Working on the Cardio, Vol I

Story by DaSlavyFoxy on SoFurry

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#1 of The Working Collection


"May I please have a drink, Mistress Cameron?" Jake asked wearily, watching as water poured down her throat. Satisfied, the mistress pulled the bottle back and looked it over. Just under half-filled. But rather than hand it to Jake, she dropped the bottle cap and laid back on the concrete steps; slowly pouring the water onto her tits. The liquid rolled downwards, soaking her midriff tank-top to the point of transparency. Jake whimpered, his crotch throbbing as he watched his Goddess. Her wet, perky tits stood out against the thin fabric, transforming her top into a vale which had been lifted. Once the bottle was empty, Cameron tossed the bottle at her submissive, who was too stunned to catch it. She grinned happily, using her hand to pull down the loose, wet tank-top and fully reveal her breasts.

"Drink up," she ordered with a chuckle, giving her submissive a wink. Having already been teased their entire workout, Jake was eager to lean forwards and press his face into her chest, lapping up the beads of water and sweat he could collect. Cameron wrapped a hand around the back of his head, giggling whenever his tongue met her nips. With both metaphorical and literal thirst, Jake licked the Goddess' large bust to perfection. He soaked up whatever liquids he could, and focused on pleasuring her when there weren't any. After a few minutes, Cameron grabbed a handful of his shaggy hair and pulled him back. Staring deep into his eyes, the mistress asked, "How would you like to drink my pussy sweat? I know how thirsty you human boys can be, after all."

Jake gulped, looking up at Cameron anxiously. Sitting inside his tight short shorts (an attire provided by Cameron when she noted how sexist it was for men to not wear tight, revealing clothing) was his throbbing cock, which begged for attention after the previous night's refusal. This was all happening so quickly, so Jake said the first thing that came to mind. "Yes mistress, very much mistress." Although Jake was only two inches shorter than Cameron, he seemed incredibly tiny and helpless within her clutches; like an orphaned puppy that couldn't function without a leader. Mistress Cameron responded with a malicious grin, removing her hand from his head and slipping it inside her own short shorts. Jake's eyes followed with lust, watching as she penetrated her wet, hidden folds. Jake bit hard on his lower lip, watching as she dug into her tight pussy and elicited a moan from herself. Once satisfied, she removed her hand and revealed two, soaking wet fingers.

An order wasn't necessary, as Jake slipped his mouth around them when they became available. His tongue encircled them and collected all the juices it could, her musty scent encouraging further. If their relationship taught Jake anything, it was to respect the taste of a good woman. "I'll let you eat me out - and possibly jack you off - if you apologize for last night, and promise to sleep on the sofa like I asked you to. I don't care if it's your fucking house, I'm the one that's in control. If I want to sleep with you, I'll invite you into bed," Cameron muttered, watching her submissive's tongue work with amusement. Jake whined, searching his Goddess' eyes for some sort of remorse. He loved to sleep with her, even when they didn't fuck. But saying 'no' wasn't an option - Mistress received what Mistress wanted. He knew where he'd be sleeping that night, and where he'd be sleeping for many nights to come.

Once Cameron removed her fingers, he feebly responded. "I'm sorry f-for arguing with you last night, Mistress. And I promise to sleep on the sofa, unless you say otherwise." Jake bit his lip again, waiting for his Mistress to react. She grinned, bringing a hand to the front of her shorts and untying the knot which kept them there. She then lifted both of her legs up and slipped out of her shorts, leaving them around her thighs. Cameron ordered Jake to reward himself, saying with playful delight, "Pull these off and eat my pussy, slut."

"Yes G-Goddess."

