The Dragons, Chapter 6: Roughing it Royally

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#6 of Red Moon

My talent for neat chapter names is lacking. As always, please read the tags. I mean, if you made it this far you know what's in the story by now, so...

Amaris sat up with a gasp as he woke up and realized what was being said. He looked around and was a little disappointed to find Cetacea gone, but he didn't have time to worry about it. He was finally going to get to do normal boy stuff! He practically -and in some cases literally- flew around his room to get dressed and grabbed his pack before throwing open the door. "I'm going!" He says a little loudly. "I just have to tell my mother goodbye and then we can go. Right?" Even panting like he was from his flurry of movement, Amaris still wagged his tail. He looked positively /ecstatic/ about going camping!


Vaelin smirked and nodded. "Of course. I'll be down by the carriage," he said and turned to leave. Truth be known, Vaelin's imagination was alight with things far from normal boy stuff. Whether or not any of them came to fruition, well that remained to be seen, but his ever-naughty thoughts were there. The dragon turned and, still humming, made his way back down into the courtyard.


The hybrid cub nodded and ran to his mother's room, hugging the wolfess tightly and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry, Mom, we'll be careful. Not like there's a lot that could get through our scales anyway!" He hugs her again and then is launching out of the window, landing on the ground by the carriage with his wings flared and his feet running to avoid a crash landing. "Are we gonna fish?" He asks Valor immediately. "I don't know how."


Vaelin laughed, partly from the question and partly from the fact the boy had arrived a little before he himself had. "Of course, if you like. I can teach you how. I packed a couple poles, just to be sure." He winked one of his big blue eyes then opened one of the doors to the carriage "In you go, then."


Amaris tossed his pack in and climbed into the carriage quickly, sitting on the plush seat and pausing. "Wow, it's like sitting on a big pillow almost..." He murmurs in awe, bouncing a little. "We could just sleep in this if we weren't gonna have a tent."


He gave another laugh and climbed in after Amaris. As soon as he closed the door, they were in motion. "Do you want to go camping, or do you want to sleep in the carriage?" he asked and folded his arms lightly over his chest. "Because I can tell the driver to stop and park in the garden."


"Camping!" The cub says quickly. "I've already slept in the garden before and I don't like waking up with a snail on my belly. They tickle." He explains, looking out the window as if to see their destination already. "Plus the flowers are smelly right now anyway. There's too many in bloom at once and it makes me sneeze."


*Vaelin rolled his eyes in amusement and nodded. "Then we'll pitch a tent and have a good ol' time like we're supposed to." He tilted his head and glanced out the window as well. "Anything else on your list of things you'd like to do?"


"Um... Just a moment." He replies, pulling his pack from the floor and pulling an actual list out. "Fishing, building a fire, climbing trees, hiking, and swimming. I know I can breath fire now, but I don't really know how to control it very well so I wanna learn how to do it like someone who can't breath fire."


He tried not to laugh at the production of a true list! All those things, though, he ticked off in his head. "I'm sure we can take care of some of that. "Except. Hiking. And swimming. And climbing trees. And building a fire. And probably not learning how to breathe fire." he teased, though in as even a voice as he could muster.


Amaris looked crestfallen for a few moments before he caught on and glared playfully. "Then I guess the stuff you wanna do we can't do either. Nothing but non-stop fishing until we come back." He sticks his tongue out for good measure, eyes sparkling mischievously.


*He smirked at that and nodded. "That sounds like a fair weekend for me. Fish all afternoon then we sleep. Then we fish all day tomorrow too." He nodded and leaned back in his seat with his arms behind his horned head. "It sounds like it'll be a good weekend."


"Guess we'll be bringing a lot of fish back for the cooks then." He says resolutely. He wondered how long they'd both be able to keep doing nothing but fishing though. It would be like a game they'd play! At least it would be something they'd do together that normal pups did, and that's what this whole trip was about, right? Not being royalty. "Wait, the whole weekend? Really? Yes!"


Vaelin burst out laughing and shook his head. "Of course the whole weekend! We'll fill up the carriage with fish and ride back on the ceiling." He winked slyly at that and tilted his head to the side. "Unless you think we can eat it all."


"We can try!" He replies enthusiastically. "But I think if we eat all those fish we couldn't wear our shirts without ripping them, and I don't wanna ruin Miss Squeak's work."


Again he laughed as they continued the jest. "Well, we'll only eat most of them." He winked at the boy then wrapped him up in a big, tight hug. As his laughter died, he kissed the boy between the ears and breathed a soft sigh.


"You really are trying hard to a regular dad, aren't you?" He asks softly after a few moments. "No tricks or anything yet. Thank you, sir. It means a lot..."


*He smirked at that and shrugged his wings. "Well, maybe just a little. I would be lying if I said I didn't hope, at least in part, that something could happen and we could be... well, more." He smiled again and tilted his head down at the pup. "It is a wonderful opportunity, what we have."


Amaris felt like he should have sighed, but this was normal to him now. Vaelin wasn't going you change that much over night. "I.. I guess as long as it's not the majority of what we do.." He says softly, negotiating. "Why is it wonderful?"


*He smiled at that and shook his head. "It wont be the majority, no." He kissed his son again, this time gently upon the snout. "And why is it wonderful? Think about it," he said and rested a hand gently between the boy's legs. "You are not normal. Neither am I," he said, moving his hand to his own groin. "We can be freaks together, hm? Who else will accept us as we do each other?"


Amaris hadn't thought about it quite like that before. Now he had to know even more how his crush was going to react! He's think on that later. "That makes sense, I guess. Still wish I knew why I wasn't born like you. It's gonna bug me."


"It's just the way things are. I am sure the gods have their reasons." He said with a smile and tilted his head at the boy. "I'm truly not being nearly as selfish as you thought I was." He grinned and winked. "Maybe a little, but... not that much."


"It's just the way things are. I am sure the gods have their reasons." He said with a smile and tilted his head at the boy. "I'm truly not being nearly as selfish as you thought I was." He grinned and winked. "Maybe a little, but... not that much."


"Maybe not... Still don't like it all though." He admits, looking away, embarrassed he even thought like that.


