Alpha Bitch - Ch 02

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#15 of Commissioned Stories

Justine Munster is a lady wolf who runs a prostitution ring and escort service out of her beauty parlor, the Glamizon Salon. A traffic accident leads her to seduce a new sex slave.

Commissioned story for dilbertdog, ,featuring several of his characters. All characters belong to dilbertdog, or were created by doggystyle57 for this story series.

Alpha Bitch

A story commission by DoggyStyle57, for dilbertdog

Written September 2016

CH 2:

Justine Munster was very pleased with herself. For the last three years her beauty salon and her covert prostitution ring and escort service had flourished under the protection of the mayor, chief of police and district attorney. Justine and her dom friends had returned the favor by quietly giving their full support to the mayor's recent re-election campaign last year, and he had won by a landslide. All three of the compromised public officials looked likely to remain in office for many years. And all three of her 'protectors' still occasionally enjoyed the services of her youngest whores, some as young as ten years old.

Justine's housewife whore Rachel - who three years earlier had secured the protection of the brothel's operations by offering her daughter's virginity to those three public officials and two of their sons - had become pregnant that night. Nine months later she had delivered golden furred vixen with somewhat canine features, who she named Amelia. She was virtually certain, as was the Mayor, that either the Mayor or his son was Amelia's father. Rachel's cuckold husband Sherman had obediently claimed Amelia as his own daughter, and the mayor had one more secret reason to protect Justine's operations.

The chief of police had been making headlines by cracking down on child pornography dealers and on pimps who drugged or abused their streetwalkers, while ignoring the doms who were Justine's friends and brothel owners like Justine. The top cop made a point of pampering his wife and being very affectionate with her, and she never suspected that when they were making love, he was often thinking of the last child whore that he had fucked at Justine's brothel.

The District Attorney had remained a very outspoken crusader against child abusers, while Justine's operations were conveniently overlooked. The DA and his son frequently visited Justine's brothel, often sharing the same child whore. But the DA's marriage had not fared as well as the police chief's had. His guilty conscience from his own cub-fucking had caused his interest in having sex with his wife to wane. His wife never suspected his infidelity or pedophilia. She believed her 50 year old husband was merely beginning to have an impotence issue. Their divorce was relatively amicable, and their only child, their 18 year old son, chose to remain with his dad.

Today, the 23 year old alpha bitch had enlarged her tiny empire while distancing herself from legal connections with part of it's properties. Justine was driving home after arranging for one of her slaves to officially take over her lease for her original two-bedroom brothel apartment over the beauty salon, and for another slave to lease the two-bedroom apartment next door, so they could double the size of the brothel. Within a few days, her whores would be able to handle twice as many clients at once.

It was a Wednesday, her salon work was done, and the lady wolf had no 'special appointments' planned for the evening. So Justine planned to pick up her two year old daughter Lila from the elderly woman next door to their home who cared for Lila during the work day, and then she was looking forward to spending some 'quality time' with her adorable and innocent daughter. Her life as a single mom was refreshingly different from the whoring and business operations she dealt with during the day, and she always looked forward to seeing her little girl's smile when they were re-united. Maybe they would go out for ice cream, or to the playground in the park.

Justine frowned as she saw that the evening rush-hour traffic was piling up ahead. To avoid it, she turned onto Oak street and went past the little Methodist church at the corner of 12th avenue, where she would have just one traffic light to deal with, at that intersection.


Meanwhile, a 22 year old bunny lady was rapidly driving along 12th avenue, with a stiff envelope clutched in one hand. Laurie Putman's boss had once again kept her after normal working hours, to take dictation for an 'urgent' letter. Yet even with him insisting on her taking the priority mail envelope to the post office drop box herself on the way home, she was certain it wouldn't be processed by anyone until ten the next morning. She was his secretary, so he had a right to ask her to stay late occasionally. But she was certain that the portly old bear's real motivation was just to have an excuse to stare at her deep cleavage and long, shapely legs. While he hadn't actually_demanded_anything inappropriate from her yet, aside from encouraging her to wear short skirts and low cut blouses to work, she knew his behavior was clearly sexual harassment. Laurie wasn't at all interested in an affair with her married boss, but she needed the job too much to risk complaining about the guy whose brother owned the company. Honestly, she had been uneasy about dating anyone, since she lost her husband in a car accident with a drunk driver, two years ago. His death had left her with a pregnant belly and a lease on a one-bedroom apartment close to downtown that she could ill afford on her secretary's pay alone, and his life insurance had only barely covered the hospital bills for delivering their adorable daughter, Alice, eight months later. Laurie tried to concentrate on the task at hand and drive, but she was too upset to think all that clearly. If she was late getting Alice picked up from day care, they would charge her a late fee that she really couldn't afford. Thankfully, 12th avenue wasn't a through street beyond Oak, so there was no other traffic. She was almost there, and still had four minutes before she would be late. Fuming at her employer's self-centered demands, she fumbled the envelope and it dropped to the floor between her feet. With the church parking lot less than a quarter of a block ahead, on the other side of the thankfully green light at 12th and Oak, she glanced down to see where the envelope had gone.

Unfortunately, she looked down just when the traffic light changed...


Justine saw the light at the intersection by the church change to green in her favor, just as she got to the intersection, and as she kept moving across 12th avenue, she glanced diagonally to the left and smiled as she saw three young kids playing on the playground equipment and slides beside the church, while a matronly doe with a baby stroller watched them. She was just over halfway across the intersection when she looked forward again, just in time to see a smaller car run the red light and smash into her right front fender, sending both cars into a skid that caused the passenger side of Justine's much larger car to bump into the drivers side of the smaller car, just as both cars' air bags deployed.

Justine was shaken but unharmed. Her friends had often joked about her old 4-door, full-sized car, saying that if she wanted to drive a limo, she should just get one. She had to admit it got crappy mileage, but she liked it because the bodywork was all solid Detroit steel, and not the flimsy aluminum or fiberglass that the newer cars were made of. And now she had reason to be thankful for that 'armor'. She turned off her engine and got out to see how bad the damage was, and to make sure the other driver was all right.

Her own car wasn't all that bad. She'd been hit between the front wheel and the headlight. The right headlight and turn signals were demolished, there was a hefty dent in the front right fender, and the front passenger door was also dented. But other than that, Justine's car looked fine.

