The Auction Winner

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Yep, there was a winner to the slave auction, and his name is FA: DrakeHavok . He won with a good bid, and was generous enough to share this story with the second place winner. If you'd like to re-read the teaser that led to this, you can find it here:

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Part 1: (You are Here)

Part 2:

Part 3:

The Auction Winner For DrakeHavok By Draconicon

"$500! $500 for the gentleman in the sneakers. Am I bid $600? $550? $550, good sir, yes, $550 to the man in the bleachers!"

Draconicon shook his head as the bidding continued at a breakneck pace, a few beads of sweat starting to run down the back of his neck as the numbers started getting higher and higher. The black dragon had no idea that so many people would start bidding so much for him, and due to the bright lights facing him, he had no idea who was pushing the numbers so high. did this happen? the dragon thought to himself. How did I go from a mage of this?

His cheeks burned as the skunk auctioneer turned him and his chair around, giving people views of his body from every angle. Not that they couldn't see his ass already, due to the camera beneath him and the big screen above him, but being forced to point his rump towards the audience was even more humiliating, in its own way.

At one point, the skunk even untied one of his legs, pulling his foot up and pointing it towards the crowd. The dragon groaned at the feeling of a sharp nail dragging down along his arch, digging into his heel at the end.

"And for you foot fetishists out there, you have to admit, these are a wonderful pair of feet. Imagine how much fun you could have, with these on display all the time. Black and slick, shiny even when they aren't oiled up. You don't even have to use them as toys; you can tie him down and worship them for a while, if that's your thing."

Draconicon was somehow more humiliated that such a reminder got more bids than before, and his cock throbbed all the more visibly for everyone to see.

The bidding kept going for another half hour, or so it felt, before the auctioneer clapped his hands. The room went silent, everyone shutting up as he waved his hands.

"Annnnd that concludes the auction, everybody. The winning bid is one thousand dollars...but just because the bidding is over doesn't mean that the show is. Everyone but the winner, stay seated. You'll be getting something else before the night is over."

The skunk grabbed him by the back of his chair, and the dragon found himself getting dragged off the stage and out of sight. As soon as they were behind the curtains, the skunk reached down, pulling out a small collar, and wrapped it around Draconicon's neck.

Instantly, the dragon felt his magic getting sapped away, and he gasped, his eyes going wide.

" wouldn't..."

"This is just temporary, little slave. We're making you safe for your new owner, just so you don't try anything."


"Certain materials that we've found from other auctions. It keeps the mages from making all kinds of trouble. In fact, it was donated by a magic-less dragon a while back, probably in hopes of him getting a discount. Heh, it didn't really work, but he tried."

His restraints finally loosed, Draconicon stood up, but the skunk took him by the arm before he could even think of starting to run away. The auctioneer led him towards a back door, with the dragon following him helplessly.

"Can you at least tell me who won? How long am I going to be a slave?"

"As long as it takes for you to work off his bid. And I assure you, that'll be some time, considering how much a thousand dollars actually buys."


Draconicon looked down, unable to ignore the way that his cock was still throbbing from having been on exhibition to so many people at once. At least it was finally starting to go down, now that the humiliation was setting in and the reality of this was crashing down. It wasn't like he wanted to be a slave. That was impossible. He wasn't the slave sort. He was a free dragon, one that did the enslaving, at the very best.

The skunk opened the door, and Draconicon blinked.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me..."

Two people, two very familiar people stood on the other side. One of them was a wolf with a pair of black and red sneakers, wearing a pair of shorts and a tight t-shirt, while the other was a white-scaled dragon that had been neighbors with him for a while. Draconicon groaned under his breath.

"Which of you two won?"

The skunk nudged him.

"Ah, that's which of you won, 'master'."

"I'll call them that when I know who -"

"You will call them that regardless. You're a slave now, dragon. I'm afraid that means that everyone is technically your master."

