Urban Dragon: First Taste

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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A young dragon discovers pleasure in the most unlikely of ways.

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Description: ** A young dragon discovers pleasure in the most unlikely of ways.



Tyrryx had the vague awareness of being called.

"Tyr. Come on, wake up."

The voice turned into something more familiar, and slowly, Tyrryx's drowsy senses awoke from slumber. The male blinked his eyes open. Taristra was there, her honey colored eyes staring right into his face. She didn't seem happy.

"Finally. Next time, I'm grabbing it," the female's lips trembled with a slight hint of irritation.

"Grabbing what?" Tyrryx moistened his eyes for a couple more seconds. He still had troubles comprehending things early in the morning. Tiredness had always been a problem for him, especially in early morning, when the sun barely ascended into the sky.

"Wake up already!"

"Raaaaarrrr!" Tyrryx immediately jerked when something dry touched his privates. He beat his wings, then rolled on his side, emitting another growl when his annoyingly aroused cock rammed into the dry blankets of his bedding head-first. "Rrrggrrrr...you're freaking evil sometimes," the orange dragon said as he struggled to liberate his cock.

"I warned you," Taristra pulled at the sheets. "There. Problem solved."

"Still doesn't solve a damn thing," Tyrryx hissed in annoyance, trying his best not to touch his tender cock. "You barely...barely gave me enough time to react. Owrrr... now it aches and itches at the same time."

The organ throbbed, bouncing onto the male's lighter colored belly. Taristra stared at it for a moment. She seemed guilty for just a second before adopting a serious pose.

"I don't care about your male problems, brother. We're late. Again," she empathized with a hiss. "Next time, I'll be leaving you to sleep your tail off for the entire day."

Tyrryx quite liked that prospect. No annoying sisters to discipline him, or worse, torment his cock with barely any shame. Only if the university's laws weren't so damn strict as to unleash his parents upon him after a meager amount of five absences per semester. Tyrryx could not afford to skip a day, and neither could his sister. She was meaner than him, an almost opposite in both personality and color. If Tyrryx had orange fur spread along his body, a black mane, and a black tufted tail tip, Taristra had the opposite. She was a black, frightening sort of beauty that seriously knew how to make her point.

"I'll be on my paws in a minute," Tyrryx said as he hid his head under a wing. "Just stop staring at me like you're up to something. I don't like it."

"Yeah?" the black dragoness shoved the wing away, then grabbed the helpless Tyrryx, rolling him on his back. Within seconds, he stood completely as the female towered above him, one of her delicate paws dangerously close to his maleness. "Are you going to come with me, or am I going to have to grab you?"

Tyrryx's amber eyes widened like two peaches. "No. Please, don't do that. I'll-I'll do anything!"

"Are you going to be ready in five?" Taristra placed a padded finger onto Tyrryx's slit, drawing a soft groan from the young male's throat.

"Three! Ready in three! Just don't touch my freaking-"

The female took her paw off, tail waving nonchalantly as she turned around. "Good. You know where your meal is and what you need to do. Bye."

"Wait, are you leaving?"

"You gave me your word, haven't you?"


"You know what I'll do to you if you break your promise, brother. Next time you wake up, you just might find your belly a lot messier."

Taristra opened the sky window. Cold air rushed into the room shortly after her departure, annoying Tyrryx's unwavering erection even more.

"Why won't you go down already?" he hissed angrily at the exposed cock, getting only a healthy throb in response.

Tyrryx wanted to touch it. He was at that particular age when he produced enough seed to wake up with the intense desire to spill it. Some males had already done it with their paws or even their tongue, as gross as that sounded. Heck, the lucky ones even found a female to breed. There was only one problem. The females in Tyrryx's life, more precisely Taristra, were all growls and claws and fangs. And that was on a good day. Ever since their mother flew the nest a couple years ago to start a new family, Taristra retained the particular audacity of weaving beautiful lies. A few years ago, erratic magic would cause a male's cock to fall off from his slit, thus making him a female. When Tyrryx got older, she came up with even better ones, and he peeled each of the layers off until she finally admitted this year-long deceit.

