who wanted to test out a new ability had the perfect place to do so. The school they went to was a multi-purpose school it had 4 wings: the Melee wing, the Archery wing, and the Magic wing. Each student had a choice between each school, a chosen few could join 2 but rarely could anyone join all three. But all of Angronds friends (Including himself) had joined all 3, being considered prodigy's they each decided to form their own little group called the Silinde. Even though Angrond was 16 as tall and matured as he was some forgot that he was still a teen, so as they passed the local brothel (Whore-house) all of the women there started calling out to him. Angrond just looked at them from the corner of his eye and kept walking. Just as they were going to enter the school grounds they heard a woman scream and before Ahali could stop him Angrond was running in that direction. "Wait Angrond!" Ahali said trying to keep up with him, which was really hard to do because Angrond could run as fast as 50 miles an hour when he wanted to. 'That voice sounds familiar. Who is it?' Angrond thought turning a corner to an ally and seeing 10 of the 20 gangsters surrounding a woman. Without thinking Angrond leaped 10 feet into the air landing in front of the woman and drawing his sword instantly he turned around and chopped into the guy's hand horizontally slicing it in half. The man griped his arm and yelled in pain and the others dazed by how fast he moved Angrond quickly got rid of them by turning his sword blunt side first and easily knocked them unconscious. Turning to the woman he saw she was familiar, Lara the ranged teachers assistant was curled into a ball on the ground. "Are you all right?" Angrond asked quietly, holding out his hand palm up Lara still thinking it was another gangster started to crawl away until she looked up to see a young man looking at her with care in his eyes and she didn't know why but all her worries just simply vanished. "I...I'm fine." she said hesitantly looking away. "That's good come on." He said still holding out his hand. When she curled up tighter and blushed, he tilted his head and noticed something; the front of her blue dress was torn open reveling her breasts. Angrond blushed slightly. "O...I see, sorry...hear." He said digging through his pack his brought out another black shirt and handed it to her. "I don't know if it'll fit but it's better than nothing." He said smiling. She quickly took it but still did nothing; Angrond looked at her until he realized that she wanted privacy and turned around. She quickly put it on and turned to him. "Thank you." she said as he turned around. "Of course can you stand?" He asked holding his hand out again, she took it this time but when she stood up a burning pain shot up her leg causing her to cry out and fall forward onto Angronds back. She looked up into his eyes and he nodded putting his arms under the back of her knees and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He stood up and walked out of the ally to find Ahali leaning against the wall, nodding to Angrond, they proceeded to the hospital room of the school. The school was a huge red bricked structure encased in a stone wall with one cast iron gate. The entrance was nothing but a lush grassy area with trees dotting the area. there were students from all schools standing around, talking to friends, some laying down under trees, others walking in and out of the school. Angrond and Ahali headed into the school and took a left down a hall to the hospital wing, were they met up with the nurse who upon seeing the now asleep Ranged assistant asked what happened. "Some of the school gangs members tried to attack her but I stopped them...sorry but they won't show up for class today." Angrond said laying her down on one of the beds, then placing the blanket over her. She murmured but otherwise stayed asleep, the nurse looked rather unhappy. "I keep telling the head master to expel them but he says that there a part of life in its more unruly forms *Sigh* either way I want to thank you and your friends Angrond. Your help and dedication in trying to keep these gangsters in line, while not openly, is appreciated." She said looking at Angrond who nodded saying. "I try. But I suggest you bring it back up with the head master...if they were going to do what I think they were going to do to her then I think that they won't live much longer with me around." Angrond said wrinkling his nose in disgust while he looked out the window and saw some more of the gangsters outside doing their usual beatings. "I'll be right back." he said walking out of the door. "ALLRIGHT WERE IS HE!" said a man that looked more or less like the all brawn and no brain type, throwing a freshman into the wall. "What? You couldn't possibly mean me could you Kasia?" "THERE YOU ARE!" Kasia was a 6 foot tall man that was of heavy build as most are that join the warriors' guild. He had brown hair and brown eyes and was a straight A when it came down to melee combat. "Yes as everyone can see I am indeed standing here in this very spot." Angrond said with a smirk, Kasia was always such fun to mess with. "ENOUGH OF YOU JOKES IM GOING TO KILL YOU ANGROND!!" He said ripping his axe of his back. Angrond sighed rubbing the back of his head and said "You know if I remember correctly you've said that every time and I've beat the crap out of you. *chuckle* don't you ever learn?" He said smirking. "SHUT UP SHARAS!!" Kasia said yelling that only word that set Angrond off more than anything. "Remember where you stand Kasia, your standing on school grounds...I don't have to hold back on you." Angrond said quietly, his hair covering his eyes. Kasia hesitated for a moment. But only for a moment, then he raised his axe and ran straight at him. "IT DOSN'T MATTER IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO CAST IT!" he said yelling. But little did he know of Angronds casting abilities. Angrond leaned forward and his hair parted a little over his left eye, filled with rage. Just before Kasias axe connected Angrond concentrated energy to his feet and preformed a Flash step, disappearing in a blur and reappearing right behind Kasia then held his palm toward him and then concentrated fire energy in his hand and condensed it then released it casting a fireball right at Kasias head making him fly forward onto the grass. The fireball instantly fried all of his hair off. Clutching at his head he didn't have enough time to realize that Angrond was walking right for him. Angrond summoned fire energy and had it being constantly released from his hands there for his hands were on fire. Kasia quickly turned around and barely dodged a grab by Angronds hand, Kasia swigged his axe in a horizontal slash which to everyone's surprise Angrond caught it on the head of the ax then he reached out with his other hand and grabbed Kasia by the throat in iron grip. Kasia screamed in pain as the fire started to burn through Kasias throat but Angrond wanted him to suffer so he then slammed him head first into the ground making a huge crater where he landed. Kasia was knocked Unconscious and blood was coming out of his nose, but Angrond was too far gone in rage to care he drew his sword and slashed down but he was stopped by the teachers and his friends by grabbing him and Kasia was in the hands of the head master who looked at Angrond. "Enough Angrond calm down." he said It took every bit of effort on his part but after a few minutes he did, slumping down in his friend Taryl's arms finally feeling the adrenaline overdose. After regaining his composer he turned his head to Taryl "I'm O.K. Taryl you can let me go now." he said. Taryl nodded and let him go. Taryl was a mute but he was extremely smart, he was a heavy weight (Like a body builder) and he was an exceptional fighter, he stood at 7 feet making him an imposing figure, he had grayish hair and grey eyes and there for the color he wore was grey as well. The nurse looked at the now unconscious Kasia shaking her head. "Well Angrond you did a number here, I'd say he'll be out for a few days." "Sorry miss I just lost control...I'm I going to be punished for this?" He said looking at the Headmaster. "No. But if Lara hadn't woke up and told her story I think you might have been, my advice is to try to keep you temper under control." "I'm sorry, it doesn't happen very often." Angrond apologized. "I understand you have signed up for the Tylaes Eisaelae?" "Yes I have." "Will you be able to attended now?" "Yes once the adrenaline has run through." "Very well." And with that the headmaster took Kasia to the hospital wing and the other teachers dispersed the crowd that had formed. "Well we can safely say that they should leave people alone now that they know you're on a short fuse eh Angrond?" Tylael said happily patting Angrond on the back. Tylael stood at 6' 5" and was in-between a light and medium weight, he was exceptional at the bone element which including summing undead, he had kind of a sickly brown hair and the same color eyes but his pupils were the color of that of a blind person, he wore the same sickly brown as his hair. "Not now Tylael." Angrond said lifting up his head to the sky. "Try not to be so hard on yourself Angrond he deserved every bit of that." Varos said placing his hand on Angronds' shoulder. Varos was a 6' 4" tall man that had light green hair and eyes, he was a light weight, and was exceptional at the wind element, and there for he wore light green clothes. "Maybe but I lost control again Varos, it's becoming more and more difficult to resist." Angrond said his face contorting in frustration. "I know I've tried looking but nothing comes up in how to control this." He said. "Well nothing can be done about it right now so let's go and try to make this day interesting we have the Tylaes Eisaelae to prepare for." Tylael said trying to brighten the mood. "Yes let's go." Ahali said turning around and walking to the school. "You guys coming?" "Yea were coming, how about you Angrond?" Tylael Said "I'll be there in a minute." Angrond said still looking up at the sky. "K don't be too long." The others left leaving only Angrond outside. What's happening to me? This feeling of insanity keeps getting more and more powerful. It almost took me over again! Angrond thought. "Well whatever it is only time will tell." He said walking to his class. Angrond took a special class for people who could use all three combat skills with some mastery. When he got there everyone got quiet and looked at him, some with fear others with awe and some with respect, Angrond ignored them all and took his seat at the back corner next to the window. The teacher came in a short while later with a stack of papers setting them on the desk and standing in front of the room "Since today were having the Tylaes Eisaelae in a few minutes I decided were going to have a free day today." He said smiling as the class cheered "Buuuut, tomorrow were going to have an extra lesson." And he smiled even more as an aww waved across the room. Angrond decided to use this time to try to get his adrenaline down, laying his head against the wall and closing his eyes. When he smelled a pleasant scent he slowly opened his eyes and looked across the room to see something that always brought a smile to his face. Across the room sat the woman of his dreams, Katherine a 6' 5" tall woman with brown hair and deep green eyes that always caught his attention as his eyes trailed down her neck, shoulders, and her breasts which were full and medium in size, her midsection which had a nice curve to them, her wide waist, her ample bottom, and shapely legs. But out of all her extraordinary assets her eyes, those deep green gems always got the most attention, he could stare at them for hours if only he could get the chance. Many people would call what Angrond had lust, but he knew better this feeling was more pure, lust was when his hormones first came on and if it had tits he liked it, no this wasn't lust he could very easily say this was love at first sight. As soon as his eyes connected to those green orbs all of his troubles went away, his crazy side simply vanished and his adrenaline was replaced with endorphins. But the feeling didn't last as Katherine felt she was being watch and turned around to see Angrond staring right at her with something in her eyes that she thought was lust but upon closer inspection reviled it to be much deeper. Blushing deeply Angrond quickly looked away. She didn't know why but she had the distinct impression that this man was madly in love with her and when Angrond looked back she smiled at him. Angrond gave and open mouthed smile putting rubbing the back of his head laughing slightly. ‘Well crap she found out.' ‘This is interesting I guess I never took the time to notice how he felt about me.' Katherine thought. Angrond was about to see if he could go talk to her when the bell rang signaling that the Tylaes Eisaelae was about to begin. "All right people lets go to the arena." The teacher said standing up along with the other students. "Angrond you know where the gladiators are to meet right?" Everyone turned to Angrond and he looked over to Katherine to see a look of concern on her face. "Yes I do." He replied flatly walking in the opposite direction everyone else was going and were his friends were standing. He stopped when he smelled that familiar scent and a touch on his shoulder he heard a female voice "Is it true you're going to be part of the Tylaes Eisaelae?" He raised his eyebrows and turned around to see Katherine looking at him with concern clearly on her face. Her fears were well placed, the Tylaes Eisaelae was a match were the gladiator in question went up against increasingly more powerful monsters found in the surrounding area the toughest being a greater demon and deaths were common placed. "Yes but I'll be fine, I've been training for this for a while now. But to be honest I'm a little nervous so wish me luck K!" Angrond said giving her a wink and an open smirk showing his white teeth. And to his bewilderment she gave him a kiss on the cheek "Good luck."She whispered before running off. Angrond could only stare wide eyed and open mouthed as she ran away slowly reaching up to touch the place where she kissed him. "Well Angrond looks like you've got a fan already!" Tylael said clapping him on the shoulder chuckling. Angrond still wide eyed said quietly "I think I'm a fan." *** The Arena the Tylaes Eisaelae would take place in was a round stone building with the seats up high and two portcullises on each side the ground was made of sand and huge rocks easily the size of a house. During the first few hours many of the newbie's were defeated but in the ending stages the injuries started to stack up. Angrond and his friends signed up for the upper levels which started with a lesser drake and proceeded to the greater demon. When it finally came to be his friends turn they all got defeated when it came down to the lesser demon. They weren't too badly hurt but then Varos took a bad hit to the side and was about to be smashed by the things hand when Angrond suddenly appeared and blocked with his sword. "Varos are you O.K?" "No it ripped a few tendons I don't think I'll be able to move for a while by myself." Varos said thru clenched teeth. The lesser demon still battle crazed didn't notice that Angrond now had pupils like a cat and he that he had a black dot on the top of the left one. He placed a hand on the back of the top of his sword and mumbled two words "Getsuga tenso" a wave of condensed energy erupted from his sword and destroyed his arm leaving only a stump left. The demon roared in pain but was cut short as Angrond focused wind energy and preformed a Sholali that took its head clean off. ‘Damit regain control! Focus!' Using as much concentration as he could he regained enough control to return more or less keep his blood lust under control. The Teachers came out as soon as the ordeal was over and the entire audience was silent, it was extremely hard to kill a lesser demon in two hits! When Varos was in the hospital part of the arena and when the doctors had left he asked "You lost control again didn't you?" "Yes but it was worse this time." "Are you going to be O.K. knowing that?" Angrond got up and went to the door turning his head so only half of his face could be seen. "I have to be. I have the hottest woman in the universe wishing me luck." And he walked out the door to the arena. Varos looked after him for a few moments before laughing slightly "Yep. Defiantly in love." *** Angrond walked out to the arena to a near deafening cheer. After what they saw a few minutes ago they couldn't wait for the show about to come. The Teachers decided to push Angrond up to fight the Greater demon immediately considering Varos didn't hurt the lesser demon that much and Angrond seemed to be bursting with energy. But they didn't tell Angrond that. When the gate opened and Angrond saw a huge 30 foot demon black as night running straight at him he barely had enough time to draw his sword and block as the demon reached out to try and grab him, the crowd was especially shocked, gasping, the demon even after hitting Angrond still kept running with its hand still outstretched there for pushing Angrond back and he had to lean