Draconicon's eyes widened a bit further before the skunk half shoved, half kicked him into the room. He stumbled forward, his now-soft cock slapping back and forth between his legs. He glared over his shoulder, but the skunk was already gone, leaving him alone with the two of them. Shaking his head, he looked back at the dragon and the wolf.

"So...which of you actually won?"

"Heh, Drac, you really think we're gonna tell you that yet?"

"Yeah, freaky feet. We've been fighting over you long enough that we both get a shot. At least, that's what the auction house said."

Probably a reward for driving the winnings up so high for them...

Havok, the white dragon, started circling him. Draconicon kept his mouth shut, feeling like he was getting examined like a piece of meat on a market, which probably wasn't that far from the truth. It was a marked change from the way that things had gone with him before. Usually Havok was the one getting circled, and the one that he was examining.

But Crisp, the wolf, was hardly out of the game. The sneaker-loving hound was watching him, smirking as he hid something behind his back. Draconicon had a horrible feeling that he knew precisely what it was.

Suddenly, Havok grabbed him by the shoulder, and started pushing him down. Draconicon was shocked enough by the assertive action that he went along without fighting it, soon down on his knees.

The two of them towered over him, and he looked from one to the other for some clue of what was going on. Neither of them actually said anything, but instead started smirking.

"What -"

"Ah, quiet, Slave."

Havok patted him on the head.

"You'll speak when spoken to. I've been under that particular compulsion enough times that I'm sure you know how to keep under it yourself."

Draconicon glared at the white dragon, but he felt the idea seeping into his head already. Without his magic, there wasn't much he could do with the pair of them. He was stuck with going along with their ideas...and somehow, he got the feeling that the auction house would have done something that would make escaping his slavery almost impossible.

There was a guilty little twitch to his cock from that idea, and he blushed before he could stop himself.

The white dragon patted his head again, something that felt altogether demeaning, before walking behind him, out of sight. Draconicon didn't turn to follow him, rather distracted by the way that Crisp was fondling himself, squeezing his cock again and again to the sight of the dragon on his knees.

"So, Crisp, I know what you want. Mind if I take a little time with his feet before you put the shoes on him?"

"Go ahead, as long as you get them clean before I put the shoes on. The slimy stuff is something he likes too much."

"Heh, I can do that."

He felt a scaly grip on his ankle, lifting one of his feet up into the air. Warm, soft puffs of air played out over his sole, and he had a mental image of Havok holding onto his foot, getting ready to play with it.

"You know, Drac, just because I get on my knees all the time for your feet doesn't mean you own me. I just enjoy their smell..."

Draconicon groaned as he felt the white dragon's nose press right against his arch, dragging along his sole with breath after breath. The warm air got hotter, and he curled his toes as he felt each soft sniff tug at his scales, feeling those nostrils getting closer and closer to his toes.

Soon, they were passing along beneath them, between them, and he blushed as his cock started getting hard from his feet getting sniffed. Crisp chuckled at him, but that only made it worse, his cock hardening further in his embarrassment.

"Looks like the little pervert likes getting his feet sniffed."

"He likes everything to do with feet, Crisp. That's why he's a foot dragon."

Much as he wanted to say something, the 'order' to stay quiet kept him from making the slightest protest. They seemed to take that as him agreeing, which was more humiliating than anything else. He lowered his head, biting his lip as those twitching nostrils slid down his other foot, sniffing all along it.

"Mmm, such a musky pair of feet. Have you been keeping them under heat lamps or something, Drac? It's like you've been trying to keep them nice and powerful for us."


"Heh, don't worry. I'll make sure your feet stay good and slippery and musky. Or at least, one of us will."

Draconicon shivered as he felt the first touch of Havok's tongue, slipping along the bottom of his foot like a tentacle grinding against his sole. He moaned, unable to stop himself as the licks got more and more frequent, dragging from the bottom of his heel all the way towards his toes, leaving wet lines that he could actually feel on his scales.

