Rain and Snow, Chapter 5

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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#5 of Rain and Snow

The story continues with "Rain and Snow", Chapter 5. Jessica's friendships with a few people are brought into question and the seasons change to Autumn. These chapter come out roughly one month early for Patrons of my Patreon. Want to get that early access, as well as other bonuses? Then head on over to my Patreon and consider pledging! Every little bit of support is greatly appreciated!https://www.patreon.com/darkhom

Despite all the sudden and unexpected changes that had happened over the past few weeks, it wasn't long before a sense of order and routine fell into place. Jessica quickly acclimated to her new living arrangements, and her new friends, and by the beginning of October the bad memories of living in the Freshman dorms with Cassie were a distant memory. Classes were progressing well, and even with the new responsibilities of the campus news crew she still found plenty of time to relax and enjoy a cool, cloudy day outside. Even if her companion preferred the indoors.

"It got cold pretty quick, didn't it?" Jim grumbled, pulling the hood of her sweatshirt up over her head. "I know I'm supposed to be a winter animal, but I can only handle so much so soon."

"It's only cold because of the storm." Jessica retorted with a smirk. "There's a cold front pushing through, so we're gonna have clouds and rain all night. Which, on the one hand, might mean some cool storms tonight. But, it also ruins my stargazing plans for tonight. Jupiter is supposed to be in good view, but it doesn't matter if I can't see through the clouds."

"Well that sucks." Jim said, her gray eyes scanning the sky. "How long will the storm last? Maybe you could try to see Jupiter tomorrow night or something."

"Yeah, I'll be trying as soon as the storm clears. It's just, tonight is a new moon, so it would have made for a better viewing opportunity. Less competing with moonlight."

"I never realised just how into astronomy you really are." The snow leopard said with a chuckle. "A bit more obsessed than I realised. Between the stars and the weather, it's amazing that you're not always walking into stuff."

"Yeah. I guess I just really like looking up." She smiled warmly at her friend, a bright sight against the dreary sky. "There's just so much to see up there, so much crazy, beautiful wonders of nature. How could anyone not look? I mean, look at that, over there."

The young vixen pointed towards a darker part of the sky, not far past one of the campus buildings. "It's raining over there. You can see the edges of the rainfall from here. I've heard it's like a wall of water. Oh, I'd love to see that up close."

"Well, that doesn't look that far away." Jim commented, looking at the rain with a bit of new found interest. "Probably wouldn't take long to drive out there."

"Hey, that's a great idea! Let's head over there now!"

"Right now?"

"Sure. You got anything better to do right now?" Jess beamed, practically hopping in place as she looked excitedly at the distant storm. "C'mon, let's go before it ends!"

"Alright, calm your butt." Jim chuckled, giving in to Jessica's excitement. "But you better not get my car wet."

Despite the urgency in her excitement, Jim insisted on driving, stating that she was the only one allowed to drive her second hand sedan. Fortunately for the fox, it only took a few minutes to get off campus and find the edge of the rain, conveniently in a mostly empty parking lot.

"Isn't this amazing?" Jessica exclaimed, walking just a few feet away from the literal wall of rain. "This is the near exact spot where the rain in the clouds above have grown large enough to overcome the air resistance and fall. Isn't it crazy that there can be such a well defined line between that limit?"

"I think it's amazing that you can know all that." Jim replied with a grin, watching the fox through her phone's viewfinder as she recorded every second of Jess's geekery. "I don't know shit about rain, other than that it's wet. This is pretty cool, though."

"I know, right?" Jessica giggled, practically skipping about the parking lot. "It doesn't always do this. Most of the time the rain gets lighter the farther away you get from the center of the storm. The fronts must be strong to create a wall like this. At least, I think that's what's cause this anyway."

"You think?" Jim teased, taking a few steps closer herself. "I thought you were a smart, fancy meteorologist."

"Meteorologist in training." Jessica retorted, sticking her tongue out at her friend. "I'm going to school to learn all this stuff for a reason. I love this stuff."

