There Is No Football Team at Vixen's Run High School Part 2

Story by Terinas on SoFurry

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#2 of Vixen's Run

This is based on an RP that I did with a friend, feronordie, back a year ago, between one of his furry characters, a panda named Li, and one of my Flist Characters, Tony Chestershire:

Finally posting the second segment of what the cool furs are calling "No Football" for short around here! This was one of my more popular stories when I put up the first bit, so I pretty much HAD to put up the second. Also, I had to finish it because I like High School settings for kinky sex stories way WAY too much for it to be healthy. You know, looking back, this is the first time I've ever done an RP or wrote a story with legitimate lesbian sex in it. Huh. Go figure.

If you enjoy this RP and want to see more, Fave and more importantly Comment and let me know what you think! Feedback, especially comments, are the fuel that keep driving me to write, and I'd love to hear criticism (both good and bad) and how much people enjoyed the RP!

In any event, before I say more, please read the disclaimer below:



Or read on ahead if you want a good time... ;P


Anyway, welcome back to the RP that started the idea for Vixen's Run. In this installment, we see how Tony (Now the teenage mare Toni) adapts to the reality alteration from the last installment. What is her life like in this strange new world where she's a bimbo pony and her former best friend is her gothy, girly boifriend? Let's find out together, shall we?

There Is No Football Team At Vixen's Run High School

By: Terinas Tiger

(Based on an RP between Terinas Tiger and Feronordie)

There is no Football Team at Vixen's Run High School. There hasn't been in a few years, actually. How has that come to pass? The answer is something no one would believe, much less remember. Continue reading to see more of the depravity that brought Vixen's Run to lose it's best male athletes...

Part 2: Welcome To Your New Life (as a Whorse)

Player 1: The next morning, Toni awoke to a knock at her door. Her mother walked right in, seemingly unphased by the fact that Li was spooned up in bed bed behind her, paws underneath Toni's bosom. His erection tucked gently between her baby girl's thighs. "Toni, get up. It's time for school." She yawned. "I'm not going to drive you there, so if you miss the bus you're walking, young lady." Jessica Chestershire had only a faint hint of a southern accent, unlike her daughter.

Player 2: Toni opened her eyes, blushing as she heard her mother chiding her. The same mare would have freaked out so much if Tony had spent the night with a girl in his room. But now, with Li on full display humping into Jessica's daughter's backside ever-so-slightly, she didn't even bat an eyelash. It didn't even seem to bother her mom that the two of them even smelled like they'd spent the whole night going at it like rabbits. (Toni wasn't speciesist, but even RABBITS admitted they were randy little things) "O-Ok momma... ah'll be ready soon." She stood up, her titties bouncing a bit and her thighs sliding along her panda lovers cock as she got out of bed. She wanted to wake Li, but felt like he deserved to sleep a bit. She trotted over towards her closet, opening it and finding all her old icky boy things replaced with a full wardrobe of things a cheerleader might wear. She flicked her tail against her bare hips, looking through them, her butt wiggling as she considered. A few flecks of her lovers juices still clung to her fur around her crotch. Yet, on full display in front of her mother, something in her felt more embarrassment than shame. This was just another day for the Chestershire family. She certainly remembered her mother waking her and Li up like this before!

Player 1:"Oh, sweetie," Her mother walked over and smiled, with a bag. "While we were at the beach, your father and I were thinking of you. So, we brought you back a little something." She took out a pale blue tube top with a built-in bra and a pair of short bleach-white shorts. The outfit screamed "Fuck me" and yet here her mother held it in her hands. She actually BOUGHT it for her. "See? It's perfect for you and with your condition... it covers up just enough!" She smiled eagerly. It was like a mother would act if she bought a new pair of clothes for her daughter's sunday school class.

Player 2: Toni blinked. "Mah... condition?" She wasn't sure what her mother meant, tilting her head and rubbing her chin. There weren't any memories she remembered of herself having a condition, so she was confused. Toni looked at the outfit, For a moment shocked that any mother would buy this for a daughter. And at the same time, a growing part of her felt sorely tempted to try it on. After all, it looked like it'd barely cover her asscrack, and her tits would almost pop out of the top. She'd get stared at by every boy in school, wouldn't she? The thought made her squirm, a growing heat forming between her legs. And besides, as silly a rule as she thought it was, she had to cover up since she was going to school. "Ah.. ah love it, Momma!" She took it and blushed. She was standing, nude, in front of her mother with her boyfriend in her bed dozing with morning wood. Some small part of her screamed that this was fucked up. But it got buried in her desire to put the outfit on and feel pretty.

Player 1: Jessica Chestershire stared at her daughter vacantly for a moment, a pregnant pause in the air. "Your titties, darlin'." She whispered softly and patted the top of her daughter's breasts. "I know how you get if'n ya leave the girls covered too much. I hope this leaves enough uncovered, though... I hate for my darlin' lil girl to throw a fit!" She hugged Toni, pressing her own considerable bust against her daughter's, and kissed her temple. Her mother seemed younger than Toni remembered, by at least ten years. Tony had been born when his parents were in their forties, but Jessica in this new reality was a show pony that was just in her mid-thirties. Toni thought she could even remember her momma mentioning being photographed for magazines, but the memories were unclear in her fuzzy mind. Jessica's breasts seemed to be bigger than Toni remember her momma being, as well. But that thought only lasted for a moment in the bimbo pony's new brain. When Toni started to think about it too hard, her memories started to squirm and twist and wiggle around, until she saw things differently. Suddenly it was clear again. Toni was an unplanned pregnancy, and her mother had been a model for catalogues due to a shapely form. It was fitting, given the job of her high school sweetheart... It seemed that this is where Toni got her tits from in this reality. "I'm glad to be home, if a bit sore. You know how your papa and I get sometimes, darlin'! Now, hurry and get washed up for school. You can shower with Li, if'n ya don't carry on too long. I know how the two of you get, too." She rolled her eyes, chuckling, and trotted out.