forward at an 45 degree angle to stop from being thrown backwards. ‘Damn if I don't do something I'm going to be a wall ornament!' He thought looking backward at the rapidly approaching wall. Using Flash step he blurred and appeared right above the demons neck and slashed at it. About the only thing it did was jar his hand. ‘Damit it's like attacking a wall!' The demon turned around with surprising speed and backhanded Angrond so hard he went flying through two of the rocks and slammed into a wall, seeing spots Angrond barely remained concise and landed flat on his front. Angrond got up and flew off to the left just before the demon slammed into the wall temporally dazing it, using this time he asset the situation. ‘O.K. I'm being attacked by a 30 ft. tall demon that's already battle crazed and I'm already near Unconscious. The only thing that really hurts a Greater demon would have to be a light based attack but I can't cast those yet. But wait didn't John say something about that?' *** [Flash Back] *** ‘But I can't cast light based attacks John! I've done what you said and yet all I feel is a pleasant tingling in my fingers!' ‘I know and I keep telling you that light, unlike other elements, can't be used like a weapon of a destruction you must let it flow through you at its own pace. Not force it out. It helps if you think of a person you care about; do you know such a person?' ‘Probably not in the way you're thinking of.' ‘Then until you know such a person more than likely you won't be able to cast any light attacks.' *** [end of flash back] *** Angronds eyes shot open. "THAT'S IT!" He said. Dodging another attack by the demon and looking at the audience for that face. ‘There she is!' He thought seeing Katherine gripping the railing with a look of horror on her face. "COME ON ANGROND!!" She yelled at him. Angrond smiled and turned around to face the demon. She saw him looking at her and was surprised when all worry was erased when he looked at her. Angrond snapped his head back to the demon dodging another attack and landed on the sand. He felt the familiar sensation but this time it was a lot stronger. He charged light energy up in his sword and attacked (Onimusha 4 dawn of dreams Light magic attack by Soki) yelling. "Scatter!...Light!" he was pushed back a few inches as 10 orbs of light a foot in diameter flew out and hit the demon in the chest. It spammed as if it was hit by lightning and fell to the ground, the crowd when wild and looking at Katherine he could see she was looking at him in wonder and happiness. Angrond was surprised that she jumped down to the arena floor and started to run at him. He started walking towards her but saw a flash of black and didn't have enough time to dodge or block as the demon hit him with an open palm smack that sent him through another stone and 5 feet into the 20 foot thick solid stone wall. Time seemed to slow as he saw the demon grab him while he was falling and started to squeeze tighter on Angrond. He heard a few bones crack and break, he saw through the haze of pain Katherine running with her long sword in hand but was slapped and she hit a rock and she almost passed out. ‘Damit! I haven't come this far just to fail now!' He searched thru his memories for something... *** [Flash Back] *** ‘Today students we're going to learn to release our soul weapons.' The class immediately fell silent. They've seen what released soul weapons look like. ‘I have a quick question!' ‘Yes Angrond what is it?' ‘Umm...well I don't know if my katana is a soul weapon sooo...' John smiled a bit ‘Well let me see it and I'll tell you. It was a gift from your mother yes?' ‘' ‘Thank you now let me see...' He said taking the sword and said something so quiet no one heard. After a few seconds John's eyes flew open and he gasped as if he had been resurrected (You know when they use the electric pads on someone who died.) ‘What the hell is this?!' He said almost throwing the sword away as if it was a snake. ‘What happened?' Angrond said hesitantly picking up his sword. John was still a little shocked but after a little bit he said ‘Don't worry Angrond you won't have any problem with today's lesson.' The class was all staring at Angrond as he sat down still holding his sword. ‘Now class were going to the front entrance to do this lesson so let's go.' John said still a little out of it. When they final got to the grassy entrance they spread out (Some unleashed weapons were known to be quite 'explosive' with their powers. ‘All right class to unleash your weapons you must look inside to the center of your mind...are you there? Good now you should feel and see a barrier there to unleash your soul weapons you must destroy is different to every person so take your time there's no rush.' It took half an hour but eventually everyone unleashed their weapons, except for Angrond. ‘Angrond what's wrong?' John said walking over to Angrond. ‘I don't know...when you said a barrier what did it feel like?' He asked. ‘With me? Well it was a wooden barrier if it could be described as such.' ‘Well...with me it's like a huge stone wall and the only thing that I have to beat it down are my hands.' Angrond said still trying to unleash his katana. ‘Well keep trying and let me know if you need a little more advice.' The next few days past with no success until finally Angrond asked "John you said something about more advise?' ‘Yes I did...I take it you no success?' ‘None.' "Very well...There are some Soul Weapons that are so god damn stubborn that you may have to call out to it instead of breaking down the door." ‘How? Do I just 'hey can you help me out here?' ‘Pretty much. But your life may have to be in danger as well.' ‘Well with me living Dark woods that shouldn't be a problem.' "Yes it shouldn't be too difficult at all...good luck." ‘Thank you.' *** [End of Flash back] *** Angronds eyes snapped open his eyes. "YES!" He yelled. He looked into his mind and found the familiar wall but this time there was a door there he called out. 'Hey you mind lending a hand here?' The door creaked open and time stopped for a moment. *** [Angronds mind] *** Angrond opened his eyes and found himself in a huge open area of a stone floor. ‘Where am I?' 'Your inside your mind.' Said a maniacal voice. 'Who's there!?' Angrond said turning around to see something that made his heart skip more than a few beats. A huge 24 foot tall dragon, with shiny pitch black scales, his tail spade was two sets of spikes, two on the bottom and two on the top, that were horizontal instead of vertical, he had spine spikes that faced outwards instead of inwards like most dragon tail spades, his back spines bent outward like normal dragons but near the tips it started to take on a wave like curves ,his horns went forward out of the side of his head (DnD the black dragons horns), he had incisor teeth that all dragons had and were around three to four feet in length and around three inches thick but his lateral incisors were at least a yard long and three and a half inches wide and had three sets of spikes coming out of them, each were around five inches long and were on either side of them parallel to his other teeth and they split the teeth into thirds. But his eyes was what shocked Angrond the most, the dragons where that of a cat that like a normal dragons but he had black dots on his irises! He had two on the top of his iris and two at the bottom and six horizontally three on the left and right, and his iris color was red. 'So you're my new master now eh?' The dragon said raising an eyebrow. 'Master?' Angrond asked 'Yes apparently your my new master kid so what do you want me to do?' After a while Angrond said 'well I guess your name would be nice.' 'You don't know my name? I've been telling you since your mother gave you me.' 'You have?' 'Yes think and it'll come to you along with my power...use it well.' The dragon said slowly vanishing and Angrond felt himself being pulled back ward looking back he saw the door rapidly approaching. The door closed as he heard a maniacal laughter and heard faintly 'Interesting.' *** [End] *** Angronds eyes snapped open and he was exploding with energy. The demon dropped him and screamed as his hand was skinned of a flesh leaving to muscle exposed to the air. Angrond landed on all fours growling, his eyes were that of a cats again but his eyes where changing color instead of the green with gold they were turning to red with tiny black dots, and instead of just one dot there was four one on top and bottom on both of his eyes instead of just one on one of his eyes. He looked over to Katherine and seeing that she was knocked out with a small trickle of blood coming out of her mouth. he stood up throwing his head up to the skies and let lose a yell so powerful that the magic field keeping everyone from helping Angrond (Incase you were wondering why no one was helping them it's because they put up a barrier to minimize casualties) almost shattered. When he looked back down he yelled 3 words. "Reign supreme Ailaloria!" he fell to all fours again and everyone could see that the back of his trench coat looked like bubbles were bubbling underneath and the same thing was happing where his tail bone was and to everyone's amassment his katana (Still on his back) was glowing a black aura in pulsating waves. Angrond was screaming in a mixture of pain and anger, then finally the back and tail bone areas of his trench coat burst open. Everyone looked in awe as they saw what happened to Angrond, He had pitch black wings the leathery fabric was a slight tone down but still pretty black which were ten feet in wing span, and a seven foot long tail of the same color black and on the end was a single set of spikes on the top and underside of it. Also his lateral incisors were half a foot long with three sets of spikes on the left and right sides. His nails grew into 3 inch claws and his katana was now a broad sword with only one sharpened side and it had a vicious look to it (Here's the link if you want to see what I have in mind: it's called blood moon). Angrond now stood up and instantly had Ailaloria in his hand and simply vanished doing a flash step so fast that it took everyone a few seconds to see Angrond on the back of the demon and had slashed it deeply across its back in a vertical motion and placing his feet on the back of the sword and using his weight he rode down the demons back gashing it deeply across its spinal cord. Angrond now was laughing maniacally (watch Bleach and you'll know what I'm talking about, if your too lazy to watch it completely let me know and I'll give you the specific ep.) "This feels fantastic!! This feeling....I feel INVIBILE!!" He yelled in a voice that echoed slightly (Bleach yet again) as he landed on the ground and bringing Ailaloria to his mouth he brought out his now serpentine tongue and wrapped it around the blade and licked it taking most of the blood off. Swallowing he felt even more power flow through him. "FANTASTIC!!" He yelled at the now panicking demon who decided to do the only thing it could do, in a last ditch effort he tried to use a freezing touch on Angrond who merely step sided it and sliced its neck open making blood gush out all over Angrond who only laughed more extending his tongue he licked off all the blood from his face, then turning to the dead demon his walked up slowly with a thin maniacal smile (since I'm getting tired of saying this go to to see what I'm talking about, if it doesn't work then let me know so I can fix the problem.) and when he got to the things neck everyone leaned forward to only pale as Angrond opened his mouth and sunk his half a foot long teeth into the demons neck. Many people in the audience retched and others had to look away. After a few minutes of this Angrond withdrew from the now pale corpse of the Demon as Angrond completely sucked out all of the blood in its veins. licking the rest of the blood on his sword Angrond swung it above his head then slashed in a diagonal from left to right changing it back to a normal katana and with that his teeth returned to normal except that they were now all incisors even his back teeth were now sharp and pointed, his eyes turned completely normal, but his wings and tail remained and his nails retracted but now they were now an inch long claws and extremely tough. And his tongue was still forked and now around a half a foot long. All right Ailaloria what's happening to me? You're now my master, so you get some of my powers and physical traits in my normal form. Very know I've always wanted to have a dragon's wings and tail. Of course I know enjoy them. Angrond smiled and looked up at the staring audience. Shit Katherine! He remembered and ran over to her and slid on his knees when he got near, placing his pointer and middle finger on her neck for a pulse. She's alive but she has four broken ribs and one pierced lung and there's some bone in her blood stream and her skulls fractured...well here goes. He thought placing a hand on her forehead and concentrating light energy into her he fixed her skull first then the bone fragments in her system the replaced the ribs and repaired the punctured lung, when she didn't regain conciseness he started to worry. ‘What's wrong with her Ailaloria?' ‘She must still be thinking you're dead...try kissing her.' ‘What?' ‘Just trust me Angrond.' ‘...Fine' Angrond leaned forward and lightly brushed his lips with hers pouring in some of the love he had for her in the kiss. She woke up almost instantly and when she saw Angrond kneeling next to her with concern on his face she almost tackled him hugging him in joy. "Oh Angrond I thought you were dead when your eyes closed I'm so happy your O.K.!!" She said tears of joy on her face as she bearing her face in his neck. The crowd seeing this started there deafening roar again clapping happily. "Hey I'm fine. I'm more concerned with your health are you O.K.?" Angrond said hugging her back "I'm fine." She said quietly. In a few moments the teachers came out and Angrond remembered something pushed a confused Katherine back he speed walked with his back slightly hunched over he pushed the teachers out of the way and grabbed the headmaster with both hands by the collar of his shirt and in a dangerous voice. "What's the big idea hear? Trying to kill me are you?" "On the contrary Angrond we did that to help you." "HELP ME!! YOU ALMOST HAD ME KILLED!!" "It was necessary to help you unleash your katana. You signed up for the Tylaes Eisaelae with that in mind didn't you?" This stopped Angrond, he was still pissed but it had helped. Finally he gave a low growl but let the headmaster down. "You're lucky I can't stay angry at people Headmaster." He said turning around and walking a few steps before he collapsed in exhaustion. Everyone gasped and Katherine was there instantly. "Angrond!! Are you all right!?" "I'm... fine...just exhausted... that's all." "Don't speak; we'll get you to the hospital wing." She said. "Stand aside miss we'll get him there." Said a doctor leading a few medics with a stretcher. *** Hospital Wing *** "He will be O.K. won't he doctor?" "I keep telling you he just used up to much energy. He'll be fine after he has a few hours of rest, you yourself should get some that was a nasty hit you took there." "I'll stay here. He healed me completely so I'm fine" "That's you decision not mine but I'll be going now." "Thank you doctor." "It's what I do, good day miss." The doctor said walking out of the room. Katherine looked back to the sleeping man in front of her. I can't believe he did that. How did he defeat a Greater demon in three hits? Her thoughts were interrupted as the headmaster came in. "Headmaster what brings you here?" "I came to check on you. Shouldn't you be sleeping?" "I'm fine. I want to be here when he wakes up." She said looking back at Angrond with concern in her eyes. "Very well the cafeteria is down the hall if you get hungry." He said walking out of the room but before he left he said one thing "I've told the doctors to stay away unless you call." She only nodded her head without taking her eyes of Angrond. True to her word she stayed there until finally after an hour Angrond stirred and opened his eyes and saw Katherine face looking at him in pure joy. "Is this a dream?" He asked with a smile on his face. Katherine laughed lightly and bending down to him she whispered to him. "If it is then it's a very good one." She said before kissing him full on the lips, brushing her tongue on his teeth with her hair falling around both of them and placing both of her hands on the sides of his face and after the initial shock he parted his teeth and brought out his long serpent tongue and tasted her mouth and tongue, when she got over the shock of him now having a serpentine tongue she did the same. Angrond brought up a hand and placed it on her cheek getting her to moan slightly and lean into his hand. After a few minutes Angrond got more bold and pushed his tongue further into her mouth and explored the roof of her mouth and her back teeth. She was surprised but she did the same exploring his teeth she took in his flavor, she couldn't quite place it but his taste reminded her of a pine forest, as did his smell just breathing in one lung full she could swear that she was in a pine forest and as he breathed