Private Territory

Story by Tissthalliss on SoFurry

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Uralliss is always vigilant when it comes to his territory, and he doesn't miss it when Renarr thinks he can sneak through undetected.

Lying on his side in the soft sunlight, Uralliss let the warmth caress his smooth green scales, from the dark green covering his paws and back, to the lighter green running along his chest, belly and underside of his tail. He had spent the day flying, looking for any intruders that happened upon his territory, and was pleasantly surprised to find none. Intruders had been coming more and more often recently, whether it was humans, gryphons, or even other dragons. Uralliss wasn't a big dragon, though he clearly possessed skills when it came to combat, and most turned away instead of facing him, quickly tracing their steps back out of his territory.

There was more than one fight he had been involved in though, and while sustaining no injuries, he had worn himself out. His tail thumped periodically behind him, flicking up small clouds of dust from the soft soil that he lay on. He had not claimed a cave, as much of his species was known to do, instead finding whatever area was comfortable to sleep for the night. He was thinking that this soft spot of ground wouldn't do to bad once night descended, as it didn't look like he would have to expect rain any time soon. He knew that he should still be out patrolling his territory, but the chances of anything venturing in this close to night were slim.

Cautiously, Renarr padded forwards, sniffing at the ground around him. It was obvious that another dragon had claimed this area, but he didn't want to waste his time flying around it. Instead, he had opted to land, and try his best to quickly pass through, which would be no easy task. Renarr's scales were a bright gold, which more than a few dragons were envious of. He never had to look far to find a mate, and that was what he was doing now. Being careful not to leave any tracks, Renarr started walking forwards, his head swivelling from side to side, yellow eyes inspecting every detail they could.

He had not gone more than a few steps when he found undeniable proof that there was another dragon nearby. He could smell there scent strongly in a small thicket of trees, obviously meant to warn others away. Renarr was stubborn though, and decided to try and use this to his advantage, dropping down and rolling over, hoping that some of the scent would rub off on him. Having no way of knowing where the dragon that owned this territory was, Renarr hoped that if found himself upwind from them they would ignore him, smelling their own scent. It wasn't a foolproof tactic, he well knew, as most dragons would know where they had left their scent, but it was better than nothing.

Uralliss lazily watched as a gold dragon walked into his territory, probably thinking itself sneaky. They were a large dragon, larger than him at least, and their scales looked more for show than anything else. They certainly didn't help him pass by undetected, as the sunlight was flung of in hundreds of different directions by the bright gold scales. Uralliss let out an indignant snort, this dragon thought to sneak through his territory? He would show them that it would not be so simple. Rising to his paws, Uralliss lowered his chest, stretching his back, legs and wings, before heading towards the invader.

It was not difficult to follow them, and Uralliss soon picked up his own scent wafting from them. They had thought to deceive him with so simple a trick? Uralliss found himself becoming more and more annoyed as he watched the dragon. Sure, they were light enough on their paws, not leaving any tracks, but that was all that was stealthy about them. Looking at their bulk, they looked much more suited to fighting than sneaking. So why then, were they skulking through his territory like a thief? Perhaps they wanted some of his non-existent horde? Uralliss had no need for gold. He was not blinded by it like so many of his kin. Instead, he preferred other things, like comfort, and occasionally, company.

Renarr let a small grin fill out his muzzle, as his mind filled with visions of himself sneaking through the territory. So sneaky, that not even while the sun was still up could he be caught. His trick with the scent must have paid off, as he had not seen a single sign of the other dragon that he knew to be nearby. Even with his dazzlingly bright scales, Renarr was still a master of stealth, surpassing even dragons of legend! And he certainly had no ability lacking when it came to fighting, besting nearly every opponent he came across. He was the sort of dragon that the pitiful humans would worship, and he knew it.

Uralliss watched as the golden dragon lifted its head high, its chest puffing out. Who was this dragon seeking to impress? All they achieved was looking foolish, as if they were a legend made flesh, while trying to remain stealth at the same time. Such a dragon, he knew, could prove to be dangerous though. It was not often that a dragon would act so highly, unless they had some sort of skill to back it up. Uralliss considered letting the dragon go, but scowled as he forced the idea out of his head. This was his territory, and he would not let any trespass, even if they were one of the fabled dragons from myth themselves.