"Obsessed." Jim reiterated. She zoomed her camera in as Jessica approached the wall of water, sticking her hand into it with a bit of wonder. "You are obsessed girl. Did you get struck by lightning as a kid, or what?"

"Almost!" She replied unexpectedly, turning back on her friend with an excited glint in her eyes. "When I was nine years old a bolt struck the ground no more than twenty feet away from me. It was so freakin' cool, but it's never happened again. Really freaked my parents and brother though."

"Why am I not surprised." Jim laughed. "You would enjoy almost getting struck by lightning. That can kill you, y'know."

"So can too much Taco Bell." The vixen countered. "I can't help it if this stuff excites me. Here; come over here and check this out."

"I can see it from here." Jim assured her, still filming from a few feet away, watching as Jessica walked right up to the wall of rain.

"No, seriously, come over here. I want you to experience this." She held her hands out, as if beckoning the feline closer. "Please, Senpai?"

Jim sighed, a soft smirk crossing her face. "That's not fair. You know I can't say no when you do that."

Giving in to those baby blue eyes, Jim joined the fox by the rain wall. They stood with their backs to the rain. "Now just look straight up. Just look up and take it all in."

Jim started to lift her phone up, but Jess caught her, placing a hand on her's and lowering it. "Not through the phone. With your own eyes."

"Alright." Chuckling, Jim craned her head back, looking straight up at the sky. The sight was admittedly breathtaking. It was almost as though she were laying on a wall made of rainwater. She could practically feel the air current flowing around her, the sound of the rain overtaking her senses. For a moment, she lost track of everything around her, engulfed in the moment until she felt Jessica's hand squeeze her own. Looking over, she saw the girl was equally enthralled in the moment. Her eyes were closed, a soft smile on her muzzle.

"Wow." Jim murmured, watching Jess enjoy the rain. "That's beautiful."

"Isn't it?" Jessica sighed, opening her eyes to glance back at her friend. "This is why I like this stuff. It's bigger than us and all around us. We can't control it, can't even really understand it. And I love it."

"When you put it like that, it is pretty amazing." Jim admitted.

Jess smiled, then without a word she took a few steps back, letting the rain envelope her. She held her arms out, head up as she immersed herself in the weather.

"You really are crazy." Jim chuckled, stepping away from the rain. "You just had to get yourself wet."

"What can I say?" Jessica replied with a shrug. "I love the rain."

"I can tell." She nodded with a bit of admiration. "You're gonna get my car wet though."

"Sorry?" She shrugged, stepping back out of the rain. "I can make it up to you."

"Letting me upload this video of you geeking out should do." The feline smirked. "It's too good not to share."

"Fine." She relented. "But we should probably get back now, before I catch a cold."

"I might have a towel in the trunk." Jim offered, retreated back to her car. "At least I hope so. Otherwise my seat is gonna get soaked."

"I bet you normally like having a soaked girl in your passenger seat." Jess teased, joining her near the back of the car as she squeezed the water from her long hair. "Or do you prefer them in your lap."

"You're a little more soaked than I normally like." Jim retorted, playfully tossing an old towel at the vixen. "I usually prefer the dampness to be confined to a girls panties. Specifically Melody's."

"I should hope so." The vixen smirked, doing her best to dry off despite her thoroughly soaked clothes. "Don't worry. I won't tell her you had a wet fox in your seat."

"Oh everyone's gonna know when I load this video to Instagram and shit."

"Oh no. Don't put my wet ass on the internet." Jessica pouted, the towel wrapped around her shoulders. "I would be oh so embarrassed."

"Well, if you really don't want me to-"

"I'm kidding." Jess assured her. "You can put any pics or video you take of me on whatever site you want. Just tag me so I can find them."


"Sure." Jessica said with a smile. "I trust you, Senpai. I know you won't upload anything bad."

"Of course not." Jim smiled, feeling a bit flattered. "Now get in the car so I can take you home. I wouldn't be a very good senpai if I let you catch a cold."

"Y'know, when I suggested we sign up for the campus news, I wasn't expecting to have to do so much paperwork."

"Better than fetching coffee." Jessica replied to Francis' latest round of complaining. "Don't forget, we're here to learn. And I don't know about you, but I have been learning a lot since we started."