Males could pleasure themselves whenever they wished to. There were no hazards like limp members, poisonous seed, or some ridiculous witchcraft that prevented this act.

Still...what if she was right about some things? What if a male lost his sensitivity when he touched himself? Or worse...what if indulging in this self-pleasure made them become obsessed with it? The thought of getting unsheathed during classes was almost enough to push Tyrryx back into his slit.

"Yes, go down. Please go back inside. I can't be wasting any more time," Tyrryx whispered as he hopefully stared at his own member.

The tapered flesh retreated halfway inside. Soon, only the tip remained. Tyrryx breathed a sigh of relief...

Then hissed when another throb turned him back to stone in a couple of seconds.

"Narrraaaaarrrr!" he rolled onto his feet, his cock unleashing all manners of shivers along his body as it brushed against the roughest, driest of surfaces.

Tyrryx had no time for comfort. He rushed to the bathing room to relieve himself. He spread his hind legs around the hole in the ground, then unleashed his burden. The morning irritation still itched a little. After he finished, Tyrryx made his way to the feeding room, then gulped down the three pieces of spiced meat left for him as fast as he could. He wished he could enjoy them more, but with the light of the sun flowing into his nesting room, Tyrryx took off into the sky without any second thought or concerns.

His wings found the currents warm and favorable. Tyrryx barely needed to flap. Once he ascended far above the city, air did everything for him.

Tyrryx checked his slit. He was relieved to see his member fully sheltered inside, but more than that, pleased to be alone for a few minutes. He always liked the city life. Clean buildings rolled underneath his claw tips, each with its own functionality and inhabitants. Some feral dragons preferred the wilderness. Tyrryx never understood why anyone could abandon luxury for the simple life of a beast. The city was more than comfort. It was a way of life. Everywhere he looked, he saw the epitome of progress.

The skies became busier once he approached the heart of the city. Tyrryx landed on the grassy grounds that surrounded the PearlStone University. It was a place of learning, an achievement of cooperation.

And everyone around treated it just like another place to make jokes, find prospective mates, or pick on the weak.

"Hello, cutie," an anthro eagle pushed his head in as Tyrryx passed by. "What do you have under that beautiful tail of yours, dragie? Do I see a slit? No? Maybe something else getting a little peaky?"

Tyrryx almost stumbled when he felt the tip of his tail grabbed by the eagle's curious talons. "It's...please, I'm late. Let go of my tail."

"He's late, Charlie," a deeper voice came from the side.

Great. This wasn't a solo operation anymore.

"I'm just having a peek. What's the problem?" the eagle let go.

"Maybe you should man up and leave the lady go on her way," a beefy panther with a plain top-tank joined in.

"Thanks. Thank you," Tyrryx said.

The panther didn't even look at him, but instead turned towards the eagle, pointing around with obvious interest.

"So? Discovered what our friend is? No pants, no clothes, no cock. Fucking hard to tell these ferals apart, man."

"I think he's male, though I can't be sure without doing a bit of research," The eagle rubbed his winged hands together. "Mind if we...you know..."

"No, please, don't do that," Tyrryx sat on his haunches. "I'm male, alright? Is this enough to satisfy your curiosity?"

The panther frowned. "Male? Do you see anything 'tween his legs, man?"

And the avian laughed with a bird-like caw. "What about you take a peek inside my own vent and see if I'm male enough for you?"

"You're calling me a tail raiser, featherhead?"

"Craaak, awk rawk awk! I totally got you!"

"Come here, you little punk!"

Tyrryx took advantage of the ensuing squabble and ran. Unfortunately, the way into the building was paved with a couple more jokers. A pair of dogs got into a heated argument about why some dragons had slits while other had sheaths and balls. That attracted attention, and faster than he could react, Tyrryx found himself surrounded by a bunch of big mouthed bullies.

"Hey, where you going, man? We just wanna see it!"

"Yeah, show us your D...if you've got one!"

Tyrryx backed away from the two anthro dogs. "I can't. Please, I just want to-"

"The hell you can't!"

The shove sent Tyrryx stumbling into none other than the bulky top-tank panther, who restrained his wings in mere seconds. A warm rush of air fell upon the back of the dragon's head, along with the chilling sound of an angry feline.