The green dragon's anger only rose, after seeing the invader lift a leg, and relieve himself. He would not stand to be insulted any longer. With a huff, and a scowl filling his face, Uralliss bounded forwards, his claws digging into the earth and flinging him forwards violently. Renarr had just finished emptying his bladder, not managing to walk more than a few steps, before the air was knocked from his lungs, and he was knocked from the ground. All he saw was a flash of green, and then he was rolling across the ground, kicking up clouds of dirt and dust as he attempted to sink his claws into the ground, to try and regain his footing.

Barely a second was all the time that Renarr had to look up, and then he threw himself to the side, tucking his wings in and rolling, a green blur landing on the ground where he had just been. Snarling, Uralliss looked over at the golden dragon, angered that they had managed to recover so quickly. It was already evident that they were a better fighter. But this was Uralliss' territory, and he knew the land better. He quickly took off into a small group of trees, listening to the rapid pounding of paws against the ground behind him. Once he was within the thicket, Uralliss launched himself from the ground, clutching onto the side of a tree before launching himself from it, directly towards the gold dragon that seemed to have lost sight of him.

Renarr was surprised at how quick the green dragon was, but he was determined to catch them. Now that he had been found out - though he had no idea how - he would have to fight his way out of this dragon's territory. He had no lack of faith in his skills, but he knew that it was easy to be wounded by an unknown enemy, and he had yet to properly gage this dragon's capabilities. He had seen them run into this thicket of trees, and there was still dirt in the air, but he could see no sign of them. That was, at least, until they landed on top of him, their paws wrapping around his neck as he was thrown to the ground.

Renarr struggled to stand for a moment, but the pressure of Uralliss' jaws clamping down around his neck forced him to still his body. Uralliss growled around the neck full of scales, hoping that this dragon would heed his warning, and not attempt to fight anymore. They seemed willing enough to accept defeat though, which he had not expected from the look of them. They looked so noble, and, he had to admit, more than a little attractive. Yet he would not allow a dragon to pass through his territory without his consent. He let out one last warning growl, before slowly releasing the dragon's neck.

Renarr was a dragon of honour, and he didn't try to struggle once his neck was released. He could easily twist around now, and rip the dragon off of him, but he had already accepted defeat, and to fight back now would shame him immensely.

"You try to sneak through my lands," came a voice from above him, "try to skulk beneath my notice, like a thief, or a smasher of eggs! Who are you dragon, to so boldly strut around as if this land was gifted to you!?"

"I am Renarr." The gold dragon replied, "And I was seeking to pass through."

"You knew this was my territory," Uralliss proclaimed, "yet still you continued. Was it fear that kept you from facing me like a true dragon?"

"I did not wish for a fight," Renarr replied, twisting his head and snarling up at Uralliss, "I just wished to shorten my journey, and now you throw insults at me as if I were the lowliest of scum!"

Uralliss could hear the disgust in Renarr's voice, and knew that he was deeply insulted.

"A gift would have sufficed, but yet you sneak. Are you so low, dragon, that you would pass through another's territory and leave naught but your own scent?" Uralliss demanded, pushing a paw down against Renarr's chest.

"Oh, please tell, mighty shadow sulker, how I would carry such a gift. Do I have hands such as humans, perhaps some of the foul skin they use to carry items? No, there is no way I could have brought something even if I wished it."

"You insult me in my own territory Renarr, and I now wonder why you find it so important to shorten your journey. One would hope you were on your way to learn respect."

Renarr scowled at that. There was no reply he could make though. It was clear that this dragon was more gifted with words than he was, and to continue this argument would just further his shame.

"I am sorry dragon," Renarr said reluctantly, "That I have offended you so. Would that there was a gift I could give you, but as I mentioned, I am lacking."

"That is yet to be seen." Uralliss replied, his voice somewhat softer now that he had at least received an apology.

A slight look of confusion crossing his face, Renarr looked up at the green dragon.

"I have shared my name," Renarr said, "Will you not gift me with yours?"

"I am called Uralliss." Came the reply.

"You fight well; there are not many that can best me." Renarr said, hoping compliments would help him escape this situation.

"I don't doubt it Renarr. Your own skills are certainly desirable." And that is not all that is desirable about you. Uralliss thought, looking over the dragon underneath him.

"The question now," Uralliss said, "What will I do with you now? Perhaps I shall scar that perfect face of yours, so that you will think next time before entering another dragon's territory?"