The smaller car hadn't fared so well. The driver's side front fender and headlights were beyond saving. The front bumper was askew. The driver's side door was buckled in slightly, and looked like it was probably jammed against the frame. The windshield and the driver's side window were both cracked, but the shatterproof glass had held. Yet it's engine was still running, and it didn't look like the engine compartment, front grille, hood or wheels had taken any major damage, and she saw nothing leaking from either car. The mess on the pavement was just skid marks and small, shattered bits of headlight or turn signal parts, all smaller than her hand.

Justine went to the passenger side of the other car and looked in at the driver. The bunny lady at the wheel looked okay, as the slowly deflating airbag revealed her face. In fact, Justine thought she was rather cute, with soft gray body fur and an unusual pink shade to the fur on the insides of her ears, her lower face, and down her throat to the area of her upper chest and cleavage that was exposed above her low-cut blouse's neckline. Her long blonde hair largely obscured her face, as she leaned forward and wept.

Justine tapped on the window to get her attention. "Are you okay in there? You ran the red light and hit my car."

Laurie looked up, looked around herself, and crawled across the front bench seat to lower the window. She peered up at Justine through her disheveled hair and said, "S-sorry. Oh God! I'm so sorry! I think I'm okay though. Geeze, I _really_didn't need this! Did I hurt anyone?"

"I'm fine, but our cars are gonna need some work. I think they both look driveable though. Let's get out of the intersection and park in that church's lot, and we can exchange insurance info and stuff," Justine suggested.

"S-sure. Okay. I think I can do that," Laurie said, half in shock. She crawled back into the driver's seat and eased her car away from Justine's, and across the street to the smaller parking area beside the church playground. As she entered the lot she saw the doe send the kids inside, and begin to push the stroller in her direction.

Justine got back in her car and followed the other driver. This was a really annoying development. Justine had insurance, but her deductible was high enough that she'd probably have to pay all of the repair cost out of pocket anyway. She'd never had an accident before, and her insurance rates would skyrocket if she or the other driver reported this fender bender, even though it certainly wasn't her fault. The other driver's car looked pretty bad, and it seemed unlikely she would be willing or even able to cover the repairs to Justine's car herself, even to avoid a traffic ticket for the accident. Fortunately, there had been no other cars nearby, and the only witness was probably that doe who was approaching them. Maybe she could just get the bunny to come to a quick private agreement, and they could get clear of there before the cops got involved.

Laurie couldn't open her driver's side door, so she had to crawl across the bench seat again to get out on the passenger side. She brushed her hair back out of her eyes and tugged at her rumpled clothing, trying to look presentable as the doe pushing the stroller approached her.

"Oh my dear Lord, I was afraid that was your car! Are you all right Miss Putman?" the doe asked. The pink-furred baby bunny in the stroller saw Laurie and wordlessly reached out toward her mother.

"Had an accident, but I'm unharmed, I think. Wish I could say the same for my poor car!" Laurie replied. She reached down and took the young bunny from the stroller and said. "Thank the Lord my baby wasn't in the car with me yet! Mommy's all right, Alice! Mommy's here! Oh... Ahhh, Mrs. Green, could you...? I'll find a way to pay the extra fee, but could you watch Alice for a bit longer? I know I'm late again, but I gotta figure out what to do about all this. And I gotta see if my car's safe to drive her home in, or if we'll hafta walk the mile or so back to our apartment."

"Oh foo! You woulda been on time tonight, but God stopped you," The doe said reverently. "No knowin' why, but He must have a reason for this ta happen to you, and you not have a scratch. No late fee tonight. I'll take Alice inside. You get things squared up with that wolf lady, and if you need it, you can leave your car here until you can get it towed, and I'll give you a ride home in the church van." She took the bunny from her mom's arms, and put her back in the stroller.

"Thank you Mrs. Green! God bless you," Laurie said, hugging the doe and watching her leave with her precious baby.

"Cute kid," Justine said. "Yours, I take it? I have a girl myself, about a year older."

"Yeah," Laurie said, "Her daddy died two years ago, well before she was born. I was barely pregnant with her when my husband was killed by a drunk driver. And now my baby almost lost _me_to another car crash! Look, I know that the accident was all my fault, and I'm really, really sorry! OH! I'm Laurie Putman, by the way," the bunny mom said, offering her hand.

"Justine Munster," the lady wolf replied, shaking hands briefly. "I'm also a single mom, though I never had a husband to lose. I just wanted a kid of my own. So... I guess it's going to be pretty hard for you to get that wrecked heap fixed, huh?"

"Yeah... Oh God... I'm certain I can't afford to pay for the repairs to your car, let alone mine, or for the increased insurance payments even. And when the police come they'll give me a traffic ticket, since I caused the accident, right? I don't know _what_I'm gonna do!" Laurie said, crying again and putting her face in her hands. "I'll ... I'll do _anything_to pay you back! Anything! But I just don't know where the money will come from. I'm just a secretary, and my paycheck barely covers our bills and Alice's day care. I can't even afford a babysitter in the evenings or on weekends. The only time I get out of our apartment is to work, or get groceries, or when I come here to teach Sunday school."

Justine looked the other lady over, and liked what she saw. 5' tall, big tits - at least a D cup, tiny waist, nice hips and ass... and _very_pretty turquoise green eyes. Her overly apologetic, pleading comments made Justine suspect that Laurie was a true submissive at heart. It could be a fun challenge to break her and turn her into a delightful plaything as a sex slave. "You know, I'd just as soon not have to report this to my insurance company and have my own rates go up either. So, ummm, you just work and be a stay-at-home mom for your kid? No boyfriend or social life?"

"W-what? You won't report it? B-but I just said can't afford to pay you myself to fix your car. " Laurie said. "Ummm, yeah, I'm not dating. Why do you care about that?"

"Well, it just seems so unfair, with all you've been through," Justine said. "I really do feel sorry for you... Laurie, wasn't it? But maybe we can work out some other sort of an arrangement, rather than getting the insurance companies and police involved, or you giving me cash. Now, I'm going to make you a _very_unusual offer, and I want you to hear me out and think your answer over carefully before you say yes or no. Will you do that?"

"I... I guess, s-sure," Laurie replied. "What sort of an offer?"

"I can arrange for a friend of mine to fix _both_of our cars, and no one will report it to the police or insurance companies. I'll pay for the repairs myself, and get both of us rental cars to use while our cars are in the shop, so you don't need to miss a single day of work. You'll just need to do two things to make that happen. Tell your friend in the church over there that we've reached an agreement and that everything has been dealt with. And promise to do some things for me on the weekends for... let's say the next three months," Justine said. "Does that interest you? I can make this whole problem go away. I'll even throw in me paying for the weekend babysitting for that cute kid of yours, while you work off your debt to me."