Each lick made his cock twitch more on its way towards full erection, and as much as he tried to bite his lip and ignore the feeling coming from his feet, it was only getting better as the white dragon worked his way along. Soon, that tongue was slipping between his toes, licking at the bits of sweat there, and he almost giggled at the ticklish feeling of the worship - no, not worship, use - that his feet were getting.

Up and down, up and down that tongue went, while his cock only went further and further up. He closed his eyes, trying to ignore it, but that only made the sensation that much stronger. Hot breath and warm tongue, eager licks and panting breath; he could feel it all over the sole of his foot -

"Hey, don't you go forgetting about me, freaky feet."

The bottom of a sneaker ground against his cock head, and the dragon grunted as he was suddenly pulled back to the moment. He looked up at Crisp, panting as the wolf balanced on one foot, grinding the bottom of his shoe against the dragon's cock. As hard as he was, the feeling was...embarrassingly good.

Crisp looked around him, clearing his throat.

"You about done back there, foot lover?"

"Heh, eager for your turn, shoe lover?"

"Well, duh. We both were bidding tons for this guy."

"Alright, alright. He's about done now, anyway. All the sweat's gone. You got a towel?"

As the wolf tossed one over the dragon's head, he groaned. The fact that they were talking about sharing him like this gave him a horrible feeling that he'd end up back at the auction house when his time with Havok was done, and that Crisp would be waiting to pick up his contract then.

Why did that thought make his cock twitch even more?

It was drooling on the floor by the time that the white dragon had finished drying his feet off, and the wolf was quick to take his place. Draconicon looked over his shoulder, blushing as he realized that the green shoes were coming out. Big, heavy, bouncy green shoes, ones that were enchanted specifically for Crisp...except that this pair seemed to be measured precisely for his feet.

"You have to be kidding me..."

"Why would we do that? It's time for you to be a slave, Drac. And a good, dancing, bouncing slave you'll be."

Crisp didn't even try to shove them on. Instead, the wolf ordered him to sit down normally, and watch. Draconicon did, staring as the shoes started glowing before him. The laces extended from the shoes like snakes, reaching for his ankles and wrapping around them. As soon as they had a strong grip, they pulled, dragging themselves towards his toes.

He curled his toes as tightly as he could, but it was a losing battle. As soon as he did, one of the laces darted down, striking his foot like a whip. He yelped, his toes uncurling, and the shoes pounced, for lack of a better word. One slipped over his toes, while the other wiggled down to the other foot's arch. They both kept sliding back and forth, their destination obvious, and their journey inevitable.

Draconicon watched helplessly as his feet were covered in green, the sparkling sneakers getting closer and closer to his heel with each passing second. He could feel the incredible heat inside of the sneakers, and he groaned as they started squeezing down on his feet, as if form-fitting themselves to him.

"This...this isn't fair..."

"Heh, are you saying you like this, freaky feet?"


"Ah, Slave, let's not start out with lying. And aren't you breaking your order?"

He glared at Havok, shaking his head a few times as he went silent again. He couldn't believe he was still hard; how was that possible now?

It got worse as the shoes reached his heel, the rounded ends of his feet making it difficult for them to pull themselves further in. Draconicon smiled, thinking maybe the measurements weren't quite so good -

Then he saw the socks.

Slithering up his legs like snakes eating their prey, the striped socks gradually pulled themselves around his heel, and then kept on going further and further up. They went up and up towards his calves, then up to his knees, getting tighter and hotter the further up they went. Draconicon started sweating in the heat of the socks, but that didn't stop them.

With the extra grip, the shoes slid around his heels, and he felt a sudden magical tug through his feet, running all the way up his legs. He jumped upwards, dragged by the magic, and launched himself a good three feet in the air before coming down hard. The click as he hit the ground drove the shoes all the way onto his feet, locking them into place.

As the laces slithered together, locking the shoes onto his feet, Draconicon shivered.


He still couldn't talk due to the order. There had to be something else going on with the collar, something that kept him from fighting them. It wasn't just locking down his magic, somehow.

