Weekends: 2 - Felix and Aaron

Story by bigarsburr on SoFurry

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#2 of Weekends

Here's the second Weekends short, another piece of self-indulgent furry erotica. Watch out for weird personal fetishes.

In this one, I feature what might be the start of a budding romance between an overweight lion and a much more slender fox, with Ars making a cameo as the one who gets the ball rollling. Not sure if I want to consider this canon either, because... reasons.

Reader's Digest Version - Felix is quite the large lion, a rather shy and lonely fellow who just happens to know a certain bear. Said bear takes a stab at playing matchmaker and helps him connect with Aaron the fox, an aficionado of rather plump and plus-sized gentlemen. The two agree to meet at the lion's house, where there's a bit of awkward flirting.


Very brief pillow talk afterwards.

Remember, ~~ sparkles ~~ make it magical.

The Weird Stuff -

Size difference


Light feeding as foreplay

Maybe it's just because it took me longer to do the setup and there was less romping this time around, but I'm not sure I did as good at job at this as I did with the first one. I'm not disappointed exactly, but... I dunno. It's hard to explain. Our own worst critics and all that.

I think that my problem might be that I wrote it favoring the perspective of the larger partner, which for size difference stuff seems not to work so well unless you're going for the "getting off on the feeling of power and control" aspect, which was definitely not a theme here. If the power balance between Aaron and Felix wasn't even, it was shifted ever so slightly in the fox's favor. Which may have been a subconscious effort on my part to show a difference between the dynamic Aaron has with Ars vs the one he has with Felix.

Speaking of character dynamics, I had some reservations about reusing Aaron as a character here, because despite the vulpine species having a reputation to go and get nailed by anything with a dick, I didn't want him to seem stereotypically slutty. In context of the series as a whole, the thing with Ars in the previous short was something of an experiment that went incredibly well, whereas the fox is actually looking for a loving and faithful relationship with someone. The same with Felix. They just so happened to have both made a strong connection first with the bear (who is unintentionally looking more and more like a manwhore by the moment) as friends welcome to fool around with him from time to time.

My flimsy justification of why Ars gets a pass on sleeping around is a semi-open relationship with his mate (the wolf referenced in this short, who belongs to my real life boyfriend), who he can't always spend time with despite the pair being madly in love with each other. Reasons for this arrangement rely on backstory for the both of them, which exists and actually makes sense, but isn't that relevant to these shorts, so I'll skip if it's all the same to all y'all.

I don't really know why I'm bothering to justify why I wrote a piece of furry porn a certain way to you guys, when I honestly wrote it for my own satisfaction, but eh, whatever. One of you might care, I guess?

With that, this one is DONE DONE DOOOOOONE, so I'll see y'all later, bye! :D

Felix Albus Townsend was spending yet another afternoon working at the local library, shelving books in their proper places. It had been quite a slow day, with not many patrons, so there was little for him to do, and he took his time making sure that each book was well in order before putting it away. A buzzing in his pants pocket caught his attention, giving him a distraction from stretching out the task of getting all the volumes back to where they belonged.

The lion loved books. So much so, that spending an evening curled up with one, snacking away at whatever was within reach, contributed to a rather impressive amount of pudge on his average, five-foot-eight-inch frame. The last time he'd checked, meaning the last time he had a scale that survived the endeavor, he had climbed up to five hundred pounds. That by necessity meant that he had to remain on the ground level, unable to use all but the sturdiest of ladders to reach the highest shelves of the stacks, making his job all the simpler. Not a worry for him. Even if they might land on all fours, if cats had been meant to fly, they would have been born with wings. Or, so was his opinion.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Felix saw that there was a text message from a friend waiting for him. Having little else to do, he took a moment to read it.

FROM: Ars Osbourne

Yello, big cuddlekitten <3 How goes it?

It was the usual greeting he got from Ars, complete with the dubious nickname the bear had coined. He didn't text often, and when he did it usually was more to ask about setting something up for later, knowing that the lion was often working. Since there wasn't much to do, he replied.

TO: Ars Osbourne

Hey, burr :3 At work, but it's slow. I've got a little time on my paws. What's up?

It was always a challenge to type on his phone's touchscreen. Pudgy fingers weren't good at precisely picking out the keys, although the shelf of his gut made for a rather handy platform to rest the phone itself. Others might have been bothered by putting on so much weight, enough that sometimes he had difficulty squeezing through doorways and occasionally even hallways, fearing that chairs would give way underneath them. For Felix, it wasn't so. He didn't especially try to get bigger, but he'd always had a rather voracious appetite, and a habit of indulging it, so it was natural that he would have ballooned up. That, and thinking that he felt especially soft and plush at such a size, accentuating his natural feline majesty, left him more or less at the mercy of his own, tubby body. And, frequently, at the mercy of peers content to poke fun at his size rather than just to poke the softness.