"Okay... you're kind of scaring me here," Laurie said nervously. "W-why would you do all that for me? What would I have to do to pay you back for something like that? I'm only a high school graduate. I can't imagine anything_I could do in such a short time that would be worth enough to repay you, even if I worked double shifts. Not... anything... _legal... Oh God! It isn't illegal, is it? What do you expect me to do? Sell drugs or something?"

"Look, in the first place, it's _illegal_for us not to report our traffic accident to the cops and the insurance companies, so don't get overly ethical on me here," Justine said. "No drugs. I promise that. I'm not going to ask you to hurt anyone, or rob a bank, or put your life or your child's life in danger. I'll admit that what I want you to do _wouldn't_be legal if I _forced_you to do it. But technically, if you agree to do what I ask of your own free will, then it's just... well, activities between the two of us, and probably a few other people, that we do because we agreed to do it. And I can sincerely promise you that even if the chief of police watched you doing these tasks for me, no one would get arrested. Seriously, you definitely _will_get in legal and financial trouble if we report the accident, but I'm virtually certain you _won't_get in trouble if you accept my offer, and neither will I."

"You're really confusing me," Laurie said. "Just tell me what I have to do."

"All right. But we're running out of time here. The longer we stand around and discuss this, the more likely it is that the police will show up and the decision will be out of our hands. So don't interrupt me until I finish what I am about to say and ask for your decision," Justine replied. She looked Laurie in the eyes and said clearly, "From 9 AM to 5 PM, every Saturday and Sunday for the next three months, you will agree to serve me as my personal sex slave. You'll be ordered to have sex, in any way I want you to, and you'll do it, without refusing me anything. I'll also reserve the right to command you to do minor sexy things while you are away from me, as tokens of your obedience. In return for that, your debt to me will be considered paid in full. I will also promise that I won't make you get pregnant, or make you openly prostitute yourself on the streets. And I promise that I'll demand nothing from you that will prevent you from doing your secretary job, or caring for your child's needs, or which would ruin your public reputation. The only people who will ever know about your secret life as my sex slave will be you, me, and specific people who I trust, who will accept it and not complain. That's my offer. Say yes, and your problems all go away. You'll probably even enjoy most of it. Say no, and I'll swear this conversation never happened, and I call the police and the insurance people to report the accident. What is your answer?"

"OH.. MY... GOD... You want me to be a sex slave? For you? You're serious? What are you, some sort of lesbian dominatrix?" Laurie asked in shock.

"I'm bisexual, completely serious, and yes, I'm a dominatrix. I already have several other male and female sex slaves who quite willingly serve me, and who lead very normal lives otherwise. I'm glad to hear you at least know something about such things. I'd kind of wondered if a Sunday school teacher would even understand what I'm offering. But you haven't answered my question. Yes or no? I'd like you to say yes. But it's your choice. Last chance. Decide now."

"This isn't fair! I couldn't... but my girl... If I say no, how will I make it through this, and take care of her?" Laurie said, in an agonized voice. "You... you _promise_that no one will ever know? I'll.. say yes... as long as I can still teach my Sunday school class. Can I start at Noon on Sundays, so I can do that? People will talk if I suddenly stop teaching."

"I'll accept that compromise. So you'll come to me every Saturday from 9 AM to 5 PM, and every Sunday from Noon to 8 PM. I'll do everything I promised, and in return, your body is mine, for three months. Do we have an agreement?"

Laurie sighed and said, "This is crazy, but I guess we do. Yes, I agree to your offer. But what do I do? Where do I go? I don't understand any of this."

"Give me your phone number and address, hide your car behind the church, and I'll give you and your kid a ride home," Justine said, giving the bunny some money and a business card that she initialed in one corner on the back. "Here's my card, and enough cash to make sure you can pay for this weekend's babysitting. On this Saturday, at 9AM sharp, go to the Glamizon Salon, give the receptionist that card and your name, and say you have an appointment. You'll be brought to me."

Laurie took the card and money, gave Justine her contact information, and then moved her car and went into the church to talk to Mrs. Green and get Alice. Laurie's heart was beating like a jackhammer as she put her daughter's car seat and stroller into this strange wolf lady's car, and she and her child rode in the back seat to her apartment.

"See you on Saturday... slave," Justine said as they parted, patting Laurie on the ass and then driving away.

Laurie stood there at the curb for a moment, with the stroller beside her, Alice cradled in one arm, and her purse and the kid's car seat dangling from her other hand, as she asked herself aloud, "Oh God. What have I gotten myself into?"


The next morning Laurie woke up, hoping that the accident and ensuing conversion had just been some wacky dream. But Justine's business card was still there on her nightstand, and at 7:30 AM there was a knock on the apartment door, and a beagle from a car rental agency had her sign for a set of keys, and told her where he had parked the car that 'her employer' had sent for her!

Laurie drove past the salon after work to check it out, but she didn't stop. It looked like a perfectly normal beauty parlor in an upscale edge of downtown. The only adult-oriented business in the area was a relatively classy looking boutique at the far end of the block that seemed to sell kinky bedroom clothes. Laurie wondered if she needed to get some sexy lingerie to wear for her 'new job', but she was much too embarrassed to even consider walking into a store like that to buy anything.

On Saturday morning, she dropped Alice off on her way to the salon. She had dressed in an outfit that her boss at her day job particularly liked - a low cut blue blouse and a black miniskirt, with black high-heeled shoes with modest 3" heels. Parking behind the salon, she went into the back lobby and walked through the salon to the receptionist at the front. It all looked so... so normal! A lady her mother's age was getting a manicure, a college-age guy was getting a haircut, and a few young, bored-looking stylists were chatting with each other as they set up their workstations for the morning. She looked at the clock. It was 8:55 AM.

"Excuse me?" Laurie said to the receptionist. "I... have a 9 AM appointment? I'm Larurie Putman? I was told to give you this card."

The feline girl looked at both sides of the card, smiled, and said, "Thank you Miss Putman. Looks like we have you in the computer already. First time here, I see? Come with me, please." She got a small object from the drawer of her desk and led Laurie all the way back through the salon and right out the back door, into the small lobby at the alley-side entrance.

"Wait... I was told to meet Justine in the salon. What's going on?" Laurie asked.

"Oh! We have some special rooms downstairs for your type of appointment, Miss Putman," the kitty replied with a grin, handing her a small gold key on a thin gold neck chain. Then she said, "That key is yours now, unless_She_ orders you to return it. Don't lose it. Use it to send this elevator down to the basement, and today you are to go through the brown door. Miss Munster is waiting for you there. You won't need the key to go up. Ummm, welcome to the 'family' I guess. Have fun!" Then the girl left Laurie and went back into the salon.