"You ran on me before, mystery man. I'm not leaving you again. You either show us what's down there, or I'm gonna get it out myself."

"Eww, dude. Are you seriously going to rob this guy's V? Because that's some seriously disturbing shit."

"I'm not touching him," the panther hissed.

"Then how d' you wanna get his thing out?"one of the dogs asked.

"With magic, you dumb fuck. Now are you gonna let me do my thing or keep barking in my ear?" The panther snarled.

Everyone backed off. Curses started flying. Insults thrown around as if this was some kind of verbal war. Within a few seconds, a group of five anthros and three ferals formed, all pointing and talking about the panther.

"He's using."

"Look at his muscles. Can't be all real meat down there."

"You a freaking M addict?"

"Are you a fucking user?"

Everyone jumped on the panther at once. They started jabbing him, shoving him, even slapping his head around.

"A joke, man. Was just a joke," he tried to defend himself against the overwhelming number of attackers.

"Hell it was, big boy. C'mon, leave that little bitch."

"If you touch me again, I'll-"

"Do what, bitch-boy?" the biggest anthro dragon around came face to face with the panther. "What you gonna do?"

"I'm cool man, I swear. It was a joke. All's a joke."

"Release my cousin," the dragon growled.

"You know this guy?"

The dragon bared a set of terrifying fangs. "You heard me. Let go, or I'm gonna make you the female of this little group."

"Sure, dude. No problem. He's all yours."

The black dragon switched his crimson eyes to Tyrryx, saying a single, creepy word.


Tyrryx never beat his wings so hard in his life. He flew into the building, heart pounding in his chest, stars popping into existence along with a wave of unbearable dizziness. He landed in a corner, then shielded himself with a wing until the rush slowly dispersed.

"Are you alright there?"

Tyrryx pulled his wing back. A feral gryphon pushed its head in. She was a female, judging by the smell, young, at the ripe age of fertility. Tyrryx almost lost control of himself. He wanted to push his head in her plumage and inhale as much of her scent as he could, but the tap she did with her claw roused his awareness.

"Do you need help, cutie?" the gryphon's cerulean eyes glistened with concern.

"I'm...I'm fine, yeah. What time is it?" Tyrryx rubbed his nostrils with a paw.

The female sat on her haunches, tail coming around her front talons. "I don't know, but we're cutting it close. What class do you have?"

"Erm...history. Should be history," Tyrryx looked around to see if any of the bullies followed him.

"Me too!" the gryphones' shriek made him jump on his feet. "Sorry, I have the habit of getting a little excited."

"Yeah, no problem. Know how that feels," Tyrryx fluttered his wings anxiously.

"They're beautiful."

"What, the windows?"

"No, silly. Your wings," the female carefully slid a talon through the dragon's plumage. His head became light again, blood seething with shyness and excitement."Black and orange go very well together. Anyone who says differently is either blind or a fool, rawk awk," she cackled in a very cute way.

"I wouldn't bet on that..." Tyrryx looked away, embarrassed and afraid of getting unsheathed. "Shall we go to our class then? Before the bell rings?"

"Sure!" the female jumped back. "You wanna lead, or should I?"

"Let's just walk side by side."

"Awwwrrrk, I like you," the female's beak rubbed against Tyrryx's tensing neck. "Let's go then, like mates do!" she then pushed her wing over him, acting all cute and possessive.

Tyrryx had no idea how to react to that, so he just kept on walking, begging all the unseen forces of the world for one dire desire.

Do not get hard. Don't get hard. Don't get hard, he kept repeating, hoping he would believe it sooner or later, but like a backstabbing friend, his slit started contracting against his will, prompting his member to spill out one throb at a time.

"I...I just remembered something," Tyrryx suddenly said.

"What? Why? Are you leaving me?" the gryphoness asked, confused.

"Just for a bit. My sister. She's...she's..."

Tyrryx realized he was slurring, so he took off before this got any weirder, throwing a glance every now and again to make sure the gryphoness wasn't following.

The bell rang.

Tyrryx landed as close as he could to the amphitheater. He padded through the hallways of the university at a pace between running and walking, blending with the crowd as best as he could. He wished, just for once, that he could spend a few more seconds outside class to make sure he wasn't followed by that pesky female.