He smiled at that and nodded. "I know. You're young, still. Give it another heat or two and you'll really begin to mature. Once that happens, you'll want nothing more than to please yourself or get it where you can as often as you can." He smirked at that then chuckled. "I remember when I was your age, I was putting as many things into myself as I could and taking... frequent trips into the stables and bringing servants into my chambers." He laughed merrily at the memory then smiled warmly at Amaris.


"I can't do that though." He points out, curious about parts of the story but planning to ask about them later. They had a whole weekend after all!


"Hm?" he asked, then smiled and shook his head slowly. "I am granting you one day, yes?" He pondered for a moment then tapped Amaris nose. "Let me tell you a secret." He smiled and kissed his son's snout. "My father was my first. In very much the same way as you. I went into heat and he forced himself on me. All week, he filled my belly again and again." His eyes stared past Amaris into a time long forgotten. "Afterward, I was bitter, much as you were. But he was gentle. Kind. Compassionate. We grew close and slept together often. As did mother and I when she called for me during one of her heats." He quirked a brow, as if trying to remember some minor detail for a moment. "After my father grew busy with politics, I had to seek my jollies elsewhere. As I mentioned, I frequented the stables, fucking the mares and climbing under the stallions, though that came after much experimentation. I brought servants and guards into my chambers. My father, he didn't deny me my pleasures, but I could tell it tore him up inside. I was his, and yet others partook often."


Amaris thought on this for a large part of the carriage ride, trying to figure out what he wanted to do and say. Several parts of himself were fighting with each other and it was all very confusing for the hybrid pup. "Can I ask you something?"


*When Amaris went silent, processing the story, Vaelin smiled and stared out the window at the forest rolling by. He would let the lad mull it over and digest it. When finally the pup spoke, Vaelin's blue eyes turned to him again and he smiled. "Of course, you don't have to be afraid to ask me anything."


"The way he felt.. your father, I mean.. Is that why you won't let me do what you do?" He asks carefully, not want to upset his father and have this whole trip ruined, or worse, called off. "I.. kinda understand how he felt, I think."


Vaelin quirked a scaled brow ridge at that and tilted his head to the side. "Do you?" he asked and gently rubbed the pup's back. He was genuinely curious how Amaris felt, wanted to know what sort of an impact all of this had.


"Y-Yeah. I know I never met him, but.. I do, sir." Amaris admits, looking down at the floor of the carriage and curling his tail around to hold in his paws. "Maybe If I could I wouldn't understand how he felt, but I can't so I do."


Vaelin blinked at that, trying to muddle through in his head. "What do you mean?" he asked at last and glanced out the window. They were almost to their destination...


"When I can tell you're with someone else I feel.. angry." The pup replies, stroking over his tail in an attempt to stay relaxed. It helped a little. "I don't know why."


*He smiled at that and tilted his head. "Jealousy. Your dragon heart is screaming at you that I belong to you, and you get angry because someone else is enjoying me." He quirked a brow at that and tilted his head. "The same way I feel when you are with, say, Cetacea." He winked slyly and breathed a soft sigh. "Perhaps, then, we should stay true to each other?"


"You didn't seem angry when you walked in and joined without asking." He replied, looking up at the red dragon thoughtfully. "You still owe me that one night, but after that.. I don't know. I don't think I could keep up with you." He says, perhaps just a bit sadly.


*He laughed lightly and shook his head. "Not, now, no. But you will build your stamina. You'll be wearing me out before you finish growing!" he said with a laugh. "As for Cetacea? I wasn't angry on the outside, no. But I came in and joined without asking because I was jealous. I didn't want to be left out of having fun with you." He shrugged his wings lightly and the carriage stopped. Vaelin quirked a brow, then smiled and pat the boy's thighs. "Why don't we get unpacked, hm?"


Having more to think about now, Amaris simply nodded and climbed down out of the carriage and pulling his luggage out so he can unpack. He thanks the driver and looks around to see just where he was going to be staying for the next few days.


Vaelin climbed out of the carriage and nodded to the drive,r who was getting on one of the horses the guards had brought. Together, they began to ride back the way they had come. Vaelin smiled and started to drag things out of the carriage to set up their little camp sight. He smiled at Amaris. Hopefully, he mused, that would open the boy's eyes. He so hoped they could become far closer, both physically and emotionally.


As if nature itself was conspiring with Vaelin, the small forest clearing looked amazing. Sunlight spilled through the tree leaves overhead like white gold, and the little creek nearby babbled gently in time with the birds. "Whoa..."


Vaelin smiled at the pup's reaction but said nothing. He simply unpacked the carriage and began setting up a rather large tent for the two of them embroidered in the kingdom's colors and emblazoned with his sigil. He would let Amaris marvel and explore while he worked. He wasn't about to spoil the pup's first impression!


Amaris tried to help his father, really, but soon the urge to explore was too much! He set his things in the tent for later and darted off into the woods to see what he could find. Maybe he'd bring something cool back to for his mother or Cetecea!


Vaelin smirked as the boy disappeared into the trees. He finished pitching the tent, digging a fire pit, setting out everything all alone. Not that he minded. He enjoyed getting his hands dirty, a trait that kept his father rather at odds with him much of the time. Once things were laid out, he took up a fishing pole and started toward the crystal clear lake. Now to get some fishing in before the squirt got back and the real fun... almost began.


Amaris explored for a good hour before he took to the air to stretch his wings and fly however he liked. There was nothing quite like the open sky above a forest! He spied the lake and dropped back down Aron's the trees as he flew toward it lazily. When he soared over the water he looked around and banked towards Vaelin, "I found some weird feathers! They look like the cloak I had made for mother, but they're smaller and a different color."


"Is that so?" he asked, glancing to Amaris when the pup landed. He himself, by that time, had shucked most of his clothes except his leggings. Looked like this trip was going to do him good, too. He had put on a little weight around the middle! "Give us a look then."


The pup pulls the feathers out and showed them to his father. Three feathers in all, with black and tan coloration and a dull sheen. "They were stuck in a thorn bush, but I couldn't find anymore nearby in other bushes."


Vaelin looked at the feathers in the lad's hand and smiled. "Well, they are pretty, aren't they? Maybe the baby of whatever belongs to the feathers you found last time," he said and glanced at the bobber dancing in the clean ripples.


"You think there are baby griffons out here?" He asks in amazement, looking back at the forest. "I wonder if it was their mother that attacked us then..."