Player 2: Toni nodded as if remembering this information, but she didn't immediately. The second she tried to think about it, new memories flooded into her mind. That's right... Her parents had had to fight an uphill battle getting their little pony to wear clothes at all. Toni had always been a bit of a nudist, and had countless memories of pouting as a filly whenever her parents tried to get her to wear pants, a shirt, or anything at all. Panties were particularly rough: the idea that she had to wear clothes over other clothes OVER her fur had always irritated Toni. And the problem only got worse as the couple's baby filly grew up, especially once her tits started coming in. The first time Toni'd ever gotten detention was for taking her training bra off in a history class.

Toni'd been staring at Jessica the whole time while her thoughts trudged along at a slow canter, watching Jessica's booty bounce as she walked out of the room. Her mom was kinda hot now. She didn't know how she felt about that. A growing voice in her sissified head kinda liked it. Toni giggled and rolled her eyes as her mom talked about showering with Lee. "Oh maigawd, Mother!" It felt like the most natural reaction in the world as she shut the door behind her mom. This was going to take a lot of getting used to. Her mom's tits were bigger than hers. What else was different? "Sheesh, is my dad gonna be some fancy french stud now, too?" She groused and looked at the outfit. Just the IDEA of being clothed in her own home was annoying. Her melons were so sensitive and she hated how clothing felt rubbing against her fur. She remembered vaguely how her parents had to fight to even get her to wear underwear if she wasn't going out. The idea felt weird, but she guessed it was how she was in this reality.

Still naked, she trotted over to Lee and stroked his face. "Lee? Lee? Mmm... wake up, Panda..."

Player 1: Lee groaned and sat up slowly. "Yeah? What is it, babe?" He slid the blankets off his lap. Tucked under the bed covers was a massive morning wood. "Still naked... Oh? New clothes? Shower? Yeah, I could go for a shower. I'd love to see that fur get skin-tight on your sexy body." He reached out and gave her a firm smack on the ass.

Player 2: Toni jumped a little at the slap, her rump jiggling. "Gah, Lee!" She blushed and glared at him. "Geeze you're so bad." She turned. "We do need to shower, but... like, everythings different and stuff." She said, as if it wasn't obvious. "My mom looks different and acted like... well..." She looked away and bit her lip. "Is this what you had to go through?" She felt the need to take some sort of drug. To cope, if nothing else. She didn't know where to find any, though. She turned her ass to Lee, trying to think of where she'd have hidden stuff in her new room. But thinking was just SO hard.

Player 1: The panda boi walked behind her and slid his arms around her. He put a hand to her lips and slid a tablet on her tongue. It slowly dissolved and flowed down her throat. As it did, she would feel an exhilaration flowing through her body. Her entire body started to tingle after a few moments. Everything just felt amazing! Her boyfriend's hands were beyond amazing, though, as they left trails through her pelt. Every touch sent tingling ripples through her skin, provoking the pony to shudder and snort. Li flicked her nipple and kissed her cheek. "I'll go get the water started. In the meantime, go see if your dad or mom has something I can wear today. You've... you've kinda stained what I wore yesterday." He looked down at his outfit, which was covered in crusty smears of dried pony fluids.

Player 2: Toni shuddered and moaned. "Ohmahgawd... What was that?" She shuddered, already turned on. Her body felt like electricity was rushing through it. Even the slightest motion of her body, the slightest touch, sent a pleasant tremor along the rest of it. It'd been hard for the little bimbo to think before, but now her brain was buzzing with giddy pleasure and she couldn't even focus. She pressed back into Li's body, about to beg to have him take her then and there. But when he requested new clothing, she hesitated for a moment. And then he let go, and moved away from her. She gave a wounded pout. "Fiiine... ah'll go see if mom or daddy have something." Toni set her new outfit on her bed. No sense putting it on until she had to. She opened the door to her room and trotted outside. The house still looked the same, with her room and the living room on the first floor with her parents bedroom and a few other rooms upstairs. She was still naked, so she snuck past the kitchen and trotted upstairs. She figured she'd try to find something at least SORTA gothy for Li... and maybe some panties. He was still pretty girly. But she totally liked him that way. Her mind was hissing and popping and she felt energetic and perky after that tablet, thoughts zipping in one ear and out the other like a highway through her skull. The newly-made-mare snuck into Mommy and Daddy's room and looked for where they kept their clothes

Player 1: (Reference Pic for Toni's "new" father:

Her father, Greg Chestershire, stepped out of the shower and groaned, scratching his balls as he trotted into the master bedroom.. He was dry, except for his mane. "Baby girl." He smiled and grabbed Toni's butt from behind. She could feel what she could only hope was his thigh rubbing against her bottom. "You know you're supposed to wear panties when you're walking around the house. You know how I GET." He shuddered and sniffed the air. His 'thigh' was getting harder. Her father, a once a calm, scrawny accountant had become something more in this new reality. He was a racing horse, a purebred stallion -- he was made for breeding new young foals. The only reason there weren't more Toni's running around was the simple miracle of birth control.