out his nose she could feel the pine wood breeze on her skin. She didn't know why but he seemed to be a pine forest and for some reason she like it immensely. Angrond was getting the same treatment, her taste reminded him of a cool river, just washing all his worries away, her breath felt like a cool river and it sounded like one too, it was he could do not to force himself upon her but what he couldn't stop was his tongue going even farther to the back of her throat. She gagged a little but began to like this as well. Angrond couldn't help but get extremely aroused by this and hoped she didn't see this. She was thinking the same thing trying her best to calm down but it was hopeless so she just quit trying, Angrond smelt it instantly and once again had to repress the urge to force himself on her, and Ailaloria wasn't helping any. Come on you know you want to. Shut up Ailaloria. She wants it to are you going to be able to say no to her? Easily now go away if you aren't going to help. All right if you really want me to. Thank you. Yea whatever but I think I'll make you enjoy this, here... Katherine was pretty much on cloud nine right now she thrust her tongue back into Angronds mouth as far as it would go, brushing against his uvula making him gag a little but otherwise enjoying this new feeling. Apparently with his new found power all of his senses were enhanced at least ten fold, everything was sharper: he could easily smell the food on the other end of the hall and apparently Katherine scent was natural making him love her even more as he realize she didn't cover up any of her natural beauty, he could easily see all the little marks on the door down to the littlest crack and that she didn't use make up like other girls, he could feel the scaliness of Katherine skin, her taste was enhanced as well she went from a mere essence of a cool river to almost tasting like a pure river (not that moldy taste), and his hearing so sharp he could hear her heart beat rapidly in her chest. Finally after what seemed like forever they separated, a small string of saliva bridged them together for a moment before it broke. Both of them were breathing hard just looking into each other's eyes, Angrond into Katherine green orbs and Katherine into Angronds green and gold. They stayed there for a few minutes before Katherine finally broke the silence. "Wow." She whispered "That was a bit more than a wow to me." Angrond said smiling with love just pouring out of his eyes. "Angrond I...I love you." She said blushing slightly "Same here...More than anything or anyone I've known, to the point it's almost uncontrollable." Angrond said not even blushing, just looking into her eyes with the same look of infinite love. She smirked at this coming back down again she whispered into his ear "Oh really? Show me just how uncontrollable it is." Angrond put both of his hands on her face this time and sitting up, bringing her head towards him Angrond didn't hold any of his emotional walls back this time letting all of his love for her spill out in one more deep passionate kiss. She was overwhelmed by the amount of emotion coming from him to the point see saw spots for a few moments before melting to the kiss and placing both of her hand on Angronds face as well and poured her new found love into him. Angrond swore he was in heaven the woman of his dreams was actually kissing him with emotion he thought she would never return. They stayed like that for at least ten minutes; time was lost to them as they showed their love for each other openly till they finally parted again with yet another strand of saliva bridging them together. They were panting now, looking into each other's eyes as they tried to catch their breath. Till finally Katherine spoke. " tell you the truth I've never felt this overwhelming love for someone before...I...If we do decide to become lovers can you let me take my own pace with this?" She asked blushing furiously looking away and expecting him to say no. Angrond let one hand fall to his side and with the other he placed it under her chin and raised her head and looked into her eyes again with care and love and placing his forehead to hers. "Katherine even if you didn't ask I would let you set your own pace because this is first time for me as well." He said softly. She looked at him with such joy he thought she would burst right there. "Thank you Angrond!" She said tackling him and hugging him so tightly that he could have sworn he heard a bone pop. "Can't...breathe...suffocating...uncle...uncle!" He said in a strangled voice. She realized she was hugging him a bit too hard so she loosed up a bit and kissed him in apology, which needless to say he accepted fully. He turned so there backs were facing the wall and laid down on the pillows with Katherine stretched on him not caring if she felt his erection, which she did looking down her eyes widened as she something she didn't expect. Angrond looked at her confusion and looked down and his eyes widened as well. In-between them was an 18 in. by 4 in. long monster that was coming up through the waist band of his trench coat and up the upper section a few inches. "Angrond how the hell" Katherine gasped. "I...have no idea." He said just as much surprised as she was. Normally his cock was a normal sized 7 inches by 2 inches. It was about the only unremarkable thing about him. Why it doubled in size was beyond to his, unless.... ‘Ailaloria did you do this?' ‘I told you that you would inherit some traits from me.' ‘Yes but...*sigh* fine you win on this one but I have two questions for you.' ‘What' ‘One, is your cock that small?' ‘No you ass I'm not that much of an idiot!' ‘What do you mean?' ‘How would you like to walk around with a cock 10 ft long by 4 ft wide even when it's flaccid?' ‘Never mind second question.' ‘Yes?' ‘Will it continue to grow?' ‘No only if your girlfriend wants it to.' ‘What do you mean?' ‘By default it will only get as big as she can take it without hurting herself.' ‘Ah...' ‘Yes but if she wants' it bigger it'll grow' ‘K just thought I'd ask.' "Angrond?" "Sorry I have no idea why it's that big Katherine." Angrond said shaking his head. "Oh well it's just one more thing I can appreciate about you." She said smiling. "Yep." He said yawning. "But Katherine I need you to confirm for me." "What is it?" "Even though I think we've already said yes to this I must ask...will you be my lover?" "What happened to starting with girlfriend?" She laughed, Angrond smiled at this but when he still looked at her waiting for an answer she smiled and laid her head on his chest feeling the power there, she finally sighed saying "Yes Angrond I will, now and forever I will always be." "Oh god I hope not!" Angrond said with worry in his face, she looked at him with a questioning glance. "What?" "If you intend to do that then how am I going to become your husband?" He said smiling. She giggled a little at this. "Well for the time being then how's that?" "Much better." "Good... Well good night my insane Knight." She said closing her eyes and hugging him. Angrond looked out of the window to see it was indeed night outside. Realizing she used insane he asked. ‘Ailaloria what does she mean insane?' ‘You didn't pay attention in class the other day did you?' ‘What class?' ‘The one where they said how soul weapons had a certain element they were infused with?' ‘That one yes I paid attention, but what element are you?' ‘Ice.' ‘O.K. and the insane part?' ‘*Sigh* so you only paid half of your attention.' ‘Just tell me!' ‘Fine. Almost all soul weapons have an element yes?' ‘Yea.' ‘But not that many have an emotion or states of being do they?' ‘I read something on that once so you're telling me that yours is Insanity?' ‘Yes.' ‘Hhmm... Well do you know if Katherine has one?' ‘Yes it does...It would be rage.' ‘Rage...that's odd but I'll take your word'. With that he whispered to her. "Good night my raging princess." *** Few days later *** The next few days the Teachers deiced to let the students rest and recover from the exiting experience yesterday. So Angronds friends were off visiting family. During witch Angrond recovered and decided to show Katherine his home. *** [Dark woods] *** "Are you sure were going the right way?" Katherine asked staying close to Angrond as they proceeded to go deeper into the forest. "Relax as long as I'm here you have nothing to worry about." He said smiling. They walked farther into the forest and a few minutes later they could see Angronds tower. Katherine was surprised at this "You live there?" She gasped pointing to the tower. "Yep" "Like a decrepit old wizard?" [Raindrop] <--- (refers to the raindrop that appears on the back of an anima characters head) "Well a house would mean I'd have to destroy the trees hear and that's just asking for trouble." "I'm kidding Angrond you need to loosen up." Katherine said laughing. Angrond weakly laughed along ‘Yea Angrond you need to be me!' ‘Shut up.' They were almost there when they heard a rustling in the bushes to the left and Angrond stopped and turned that direction. "What is it?" Katherine asked hugging Angronds arm all of the myths of the forests creatures flashing through her mind. "A friend." He said smiling still looking at the bushes. A few moments past before a sudden movement and a grey blur came right at Angrond and pounced on him. Katherine screamed as she saw a huge grey and silver wolf was growling at Angrond who was only smiling at it. Katherine was about to attack but realized it was licking him and he was laughing hysterically. "Ahhaha stop it ahhaha please I give! I give." He said trying to get away from the licking tongue. The wolf seemed satisfied with Angronds surrender and after licking him from his neck up to his hair line it got off. "Ahh thank you Molaes." He said wiping his face off with his arm sleeve and getting up petted it on the head saying "Katherine I want you to meet Molaes she's the dark woods protector." "Is this the old friend you were talking about Angrond?" She said still a little afraid of her. "Yes she is. Molaes this is Katherine, she's a very important friend to me take good care of her K?" He said smiling to her. Katherine saw her mind working as she looked from Angrond to Katherine then a look of understanding crossed her face and Katherine could swear that the wolf smiled. Molaes stood up and walked over to Katherine who started to back away but Angrond stopped her saying "Relax she only wants' to get your far as I know anyway." He said smiling. "What do you mean as far as you know?" She asked still a little frightened about the wolf the size of a horse as she started to sniff Katherine hair, arms, chest, armpits, stomach and proceeded to go lower. Angrond smiled saying "Well as life of a protector of such a huge forest has left her a very lonely wolf." And just a he said that Molaes's nose brushed against her crotch getting her to cry out in surprise at the sudden pressure as her hands went to her mouth almost doubling over in pleasure as the wolf seemed to know where all her sensitive spots were. "Damit Angrond why didn't you tell me this?!" Katherine said moaning. "For two reasons: one - I couldn't wait to see your face, two - who am I to deny a horse of a wolf from having an award for protecting me and my home eh? And besides that...she's a lesbian." Katherine was still doubled over in pleasure and was close to orgasm but managed one last sentence. "Dame you Angrond!" With that she had a minor orgasm but it was enough to make her fall over on her front, panting she started to panic when to wolf moved to stand over her. "Angrond?" She asked slowly. "Just relax." Was all he said sitting on a rock. "Great thanks." she said sarcastically she was about to say something else but was stopped by a huge wolf tongue entering her mouth tasting her. Just what I need to be raped by a wolf then get eaten while he gets a hard on. She thought looking over to Angrond, he didn't have one but the look in his eye told her he was enjoying himself. Her eyes narrowed dangerously at him but the tongue in her mouth brought her back to the more prudent mess right now. As the tongue went in further she realized that was the only thing the wolf was doing. Strange but I guess she just wants to kiss? If so I guess it couldn't hurt. While she hated to admit it she was turned on by this, the ruff tongue of the wolf against hers felt extremely good and she started to kiss back, wrestling with the wolf tongue getting a pleasurable moan from the wolf. After a while the wolf started to push her tongue to the back of Katherine mouth making her gag but got used to it quickly, but what see didn't expect was the wolf pushed even farther going down her throat a few inches she almost barfed but kept it down, after that the wolf started to thrust with her tongue witch made both of them raise in there arousal and getting Katherine to moan out in pleasure. After a few minutes of the both of them were on the edge and Katherine was so engrossed in this that when the wolf thrusted her hips against her and the added pressure (In the case of the wolf texture) made her climax and the wolf didn't mind either as it also made her climax. Panting Katherine looked up at the wolf who licked her entire cheek and moving to the side to allow Katherine to get up looking over at Angrond now had a look of concern on his face. "I hope you didn't mind that too much, you understand that I really needed to state Molaes need as she was getting moody." Angrond said. "I guess not...but Angrond next time you need to do something like this please let me know." She said noticing that he really was sorry and he had a legit reason for what he did. "Yes I'm sorry." he said standing up. "It's fine really...while I hate to admit it I liked that very much." She said smiling to the wolf and scratching her behind her ears. The wolf closed her eyes and leaned into Katherine hand. Angrond smiled at this saying "Well I'm pretty sure Molaes wouldn't mind would you?" The wolf opened her eyes, happily barked, tongue hanging out panting and with her tail wagging getting both of them to laugh. With that Katherine got up and so did Molaes who gently nuzzled Katherine in the waist and bounded at Angrond who step sided but as she past by him he brought his hand up and pet her as she went back into the forest. "I have to admit she hasn't been that happy in a while...really thou Katherine you don't mind?" He said turning around to face her once again concern in his eyes. "Angrond for the last time it's fine I really don't mind!" She said smiling at him and standing up then she said with a straight face "But I really appreciate your concern thou." walking up to him standing on her tip toes she kissed him lightly on the cheek "For someone who looks like you certainly care a lot. If anything I wish she would have been rougher." She said smiling. Angrond laughed "Well don't expect her to be soft on you next time; I've seen how aggressive she can be." Katherine smiled even more at this rapping her arms around Angronds neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Perfect." She whispered kissing him full on the lips entwining their tongues. When they finished Angrond noticed something. "Katherine." "Yes?" "Have you taken a shower since yesterday?" She thought about that for a second then shaking her head she said "I don't think so why? I don't smell do I?" Angrond smiled shaking his head. "I don't think you could ever smell Katherine. No it's just that you have that blood stain from the Tylaes Eisaelae still on your mouth." he said. "I do? That's'd think with all the kissing I've been doing that would go away." She said smiling. "Here I'll get it off." Angrond whispered leaning down sticking his serpent tongue to the side of her mouth. She gasped at the new sensation. "Don't stop." she whispered to him leaning her head up in bliss but when he stopped she looked and realized that he was shaking and his eyes were wide and she thought she could see his pupils flashing from normal to that of a cats, she started at this Is it true then what they said...this can't be good. Ailaloria what are you playing at? She tastes extremely well Angrond...its hard control what's going on right now. I know she tastes fantastic but with what you're thinking about we'd only be able to taste her once and once only. What are you suggesting then? You let me take the pace so we can enjoy it more. ...very well. "Angrond?" Katherine said fearfully. Angrond didn't stop shaking but his eyes stopped changing so she relaxed. "Sorry Katherine, Ailaloria was getting impatient." Angrond apologized. "Ailaloria? Isn't that your soul weapon? What do you mean Impatient?" She asked. "Yes he's my soul weapon, and he feels everything I do and has the same emotions I do about you except he's more impulsive about them than I am." Angrond explained. Katherine was slightly shocked at this, but she recovered quickly and even got a mischievous smile on her face getting a questioning glance from Angrond. She ignored that leaning against Angrond more she seductively traced her nail on Angronds chest looking with lust in her eyes. "Sooo...Ailaloria is it? Well, well what am I going to do about this? A soul weapon that has the hots for me eh? Sounds fun." she whispered "You think I taste good