In the elevator, Laurie found an unmarked keyhole below the first and second floor buttons. Merely turning her key in the lock started the elevator moving downward. It kept going down even after she removed her key. When the door on the other side opened at the bottom, she was facing a very plain looking hallway, with two doors on each side, and a door at the far end, with a security camera above it. All five doors were unmarked, but each was painted a different color. The brown one was the second door on the right, and it was the only open one. She walked down the hall and looked inside. It was a normal-looking bedroom. It even had a window on the far wall, though the curtains were drawn.

Justine was reclining on the bed, completely nude. She glanced at the clock on the nightstand, and said, "You're punctual. That's good. Has your week gone well? Is Alice at her new babysitters?" She spoke as casually as if they were meeting at a coffee shop on the street corner.

"Y-yes," Laurie replied, trying not to stare at the naked lady wolf. "I found an all-day daycare center that takes babies in diapers through preschool. They even have things set up so I can pump my breast milk and leave some for her feeding times."

"Oh! You're breastfeeding your daughter?" Justine said, with a twinkle in her eye. "I do too."

"Yes Ma'am," Justine replied. "Errr, so... what do I do now?"

Justine grinned and said, "You have already agreed to obey any command from me that is within the limits I specified for our agreement, and I won't intentionally order you to do anything that violates that agreement between us. So whenever I tell you to do something, no matter how embarrassed you may feel or how casually I phrase my request, I expect you to do it, immediately and to the best of your ability. Before obeying, you may also respectfully ask questions to be certain that you understood my orders, or to be certain that what I said was intended as an order and not a suggestion. But I only expect to hear 'I can't' if you are certain that my order somehow completely violates our agreement. For example, if I ordered you to allow a guy to cum inside you, but I didn't know you were fertile, and your obeying that order would risk you becoming pregnant. Is that clear?"

"Yes, I guess understand and accept that. I... well, you made it clear that you want me to have sex with you, and I will try my best to do that, even though its really weird to even think about me having sex with a woman. But are... are you really going to make me have sex with other people too? I've never had sex with anyone but my husband! And I've never been on the pill, Ma'am. I've been celibate since my husband died."

"That's good feedback, and a good question," Justine said. "Yes, at some point I will order you to have sex with others. And when I do, I will definitely want you to allow the males to cum inside you. I promise that it will be a private and discrete situation whenever I allow that to happen - nothing that will ruin your reputation. But I also promised not to get you pregnant, so I want you on the Pill right away, just in case. Contact your doctor and get that dealt with in the next two weeks. If you can't afford a 90-day supply, I'll pay for it."

"Y-yes Ma'am." Justine said. "I think my health insurance at work will cover enough of that for me to afford it."

Justine nodded and said, "Good. Now, it's acceptable in a public setting for you to call me Ma'am, or even to address me by my first name, as a friend would. But whenever you speak to me privately, you will respectfully call me Mistress. You will reply to all orders that you understand with, 'Yes Mistress!', and then you will do as ordered, or you must explain what is stopping you from doing as ordered. So, let's get started with the fun stuff. As my slave you have no right to privacy around me. Remove your clothes and set them on the dresser next to that collar. That was an order, dear. Strip!"

"Y-yes Mistress," Laurie replied shakily. She turned away and undressed, blushing fiercely. She had always been very self conscious about being naked in front of anyone else. When she finished undressing she placed her plain white bra and her plain white high-waist panties neatly on the end of the dresser with her other things. As she set them down, still facing away from Justine, she realized that the bright red leather collar beside her purse had a brass name tag hanging from a ring on the front of it, and that it was engraved with her first name. The collar had another ring on each side, and at the back of the collar was a sturdy brass locking fastener. There was a keyhole in the lock, but it certainly didn't look like her elevator key would fit in it, and there was no sign of any other key. She reached out to touch the collar with one finger.

"That's a good girl. Yes, that is your collar," Justine said. "Don't worry, I'm not going to make you wear it _everywhere_for the next three months. That would make too many people ask questions, and we can't have that. Bring it with you and kneel on the bed in front of me. Now."

"Yes Mistress," Laurie replied, as she picked up the collar, and with her left arm across her full breasts and her right hand holding her collar and covering her crotch, she shyly approached the bed, and awkwardly got onto the farthest end of it, kneeling while facing sideways to Justine, with her knees tightly held together.

Justine sighed and patted the bed in front of herself, and said, ''I know you're new to this, so I will try to be patient with you for a while. I already told you you have no right to privacy in my presence. Stop covering yourself, and get close enough to allow me to lock that collar around your pretty neck. Put your collar within easy reach of me, and kneel very close in front of me, facing me, and with your head bowed and your knees spread wide, so I can see your cunt."

"Yes Mistress," Laurie replied. She did as Justine commanded, and found she was breathing faster and her heart was racing as she placed herself in such an exposed and submissive position for the lady wolf.

Justine picked up the collar and said, "Good girl. A slave's collar can be a very functional restraint used for training, or it can be mere visible token of their devotion to their Mistress or Master, as delicate and pretty as a piece of jewelry and as proudly worn as a wedding ring. Since you're only temporarily serving me, this functional collar will suffice." She locked the collar around Laurie's slender neck and made sure her hair wasn't trapped by it. It was a very nice fit - snug, but not choking her at all. "I claim you now as mine, to do with as I please, for the next three months. Whenever you are privately serving me, I expect you to wear your collar. You can lock it on yourself without the key, as I just did. I will keep the key to open it. When you come to serve me, unless I have given you explicit orders otherwise, the first thing you will do is to remove all of your clothes, put on your collar, and kneel just like that beside the door or at the appointed place, to await my instructions. Do you understand and accept that order?"

"I... I guess so," Laurie said, touching the locked leather band that was now the only thing she was wearing. Somehow she felt even more naked and exposed with it on than she had before.

"Answer me properly, slave! Do you understand and accept my order?" Justine snarled.

"Eeep! Yes Mistress," Laurie replied quickly.

"So, first off, I want to know more about you," Justine said. "I expect that a Sunday school teacher like you has led a rather sheltered life. How did you learn what a dominatrix is? Or a lesbian? Do you actually like porn?"

