Play me a Song chapters 4-7

Story by lyncanid on SoFurry

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Lots of stuff happens to Xav

Chapter 4

Breaking Point

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring on the night stand. I yawned and sat up before stretching my back out and turning the alarm off. I stood up again and threw on a mix of my old clothes and new ones from the previous day. I grabbed my bag & violin case and headed out the door and onto campus. I walked across the campus and into a purple building with an owl head carved into the stone atop the door. I made my way to my usual class room and my usual chair and sat waiting to start the day of in psych 101. Before long the professor walked into the room. He was a tiger wearing a trench coat over his usual shirt, pants, and tie; but the strangest thing about him was he wore old red and blue 3D glasses not to mention his messy hair and European accent. Within moments of him entering class had begun and was in full swing with him talking about the different types of conditioning along with reinforcements and punishments. Before I knew it the 2 hours of class were up and I gathered my things again. I walked out of the building and towards the one next door this one being blue with music notes and an art pallet over the door way. I entered and walked to the room at the end of the first floor where I was greeted by a male peacock in a suit along with several other students setting up their string instruments.

"Ah Xavier, glad to see you have shown up to practice. Have you been studying your sheet music for the week?" the peacock asked me as he set up the stand to conduct.

I simply nodded my head before sitting down in the front and center seat. I pulled my violin out from its case before placing it between my shoulder and cheek. The conductor flicked his wrist and we all started to play our parts. The music started out light and soft all around and grew loud and almost sporadic for the violins while the violas and cellos just got faster. Before we knew it a string on my violin snapped and everyone's attention turned to me.

"Well that was unexpected. Xavier you know where the strings are if you can go and change the broken one and hurry back that would be great." The conductor said to me.

I got up from my chair and walked past him and out the room to the hall and into the instrument supply room a few doors down. I opened a pack of the strings I need and replaced it with the new one.

"Well well well if it isn't little Xavier." A voice said to me.

I looked up from my violin and saw a lion with golden fur and bronze mane and crimson eyes standing in the door way wearing a black band t shirt and jeans. He was named Terk and he was a bit more than just a jerk. If I were to arrange the people I don't like in a list he would be top tier with Adam. Terk has been nothing but harassment to me since my first day of school from cliché knocking my books out of my hands to stealing small things from me when I'm not looking.

"Now isn't a really good time Terk you can harass me later." I said trying to walk past him only to be blocked by his arm.

"Sorry I can't wait for later I've got a day planned so I'm on a schedule." He replied with a smug tone.

Before I could reply he grabbed my violin and started messing with the strings violently. I grabbed at it but he held it up out of my reach squeezing it by the neck until that part was crushed. I could feel my body go cold as he let go dropping the pieces to the ground and started laughing at me.

"Ha no wonder that fox left you. You're just weak and pathetic. You're just a little..." he said.

Before he could finish what he was saying my fist made contact with his jaw delivering an uppercut knocking him back and making him stumble.

"You sick son of a bitch." I said my eyes full of fury my fist clenched as tight as possible. "I'm fucking tired of you always harassing me."

He smirked and stood straight up smiling down at me. He threw a punch and I dodged to the side hitting him in the gut with my knee making him fall to his knees. I panted for a moment and was ready to kick him again while he was down when someone grabbed my arms and pulled me back. I came back to my senses and realized there were other people watching us. I could only look down at Terk and see a small sinister smile that said everything he was thinking in that moment.

Chapter 5

I Owe You One

Everything happened so fast first I was punching Terk the next minute I was in the waitng room of the dean's office waiting to give my side of the story which would probably not even be believed since I was the one that was 'caught in the act'. This day was turning into a nightmare faster than I could possibly imagine Terk was in there slandering my name all over the place and all I can do is sit and wait. I was snapped back to reality by the sound of the door opening and Terk walking out holding an ice pack on his chin.

"You will be called back in in about half an hour Mr. Lyon. Your turn Mr. Moonrose." The jackal in a suit said.

I got up and walked into the office and was told to take a seat right in front of him. The room was dark and cold which only added to the terror of being in it for this situation.

"Now I want you to tell me everything that happened from start to finish. Hopefully you tell the exact same thing he did otherwise we have to treat this like a real trial which is longer and the punishment is harsher." The dean said sitting in his chair picking up a feather pen.

I sighed and told him everything from the moment my string broke and I was sent to replace it to the end of the 'fight' when I was pulled off of him and my body froze. After that the dean sighed and spoke to me.