Crisp gestured, and Draconicon jerked forward, his feet dragging him along in those big old sneakers. They pulled him this way, and that, making him march up and down the length of the large dressing room. Each time he made it from one side to the other, it was done differently, as if he was being forced to dance to their whims.

Goose-stepping, tap-dancing, every way of walking from one side of the room to the other was forced on him, and the sheer momentum of his body being jerked around made his cock bounce, and sway, and throb.

Havok chuckled.

"Looks like you're enjoying yourself there, slave."

Draconicon blushed; it wasn't entirely untrue, in a way. The sheer control that they had over his body was pressing buttons that he didn't know he had...but he didn't want to -

"Admit it, Drac. You like being under the control of the sneakers."

"I like being under the control of the sneakers."

His eyes went wide. He hadn't meant to say anything of the sort. He clapped a hand over his mouth, but a gesture from Crisp made him pull it back. He had no control over his hands, either? What was going on?

"Heh, admit it. You like to be under our control."

"I...I like being under your control."

"You are just a subby little dragon, a slut that sold himself."

"I'm...a subby little dragon..."

"You just wanted to be auctioned off. I bet you wanted to be sold to me or Crisp, or to someone that would be happy to use you the way that you kept imagining. All those teases, all those little stories of you being in a different world, where you're turned slutty...Those were real dreams, real hopes, weren't they?"

Draconicon tried to shake his head, but there was something...something that kept him from doing it. Havok chuckled, stepping up to the tap-dancing dragon.

"Admit it...You wanted to be a dancing, cock-sucking, shoe-flaunting slave dragon, didn't you?"


Draconicon's cheeks felt like they were going to burn right off of his face, but he couldn't stop himself, his heels clicking together whenever Crisp gave him the chance to stop tap-dancing for a second or two. He didn't know why, but his cock kept bouncing, throbbing, getting harder every time that they clicked together, making him shudder and shiver in further embarrassment.

"Freaky feet, how about you get over here? Tap those big old clown feet to me."

The dragon had no choice, his legs and feet heating up massively in those shoes and socks as he moved along. He was pushed down to his knees as soon as he was in front of the wolf, but before Crisp could say anything else, Havok cleared his throat.

"Um, considering we don't have a lot of time..."

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that table looks like a good spot for our slave."

Draconicon blinked, turning to look. On the far side of the dressing room, there was a table, one covered with all sorts of crap and accessories. He looked back and forth between the two dominant males, and groaned as they gave him an evil grin.

"Slave, get that table cleared off, and bring it over here."

He did as he was told, getting to his feet. He swept a hand through all the trash that littered the table, sending it to the floor. If nothing else, he could make more work for the auction house for doing this to him.

It didn't take that long for him to drag the table over, and as soon as he did, Havok ordered him to get on it, laying on his back. Draconicon did, and found his face right at crotch level for Crisp.

As the wolf started pulling his pants down, Draconicon shivered, his cock throbbing hard between his legs. He had never been this hard, at least, not in recent memory. Yes, he had been quite erect when he'd used Havok as a slave during some of their arguments, and he'd done a great deal of stuff with other people, but this level of submission...


He groaned as the wolf pulled his cock out, dragging it along his cheeks. The dragon could smell the musk from the canine's balls, see how much cum they had in them, and he knew that he was going to be either swallowing it or spreading it along his scales before the day was done.

"Open your mouth, freaky feet. I want to see how well you can suck me, after all the times you made me suck you."


He opened his mouth, and the wolf's cock slid right in. It was a fairly substantial size, though not as big as his own by a goodly ways. He felt it pass along his tongue, the position making the wolf thrust right against it rather than against the roof of his mouth like a normal blowjob. It slid further and further back, heading towards the back of his throat, and he braced himself for it to slide in.

As it did, he felt Havok grab him by the ankles, but rather than immediately fucking him, he felt something sliding down his legs. He couldn't look down, though, and could only shiver at the strangely smooth sensation of whatever was going down his legs.

"You know, Drac, I've always admired the stuff that you come up with for all those stories you tell. Something about an Order of the Black Feet, I think, was where this one came from."