But he wasn't so lucky. Everyone rushed towards their respective classes. Anyone capable of flight took to the air while other anthros and conspicuous dragons like Tyrryx walked inside the spacious amphitheaters.

As a feral dragon of moderate intelligence, he didn't need a scratch pad nor a bench in the front to take notes. Tyrryx walked all the way to the back, where he settled on his haunches behind a scratched wooden desk. Boredom had that effect on most ferals. Tyrryx just placed his head down, closed his eyes, and waited for the class to start, hoping no one would sit next to him and see his predicament. His head was out. He could feel it, a moist tip of flesh embraced by warm, drippy muscles. The more he focused, the more tempted he was to clench his muscles and stimulate himself with his own slit.

Fortunately, the sound of clicking claws roused his attention, and there she was, in all her snowy glory.

"Hello again!" the gryphoness chirped.

"I...hey," Tyrryx lowered a wing to cover his erection.

"Funny, isn't it? How you fly away from me out of the blue and I still manage to find you?"

"Yes, it's very...it's really..."

The tip of a pointy claw silenced him. "Class is about to start, cutie. You don't mind if I sit next to you, right?"

Tyrryx really wanted to say something else aside from a polite lie.

Fate had a sense of humor though. Professor James Kareel walked inside a few seconds after. The whole amphitheater quieted down to rumbles, purrs, or whatever combination of rumbling noises one could produce. In a university where each spoken word had to be listened and fixated into the student's mind, silence was of utmost importance.

The bear started speaking. Tyrryx opened his amber eyes to look at the images presented on the holo projector. It was another boring lecture about the past ages. Those dragons died along with whatever they left behind evolved through the course of thousands of years. It baffled the mind, how these professors looked so highly at something so irrelevant. It. Wasn't. Interesting.

So Tyrryx did what he did best during classes. He closed his eyes again and started daydreaming about his future adventures. He ignored the lectures, the gryphoness, the sound of his own tail brushing along the ground. This time, he finally worked up the courage to investigate the vast forests that made up the feral district. Most civilized ferals lived in the City of Light, where comfort, technology, and the advancements in medicine made daily life simple as stretching one's wings. There were a couple who still took to the old ways though. They preferred to follow the ideals of their ancestors. As the land gave life to them, so did they live inside its bosom, hunting, breeding, and dying in the most remote places of the world.

There was something appealing about that primal land though. Tyrryx flew around the edges a couple of times, but he never quite worked the courage to delve deeper and discover some vestiges of the ages past. As James was eloquently mentioning right now, the rifts created by the past mended, yet some scars still remained, a proof that conflicts could be overcomed, but not forgotten.

Tyrryx went deeper into his fantasy. He delved below the canopy of the trees, to a place he never saw with his own eyes. The air was cool around him, filled with foreign scents, and the light was gloomy and weak. He landed, his shivering paws padded along the muddy ground, eyes staring left and right. Fear rushed along his spine as a growl came from behind. Tyrryx turned around, then blinked to awareness.

Wings, heads, and the big holo projector map replaced the virgin forest.

Tyrryx folded his feathery wings closer to his body. Most of his adventures tended to take dramatic turns. It wasn't his fault this time though. With James' warmongering ramblings booming along the walls of the amphitheater, any dragon without plated hide, sizable claws, or a tough attitude was bound to get a bit cold under the fur.

"The dividing wars, known as the years of the Gears, stole millions of lives. Advancement does not necessarily mean improvement, as proven by the choices made by the builders of the ground we tread upon. For hundreds of years, they have..."

Something interrupted James' lesson. Tyrryx's eyes darted towards the grey shape that shot like an arrow through the western aerial entrance. It was another dragon. A respectful one, by the looks of it. He landed on the teacher's platform, apologized, then flew straight towards the back.

Tyrryx shifted a bit closer towards the left. Out of all the possible places, the dragon chose the desk right next to his. Almost. A small gap stretching over a wing span or so- enough for a medium sized dragon to pass through- separated Tyrryx from this new arrival, yet that didn't make him any less embarrassed.