"Possibly. We may have been to close to her chicks and she felt threatened," he said simply and offered the boy a smile. "We better stay on our guard then, shouldn't we?" he asked. "Still. Best to get comfortable. We're alone out here. No one's going to bother us. Let's take a load off!"


"Huh? Oh, yes, sir." He replies, sitting down an arm's length away and playing with the feathers so they caught the light in different ways. "It's so quiet out here, but load too. And flying through the trees is just as fun as back at the castle."


*He smiled at that and nodded. "I'm glad you're enjoying it!" he said, then grinned. His tail extended and he began to reel frantically at his pole. "And here's dinner!"


"Already?" He asks, putting the feathers away to watch. Soon shore was not enough of a viewpoint for him and he took to the air, staying a few feet over the water and watching where the line entered it. "Get it! I think it's really big!" He calls out excitedly.


"It sure feels like it!" he cried out as he reeled hastily. He tugged on the line, gritting his teeth as the big fish fought and fought some more! After what seemed like hours, Vaelin reeled the fish into the shallows where it flopped and splashed about. He pounced on it in an almost feral fashion and wrestled the monster up into the grass!*


"You gotta cut the head off or it won't stop!" Amaris cries as he dives and presses the flopping tail down with his little hands. "Geez it's strong!"


*Vaelin snarled and growled. Cut off the head! Of course! Without thinking, he leaned down and closed his jaws over the fish's head. With a sickening crack, he twisted and tore it free. He champed and chomped and swallowed it whole. He grinned triumphantly and crawled off the large fish. "There! Now we can cook it!"


The pup let go and sat back on the dirt, looking a little off. "You didn't have to tear at it like that. You've got claws big enough. You ate it's eyes!" He shudders and makes a gagging sound.


*Vaelin blinked and glanced to the headless fish as if only then realizing what had happened. "Oh," he said and rested a hand on his belly slowly. "I don't know what came over me." he offered an apologetic smile then shrugged his shoulders. "Well, let's gut it and skin it and put it on the spit, shall we?"


"Um... Do you know how to do that? Anytime I got to fish in the lake at the castle I turned the fish over to the cooks." He explains, wiping his hands off. "I never got to help in the kitchens. They thought I'd eat something."


He smiled at that and nodded. "Well, it just so happens that I do. Come along, I'll show you how." He winked at that and started to heft the large fish toward the little camp and the fire pit therein.


Amaris picked up the pole and followed quickly, wondering if his father had eaten the hook when he'd swallowed the fish head. That seemed like it could be a bad thing. "Is it hard to gut a fish?"


"No. Just cut its belly open and spill them out. Skinning it can be tricky, though." When he set the fish down, he glanced about for where he'd put the knives then grinned. On a smooth stone beside the cold pit, of course! He took one up and waved Amaris over. "Alright, let me show you..." In the interest of saving time, they cut and gutted and skinned the thing without any upsets. After skewering it, Vaelin went about getting wood for the fire, ready to cook the thing good!*


Amaris helped, of course, but everything seemed to distract him today, and he only contributed an armful by the time the fire was ready to light. "Can, um... Can I try to light it..?"


When Vaelin had the wood stacked and some in the pit beneath the fish, he quirked a brow at Amaris's question. "Of course. Just... don't scorch the fish." he said with a smile and stepped back out of the way. Just in case, of course!


Thinking about it, Amaris walked around so he was on the opposite side of the pit as the fish and got down on his hands and knees to blow into the wood pile. A bit of smoke comes out and he coughs. "Sorry! I've never really done this on purpose before." He explains. The pup's face shows intense concentration before he tries again and manages a gout of flame that sets the wood aflame. "Yes! I did it!"


*Vaelin clapped his hands and nodded enthusiastically. "Yes you did!" he said with a hearty laugh! He grinned and his tail swung around to gently turn the spit upon which the fish was skewered. "Now we'll be feasting in no time!!"


"My throat feels weird." Amaris notes, rubbing at it. The smell of cooking fish soon distracted him from that though, and his own tail twitched back and forth as he watched it turning. "We're gonna need a lot less fish to fill the carriage if they're all this big!"


*Vaelin laughed loudly again and he shook his head. "Two or three," he said, playing along with what he assumed was a joke. He grinned across the fire at his son and breathed a soft sigh. "I'm enjoying our time out here, pup. Thank you."


"Why are you thanking me?" He asks curiously, looking back across the pit. "You could've said no when I asked for normal days like this, away from all the people who don't see me as me anymore. I should be thanking you."


*He smirked and shook his head. "You will always be you. They just see the real you now. They all look up to you. You should embrace it, not hide from it." He moved around the pit carefully and settled beside Amaris. He gently tugged him against his side and gave a soft sigh. "you're unique. Special."


The pup stayed quiet for a while, watching the fire dance and spark in its confines. "Mother could make me feel like that sometimes, when she'd come out and help me learn how to fly. When she'd bring me a sweet roll if I got hurt bad somehow so I'd stop crying."


"I think, if you let them, the people all around you would help you feel like that, too." He smiled and leaned down to kiss the boy's snout. "And of course, I will always be here for you." He smiled at that then gave the boy another warm hug. "For everything. Through everything."


Amaris was quiet again before suddenly returning the hug as a few tears fall down his muzzle and on to Vaelin's side. He couldn't help. He felt happy and like he finally had a father like the other kids.


Vaelin smiled and held Amaris close against himself for several minutes. He couldn't deny the effect the closeness was having on him. His slit had parted and his arousal was beginning to tent his leggings! Still he held Amaris, half hoping he wouldn't notice. Half hoping he would. After several long minute more, he cleared his throat and nodded toward the fish. "I think it is ready to eat."


"Do we got plates?" He asks, sniffing a bit as he wiped his eyes dried. "Oh! Um.. What did you do with the hook you caught it with?" His eyes turn up to look at Vaelin with some worry.


"I took it out when we were wrestling with it," he assured the pup. A moment later, he pointed at the carriage and said "I think there are some in the case on the back. Fetch them for us, please?" he asked and pulled the spit away from the fire.


He nodded and got up to run over to the carriage. He searched it quickly and returned, putting them down and then blushing after his eyes glanced downward. "It.. It smells good, the fish. Are you sure it's done, sir?"