He knew it was the joke at work to refer to him as the Cheetoh cat, in part because he was usually snacking on something, but mostly because of the bright orange shade of his fur. That was the kinder of the nicknames people whispered behind his back. Around Halloween, there was usually a mention of giant Jack-o-lanterns, and once a reference to the Koolaid man after he'd accidentally knocked several books off a shelf in a clumsy moment. He was even once compared to the Cheesasaurus Rex, since with his orange fur and blue mane, he had the same colors as a box of Kraft Mac n' Cheese.

Normally, he didn't care, fairly secure in his own body, but there were times when it seemed like no one would accept him for his size in the area of dating. He'd made a few half-hearted stabs at it, through websites since he didn't have many friends who would willingly set up someone they knew with a butterball like him, but nothing had come of it for a long time.

Then he'd meet Ars. The bear, much bigger than him but more in the shape of a powerlifter than a couch potato, was someone he had bumped into once at work, quite literally. Initially embarrassed at the accidental collision as they turned a corner around a stack, Felix had been surprised to discover that Ars was not only a bit of a bibliophile like him, but had a pretty active dating life, if one could call having friends with benefits a dating life. That was more than Felix had, however, and after forging a friendship with the ursine, he too occasionally took part in a romantic evening with the bear. At least with him, whatever nicknames or comments about how big he'd gotten were meant with affection and admiration. It wasn't much, but having that one person in his life was enough to make Felix entertain the idea that perhaps there were others out there who could be attracted to him.

FROM: Ars Osbourne

Just thinking about you. I was curious, are you busy this weekend?

TO: Ars Osbourne

Nope, my weekend off. You?

FROM: Ars Osbourne

I wish. There's drama back home again so I gotta go back and help put out the fires :/

Wanted to run an idea by ya, though.

TO: Ars Osbourne

Oh yeah? What's that?

FROM: Ars Osbourne

I've got a friend who would be interested in meeting you.

That made Felix pause. Ars had always been content to keep their private time to just the two of them. He had referenced a couple of people once, as examples of those who would take an interest in a larger partner, but had never indicated an interest to bring a third into the equation, or to share him with the rest of his group.

TO: Ars Osbourne

Interested? You mean like...

FROM: Ars Osbourne

To hang out? Lunch? A date?

He told me he's "down for whatever." Is that code for doing the sex? I'm a little behind on slang.

Felix wasn't exactly up to date on all the latest colloquialisms either, but just the idea that someone might even consider it had him blushing. At the same time, he felt embarrassed that this person wasn't interested because of his own efforts, but because of Ars.

TO: Ars Osbourne

I appreciate you looking out, but don't feel like you need to pass your seconds my way, burr. I'm okay!

FROM: Ars Osbourne

>:/ That's not what this is.

We were just talking when I mentioned you, and he said you sounded cool. I have to agree.

I understand if you want me to butt out, but I figured you might like to know, you caught his attention.

TO: Ars Osbourne

I didn't mean it like it sounded. Sorry! T.T

Tell me about this guy.

FROM: Ars Osbourne

He's an assistant manager at a sporting goods store, and a substitute teacher.

A bit nerdy, definitely quirky. Smart. Big on cuddles.

That sounded like Felix's type, alright. The bear certainly had him pegged. That was only one half of the equation, though. There were plenty of guys he found himself interested in, but it only went one way.

TO: Ars Osbourne

Sounds neat so far. Did you tell him... you know... what I look like?

FROM: Ars Osbourne

Really, man? I wouldn't try to set you up with someone who wasn't into big dudes.

Besides, I showed him pics. Says you're handsome. The guy pitched a tent for ya right away ;D

TO: Ars Osbourne

Okay, I get the picture |3c

A moment later, a photo share came.

FROM: Ars Osbourne

You do now ;P

Looking about to make sure no one was watching, just in case it was risqué, since the bear had a penchant for ignoring any mores about content that wasn't safe for work, he tapped to accept the share, finding a waist-up photo of a toned fox climbing up out of a pool. He was certainly cute, in the typical boyish way that foxes usually were, but there was something in the expression on his face that caught Felix's eye. A look of vulnerability, maybe? It seemed that it was one of several candid photos that Ars had snapped of him while they were together. The one at the pool, another of him yawning, looking like it had been taken first thing in the morning, one more of him resting on his back in bed, barely covered by a hastily placed blanket. Next, a selfie featuring him snoozing curled up to the big bear's side, showing a smile in his sleep as Ars cuddled with him. The last was a simple portrait shot, head and shoulders, when he was more groomed and alert, showing a bright-eyed smile. The bear had sent him just enough to get color and heat to come rising into Felix's cheeks, quickly tucking the phone's screen against his chest to keep it hidden for the moment. As expected, most of them were barely appropriate, and more than enough to give him a very vivid mental image of the fox in various states of undress.

FROM: Ars Osbourne

There's more where that came from, if you'd like!

TO: Ars Osbourne

I'd prefer to see the rest in person, thanks.

FROM: Ars Osbourne

I take it that means you'll want his number?

TO: Ars Osbourne

Listen, Ars. I haven't been set up by a friend since high school. It was bad. I'm interested, but nervous.

I mean, he can't be all bad if you like him and he likes you, but... well... you know me.