Oh, you've got to be kidding me...

Draconicon had come up with that uniform as part of a fantasy turned into a world. Nothing more than a latex speedo, save for the fact that there was a sleeve for the cock to slide down, something that would let it be covered, while still letting it bounce around as if it were hanging free. And with the thick amount of latex...

He groaned, both at the feeling of the wolf's cock popping into his throat and at the feeling of the latex 'garment' sliding into place around his hips. There was a small hole in the back, something that allowed his hole to be free - mostly for fucking, he remembered, in the case of the story - but his cock was completely swallowed up inside of a latex container. He felt his erection get guided into it, the slight rubbery qualities of the black latex stretching around his cock and holding it still.

It was almost like wearing a super-tight cock ring, forcing his cock to stay hard and making it damn near impossible to cum while wearing it. He shivered, feeling his cock twitch and shift around in the damn thing, and he moaned as he felt the white dragon's cock slipping into that little hole in the clothes.

"Heh, think the dragon can take both of us at once, Crisp?"

"I think he's got a good chance of it. He's that big of a slut."

"You bet he is. I've been waiting to see him like this for a long time..."

As Crisp started sliding back, Draconicon felt Havok push forward, the white dragon's shaft grinding against his asshole. He blushed at how easily the tip started pushing inside of him, groaning as he felt his hole parting for the big cock.

I swore, you got that grown before you came here, because I don't remember it being THAT big, he thought as his hole stretched as it went deeper, deeper, deeper. It was so hard not to bite down on Crisp's cock from the blissful feeling, leaving him groaning and moaning under his breath. He arched his back, trying to take more, but Havok pushed him back down against the table.

"Ah ah ah. No pushing it too fast, Draconicon. I want to see you take it all, before I let you start grinding back."


He grunted, feeling the wolf slam forward. His cock throbbed again, mostly from the feeling of Havok's cock in his ass, but also from the soft musk he was forced to inhale as Crisp held him down in a blowjob.

The two males bounced back and forth, thrusting in tandem with each other. When Havok pulled out, Crisp slammed in, and vice versa. The pair of them used him hard, and Draconicon...

Draconicon loved it more than he could possibly afford to admit. The great dragon mage shuddered and moaned, his sounds barely muffled around the cock in his mouth, as he was fucked and used. His collar slid up and down along his neck, a little tag making a jangle as he was used, hard.

As he bounced along the table, he could feel them leaking inside of him, the warm, wet heat of pre filling up his ass, and the salty, musky taste of it flooding his mouth. He swallowed constantly, just to keep himself from drowning in it, but it started to taste even better. Draconicon didn't know if he should be excited from the implications of that, but his cock definitely throbbed as he realized how much he was liking this.

In and out, in and out, the wolf determinedly humping his throat while the white dragon did the same to his ass. Balls slapped against his nose with every thrust, and he could feel the bulge of the wolf's cock going down his throat. If he had his hands free, or the thought to use them, he might have reached up and touched his neck to feel it.

"Heh...gonna cum...soon."

"Me too..."

"Let's...paint this black dragon white."

"Sounds good..."

The pair of them suddenly pulled out, and as Draconicon gasped for breath, they stroked themselves. It only took a few seconds for their loads to come shooting out, splattering over his face, his crotch, his belly, his chest. Even his wings, splayed out as they were, became a target, and were soon soaked in dragon and wolf cum. He blushed as he laid there, unable to quite comprehend what was going on.

As he stared up at the ceiling, slowly catching his breath, the wolf stepped over to his side. Draconicon barely had a second to turn his head before his latex-wrapped cock was grabbed, and squeezed, hard.

"Ah! Ooooh!"

"Heh, little sensitive, huh?"

"I...I can't..."

"Can't think, freaky feet? Well, that's because of the auction house. They got all sorts of magic on you. Can't cum on your own, can't do your magic without permission. Heh, they got all sorts of things ready. I think you'll be serving your master really, really well, by the time that you're done. Hell, you might keep serving them after you finish with your contract, considering how much you seem to love this."