He never saw a dragon quite like this one before. He had a smooth hide instead of fur that covered most of his body aside from a few distinct places. Hardened plates ran from the bottom of his jaw to the middle of his tail, where it was replaced by black fur. He had a furry tail tip, quite longer than Tyrryx, and a tidy black mane to flow between his horns, two straight spikes that acquired flaming colors towards the tip.

Yet it wasn't the dragon's color that impressed. From the tip of his nose to the end of his tail, shades of grey where everywhere: darker on his wing membranes, lighter along his belly, then darker again towards his toes. What was up with his stripes the? The vivid markings that ran along the side of the dragon's neck looked like flaming fangs. The thickest were on his shoulders and flanks, looking like scars, tribal markings, or the touch of magic. Tyrryx had no idea what they were, nor did he care as long as he had the privilege to admire.

Who was this dragon? Was he part of some feral tribe living on the far end of the world? No, it made no sense since he came here, to the university, out of all places.

"You like history?" the dragon suddenly asked.

Tyrryx was caught completely off-guard. Thoughts zipped through his head like a storm, and all he could say was something like:


His tongue tangled and twisted inside his maw, much to the other dragon's amusement. Tyrryx's eyes darted towards the opposite direction, but instead of a wall he saw her, that annoyingly cheerful gryphoness that immediately caught his gaze.

"You're looking at me. Again. Can't really keep your eyes off, chirr?"

"I...that's..." Tyrryx's eyes darted back to his desk.

But he wasn't out of the woods yet.

"Am I pretty?" she swung her tail about excitedly.

Tyrryx stared for a few moments, then turned back to the grey dragon.

"Pay attention to the class. It is about to get quite interesting."

"Quiet!" someone hissed from behind.

"I'm sorry. I just-" the dragon said before he was interrupted by a louder growl.

"Is there a problem in the back?" James slapped his hands with a mighty clap.

"New arrival keeps talking."

"It's my first time here, professor. I didn't know."

The bear lifted his hand, then tightened his fist. "Rules. Keep it quiet. I have a lecture to run."

The grey dragon grabbed his tail tip with a forepaw and started playing with it. He seemed interested in the lecture.

Tyrryx too focused on the aftermath of the conflict. James was now talking about the peace treaty formed between the anthros and the ferals, which signaled the start of the new age. Though certain ferals chose to follow the old ways, most flocked near the cities to take advantage of easier living conditions.

The topic shifted towards magic. It had many uses, some unknown even by advanced science. There were many things that could not be properly explained where magic was involved, such as effects, method of harnessing, even energy sources.

Tyrryx's eyes darted towards the grey dragon's markings. They looked so vivid. Alive. Could they be the result of magic?

His heart quickened. It was impossible. Somebody would have sensed it. The city had more than guards. Agents that looked like ordinary folks prowled through the city in search of magic users to interrogate or arrest. If this dragon used, there was no telling what kind of problems he could unleash. Tyrryx realized he had to stay as far away from him as he could. He even shifted closer towards the gryphoness when he noticed something between the dragon's legs.

It was a small, glistened...and it moved.

Tyrryx's claws pressed into the ground. He knew too well what that was. The dragon had the same problem as Tyrryx did in the morning, only he...he was getting unsheathed in a public place and he kept his tail right where it was instead of covering himself.

Tyrryx wanted to look away. He tried to. Yet the sight of another male's cock was a much too rare and enticing sight. The grey dragon's slit bloated into a small mound, wet lips pulsating around the fleshy shaft that slid out like a wet snake coming out of its den. It had a pink, pointed tip, and it wasn't exactly tapered. Sure, it got a little thicker towards the base, but the size was what surprised Tyrryx the most. The grey male was bigger than him for sure, and he didn't even unleash all of his girth yet!

The smell of musk entered his nostrils. Tyrryx rubbed his snout with a paw, but the damage had already been done. Hot shivers traversed under his belly. His slit trembled for a few seconds, then squelched as the muscles shifted to make room for his emerging cock.

Tyrryx froze. This couldn't be happening. Not now, not here, not like this.

"Are you well?"

His wings shuddered when the gryphoness' beak entered his field of vision.