"N- No!" Came Renarr's hast reply, his head flinching away as Uralliss pressed a claw against the side of his snout. "Please no, I'll do what you wish Uralliss, just do not scar me."

Uralliss smiled on top of the gold dragon. He had known that Renarr would do anything to get out of being scarred. He was much too good looking not to.

"Follow me then Renarr," Uralliss said, stepping off of the golden dragon, "I have plans for you."

Wincing as he stood up, Renarr followed after the green dragon. They might not be as large as him, but they certainly managed to hit him hard enough that he would feel it in the morning. It was easy enough to keep up with Uralliss, and Renarr got the chance to look them over while they were walking. Renarr knew that Uralliss was not as attractive as himself, and it was not vanity that told him that. Though the green dragon certainly didn't look unappealing, especially when he managed to steal a glance beneath their tail as they were walking. Whatever they had planned, Renarr would finish it as quickly as he could and be on his way. It had been some time since he had last mated, and he intended to find a willing female to breed tonight.

The walk was short, and Uralliss made sure to walk slow enough that Renarr would not be left behind. In all actuality, he had no idea what he wanted from the gold dragon, though he would like to enjoy the sight of them for at least a little longer. Reaching the top of a small hill, Uralliss slumped down onto the ground, stretching out comfortably on top of the soft grass. Renarr found himself lying down next to Uralliss after a gesture from the green dragon.

"So," Renarr asked, "What is it that you have planned for me?"

Uralliss thought for a bit, wondering what he should request of the magnificent dragon before him, before coming up with a satisfying enough idea.

"I would have you rest with me Renarr. It is not often that I have company, and I would like nothing more than to share some time with another."

Frowning, Renarr nodded his head in agreement.

"Why do you look at me like that? Do you find me unappealing?" Uralliss asked, slight hurt lacing his voice, his tail flicking behind him.

"No. It is just that- that I had other plans for this night." Renarr said, "And now I find myself unable to follow through with them."

"That is a shame Renarr, and I am tempted to let you leave." Uralliss replied, "But you have trespassed, and for that I have asked my payment. Besides, it surely cannot be that bad to just rest for a while, at least until the sun disappears beyond the horizon?"

Letting out a sigh, Renarr nodded. It would be nice to rest for a while, though his thoughts were constantly drifting to what he would rather be doing right now. No words were spoken for a while, and Uralliss soon found himself moving over closer to Renarr, pulling himself up against the golden dragon and enjoying his warmth. Renarr's slit tingled as he felt Uralliss' body pressing against his own, and unable to do anything about it, the tip of his member slowly started pushing free. Renarr's musk was light, light enough that Uralliss barely noticed it, finding himself drawing deeper breaths for no apparent reason.

Enjoying the contact, Uralliss rolled over, with his back to Renarr, and pushed himself against the dragon. It had been some time since he had felt the comfort of another's touch, and he found himself enjoying it. Instinctively, Renarr draped his paw over Uralliss' chest, sniffing at the dragon a few times. His scent was rather appealing, and Renarr's member grew larger the more of the green dragon's scent he drew in. It took a while before Uralliss finally noticed the smell of Renarr's musk, though he wasn't quite sure what it was. It smelled rich, and nice, and he found himself filling his nostrils, breathing in deeply.

Uralliss finally realised what it was when he felt the golden dragon's member pressing against his tail base. He thought of moving away, but Renarr things seemed so peaceful right now that he didn't want to ruin it just because Renarr had found himself aroused. Besides, he was sure that it would go down eventually. Renarr was sure of the opposite. With the scent of Uralliss teasing at him, he couldn't help but push his snout into the crook of the smaller dragon's neck, breathing in and out rapidly a few times, his warm breath sending a shudder down Uralliss' green frame.

"Renarr," Uralliss said, not even bothering to turn his head, "I think, perhaps, you have stayed long enough. You are free to leave when you wish."

Renarr didn't leave though. He didn't even move, besides his snout sniffing around at Uralliss' neck and shoulders. A low rumble filled Renarr's chest, and he pulled Uralliss against him tighter, grinding his member against the green dragon's tail base. Uralliss held in a whimper. It had been far too long since he had known the comfort of another, and Renarr certainly seemed willing enough to touch him. Uralliss started moving forward a little, meaning to roll over and face Renarr, but the low grumble escalated into a quiet growl, the gold dragon holding him tight.