Felix didn't hear anything for another few minutes as he returned to the task of putting away books. For a while, he thought that maybe he had too thoroughly discouraged Ars, beginning to regret not sending a more positive response. Then, another vibration against his leg caught his attention. This time, it was a request to share a contact from Ars, along with another text.

FROM: Ars Osbourne

He likes your mane.

There were a whole host of implications embedded in that one simple statement, a fact that the ursine was undoubtedly aware of. It brought a snicker out of the lion, and shaking his head with a grin, he tapped to accept the contact. Thanks to modern electronics, he saw that he had a phone number for Aaron Ellison stored in his phone, complete with a thumbnail of the portrait shot to remember who he was by, along with the power to get in touch with the fox at any time. Just the idea gave him momentary pause, at once excited and unsure of what to do. Suddenly, it hit him that this probably wasn't just a spur of the moment message on the bear's part.

TO: Ars Osbourne

He's there with you right now, isn't he?

FROM: Ars Osbourne


TO: Ars Osbourne

You'd better warn him. Any lion worth his mane would consider that courting talk.

Another few minutes passed, bringing Felix closer to the end of his shift. Just as he finished putting away the last of the books he had, another buzz came.

FROM: Aaron Ellison

I didn't realize an honest compliment counted as courting talk. I'll try to be more careful in the future ;3

Speaking of, would it be okay to call you when you get off work? I'd love to hear your voice.

The lion just stared at the phone in his paws for a moment. Aaron certainly wasted no time making his interest known. Already, he was quite intrigued with the fox, and was struggling to come up with something to say in reply that was more than a simple, "yes." Another vibration signaled yet another text.

FROM: Ars Osbourne

Good luck, cuddlekitten <3

That little bit of encouragement was all he needed to find the words to send, telling Aaron that he was certainly interested and would let him know when he was finished. The rest of his shift seemed to fly by, and as he was leaving the library, he sent a short text letting the fox know he was done, anxiously awaiting the call he knew would come. When the phone began to ring, his paws shook, and he nearly fumbled the device out of his grasp while trying to answer it.


"Hi, Felix. This is Aaron. How are you?"

Hearing that light, cheerful voice on the phone made him smile. "I'm okay. How about you?"

"Pretty good!" After a momentary pause came the addition, "I have to admit, I didn't think this conversation out much beyond this point... But I like the sound of your voice."

An involuntary purr threaded its way into his response. "That's alright. I'm not too good at this sort of thing either. We can be awkward together." That got a laugh, and soon he was also chuckling, brushing his free paw idly through his mane as he walked to his car. "So, Aaron... What's your favorite book?"

~ ~ ~

And so, after a meandering conversation that lasted all the way home and then some, Felix finally let himself be talked into meeting the fox face to face. He didn't know what it was, but something about Aaron was disarming, making him like and trust the guy almost immediately. Maybe it was the fact that Ars vouched for him, but the lion thought it was something else. Something about the way Aaron seemed oddly excited about the prospect of meeting a fat, shy intellectual.

Against his better judgment, in a moment of panic when asked about where they should meet, Felix had blurted out that Aaron should come to his home, just to fill the silence, and thus paced the living room, treading a circle around the couch as quickly as his hefty frame would allow. All his nervous tics were on display: fiddling with his mane, toying with his tail tuft, idly caressing his belly, all in a fervent effort to soothe and calm himself, mostly unsuccessfully. When the ring to his doorbell came, he nearly screeched, so anxious that his paws shook as he went to look out the peephole.

What he saw through the fisheye lens comforted him more than anything he could have done for himself. Expecting to see a confident young guy on the other side of the door, he saw Aaron plucking at the collar of his shirt, smoothing his paws down the front of it and looking concerned, mouthing quietly the words of an introduction he was practicing. Undoing the lock, Felix took a final breath to steady himself before he opened the door. "Hi," he greeted simply, his tail tuft finding its way back into his paws by instinct.

"Hey." Aaron's reply was just as short, though it appeared to be from him just gazing on in awe at the lion. Suddenly feeling rather self-conscious, he watched as the fox shook his head, like waking from a daze, and laughed, looking rather bashful. "Sorry, I just... Wow, you look great."

Felix had been expecting that sentence to end differently. Perhaps with "huge" or "fat," but instead, great? It threw him for a loop momentarily, and he glanced down at the simple teal polo shirt that he'd chosen, and the khaki shorts that he wore almost every day of his life. "Thank you," he managed to mumble, taking his first real look at Aaron.

The fox was a couple of inches shorter than him, and certainly a lot more slender. It was difficult for him to accept that someone who obviously worked to keep their body in shape would be interested in him, but he could hardly deny the fact of the man standing in his doorstep, in slacks, a green button-up, and a tie. "You look pretty good yourself."

Once more, Aaron laughed, an easy, cheerful sound that helped to break the tension. "I look pretty overdressed, is more like it. But thanks." As though just remembering it, he lifted his paws, offering a box to Felix. "I debated forever whether to bring flowers or chocolates." Based on the shape, size, and presentation of the box, it was clear that it contained the latter.