"You're trembling again... Are you cold, maybe?"

Tyrryx tried to ignore her clutching talon, but not her tail, which sneaked around his flank to pass right under his growing erection.

"We...we shouldn't talk..."

"I want to help," the female cooed softly. "Are you afraid? Worried of something?"

Her furred tail tip slid along the edge of Tyrryx's slit, and with one fateful throb, he realized:

She knew. The sneaky bird knew exactly what the problem was.

"Can you take your tail off?" Tyrryx hissed between barred teeth.

"I like your fur. It's very warm..." she preened a few black feathers while her tail kept touching around the most sensitive part of a male's anatomy.

Tyrryx placed a forepaw on her tail. "Stop that."

"Stop what?" she asked with an innocent chirp

"You know what. Just stop it."

"You shouldn't be embarrassed. It's very beautiful."

Tyrryx boiled inside. He had to get her off somehow.

"I like males," he suddenly blurted out.

She froze at that. Her ears splayed all the way back, and she looked back and forth several times before she spoke again. "You...but...are you saying you don't like me?"

"I like males," Tyrryx repeated. "You are not interesting to me. Take your tail off, or I will do it for you."

The female pressed it head-on against his bare, unsheathed flesh. Tyrryx's whole body shivered as his maleness was embraced by coarse, dry fur.

But even that counted as stimulation. For a male who never touched himself, the contact felt too new, too...good!

His sensitive cock bounced towards his belly, hardening like the stone below his feet, and the gryphoness rubbed and twisted her tail around the lubricated lips of his slit, forcing more heat and more unwanted pleasure along the dragon's throbbing spear, a thick meaty thing fueled by heated blood.

Tyrryx seethed. In a fit of anger, he grabbed her tail, then smacked it into the desk so hard she screeched.

"Kreeeeeek!" the gryphoness stumbled back. "You bastard!"

"Who said that?" James's voice boomed through the chamber.

Tyrryx' courage faltered. He couldn't bring himself to denounce a colleague, not even someone as annoying as the female.

"She did," the grey dragon pointed with a claw. "The white gryphoness. She's been pouring out words like a waterfall ever since I got here."



"OUT!" The professor roared. "Do NOT make me say that again."

The female crouched, her eyes burning with cold hatred. "Bastard!" she clacked her beak angrily. "You shameless, heartless bastard! I was trying to be nice, and you-"

"Get out of my lecture chamber right now!" James Kareel boomed like a crackling thunderstorm.

The onrush of air left behind by the gryphoness' wings was a much needed relief. Tyrryx relaxed somewhat after the female left. Though he still throbbed hard, he placed his tail in such way that nobody could see what hid between his legs.

He threw another sneaky glance at the grey dragon. Still hard. Still out in the open. Tyrryx lied earlier. He wasn't really fond of males. The sight of a slit enticed him more than a big slimy cock... but the more he watched that long, foreign cock, the more he realized how attractive was a dragon of his own gender. He didn't want to lick him, stroke him, or ever imagined taking that cock under the tail.

He just enjoyed watching. So for the remainder of the class, Tyrryx kept his eyes glued upon the grey's gender. Sometimes he was caught by his mahogany eyes. When that happened, he fluttered or wing or scratched himself with a paw, pretending to be distracted.

After the class ended, Tyrryx followed the grey dragon through the corridors. They had the same classes for the day, and luckily, the grey always seemed to pick a spot close to Tyrryx.

When night fell, the students deserted the university in droves. Tyrryx had a difficult choice to make. Fly home and eat something...or follow the mysterious grey dragon for a bit?

He chose the latter, and even if it seemed extremely stupid, the pleasure to watch an unsheathed cock won over a boring, ordinary night spent at home.

Tyrryx patiently waited for his grey friend to take off, then followed him from a distance. The sun had set, and they were heading farther and farther from the city. A sense of fear washed over Tyrryx. Up here in the sky, he was alone, with nobody to protect him. What if it was all a trap?

The grey dragon flapped his wings, his form shrinking with each passing heartbeat.