"Your scent," Renarr said, his voice heavy, "It smells good."

Uralliss couldn't help but let another shudder run through his body as he felt Renarr push his nose against his neck, breathing in deeply. As he did, Uralliss felt the gold dragon's member throb against him, feeling the warmth of pre slide along his scales. The sniffing continued on for a little while longer, no words being spoken, Renarr's hips softly grinding against Uralliss'. This stopped suddenly though, as Renarr pulled away, rolling over and climbing to his paws. Uralliss slowly got to his own paws, looking over at Renarr, whose member, much like the rest of him, was coloured deep gold.

Barely having gained his balance, Uralliss was nearly pushed over as Renarr rushed over to him, quickly circling to his rear. Uralliss' own member had yet to reveal itself, and it seemed that he would need a physical touch for it to show itself. Renarr wasted no time with sticking his snout beneath Uralliss' tail, breathing in deeply before he began to lap at the green dragon's tailhole. His licks were wide and long, soon moving down to encompass Uralliss' slit as well, making the green dragon tremble under the onslaught. Uralliss was worried that his legs would collapse beneath him, but still his member didn't show itself. It wasn't that he couldn't feel pleasure, just that the pleasure didn't seem to stir it.

Renarr pushed his tongue into Uralliss' tight slit, lapping at the natural lubricants, savouring his taste as it splattered across his chin and lips. His member was rock hard beneath him, throbbing with such force that it felt like he would explode. It looked as if Uralliss would have to be his female for tonight, not that the gold dragon would complain. Giving a few more licks, Renarr pulled his head back, licking the fluids from his face as he looked over the dragon that would soon be beneath him. Uralliss went the face him, but Renarr let a low growl fill his throat, one paw coming to rest on the green dragon's rump.

"Your scent... your taste..." Renarr mumbled, "You are something to be desired Uralliss."

Uralliss felt his face heat at that. To be desired by such a good looking dragon was quite a compliment to him.

"And I will have you." Renarr finished, stepping forwards.

Uralliss felt a sudden pang of fear. He had been beneath dragons before, but that time was long ago. And from what he had felt Renarr was by no means small, leaving him to fear at the stretching he would receive.

"Renarr, I-" Uralliss was cut off as Renarr pulled himself on top of the green dragon, his paws wrapping firmly around his belly.

Uralliss made to talk again, but only a groan came from his mouth as Renarr's jaws closed around his neck. He could feel the tapered tip of that golden member prodding around his rump, slick with its lubricants as it looked for a hole to burry itself in. Uralliss moaned as he felt it slide along his slit, electric tingles running through his body at the contact. Those tingles quickly turned to a jolt though, as Renarr's member forced its way into his slit. Uralliss let out a hiss through clenched teeth at the sudden feeling of tightness, Renarr letting out a pleased groan as the tip of his member was squeezed tightly by the warm walls surrounding it.

Drawing back slightly, Renarr pushed his hips forwards again, loving the feeling of Uralliss' tight slit clenching around his member, squeezing and seeming to tug at it as he slowly worked it deeper in. Uralliss' own member was finally starting to stir, but with over half of Renarr's member in him already, it had no room to grow, instead just throbbing weakly. Uralliss let out a loud whine as Renarr finally picked up the pace, immediately embarrassed by the noise he had made. It seemed that Renarr revelled at the sound of it though, sinking his member in deep enough that Uralliss' slit was starting to feel overly full, and the pressure against the ridges on his member was divine.

Renarr's breath was coming faster from on top of Uralliss, his thrusts picking up pace, slamming back and forth, sinking his member again and again into the depths of Uralliss' slit, the tightness and slickness feeling even better than a female beneath him. Renarr released Uralliss' neck, his tongue flopping out of his mouth as he continued to pound into the green dragon, he was now moaning and groaning beneath him. Uralliss could feel himself approaching his climax already, the pleasure too much after so long without experiencing the touch of another. He had expected to feel Renarr inside his tailhole, but this was a pleasant surprise. Pleasure assailed both his member, and the slick walls that housed it at the same time, making him writhe beneath the gold dragon.