"Well, I've, er... I've read a few 'bodice ripper' romance novels, Mistress. The kind of stuff you can find in regular bookstores. That's where I heard about lesbians, and about what a dominatrix is," Laurie replied. "I'd never seen any _real_porn, until... well... a few days before our wedding, the guy I married admitted that he had a few porn films, and... he showed them to me, just so we would know what to do on our wedding night, and later. It wasn't anything very weird. Just a guy and a girl, fucking in various positions, and... the girl sucking his cock and the guy licking her crotch. After we got married, that's all we ever did with each other." Laurie stared at the ceiling and blushed, then admitted, "I think I still have those three DVD's taped up in a box somewhere, but I haven't looked at them since he died. I've never bought any real porn myself, or gone into a store that sells naughty adult stuff."

"Fair enough. So, you never had sex with anyone other than your husband? Have you ever fantasized about sex with other guys? Or about trying sex with a girl? You agreed pretty readily to have sex with me, for someone who has such a limited sexual history. Do you like girls as much as you like boys?" Justine asked.

"Mistress, my husband was the first and only person I ever dated,and we were both virgins on our wedding day," Laurie replied. She blushed again as she admitted, "I... don't really know if I'd like anything else. I guess I wouldn't have said yes to your offer if the idea of lesbian sex grossed me out. And I guess I have to admit I... liked some of the lesbian stuff in those romance novels. I kept buying more like that. But I _never_fantasized about me being a lesbian or dreamed I'd ever really do anything like in those books myself! I've... never even _kissed_anyone other than my husband. Not like you kiss a boyfriend."

"Well, let's remedy that," Justine said. She quickly leaned in very close, grabbed her slave's collar with one hand, and whispered in Laurie's ear, "Kiss me, like you kissed your husband," and then she kissed Laurie full on the mouth, and slipped her tongue in when the startled bunny stiffened in surprise and started to open her mouth to protest.

Laurie found she couldn't pull away, and she was afraid to resist. So she closed her eyes and sort of let it happen. After a moment the stiffness in her body relaxed, and she began to respond in kind to the kiss, using her own tongue. When Justine released her, Laurie found herself panting and her heart was racing faster than ever, and she sighed, "Wow..."

"Felt nice, didn't it?" Justine asked. "Kissing a girl's not so bad, huh?"

"Nice... Yeah..." Laurie said dreamily, slowly opening her eyes. "Ummmm. Thank you, Mistress? That... wow... that really was a nice kiss, yeah."

"A mouth is a mouth for guys or girls. I like guys just fine, but I kind of prefer kissing girls. Their tongues are usually softer, and they don't try to find your tonsils on the first kiss!" Justine said with a laugh.

That got a giggle out of Laurie, who replied, "OH Mistress! That was what happened to me the first time my husband tried to use his tongue in my mouth! He stuck it in so deep I started coughing!"

"You know, it's nice to see you laugh and smile," Justine said. "You just relax, and trust me, and I think you're really going to enjoy being my sex slave."

"I... I'll try, Mistress," Laurie said. "My mind is really confused right now. Most of me is terrified and wants to run screaming out of here, but part of me... well, part of me would... would kind of... like to have another kiss from you. Oh God! I can't believe I just said that!"

"There's nothing wrong with admitting that you liked it," Justine said softly. "Enjoying sex with a girl isn't going to make you hate guys and crop your hair short. Honestly, I kind of think most people are bisexual, if they can make themselves set aside what society says is 'acceptable' and just give it a try. It was kind of weird for me too, the first time one of my lady customers wanted me to kiss her and go down on her. But I tried it, and I liked it. Next question. Do you masturbate? Have you used sex toys?" Justine asked.

Laurie relaxed a little and said, "I have a silly 'gold-plated' vibrating dildo that one of my bridesmaids gave me at my bachelorette party, as a joke, Mistress. I didn't use it at all, until after my husband died. I... do masturbate, a little. And since he died, sometimes I use that one sex toy. But usually I just use my fingers, under the blankets of my bed, way late at night when Alice is sound asleep."

Justine reached into the drawer of the nightstand beside the bed and got out a bright purple, 6 inch long, bullet-shaped, vibrating dildo, which was only an inch in diameter, and asked, "So... you've used something like this? Or was yours a different size?"

"OH! Err... Mine is... a little thicker, Mistress. About the same length and shape though," Laurie replied with an embarrassed giggle. This was almost like the overly-personal questions she and her high school girl friends had asked each other when playing Truth or Dare on the night of her bachelorette party!

"Show me," Justine said, turning the vibrator on and handing it to the bunny girl. "Get yourself off with this, while I watch you. Masturbate with that vibrator until you have an orgasm, or I tell you to stop. Do it now, slave girl!"

"Eeep! Ahhh, yes Mistress!" Laurie yelped. Her eyes went wide as she took the vibrating sex toy and stared at it. But as much as she was mortified to be doing this, she didn't dare disappoint Justine so soon in their agreement. She laid back and closed her eyes, and wordlessly applied the tip of the toy to her slit.

"Good girl!" Justine said. She reached into the nightstand again and got a second vibrator to use on herself. Soon both the lady wolf and the bunny mom were on their sides, facing each other on the bed, plunging their vibrators deep inside their wet cunts and moaning in pleasure, as their orgasms built to a climax and crested nicely.

"Whew! Good girl! Now admit it. That was just plain fun, wasn't it?" Justine said with a grin as they looked at each other, panting and shivering as their orgasms subsided.

"Y-yes Mistress," Laurie replied shyly.

"So, now that we're both warmed up, I want you to go down on me." She sat on the edge of the bed and spread her knees. "You will get on your knees on the floor in front of me, and lick my cunt, slave! Make me cum with your mouth and your tongue, and I'll reward you by doing something to give you another orgasm in return. Fail me, and I'll punish you. You already know what needs to be done, if you think about it. Just do for me what your husband used to do for you, when he licked your pretty pink-furred cunt."

Laurie sighed deeply and said, "Yes Mistress. I... kind of figured you'd demand that of me. That's what... what the lesbians in my romance novels did a lot. I'll try," Laurie said. She got in position and leaned in to look at the other woman's wet slit and parted labia. She could smell the wolf's slightly musky scent, so different than her own, but equally feminine.

Justine was holding her petals apart and using one finger to stimulate her clit. "Go on slave. Get your tongue right in there and start licking, Make your Mistress cum!" she said with a grin.

Laurie took a tentative lick, and then a more firm one, and considered the taste. She had been expecting something bitter and nasty, like piss, but Justine was very clean, and the juices coming from her wet vagina tasted kind of savory. She continued to lick, moving up and down, licking Justine's vagina, her nether lips, and the tight knot of her clitoris.