do you Ailaloria? Well maybe if you're a good boy I'll let you taste me again." Damn talk about a seductress! I know she almost made me want to do it again. Damit Angrond if she keeps this up I KNOW I won't be able to hold back no matter how much you promise to let me taste her! I know I'm not fairing any better. "So what do you say Ailaloria? You going to be a good boy now?" She said seductively. She didn't even flinch when Angronds voice went from matured to the slightly maniacal one of Ailaloria. "Woman if you promise to keep your promise you could get me to fuck myself." Ailaloria said to Angronds surprise in almost begging tone. Katherine smiled at this "I don't know about that but that's a good boy...Now come here!" She said grabbing Angrond by his collar and with surprising strength pulled him down to her but before they kissed she bit into her tongue drawing blood. "Katherine what are you--" "Shut up and kiss me damit." She said in a quiet but dangerous voice that did shut him up and move into kiss her. When their tongues touched Angrond couldn't help but suck on her tongue. He couldn't quite place what her blood tasted like just that he wanted more, and badly. Oh damn that's good! Holy crap Ailaloria you weren't kidding! About what? Your fucking cock size! Why are you looking there anyway? Well it's kind of hard to not notice something that's roughly 4 times the size as me! If not then bigger! Jealous? ...kinda yea. Hahaha don't worry if she likes a lot of pain someday all this might be yours. You know damn well I won't put her through that. I know I know now shut up and let me enjoy this. Agreed They did that for a few minutes till the wound closed. Katherine was panting, slightly pale, and slightly dizzy from blood loss. Angrond looked at her in concern. "Katherine are you all right?" "I...I think so just...a little dizzy that's Ailaloria satisfied now?" Surprising both of them Ailaloria talked with a mixture of happiness and concern. "Yes I am thank you Katherine now it's my turn." Angrond leaned forward Katherine was leaning back but Angrond knew what Ailaloria had in mind and lifted his hand from her back and placed it on the back of her head. They kissed and as soon as their tongues touched Ailaloria let his appreciation show by giving Katherine some of the arousal he got from that kiss to her. Katherine was overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure that one kiss could give to him; she gave out a long, slow moan. When Angrond went to pull back she surprised both of them by grabbing the back of Angronds head and literally shoved his head forward. ‘Congrats Ailaloria, you've made a woman go insane with pleasure.' ‘Hey what can I say? It's what I do.' When she finally let go she had regained some color, panting harder, but no longer dizzy. "That...was...awesome!" She said "I'm glad you liked it but you look a little pale. Here let me help with that." He said pulling her closer she knew what he was about to do but she didn't care, what's love without a little pain right? He bit his tongue but to his surprise she reopened her own wound, but he didn't stop he kept going finally kissing her. The taste sent them both in to frenzy, frantically sucking each other's tongues to get as much blood as they could. The taste was so heavenly they wouldn't have been surprised if they heard angels right now. They kissed for a long time till finally their wounds closed. Katherine was pale now Angrond was slightly pale but not enough to tell. "Katherine if we don't stop were going to kill each other...thou I have to say it wouldn't be a bad way to go." He said smiling at her. She smiled back "I agree...I'm afraid I'm too weak to move right now thou." She said and cried out when Angrond suddenly released himself from her turned around and caught her as she fell down, he looked at her and nodded as she wrapped her arms around his neck he stood up and giving her a piggy-back started to walk to his tower. As he moved she could feel his muscles rippling and moving with each step, sighing contently she laid her head on his shoulder and looked at the sky, it was noon already! They left at the crack of dawn and here they were five hours later just now reaching his tower, as soon as they got there her stomach roar so loud Angrond jumped five feet in the air. "Christ woman if you were hungry you should have let me know!" He said his heart racing. "S-sorry I guess in the excitement of it all we lost track of time." She said moaning a little. "Yea I guess you're right." he said looking at the sky. "Well I'll fix something to eat once we get you in." He said placing a hand on the door and said "Odael." And the door opened without a sound. "Well here we are." He said stepping into the tower. "Wow." Was all she could say as she as looked at Angronds house. "How the hell did you get such priceless items?" "I'm a part time monster hunter so I get to keep whatever is in there lairs unless the person wants it." He said walking in and setting her down on a very comfortable chair. "How long have you been doing this?" She asked as she looked around "Only a few years now." He said going to the kitchen and rummaging thru the pots and pans. "What are hungry for?" He asked. "Ahh...I'll just take a salad." She said. Angrond looked at her in confusion."What?" She asked as Angrond crossed his arms and leaned against the wall raising an eyebrow. "Woman that roar would have scared a grown bear away. In fact I'm surprised Molaes didn't come rushing here to see if a dragon didn't come." "I know I know but I'm trying to keep my figure here, you have no idea on how hard it is." She said blushing slightly. Angrond sighed and pulled a head of lettuce and a knife out and started chopping. " you want anything on it?" He said looking at the lettuce. "Yea black olives, okra, peppers, pickles, and a slice of chicken." She said smiling at him, he smiled to but kept his eyes on the lettuce. "That's my girl." *** After dinner Katherine pated her stomach sighing happily. "Damn you're good at cooking." Angrond smiled. "I know but I've had practice and I've experimented with various plants that most people wouldn't even consider." "Like the vyrol plant." Katherine paled almost instantly. "Angrond...that's the second most deadly poison plant in the world." She whispered expecting to turn black at any moment. Angrond just went and sat down in the opposite chair smiling at her. "Now Katherine you know me well enough to know that I wouldn't do that to you, I've tested it many times and even a stomach as fragile as Molaes's enjoyed it." Katherine face returned mostly to normal except that she still had some blood loss. "Katherine you sure your O.K.? You're still pale." His face lined with concern. "Yea I've recovered from most of it." She said standing up, a little wobble but otherwise she was fine. "Come on show me around your house I can't wait to see what treasures you have here." She said happily. Angrond stood up. "Of course come on." He held out his arm and she took it and he showed her his house: they started with the first floor - she already saw his living room with its comfy red chairs, warm fire place, a red couch in the back corner with a black coffee table, on the walls he had various pictures of monsters and there gory past on the edge / they moved onto the kitchen - first off it was huge! It could easily fit ten people in it! in the center it had an island (Table in the middle if the room) and a stove/oven that could fit at least five enormous pots on it (Angrond used fire energy instead of wood or gas) and the stove was big as well probably able to fit a large dog in. / next they moved to the next level the guest level, when she inquired about why he made an entire level for guests he said that he had nothing better to do at the time, there was a total of ten rooms each had an outrageously comfortable bed designed for two a chest-of-drawers, a closet, privet bathroom (Powered by water energy) and a balcony with two wooden chairs. / Then they moved to the armory, in a corner was a furnace and anvil with various molds next to it, everywhere else on the wall were various weapons the Angrond had made, everything from simple daggers to exotic weapons from across the world. / Next they moved to Angronds Level, it was by far the best room so far, there was a HUGE black bed in a corner it could easily fit a dragon on it and to top it off it was so god damn soft and warm it took every bit of will power not to lay down on it, in another corner there was another fire place that was also comforting, two more black chairs every bit as comfy as the bed, on the wall was the biggest collection of books she had ever seen! each shelf was dedicated to an element and the bottom two were filled with nothing but fantasy and the shelf above that was filled with books about the study of monsters, she noticed that a particularly big section was about dragons. She also noticed a ladder leading up thru the ceiling when she asked about it Angronds smile became so much deeper she couldn't help but laugh and smile along with him. "Come on I'll show one of the two wonders of my tower." He said climbing up part way and looked down to see if she was following then climbed even farther up when they got to the top he told her to close her eyes and open her mouth, she giggled a little closing her eyes and opening her mouth. When she did she felt his tail brush against her mouth and she playfully bit it keeping it in her mouth. He started climbing a stone spiral stair case "Careful if you fall your taking a part of my tail with you." He warned chuckling a little. They slowly proceeded up the staircase then she heard what sounded like a trap door open and she felt a warm breeze against her face. "Come here I need to pick you up." He said pulling his tail and she walked into his hands as he lifted her up, she was surprised how easily he picked her up, he didn't even grunt. She heard herself land on wood and when she felt the tug of his tail again she walked forward until it pushed against her teeth then she stopped and opened her mouth to let his tail go. "K open your eyes now." He said. She opened her eyes and clasped her hands to her mouth gasping at the sight before her: It was the Dark forest but unlike underneath it the overhead view was breath taking the way the setting sun hit the tops of the oak trees and she could see a lake off to the north and she could see the school to the south but when she saw Angrond facing to the east she walked over to him and without saying he pointed straight ahead. She followed his gaze and what she saw made her heart stop for a few seconds, right in front of her was, without a doubt, the most beautiful mountain range she had EVER seen. The way the sun's setting light cast a beautiful purple and orange tint to the snow on the tops of the mountains and the moister in the air caused by the waterfalls doting them made a rainbow that covered the entire middle section of the mountains, but it didn't last as the sun set behind the horizon and when she turned to Angrond he was looking at her smiling. "That was beautiful Angrond. What?" She asked when Angrond put his hand up to her mouth. He was still smiling but just pointed up. She gave him a questioning glance but looked up and her eyes went wide and her pupils dilated so much Angrond was afraid she might have had a seizure. "Katherine?" He asked worried. She didn't look down but her eyes weren't so dilated so Angrond smiled when she whispered "Oh my god Angrond this is so beautiful." He looked up with her. "I never thought I'd see northern lights in my entire life." "I know...This is the reason I decided to live here. Every night this happens." He said looking back down at her. It was now his turn for his heart to stop dead, he gasped so hard he though his lungs may have stretched. Katherine looked down to see Angrond wide eyed with his eyes so dilated that she could barely see his pupils. "Angrond are you O.K.?" She asked. "You're not seeing yourself right now Katherine." he said breathlessly. Katherine's hair now had a purple tint to it and in Angronds eyes his princess skipped ahead to a goddess instantly. "Katherine are you sure you're not at least part goddess because right now I'm having a hard time convincing myself otherwise." She could see her reflection in his eyes and she could see why he said that, looking at Angrond she could see the purple lights casted a tint on his hair that had the effect of making it seem even darker and there for his eyes stood out so much that was all she could look at. Smiling and taking a step forward she put her arms around his neck and pulling him in closer her eyes had a mischievous gleam to them, she whispered "maybe I am? What would you do if I said I was?" "Well if you were I'd be the luckiest man on the planet." he said wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her in closer. She smiled and leaned forward and whispered. "So true, now then what's this second wonder you talked about?" Angrond smirked. "Oh I can't remember...maybe you can help me?" He said leaning in close, she smiled, closing her eyes and leaning in closer. If anyone could have seen those two they could have sworn they had seen two gods in that purple light. To make it seem even more spectacular was that a comet shower started to fall (But not like 'oh my god the skies falling' thing, just a beautiful sky of shooting stars). Katherine opened her eyes and saw that Angrond was looking at her and when she saw the reason for his shock she looked up at the sky at the shower above her looking into his eyes she could see that the lights were also reflecting off Angronds eyes as well. "You know if this keeps up I'm going to you are either causing this or we are very lucky. You do know the chances of this happing right?" She said raising an eyebrow. Angrond laughed at this hugging her. "I know come on lets go." Walking down again to the first floor Angrond kicked over a rug revealing. "Nothing here." She said kinda disappointed, Angrond smirked. "Now Katherine you should know enough about me to know not to judge a book by its cover." As he said that he tapped a stone tile and a section of the floor depressed and slid out of the way to revile an opening to a stair case, Angrond held his tail up. "Shall we?" Katherine got the hint and giggling again closing her eyes and biting down on his tail he lead her down into the basement. They walked down the staircase and walked in a straight line for a few minutes before she felt the pressure against her teeth and stopped. "K open your eyes." She slowly opened her eyes. "Angrond?" "Yes?" "Where are you?" "Right here." Katherine opened her eyes to pitch black darkness and when she heard Angrond fire of a light attack she gasped at what see saw. "Angrond what is this." "My hobby." Angrond was leaning with his arms crossed, smiling, on a giant pillar of crystals and gemstones. Katherine was standing In HUGE cavern, a dragon would have committed genocide for this cavern, every square inch of the walls and ceiling was covered in various gemstones and crystals the floor was also crystal but they were cut to make tiles and the entire room was supported by four pillars at least ten feet in diameter and at the top and bottoms of the pillars crystals shot out of them when they touched the ground or ceiling. "This is your hobby? Angrond how long have you been working on this?" She said still dazed at the mirage of colors. "For about 6 years now." He said also looking around still smiling. "You started this when you were 10?" She said looking at him. "Yes for about 2 years I worked on the tunnel when I found a cave slightly smaller than this, so during my 13th and 14th years I was smoothing out the edges and since I was 15 I've been collecting gems and crystals and putting them in the holes I made for them. Needless to say, while not a wonder, I'm proud of this room." "I'd say you have a good reason to. But with how you're talking it sounds like you have more than one room?" "Yes two more, one of them is an armory filled with all of my greatest works of weapons, the other would be my bank." "Bank?" " know place to stick your money type bank?" "I know that but why would you dedicate a room to money?" "I told you already I'm a monster hunter part-time, it's a very profitable business." He said getting off the pillar walking over to Katherine. "Well that's kinda the end of the wonders in my tower, unless of course you like to see lots of money and weapons." He said walking to the hall. "What do you want to do?" "I guess it wouldn't hurt to see them anyway." She said reluctantly turning her gazed back to the hall. After walking few a few minutes they came back to the staircase and Angrond turning to a hallway to the left and walked down it. Katherine took a quick glance around she saw the hallway she came from, one in front of her behind the staircase, and the one Angrond was waiting at to the left and one more to the right there was another hallway that looked like it was still being tunneled out. "What's this going to be?" "That is going to be your special room to do with what you will." "You're making a room for me?" she gave a questioning glace to him "Yes if you have a hobby you can put it in here." "Oh..." "What? You couldn't