The two stepped out into the cool autumn air, zipping up their jackets as they left the campus news studio. It was a cool, mostly clear afternoon, the sun beginning to set in the horizon and painting the sky all shades of purple and orange, a sight Jessica couldn't help but take a moment to enjoy.

"Enjoying nature's beauty?" Jessica turned her attention around to see Harold stepping out of the building behind them. "Some nice colors up there. It's probably gonna be a good night for stargazing."

"That is not such a bad idea." The vixen smiled up at the pachyderm. "I may have to set up my telescope tonight. Maybe I'll get lucky and see Jupiter. Wanna join me?"

"I'd love to, but I can't." Harold declined with a smile. "I've got too much homework to do, and I really like going to bed early. You two have a good weekend. Goodnight."

"Night." She waved him off, then rejoined Francis as they made their way across campus. "So, you wanna look at the stars with me tonight?"

"I'd love to." The goat replied with a tip of his hat. "I'll even bring the coffee."

"Oh coffee sounds good right now. And the cafe's on the way back to the dorms. Let's get some on the way."

With no room for argument they detoured to the cafe for a few warm drinks. After just a short visit they were back out in the crisp air making their way to the dorms.

"Now, I don't mean to pry," Francis said, "but why did you buy four coffees? Planning to stare at the stars all night long?"

"No. Well, maybe." Jessica chuckled. "I got these for my roommates. It's just a little something nice for them."

"That is very generous of you." The man was quick to offer his praise. "Not many people would go to such lengths for their friends."

"It's just coffee." Jessica insisted. "It's just a small gesture of thanks for letting me invade their privacy and move in with them. They didn't have to do that, but they did and it means alot to me."

"And you think some coffee makes up for that?"

"Maybe not, but it's a start." She replied. "And sometimes people just do nice things for their friends. I would have paid for your coffee too, but you wouldn't let me."

"I would never ask a beautiful lady to pay for my drink." Francis insisted, bowing to her.

"How chivalrous of you." Jess replied with an unimpressed roll of her eyes. "It's the twenty-first century, Francis. Women can buy drinks for men now. We can even vote and everything."

"I... meant do offense." The young goat stammered, taken aback by her comments. "I just don't like it when other people buy me things."

"Then just say that." Jessica muttered. "Leave your sexist comments in your head."

"Again, my apologies." Francis repeated. "I sometimes forget how strong and passionate you are. It only makes me value your companionship even more."

"Lucky me." She forced a smile, ending the conversation with a slow draw from her latte.

Francis let the silence linger for a moment, until the dorms came into view. Then he lightly grabbed her arm, stopping her and forcing her to turn his way. "So, I was thinking that we should date."

"Date?" Jessica was somewhat taken aback by the sudden statement, and the way he said it. "You wanna date me?"

"Of course, who wouldn't want to date you?" Francis smiled. "You're smart, funny, beautiful. You're an amazing young woman, Jessica, and I would like for you to be my girlfriend. So, what do you say?"

"I don't know. This is kinda sudden." Jessica glanced around, subconsciously looking for an out. But there was no one else around that she knew, and Francis already knew she didn't have to be anywhere right then. She looked back at the goat, watching her with that ever confident smile, as if he expected her obvious answer to be yes. Something about that bugged the fox, and helped convince her to be honest. "I dunno. I'm not really looking to date anybody right now. There's just so much going on, and I don't need the distractions."

"I would never be a distraction." He insisted, his grin spreading. "Not an unwelcome one, anyway. Besides, there's no one in this entire school I would want to be with other than you, and you honestly can't do much better than me. So let's just drop all the pretense, give in to our feelings and just do it."

"Listen, Francis," Jessica said, her words firm and clear, "I do think you're a pretty okay guy, and I do like spending time with you. I'm just not sure I think of you as a boyfriend. And again, I'm not even looking for one right now. So, I'm sorry, but I think we should just stay friends."

"I... I don't understand." Francis said. "You just said I'm a great guy, and you like spending time with me. Why don't you want to date me?"