Justine grabbed both of the bunny's ears tightly with one hand, bunching them together atop her head, as she used her other hand to push her slave's face deeper into her crotch. "Ohhh yesss. That's a good girl! You're a natural at this, cutie! Lap up all my juices and make me cum!"

Laurie winced as her sensitive ears were grabbed so tightly, but she licked faster and sought to get this over with as quickly as she could. She wasn't sure if she should be pleased or insulted at her Mistress' comment. But if this was all she had to do each weekend to get out of trouble, she could handle it. She... even kind of liked how the other lady's juices tasted.

"Oh yeah, that's a good little slut! Lap it all up! Uhh huhhh! Almost... there... OHHHH! Aroooooo!" Justine literally howled with pleasure.

The sound of the lady wolf's howl sent shivers of primal fear down the bunny mom's back, and when her head was released she fell back on her haunches and stared at the seemingly crazy lady who had taken over part of her life, uncertain what to think or to do next.

"That was fine. Just fine," Justine said breathlessly. "You're doing quite well for your first time, slave. Get on your back in the bed, and I'll reward you for being so compliant."

Justine went to the dresser, put on a strap on dildo, and lubricated it, while Laurie got onto the bed. When Justine returned, she was wearing a harness of some sort on her hips, and had a red, canine-shaped dildo, without a knot, sticking out from her crotch, every bit as thick and as long as any male wolf would have. It had to be at least ten inches long and two inches thick near the base, though the first few inches was tapered to a clipped point, just like a real wolf's cock. There was also some sort of squeeze bulb attached to the harness on each hip, with thin rubber hoses leading from each bulb to the base of the dildo. "Time to get properly fucked by your Mistress, slave."

"Y-yes Mistress. Oh my GOD!" Laurie gasped, as she rolled over on her side and got a good look at the size of the dildo. That fake cock was certainly bigger than her husband's cock had been, and bigger than any either vibrator that she had used. She'd never, ever had anything that big inside herself before! Instinctively she clamped her knees together and nearly curled up in a ball to protect herself. "OH! Mistress! I'm afraid! I don't think that will fit!"

"Get those damned knees spread, or I'll tie you spread-eagle on the bed and fuck you anyway! It should fit just fine," Justine snarled, getting on the bed and forcing Laurie's legs apart with both hands. "This is a reward, dammit, not a punishment!"

"EEP! Yes Mistress! Sorry!" Laurie gasped. Seeing the lady wolf bare her teeth and snarl like that was absolutely terrifying for a bunny like herself. She quickly wriggled back into place, with her eyes still wide with fear.

Justine got atop her slave in missionary position and eased the dildo into her. "Just relax. I've fucked much smaller girls than you with this thing. See? It's all inside you already!"

Laurie whimpered as her poor cunt was stretched wider than it had ever been in her life. It hurt a little, at first, but it didn't feel like anything was tearing or getting damaged. She went limp and closed her eyes, trying to imagine it was her husband fucking her.

"Look at me," Justine demanded, as she humped the bunny mom with the strap-on. "I want to see those pretty eyes of yours looking back at me when I make you cum, dammit!" Then she reached down and started to pump one of the bulbs on her hip, and the knot on the canine dildo started to inflate!

Laurie's eyes opened wide as the dildo's expanding knot wedged itself inside her abused vagina. She'd read in one of her romance novels about how a dog's cock could knot up like this, but she'd never seen a male canine naked and hard before. Nor had she heard of sex toys that could change their shape like this. Despite her fear, the hard fucking she was getting and the strange sensation of that knot filling her so full was rapidly getting her to her orgasm, and she wondered what the second squeeze bulb could possibly be for.

Justine grinned as she saw her slave's expression shift from fear and mild pain to that lovely, glazed look of a woman about to have an orgasm. When she felt her slave was about to cum, she gave the first bulb two more quick squeezes to make the knot bigger, and then started squeezing the second one...

Laurie gasped when the knot in her cunt got even larger, and then she felt it begin to throb, and she felt something wet spurting deep inside her, almost like when her husband came inside her! "What the? Ahhhh!" she cried, before her orgasm took away her self control and she bucked and shivered on the bed.

"That's a good girl. Cum for me, slave!" Justine said with satisfaction. The dildo she was wearing was made both to knot up and then to spurt any sort of liquid that she should choose to load into the second bulb. What it contained now was a creamy, edible lube that was a fairly close substitute in texture and taste to real male semen, and she had just flooded her slave's belly with as much as any three males would usually produce. "See? It fit just fine. Have a good ride?"

"Y-yes.. Mistress... Ohhhh... I've never... Who makes things like that?" Laurie asked.

"Several companies, though this is one of the best I've found so far," Justine replied, as she opened the valve that allowed the knot to deflate again. "It has a second inward facing dildo that's almost as big, and it knots up when the outer one does. But it only spurts on your end. Fun toy, isn't it?" She withdrew from her slave's cunt and sat on the side of the bed.

"Fun, Mistress? Yeah, I had a great orgasm, buy my whole crotch is complaining about how big that thing got! May I please just lay here for a few minutes to recover? I don't think I can even walk right now," Laurie said.

"I'll give you thirty minutes, and then we're going to get lunch," Justine said. She went back to the dresser, put away the strap-on and a few other things, spent several minutes pumping her own breast milk to set aside for her daughter Lila to enjoy later, and then got dressed in a fairly short red skirt and a cute, low-cut yellow blouse.

When the time was up, Justine woke Laurie up, unlocked her slave's collar and said, "Put your clothes back on. Lunch is my treat. There's a nice sidewalk cafe three blocks from here, within easy walking distance."

Laurie started to comply, and then asked, "Mistress? What happened to my bra and panties?"

"I've taken them," Justine admitted. "I don't want you wearing any underwear while we have lunch."

"But Mistress! If I don't wear my nursing bra, my milk will leak and make wet stains on my blouse!" Laurie complained, "And how can you expect me to go out in public without my panties?"

"I'm not wearing any either, see?" She raised her skirt to show her lack of panties to her slave. Then she came closer and said, "And as for that other problem, I've been wondering what fresh bunny milk tastes like!" Justine squatted and slid downward, holding her slave close with both hands, and she suckled on the bunny's tits until her milk stopped flowing. "Mummmm, tasty bunny! Now get dressed. That was a nice appetizer, but I'm hungry!"

"I must be crazy to be doing this," Laurie complained, as she put on just her shoes, skirt and blouse and picked up her purse.

"Be thankful I didn't leave your collar locked on you, and that I didn't lead you to and back from the restaurant on a leash! I've done that before to my slaves!" Justine said with a malicious grin.