possibly think I'd make you live down here did you?" "No of course not!" "You did." "Well the way you said it what was I supposed to think!?" "Fair enough. Come on." He said walking down the hallway. When they got to the room she was surprised at how creative he was at making weapons look vicious. "How the hell do you make such good weapons when men have to learn their entire lives just to do half as good a job as you?" She asked picking up a two bladed sword. "Practice makes perfect as the old saying goes, and I've had a lot of free time on my hands." He said picking up a broad sword that had spikes going down instead of up. "But all of these are only half way finished." "What else could you possibly do to these to make them better?" "Enchant them of course." "You plan on enchanting these?" "Yep. But unfortunately the ingredients to enchant them is quite high." " you mind?" "No go ahead." Katherine nodded and taking the two bladed sword (specifically a Naginata) and walking to the center of the room she took a stance with it (Onimusha 3 samanoskes stance) and tried some practice swings and stabs. Angrond was surprised at how fluid and yet powerful she was, she almost flew across the room with a swing that could have chopped three men in half. After a few minutes Angrond deiced to test her abilities clapping his hands five orcs appeared, surrounding her. She didn't even hesitate; two became headless almost as soon as they became solid. The other three attacked simultaneously one swinging down, one swinging to the left and the other swung to the right. Katherine seemed to become a blur as she ram the tip of the sword into the ground and using it as a pole she kicked one orc in the face and using her momentum swigged around on the sword kneeing the other in the face and ripping the sword out of the ground she slashed up cutting the orc in half as it tried to use its weight in the attack. Her back turned to Angrond see looked over her shoulder at him sitting there his arms crossed and wide eyed. "What?" She asked turning around to face him. "Katherine...your are just...amazing." He said his eyes returning to normal and a smirk appearing on his face. "Why thank you but flattery won't help you with me." She said with a mischievous gleam in her eye. "What do you- AHH!" He cried out in surprise and barley ducked as the sword went flying where his head was and stuck in the wall, what he didn't dodge was a knee underneath the chin sending him straight into the air chest first. Damn she knows how to hit hard...ow even I felt that If you're not going to help Ailaloria then shut up I need to concentrate. Fine, fine Crossing his arms in an x with his wrists touching Angrond barley blocked an axe kick that would have done some serious damage to him, then he unclenched his fists and grabbed her ankle and yanked bringing her down to his waiting fist or at least it would have if she didn't use her other foot to kick him in the side of the face with the heel of her foot cutting his cheek and made him cough a few droplets of blood. Going with the kick he minimized damage and as he was turning to the left he brought his leg up to kick her in the side of the face as he was facing the ground but once again she used the back of her hand and blocked it then using her other hand she grabbed his ankle and yanked up and kneeing him again in the chin and making his gums bleed. Bringing his legs together with her head in-between his lower legs and doing a somersault in the air he threw her to the ground and dived after her he cocked a fist and turning his side to her he threw the punch only for it to hit the stone floor forming a crater ten feet in diameter. Sensing her behind her he wiped he tail at her neck; not expecting him to do this she was completely unprepared as he wrapped his tail around her throat. "Damn it." She said in a strangled voice as he tightened his grip. Angrond turned around with the same gleam in his eyes. "Shit." Were the last words she ever said as Angronds pounced on her and his agile fingers danced across her body. She laughed so hard she started crying as he found her sensitive spots on her waist, the area above it, lower neck and right next to her breasts. Katherine squirmed to hard Angrond almost let go of her. "Uncle! Uncle!" She said in-between laughs when she managed to get away from Angronds flying fingers. "No mercy." He said in Ailalorias maniacal voice and continued to tickle her until he had his revenge. When he got off her she sat up trying to catch her breath holding her stomach. "You O.K.?" "I think so. I just laughed so hard my stomach hurts." She said smiling at him. Angrond laughed as well then looking at her "Katherine." "Yes?" "You still have that blood stain on the side of your mouth." "Damn it it's still there!?" "Here I'll get it off." He said smiling and leaning forward. She smiled as well and closed her eyes; Angrond brought out his serpent tongue and started at the base of her neck and slowly went up causing her to raise her head and moaned lightly as his rough tongue went up her face. As he reached the stain he tasted the heavenly taste again but it wasn't as strong as before. This is a fucking teaser Angrond! Hurry up! If you don't learn to shut up were going to have problems. If you don't hurry up then I am. "DAMIT AILALORIA IF YOU DON'T LEARN TO BE PATICENT I'LL SEE TO IT YOU NEVER TASTE ME AGAIN!!" Katherine screamed so hard Angronds ears rang. "Sorry Angrond but he's getting on my nerves." She apologized. "It's fine." he said shaking his head. "I'm sorry Katherine but...I just can't help it." Ailaloria apologized more than a little afraid of her now. "Well if you'd be patient you would have already had more of a taste. My advice if you want more of me is to be quite and enjoy it. If you be a good boy like a keep telling you you'd get more than enough of me." She said her eyes softening and a slight smile on her face. "I'll work on it then." Ailaloria promised calming down. "That's better now come here. You have a stain to clean." She said seductively raising the side of her head, looking at Angrond, and pointing at the stain. Angrond smiled reaching out he out a hand on her jaw and pulling her towards him, bringing out his tongue again he started on the base of her neck and when he reached the stain. Well? I'm fine know... you have one forgiveful girlfriend. I know...and I'm glad she is. "Would you stop talking with him and hurry up!" Katherine said breathlessly, visibly shuddering. Angrond continued to go up her face and once he reached her forehead he went back to the stain and started licking it roughly, try to get it off and in his concentration he didn't realize Katherine was shaking with pleasure. When he finished and noticed she was shaking he moved his tongue sideways into her open mouth. As soon as she felt his tongue on hers she tackled him to the ground and grabbed the sides of his head and viciously attacked his mouth. Angrond by now was used to being tackled by her and when he hit the floor he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissing back just as hard. He felt her tongue brush against his teeth drawing blood. Ailaloria? You might as well join the party Angrond and start having as much fun as I am. Angrond took his advice biting his tongue he added his blood to the mix, making both of them lose it and they once again did their blood kiss. After a while there blood was still flowing, worried about her health Angrond expelled a little light energy to close their wounds. Katherine was so far gone she almost bit her tongue again to keep it going but Angrond stopped it by putting his tongue as far back into her mouth as he could touching her uvula bringing her out of her frenzy. Panting hard she opened her eyes and raised her head of Angronds lips and placing her hands on either side of his head on the floor. "I...I'm sorry Angrond...I...just lost control." She said. "It's fine me in know the feeling...Come on you look pale you should get some sleep." "No I'm fine...just a little exhausted that's all." She said rolling over and lying next to Angrond. He brought up a hand and placed it on her cheek getting her to moan lightly and press against it. After a few minutes Katherine was all better and with the help of Angronds shoulder managed to stand up and walk to the only room she hadn't seen yet. They came to the staircase and once again Angrond asked if she was sure she was fine. "I'm fine Angrond...come on lets see this, have some dinner, then we can go to bed." She said. Angrond sighed and led them down the hallway behind the staircase and in a few minutes they turned a corner that doubled back on itself and Katherine went wide eyed at what she saw. "You see why I don't keep my money at a bank now?" He said smiling at her reaction. "Angrond there isn't a bank big enough for all of this." She said. She was in room at least 100 ft wide and long with the ceiling 50 feet up and inside it was almost filled to the brim with gold pieces. "True and when it got this big I had to dig a hole to keep it all here." "It's in a hole!?" She asked turning to him still wide eyed. "Yep." "Angrond will all this money you could live in a castle so why do you choose to live in a tower?" "Because three reasons: 1 - a castle takes years to build, 2 - it takes a lot more work to keep clean, and 3 - if I lived in a castle somewhere along the line someone would get on their high horse and attack me. So this way I live in luxury, in the middle of a monster infested forest no one wants to come in, and have more money than I could hope to spend." He said smiling. Katherine understood and leaned against him with a sigh. "Well with me around you have another thing to spend it on eh?" She said smirking. "Hey now just because were lovers and a potential couple doesn't mean you can milk me for all I'm worth K?" he said half joking half serious. "I know that and I don't intend to." She said suddenly tired. "You want to skip diner?" He asked softly. She nodded her head and without a word he knelt down and hit her lightly across the back of her leg making her fall backward and into his waiting arms, putting one of his arms under the back of her shoulder blades and another behind the back of her knee he carried her back to the staircase and into his tower. "Do you want to sleep with me or by yourself?" He asked quietly. "Where ever you sleep I shall." She said already half asleep. Angrond nodded and led her up to his room, using wind energy he pushed the covers back and using fire energy he lit a fire in the fire place casting an orange tint to the room. Looking outside Katherine saw that the northern lights were gone but the star shower was still going on and looking at Angrond she could see the love in his eyes clearly. Hell he's practically shouting it! She thought he laid her down on the bed and rolling in after her. "Angrond." "Yes?" "I still have my shoes on." "Oh...oops here let me." He said winking at her and ducking under the covers. She could see him moving like a shark under the covers and she laughed when she saw a shark fin phase through the blankets. She could feel Angronds teeth on her laces lightly pulling on them untying them and lightly biting them he pretended he was ripping a fish apart. "Hey watch it! This is the only pair I have!" She laughed lightly. Angrond pulled her shoes off and coming back to her side and laying on his back she rolled onto his chest and sighed contently as she felt his powerful muscles and warmth. "Sleep well my insane knight." She whispered, Angrond wrapped one arm around her waist and the other around her shoulder blades and smiling he whispered back. "Night my raging goddess." *** [The next morning] *** Katherine woke up to find Angrond wasn't there. Sitting up she saw a letter on the bed taking it she read: Morning gorgeous! Sorry I couldn't see you wake up but I need to check on and/or pick something up real quick first. The showers to your left but to get to it you need to press a stone with and symbol of a black dragon. I don't know if I got the right soap but all your other necessities are there and yes I did go to your house and no I didn't stalk you. I merely followed that heavenly scent that I can't seem to get enough of! I fixed breakfast for you as well it's already on the table so eat up! I shouldn't be too long. Yours forever, Angrond Oh almost forgot! Your clothes are on the rack in the bathroom as well...I'm strangely relived you at least wear some underwear XD She was blushing and shaking furiously. "Damn you Angrond." She said crumpling the letter into a ball and throwing it on the floor and cried out when it burst into flames, then the flames turned into a miniature of Angrond who was doubled over laughing, then it fell onto its knees still hugging its stomach then it started beating it's head against the floor for a few minutes before rolling on the floor laughing then with one final laugh it went out, leaving nothing except smoke. Katherine was shaking and blushing so furiously that someone could have seen smoke coming off her. "When he gets back I'm going to kill him." She whispered. She got up and looked for the dragon, finding it easily she pressed it and a slab of the wall slid up to reveal a good sized bathroom. It had a relatively normal sized sink on which was all of her shower supplies, which was unscented, along with a brush. She took her shampoo and body wash and went around a corner to find two things: an overhead shower 10ft by 10ft in size and a HUGE spa. "He has all of this yet he somehow manages to act like a nice person and not a snob." She commented she decided to take a shower first and went over to it; there was a note there as well: It requires fire energy to heat; I know you have at least that element in your arsenal. Enjoy ;) Taking the note down and undressing she stepped into the shower and it instantly locked onto her and started raining cold water on her. Releasing fire energy into the shower head she got it to the right temperature and stared to bath. As her hands wondered over her body her mind started to unconscious think it was Angrond washing her, his strong yet gentle hands starting at her shoulders, massaging them a little, before moving down her back massaging all the way, she stared to moan lightly, then working on her waist, he then started on her firm butt massaging a little harder, she was moaning out load now, he then started on her legs massaging them fully, he stood up slowly and got in front of her smiling, he then started on her collar bone and the front of her neck, she was shaking slightly, he started to go down but respectfully stayed away from her breasts until he got her permission then he started to massage her breasts lightly as he washed them, her moaning was getting louder now, as he went down her stomach and waist she was moaning loudly now, he was about to get up before she quietly whispered "You missed a spot." She could easily see him look at her in all seriousness. "Are you sure?" She nodded and he smiled lightly at her before lightly bring up a hand and started on her privets massaging ever so slightly but with her loud moans egging him on he started to massage harder. Katherine had to place both hands on the shower wall to keep herself from falling down. Then Angrond brought out his long serpent tongue and lightly licked her dripping sex, she was shaking visibly now, he started to get more bold licking harder and harder until she was on the edge then he thrust his tongue in. It sent her over the edge she screamed in pleasure falling on the shower floor orgasming heavily for a few minutes. When she stopped she was panting rapidly almost hyperventilating, she saw Angrond crawl over her looking into her eyes he leaned down and licked her cheek and could hear him speak "only for you." then he vanished. Katherine sat up looked around realizing that it was only her imagination, still panting she stood up and walked out of the shower turning it off she looked around for a towel when she found none she stepped off the mat and as soon as her both of her feet touched the floor a message appeared right in front of her: Think fast! As soon as she read that a ceiling tile opened and a tube came down a few feet. Katherine shrieked as cold air came down and wrapped around her drying her off in a few moments. When it stopped she was shaking as the air wrapping around her turned her on again. Damit Angrond I am going to kill you! But apparently have an orgasm and being pissed off reminded her she skipped diner last as her stomach growled loudly. Putting the clothes on, a simple blue shirt, black panties, and blue pants. Well at least he has a basic understanding of color coordination. She commented taking the brush and after she brushed her hair she went down to the first floor to find that there was two plates, one had sandwiches the other contained bacon, eggs, and tortillas. There was another note as well: Hey Goddess! Sorry about the Blow-dryer, it was kinda a rush job when I built the place when I realized that some people can't use the wind element. But anyway take as much as you like I've already eaten so enjoy! She ate a few sandwiches and a breakfast burrito. Once again she was amazed at how good of a cook he was. When she finished the plates vanished and