"Bringing candy to win the fat cat over, huh?" Accepting the box, he realized that his response didn't come out quite the way he'd meant it, and he quickly explained, "I'm joking," feeling his chubby cheeks burn. "I would have liked either one."

Aaron breathed a sigh of relief, showing a broader smile, like the one in his picture, for the first time. "Oh, good. You never know with some guys. You bring flowers, and suddenly they get mad because they think you're trying to feminize them, or something..."

It suddenly occurred to Felix that the fox was just as anxious as he was, fumbling for a handle on the situation, which was made all the more difficult by the fact that the lion himself was fairly awkward. At last, he remembered his manners. "Will you come in?"

"Would you like me to?" The question caught the feline off guard, and when he blinked, casting a quizzical glance at the fox, he got the explanation, "I get the feeling that you're still unsure about me. Bless Ars' heart and all, but putting us in touch was more his idea than mine, and I'm sure it came out of nowhere to you. Not that I don't want to be here!" He added that last part quickly and emphatically. "I just... well, I was telling him how it's difficult for me to meet the kind of guys I like, and he said he knew someone perfect for me. Before I knew it, he was on the phone setting me up with you." He seemed to recognize that he was rambling, and took a deep breath before continuing. "All I'm saying is, from what little I know and have seen so far, I like you, but you have an out if this is too much for you."

Finally, Felix saw what it was that seemed so compelling previously about the fox. "No, please. Come inside." When Aaron moved to enter, he shifted back, reaching out to take the man's paw into his own. Just that small act seemed to make him light up with happiness. "Goodness, you... Well, don't take it the wrong way, but I heard a lot of myself in that speech of yours."

As he was guided to sit down, the lion joining him on the couch and wincing at an audible creak once the weight settled on it, Aaron tilted his head, ears perked up. "You do? How so?"

"Ah, you know. The usual story. I was the fat, nerdy brainiac growing up, so I never built up much self-esteem. Nobody cared about anything but what was in here, right?" He tapped his head with a knuckle, the sound decidedly muffled by the protective wreath of fur covering most of it. "And that was just so they could get help with school stuff."

"Man, I know that struggle," the vulpine agreed with a quick nod. "You can do two plus two faster than everybody else, so they want you to answer all their homework questions and stuff, right?"

"Exactly! And in college, it just got worse. The same people who I was helping pass high school, I was suddenly tutoring their way through their freshman English. At least by then, it qualified as work-study."

Aaron's laugh following that was infectious, getting the lion to start to chuckle as well. "Hey, as a professional, it's not much better. At least when we were kids and during college, you had to do most of the work yourself. Nowadays, a teacher is somewhere between a stand-in bad-cop-style parent and someone who begs their kids to learn simple math." He aimed a thumb at himself with a quirky raise of an eyebrow. "Glorified babysitter, at your service."

"I can't imagine actually teaching for a living."

"And I can't imagine being a librarian, either. You seem way too nice to shush people and give them the evil eye when they don't act properly."

"Thankfully, my job mostly involves dealing with books rather than people." Giving a small shrug, he fiddled with the box in his paws, practically hugging it to his prodigious tummy as he took a sidelong glance at the fox, struggling to make eye contact with him. "Never been my strong suit. By the time college rolled around, and it was suddenly okay for me to be smart and nerdy, all the damage to my social skills had already been done."

"It can't be all bad. You seem to be doing just fine with me."

"You can't see my heart pounding, or recognize how much of an effort it is just to look you in the eye without feeling anxious." Finally letting his gaze slip down, he smiled bashfully. "That's why I became a librarian. To be surrounded by books. The people in them are simple and easy to deal with. Either you like them or you don't, and if you don't, you can just put them away, or pick them up and put them down on a whim."

"Real people aren't as complicated as you make them out to be," Aaron countered. "You take a lot of psychology in education, centered around children for the most part, but what they don't tell you is that almost all of the principles that apply to kids apply to adults as well." A short bark of a laugh escaped from him before he finished, "The main difference between a twenty-five year old and an overgrown five year old is problem-solving ability and some learned cynicism. Also sexual urges. Lots and lots of sexual urges." That last part made Felix burst into laughter, in part because he could see the cynicism in the statement itself, and in part because it was true from a certain perspective, and finally he was able to look back over at the fox with a smile, who was also grinning, and gesturing at him. "See? I tell a joke, a poor one at that, and you laugh. Unwritten social contract fulfilled. Your skills are just fine. A-plus."

Rolling his eyes, Felix shook his head, but still laughed. "Hardly, but I appreciate the effort." Deep down, he had to admit, that Aaron had a charming way about him. He could see how he would enjoy spending time with the fellow.

"So uh, I hate to ask, but..." The vulpine pointed, right where Felix was still hugging the box of chocolates to his stomach. "Are you gonna eat those, or squeeze them to death? Because I might like a couple before they're goners."