Several minutes later they were seated in an a table in an open-air dining area that was raised a foot and a half above the sidewalk, at a cafe that seemed quite popular with the lunch time crowd. Laurie tugged nervously at her short skirt, acutely aware of the cool breeze blowing across her unclad crotch and a dribble of fake cum leaking from her cunt. She would have almost preferred openly wearing the collar and leash to sitting there with no undies on, with her crotch nearly at eye level for everyone who walked past them on the nearby sidewalk!

"Should I order for both of us?" Justine asked politely. "Any dietary restrictions?"

"I can eat just about everything, but I prefer salads and veggies, naturally," Laurie managed to say. "Ma'am, this is insane! What if someone sees?"

"Sees what?" Justine replied nonchalantly, and she spread her knees wider. "Two pretty women having lunch together? What is there to see?"

"You_know_ what I mean, Ma'am! You promised not to ruin my reputation!" Justine complained.

"I won't," Justine said. "And neither will you, if you just sit there confidently like nothing is amiss. On the other hand, if you fidget and look guilty, people are bound to wonder why, and pay more attention to you. So relax."

"That's easy for you to say, Ma'am. I bet you do stuff like this all the time!" Laurie whispered.

"Only occasionally, really," Justine insisted. Then the waiter came and Justine ordered a steak for herself, a salad with extra carrots for Laurie, and a glass of white wine for each of them. When the waiter left she said, "I forgot to ask. Do you drink wine?"

"Not often, but under the circumstances, I'll be glad to have a glass... or even two, Ma'am!" the bunny replied.


They spend a full hour enjoying lunch, and had two glasses of wine each. They chatted about perfectly ordinary things, like their kids, and what perfumes they liked, and where Laurie found the cute shoes she was wearing. At several points, Laurie almost managed to forget she had no underwear on, until a stray breeze tickled her nethers again.

When they left the cafe, Justine didn't lead her slave directly back to the dungeon. Instead, she took her to the adult boutique on the far corner of the block, and they spent the next two hours shopping for very sexy underwear for Laurie. Most of the panties were thongs or crotchless bikini panties, and the bras were often see-through or exposed her nipples in some way. Justine also pointed out the shelves of dildos and other sex toys at the back of the shop, though they didn't buy any. They left with two shopping bags full of sexy lingerie, and Laurie was certain she was blushing so brightly that if it had been night time, she would be glowing like a night light.

Back in the basement bedroom, Justine had Laurie model every piece of sexy underwear that she had bought for her slave, and in the end she said, "When we go out in public, I want you to either be wearing sexy things like that, or nothing at all under your clothes. If I see a plain white undies on you again, I will punish you."

"Yes Mistress. A question? You've... mentioned several times you might punish me. How would you do that? By humiliating me by making me go out again with no underwear on?"

"Oh,that wasn't a punishment at all, my slave," Justine said. She took a riding crop from the dresser drawer and said, "Slapping you with the flat leather flap on the end of this crop will hurt a lot, but it's unlikely to actually damage you. The same can be said for spanking you with my hand, or with a leather belt. I prefer those methods of punishment, but there are others. Come with me," she said.

Justine her slave into the room beyond the black door at the end of the hall. It was decorated like a medieval dungeon, with fake stonework walls, and no windows. Against the right wall there was an X-shaped cross with shackles on the ends of the arms, and in the center of the room was some sort of sturdy, padded sawhorse with shackles and rings all over it, and a coil of black silk rope atop it. "This is my dungeon. Some of your training will be done here, when I want to restrain you. Some punishment is done here as well, leaving you restrained in a very uncomfortable position, or spanking you. There is another room here with cells and small cages that I might lock you in, if you are very bad. Some doms will use whips and flails and even branding irons to punish slaves, but I feel that is excessive. I prefer not to damage my slaves."

"Oh..." Laurie said, in almost a whisper. "I don't want be punished like that, Mistress!"

"Then never disappoint me, slave," Justine said.

They spent the rest of the afternoon discussing what BDSM was all about, and answering Laurie's questions about what was expected of her. Justine also shocked the bunny by telling her about the prostitution activities in the beauty parlor and the upstairs brothel and escort service, and that some of her whores were as young as ten!

"Which is worse?" Justine asked. "For a promiscuous schoolgirl to see carefully screened adult clients in a well-managed brothel, watched over by the older whores, and protected from arrest and pregnancy? Or for that same horny kid to be trying to get dirty old men in the bathrooms by the park playgrounds to pay them for sex in the park? I'm a mom myself. I try to take care of the kids that work for me, and I have the connections to get them on birth control, despite being way under-aged. None of my whores are forced to do what they do, I promise you."

"This is just so different from everything I was raised to believe," Laurie said. "Mistress, I just can't believe people live like this."

"You'll meet some of them later, and you can see for yourself that they are happy working for me," Justine said. "Now, I have one last command, before you go home. Come here."

"Yes Mistress?" Laurie said, standing close to Justine.

The lady wolf produced a vibrator, about the size and shape of an extra-large egg, and a small remote control device half the size of a deck of playing cards. She handed the egg to Laurie, and said, "This is a remote controlled vibrator. Slip it inside your cunt."

The bunny somewhat reluctantly did so, and asked, "I did it, Mistress. What now?"

Justine turned the vibrator on to half intensity. Her slave's eyes widened and she began to squirm. Then Justine handed the controller to her slave and said, "You are to keep that inside you until you return to me tomorrow, and I take it out. You may turn it down, but not off. Play with this toy tonight, learn how it works, and get used to how it feels. Then tomorrow, when you teach your Sunday school class, I want you to have it on at least at half power for the whole time you are teaching those kids, while trying to act normal in front of them. It's quiet enough that no one should hear it buzzing inside you, even in a quiet classroom. You will may excuse yourself, to 'use the bathroom', as often as you need to, if you need to cum. I have a way to know if you disobey me."

"Please, Mistress! Don't make me do this!" Laurie begged. "I can't stand there in front of a group of innocent kids while my crotch feels like this!"

"Was my order in any way unclear? How do you know you can't, when you've never tried before? This is a lesson in self control. You will do it, or when I see you tomorrow, I will punish you. You have all night to get used to the sensations it produces. If you absolutely can't make it through the day, pretend to be ill and go home. But I expect you to attempt this," Justine insisted. Her tone of voice made it clear that nothing Laurie could say would be likely to change her mind.

"Yes Mistress," the bunny replied, with an air of resignation.

By the time Justine removed Laurie's collar and sent her home, the bunny had already lost track of the number of orgasms she had experienced. With the vibrating egg still buzzing on low in her cunt, she left to pick up her daughter.