He took her shoulder and spun her around, before hugging her into his muscles. He smelled of mane and tail shampoo and musk. He lifted her, two enormous hands gripping her butt, and kissed her deeply and like a lover. "I missed you, baby girl. Did you miss me?" He grinned, as his left hand rubbed along her ass, giving it a tender pinch. He let her lower slowly, so she would be sitting on his erection. His cock was nestled lovingly between her pillowy cheeks. "Did you miss ALL of me?"

Player 2: (Holy shit that pic) Player 2: (Holy SHIT that father figure)

Player 1: (She got daddy's good genes and brains. She got Mommy's tits. Daddy never really had to work. He gets by on his looks, stud services, and sperm donations)

Player 2: (...that is very well reasoned. I also assume he doesn't see anything wrong with teaching his daughter how to give a man a "good first experience", including with physical demos?)

Player 1: (I imagine they have similarly high libidos. Mommy doesn't really mind, either. It helps both of them function) Player 1: (Also, it helps her stay tight... ish]

Player 2: (Yeah? Wow, that is QUITE a thing for Toni/Tony to get used to, yup.)

Player 2: Toni felt her tail instinctively raising. On some instinctive level she knew she was dealing with the alpha of her herd and was reacting accordingly.She squealed as he swept her up like a hurricane. With the drugs, it was hard for her to focus for more than a second, much less think... Toni was a creature nearly of pure instinct. And she was still horny from her boyfriend gripping her tits and now daddy- Her Father (The fading voice of Tony's masculinity refused to call anyone "daddy") was acting like he wanted to plow her like a field. She barely reacted as he kissed her, still not believing what she was seeing... or feeling.

She felt his cock resting between her cheeks and his hand on her ass, and whimpered, a bit of her juices dribbling out of her cunt. "D-daddy... um... oh my gawd, I have c-classes, yer sugarcube can't do this right n-now, ah gotta go shower an' Li needs something t'wear..." It took everything she had to resist her alpha at the moment. At the same time, she wondered if Li even COULD wear something of this studs for a second before it fell off. "...of Mom's." She added, to clarify. As she felt him grinding his flesh between her cheeks, it was all she could do to resist him.

Player 1:"I'll take you to school if it takes too long." He groaned, setting her down on the bed. "C'mon, sugarcube. Daddy's hard and he's been riding mommy for a week straight. Daddy need pussy." He grunted, moving a hand up to stroke himself. His breath was hot and heavy. His gaze grew empty and it seemed the air was growing heavy with musk. This was new to Tony, but Toni knew what this was. Her father was in a rut. He literally needed to mate or he'd be nothing more than a wild animal, fucking anything that moves for a week -- something she unfortunately inherited. "Fuck... Mate..." He licked his lips.

Player 2: Toni whimpered. She distantly remembered Tony's first rut. The only one he's gotten before Li changed him... the stallion had spent a week "sick" using his hand in his room to relieve himself. "B-b-but what about Lee?" She whinnied. Her whole body felt hot. She wanted that thing inside her. But she also didn't. Being bred by her father felt wrong, but at the same time she couldn't think of why. Her hands moved up to touch Daddy's balls, the scent of his musk dancing in her nostrils. Much longer and she'd be bending over for him anyway. She almost couldn't fight it anymore.

Player 1: Toni's Papa reached down and cupped her cheek. "You... cock..." He licked his lips and guided her face closer. His cock was dribbling precum from the tip. It was like a faucet, dripping slowly to the ground in a steady stream. He dragged it along his muzzle, smearing his spunk all over her. "Fuck..." He grunted. "Hrungh..."

Player 2: Daddy's little girl realized her father was beyond reason at this point. "F-fine!" She neighed. "But ah ain't on a pill right n-now... I think... so this is all yah get!" She wasn't looking forward to this. But parts of her very, very much were. She got on all fours on the bed, lifting her tail and reaching fingers back to spread her fat asshole to him, looking up with a pout she hoped was seductive.

Player 1: He leaned in and sniffed at her pussy. "Mmm..." He grunted and let out a breath, causing his lips to vibrate against her sensitive bits. He lifted his head some more and lapped at her asshole. His thick, heavy tongue began slurping up and down at her bottom. By the time he was done, it was dripping with his lubricant-grade saliva. His lust soon showed itself, though. He was not in control of his actions. He took her by the hips and pulled her onto his cock. Strangely enough, it was easier than expected. Had they done this before? Was this a regular thing? Suddenly, Toni would remember every last double teaming by her Papa and his buddies that she'd had before every big game.

Player 2: Toni felt memories surging into her mind. She saw other guys and her Daddy teaming up on her... plugging holes... she remembered every time Daddy had helped "break her in" for new boyfriends. And in the sudden surge of memories, any last resistance or hesitation she had vanished. "OOOOOH DADDY!" she howled, loud enough for the whole house to hear, neighing and squeezing her ass around his cock. She reached down, pushing two fingers into her vagina and spreading them apart, scissoring herself as she let her Alpha ride her as hard as he could.