almost on que she heard the familiar voice and decided to get even. "Odael." The slight sound of stone on stone then the door opened and Angrond walked in, looking around he could sense Katherine above him but decided to play along closing the door he walked a little bit inside to get under her completely. Putting his arms in his pockets he tilts his head a little. "Katherine?" He step sided at the last second and Katherine landed face first on the stone floor. Curling into a ball she grabbed her face in pain groaning. Angrond looked up at the ceiling then looked back at her tilting his head he gave her an innocent look "Why were you on the ceiling?" He asked, she gave him an evil glare before closing her eyes and groaning as another wave of pain washed over her face. He smiled "aww you poor let Angrond make it all better." He said walking up to her kneeling down and putting a hand under her chin raising her face to his closing his eyes and kissing her full on the lips pushing in his tongue and rubbing it everywhere in her mouth. Her groans of pain turned to moans of pleasure as everywhere he touched her was relieved of pain. His hands started to roam over her head making the pain vanish and when his hands were at the base of her head he withdrew a strand of saliva bridging them for a moment before it broke, she was kneeling now and Angrond got down on his stomach and placed his head on her knees giving her a puppy face "Is we forgiven?" She couldn't stand that face, and smiling, placing both hands on the side of his head she brought him to a kneeling position looking him in eyes then she laughed. "How can I say no to that face?" She said before kissing him on the cheek "Welcome home." Angrond smiled "Glad to be back." "So did you get what you were looking for?" She asked as she stood up. Angrond stood up as well placing a hand in his pocket and grabbing something smiling. "Yep." "Well? What is it?" She asked, Angrond shook his head. "It's a surprise for tonight." Katherine pouted a little but seeing the look of intense love raging in his eyes she sighed. "Fine...well what are we going to do today?" She asked looking around. "Actually I want to know if you'd like to play a little game with me?" Angrond asked. "What type of game?" Katherine asked narrowing her eyes. "A little spar is all...with a possible reward for you if you win."Angrond said placing his chin in his hand and rubbing it, thinking. "Go on." she said eyes still narrow. Angrond thought for second then Katherine saw something click and his smile widened. "O.K. We're going to have a sparring match with you going free style and me starting with hand to hand...then if you beat me at that I'll go with melee...after that magic, and then I myself will go free style." "And the catch?" "Quite simple if you beat me at a style then I give you a hint at what I have in my pocket if you lose you get nothing." Angrond said nodding then looking at Katherine he held out his hand. "Deal?" Katherine thought about it for a moment before smiling. "Deal." She said shaking his hand. "Let me go get Vandri and we can get started." Angrond smiled and walked out to the front of the tower and waited when she came out with her long sword strapped to her back Angrond nodded. "Come on I found a place where we can let lose." He said walking off with Katherine close behind. After an half an hour of walking they came to a clearing in the woods near the town. "Here?" "Yep" "Angrond it's too close to town! People'll think the gate of hell is opening!" Angrond smiled at this. "I've talked to the towns people. They told us to go all out." "Really?" "Yep." "Then lets go! I'm taking you down!" Katherine said ripping her long sword, sheath and all, off her back and swinging it above her head then diagonally down making the sheath fly off and embed itself in the ground. She took her pose, her left hand was bent so that her forearm was in front of her with her hand loosely open her right was holding her sword backwards and it was hanging loosely at her side. Angronds tail and wings were twitching in anticipation as he took a basic stance (Onimusha dawn of dreams Robertos ready stance except his hands are maybe the slap boxing stance?) "But before we start I must warn you of two things." "What?" "One, if you don't come at me full force you're going to get hurt." "O.K. What's the other thing?" "Last time we fought you catched me unprepared...if you think you can do that trick again." He flash stepped behind her with his left shoulder facing her and his fist cocked. "Then you'll die." he said with now emotionless eyes. Katherine almost didn't dodge as Angrond moved with such speed that she could barely see, when Angronds fist hit the ground it made a 5 foot crater. Using his momentum he did a front flip on his right hand, Propelling both his feet right at her, she flash stepped right above Angrond with her feet in the air and stabbed down sword first, plummeting like a rock. Angrond used his wings to change the direction he was going getting Katherine to land right in front of him he was about to do a roundhouse along with using his tail to increase his reach but Katherine, as soon as she hit the ground, Used her sword as a pole and placing her palm on the butt of her sword did a Windmill break-dance move kicking him twice in the face then still in the air she grabbed her sword in both hands and brought it out of the ground...along with a rock 20 feet in diameter. Shit she can use the earth element...that's going to stop me from getting in close for a while. Yea. But it requires more energy to use, so just wait it out. Katherine yelled and brought the entire thing on Angrond who flash stepped behind her and tried to elbow drop her but she turned around and said two words "Aes Taerys." "FUCK!!" Angrond looked up right before a huge boulder slammed into him, the whole thing must have been 30 feet in diameter, sinking about half way into the ground. "Oooowwwwww." Angrond said weakly. "Well?" Katherine said around the rock. "Fine you win." Angrond said. Katherine dispelled it Angrond got up and climbed out, when he did he collapsed face first onto the ground. Katherine walked over to him and kneeling down she lightly touched him on the shoulder. "You said don't hold back, you only have yourself to blame. Honestly thou did you really think that I could only work with fire?" She said crossing her arms. "Well I figured you had at least one other element in your thou is not exactly on the top of the list." Angrond said laying his head on its side looking at her. Katherine smirked at him then kissing him lightly. "Well now you need to keep your end of the bargain. The hint?" "Yes yes...O.K. it's usually a symbol of a promise." Angrond said getting up. Katherine thought about it for a moment before shaking her head. "No idea." "Well you'll just have to try again now won't you...Oh and now you have one power recharge." "A power recharge?" "Yes if you need it I'll give it to you...but now for round two." By now Angrond had guessed her fighting style. She using the Reverse fencing style, Ailaloria that style's almost forgotten! How the hell does she know it? Just because it's almost forgotten doesn't mean no one's going to not use it. It just means it's uncommon. Angrond drew Ailaloria and took his stance as well (Onimusha dawn of dreams Soki's ready stance) as Katherine took hers. Well it's a good thing I've read up on this style. You know away around it? Yes. To get as much power as possible you have to sheath your sword and quickly redraw it. Something along the lines of Battojuysu just that after you draw the sword you keep swinging. All I need to do is land a solid blow when she stops to sheath her sword least I hope so. What do you mean you hope so? She's mixing it up with another style, so until I know what that style is we're going to have to play it safe. What happened next shocked Angrond immensely. Katherine leaned forward a little and flew right Angrond. Shit she can use wind!? That means her fire attacks just got three times more powerful. Katherine attacked vertically and when Angrond blocked she kept coming forward only slowing to half speed as she stepped her foot into the pit of Angronds stomach then stepped the other on his shoulder she lifted the other one off the pit of his stomach and kneed him in the face with it, she applied so much force he felt a tooth crack. Then using her momentum she leaned forward and wrapped her legs around his neck and twisted and leaned back with such force Angrond was flipped back and landed on his stomach. With his head raised a little and still in-between her legs she started to squeeze and raise his head even farther while using and elbow to pin his tail. Damit. You want me help? No I think I've got it...lets see what she has to say to this. With that Angrond brought his legs up and around the top of her head and sling shot her off him when she loosened her legs enough. He did a rollback armchair and used the momentum to stand back up and then flash stepped behind her and then spin-kicked her in the head, knocking her unconscious, she went flying into the air and came back down to the ground with a thud. I think you went a little over board there. Ya think!? Damn it she's never going to forgive me for this! Just relax Angrond she only lightly unconscious. It doesn't matter! Angrond yelled back at him running over to her and after a quick check found out that she was indeed only lightly unconscious. Picking her up he turned around to find Molaes staring back at him. He sighed and started to walk back to the tower, with wolf in tow, and walked inside up to his level and lightly placed her on the bed. Molaes lightly nudged her and turned to Angrond and whimpered slightly. "I'm sorry Molaes I tried to be gentle." Molaes lightly licked his hand forgivingly then went over to the fire and laid down to fall asleep. They waited for about ten minutes before Katherine stirred and moaned lightly before opening her eyes slowly and looked around before they shot opened and she bolted upright before she clutched her head as a wave of pain washed over her. "Ooowww...What happened?" She moaned out. "I'm so sorry Katherine I should have held back more!" Angrond said rapidly. "Stop talking so fast and tell me what happened." She said quietly. Angrond took a deep breath before explaining. "When I slingshoted you off me I flash stepped and spin kicked you in the head, knocking you unconscious. I'm sorry Katherine...can you ever forgive me?" Angrond said hanging his head with his tail and wings drooping, Katherine removed her hands from her face and smiling lightly she went on her knees on the bed and placed a finger under his chin and surprised him by kissing him on the forehead, then she brought her tongue out and licked him horizontally across the forehead forgivingly, tasting the sweat that had dried on his head. She looked down at his wide-eyed stare and smiled in a loving way. "Were lovers Angrond, it's what we do." He gave her an open mouthed smile of joy and shot out and hugged her hard, she hugged him back and was surprised when she saw his shoulders shaking and felt tears on her back. "Thank you." He whispered she smiled and buried her face in his neck. "Don't mention it." *** After Angrond got a hold of himself again he whipped his eyes and sniffing a little then sighed shakily. "Well now that's over with want some lunch?" "Sure!" They went back to the first level and Angrond fixed Katherine some chili as an I'm sorry meal. When she implied on what Angronds friends were doing he shook his head. "They're going to be gone for a few more days still." "Oh...hey Angrond?" "Yea?" "I'm curious...I know you have northern lights here almost every night so I was wondering...are there anymore places like that in this forest?" "Oh yes a good few of them." "Really? Can we see them?" "Of course! If you're done we'll go." The curious object was forgotten for the moment as Angrond and Katherine set out in the direction of the lake. "I've never seen the lake up close before! What's it like?" "It's extraordinarily beautiful...kinda reminds me of someone I know." He smiled at Katherine who laughed and rapped her arms around his. They walked for about 30 minutes in a leisurely pace, just admiring the scenery. When they were getting near Angrond stopped and looked at the sky. "What?" "Close your eyes." He said smirking; she giggled, closed her eyes and opened her mouth. She nipped playfully when she felt his tail brush against her lips. They walked forward a few moments, took a left, and then stopped. Angrond wriggled his tail inside her mouth causing her to laugh and let go and open her eyes. She put her hands over her mouth and gasping, before her was a beautiful lake that was crystal clear, she could actually see the fish swimming in it, there was no breeze so it was also mirror flat perfectly reflecting the sun. "Angrond...How the hell do you know so many beautiful places?!" She asked breathlessly. "I get out of the house. It's that simple." He said hands in his pockets with his front facing her but his head facing the lake. Katherine smiled happily and sat down next to the lake and Angrond followed suit sitting down close to her. They sat there staring at the lake for a while and when the sun started to set Angrond was remembered of something. Do you think now or during the northern lights? Why are you asking me? you've been around longer so you kinda have more experience when it comes to knowing if she'll accept it or not. Very well......I say wait till she starts talking and weave it in. If you just come right out and say it you might get slapped. Thanks No sweat. Just when he thought that. "It's so beautiful Angrond..." Katherine said looking at him, he turned to her. "Yes it is...just like you." He said looking right in her eyes, Katherine blushed and looked away while a smile on her face To fast? No still strong keep it up just don't go overboard. Katherine talked next. "So what do you find in me that's beautiful eh?" Giving him a side glance and still blushing, the curious object remembered all the things it could be flashing through her mind. "Everything." Angrond said simply. "Could you be more specific?" Careful Angrond! This is a trick question! Start with her physical features then start with her personality. Angrond was about to do that but he knew Katherine better. "Pick a category." That could work both ways you moron! Shut up I know what I'm doing. " about my looks?" "Oh boy were to start...I guess we start with the top." He said placing a hand on the top of her head. "Well let's see...your head happens to be the perfect shape of a drop I've ever seen...not to pointy but the shapes defiantly there...your hairs the richest brown that artists would kill for to have in their paints..." As he said this he trailed his hand down her hair. "And your eyes are such an emerald green that if they were gemstones they'd be priceless... your nose is normal but normal is a rare thing in this world...your lips are such a deep red that putting on lipstick would probably make them lighter...your skin has a nice tan, not to light but not to dark, and it's softness makes silk seem like wool to me...and your tongue is smooth like drinking from a cool river...and your breath is the same way except it sounds like a running river I can't get enough of..." He continued down her neck. "And your neck is the same as your skin, extremely soft and when you breathe or talk it makes the most beautiful and comforting vibrations..." He continued down her front but respectfully raised his hand enough so his hands didn't touch her breasts. "And your breasts are the perfect shape and size in my eyes, I've asked various women on what it's like when you have bigger ones...needless to say I'm glad you decided that you didn't need to have a back problem to empress men...there perfect the way they are..." He continued to place his hand back on her stomach. "And you don't starve yourself to seem be quite honest I don't know who thought bare bones = sexy but who ever that person is there an idiot and what's even better is that I believe you do exercises to make your stomach firm instead of starving it" His hand went down to her waist. "Your waist doesn't seem to jut out since you don't starve yourself so it's also perfect..." He raise his hand again when he past over her privates looking up to her he smiled. "I haven't seen this yet but I hope I get the honor to someday but I know it emits the most heavenly scent that always drives me wild..." He placed his hand on her legs and returned his gaze down. "And you have the most sexy pair of legs I've ever seen, and as with your stomach and arms you have meat on your bones...I find it kinda funny, most women starve themselves to seem sexy yet you haven't done that and even put some muscle on making you look even more like a goddess...All in all Katherine I don't think you could look ugly in my eyes even if you tried, because unlike most men I don't judge a woman by her looks...I judge her by her personality...Would you like me to tell you what I see in you?" He said looking into her eyes with such love she could only smile even more, it didn't help that she was turned her on by how wild she made him just to exist. "Very much yes." She whispered. He