Renarr tightened his grip on Uralliss, his claws pricking at the light green scales, and started slamming his hips even harder against Uralliss, rocking the dragon beneath him. Uralliss couldn't hold himself up any longer, his front legs collapsing beneath him, leaving him to pant and groan on the ground, his rear held up by Renarr. Renarr was encouraged by the loud moans emanating from Uralliss, and shifted his stance slightly, so that he could thrust into the deepest reaches of the green dragon. Renarr was thrusting with all the force he could manage now, his member sliding in and out of the green dragon's slit with wet shlick and shlurp sounds, their combined fluids leaking down Uralliss' chest.

Uralliss could barely seem to get enough air into his lungs, as if every thrust from Renarr was pushing it out of him. He could feel the ridges grinding against his sensitive insides, and was having significant trouble holding back his release. A few thrusts later, and Uralliss was choking on his own roar as he felt his still flaccid member start throbbing, spurting his seed inside his slit. Renarr felt the heat of Uralliss' seed, and the throbbing of his member as he continued to thrust, wet slapping sounds easily heard now as Uralliss seed cascaded down his chest, pooling at the green dragon's chin. Uralliss barely seemed to be conscious, having given up on his roar of pleasure and settling for a long, drawn out groan.

Renarr wasn't done with him yet though, and continued pounding into the now overly slick slit, wet squelches greeting his every thrust, and Uralliss' walls clamping down hard against him as the green dragon's member continued to weakly leak seed. Feeling himself finally nearing his release, Renarr reached down with his head, grabbing Uralliss around the neck again, who let out a whimper of pleasure at the sudden feeling. Pulling back, Renarr lifted Uralliss' chest from the ground, even though the green dragon couldn't seem to get his trembling paws beneath him. Renarr started angling his member, grinding it against the walls of Uralliss' slit, taking as much pleasure as he could.

His thrusts had lost all rhythm, now just slamming in and out of Uralliss with reckless speed and force, the green dragon's body jumping up and down in Renarr's jaws with every thrust. Finally giving in, Renarr suddenly slammed Uralliss' chest back onto the ground, letting out a loud growl around his neck as his member slammed in and out of him with unimaginable speed, before sinking in as deep as it could. Letting out a muffled roar around the mouthful of dragon, Renarr felt his member twitch and throb inside Uralliss' slit, his seed spurting out inside him. Renarr stayed like that until his roar died down, then let go of Uralliss' neck, though he didn't make any move to pull his hips back.

Renarr rested his paws on top of Uralliss' back, the groan dragon groaning beneath him as his slit was filled more than it had ever been. It felt like he was going to explode from the sheer volume of it, and Renarr only seemed to draw more pleasure from the extra tightness, his member still throbbing and spurting inside that tight slit. When his member finally started to slow, Renarr drew it out in one quick motion, a torrent of seed coursing out to cover Uralliss even as his own member finally emerged from his used slit. He could barely look up, but when he did his vision was filled with Renarr's golden member, throbbing fitfully as it released its last few streams of seed.

The smell was overpowering, and Uralliss found himself opening his mouth as Renarr prodded and poked at his mouth with his member. Coiling his tongue around it, Uralliss began to clean the member in his mouth, earning a fresh spurt of seed, which he eagerly gulped down. Once Renarr was satisfied, and Uralliss could taste nothing but seed, he pulled his hips back, his member slipping from the green dragon's maw with a wet pop. Uralliss let his head thump against the ground, his hips still raised behind him, not bothering with the liberal amount of seed covering his belly and chest.

Renarr seemed eager enough to help him clean up though, lying down next to the worn out dragon, licking and lapping at the thick fluids that clung to Uralliss' scales. He savoured the taste of it as he slurped it into his maw, letting it slowly slide down his throat. The next few minutes were filled with the sound of Renarr's loud slurping and licking, only stopping when he was satisfied that Uralliss was looking clean. After that, he grabbed hold of the green dragon around his chest, pulling him down to the ground. Uralliss lay facing Renarr, and weakly wrapped his paws around the gold dragon, noting how they still trembled slightly.

Renarr was quick to return the gesture, pulling Uralliss tightly against his body, letting his tail coil with the green one that lay limp behind Uralliss. He nuzzled at Uralliss' neck a few times, savouring the scent that was now heavy with both of their musk, licking tenderly at his jaw a few times.

"You know..." Uralliss said, his voice sounding distant, "Maybe I should let others into my territory more often..."

Renarr Looked down at Uralliss, who seemed to be resting his eyes for the time being, and wrapped his paws around him even tighter, thinking that he would definitely have to remember where this green dragon lived.

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