At Noon on Sunday, Justine found her slave obediently kneeling in the basement bedroom, naked, wearing her collar, and with the controller for the vibrator on the floor between her knees. It was on at full power, and Laurie's eyes were glazed with lust, as she panted and moaned but stayed in place.

"You like your new toy that much?" Justine asked with a grin. "How did the Sunday school class go? How many times has that toy made you cum?"

"I... made it through... the class, Mistress. Lost count... No one... no one noticed... I think," the bunny panted. "It was... so naughty... so arousing... At the end of the class, I... pushed the switch all the way up. I needed release again. But now it's stuck! I can't turn it down! It's been on the highest setting for the last hour and a half, even while I was pumping my breast milk and dropping off my daughter at the daycare!"

"Poor slave... You can expel it now. Squat and push, like when you delivered your baby. It should pop out," Justine said, fingering her slave's sopping wet slit and helping her to get into that position. After they got the egg out, Justine said, "You may nap for an hour, while I deal with some other matters."

"Thank you so much, Mistress!" Laurie said, as she crawled onto the bed and passed out.

Before she put the vibrator away, Justine quietly released the hidden catch on the controller that allowed her to change the setting after it had locked at either extreme. Then she went upstairs to her office, placed a phone call, and worked for a while.


"Wake up, slave," Justine said an hour later.

Laurie opened her eyes, and saw that her Mistress was still dressed, but that she had two naked otter children with her! At first she thought they were two young boys, but then looked lower and saw that one was a girl. They couldn't have been more than twelve years old, and looked nearly identical to each other, with the same light brown fur, cream tummies, and dark brown hair and eyes.

"Oh God! Do you expect me to have sex with those kids, so soon? Mistress, I haven't had time to see my doctor yet! I'm still fertile!" she complained.

"Not unless you want to, and then Eddie's sister, Eedie, will happily be the only one he actually fucks. I wanted you to meet two of the children who work for me, and these twelve year old siblings are a good example of my child whores," Justine said. "Children, this is my newest slave, Laurie. She seemed worried when I told her yesterday that I had kids your age working in my brothel. You may tell her anything you like."

"Hullo!" the boy said. "You're pretty!"

"Hi there," said the girl, seeming a bit more shy.

"Would you like me to leave you alone with them, so I can't influence what they say?" Justine offered to her slave.

"I... don't imagine that would matter," Laurie said. "You're a brother and sister, but you... fuck each other? Ummm, so, how old are you, and have you kids been, well, 'working' for her, for very long?"

"Yep. I popped her cherry when we were ten. We're twelve now, and fraternal twins," the boy said.

"We ran away from home about a year ago, after our parents caught us fucking each other," the girl said. "Miss Munster gave us a safe place to go, where we can stay together."

"Do... you live with her? And what about your parents? Won't they be worried about you and want you back?" Laurie asked. "What about school? Did you drop out?"

"Naw. We live with one of her whores. Nice otter lady who told her neighbors she's our auntie," the boy replied. "An' if you heard the nasty things our folks said when they caught us, you'd know we can't go back home. It wasn't a happy place anyway. Mom an' dad both drank too much, an' neither of 'em could keep a job for long. They're better off without us, an' we're happier here. We make good money, workin' here! We got a bunch of adult men an' women that like seeing us fuck each other, and that like fucking both of us at once."

"My brother an' I love each other," the girl said quietly. "We hitchhiked halfway 'cross the country before we ended up here. Nobody back home knows were we went. We go ta' school here just like any other kids. Miss Munster got me on the pill, so I won't get preggers, and we have a lotta fun here, in the evenings an' on the weekends."

"You... don't mind sex with adults? Even with the same gender as yourself?" Laurie asked.

"Naw. It's all fun," the boy insisted.

"Would you like to play with them?" Justine asked. "Not an order. You can refuse this with no penalty, this time."

"You're cute kids, but I'd rather not have sex with you," Laurie replied. "I need to wrap my head around all this. It's all too new to me."

"All right then, you two can go back up to the brothel. Have fun, kids!" Justine said.

"I feel like everything I ever knew has been turned upside down this weekend. I can't think straight," Laurie said, as the kids left, hand in hand.

"Then don't think. Just obey me," Justine replied.


The three months seemed to fly by for Laurie. She often complained, yet she never seriously tried to avoid doing anything that Justine ordered her to do. Quite the opposite, in fact, as she occasionally even made suggestions for new sexy things she might try. She eventually did have sex with several of the child whores, as well as several of the adult ones. She even got fucked once by the chief of police, although she was a secondary offering to him that night, while he fucked a ten year old bunny girl, and Laurie pretended to be the kid's mother.

Then one day, at the end of a Sunday session in the dungeon, Justine removed Laurie's collar, set it on the spanking horse, and said, "Well, today's your last day. Unless, of course, you'd like to stay, of your own free will. So I'm going to make you a _new_offer. I'd still like you to be my slave. If you'll stay, I'll give you a job as a receptionist in my salon, so you can quit that insipid secretary job and stay close to me. That alone will pay more than your current job, but if you'll also agree to work in the brothel, you'll make the same money my whores make. You could more than triple your income. What do you say?"

Laurie looked at the floor for a moment, then over at her collar. The edges and inside of the once-pristine red leather were now stained with three months of her sweat, from her energetic and passionate compliance to her Mistress' whims. She picked the collar back up, and locked it back on her neck. Then she kissed her Mistress and said, "Yes, Mistress! Offer accepted. All of it - even the brothel work. I am yours, Mistress. So... what do I need to do to earn a 'pretty collar', that I can wear all the time?"

Justine hugged and kissed her slave, and said, "Just what you've been doing, my dear slave. And maybe a few more challenging demands. But I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

Alpha Bitch - Ch 01

Alpha Bitch A story commission by DoggyStyle57, for dilbertdog Written September 2016 CH 1: Justine Munster sat in her office at the Glamizon Salon, looking out into the beauty parlor through the one way mirrored window above her desk. Business was...

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Jak's Wild - CH 7

Jak's Wild A story commission by DoggyStyle57, for Bigchris369 Written September 2016 CH 7: As lunch concluded, Jak and his friends watched Master Skrall rise from his throne and walk unsteadily out of the banquet room, accompanied by his four...

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Jak's Wild - CH 6

Jak's Wild A story commission by DoggyStyle57, for Bigchris369 Written September 2016 CH 6: Jak and his friends got into the fancy limo that had been sent for them. The plush interior had black leather seats and a well-stocked wet bar, with glasses...

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