"Because I don't?" Jessica replied, though she wasn't sure why she had to. "Look, I'm just not really interested in dating right now. And I just think of you as a friend. Do I really need any other reasons?"

"I can't believe this." Francis unexpectedly grumbled. "You're really doing this to me? You, of all people."

"Look, I know being rejected sucks. I've been there myself. But, it doesn't have to be the end of the world."

"You're friendzoning me." Francis continued, growing noticeably angry. Enough to attract the attention of those nearby. "I am a great guy, Jessica, and I have done so much for you. I helped you move, helped you study. After all that you're going to put me in the friendzone?"

Jessica was silent for a moment, his arguments sinking in. "Wow." She muttered, shaking her head in disbelief. "I should have seen this coming. I guess I just never thought someone, you, would try and play the friendzone card on me."


"No!" Jess sternly interrupted, glaring at the goat. "A friend helps someone move. A friend helps someone study. A friend buys someone coffee. And a friend doesn't expect anything in return. I don't owe you anything, especially not a date."

"It's the least you could do."

"Fuck you!" Jessica snarled. "I thought you cared about me, that you valued me as a friend! But it was all just pretense! You never wanted to be my friend, you just wanted to get in my pants! Well not only are you not getting any, but we're not friends anymore! In fact, I never want to see you again!"

"Jessica, there's no need to be hysterical." Francis tried to reason with her. "Just calm down and we can come to a calm and reasonable agreement."

"Agree to what?" Jessica spat, her eyes starting to tear up. "You want to negotiate a date with me? News flash, if I didn't want to date you before, I really don't want to date you now. So fuck off, and never talk to me again!"

With a huff she turned and stormed off towards her dorm. She only made it a few steps before she heard Francis yelling obscenities at her back. Bitch and slut seemed to be his preferences. But she refused to respond, or even acknowledge him as she walked away. She didn't even turn back to face him. After all, she didn't want him to see her cry. She wouldn't give the bastard the satisfaction.

Jim lowered the hood of her sweatshirt as she entered her dorm, escaping the chill of the evening air. Unfortunately, the air wasn't the only thing giving her a chill; Melody was chewing her ear off over the phone, and the husky was not in a good mood.

"We were just hanging out, Mel. Just screwing around with the rain. You're overreacting."

"It's the screwing around part I'm worried about." Melody replied. "The only one you should be screwing around with is me."

"I would love to if you were here." Jim countered. "Are you coming up tomorrow?"

"I told you I can't. Gas money is short and I'm going to be looking for a part time job. Next weekend though. I'll have extra cash next weekend."

"That's what you said last weekend." Jim sighed. "What happened to every weekend?"

"Life happened." Came the reply. "I'm surprised you're not happier about this. Gives you more time to screw around with that fox."

"I'm not cheating on you." Jim insisted, pausing outside the dorm door to finish the argument in relatively privacy. "Why do you keep accusing me of sleeping around? You never used to get this jealous."

"I'm not jealous. I just don't trust that girl. For all I know she's seducing you every night with that fat butt of hers."

"She's not." Jim assured her. "We mostly keep to ourselves, eat dinner as a group, chat about random stuff. Y'know, friend stuff. And not cheat on my girlfriend stuff."

"That's how it starts." Melody continued, not willing to let it go. "She acts all nice and innocent, and the next thing you know she's in your bed."

"Even if she did try to sleep with me, do you really think I'd go through with it? That I'd willingly cheat on you?"

"I know how you can get."

"Glad to know you trust me." Jim grumbled. "Whatever. I'm hanging up now. I'm tired and I don't feel like arguing with you anymore. I'll call you tomorrow. Goodnight, Melody."

Jim hung up before anymore could be said. She knew she'd catch flack for it, but the feline really was not in the mood to defend her faithfulness all night. Not when she could be relaxing with a good video game and a cold beer.

Clearly she wasn't the only one. Jim was momentarily stunned to see Mako and Kari huddled around Jessica on the couch, a small pile of tissues on the table in front of her. "What's wrong? Is everything alright?"