nodded still looking in her eyes. "What I see in you is a funny, smart, head strong, willful, and forgiving woman that isn't afraid to speak her mind, and while most men won't admit it, they prefer a woman that they can fuck on the first date...I don't see why but I prefer a woman I can meet once and just know that she's the right one for me...Katherine...I think no I know your that woman." Angrond said not blushing, not flinching at the possibility of her rejecting him. He was willing; no he was begging to spend his entire life with her. And judging by the look in his eyes, she could tell that he would probably willing to do it after life, for eternity. Then everything started to click into place as Angrond raised her to her feet. Oh my god! Is he? Her thoughts were confirmed as Angrond went to one knee and took the item from his pocket and enclosed it in a fist then raising it to her he slowly opened it. She covered her mouth and gasped in happiness as Angrond held in his palm a ring, unlike other proposal rings that had one to three diamonds, this one was a diamond cut to be a ring. "Katherine...will you marry me?" She tackled him so hard in happiness he blacked out for a second, they went rolling so fast and hard that they skipped a few times but Angrond made it so that only his body hit the ground. When they stopped Katherine kissed him hard, and she sucked his face so hard he could swear his teeth were being moved. When she finally broke it she hugged him tightly and was crying tears of joy. "I'll take that as a yes?" Angrond said hopefully. Katherine kissed him again. "Of course I will Angrond! I'd love to spend all eternity with you!" She said when she broke the kiss. When she said this the sun set completely and the sky went a pleasant purple color. Angrond smiled so happily and the love in his eyes went so deep she could swear the gods were clapping right now. He slipped the ring on her ring finger, it fit perfectly. Angrond was about to kiss her but she put a finger on his lips and looked at him very seriously. "But I want one thing clear. We are to not do it till our wedding night, got it?" Angrond smiled and nodded, then leaned forward and kissed her with such passion and unending love that she saw spots. When it ended Angrond looked up at the sky and his eyes widened, when she turned her head when she saw what he was looking at her eyes went wide as well. Up in the sky was a correlation of stars that showed two rings, one was the diamond one Katherine wore but the other was a pitch black the only way you could see it was because there was a ring of black in the sky. She turned back to Angrond "Angrond what is this?" she asked Angrond was about to reply when he raised his right hand. Sure enough there was a ring forming (think of the way the pattern of holes expands on a piece of paper when you burn it, then play it backwards.) and when it finished there was a perfectly round black crystal ring on his finger, Angrond smiled. "Well maybe the gods are trying to tell us something eh?" Katherine smiled and rested her head on his chest, loving the sound of his powerful heart beat. "Well there telling us something we already know." Angrond laughed lightly then extended his wings and to Kathrin's surprise they started to lengthen and become more solid until they were a little longer than Angrond was then they formed together, making a perfect cocoon. "What did you do?" "I don't know it just came to me...But I'm not complaining, it's a whole lot softer than the dirt and it's keeping the heat in." He said getting comfortable and moaning softly. Katherine was doing the same when something came to her. "Angrond?" "Yes?" "How are we going to get married? We can't till were 20." Angrond thought about it for a minute then smiled. "That's if we don't take a test." "Test?" "Yes there's an old law that hasn't been used in a while but no one's gotten rid of it." "What does it say?" "Ais sai vaesyl shaeloli sar si eisi tyrael thys aes oraes shia si kyr si tae saji ei saer sai mi ais saesi tol eil myr eisi oli." Angrond said. "A test to see if their minds and souls are one? What does that mean?" "I have no idea but if it allows us to be married sooner I'll do it. How bout you?" "Of course *Yawn* but for now lets get to sleep...Pleasant dreams my insane knight." "Sleep well my raging goddess." Angrond said laying one hand on her shoulder blades and the other on her lower back. Well how do you think I did? Wasn't the way many of your ancestors did it but it had pleasurable results...your father and mother would be proud of you Angrond. You haven't told me were my father and mother went yet... so either your being forced to not tell me for some reason, or you don't know your self... tell the truth... do you know where they are? ...yes I do...and yes I can tell you...but not right now...for now're going to have one hell of a day tomorrow. Yes I guess I will...night Ailaloria...and thank you...for all you've means a lot to me. Y-yes I guess it would... You all right? I-its nothing... You can't tell me no one's ever given you thanks before!? No...No one's ever had...they all consider me and 'unstable power that can't be trusted' I'm sorry...I had no idea...was my father the same... No he treated me with respect...but never thanked me...your mother didn't trust me either... I'm really sorry to hear that...but...I just can't see my mother not trusting anyone without good reason...I'll look into it in the morning...good night my friend... Good night...Master *** The next morning *** Angrond woke to the sound of crying. He looked at Katherine but she was awake and looking at him weird. "Are you crying Angrond?" "It's not me...Ailaloria?" " sounds like him...but why is he crying?" "I don't know..." Angrond went to that wall. But this time it was a huge black citadel. He felt Kathrin's presence next to him and looking over saw her standing next to him looking at the citadel. Is this what yours looks like?! It's huge! What do you mean? Angrond everyone's mind is like a castle. And when someone is trying to place a curse or illusion on you they have to battle it out with your defenses and get to the topmost tower for it to take effect...mine looks like a relatively large keep, simple and yet effective...what? Katherine if that's the case I'm glad no one has tried to do that to me. What do you mean? Angrond flushed. When I first found this place it was a huge round ball of solid stone...but when I unlocked Ailaloria is was just a ring of stone... A ring of stone? Katherine said looking at him disbelieving Y-yes...but why it's this huge black citadel is beyond me...but right now we need to find out what Ailaloria is upset about. Right. They walked thru the front gate to find a huge courtyard and in the middle curled into a tight ball was the huge black dragon crying. Katherine was extremely shocked at how big the dragon was but what made her pale was that the dragon seemed familiar. Neither of them saw that Katherine sword was glowing a soft red. A-Angrond why does he seem familiar to me? It's like all these memories are trying to come to the surface but they can't seem to come up. I don't know but we need to help him right now...are you going to be alright? I-I think so. They walked up to the dragon and heard him crying thru his sobs Not again...Oh please not again...I finally found a master that cares for me...please not again... Ailaloria are you all right? shouldn't have come...remember when I said that everyone called me an unstable power...well this is the reason why... What is the reason Ailaloria? Angrond asked coming up to the dragons head and placed a hand on his snout, rubbing it gently. For whatever reason every hundred years...I go...insane... Angrond and Katherine were shocked as because when he said insane his voice went from slightly maniacal to a deep demonic voice. Then Katherine took a step back when everything clicked together. Angrond get away from him NOW!! Why what's happening? His name is Kydyrolaloria! The god of Insanity! Angrond paled to the point that for a second Angrond looked like a ghost. Ailaloria looked at Katherine with a look of a longing as he reached out his hand to Katherine. Vandri...please...forgive me...for Ailaloria whimpered. Katherine was going to take a step back before all of the memories that were suppressed came flooding back at that one word. Screaming and holding her head she fell down on her side, curling into a ball and still screaming. Angrond was torn in two: Either he could help the love of his life, or help to source of his happiness. When Katherine stopped screaming her sword was now pulsating growing bigger then smaller again, it stopped after a while and Katherine stood up with her eyes closed. Katherine? Stand aside Angrond...I must help my love... Angrond stood up and moved to the side as Katherine was talking with a voice not her own. It almost sounded like Katherine but for some reason this one was tinged with something he couldn't place...was it rage? This Katherine walked up to the now shaking dragon and kneeled down and placed a hand on his snout, Ailaloria looked up to her in hope. Vandri? Yes dear it's me. I-I'm glad you still remember's been so long...I'm so sorry but I can't hold it... It's fine dyro, let it go...let the insanity free and share it with me...Angrond could you be a dear and turn around for me please? As long as both Katherine and Ailaloria are going to be O.K. I'll do anything you ask. Thank you...and also no matter what you hear you will NOT turn around understand? Yes ma'am Good now take Katherine. As soon as she said that Katherine fell to the ground and the pulsing light flew off and started to take shape...into the most beautiful red dragon he had ever seen, she was about the same size as Ailaloria but a little shorter and not as long, she had basically the same look as Ailaloria except she was red, her tail spade was that of a pickaxe with the outer edges sharpened, and her teeth and back spikes were normal. She looked over to him with such deep red eyes that Angrond couldn't look away. Are you going to move or are you going to stand there gawking? I'm only telling you to turn around so your virgin mind won't be placed in shock at what is about to happen. Angrond just looked with such caring at Ailaloria that Vandri smiled. Go. He'll be fine but if you don't move now you're going to see some things you might not want to see. Angrond nodded and walked over to Katherine and picked her up walking to the front gate he turned his head and looked at Vandri. It doesn't matter what i see...I'll feel it anyway...let me know when your done...oh and try not to make too much of a mess...I prefer to be able to have my mind stay black...not a creamy white. And with that Angrond canceled the connection to the citadel. Angronds eyes snapped open. He was still in the wing cocoon and after a few seconds Katherine opened her eyes slowly opened and moaned looking around she leaned up a little placing a hand on her head. "Ohhh what happened?...Oh never mind it just came...back...tooo...mee...Angrond I'm I right in assuming what is about to happen?" "I think so yea..." "Great." Just as soon as she said that a voice came from her but she hadn't opened her mouth. "Oooohhh...that's the spot dyro!!! Harder please fuck me harder!!!" Katherine was blushing furiously as she felt everything, she could feel a huge cock enter her but her vagina didn't move at all but she felt it start to piston, and Angrond wasn't fairing any better as he felt a warm feeling surround his cock and it start to move up and down. Both were so red that they could swear steam was coming off their faces, this slow fucking proceeded for about five minutes then it started to pick up the pace, while they were trying to suppress themselves but not long after it started to pick up both of them were moaning out loud, Katherine was dripping and Angrond was now supporting his 18' by 4' cock and was shifting uncomfortably as he had no room in his boxers anymore and it was up against Katherine's and Angronds stomach. Then it got worse, judging by the way both of the dragons were talking now they were nearing there climax, for Katherine that wasn't a problem she could easily come down from her heights as the Prolactin would kick in but for Angrond. "Katherine this is bad." Angrond said through another wave of pleasure. "I know...uuuhhhh." She moaned. "No I mean really bad you know your body emits Prolactin after an orgasm to get your mind of sex right?" "Y-yes." "Well...I don't have any Prolactin I my in I can have an orgasm around 20 times a minute and still be going." Katherine's eyes widened at this. "And how much do you cum exactly?" "I have no idea." Katherine looked sheepishly away and asked. "I know I really shouldn't but I think I can find out exactly how much you will...if you want me to?" "It'll probably be for the best." Katherine nodded and reached a hand down past his erection and lightly grabbed his balls, while he tried to stop himself he moaned and lightly thrust against her hand, after a quick squeeze her eyes widened even more Angrond was worried now. "Katherine?" "Angrond you know how big your bed is right?" "Yea around 3 feet thick and...Aahh...and 20 feet in diameter why?" "Find out the volume of that for me...Oooohhh...please." Angrond thought about it a bit before "A-about 942 gallons." She nodded her head. "That sounds about right." Angronds eyes widened and then filled with fear. "Katherine if a do cum that much it'll kill me!" "I...uh...know that's why you need to try to control it...I know I'm not helping with my...Ohhh god...moaning but you need to try and keep it down." Angrond tried the best he could but then the pleasure spiked sharply. Katherine screamed and violently orgasmed damping most of her pants, Angrond started to orgasm as well. At first it was just large squirts but then it started to come out faster...and faster...and faster to the point he was constantly cumming a river of thick cum, Katherine helped by undoing his trench coat and boxers only to be blasted back by the powerful jet lying on her back on top of Angrond she cried out and covered her eyes as it ricocheted off the wing cocoon and onto her front, covering her in cum from head to toe. Angrond was panicking now, there was no end to it and looking over he saw that his cum wasn't leaving the cocoon so it was filling it up, it was already halfway up his side. He tried to calm down but it didn't help now he was really starting to worry, not so much for himself, but for Katherine as she'd most likely drown. He tried to concentrate as best he could, and his hopes were at least partly filled as the wing cocoon returned to normal wings under him. Now he was just cumming 30 feet into the air, Katherine was panting as for some reason being covered in cum turned her on even more. Angrond was starting to see spots as he continued to cum but to his relief Ailalorias climax ended and he pulled out of Vandri, without the added feeling he managed to calm himself down to just a small trickle with an occasional burst of cum that either landed on Kathrin's stomach or breasts. After a few more minutes it stopped, Katherine had about 5 orgasms in that session and Angrond was barley staying conscience as the excitement was catching up to him. Both were panting heavily when they heard there swords sigh happily then a collapsing sound as both of them promptly fell unconscious. "Well...that was interesting." Katherine said uncovering her eyes and looked at herself. "I'm a mess." "I'm sorry Katherine..." Angrond apologized, but stopped when Katherine sat up turned around and smiled. "I didn't say I didn't enjoy it did I? In all actuality I wouldn't mind doing that again." She said looking at Angronds still rock hard erection. "I can't wait until our wedding night." She said to him wiping her face off and looking at her cum covered hand she brought it up to her mouth and took a tiny lick. "Mmm...Delicious." She said happily cleaning her hand off then started on her arms when she had those done she looked at Angronds partially cum covered face and smiled. "Do you mind?" He laughed weakly. "Well it isn't going to come off by its self now is it?" Katherine giggled and laid on her front on top of Angrond and stretched her arms above his head. She brought her tongue out and started to clean him off; He shuddered as her silky smooth tongue moved across his face. When she was done she smacked her lips, "Very delicious...I can't wait until our wedding night." She whispered to Angrond who smiled. "Well you're just going to have to wait now aren't you? And as much as I'd like to talk about that night I'd really like to change clothes first. Agreed?" Katherine nodded her head and got up and looked around. "Angrond...I think I'm going to have a fun wedding night." "Oh? What makes you say that?" Angrond said sitting up and placing a hand on his forehead. "Take a look behind you." Angrond turned around and laughed, behind him was an area of ground completely covered in cum that was in a cone that was 50 feet long and 20 feet wide at the widest point. "Yes I think you will." He said standing up and with Katherine walked back to the tower. when they went inside and up to Angronds level they found Molaes sitting on her hunches