Vaelin smirked and cut off a nice slab of pink meat for Amaris. "You don't have to call me sir, you know." He winked slyly at Amaris and leaned down to kiss him, this time deeply upon the lips. "You and I have done enough together to drop formalities for the rest of our lives."


Amaris shuddered after the kiss and looked down, shifting his feet a bit before he looks back up at his father. "It.. It's what I was raised to call people above us servants, and.. it's all I can think of to call you..."


"What about 'Vaelin'," he asked. "Or 'dad'?" He smirked at that and gave the boy's shoulder another squeeze before he went about getting his own delicious fish! He grinned at the juicy meat on his place then started to dig in with nothing but his fingers. This was, after all, camping.


"I.. I do not know." He replies as he takes his piece of fish and starts slicing it into pieces, careful of his fur as he eats the hot meal. "This tastes better than when the cooks make fish!"


"Of course it does, I made it." He winked playfully at the pup and munched away. After several minutes, he pointed at Amaris and said "I think you're wearing too much clothes." For a number of reasons, the least of which being the increasingly noticeable bulge in his own trousers*


Amaris looked down at his clothes, and then at the bulge in Vaelin's trousers and bit the inside of his cheek. He didn't know what to do except take off his shirt and lay it down carefully, revealing his lithe torso.


"There," Vaelin said with a smile. "Isn't that more comfortable?" he asked and glanced around idly. "It's much warmer out here than inside the stone walls." He gave his wings a shrug then went back to watching the fish roast slowly over the fire. "There are no rules out here, nothing we have to conform to. Just you and me enjoying ourselves how we want to enjoy ourselves."


"I actually think the castle is kinda stuffy in the summer, and drafty in the winter. I was always warm though, so at night Mother would hold me." He says softly as he thought back on those nights. It seemed so childish now, and he felt a twinge of anger over that. "Shed keep away the bad dreams and I'd keep away the cold."


He smiled at that and pat his lap invitingly. "Really?" he asked in what sounded like genuine interest. "Well, maybe from now on, I can keep away the bad dreams and together we can keep away the cold, hm?" he asked with a warm smile spread over his muzzle.


"The heavier blankets do that now. I don't want her getting over warm." He explains, watching the rest of the fish cooking and breathing in deep enough his chest noticeable expanded. "That smells delicious. Hope it's as good a second time."


"As do I!" he said, patting his slightly distended belly. It was much more noticeable that Amaris's father was putting on some weight now that his shirt was off. He smiled at Amaris and again pat his lap invitingly. "I had meant you and I. Not the three of us." Again he shrugged his wings. "If you were willing to sleep in my bed, of course."


The pup glanced at his father's lap again and felt nervous. He'd be sitting right on that bulge. It made his stomach feel funny. Or was it the fish? He wasn't sure, and opted to just scoot over next to him for now. "Where would she sleep..?"


He chuckled lightly at that and draped a wing over the pup's own and his bare shoulders. "In her own bed, of course. Well, in the bed in your chamber," he corrected and smiled down at Amaris. "I imagine she would come into our bed from time to time. When she goes into heat, for example." Before Amaris could scowl or snap, Vaelin held up a finger. "It is going to happen, pup. Do you want her giving her heat to the servants and guards, or to us that we might share her?" he asked, though far more gently than one might expect.


"You.. You s-said it would just be us.." He didn't want to think of his mother like that. "She's managed all my life to avoid having another child. She doesn't have to go through it again.."


He smiled at that and nodded. "You're right, of course." He smiled and leaned down to kiss the pup's nose gently. "Well," he said, hesitating for a moment as if contemplating something. "What about you and I?" he asked and tilted his head to the side.

"It was the deal so we wouldn't get mad. It was your idea." He reminds the older dragon as he looks down. "Promise not to get mad?"


Vaelin chuckled and again kissed Amaris, this time atop his crown. "I'm not mad, pup, don't worry. I was talking about having a child, though." Vaelin smiled warmly at that and started running his hands through the pup's fur to smooth it out idly as they chatted.


"That's why I wanted you to promise. I don't want to have a child. It.. It scares me. I know it's what my parts are for, but.. I don't know. A-Anyone could just.. just make me and I couldn't do anything about it, could I?" His red eyes, so young and bright, are darkened by the returning fear Amaris had of his future pregnancy. "You need at least one from me though. An heir. And it's gotta be yours too, doesn't it? It's our deal."


"It is our deal," he agreed and offered another gentle smile. "But not until you're ready. That is also part of the deal, isn't it?" He smiled and glanced about as if afraid someone else might over hear. His three chambered heart was pounding thunderously in his chest. "What if you don't carry the child? What then?" he asked and tilted his head to the side once more. His hands slid up along Amaris's arms to gently explore the pup's palms and digits with his own tender appendages.*


"I don't know." Amaris replies as he paid attention to the way Vaelin's hands made the funny feeling grow as they explored his body. The pup didn't have much in the way of muscles in his arms, but his shoulders did. A result of his many, many flights.


"Well," Vaelin said, hesitating once again. "Perhaps you should give it some serious thought." He guided Amaris's hands down against the gentle swell of the warm scales on his belly. He pressed Amaris's palms firmly there. It didn't squish like fat should. It was hard. Firm with very little give.*


The small hands squeezed at the swell as his brow furrowed. Why was Vaelin's stomach like that? How much fish had he eaten that his stomach had no give. "It's what you want though. I'm the prince and.. you said before when I went into heat next you'd, um.."


*Vaelin gave another little chuckle and hugged the pup tightly against himself. He kissed Amaris between the ears again and shook his head. He couldn't be frustrated with the boy's naivete He was so young. "You are missing what I'm trying to tell you, Amaris." He smiled and, whether Amaris wanted it or not, dragged the pup into his lap to face him with a leg on either side of Vaelin's waist. He stared down into the boy's eyes with a soft smile and said "I'm trying to say that... well, I'm going to have a baby, Amaris."


Comically, Amaris's jaw dropped as he stared back in surprise. A.. A baby?! That wasn't possible! This must be some sort of trick! Vaelin couldn't be pregnant. As suddenly as the thought arrived though, another made Amaris droop. If this wasn't a trick... "I am happy for you, sir." He says quietly. "Mother always wished the other females easy births, so I'll wish that for you since she's not here."