"That fuckin' cunt-"

"Mako!" Kari quickly cut the shark off before she could get too worked up. "That so called friend of hers was apparently an asshole all along."

"What? What'd he do?"

"He asked me out." Jessica mumbled through a tissue. "And when I said no, he said I friendzoned him. He pretended to be my friend all this time, acted like he cared. Sure he was a little over the top sometimes, but I never thought... God I should have known."

"Known what? That the prat is a cunt?" Mako growled, her eyes literally glowing with anger. "If I ever see that little shit again..."

"Not helping, Mako." Kari interrupted again. "Even if he has it coming."

"Guys, enough." Jim sighed, kneeling in front of Jessica with a soft smirk. "You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah." Jess nodded, wiping her nose and forcing a smile. "I brought you coffee, by the way. Hopefully it's not too cold."

"It's okay. I like cold coffee." Jim smiled, patting her knee. "Besides, I think I have something we can add to the coffee that'll make us all feel better."

"Ice cream?"

"Better." With a wink the snow leopard scampered off. Jessica turned a confused look Kari's way, but the chinchilla simply shrugged.

Jim returned a moment later, holding up a large and mostly full bottle of alcohol. Still grinning she proceeded to pour a small amount into the waiting coffee cups.

"Let me guess; vodka." Jessica chuckled, though the others didn't join her.

"I hate vodka." Jim retorted. "Especially the brand which we shall not name. No, this is whiskey. Much better, and way better in coffee. Now c'mon, it's Friday night, we're all in a crap mood, so let's drink. We can get as drunk as we want, right?"

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

Ignoring Kari's doubts, Jessica rose from the couch and approached Jim with a determined stride. She grabbed her coffee and took a deep gulp, shaking her head as the not so subtle sting of alcohol coated her throat.

"Fuck it. I've never had whiskey before. Let's go nuts."

The others could only shrug before joining Jim and Jess, toasting the foam cups and starting and impromptu night of therapeutic partying.

The coffee didn't last long, but a quick call to Chip solved their beverage crisis. The capuchin arrived in short order with a couple bottles of soda, eager to join the ladies in their partying.

"That son of a bitch." Chip sighed, wrapping Jessica in a warm hug. "Well forget him. You've still got me, Nerd. Friends for life."

"Nerd besties." Jess agreed, leaning into the hug. "I shoulda known he was trouble from the start. All the over the top compliments and weird questions. Guy gave me the creeps from the start."

"Then why'd you hang out with him?" Mako was compelled to ask. "Creep gets near me I show him just how sharp my teeth are."

"We had some common interests." She admitted, taking a deep gulp of her drink. "Oh, whiskey is good. But yeah, we both had the same major, or close enough. And he was nice to me, or so I thought. And he was someone I could talk to about, well, certain shows we both like."

"What show could you both possibly like?" The shark asked with a snort. "I bet he was faking that too."

"Oh, just some stupid cartoon."

"My Little Pony, right?"

Everyone turned their eyes Jim's way, surprised by her unexpected guess. Jess then turned her suspicious gaze Chip's way, but the man quickly shook his head. "I didn't tell her."

"What, uh, makes you think I watch that?" Jess tried to cover, though it was far too late for denial now.

"I've seen you watching it on your laptop." Jim admitted with a shrug of her shoulders. "Plus don't you have a blog about it?"

"How d'you know about my Twilight blog?" The young vixen started, blushing the moment she asked. "I mean... I just..."

"You don't have to be embarrassed." Jim continued, her attention more focused on her phone. "So you like a cartoon. I like cartoons. Who doesn't like cartoons? Enjoy it, and if anyone gives you shit for it, fuck 'em."

"Anyone gives ya shit, ya just tell me." Mako cut in, her eyes glowing noticeably once more.

"How do your eyes do that?" Jessica suddenly asked, somewhat drunkenly ignoring her previous embarrassment. "I've seen them glow like that before. That's so cool. Do you have special contacts or something?"

"Nope. It's all natural." Mako replied, smiling despite herself. "I don't really know why, but I was born with some of that phosphorescence shit in my blood. Makes my blood glow a kinda blue green color, and anywhere with lots of veins, like my eyes, mouth, cunt, and all sorts a' fun places. Even my nips glow, though it's hard to see unless it's really dark."