The wolf's constant stroking was driving him up the wall, the dragon's toes curling inside of the shoes, his eyes rolling back in his head. If he had touched his cock, he knew that he wouldn't have felt more than a small bit of pressure. But if it was enchanted, made so that he couldn't actually cum without someone else touching him...

This was going to be a very long period of slavery.

Crisp made a gesture, and suddenly Draconicon's heels clicked together again, the shoes taking control. As the heels clicked, his cock throbbed, and his eyes went wide at the sudden burst of pleasure.

The wolf did it again, and again. As the dragon gasped, moaning and arching his back, Crisp looked over at the white dragon.

"You might if I take him over the edge?"

"Heh, why not? Let's see how much he fills the latex. And it'll make him understand that he is a slave. A real, fucking slave."

A slave...a slave...

The words echoed in the dragon's mind, bouncing off his skull as he felt his cock throb all the harder. Crisp's stroking was slowing down, but the heel clicking was happening faster, faster, and it seemed like he was getting more of the pleasure from that than anything else. Draconicon dug his claws into the table, trying to hold on, trying to keep his orgasm at bay from simple shoe clicking...

But it was impossible. As his heels clicked together for the thirtieth time, he let out a long, loud moan, and came. He squirted his seed right into the cock covering, his shaft soon swimming in his own load. It swirled and swelled, and for a moment, the latex around his cock started stretching, accommodating his load as it came shooting out. The bulge of his balls in the latex shrunk, but only slightly.

As he slowly came down from his orgasm, the bulge in the latex also started shrinking. Instead of disappearing, however, it seemed like it was pushed back, rolling over his sac and then over his ass, coating his crack and his hole with his own cum, like a lubrication service. He blushed as he felt how hot it was against his open, loose hole, still not having closed again after Havok had fucked it.

The two masterful males smiled at him.

"Hehehe, you looked like you enjoyed that, freaky feet...I think that you are going to be a good slave, indeed..."

"Yes, for whoever gets him..."

Oh, just tell me already! Stop leaving me in suspense! Or at least let me talk!

Yet, he couldn't. All he could do was lay there, lay there in his cum, and wait for them to decide what to do with him next.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the pair of them switched places. Crisp grabbed him by the hips, pulling him towards the edge of the table, while Havok - after a short time with a cleaning towel - took up a place by his mouth. The white dragon wiggled his cock side to side, and Draconicon groaned.

"You know what you need, slave dragon. Open your mouth, and give it to -"


Draconicon yelped as he was suddenly slammed into, Crisp's cock forcing its way in right off the bat. Of course, Havok took advantage to push forward, silencing him with a meaty dragon cock that was definitely bigger than it had been when he'd been the one in charge. He could feel it sliding down his throat already, pressing right against his gag reflex, and he coughed slightly around it.

Above him, Havok laid his hands on the black dragon's chest, and used it for leverage. Right off the bat, Draconicon could feel him humping further, deeper than Crisp had managed, and he was doing it harder, too, almost like he was in the mood for face-fucking rather than a blowjob.

"You know, you could have let me get it in, first. He wasn't going to say no."

"Yeah, but...just kind want to get this part over with quickly."

"Why? I thought you'd want to fuck his ass?"

"It's not my thing as much as the oral part. It's more to teach him a lesson in this case...and he's so freaking loose, I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to cum."

"Heh, he is pretty loose, isn't he? I guess he's been riding more cocks than he's actually been telling people."

Just when he thought that his cheeks couldn't get any redder, they found another way to tease him. Draconicon closed his eyes, but he couldn't get away from the twin pounding sensations, from the way that they filled his ass, and his mouth, and his throat. The feeling of his own cum drizzling out over his ass as it was fucked was only making it more intense, leaving Crisp slicker than Havok had been, and filling the air with the lewdest possible suck, suck, slurp sounds of his ass being fucked.