*He smiled at that and nodded. "Thank you. I'll admit, I'm quite nervous." He lifted the pup's chin so he could stare down into Amaris's eyes again. He leaned down and gently brushed the pup's lips with his own. "Why are you looking so down so suddenly, hm?" he asked then grinned. Once again, he pressed the pup's hands to his taut, but swelling tummy. "I'm going to need help with this, pup. I would very much like you at my side while I carry and give birth and most especially everything after."


"...I will help, sir." He says quietly, not sure if he meant it or not. He couldn't help be feel conflicted. On the one hand, he was happy he didn't have to have a child. But on the other... Amaris felt like he wasn't needed now. Vaelin had a new heir. One that wouldn't fight with him about things, or be as stubborn. One that would be better than Amaris...


"You can start by not calling me sir anymore, as I've asked you before." Vaelin said with a small smirk. "I'm sure you'll do fine helping out when I need it. You're a good pup." He smiled again and gave Amaris's shoulders a little squeeze. "It is going to be strange. I never thought I would ever in my lifetime get pregnant."


"You talked about mating a lot. You haven't been until now?" He asks softly, suspicious this was a lie. As much as Vaelin seemed to enjoy the act, how had he not been with child before?


*Vaelin laughed and nodded. "That's why it's so strange! I thought I was incapable, but I suppose the stars aligned and somehow or another..." he gave his wings a shrug and rubbed his belly. "I had to ask your mother about it all. I told her what was going on and she said yes, I am indeed carrying a wee little baby."


Amaris let this thought sink in a bit before he remembered something and used his tail to swat Vaelin's shoulder. "And you though I was just shoving food down your throat so you'd be fat!"


*He laughed heartily and nodded. "I did! But I was throwing up in the mornings and still getting fat! That's when I questioned your mother." He grinned wickedly and tilted his head to the side. "At least the cravings haven't started yet. I might get a taste for pup and devour you while you sleep."


"You've tasted me a lot already and haven't yet, so I think I'm safe." He retorts with an air of confidence about him. "Besides, Mother says it's not meat females wanna eat when they have a baby in them, not just by itself."


He smirked at that and nodded. "You are right, of course. And you do taste quite good." He winked and kissed the pup tenderly. "You think if I swallow you whole, you'll be born at the same time as the new baby?" he teased.


"I don't think I'd be born at all." He replies, shrugging his wings like Vaelin had. "If it worked like that, I'd be carrying a belly around too."


He smirked and shrugged. "Well, we can always try." He grinned and nibbled on Amaris's ears in an exaggerated manner! He held the boy tight against his chest, mostly immobilizing him while he 'ate' him.


"Hey, st-stop that." He mutters, trying to wiggle free so he could save his ears. When that didn't work he started flicking them around to try and keep them free.


He smirked and kept pestering for a good long while, but finally he released the pup and grinned playfully down at him. "You taste so good, I cant help myself!"


"I do not!" He protests, covering his ears protectively as his muzzle heats up. It had taken everything he had not to laugh.


He grinned and shook his head. "Sure you do!" He smiled and kissed the boy gently upon the lips again. "All of you! Every last bit!" He winked slyly then leaned back to stare at Amaris, his trousers more than a little tented.


"I don't..." Amaris knew this was a losing battle. Especially now that he remembered Vaelin was excited. He looked down at the smaller 'tent', then at the rounded belly. "I-Isn't it a little weird?"


*He glanced down, following Amaris's gaze to his arousal He smiled and shrugged again. "Not really. It feels as normal as it did before." He helped the boy off his lap then kicked his trousers away. He poked his throbbing arousal and glanced to Amaris. "Looks normal."


"I mean because there's a baby." He says quietly, watching the length for a moment before looking down at his own lap. "It seems weird to me."


*he shook his head again and smiled. "It doesn't seem weird to me. Not really." He smiled then held his hands out to Amaris. If the pup gave him his hands, Vaelin guided them to his hot, throbbing rod. He smiled and gave a deep purr. "Feels normal..."


"I'm not talking about this." He replies, sighing. "I'm talking about doing stuff like this when there's a baby right there. Guess it's just me..."


"Oh," Vaelin said, guiding Amaris's hands from tip to base and back slowly. "If it makes you feel any better, I don't think he can see us." He winked lightly then leaned over and gently kissed the boy on the muzzle again. He wasn't sure if it was because they were alone or because he was pregnant, but he was feeling much more eager than normal.*


"I-If you're gonna do this at least lay down. I know something you liked a lot." He says, shifting next to his father a little anxiously. This all felt funny, and not the laughing kind.


Vaelin blinked at that then smiled wide. He was glad Amaris was going along with this! He carefully laid back and shifted so e was parallel to the fire. He smiled at Amaris then breathed a deep, happy sigh.


"Um.. now your legs." The pup says as he gently pushes on them so they'll part. He tried not to look at the belly his father had while he did this. "I'm gonna do the arm thing again if you let me."


He smiled at that and nodded. "Alright," he said and spread his legs as wide as he could. "Will you let me reciprocate that after, hm? I really, really want to use this..." he reached up, gently stroking his throbbing length.


"Well.. I was just thinking that, um.. I mean, I only need one arm for the thing, so my other hand could keep rubbing, right?"


He nodded and tilted his head. "Yes, you could. But if you're willing, I would very much enjoy making love to you after you get me off." He offered a warm smile and reached down to caress the boy's face.


"Let's just do that then." Amaris replies. "No need to get my arm any messier, right? Then we can go wash off in the lake and maybe swim around."

*Vaelin smiled at that and tilted his head to the side. Do that then? No reason to get his arm messier? He smiled a little wider then leaned down to gently brush the pup's muzzle with his own. "You're such a brave little pup." He slowly, gently laid the pup upon his back and eased himself between Amaris's legs. "I'll stop if you feel overwhelmed."


The pup swallowed and looked down at the intimidating spire. "I-I'm not brave... Can w-we do something else first? I don't know what, but I don't know if I'm ready for that right away." Amaris says quietly, looking back up at Vaelin with his soft, red eyes.


