The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Eight

Story by Sparky137 on SoFurry

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#9 of The Beginning of a New Race

So I guess this took long enough. I'm pretty sure I'm going to make this event a three part kinda thing, only because I want you peeps and furs to see it ASAP. I've taken waaaayyy to long on it as it is already.


Make this year great. Make this year special. Make this year last.

The Beginning of a New Race

Chapter Eight

My eyes opened slowly, feeling sluggish and unresponsive. For some reason in the middle of the night I had thrown off my blanket, resulting in one gigantic popsicle with a wet dog flavor.

I love being a popsicle.

I believe I only woke because my body was shaking so terribly it could no longer hold onto sleep. Fall seemed to have arrived almost overnight, taking everything in this world by surprise. As I stood and walked to the entrance in my hut to look at the outside world I heard the crunch of frost beneath my pads and winced when the cold caught up to my nerves. I danced over to the small rug next to entrance, hoping that it would be slightly less frozen than my grass interior. It wasn't much better, but it definitely wasn't crunching underfoot.

The outside world shimmered with blinding light. All the Yellow Orb's rays were being caught by the frost that now covered everything in sight and thrown back into the eyes of anyone who dared to look anywhere but inside. It amazed me.

And, you know, kinda blinded me.

I rammed my hand into my muzzle trying to cover my eyes from the light, making me stagger back inside my tiny hut and all the while tripping on my bowl of water. With a nice and solid _thud,_I found a comfortable resting place on top of my clothing chest with what I was convinced was a broken back. A slew of obscenities flowed out of my mouth as I rolled off the chest and lay stomach down on the ground holding my back. I figured that if I could still feel the tremendous pain, at least my back wasn't broken after all.

At least. Hmph.

After a few minutes of rolling back and forth on the ground my cursing finally started to die down, finally ending after I called the chest a "clusterfuck bucket". I like to get imaginative when in dire situations, if you must know.

Also, at this exact moment, one of my most favorite Homini decided to stroll in and see what I was up to.

"Look at him, can't even stand up correctly!"

I turned to see the short red Homini that I had graciously punched in the face only two days ago along with two taller jet black Homini flanking him.

What a nice surprise!

The one to his right started talking in a really nasal voice, "Yeah, guess it'll take 'em a while to figure out how them legs work. I neva ben one a those sciency types, but I'm thinking tha' process migh' just take a lil bit longa. But then again, 'e migh' jus not like walkin'. I don really like it tha' much me self, to be compl-"

"Would you shut up? I told you I wouldn't take you along with us if you couldn't keep your mouth shut, yeah?" Mr. Red was mean to everyone I guess.

"Yes sir," he saluted, "Tha' you did. Won't happen again, Arc."

Oh, his name was Arc now was it? Not in my book. I'll call him Short-Ass or Pure-One, or maybe Mr. Red. Anything to make his day sour.

Cuz I'm a nice person.

"Hey, Idiot. How about you stand when you're in the presence of a superior, yeah? Maybe it'll make me go a little bit easier on you." Mr. Red said, his teeth showing from under his grin.

Guessing he was addressing me, I decided to stand up. "What, you go easy on me? Is that why I whooped your short ass when we met last time? Were you going easy on me?" I forced as much sarcasm as I could into that question, so much I could feel weight being lifted of my shoulders by saying it.

The two jet black Homini laughed at this, which earned the one on the left a punch to the chest and the one on the right a glare.

Ooo, so scary.

"Oh, this isn't about last time, scum. That's in the past, though I won't be letting go of any grudges I have anytime soon. Those kinda things are powerful. Right now I've got two of the village's strongest, albeit dumbest, guys to help me transport you to the leader for your punishment!" Pure-One said with joy.

I had the feeling that it would be mostly the two taller ones transporting me while Mr. Red talked me to death.

Fun all around, yay!

"So, are you gonna cuff me or something? Tie my hands and legs up and carry me? Drag me on a rope? How about fly a space ship over to the leader's house? Please, do tell." I told him, more sarcasm floating in the air.

"Very funny, wise guy. What I had actually planned for this," Mr. Red started pacing back and forth, obviously enjoying story time, "and I'm being completely honest with you, was to simply push you along all the way, making sure you weren't _too_comfortable. I was going to be the good guy, merely following orders. But now, as I see it, you've resisted verbally and somewhat physically. That means that I have the authority and right to subdue you. And by subdue, I mean beating you until you are unconscious. And when I say 'I have the right', I mean I command these two to do it." He threw his thumbs towards the two standing behind him and they both smirked simultaneously.

"Look at 'is face Arc, look at 'em! Looks like he's seen 'is own death!" The one on the left snickered as he advanced towards me alongside his lookalike.

"You can't just knock me out! I haven't done a thing!" I snarled, a sound that surprised me as much as it did everyone else present. My attackers faltered, but quickly fell back into step.

Short-Ass laughed at the statement. "That's where you're wrong. The leader will always, always, take my word over yours. And besides, do you really think he cares if you show up in one piece or not?"

And with that, the two jet black Homini were upon me and my head exploded with a million different levels of pain.

The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Nine

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