and actually raised her eyebrow when she found Katherine and Angrond pretty much covered in cum. "Hey Molaes!...What?" She just sat there and shook her head before standing up and walked past them. Angrond wasn't sure but he thought he heard her trying to stifle laughter. At Angronds request Katherine took a shower first. "Sorry but it would ruin our wedding night if I saw you naked already...don't worry this sticky slightly warm feeling isn't bothering me too much." Katherine smiled and took the shower. When she came out to look for her clothes she found them on the bed, she put them on and went downstairs to see Angrond standing eyes half closed as if he were speaking to someone inside his head. So your fine now Ailaloria? Yes...I am now. Good you knew all along? About Vandri being your fiancés soul weapon? Yes I did. Ah...Well at least a few things came from this. What? Well now we don't have to worry about you going insane more than normal, and that now me and Katherine can now get married. Oh? How so? Well the part of Their minds are one is proven as Katherine can not only read me like a book, but also she can come into my mind as well... And there souls are one is proven because both you and Vandri are mates as well...Right? Yes that seems to meet both standards...Well she's out so I think you should go and take a shower now... I smell good but not that good Yes I suppose I should "Well?" "I think we shouldn't have any problem with getting married now as we've meet both requirements now." "Yes we smell of dragon, a black one, sulfur doesn't smell all that well." "I know I know I'm back in five." When Angrond finished taking a shower he came down to see Katherine with the same half lidded eyes, he sat down as he heard Ailaloria also talking to her, when they finished Angrond asked. "So are you ready?" "Yep let's go." Angrond nodded and offered his arm which she took and they walked out of the woods toward town and straight to John's house. Knocking three times they waited for a few moments before the advanced teacher opened his door and looked to see Angrond and Katherine standing there. "Ah Angrond and Katherine...What brings you here?" He asked when he saw they were arm in arm. "We need to ask something of you...can we talk inside?" Angrond said. The new look in his eyes made John raise an eyebrow but he stepped aside to let them enter. When John offered them a seat he was surprised when as soon as Angrond sat down Katherine jumped onto his lap. "I guess something happened to you two during the break?" John asked sitting down in an opposite chair. Angrond nodded but it was Katherine that answered. "Yes sir...Mr. Strife sir...we plan on getting married." At her words John almost choked on his coffee. "Married!? At your age!? The council will never allow it!? And besides that you two have only been seeing each other for four days!?" Angrond answered to this. "John the only reason why it takes people years to establish a relationship this strong is because of their own little worries at how the person will react to what they say, do, and feel. I trust Katherine completely to tell me if I've stepped over a line. You've known me since I was a child John, you know I don't trust people easy...I trusted her since the moment she returned the love I felt for her. And the council will allow this, are you familiar with the old laws?" "Of course I am! I taught all of them to you!" "Do you remember law 112?" " I don't most of the script is unreadable." "That's because the council didn't want you to ever know what it meant." "What do you mean?" "Ais sai vaesyl shaeloli sar si eisi tyrael thys aes oraes shia si kyr si tae saji ei saer sai mi ais saesi tol eil myr eisi oli." he repeated. "To see if your souls and minds are one...? I think I understand what it means. But how can you prove it?" "We can prove out minds because Katherine reads me like a book and I seem to know what she wants' all the time." "And your souls?" "You know my swords name is Ailaloria right?" "Yes." "But do you know Katherine?" "" "It's Vandri." "O.K." "And there mates." "...come again?" "Ailaloria and Vandri are both mates." "...WHAT!?" "You heard me." "But Angrond...That's not possible...Right?" John said not believing what he heard. "Would you like to see?" Angrond said with a raised eyebrow. "I guess it would be for the best." John said standing up. "Where should we go?" "It would be best if we went into the forest to stop any people seeing them." Angrond said patting Katherine on the shoulder to get her to get up. Katherine hopped off and Angrond got up and went to the door opening it and they went back to the forest. When they go to the clearing they stopped and turned to each other. "Well let's see if what you say is true." John said sitting down on a rock. Angrond and Katherine looked at him nodded, looked to each other smiled and nodded drawing there sword simultaneously. "Make yourself known Ailaloria!" "Make yourself known Vandri!" All at once the entire clearing was covered in a heavy mist for a few moments then it started to clear and two huge figures could be seen, when it cleared John gasped. "Angrond...Katherine what the hell?" John was taking steps back at a rapid pace at what he saw. "What?" "You have no idea who those two are do you?" "You mean Ailaloria? Yes I know his true name is Kydyrolaloria the god of insanity... But who's Vandri?" Katherine looked to the side. "Her true name is Kydaeryrandri the goddess of rage." She said quietly. Angrond looked over to her in shock and then looked up to Vandri who nodded slightly. Angrond faced forward tilting his head slightly and placed his hands on his hips. "Well that explains allot." He said smiling a little, but he looked over to all three of them raising an eyebrow. "So you thought it would be best to keep this from me?" Katherine looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry Angrond but we didn't know how you would react to this." Angrond laughed at this. "Katherine, Katherine...hahaha how do you think I was going to react eh!? Did you think I'd freak and run away as fast as I could!?... Or have you forgotten that Ailaloria is the god of insanity?" Katherine blushed slightly and looked away. "I'm sorry...To be honest I didn't know how you'd react..." Angrond looked at her caringly and walked up to her and hugged her. "My dear Katherine...You have no idea how happy this makes me...So what are we going to do about John?" He said turning around and looking a John who was still in shock backed up against the rock. Ailaloria chuckled and eyeing the cowering man before "Boo." He whispered lightly, Angrond chuckled as it looked like john pissed himself. "Now now Ailaloria leave the poor human alone." Angrond chided laughing along with Katherine and Vandri before he walked up to John and bent over at the waist with his hands in his pockets. "It's O.K. John the only reason why they'd hurt you is if you hurt me...and you not going to now are you?" He said raising an eyebrow. John didn't answer for a few minutes before he recovered and sighed heavily before he got up and giving one more fearful glance at the two dragons that were now laying next to each other and sleeping before he answered. "Angrond...while you may have two soul weapons that are mates the council will never allow it to happen even if you could prove that you minds are one." Angronds smile faded then looking at Katherine who decided to sleep as was lying back on Vandris paw and quietly dozing. "It doesn't matter..."He said quietly. "What do you mean?" "Even if the council refuses we have confessed our love for each other and that's all that's needed." "Maybe...Still I think I might be able to come up with a priest that'll marry you two...When do you plan on getting married and who's coming?" "We plan on having it as soon as her and my friends return from vacation and since her parents are dead that just means mine...And I will find them." "Very well when you have the requested people we shall start...I take it that means you and her are going to be leaving?" John asked sadly. "Yes." Angrond said lightly, leaving a place with so many memories is always hard. John sighed. "All right...while you're not going to get it from many people you are going to be missed...Good-bye Angrond Telemnar." John said turning around and walked away quickly trying to stifle tears. "Good-bye John Strife...Be sure to tell the others were we're going." Angrond whispered doing the same. If John heard or not he didn't respond and left the forest almost at a run. Katherine woke up a few minutes later to see Angrond sitting on a rock his knees drawn to his chest and his head on his knees and she thought she heard him breath shakily as if he had been crying. She got up and walked over to him and realized he had been crying, allot, looking around she saw fallen trees and huge holes in the ground and Angronds hands were bleeding at the knuckle and she saw a small wet spot on his knees. "Angrond...are you O.K.?" She asked hesitantly touching him on the shoulder. The erratic breathing stopped. "I'm sorry if I woke you Katherine..." Was all he said. "Angrond what happened?" She asked. Angrond didn't answer for a while. "Katherine... John said he'd find a priest for us...I know you're going to invite some of your friends and I'm going to do the same but...I want my parents there as well..." Katherine sat behind him and pulled him back onto her and hugged him close. "It's understandable Angrond...So you're going?" She asked in a calming tone. Angronds hair was covering his eyes as he answered. "Yes I am...If you don't want to come I'll understand." Katherine shook her head and placed her chin on his shoulder. "No Angrond...While not on paper we are married now so where ever you go I'll follow...Even hell itself if need be." She replied petting his hair the she knew he like...Come to think about anything she did to him he liked, Angronds slightly erratic breathing returned to normal as he starting melting in that caressing hand. A few minutes later he was actually leaning in to that hand and very lightly moaning, Katherine, knowing he was still not completely normal again, did another thing that always brought him to better moods. She started to massage his wings using fire energy to warm her hands, now he moaning out loud (You have to understand that while it's been awhile in the story since he got them in all actuality he's only had his wings and tail for 2 days now so they're still a little sore) as her skilled hands worked every ache and pain away almost instantly and he arched his back when she got to the sorest spot right where his wings meet his shoulder blades. His tail was swishing back and forth now as she worked to ease the pain away and he brought his tail up to her side and rubbed her back thankfully, when she stopped he moaned his approval but instead of leaning back he simply said. "Turn around Katherine please." Katherine raised an eyebrow but did what she was told and started when she felt his hands lightly on her neck. "What are you doing?" She asked looking over her shoulder at him, his eyes were still covered but she could see him smile, he leaned in close and lightly licking her face. "Returning the favor." As he said she moaned out loud as he applied fire energy to his hands and started massaging her neck, as he trailed down her back she was pushing back as hard as she could as his hands worked there magic. When he reached her lower back he used his tongue to turn her head to him and kissed her using fire energy as well. She could barely see as spots started to form in her vision. When he withdrew there was a bridge of saliva connecting them together before it broke, she was panting hard and when her vision returned to normal she smiled happily and leaned back onto him and closed her eyes. "Thanks." "No prob... Now then we need to prepare to leave...Do have anything in particular you want to take?" Katherine Thought about it for a minute before nodding her head, Angrond nodded and let her get up and she walked off after returning Vandri. Ailaloria turned to Angrond. "Shouldn't you be preparing as well?" Angrond looked up to him with a serious look. "Ailaloria do you know where mother is?" Ailaloria looked like he was battling with something inside of him before he sighed and shook his head looking at Angrond with an apologizing stare. "I'm sorry Angrond but I promised your mother that I wouldn't give you any direct leads to her location...Because you're not ready to go where she is." Angrond sighed and looked away. "But she told me that when you asked to give you a message." Angrond looked up to him. "What is it?" Ailaloria nodded and repeated the message in caring and motherly voice of his mother. "Angrond my dearest...I know that if your hearing this it means that you not only know that Ail is your soul weapon but that he is also the god of Insanity...I know it's hard to believe but it's true...I'm sorry that I can't tell you were I am but now that I miss you dearly but you're not ready for it yet...The emotional trauma would be too much...Also you should know that Katherine is also the medium for the goddess of rage, And that you two were chosen for each other...I need to tell you one thing, your father didn't leave because of you as yourself...He left in the hopes that you wouldn't turn into what he became...Ail will tell you what you need to do...I'll give you one warning...Don't let the creature inside of you take control! Not even for a second! If that happens not even the gods can save anyone that comes in your reach...Please thou Angrond dear take care of Katherine...She'll mean more to you than you think in the end...Good-bye." Angrond had his chin in his palm thinking hard, before he smiled. "Mother mother...She means more than the entire universe to me...But what does she mean 'the monster inside of me' Ail?" He asked looking up to Ail. He shook his head. "I'm sorry but I can't tell you that either...You have to understand something Angrond...That if that monster takes you over not even the gods can stand against you...Don't ever use it!" Angrond nodded his head then walked towards the tower. "Come on we need to prepare." Ail nodded and walked with him to the tower, when Angrond got to the tower he walked in and gathered the few positions he required: The three other Trench coats he owned (With tail and wing slits), the three other tee-shirts and pants he wore (Also with Wing and Tail slits), his second pair of boots, and something that had personal value. Picking it up he looked at it, A pitch black gemstone, a gift from his mother the day he learned how to completely control his elemental abilities, it was roughly the size of a foot ball both in width and length. "She gave this to me along with you when she left...I still have no idea about what it does..." Angrond said more to himself than anyone else. He placed that in his pack as well, looking around memories started flashing thru his mind as he looked around the tower. "Well...Let's go." He said to Ail, who nodded. When they were outside Angrond turned to the door and locked the door as he turned around Katherine was sitting on a rock he smiled at what she was wearing, Katherine was wearing the same trench coat he was (Trigun) except it was white and the collar was slightly lower. "I see you found my tailor?" He asked. "Yea he saw us together and he made this for me and found me as I was heading back to my house, he also gave me a message." She said frowning a little, Angrond tilted his head. "What's the message?" "Good luck Angrond Telemnar...May the gods protect you because I know where your journey will take you." She said, Angrond frowned at this then after a few moments he sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Well there's not much point in dwelling about it...Come on lets go...Well Ail where is our journey going to take us first?" Ail thought about it for a minute then he looked at both of them and smiled. "I never thought I'd see the day when both my charges would grow up finally...Our first stop is going to be the portal of Sodael...there you'll find the first person who shall help you on your way." Angrond raised an eyebrow at this. "Who?" "Shydor." *** [End] *** Finally I've got her finished, took me a month and a half to so I hope it was worth it. Remember CONSTRUCTIVE people If you're just going to say it sucks because you're feeling like a douche today then don't even comment...Also I've told Crystal this and I'm going to tell you as well please don't go soft on me because I'm a noob at this, I want to become better at this and you don't get any better by staying at easy. That being said hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it's long but it just kept coming out and by the time I could stop it I had 53 pages on word to edit, now it's 51. That's all for now but until next time remember this: A brief epilogue for concerned parents. Of course, there isn't any such place as the gingerbread house of Aunt T, and we grownups know there's no door at the bottom of a swimming pool that leads to a secret place. But who can say how real the fantasy world of lonely children can become? For Jeb and Sport Sharewood, the need for love turned fantasy into reality. They found a secret place in the Twilight Zone.