Player 1: It was an intense ride, practically adjusting her internal organs. But not a long one. Greg Chestershire was only focused on breeding. He came inside of her and flooded her bowels with cum. In moments, he filled her up and slid out, before flopping down on the bed to sleep. His cock laid out like an empty watering hose. "Mmmm..." He lazily scratched his balls, eyes shutting, as he flashed the ceiling a contented smile.

Player 2: Toni watched him go to sleep. Some part of her wanted to cuddle him, go to bed with him and be there once he woke up for round two. But she did have school... she thought? Did she even go to school in this reality? It seemed lame. She'd rather just fuck. But Li was waiting for her in the shower and Mom said she had to go, so she pouted and got out of bed. Standing up, her thighs complained. Her tailhole felt a bit sore and her body was stuffed like a turkey after that ride. Trotting slowly, awkwardly towards a dresser, she found the clothes she needed. Toni plucked out a pair of gray panties and a black skirt for Lee, as well as one of her mother's belly shirts (lime green, the only one that looked small enough to fit her boifriend) and then waddled to the showers to meet him, keeping her ass clamped shut to hold in daddy's load so she wouldn't drip everywhere.

Player 1: Li was already in the shower. The bathroom was absolutely flooded with steam. "Ngh..." He purred in the hot water, as water was running down his body. "Toni, babe? That you? Hurry up and get in here. The water's nice and hot... but it won't be for long."

Player 2: Toni set Lee's outfit on the toilet lid and galloped into the shower to join her boyfriend. "Sorry hun... Papa caught me and you KNOW how he gets..." The sentence popped out before she even thought about it. It felt like behaving like the slutty mare she had become was almost a second nature now. She wondered if this was why Li had used drugs so much. Because she knew how she used to be, and how she was now, and the conflict between the two freaked her out. She felt the shower water washing over her body, soaking her fur all over and drenching her mane and tail. Almost on reflex she relaxed her ass and let what of Daddy's spunk she hadn't absorbed dribble out of her, shuddering as it did. "Mmm... you still worked up, babe?"

Player 1:"Rubbed one out when I was waiting." The thin panda boi said as he turned around to look at her. Li was washing out his hair. The water was up around their ankles from the sheer amount of spunk being forced down the drain. He pulled his dyed hair behind his head and took a loofa to his chest. She could see his nipple studs clearly and the belly button piercing he was now sporting, thanks to her making him a femmy slut. "And yeah, I remember. I've got to be careful around him. He likes my butt apparently. Then again, who doesn't like my butt? It's amazing." He gave it a firm spank and continued scrubbing his fur clean.

Player 2: Toni stared at Lee. She remembered giving him the long hair. But she also remembered him having grown it out for a full year. This was so odd. But feeling like she did, she just felt mellow and happy about it. She giggled as her boifriend spanked his butt. "That butt is one of the reasons ah date yah." She teased, leaning in and kissing his cheek. She then grabbed some shampoo for her tail and mane and spurted the flowery-scented stuff into her mane. "Get mah tail, please?"

Player 1: Li reached down and started to finger her ass. "Looks like your daddy already did." He laughed, playing with her, fingers circling the outline of her tailhole. He soon got to work, though. The chuckling panda boi poured some of her shampoo on her ass and started to massage the solution into her cheeks and her luxurious tail. "If we weren't so late, I'd clean you out and fill you up myself." He pulled her back against him and whispered into her ear. "You're my bitch, after all, right babe?"

Player 2: Toni moaned as she felt her boifriend rubbing her ass, a shiver running up her spine. Gawd he was such a tease sometimes. She ran her hands through her mane. "Aaah!" She arched her back, pressing her hips up into his hand. She let Lee get her covered in shampoo and nickered as he massaged it in. When her panda boi whispered into her ear, she let out a snort. "Arf..." She said, remembering what he had done with her last night. "Can we get the bitch a collar after school?" she giggled and teased. She was totally into the preppy cheerleader look so a collar would be WAY too gothy for her, but whatever she was on made her not really care. She giggled and looked at him vacantly, barking a bit like a doggy.

Player 1:"If my bitch wants a collar, she gets a collar. I'll even get a tag made for it, so everyone will see who your master is." Her black and white lover turned her around to face him and grabbed at her ass. "I'll get you a hot pink one, so you can match it to your lip gloss. But, first you need to finish up. I'll go get dressed." Li kissed her cheek and stepped out to dry himself off. "Jesus Christ! I could camp in this shirt, the chest is stretched so much!" He held up the shirt and sighed. The panties were enough for his fat butt and the skirt would hug his hips. He sighed. "Looks like I'm going to have to wear padding on my chest today." Li was NOT about to go out in ill-fitting clothing.

Player 2: Toni giggled. "Would you have preferred Daddy's muscle shirt and jock strap?" She began washing the shampoo/conditioner out of her mane, and bent over to let the shower water spatter directly against her sudsy tail and her rump. There were moments why she wondered why she was dating a crossdressing gothy panda. Then she remembered why: The piercings. Just thinking about them made her sigh, her fingers moving to her clit on pure instinct. And also he was a childhood friend and they had shared interests and junk. But he was so hot when he made her feel like he owned her.