Letting out a playfully gruff growl, he twisted partially away from Aaron, looking over his shoulder. "Mine." Relaxing after getting a laugh, the lion used a claw to cut through the wrapping and opened the box, seeing an array of delicious, very costly looking treats inside. "You really shouldn't have. These are too expensive for a fatass like me."

"I wanted to make a good impression. Fancy treats for a fancy cat. One who's pleasingly plump, and certainly not what you just said."

Looking up from the box, the feline showed a tiny, shy smile, warmed by the way the fox seemed to care how he saw himself. "You wanna share?" he questioned softly.

"Sure!" He scooted closer, right up against the lion's side, gently touching a paw to his. "Can I make a suggestion?" Curious, Felix nodded. "What if instead of just choosing them, we fed them to each other?"

His eyebrows went up, and even before he could properly process the idea, he was blushing. The cat thought it was an incredibly romantic gesture, the kind of thing he would have been too embarrassed to suggest or ask for. "And how is it again that you don't have guys like me falling over themselves to get to you?"

Felix watched as Aaron selected one of the chocolates, holding it between his fingertips and lifting it up within reach for him. "Too skinny, they tell me." After carefully popping it between the lion's lips, he added, "Certain that they'll crush me or something." Felix returned the favor, not at all surprised when Aaron let his more slender lips and muzzle linger on the fingers bringing the treat for a moment longer than was really necessary. "That, or they're creepy."

After savoring the chocolate, purring at just how delicately sweet and creamy it was, Felix raised an eyebrow. "Crush? You want to be on bottom?" He hadn't even been thinking before he'd asked the question, almost instantly regretting it afterwards, a hot blush burning in his cheeks and neck.

A wry smirk appeared on the vulpine's face as he chewed. "Wow, if I knew it was gonna be that easy, I'd feed chocolates to every date."

"I'm not easy," Felix protested, almost automatically, opening wider to bite down, ever so carefully, on the fingers that brought the next chocolate to him, and holding them there for a moment. Once he let go, Aaron held both paws in the air in a warding gesture, still showing a playful smile.

"I was just kidding! I'm not into easy guys, and I don't think you're one." That didn't stop him from taking one of Felix's fingers into his maw and gently sucking on it as he accepted the candy from it. "But, since you mention it... Yeah. I've always had a fantasy about having a big, handsome guy on top of me. It's just that my guy looks like a competitive eater instead of a bodybuilder."

"Ars isn't good enough for you?" he teased gently.

"Ars is almost too good, to be honest. He's like these chocolates." With that said, he fed another one to the cat. "Something to savor every once in a while, but far too much for every day."

"I realize they're both brown, but that makes him sound like some kind of object."

That made Aaron's brow furrow, a small frown crossing his face. "It's not the best comparison. Suffice to say, I love the guy. He's the biggest sweetheart and has been nothing but awesome to me. But, given the difference in size between us, I can only handle playing with him every so often. Plus, he has that beefed up boyfriend of his, and I dunno about them, but I've never been good at sharing."

"It's overrated." Seeing a surprised look on the fox's face, Felix offered him another chocolate with a smile. "Usually." Aaron chewed for a moment, grinning bashfully, as though he appreciated the double-meanings behind the phrase. "The big burr is a good friend, but I know what you mean. He belongs to his wolf."

"Feels kinda weird, talking about him like this."

Felix shrugged slightly, toying at a candy still in the box with a claw as he waited for his next one. "He did help bring us together."

"Yeah, but he's not here now, is he?" When Aaron brought the chocolate up, he deftly looped his tongue around it to pull it in, leaving a teasing brush across his fingers that made the fox smile. "I should be talking about you."

"Oh yeah?" The lion lifted his head a little higher, intrigued. "And what would you say?"

"That you're very handsome." Felix watched as Aaron's eyes took in and admired his features. "I'm sure you hear this a lot, but I love your mane."

Chuckling softly, Felix blushed and waved a paw dismissively. "Flatterer. But, do go on if you feel the need. Especially about the mane."

"It's beautiful." In other circumstances, the lion would have taken it as mere flattery. Very welcome and encouraged flattery, but empty words all the same. As he noticed the way that Aaron looked at the vibrant blue frock of shaggy fur, however, he could only see genuine admiration. The fox reached out for it, as if by instinct, stopping just inches from making contact. "May I?"

The rotund feline nodded slightly, and his smaller companion brushed at the mane with his fingertips, lightly at first, before eventually sinking his fingers into it and practically combing it with them. Like most lions, Felix took exceptionally good care of his mane, washing it carefully and using special products to make it as soft and fluffy as possible. Knowing how silky smooth it was despite how thick the fur could be, he was surprised to see just how much the fox seemed to enjoy touching it, like it was a special treat. Those simple, affectionate touches elicited a long purr from him, and he cautiously reached out for his first real touch on Aaron. It was simple, just placing a paw against the other male's chest, slowly graduating to smoothing down along his tie. Before long, he was gingerly brushing along the fox's jawline and chin, feeling a genuine attraction to the brightly smiling vulpine's affectionate manner.