Tyrryx growled, then took off after him. Trees replaced the shape of the buildings. Even the air became colder as he soared above the lush wild lands. It almost felt as if he was living a daydream, but never Tyrryx felt so insecure or afraid before. He had been flying for half an hour or so, and the dragon still kept flying until the shape of a mountain chain rose before them.

He entered through a cave. Tyrryx circled the area a bit to make sure he was the only dragon around, then followed the grey inside, paws touching the humid ground.

The smell of dragon and musty walls entered his nostrils. There seemed to be a light source further inside. Tyrryx advanced slowly and carefully, keeping his wings close to his shivering body. The tunnel expanded into three possible pathways. He sniffed at the ground, then followed the smell of the grey male up to a bathing chamber.

Tyrryx slowed to a stop. He realized this must have been the dragon's home. Glowing crystals were mounted on walls, filling the room with a pleasant golden aura. The male walked around a sizable pool filled with steaming water. He poked a paw in, then dipped it further until he pulled out a sizzling crystal.

Magic. That had to be the source of heat and light in this place. But why wasn't he living in the city?

Tyrryx had many doubts, and even more curiosities. The dragon didn't seem very interested in taking a dip just yet. He dropped on the ground, then started licking along the grey plates of his belly. Tyrryx watched how his tail trembled the closer he approached towards the slit. Was he...going to lick himself down there? His moist tongue rolled over the hardened plates one by one until it kissed the wet entrance of the rift spreading between his legs.

A soft growl simmered inside the dragon's throat. Tyrryx too pressed his legs closer together. The male wasn't just cleaning himself. He was slurping at his own fleshy slit, creating the most lewd and wonderful sounds heard to a dragon's ears. Tyrryx felt hot just by watching this lewd sight. He never saw a male lick himself down there before, and this one certainly knew what he was doing. He licked, nuzzled, and lapped until something made his entire body tense. Wings shivered in their joints. Legs stretched, their fingers and toes flaring like a blooming flower. Tyrryx caught sight of the male's member for a brief moment before it entered the dragon's maw.

"Mrraaaawwrrrr..." the male rumbled with trembling ecstasy. He shifted further on his back, thrusting hard into his own mouth. He didn't care about the dangers presented by his teeth as long as he had something wet and warm to sink into.

The fleshy lips of his slit clamped hard. A hard throb rushed along the length of the member, making it harder, bigger, and most importantly, more sensitive to the delightful mix of heat and moisture that swirled within the male's suckling mouth.

Tyrryx kneaded at the ground like a feline in heat. He never saw a male sucking himself before. There were tales, but...seeing it for himself was something entirely different. He noticed so many things: how the dragon's tailhole drew inwards with each vengeful throb exerted upon his tail muscles, how his slit squelched wetly every time the wet lips grinded around the base of the erection, and how big he grew. Seconds after he swallowed his tip, the grey male became four, if not five times longer. He was even too big to suck on all of that cock. His tongue reached only the head, twisting and rolling and filling the dragon's throat with throbs of pure pleasure.

Tyrryx felt his own slit expand. He shifted on the side, trying hard not to growl during the rhythmic pounds of his own heated throbs. He absolutely couldn't give himself away. The male was distracted, but a growl, no matter how low, could attract unwanted attention.

Gripping his snout within a forepaw, Tyrryx kept on watching how his grey friend wrapped his tongue as much as he could around the head of his cock. Then, he arched his hips and thrust. His muscles tensed. His wings shivered.

And his maw erupted with a long, needy moan. He thrust again, then again, and each time his cock in and out of his mouth until it dripped with strands of slimy saliva. The male couldn't take it any longer. He grabbed his length with a forepaw, then clutched his padded fingers around his cock, rubbing with furious determination, and when he reached his slit, he dipped his fingers inside. The fleshy walls squelched and dripped with sticky fluid. His muscles spasmed hard and fast, igniting the pleasure building inside his throat until the dragon spat his cock out so he could roar out his incredible pleasure.

"Raaaawrrrrrr!" he clawed at the air. Sticky lines clung to his cock, that long, fleshy spear slapping the grey plates of his belly.

Tyrryx's tongue brushed along the insides of his maw. He wanted to taste that member so bad right now. It was wet, warm, and gloriously big. But he couldn't. For his safety, he had to stay protected. He had to keep watching.