Toni strutted out of the shower, toweling off and getting out a huge, well-worn brush to comb and arrange her mane. Standing next to Li in front of the mirror, she worked with the brush to get the tangles out. It was hard to tell which of the two of them spent more time fussing with their hair. She stood next to him, and looked over. "Li? Do you still remember, like... before?" She knew she used to be a man. Or maybe she just thought she had been. It was hard to think about and thinking was just soooo silly anyway. She grabbed her lip gloss and smeared her lips pink as she waited for a reply. She wasn't sure if she wanted to even know if he knew. Maybe it'd be nice to go back to being Tony. She barely could even focus on it, though. It was easier to just stop thinking and enjoy the feeling of the brush against her skin. The mare fussed with her lip gloss a bit, then twisted her body to start brushing her tail out, her plump ass pointed towards the mirror.

Player 1: Li closed his eyes, his expression solemn.He missed his drugs. It had been easier to just not think. "I do. I remember everything. It's fuzzy, but I remember. It gets hard sometimes... The game fixes that, though. It makes your new life feel more prominent to help you cope. You never forget, but you can almost never go back." he smile, snatching up Toni's bra to put it on. He padded it with whatever he could to fill out the stretched shirt. "Nnn... How's this?" he ran his hands over his fake tits. "Do I look cute?" The panda boi posed for his girlfriend, puffing out his lips and wigging his chest.

Player 2: Toni leaned in and adjusted one of her boifriend's "boobs" so it wasn't lopsided. She then kissed his right cheek. "Yah look hot, gothboi." She snorted and stood back up. "Li? Ah'm sorry ah made yah lose yer drugs. If they helped yah cope." She walked out to her room, grabbed the outfit her mom had got for her, plus a pair of panties, and started dressing in front of Li. The new outfit barely covered her breasts at all, and if she ran anywhere she guessed she might pop out. But it looked cute and was a compromise so she didn't get a rash or something and she hated having to wear clothes anyway so she dealt with it. "Yah ready, then?"

Player 1: Toni's return was met with a firm stare from her panda. "No panties." he crossed his arms and looked at her disapprovingly. "I want easy access to you. Understood?"

Player 2: Toni blushed and tugged her panties off. "But... if ah run, the shorts'll rub..." She felt like she SHOULD be embarrassed about that. It was hard to see why, but she still went through the motions of protesting. Inwardly, though, she was kinda happy that Li was putting his foot down. She hated dealing with one layer of clothing, much less two.

Player 1: Li walked up to her and tugged up her shorts even higher, then paused to appraise his work. His pony's cleft could be seen, sucking up the crotch of her panties. If someone looked close enough, they would see the white lips around her pussy. Around back, half her ass was hanging out. "Stay like that. Try to hide yourself and you won't be allowed to touch your pussy for two days. " The panda kissed his index and middle fingers, before tapping her crotch. Her knew going that long without stimulation would send her into a rut. The worst part about it was, she knew it too. She would be condemned to be like her father was earlier for an entire week, if she broke his rules.

Player 2: The command, stacked with his poking of her flesh through her shorts, caused Toni to squirm and blush. "Oh my gawd..." She shifted her weight, swaying her hips. Every slight motion rubbed against her sensitive spots. She panted. "F-faaaawk... ah can do it." She looked up at him. She didn't want to get into a rut, mostly because then she wouldn't remember any of it. She might snap out of it a week later in a stranger's bed and have no idea where she was. Toni pursed her lips and stood up. "Ah'll look like a slut, but ah kin do it." She looked at Lee. "Think we can make the bus?"

Player 1: The last sentence caused Li to laugh. " You are a slut, but you're my slut." He smiled and kissed his bimbo on the lips. He licked his lips and tasted the flavor of the gloss. "We'll make it to the bus, I'm sure. I even grabbed you something to eat for breakfast on the way there. So, come on." he slung his purse over his shoulder and walked to the bus stop.

Player 2: Toni's gloss, while pink, actually tasted like bamboo and smelled like cherry blossoms. Japanese kanji was emblazoned on the tube. Apparently in this reality she really tried to please Lee in as many ways as she could, including wearing what she thought were his favorite flavors. Tony followed the thin pandaboi, her purse on her shoulder opposite to where Li kept his. The two effeminate figures walked out of the house with Toni just behind Li, keeping at the same pace as him as they exited the building.

Player 1: Li smiled and put on his gloss as they walked. He had a green highlight in his hair and a matching shirt on, so today he'd use green gloss. It was sour green apple -- something to make someone's lips really pucker. The panda kept as many colors and flavors of lip gloss on him as he did colors of hair dye, changing the white portions of his hair in color regularly. After they got out of the Chestershire home, Li linked arms with his slutty pony and smiled, swayed his hips as he walked. His bulge kept catching the front of his skirt, showing off his fat, flaccid cock.

Player 2: Toni made girl talk with Lee all the way to the bus stop. It felt natural to her for them both to talk about each other's bodies, the shows she suddenly remembered watching, and the music she newly remembered listening to. She had memories now of liking really bubbly pop music Tony would have never even bothered with. But it was in.addition to a lot of the stuff the big male stallion had liked before, which puzzled her. Maybe as Toni she had wider tastes in music, or maybe her memories were jumbled and confused in her little mind. She went arm in arm with her boifriend, wondering if he was going to catch any flack about crossdressing at school, as the bus pulled up. As they waited for the bus, eventually their conversation shifted to talking about hot guys. It felt a bit weird to be talking with Li, her boifriend, about hot guys at first. But after a few moments, Toni felt like it was the most natural thing in the world. Her new memories even included a list of sexy males at school they agreed they'd share, if the opportunity ever presented itself.