Perhaps he had misunderstood the boy's intent. He smiled and nodded. "Of course." He kissed Amaris again, then trailed kisses down his chest and belly. He sat back once more and tilted his head down at the boy. Well... let him use his brain. Let him start using the adult part of his brain. "I am your to command, master Amaris."

Amaris shivered from the tingling those kisses left, and for a moment he was sure Vaelin was going to continue further downward. He was not expecting the elder dragon to call him master though, let alone be at his command! "W-What? You mean I can tell you to do s-something and you will?"


*The red dragon smiled and nodded, but said nothing more. He tilted his head and let his hands roam over his body in a poor imitation of the brothel girls he had seen in the streets. "Anything your heart desires, master."


Amaris wasn't sure how to explain, but the feeling he got from those words were like a rush that filled his body. Kind of like taking that wretched collar off., only better. "O-Okay then.. Um.. I want you to kiss over my body?"


He smiled at that and nodded. He could already smell the arousal, stronger somehow than any time before. Well, lad was easily intoxicated by power, wasn't he? He leaned forward and gently pushed Amaris back again. His scaled muzzle roamed over the boy's muzzle, down his neck and across his collarbone. He didn't keep any particular pattern, just trailed little kisses and tiny nibbles along the pup's chest and belly, oft times getting close to his groin but not enough. Let him ask for it-nay, let him beg for it.


It didn't take long for Amaris to start letting out little pants as his pulse grew faster and faster. Vaelin certainly knew what he was doing, that was for sure! "My legs.. on the i-inside. Kiss there next." He tells his father almost breathlessly.


He smirked at that and kissed low along the boy's thighs, past his knees to his calves and shins. He kissed all along them, on his calves up to his knees and back. His hands roamed the boy's furry chest and hips. but he made a point to go no higher than the knees. He'd have to be specific! And any opportunity to tease the boy, even now, and he would take it.


Amaris squirmed when his thighs were kissed, but after that is all just kind of tickled. He held it in as long as he could, but eventually he let out a series of soft giggles he failed to muffle successfully.


The failed muffle was all he needed. His hands began prodding, poking at places he knew would get to the pup. "Is this what my prince desires?" he asked, making more effort to tickle the pup. Let him beg, even if it was only to make the tickles stop. Make the pup beg for his tongue in his young pussy.


The pup burst out in laughter and squirmed almost violently against the tickled hands. "N-No! D-D-Don't tickle me!" He pleads, losing any trace of apprehension over what they were leading up to with this rather unusual foreplay,


*He nodded at that and lifted his hands up and out of the way, no longer tickling. Instead, he kept kissing away at the pup's calves. He technically wasn't tickling! He lifted his blue eyes to Amaris's own and winked. "Better, prince?"


"It still tickles!" He says, sitting up quickly to try and shield his legs with his hands. A futile effort, considering the differences in size of the competing appendages, but one he tried nevertheless.


He kept it up for several more moments then sat up on his haunches, his gloss black pole hard and throbbing before himself. "Then what does my prince want of me?"


Amaris knew what he wanted to say, but didn't want to put a damper on the rest of the trip. So instead he smiled and said the second thing that came to mind instead. "I want you to use your tongue to get me ready for m-mating." A light tremor was all that betrayed his confidence ordering someone around.


He smiled and nodded. Better. He trailed his kisses north, slowly moving past the pup's knees. Closer and closer... He finally planted his lips full on Amaris's own. His long, slender tongue parted those folds and gently delved deeply into the pup's canal. He moaned gently, tasting every drop of arousal that washed over his tongue. Ready for mating, indeed.


Anticipation grew until Vaelin began to kiss and lick between Amaris legs, and then he sighed in pleasure as he was gently tongued. Like this he could relax and enjoy the act, get used to it and ready for me. "Good King." He murmurs as he lays back down on the ground.


Vaelin smiled against the pup's nethers. Of course he was a good king! He lifted his hands, trailing his fingers through the boy's soft belly and chest fur as his tongue explored every fold, every little crevice dripping with arousal deep inside the pup. He Opened his muzzle wide and dragged his sharp teeth carefully over the pup's clit, then locked his lips over it and began to suckle.*


The sound Amaris made was a mix between an exclamation of shock and pleasure, and his inner walls clamped down on the tongue firmly, nearly holding it in place. He took Vaelin's hands in his own and held on tight as he began to roll his hips into his father's oral affections.


Vaelin's chest and throat rumbled loudly with a pleasant growl. He increased his ministrations, suckling and nibbling on the nib all the harder as he stretched his tongue as deep as he could. He growled deeper, a thunderous purr that intensified with every moment, with every buck of the boy's narrow hips. Soon, he mused as he stared up at the pup's face, soon they'd be wide, ready to allow the passage of fertile eggs.

*Amaris was enjoying this to the point he nearly missed the warning signs and lost it right then and there, immature body ready to blow like any number of normally 'equipped' boys his age. "St-Stop!" He gasps, his hands letting going of Vaelin's and pushing on the dragon's head incessantly instead, hoping he retreated in time.


He had made a game of it. Now he had to play by the rules he set, even if he wanted to stay and push the pup over the edge. Instead, he lifted his head and smiled down at the quaking pup. Good. He was ready. He trailed kisses up the pup's belly and chest, finally kissing him deeply upon the muzzle. He rubbed his arousal against the boy's nethers, ground their hips together as Amaris allowed himself to come down slowly from his near-orgasm.


The hybrid boy was panting heavily and whining softly as Vaelin pressed against him, but that didn't stop him from at least trying to kiss back. He just wasn't very good at it, or enjoying it like he knew his father was. "I.. I never thought th-that could feel so good..


He smiled and reached down to trace his oozing tip around the boy's girlhood. He paid special attention to his clit, rubbing the tip along the little nub. "It's about to feel a whole lot better, my prince." He smiled at his son and began to gentle press his ridged cock into the young folds.


"Did I say I was ready?" He asks, mostly teasing. "I didn't say you could do that, did I?" This was kinda fun. He knew Vaelin could stop playing along at anytime, but didn't think he would just yet.


*He blinked at that and scowled. Why that little shit... he was playing his own game! He pulled himself out and started to trace himself around the pup again, paying even more attention to the pup's sensitive nub. "You're right, my prince. I am sorry. I got excited."