After a few minutes, the orange striped male got onto his feet. He walked around the room, seemingly for no reason until he grabbed something sharp.

Tyrryx did not know what that was. It looked like a dull spear stuck to a stone. The dragon settled onto his back again. He licked the head a few times, aimed the protrusion at his tailhole, then sank it through his flesh with a very slow, deliberate motion. It seemed so weird for a dragon to do that. Tyrryx was certainly dumbfounded to see a male penetrating the only hole he had available.

But he kept on watching, keeping his eyes glued to that puckered entrance, seeing closely how quickly the flesh shivered as more and more black rock penetrated inside. The grey dragon kept his jaws shut, breathing erratically. He almost seemed to be in pain until his paw plugged his tailhole completely.

"Grooooaaaaarrrr!" he roared again, louder than the last time. His ring of flesh literally spasmed around the invading presence, and each time that happened, his cock churned with restless lust.

The grey dragon licked at the air as he tried to take his length back inside. His hips thrust, but lacked vigor as he started impaling himself on the rocky cock. Each thrust was harder and quicker, assaulting the muscled tunnel again and again.

And when the dragon managed to get a grip of his erection, he pushed his cock straight inside his maw, delving so deep he choked on his own member. Saliva gushed out of his maw, more than he should have stored. Something was happening. His tailhole remained stuck around the fake cock, and his cock temporarily stopped throbbing. The sounds of his messy licking slowly disappeared among the building rumbles.

Tyrryx's claws scratched along the stone. He was going to cum, wasn't he?

The grey closed his eyes. His whole body tensed like a spring. One paw slammed into his wet slit, the other pressed the lifeless cock as deep as it possibly could, stuffing his tailhole all the way through.

With a weird, gurgly growl, the dragon's maw exploded, thick orbs of milky goo flying all around his splattering maw.

"Mhhraaawwrrrrrr!" He roared to the ceiling, cock bouncing free from his mouth to shoot a thick line of seed into the air. The pressure was enormous, sending the white snake splashing against the very ceiling.

Tyrryx's eyes widened, then narrowed back as the grey dragon desperately tried to grab hold of his cock, and with a bloating, spasming spear, it wasn't that easy. His shaft unloaded a full-on spurt straight on the dragon's face, blanketing him with his own cum. Then his tongue found the tip, and within a second the grey dragon took the oozing tip back inside, where his suckling lips worked hard to drain the eel of all its vitality.

Tyrryx was transfixed by the messy sight. He saw how the seed traveled along a thicker tube located underneath the dragon's cock. It all started with the tail. When his tailhole spasmed, a surge was sent from the slit that filled the cock with fresh reserves of cum. Then, thanks to the rock hard muscles, the load shot into the dragon's maw, feeding him with an ample reserve of cum. The seed was certainly precious. He tried to hold onto it, but the spurts were too big even for his maw to hold in. After the fifth or so, the dragon coughed again, splattering his chest with a pool of sticky cum.

"Awwrr....raaaawwrrr..." he snapped at the air as he milked his cock with his paw, while his other thrust in and out of his tailhole. The thickening member spurted the last waves on the dragon's chest, coating him with a layer of white before it slapped tiredly onto his belly.

"Raaaaaahhhh..." the grey collapsed on the ground. Ivory snakes piled under his panting tongue. Drops of seed still dripped from his teeth, but he didn't care about anything after such a powerful release.

Tyrryx shivered. A wild breed of lust took hold of him as the smell of fresh cum entered his nostrils with every breath he took. When he looked at his own cock, he was horrified to see a puddle of sticky fluid gathered underneath his tip. He dripped. This entire time, he left his mark on the grey's cave.

He was just about to lick the product of his lust when the grey dragon picked himself up, his eyes set towards the exit tunnel.

Tyrryx immediately turned around. He stalked through the series of tunnels, walking as closely to the ground as he could to diminish noise. His cock traced a line of lust in his wake, but in his rush, Tyrryx failed to notice it. He flared his wings as soon as he reached the exit, then took off with his wet, dripping member dangling between his hind legs.

***End of Part 1***

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