Player 1: The bus pulled up midway through their conversation. Li turned to look at Toni for a moment. He kissed her on the lips and smiled. "Have fun with the jocks, my little slut." Pulling away, he let her arm go and went to the back of the bus. There, he met with the rest of the goths and let himself be lusted over by some of the nerds. Meanwhile, along the front of the bus, the jocks were watching the jiggling prey board the bus. Toni was a delicious prize for the males among their number. She didn't even make it to the first free chair, before a big panther pulled her into his lap.

"Hey, sugar tits, considered jumping ship on that Goth faggot yet?" The panther she was sitting on rubbed both her thighs. Even before becoming Toni, Tony had memories of this person. Jake, a panther on the school Varsity Football team, had had been a close friend in the pony's old life as a male. Turns out... He was still a pervert.

Player 2: The pony gasped as she fell onto Jake's lap. Her poor bimbo mind was going to a very weird place. She remembered as Tony that she'd got on very well with Jake. He had been a very funny guy, if a bit one-minded in his pursuit of sex. But she had memories of Toni that made her feel like she wanted him to stop touching her. Memories of pushing her to her knees in the hallways of school, of spanks when she didn't want to be spanked. Of teasing whenever she didn't want to help him empty his balls. But worst of all, the thing she couldn't forgive, was how he treated Li like So while she dearly wanted to be friends with him, her first reaction was to let her ears fall to her sides, push his hands off her thighs with one hand, and look over at him, squarely in the eyes. "Maybe if ah knew a proper man, one who didn't give other guys handjobs in tha' locker-room aftah practice..." She said, remembering something from Tony's old life she was pretty was still true. And even if it wasn't, she said it loud enough so that other people could hear. Aaah, high school politics.

Player 1: Jake's response was to just shut her up by grabbing her snout with a paw, holding it shut. After a moment, he let go to spin her around, pushing her down to the floor, on her knees in the space in front of him. "You can just shut your fucking mouth." he growled, baring his fangs as he gazed into her eyes. Toni heard the sound of a zipper unzipping just before Jake pulled out his cock right there on the bus. The bus driver had long since stopped caring, as long as the students kept up with the regular bribe. The panther's scent hit Toni's nose quickly, causing a tingle in her loins. He was an asshole, but he was a hung asshole. Not as big as Li, but he still sported a healthy six inches. "Or is our school bicycle turning into a prude bitch? Gonna marry that candy-ass gay panda? Get real, slut."

Player 2: Toni sniffed at his cock, feeling her nipples hardening and her lady cave getting moist. Just the smell of that cock was making it hard to fight her urges. But yet, she folded her arms and turned her snout away. "Ah ain't YER slut." She snorted. At "Maybe if yah ask the "Goth faggot" on yer knees fer permission ah might give yah the time a'day." She felt like this was the right thing to say. Like, she may be a school bicycle, but she still had to stick up for her boifriend. Maybe this was like, some commitment to him or something. Honestly, between the pill Li had slipped her and her own mind screaming for the Panther to fuck her, she couldn't think of much at all, and resisting her new desires was hard enough. She couldn't think on the subject.

Player 1: Her response just caused Jake to scoff. He grinned and pulled a metal mint container out of his jeans pocket, flipping it open and snatching up a white pilll. "Come on. I've got a nice lortab with your name all over it. You know you want it. It's all yours and all you have to do is suck some cock. You love cock. " he reached down and flipped out her tits. He toyed with her nipples, tweaking and flicking them as he sneered down, looming above her. "You know you want to taste a real man..."

Player 2: To say Toni was enjoying it, was an understatement. The dirty talk and the scent of his eager cock did make her moan. Feeling Jake's breath against her fur caused her to arch her head back and whinny. She watched the Loritab, drooling a bit. She was a slut. She knew this. She was eager to please.

But at the same time, she was angry. She remembered Jake. And not in the way she remembered Tony's dad and mom. Her parents were different enough that she could accept it without too much trouble. But Jake... was just a sleeze, and the way he talked about Li pissed her off. She was having trouble managing how annoyed she was getting while being turned on at the same time. It was just too much. Toni was a slut. She wanted desperately to suck that cock and get that tablet. She was coming down, after all. If the first hit had made her feel so good, how would a second feel while she was just coming off the first? But it was too much, too soon. She was still adapting to a new body, new memories, a new life. Her clouded mind had to focus on either anger or lust.

And soon it made its choice.

He had his cock right in front of her. He was above her. She thrust a knee up towards his balls, shouting. "I SAID ASK FUCKING LI, YAH JACKASS!" As she slammed her her former friend squarely in the balls, as firmly as she could, with her forehead. Toni bounced back, looking up to watching him wince and shudder.

Player 1: The attack was unexpected, and Jake had left himself vulnerable. The pill dropped from his paw as he buckled over in pain. The lortab landed in the pony's cleavage, safely concealed for later. With a low, agonized moan, the panther slowly fell to his side on the seat and grabbed his crotch. He was down for the count. Around them, the other jocks gasped, many sets of eyes wide at what Toni had done.

Player 2: She was just as astonished as they were. Toni took the pill and shoved it in her pocket, then stood up and took another seat. Part of her was shocked at her own action. She was a good girl. Not a violent bitch. At least, she'd believed that about herself. But she'd gotten so confused and so angry. She was hoping no one else would mess with her at the moment, but also hoping she wouldn't get in trouble at school for that little display!