"Well it seems we will be going to trial hope you know a good lawyer young man because things don't look good for you." He stated.

Before I could say anything the door burst open and I saw Rider of all people standing there is a button down shirt, a blazer, and slacks holding a bag.

"Sir I will be representing Mr.Moonrose in this trial." He said with a slight nod of his head.

He came over to me and shook both of my hands for some reason and introduced himself. The dean rolled his eyes before pressing a button on the intercome asking for Terk to be bought in.

"To get everyone up to speed ill go over the key points." The dean said leaning back. "Mr. Lyon says he entered the supply room and found Mr. Moonrose stringing his violin, he attempted to make conversation only to be hit in the chin by said violin and attacked. Mr. Moonrose said the violin was taken from him by Mr. Lyon who broke it and insulted him to a breaking point which lead to the assault."

"Well sir I think I can have all of this wrapped up in no time. I can prove my client is innocent right here and right now." Rider said with a smile causing Terk to scoff. "If you could turn off the lights that would be great."

The lights were turned off and the room was left barely lit while rider pulled some long object from his bag and turned it on. The room then glowed purple as he took out a bag with my broken instrument inside.

"Now as you know musicians tend to keep their instruments in near perfect condition which includes cleaning, polishing, and staining them to perfection. The instrument in front of us with obviously stained and polished very recently because its glowing under black light due to the chemical compounds. Now I know what you are thinking what this has to do with my client and this young man. Well since the stain and polish is able to glow at all they were applied very recently meaning they would still leave traces one the hands of anyone who touches it. If Xavier would place his hands under the light this can be proven." Rider said.

I stepped forward and placed my hands under the black light palms up and sure enough they glowed purple.

"And if Mr. Lyon would do the same." Rider said.

Terk slowly stepped forward and put his hands under the light and they glowed as well. For extra measure he pointed the light at Terk's chin and it didn't glow at all.

"Pfft this proves nothing!!" Terk said loudly.

"Actually it does Mr. Lyon. Your testimony stated Mr. Moonrose hit you in the chin with his violin not only does this prove you wrong but it proves there is truth in what this young man said happened and since you have failed to provide anything I am forced to take the side of Mr. Moonrose." The dean said standing up. "Mr. Moonrose is free to go."

It took every ounce of my being to not jump around like an idiot but I kept it together until Rider and I were out of the building.

"You may now ask me questions." Rider said to me

"H...How'd you... when did...How?" I asked confused.

"I'll list your questions and answer them in order. How did I get stains on your hands and Terk even though you haven't stained and polished in about a month? When did I do all that? And how did I save your ass?

Simple. I had Nabari open your room's door and get the barely used stain and polish kit on your broken violin. I then put thin gloves on and put polish and stain on them and while you were talking to the dean I introduced myself to Terk and shook both his hands like I did to you. After that we just had to make you look innocent and all it took was planting the right evidence and keep you from talking. And I did all that because I knew you were innocent because something in your eyes said so." He explained

"Well.... I guess this means I owe you one huh?" I asked him.

"Well I suppose you do. You can pay for my services today by letting me take you out on a date this weekend." He said holding my right hand.

Chapter 6


After the so called trial Terk was placed on a long term suspension which was as close to being expelled as you can get. He'd have to repeat a year of classes alongside some community service around campus. I had spent the rest of the week keeping my head low and barely answering the barrage of questions fellow students had for me. It was Friday night now and it was almost 6 o'clock; the time when rider was planning on picking me up for our date. He informed me to dress casual nothing fancy or wild so I threw on jeans and a blue graphic t-shirt. There was a knock at the door and I went and opened it seeing Rider standing on the other side wearing blue jeans and a white tank top shirt under a plaid button down that was wide open.

"Wow you look good casual." Rider said to me with a smile on his face.

"Thanks same to you. The outfit suits you very well." I replied with a smile.

He grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it before looking into my eye. He pulled me by my hand out the door and to the campus parking lot. We stood in front of a blue and grey motorcycle; a crotch rocket to be exact. He tossed me one of the black helmets and put his own.

"Hope you don't mind riding. A bus and train would be too long of a ride for where we are heading." He said as he helped me put on and fasten my helmet.