It didn't take long for him to be hard as hell again, his latex cock bouncing and swaying as he was slid back and forth across the table. He whimpered, moaning and curling his toes inside of the shoes, and Havok chuckled.

"Listen to that. He's already getting into it. I didn't think he'd start breaking to being a slave so fast."

"Heh, you'd almost think that freaky feet here set up the whole auction himself."

That...that was impossible, of course. Draconicon groaned in the back of his throat, trying to deny it, but they kept chuckling, teasing him as they fucked his face and his ass.

"Yeah, considering how much he keeps making these alternate stories where he's a slut, I guess he's just been hiding it forever."

"Good thing we're helping him be true to himself. Look at that, he's already starting to swell that latex with pre alone."

Stop teasing me! It's're making me...mmmph!

It was so hard to think, so hard to pull his head together when he was being fucked this hard. He needed...needed space...needed...

He started drifting off as they grabbed him tighter, claws sinking into his scales as he felt his throat swelling with Havok's cock, his hole oozing and dripping pre and cum from Crisp's constant fuck. He felt so loose, open...

Draconicon couldn't think, and so he latched onto the words that were slipping through his consciousness as the pair of them fucked him.





Foot slave.

All these and more filtered through him, and he started idly mouthing them around Havok's cock as the fucking got ever more intense. His toes curled as Crisp kept slamming into his prostate, driving him mad with need, with lust. He arched his back, rocking back against them, and heard some teasing laughter above him. Laughter he barely understood, but only made him harder.

And soon...they came.

He felt it from Crisp first, spurting up his ass, squirting all over his inner walls. The black dragon pushed back, squeezing down as hard as he could with his loose hole, and milked that dick for everything he could get.

In his mouth, he swallowed around the shaft there, his lips pressed as firmly to the shaft as he could manage. He swallowed as he wrapped his tongue around that member, pulling it, squeezing it as he mashed his lips and nose against Havok's balls, swallowing and draining that cock as much as he could.

Both of the males leaned over him, groaning as they emptied themselves, and in some small, barely aware part of the dragon's mind, he felt a sense of...pride, for this. That he could leave them both so empty, so satisfied, was a good feeling.

"Let's get...let's get cleaned up...and then we can deal with freaky feet..."

"Good idea..."

The pair of them stepped out, leaving the blissed out dragon on the table, his eyes rolled back in his head, and his mind far, far away from here.

A half hour later...

It didn't last. His mind came back as he was leashed by his cock, and pulled out of the building. His collar was gone, but it had been replaced with an anklet over the socks, enchanted to keep his magic out of his control, and firmly in Havok's. It effectively made him a genie, able to grant anyone's wishes but his own.

He blushed as they walked down the sidewalk, his cock still kept rock hard from all the stuff that had happened to him, and his ass felt like it was oozing cum constantly, like whatever they had done had left him completely swelled with it down there. It felt like it was slipping down inside of the socks and squelching around inside of the shoes.

The shoes. That was the worst part. They were so freaking humiliating, and he had no idea if they'd ever come off.

He hoped they would; he didn't think that Havok had the same shoe love that Crisp did.

Still, Draconicon blushed as Havok led him down the street, shaking his head. At least he could speak now.

"Why...why did you bid so much for me?"

"For a once in a lifetime chance to own the great Draconicon? Please, I would have bid even more for you, if I'd had to. Admittedly, not too much more, but a little bit more. You're destined to be a slave, you slutty thing; and if you're going to be a slave, I'd like you to be mine instead of seeing you get used by someone that won't share you."

"I...I see..."

He blushed as his cock bobbed up and down, feeling his own need continue to rise despite the humiliation.

"Where are we going?"

"My place. I think your magic is going to do a lot to make it a dream home, for me. And a dungeon, for you."


He blushed, not quite hating himself for how much his cock throbbed at that. This...this was going to feel like a long, long time...but he hoped that there might be some fun for him. After all...he was a slut...and a many other things...

His mind faded a bit as he walked on, repeating those words from the table-top fuck.

The End

Invited to the Arena

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