Player 1: It was a few minutes before anyone dared approach her. But after a few moments, a doe that had been watching the scene got up and sidled over to her. "Toni, ya feelin' okay, suggah?" she reached over and rubbed the pony's shoulder, sitting down next to her. "You're usually so easy... And you... Is it... That time?" she leaned up to the mare's ear and whispered. "I have something for cramps if you need it... " The deer girl's fur was a brighter shade of brown than Toni's. was, almost orange, with creamy bits around her mouth and dots of white along her cheeks and her hooves. She was smaller than Toni in the bosom, but still her b-cup jiggled with the slightest of movements. The doe was in a pale blue shirt and wearing a tight top with their high school's mascot, a stylized image of a six-tailed silver fox running along a blue background, racing along her top.

Player 2: Toni felt her face getting hot as she looked over at her new guest, trying to remember if she'd ever seen her before. "'s not cramps..." She blushed as she stared at the bright brown and white of her seatmate's facial fur. "Um..." She thought about who she was talking to for a few moments. "Mary Ann?" She said, not sure of herself. She still was having trouble thinking, but the name felt right.. "Ah jess... felt like Jake was being a sleeze bag, is all. Sorry if ah upset yah." She whimpered, wanting to finger herself. She wouldn't admit it, but she was still turned on from the smell of that kitty cock, and she'd almost took him up on the offer. But she hadn't liked what he'd said about Li, and got so mad and...

Player 1:" Oh, you poor thang... You're all worked up, ain't ya?" The deer girl reached over and took Toni's hand. "Ya need me to help with that? We can ditch homeroom to work out some 'stuff' in the gym." Mary Ann's smile grew, going from a pure smile of comfort to a wicked smile of lust.

Player 2: The sight caused the mare to squeeze on the other girl's hand. "U-Um... thank you..." She nodded. "Ah'd like that." As she reached down to feel the pill in her pocket. She was worried Li might have disapproved of what she did. Maybe it'd been wrong to hit Jake? She didn't know how everyone'd treat her if rumors got out that she'd stopped putting out.

After a second or two, it finally registered to her that Mary Ann was propositioning her. "Oh! U-um..." At first she felt nervous considering playing with another girl. But then the concern faded like her high. After all, she'd messed around with other cheerleaders before. She remembered showing Li the vid they'd made of it, like a proud toddler showing their parent a fingerpaint drawing.

Player 1: Mary Ann giggled, picking up on Toni's surprise. She didn't tease, but simply smiled at her with a toothy grin, before kissing her cheek. Moving her mouth up from the kiss, she whispered into the filly's ear. "I promise you'll love every. Last. Second."

Player 2: The quiet words caused Toni to giggle, a giddy little thrill flooding her mind. She was going to relieve all that pent up tension she had, and with someone nice to boot! Her nerves settling down, the filly smiled and sat back in her seat, waiting for the bus to get to school. She chatted with her new friend a bit, then followed her as they got off the bus. At some point during their conversation, she turned away to watch the bus pull itself under an arch reading "Vixen's Run Public High School". It jerked to a stop in front of the building. It was her first day back after Spring Break.

Player 1: The deer girl took Toni's hand and ran off the bus, tugging Toni behind her as their hooves clicked and clacked against the tile floors of the school. Once the Gym doors slammed shut, Mary Ann giggled and turned to face the filly. "Toni~" she hugged her tightly, massaging her breasts against hers as the doe ground against her. "Toni~ Ah missed you over the break. Mmmm~" she licked the filly's lips, before kissing her. "Your boyfriend's so lucky. I'd kill fer you to be with me and my Buck. Sista wives 'n such."

Player 2: Toni moaned and shuddered. "Aaah!" She felt herself getting wet as the other girl ground against her. "W-wives?" She felt confused. She didn't remember anyone being married at school. But she was enjoying the feeling of the doe against her, reaching down and cupping Mary Ann's ass while the deer girl licked and nuzzled against her neck. Toni felt her emotions surging. All her pent up sexual energy ready to explode. Turning her current lover's face up, the filly kissed the doe eagerly, pushing her tongue into Mary Ann's muzzle.

Player 1: Mary Ann tugged Toni's top down, letting the horse's twins poke out at her. Licking her lips, she bent her head down and suckled at the tits eagerly. "Mmm, Toni, you've got such pretty titties... " she giggled and buried her face into Toni's giant mammaries. She really was grateful to be besties with the mare. Toni was as sharp as a foam pool toy, but she'd been a walking wet dream for the doe as they'd grown up, and mostly kind to boot. She remembered the two growing up as girl friends, but Mary Ann had never pushed for anything romantic with the whorse. She'd found happiness with Buck, even if she envied Li his luscious girlfriend. At least he shared her with others.

Player 2: Toni shuddered and groaned. As the doe licked at her tits, she felt Toni leaking milk into her mouth. The poor bimbo was lactating! Mary Ann soon felt the filly squirmed, her hooves clopping against the wooden floor of the gym. Strong arms wrapped around her new friend's head, holding the doe against her breast. She wanted more!

Player 1: The deer girl moaned lustily and fell to her knees. Toni could feel a slender hand probing into her booty shorts. "Oh~ you're not wearing. Did ya forget again? Darlin' ya should wear panties when yah go out! " she dropped Toni's shorts to the floor and kissed her mare's pussy. "Its so puffy... You must be so horny... " she put her mouth around Toni's wet snatch and started lapping away at it. The poor girl seemed so pent up, and Mary Ann was eager to receive.