"I'll forgive you." He replies, moving his hips a little bit to be in sync with the teasing tip. "This time. Do something like that again and I might have to punish you." Just what that might be he wasn't sure of yet though, or if it would even be possible to punish this large paragon of dragon kind. "You may mate with me slowly for now."


Vaelin paused and his eyes twinkled. He was tempted to see what sort of punishment that would be.... But the permission outweighed his curiosity. He smiled and leaned down to kiss Amaris again. As they kissed, he eased his length inward. Little by little until the unswollen knot popped inside and their hips ground together.


Amaris worked on staying as calm as he could while arousal flooded his little body, which was also being filled passed what should have been physically possible. And in a most pleasurable fashion too. Slowly, he placed his legs around Vaelin's hips and wrapped their tails together, marring at the closeness. It wasn't normal, it wasn't something most fathers and sons did together, but... it was close enough.


*When their lips parted, Vaelin smiled down at where they were joined, then looked up into his son's eyes. He smiled warmly and kissed the tip of his nose. "I love you, Amaris." He kissed his nose again. "My son." Again. "My prince." And again. "My mate."


"Father..." Amaris stared back after the kisses and.. looked confused. Then he wrapped his arms around Vaelin's neck and pulled him into a surprisingly powerful hug.

Vaelin lowered himself onto Amaris and hugged the boy back as tightly. He Smiled and allowed himself to close his eyes and enjoy their closeness. For a moment. Then he drew his hips back, pulling the unswollen knot and each ridge free. Once naught but the tip remained, he pressed himself gently back in to repeat the process. Slow. Tender. Everything Amaris asked for.


For a while Amaris laid their, still and quiet, and let Vaelin work. He wished this had been what had happened when they first met. Well, after some time getting to know each other anyway. All the fear and pain and loathing he'd had was still a sharp memory, but it was a memory nonetheless. "You can go a little faster now."


He hummed mirthfully and nodded. "Of course, my prince." He winked at Amaris and gradually quickened his pace. A little faster. That was subjective, wasn't it? He wasn't quite rutting the pup, but his hips did make a bit of a -slap- against Amaris's own. His growling, his purring intensified and his talons curled in the soul on either side of his soft, warm son.


The pup held on a little tighter at first as he got used to the new speed, then started pressing up into the thrusts. He felt this strange desire to be more active for once. Maybe it was his temporary 'control' of the situation? He didn't care enough to think about it.


When Amaris's hips started rising to meet his own, he growled. While Amaris got more control, Vaelin lost some of his. His speed increased again. His wings spread above them, his back arched as he drove into the pup. He was driving higher and higher. Like Amaris, it took only minutes more and he was holding himself back, struggling to maintain control and prolong the pleasure they shared.


Amaris, meanwhile, wasn't holding back at all. Unaware of his father's struggle, he let out a growl and bit down on Vaelin's shoulder. He couldn't do much more than scratch the scales there a little, but with his tight tunnel spasmed in orgasmic bliss he certainly seemed willing to try!


He cradled his son's head in his hand, holding him up so he could bite, claw at his back. He growled deeply as Amaris's tunnel spasmed. It was too much! He pressed himself deeply into the pup and held himself there. The base of his cock swelled outward, stretching and sealing the boy's pussy. He threw his head back and roared out in unison with the pup's howling. His balls tightened, emptying their contents straight into the pup's womb. Molten essence rushed into his belly, distending it after several moments as Vaelin came and came.


While the sensation was familiar by now, it still somewhat unsettled the pup and one hand drops down in an attempt to press down on his stomach to try and slow the stretching. A minute later and his orgasm was tapering off, leaving him panting and his jaw aching as he finally released Vaelin's shoulder.


As Amaris released Vaelin's shoulders, the dragon slowly lifted his torso. He stared down at the swollen pup, panting and breathing heavily in delicious afterglow. He growled deeply and leaned down to kiss the pup's snout before a hand lifted and caressed the hot globe of a belly he'd felt pressing up against himself. "Beautiful," he whispered sincerely.


The hybrid pup jumped slightly when his belly was touched and looked down at the hand. He wasn't so sure he'd call it beautiful, but.. maybe it wasn't bad anymore. "I'm so hot right now..."


*He smirked and nodded. "I can feel that," he said and smiled down at the swell of the pup's tummy. Would be nice, someday, to see that and know his eggs were growing in the hybrid's tummy. He curled his long neck down and kissed the top of the swell gently. "Did my prince enjoy his rutting?"


"I did.. I'm not sure I can move around now though." He says quietly, feeling tired and heavy. "I might need a nap or my belly drained somehow..."


*He smiled at that and nodded. "A nap will do yo some good. You need to rest and your body will absorb all of this..." He again kissed his son's tummy and breathed a gentle sigh. "I'll get away from you once my knot goes down. I don't want to try and dislodge right now. I'll only hurt you."


"I can take it. I've felt worse anyway." Amaris says stoically as he looks away. Stupid memories... "What are we gonna eat next?"


Vaelin smiled and kissed Amaris's snout gently. "I'll find something, don't you worry. Get some sleep for now." He winked slyly and tilted his head. "Before I get antsy and put more of my seed deep inside." He grinned, his hands exploring the expanse of the pup's middle.


"O-Okay, Fa... sir. C-Can you stop touching it? It tickles and I can't sleep being tickled." The pup explained as his eyes started to slowly shut.


Vaelin gave a little chuckle and nodded. "Okay. And you had it right the first time." He winked again and carefully rolled the both of them over so Amaris was on his side, snuggled against Vaelin's broad chest.


Amaris's ears fold back briefly, but less than a minute later he was asleep and breathing softly, completely relaxed and at ease.


After several minutes, Vaelin pulled his deflating cock free of the boy's belly and carefully moved away. What to eat indeed? He scratched the back of his head then took up the bow he had packed. With one last glance at the pup, he disappeared into the forest. Some time later when Amaris was waking up, he would do so to the smell of roasting bunny rabbits slowly turning over the fire.


Now quite deflated and back to normal, Amaris looked around before sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "What did you catch? Doesn't smell like fish. Which is good, cause fish smell weird when cooking."


*He gave a laugh and turned to look over his shoulder at the pup. "No, it isn't fish. It's rabbits. I found a few in the wood while you were sleeping. Big fat ones." He grinned and pat the earth beside where he sat. "Come warm yourself by the fire."