He took the bike off the kickstand and I got on with him. The motorcycle revved to life and we took off in seconds. The ride was only about 30 minutes but there was plenty of scenery in the city. Before I knew it I could smell salty water which could mean only one thing; we were near the docks and just a mile away I could see the dock's fares wheel being illuminated by lights around it. We arrived at the parking lot in no time and left the helmets with the motorcycle before making our way onto the fair grounds of the docks.

"So how about we play a few games and hit some rides." Rider suggested to me holding onto my hand.

"Sure that sounds fun." And said looking over at him.

He pulled me over to one of the rides; just simple little spinning cups that we spun around in. After that we hit a roller coaster that took us for a few loops. Then we got off and headed towards one of the stands to play a knock over the bottles game. I started staring at one of the prizes: it was just a small stuffed teddy bear with blue eyes and a bell around its neck. I looked over at rider who was looking at me and smiled. He handed the man at the booth a few dollars and was handed 3 baseballs; he then took a small step back and did a wind up before throwing the first ball as hard and fast as possible the ball hit the metal bottles and that all scattered hitting the ground all at once. The man clapped and told him to pick out a prize. He pointed to the bear and the man handed it over to us. Rider than held the bear up to my face and pressed its nose against mine and made a kissing sound before he chuckled. I couldn't help but smile and chuckle as well. I felt Rider's arm snake around my waist as he held me close so we were chest to chest and locked eyes with me giving me a bright smile.

"You have beautiful eyes." He said to me.

"Th..thanks. have a nice smile." I said smile softly.

He snaked his other arm around my lower back and my hands went to his shoulders.

"I like you. I know what you've been through and I don't care. I'll do everything it takes to make you feel better then I want you to be mine." He said to me before he leaned in and kissed my cheek.

Chapter 7

Rider's words rang in my ears for hour into the night even into the next day from the moment I woke up to now as I stood on stage playing in the park as usual. They had given me one of the spare violins until I could look into getting myself a new one; something I didn't look forward to doing. I went to onto the stage and did my usual bow to the small audience before positioning the violin on my shoulder and slowing played Gasoline by Hasley. I played to the beat of the song matching it perfectly and taking my bow at the end. I rose up again and once again I saw a rose come towards me and land in my hand. I looked out to the small crowd but couldn't figure out who had thrown the rose to me. I turned on my toes and walked off the stage to the back. I walked out of the back stage area and made my way to the street. I was stopped in my foot steps by someone grabbing me by shoulder amd I spun around to look at who it was. My eyes narrowed and my teeth grit seeing who it was.

"What the hell do you want Adam?" I asked anger lacing my voice.

"I just came to talk to you. Heard you kicked some ass recently. Didn't think you had it in you." He replied with a smug smile.

"Yeah well he deserved it. Now if you'll excuse me I've gotta go pick out a new violin."

I then continued walking several blocks until I came to the music store. It was a pretty large store with several different instruments from classical to electric. I went to the string section and started looking at the violins and scanned looking at the different kinds and few shapes. I smiled noticing one that was made of ebony wood with a beautiful polish with white horse hair strings.

"You have quite the eye young man. That is the MJW 21 model just released this year." The shop owner, a dalmatian with a heart mark on his eye, stated standing next to me.

"Yes it is very beautiful. A real work of art. But unfortunately I'll never be able to use something like this." I admitted

"Well if price is a problem we do accept payment plans. Depending on how much you are able to to pay of course."

"I've done the math already even if I go month to month I wouldn't be able to afford it. But thank you for the offer."

I placed the violin back on the shelf and walked over to the left side to the cheaper section . There was a used mahogany violin that was nice and sturdy with a little love and care it will be like new again and at a nice price. The man went over to the register and I purchased it from him and he wrapped it in nicely for me to take home.

"If you bring this one in later in the future I can provide you with a discount for that other one." He said with a smile on his face.

I smiled back and gave a little nod of acknowledgement.

I walked out of the store and took a few steps when my phone rang. I looked at the screen and saw Rider's number and face. I swiped to answer.

"Hey Rider what's up?" I asked.

"I'm doing good. Hey are you in town by chance? Near a music store wearing a really nice outfit?" He asked me.

"Are you psychic or something? " I asked looking around a little bit.

I felt myself get grabbed from behind and was hugged tightly.

"Nope just didn't wanna hug the wrong guy. " Rider said into my ear.

I jumped a little and he kissed my cheek softly before letting me go.

"So what are yiu doing in town? " I asked.

"I'm here to meet up with my band. " He replied.

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