Player 2: The feeling of the elfish deer girl's tongue against her most private bits sent shudders up Toni's body. "L-Li wanted me t'not wear panties..." She began to pant, her eyes rolling back in her head. Her cunny was very badly in need. After just a few licks the doe was rewarded by the pony spurting for the first time since she had headed to school. "Aaaaw oh em geee... your tongue...." She whinnied in bliss, her tongue flopping out against her lower lip.

Player 1: The eager deer girl moved a hand down to slide into her satin panties, rubbing against her lady bits as she dug into Toni's puffy pussy. Her muzzle in slipped in deeper, her fur tickling at the side walls. Her tongue reached in and flickered around, lapping at the mare's juices like a kitten lapping at cream. "Mmmm... " she grabbed the filly's hips with her free hand to pull them towards her, digging in, fucking her friend with her muzzle as she ate her out.

Player 2: Toni pushed her hips towards her friend's muzzle, groaning and closing her eyes. She didn't care who heard her. She needed this tongue in her pussy right now, and she was enjoying every moment of it. She was so grateful her friend was helping her, as she shivered, her tail swishing as she reached down to stroke at Mary Ann's head, fingers trailing along the white streak of fur between her ears.

Player 1: Mary Ann arced her head and lapped at the filly's plump pussy. The juices of a fresh climax dribbled down into her mouth and along her cheeks. She didn't care how messy she got. "Ahn~: " she moaned curling her tongue inside her friend the whorse. She moaned inside Toni's body, feeling the slutty pony stiffen, cumming again after a few strokes of her talented tongue. "mmmmm~"

Player 2: Toni felt her knees getting weak. She looked down at Mary Ann, her thighs trembling. "Ah'm... ah'm gonna fall..." As she started to wobble, her breasts bouncing. "Ah need t'sit down..." She shuddered, spreading her legs and falling down onto her pillowy rump, pulling away from Mary Ann, the thinner doe girl's face saturated with her cum. With a coy look, she spread her legs apart in front of her friend, to encourage her to go on. The idea that she was doing something so lewd got Toni blushing again, but a primal voice in her mind wanted more.

Player 1: The invitation wasn't ignored. Mary Ann crawled on her hands and knees, lapping at Toni's juicy pussy like a dog. "Mmm" she cooed. Her tongue was flicking all over her clit, scooping back taste after taste of the filly's juices. She was in love with this taste... This bimbo was just too fun to let go! How she wished she'd gotten to Toni first.

Player 2: Toni squirmed and wiggled her legs, groaning out loud over and over again. Her own juices were leaking out, getting all over Mary Ann's face and dribbling out into a puddle on the floor. She felt the doe savoring the taste of her cum... and she started to feel guilty. "Mary Ann, oh my gawd, I need to help you get off too..." She put a hand on Mary Ann's shoulder, her body sweaty and reeking of sex. After a moment of fatigue, she tried to push the deer up to kiss her, a hand reaching down to the girl's breasts to rub at them.

Player 1: The deer slipped backwards, away from Toni's touch, and shook her head. "We have to get to class." She hated every dang word that slipped out of her mouth, but she was Toni's friend. She had to look out for the silly empty headed pony. Almost no one else did. With a huff of agonized need, Mary Ann stood up and straightened out her shirt and jeans. "You got basic math, right? I can walk you over, if you want. It's on mah way to computer skills." Looking down, she saw the puddle of mixing sex fluids on the floor between them. Hopefully no one would realize who left it there.

Player 2: Toni thought. "Oh geeze..." She stood and tugged her short shorts back up. "Do ah have basic math t'day? Ah forgot..." She giggled. "Ah swear ah'd lose mah tits if they weren't attached." She blushed, putting her bra back on. "Um... geeze Mary Ann... you're such a sweetie. Thank'ee kindly. You're the BEST friend." She smiled and stomped a hoof. "And, ah, if you and yah Buck wanna play sometime, ah could ask Li..."

Player 1: Mary Ann squirmed a little bit and scoffed. She really didn't care for most guys... Buck being the exception. Still, she really wanted him to take a second wife. For both their sakes. "Only dick for me is Buck, remember? Thankies, though. You're a slutty sweetie." she blew a kiss to her. "Now, let's get you to class, sugar!" the two held hands as they trotted off.

Player 2: An hour later, a short, squat goat in a gray janitor's uniform pushed a mop and bucket out into the gym, to sweep along the puddle of god-he-didn't-want-to-know-what along the floor. "Damn teenagers..." he grumbled, looking away from the goo as he mopped. "Wonder when this frigging school got so crazy about sex!"

-End Part 2-


There Is No Football Team At Vixen's Run High School Part 3

There Is No Football Team At Vixen's Run High School By: Terinas Tiger (Based on an RP between Terinas Tiger and Feronordie) _There is no Football Team at Vixen's Run High School. There hasn't been in a few years, actually. How has...

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Sister Wives

Sister Wives By Terinas Tiger * * * **Player 1:** The sounds of heavy footfalls coming up the stairs to the second floor of the rented home vibrated the furniture in the living room, the table, and caused ripples in a nearby steaming cup of tea. "I'm...

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Courtship 7: Bastards

**Part 7: Bastards** -Kristoph- "Cupcakes." I stared at the white stripe of fur running down Xavier's black muzzle, between the sorrel pools of his eyes. "What?" The skunk folded his eyes as he looked back at me. "It's like this,...

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