Jake crawled over to Cameron's long, agile feet, lowering his head and kissing them in an attempt to appease her. She rolled her eyes, smiling as she ran a claw down his cheek. "Worship them later." Jake nodded, blushing as he slipped between her legs and pulled away the clothing. Now revealed, Cameron spread her toned legs and revealed a pair of hot, sweaty lips, which desperately needed the attention of a good tongue. Happy to provide, her boyfriend crawled forwards and bent down to her pussy, extending his tongue and eagerly beginning to work. Cameron purred with delight, wrapping her legs around his head and forcing him to remain in place. Jake extended his arms to go beneath her thighs and around her back, supporting himself as he focused on lapping up pussy juice. Although difficult to breathe, he took in what little oxygen he could through his nose. His mouth (and tongue) remained completely focused Cameron, as he had been trained.

"You like choking on my pussy, don't you?" she softly growled, pressing forwards and deeper into Jake's face. He moaned in response, lightheaded from the musk of a good workout. His lower half shifted uneasily, filled with the urge to fuck - an urge he couldn't act upon, but fantasied about. In the three month's he dated his Goddess, Jake's cock had never penetrated her pussy. He tried to ignore his needs by focusing on Mistress' clit, making her moan with ecstasy. Each wave of pleasure caused her thighs to contract, squeezing Jake even harder until her body relaxed. The contractions wore him down, already exhausted from the jog they had gone out on. However, Jake managed to keep active, feeling her pussy quiver in the foreshadow of an oncoming orgasm.

That was when Mistress Cameron _really _took control. Wrapping a hand around Jake's head, she pushed her legs to the left and forced him to flip over. In a single, swift movement, Cameron repositioned herself on top and Jake on bottom, taking only a few seconds to turn around and get onto her knees. She smothered him with her large, tight ass, saying as her hand snaked forwards and playfully rubbed his cock through the top of his short shorts, "Get to licking, bitch boy. When you make me cum, I'll make you cum." Although she couldn't comprehend Jake's response, she understood what his action's meant. The male evoked a loud groan from Cameron, who began grinding back and forth on his face. Her hand yanked his shorts downwards, tightly gripping his shaft and jerking him with a slow, erratic pace. This teasing was enough to reinvigorated Jake, who's new pleasure distracted him from the suffocation of Cameron's toned, sweaty ass.

Jake's hips writhed on the concrete steps, moving up and down to each of the hard strokes Cameron gave. Her grip lightened and her pace quickened, thoroughly pleasing the sub as he dug out her caverns. She was too occupied with her own pleasure to play around, muttering obscenities with each thrust of her hips instead. "You love when I ride you like this, don't you? You love drinking that hot, fucking pussy juice," she moaned, becoming hotter and wetter with every word. She had to stop speaking to keep from crying out, her orgasm far closer to climax than Jake's. Her back arched further and further with each nearing second, the Goddess biting down on her lip as she edged. Jake could feel her juices gush onto his mouth and chin once she came, the girl moaning with lust as he swallowed her cum. Although her hips stopped, Cameron kept her promise and continued to rub the long, fat cock in front of her, the muffled cries of Jake's orgasm coming through her ass cheeks as he spurted all over his stomach and T-shirt.

Exhausted, Cameron lifted herself up and moved a few steps back. She pulled her short shorts up to her waist and tied the elastic, smiling as she saw her boyfriend gasping for breath. This workout was harder than the first one. Satisfied with her slave, she reached into her gym bag and pulled out their last bottle of water. "Open up," she ordered, pulling off the cap and pouring water into his mouth. She stopped half-way, finishing off the drink as she watched Jake wearily pull himself up.

"Mistress Cameron, I'm really sorry for arguing with you. I just... felt like you didn't want me," he panted, looking up with a frown.

"Not at all!" she interrupted, crawling forwards and pulling Jake into a hug. She kissed him on the cheek, whispering into his ear, "You're the best boyfriend I've ever had! It's just, you know how I feel about privacy. I like being alone sometimes, and I _definitely _can't sleep on the sofa. It doesn't have anything to do with our relationship, I promise. Now how about we run the rest of the way home?~" Although tired, Jake managed to give a smile and a nod to his Goddess, unaware of just how soon Cameron planned on introducing a coworker (and a bull) to the relationship.

Source. Perhaps there's more chapters to come? In the mean time, I hope you enjoyed my work!