"That is so fuckin' cool."

"Oh yeah, sleeping with a living night light is so much fun." Kari interjected with a playful roll of her eyes, subtly slipping into Chip's lap in the process. "Took a while to get used to that.

"Well I like it. It's kinda sexy. Especially with that Australian accent."

"She's not the only one who's sexy." Kari grinned, grinning up at Chip. "Hi handsome. Hope you don't mind if I have a seat."

"Uh, no?" Chip glanced at Jess, who just gave him a smirk before migrating closer to the alcohol. "So, you come here often?"

"I could. Depends on how good you are."

"Is she always like that?" Jessica chuckled, nodding towards the amorous chinchilla as she took a seat. "Hey, you've been on your phone for like an hour now. I thought we were gonna party. Or are you sexting your girl?"

"I wish." Jim grumbled. "I mean, I am talking to Mel, but it's more like arguing. As usual."

"Arguing about what?" Forget some obscure, ultimately unimportant date or something?"

"She saw the video."


"That video I took of you the other day, in the rain. I uploaded it, she saw it, and now she thinks I'm cheating on her, with you, again."

"Heh, she's crazy." Jess chuckled, pouring more whiskey into her cup. "We're not sleeping together. And we certainly didn't have sex in the rain. Oh man, but how great would that be? I'd love to have sex in the rain someday."

"Sounds fun. Dammit, she can be so stubborn." Jim grumbled, angrily tossing her phone aside and grabbing her own drink. "Thinks I'm cheating, criticizes my fav foods, won't let me do what I want. God, when did she become so controlling?"

"Fuck her." Jess suggested, before giggling like a child. "Actually if you did fuck her, it'd probably solve your problem."

"I wish." Jim chuckled, eyeing Jess curiously as she took a deep gulp of her drink. "How much of that have you had?"

"Not enough." She grinned throwing Jim a wink before taking another sip. "So, what won't she let you do now?"

"You want a list?" Jim sighed. "Okay, so I've been thinking about getting my nose pierced, a ring right through the septum. Everytime I mention it she starts in with how it'll ruin my face."

"Bullshit." Jess scoffed. "You'd look super cute with a nose ring. It... It'd go great with your lip ring."

"Which she hates." Jim added with a roll of her eyes. "She says it ruins kissing. That the metal gets in the way or some shit."

"Really? I'd think it'd make kissing more fun."

Jim smirked as Jessica waggled her eyebrows. Maybe it was just all the alcohol, but she was doing a pretty good job of cheering her back up. "You get a little silly when you're drunk, don't you?"

"I 'unno. Never been this drunk before." Jess giggled, pouring more soda and whiskey into her cup. "So, you should totally get your nose pierced. You would look great with a nose ring."

"Yeah, and Melody would kill me."

"It's your body, Senpai." Jess insisted. "Pierce whatever you want; nose, tongue, pussy. Go nuts."

"What are we piercin'?" Mako cut in, suddenly very interested in the conversation. "I wanna get another piercin'. Fuck it, let's go right now!"


"We can't." Jim said, cutting both Mako and Jim off. "It's too late. And we've been drinking. You know they won't bring a needle anywhere near us unless we're completely sober."

"Fuck, you're right. Tomorrow then. I've got an itch for more metal."

"Yeah, less do that." Jessica eagerly agreed through her slurring. "We can all go and get somethin' pierced."

"Alright, we'll go tomorrow, when we're sober." Jim conceded, stealing Jessica's drink before she could partake of any more. "I think you've had enough of that, kid. Especially if you want to be sober this time tomorrow."

"I don't wanna wait to get pierced." Kari giggled, getting off the couch and pulling Chip with her. "I'm borrowing your friend for the night, Jess."

"Uh, goodnight I guess." Chip said as he was dragged away, equal parts eager and concerned.

"Have fun, dork." Jess giggled, trying and failing to reclaim her drink from the snow leopard. "C'mon, Senpai. Just one more drink."