Dipping his nose down slightly, Felix reached for one of the chocolates, an idea in mind. He slowly brought it to his own mouth, and at some point, Aaron began to gently protest, but rather than popping it in, he held it carefully between his lips. Looking up slightly, he caught the fox's gaze and held it steadily for the first time, wondering anxiously if the hint was too subtle. Then, the expression on the vulpine's face cleared, and he drew in closer. He was hesitant at first, searching in the lion's eyes for any sign he was making a mistake, but by then their noses were touching, and Felix carefully guided the candy to Aaron's lips.

The fox took it easily enough, with just the barest graze of their lips against each other, and still nose to nose, their gazes locked, Felix could almost hear silent answers to the questions burning in him. Was this okay? Could they trust each other? How far should they go? Everything about Aaron seemed to say yes, that this was why he was here, and that there was no reason to worry. They could go as far and as fast as they wanted, if they could only agree on it.

Shifting position on the couch to more easily face the smaller male, Felix touched his lips once more to Aaron's, this time with intent to do more than just brush them. Ever so tenderly, he shared a first kiss with the fox, whose tail thumped softly against the couch. It might have been the chocolate, but to the cat's tongue, he tasted sweet, his lips soft and obviously deft as they plucked lightly at each of the lion's.

As their lips parted, Felix suddenly felt awkward and embarrassed, trying to cover as he dropped his gaze with a laugh. There was nothing he could say to explain how he was feeling, so unexpectedly attracted to a relative stranger, so he just kept quiet for a while, playing with Aaron's tie, taking the place his tail tuft usually did between his paws as part of his tic.

"I'm nervous, too."

Those simple words, revealing that they were on a similar wavelength, were comforting to hear, although they did little to still the pounding in his chest, or put moisture back into his throat. It took a long time for him to reply, during which Aaron just brushed through his mane comfortingly. "I haven't been with anyone in a long time. You know, other than... one notable exception..."

"I don't care about that." The gentle reassurance came across as genuine, and his paws moved from the mane to brush down Felix's arms, eventually coming down so that he could hold onto the lion's bigger ones. "I told you. I'm not interested in easy guys. I'm interested in starting something real with you."

"Is this really the way to do it, though?" Finally, he was able to raise his eyes again, at least to the fox's chin. "I mean, I'm just some big, dorky cat, and you're cute, and charming, and sexy..." He trailed off, feeling embarrassed just admitting that he found the man attractive. "I don't want to disappoint you."

"I'm just some silly little fox, and you're a handsome, smart guy that I'm already rather fond of. And at the risk of sounding creepy, you are quite literally something out of a fantasy for me. So don't worry!" With a smile, the vulpine reached for one more chocolate, fitting it between his lips just as Felix had done. Leaning in close, touching his chest and tummy against the feline's soft gut, he didn't wait for the treat to be accepted, instead pressing it into the cat's maw with his tongue, letting it linger for a long moment, tracing over the fangs and the inside of the lips. Finally, Aaron withdrew his tongue, offering a small smile to the cat, paws coming to rest lightly at the top of his cushiony belly.

There were several seconds where Felix wasn't sure whether any of what he felt was actually happening. It seemed too good to be true, that an athletic, good looking guy would want to be with him. But, as he reached out to wrap his arms around the fox, seeing a delighted smile grow on the other's face, it solidified for him. Aaron wanted to be there. To be with him.

The lion moved in to touch muzzles and kiss again so quickly that he almost knocked his smaller companion over, who grasped for his chubby cheeks, both for balance and to make sure that their kisses lasted longer than a few seconds. This time, Felix was more responsive, quickly going for a teasing tongue wrestle that resulted in the two of them fitting their muzzles together, softly panting through their noses as they kissed. The cat could feel his cheeks burning, thinking that to Aaron he must seem like a teenager, heatedly making out with his first boyfriend. That didn't deter the fox, however, and if anything, he seemed eager for more, only parting muzzles when they both needed a fresh, full breath.

The vulpine's fluffy tail was wagging, the tip flicking in a way that Felix read as a subtle invitation. Instantly, his own tail began to lash excitedly, and gathering his feet under him with a big smile, he made a careful pounce that ended with him sprawled across the fox, tail curled lightly around his waist. Apparently unbothered by having a quarter-ton feline on top of him, Aaron just smiled and chuckled, holding him and stroking the sides of his belly until he began to purr. "Guess I must have convinced you."

Feeling very affectionate and drawn to him, Felix lowered his muzzle and brushed his cheek warmly against his new friend's, a low and content rumble thrumming through his whole body. After switching sides, he brought his nose around to gently touch to the fox's, hesitating before he quietly asked, "Would you want to spend the night?"

Looking surprised, Aaron reached up to brush and scratch along Felix's jawline, once more taking a sweep through his mane with his fingers. "Are you sure? You don't have to - "

"I want you," Felix insisted, with all the implications that the short phrase carried.

That put some heated color into the fox's cheeks, matching the lion's own. "God, me too. I mean, you. I want you." Looking flustered, and letting out a bashful groan, he finished, "Just... take me to bed, okay? Before I embarrass myself any more."