The young prince shuffled over to the fire and smiled at the mouth watering rabbits. "They smell delicious! Oh, and I don't get cold unless.. Well, I don't get cold a lot."


He smiled at his pup and extended a wing to pull the lad down and against his side. "All the same," he said simply and held the boy close against himself. "So, you liked getting rutted, hm?" he asked, both as idle chit-chat and out of genuine curiosity and indeed worry that he'd not pleased his son as well as he'd hoped.


"It felt good." He answers, bringing his knees up to his chest. "And being the one who got to decide stuff was fun for a change, I guess. I know it wasn't anything important, but... Thank you."


He grinned at that and tilted his head to the side. "You are of course welcome!" He winked playfully and looped his tail around Amaris's waist. "Think we can make that something more regular, hm?" he asked, pausing to poke at the searing bunnies for a moment before he resumed turning them.


"I.. I don't know, still kinda inconvenient to fall asleep after every time, and if we waited until night and bed one of use might be too tired for it." Amaris paused and his ears turned as if listening for something, but then he relaxes.


"Maybe," he said with a smirk. "Or maybe we'll be ready for a little fun before we fall asleep. Why don't we just see what happens, hm?" Vaelin grinned and leaned down to kiss his pup's head between his pointed ears. "And as fast as your belly shrinks, that wont seem to be a problem we'll have to worry about."


"Yeah, um... H-How does it do that, exactly? My stomach doesn't shrink this fast after a big meal." It was strange he'd only thought to ask now. His ears twitched again. Leaves in the wind, probably.


*He shrugged and smiled. "I don't know, to be honest. It may be because I am a dragon. Or it may be because you are part dragon It may be both." He winked and tilted his head to the side thoughtfully. "I wouldn't worry over it."


"It just seems weird. Where does all that stuff even go? It doesn't leak out..." His stomach growls and he looks at the fire. "Are the rabbits done?"


*Vaelin smiled at the lad then looked to the bunnies once more. He lifted his tail and prodded at the meat. With a grin, he lifted them off and held them close for he and his son. "I think they're ready, yes."


Amaris took his eagerly and was about to bite into it when a blur of tawny rust burst from the bushes, knocked him over, and took the rabbit as it went by.

"Ow..." The hybrid groaned, sitting back up,


The dragon blinked and scrambled to his feet. "Uh oh," he sand and glanced down to the pup. Was that a gryphon? He genuinely hoped not. He didn't want to be attacked by another one!


"What happened?" Amaris asks, wiping dirt off his fur and looking up at his dad. Another blur shoots through camp, this one more of a golden brown, and Vaelin's rabbit disappears.


Vaelin growled darkly and his body tensed. As his muscles rippled beneath his hide, the scales covering him rattled against one another. He snarled and looked this ay and that. Where were they? Not gryphons. Gryphons were far more territorial than this and would have shown some sign of warning, issued some challenge by now...


"Father..?" Amaris asks, getting a chill as he watched the older dragon ready for a real fight. This wasn't something he'd seen before. Even in the fight that landed Vaelin bedridden, he hadn't seen this. It both scared and reassured him.


*He shook his head slowly. Whatever this creature was, it was cunning. The worst kind of enemy. "Get in the carriage, Amaris." He said simply and glanced about one more time. "I don't know what this is."


"All it did was take the rabbits..." The pup says as he looks around and sees their food is gone. "I kept hearing something, but I wasn't ever sure..."


"That's all it did this time! What do you think it'll do when it eats them and it's still hungry?" He growled. "Into the carriage!" he said again, more firmly than the last time as his eyes darted about from this side of the makeshift camp to the next. Where was it? What was it!?*


Amaris started to protest, something telling him not to worry, but Vaelin was angry and that meant bad things could happen. Shutting his mouth he went back to the carriage and started getting in, watching through the windows with baited breath.


The dragon growled again, his wings slightly flared and his tail flicking about behind him in agitation. He stepped forward and hefted one of the bunnies that had yet to be cooked. He held it up, barely by a foot and to the side. Wait for it... wait for it...


And there it was again, that tawny rust colored blur launching through the air towards the rabbit with a shrill, bird-like cry! Amaris flinched from inside wagon and nearly fell to the floor when he saw and heard that.


Vaelin launched himself atop what he assumed was a gryphon chick! He wrapped his arms and wings around the thing tightly as he wrestled the no doubt struggling thing. A dangerous game that was, especially if mother-dear was nearby. But he had to know. If it was one, they would deal with it. And if not, well...


Caught, the blur was indeed identified as a gryphon chick, albeit an extremely skinny one. Skinny and loud. It scratched and bit as hard as it could to get free, and was quickly aided by its equally underweight golden brown gryphon sibling zipping out of the undergrowth in an attempt to free it's kin.


When the two gryphons indeed burst from the trees, Vaelin swore. He pushed the skinny chick away from himself and scrambled away. Their mother couldn't be far away. Perhaps the same one who had attacked them before. Vaelin turned and ran to the carriage. He leapt up onto the driver's seat and snatched the reins from where they rested. With a flick and a holler, he urged the horses into motion.


Amaris watched all of this and then looked back at the gryphons, now squabbling over a rabbit, when it all clicked in his head. "Dad, they're not following! I think I know who they are!" With all the impatience and self-confidence a young hybrid could have, he threw open the door of the moving carriage and jumped up, catching the air on his wings and flying back towards the camp.

The Dragons 5: Deuling and Dealing

When supper had arrived, Vaelin did indeed go looking for the pup. He'd asked his mother and several of the servants and went on quite the wild goose chase. Finally he flitted up to the roof of one of the towers and found Amaris sitting there. Stifling...

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Who needs a Bunny?

The wind was warm that night as a winged creature flitted through the sky, visible only when it passed in front of stars or clouds. It was looking for a safe, secluded spot, though it wasn't sure why. Only that it must fly quickly and land soon....

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The Dragons, Chapter 4: Lunar Crown

Oh no... Sweet, merciful gods no! He was outing Amaris in front of /everyone/! Horrified beyond belief, he stared out at the crowd and felt the blood drain from his face. No... Nononono... The pup took a step back and encountered Vaelin's wing instead...

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