"You can have some soda, but no more whiskey." Jim insisted, pouring her a cup. "You have definitely had more than enough already."


"She's got a point, kid." Mako had to agree, retreating back to the couch. "You're gonna be so hungover in the mornin'."

"What, a headache?" Jessica chuckled confidently. "A belly ache? Can't be worse than a period."

Jim and Mako exchanged knowing looks, then looked back to see Jessica holding her stomach, her mirth suddenly gone.

"Oof, speaking of. Figures I'd start now, after all that's happened. Oh, I don't feel good."

"Gonna be okay there?" Jim reached out and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, watching as her ears dropped considerably. "You look like you're gonna be sick."

"I'm gonna throw up." She confirmed, a drunken panic filling her eyes as she cradled her stomach. "I... Senpai..."

"Let's get you to the bathroom." Jim didn't waste any time in getting Jess to her paws and leading her to the toilet. "Please, just hold it in till we get there."

They made it in time, and soon Jessica was kneeling before the porcelain throne, emptying the contents of her stomach as Jim held back her long hair. It was an unpleasant moment for them both, with Jim silently chastising herself for letting the poor fox drink so much.

"She okay?" Mako peeked in during a lull in the retching.

"I think so." Jim nodded, rubbing the poor girl's back. "I'm gonna take her to bed. You gonna be alright?"

"Yeah. It's probably gonna be a while before they're done with their fun. I'll just crash on the couch for an hour then go in whether they're done or not."

Jim just chuckled, once again helping Jessica to her paws. "What d'you say, ready for bed?"

Jessica nodded, letting the snow leopard lead her to the bedroom. "Sorry, Senpai. I didn't mean to do that."

"Most people don't." Jim watched as the young fox futilely tried to reach behind her, stumbling without making any progress. "You doin' okay?"

"I can't reach." She whined. "Can you undo my bra?"

"Uh, sure?" Hesitating just a moment, Jim lifted up the back of Jess's shirt and unhooked her bra. It was admittedly comical watching her try to remove the bra without taking off her shirt. She ended up a tangled mess, and with a shake of her head Jim stepped in to save her from herself. "Come here before you hurt yourself."

"I can, uh... thank you." Jess tumbled back, half nude and already wrestling with her pants. "Why are clothes so hard?"

"They're not meant for drunk people." Jim chuckled as Jess finally got free of her pants. She couldn't help but admire how pert and bouncy the fox's breasts were, especially as she drunkenly tried to stand back up. "Man, those are quite the high beams."


"Nothing. Just put a shirt on and get to bed." Jim deflected, tossing her shirt back at her. "You need to sleep off that whiskey and quick."

"Yes Senpai." Jessica obediently slipped her shirt back on, then turned to try and climb into her bed.

"Y'know, maybe you should sleep in my bed tonight. Probably not a good idea for you to be climbing anything right now. Plus if you get sick again it's better to be closer to the floor, and a bucket."

"I can do it, I can..." She almost immediately gave up, collapsing into Jim's bed. "You win. Senpai knows best."

"Yes I do." Jim smirked, laying the fox down under the sheets. "Try to stay on your side, and if you feel sick again, just throw up in, uh, this garbage can I guess."

"I dun' feel sick." Jess mumbled as Jim pulled the can over to the bedside. "Thank you, Senpai. You're the best."

"Yeah, I'm a peach." Jim sighed, smiling softly as she sat on the edge of the bed, brushing some of Jessica's hair off her face. "Get some sleep, Jess. If you need anything, I'll be right up in your bed, okay?"

The only response she got was a soft snore, Jessica having passed out the moment her head hit the pillow. Jim couldn't help but smile at her sleeping friend, admiring how cute and serene she looked. With a sigh she got up, removing her own pants before crawling into the top bunk. She laid back, only remembering she had left her phone out the common room after she had gotten comfortable.

"I don't wanna get back up." She admitted, glancing at the body pillow beside her. "And I don't want to argue with Mel after all that. I can fix things tomorrow."

With that settled in her mind, Jim closed her eyes and let the gentle snoring of her dear, drunken friend lull her to sleep.