Saying nothing more, just purring, Felix rose from the couch, taking one of Aaron's paws and guiding him through the apartment to his bedroom, walking backwards the whole way so he could watch the fox's face and teasingly tug at his tie like it was a fancy leash. Once they were in the room, Felix brought his clumsy fingers to work at the buttons on the fox's shirt, while Aaron, grinning crookedly, removed his tie and looped it behind the lion's neck to tug him in for a gentle kiss.

It was all well and good as the vulpine's clothes came off, content to tease and keep lavishing kisses on the cat while those pudgy paws slowly worked him down to just his underwear and socks. But, when it came time to do his own, Felix became anxious again. This time, Aaron took the lead, gently undressing him and caressing his paws lightly over the feline's soft form. As he was gently kneaded and stroked, he began to purr again, until he too was down to just his underclothes.

"Compression shorts?" Aaron noted. "That's... actually pretty hot."

Looking down bashfully, he explained, "I like the way they hold me." After that, he watched as one of the fox's paws disappeared under the curve of his gut and out of sight, coming to a rest cupping his bulge and giving it a slow squeeze.

"Hopefully you'll like the way I hold you."

The lion chuckled as Aaron began to carefully tug his underwear down, taking a moment to hold and rub at his hips and thighs, once more making purrs come out of him. After slipping his socks off, he was fully naked, decent in the front thanks to the overhang of his belly, but just barely. Blushing and looking down shyly, he had to check one last time. "You really want to do this with me?"

There wasn't an immediate answer. Instead, the fox shed the last of his clothes, showing off his perky butt and sheath, before sprawling on his back on the lion's bed, with his head resting near the edge of the foot. Looking back with a smile on his face, he was in nearly the same position as the more suggestive photo that Ars had sent, head propped up a little by his arms, bent legs slightly spread.

That was answer enough for Felix, and he padded slowly over. As soon as he came within reach, Aaron was reaching out for him with a smile, gently caressing over his belly, kneading and playing with it between his paws. As he searched out the contours of it, brushing at the tender underside, Felix began to purr again. Already, the heat of arousal was starting to burn in him, and considering the low angle of view, he was sure that his companion would be able to see his sheath twitching and starting to drool.

The feeling was mutual, made apparent by Aaron rapidly emerging from his own fuzzy pocket, a respectable tip pointing almost right at Felix, bobbing just so in time with the fox's pulse. Starting from that point, the lion let his gaze wander across the smaller male's body, admiring how he looked, so relaxed as he lovingly tended to the soft flesh of his companion. "You're beautiful," Felix remarked. Flipping a switch nearby, he turned off the overhead light and activated a smaller, softer one, casting them both in a mix of gentle glows and shadows. Even in the dimmer light, Aaron's hazel eyes stood out, looking up at him with adoration.

"And you're... majestic." It took him a moment to find the word, but when he did, it was just the one to fill Felix with pride. Taking a seat on the bed beside Aaron, the fat cat brushed at his chest, feeling like he was ready to take the plunge. He just had to make certain of one thing before getting started.

"What you said before, about wanting to be on the bottom... You sure that's what you want?"

Chuckling softly, Aaron nodded and gave a pat to the lion's gut, causing it to slowly wobble for a moment. "Don't worry, I'm a lot sturdier than I look." Despite those words, he blushed, looking very seriously at Felix. "All the same, please... be gentle?"

"Of course I will."

That promise brought a bashful smile back to the fox's face. "Then come here."

Taking one more moment to look at Aaron's face, memorizing the eager, excited look in his eyes, Felix lifted his bulk up and over, straddling his partner's head and slowly shifting his legs apart, until he felt his dangling balls touch down on the vulpine's forehead. Already hidden from view by his belly, he heard a cheerful laugh before feeling warm wetness brush over his sheath.

The lion sprang to life almost immediately, his tip reaching for the source of that pleasurable sensation. Only a moment later, before he was even half erect, he felt his partner envelop him with the silky smooth flesh of his maw. A long purr, stretching out into a groan, rumbled through him as Aaron began to gently suck at him, tongue traveling exquisitely over his head and down the length of his erecting shaft.

With a shiver traveling down his spine, Felix leaned forward, bracing himself with his arms, practically on all fours. Gently as promised, he pushed with his hips, eagerly filling Aaron's maw and slipping into the fox's waiting throat. He began to make shallow thrusts with slow, laborious rolls of his hips, gradually sinking deeper until he felt his lover's muzzle pressed up against his crotch. Once there, he squeezed his thunder thighs together, trapping the head tucked between them, uttering a playful chuckle. "That feels awesome, Aaron... I'm just gonna... Gonna..."

Already feeling overwhelmed with lust for the smaller male, he relaxed, letting his weight rest on top of the fox, belly spilling over the sides of the thinner-framed man. Then, licking and sucking at it almost like a popsicle, he began returning the favor while Aaron still gently sucked and gulped at his girth. In almost no time, he felt syrupy, salty precum on his tongue, and latched his feline muzzle to the tip of his lover's shaft. Working on it hungrily, almost mercilessly, the fox underneath him squirmed and whimpered, clutching at his wide hips as he once again began to thrust, happily fucking the muzzle of the man he was pleasuring.

It was wonderful, and he almost didn't notice when there was an insistent patting at his side, making his soft blubber jiggle. Groaning, he pulled himself away from Aaron's shaft and stood on wobbly legs, panting softly as he leaned down to face the man. "Are you alright?"

"Okay, I just... God, it was so intense!" The vulpine was also gasping for breath, a thrilled smile on his face. Looking over, Felix saw that he was still liberally leaking, obviously telling the truth about how well he'd done with his lips and tongue. "Maybe too intense..."

"We can try something else," the cat offered, squatting so he could kiss his lover, sharing the taste of each other's issue for a moment.

"There's something I saw in a video once." Intrigued, the lion listened as Aaron explained, his tail twitching the more he heard. "What do you think?"

"Sounds incredible." Grinning, he pounced back up onto the bed, crawling his way over to Aaron and hovering above him face to face, going in again for another kiss, before straddling the slimmer fur's waist. Wiggling his behind backwards until he felt the fox's member slip between his plump rump cheeks, he smiled, leaning back and propping himself up with his arms. "All yours!"

Without any hesitation, Aaron's muzzle dove between the lion's thick thighs, opened wide to take in his girth. As soon as he found himself back in the lovely wet maw, he began to purr loudly, even more so when the vulpine reached up to caress and squish his gut between his paws. After just enjoying being sucked for a moment, he began to lightly bounce his weight up and down, as explained earlier to him. It made his belly wobble gently, while his fat butt squeezed and pleasured the fox's cock trapped between the cheeks. It didn't hurt his own feelings of ecstasy either, giving a slight thrusting motion into the smaller male's muzzle.

He lost track of time as they enjoyed each other, until finally came a firm tug on his love handles. Shifting forward, he leaned over Aaron's head, spreading his stance until even his gut came down on top of the fox's face before starting to bounce again. This time, he was able to fit deep into the vulpine's throat, his own weight driving his shaft in a thrusting motion. Very carefully at first, he kept bouncing higher and higher until it felt like he was nearly leaving Aaron with each motion, and still the smaller fur encouraged him to keep going.

It didn't take long with that kind of stimulation for the hefty cat to reach his climax, uttering a soft roar as he went over the edge, pumping a thick load down his lover's throat. As soon as it started, he felt Aaron's hips bucking softly behind him, obviously very close as well. As soon as his orgasm began to taper, Felix shifted weight again, loosing himself from the fox's maw and lifting his enormous ass so he could slide back down over the vulpine's shaft, which was already swelling with a knot.

Well-stimulated from earlier, the smaller male whimpered with pleasure when he slid between the plump cheeks and past Felix's entrance, quite easily due to all the precum he'd drooled down his shaft. A few bounces of the lion's weight on top of him were enough to do the job of slipping the thicker knob of swollen flesh at its base inside, bringing a heated cry of passion as Aaron could take no more. Deep, satisfied purrs for the little man accompanied the hot, sticky feeling of being shot into, and Felix couldn't resist a wiggle of his hips, making the cum squish between his insides and his partner's shaft, intentionally squeezing the knot to coax even more out.

By the end of it, both of them were panting and quietly moaning, Felix slumped still on top of Aaron, the fox lodged in his behind and flopped over, arms and head dangling over the edge of the bed. After what seemed like a monumental effort, the little fur lifted himself enough to look over, a dribble of the lion's cum coating his chin as he smiled. Reaching out, Felix lovingly wiped the drops away, but before he could get rid of them, there was Aaron's muzzle wrapped around his finger, slurping them away.

"Thank you," the fox murmured, gazing adoringly up at him.

"No, thank you." Still purring, he held paws with Aaron, content to sit with him until the knot released him, and then planning to cuddle with him until he fell into a post-coitus nap. "That felt incredible."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I know I sure did." Eventually, Felix was able to loose his butt from Aaron's lap, crawling up beside him to lay curled partly over him at his side. Once there, the fox began to play with and brush his mane, rousing more gentle purrs out of him. "So, where do we go from here?"

Already feeling a bit snoozy, he shifted his arm over Aaron, hugging him in, almost possessively, as his tail wound together with the fox's fluffier one, as though his entire body refused to let the vulpine go. "Well, I do have the rest of the weekend off, if you'd like to stay." Unintentionally, there had been a bit of a plaintive note in his voice near the end, which seemed to have an effect on the fox, who nestled in closer against him.

"I didn't bring any clothes."

"You can borrow mine." The lion snickered, imagining Aaron wearing a t-shirt of his, which would be many sizes too large and fit him like a dress. "Not that you'd need them."

A blush rose again into the fox's cheeks, and putting on an air of begrudging acceptance, he said, "Alright, I'll stay. You big lump of loving lion, you."

Felix smiled. "Just call me cuddlekitten."