Stallion Made; Fit for a Fox

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - sirynjourney

Writing - Runa

Krendius - FlecktarnWolf

Oceris - Runa

In this story, a (mostly) gay fox gets invited to a barbecue for porn stars, but he's far more interested in the stallion in the nearby paddock!

Stallion Made; Fit for a Fox

Krendius licked at the roof of his maw as he stirred in his bed, the last remnants of a steamy dream evaporating from his mind's eye like sand being washed away by a wave. His sheets covered only his lower half as his head and arms were laying on his pillow as morning sunlight streamed in and illuminated his room.

He wasn't sure, but he thought there might have been a knock on his door that woke him. All he remembered from the end of the dream was that he was being mounted by a well endowed werewolf, slamming a double-fist sized knot in and out of him. In the dream, he faintly remembered being confused about a knocking sound that accompanied every knot-popping thrust, assuming it was the sound of bed slamming against the wall.

After a very brief moment of arguing with himself about whether or not he was going to check the door, he heard another series of light knocks followed by the faint shouting of a female fox. He couldn't make out who it was, so he seriously considered ignoring it. "Fuck it." He said to himself as he rolled onto his side, sheets tangling up in his legs with tail raised behind him.

There was a faint soreness in his rump, tailhole puckered and tender like he'd been violently taken by someone or something. The night before remained a blur to him so he wasn't entirely sure what had happened, but he was pretty sure he got drunk and ended up going home with someone, but he wasn't sure who or how he made it back to his townhouse. Curious, he slid his fingers under his tail to prod at his tailhole a bit and immediately felt the slickness of lubricant soaking his flesh.

Naturally, his first instinct was to start fingering himself. Still half asleep and verging on returning to his dreams, he angled his wrist and slipped a couple fingers inside, gently caressing the soft pillows of flesh that lined his opening. He was just about to pull his flesh open into a gape before another knock came at his door.

"Fuuuuck oooooff!" He moaned as he rolled onto his back again, pulling his digits from his depths to lick up the mess, finding that the slick mess had creamy clouds of cum swirled into it when he went to give it a sniff. Clearly the person who was at the door wasn't going to go away, so he threw his sheets off, hopped into some shorts, and made his way to the door. He lived alone so he didn't have others to worry about waking anyone.

He stumbled down the stairs, only to be annoyed by an impatient string of knocks. "I'm coming! Jeez!" Upon reaching the door, he yanked it open just in time to see his friend Arnika lean into another knock that didn't connect. She was a mostly white arctic fox with black tipped ears, tail, and hands, blessed with a lithe form underneath her loose-fitting shirt and short-shorts. "What do you want?" He grumped. Normally he wouldn't be so crass with her since he enjoyed her company, but she'd woken him up with her incessant knocking and that annoyed him. Plus mornings weren't his thing, he preferred the night life.

Arnika stepped in and closed the door behind her. "Oh, that's no way to talk to a vixen! Come on, clearly you need your coffee!" She grabbed him by the wrist and tugged him along to the kitchen, where she forced him to sit down as she pressed the button to turn the coffee machine on. The sly girl was abnormally bubbly in the mornings despite also loving the night life - often playing wing-man to Krendius.

He rubbed his palm into his eyes to wipe the sleep gunk from them before yawning and resting his head at the kitchen table. "Yeah, I think I need something to drink. So what brings you here?" Krendius asked, his tail lightly swaying off to the side of the chair he sat in.

Before answering, Arnika bent over and lifted her tail to give Krendius a good look at her shapely rump as she poured him a drink. "Well, I want to take you out as my, I guess you could call it, my date."

Had she been male or Krendius been interested in females, the view would have been enough to wake him up. Alas, he was pretty exclusive to the studs, so he didn't react to her presentation. "What kind of date? What have you got in mind?" Normally he'd tease her about how much she seemed to want him and how persistent she was in trying to get him drunk enough to tie her up, but he wasn't alert enough to make a proper joke.

"Oh, you know, just a barbecue I'm heading out to with the crew." She stirred his coffee and slid it across the table at him. "Figured you could appreciate the company."

Krendius knew what she meant by, 'her crew'. "I highly doubt I'd be happy around your porn star buddies, Arnika. They're all either straight or female."

"Who says you can't look? Straight or not, I know how much you like to stare at shapely equine backside." She poured herself a cup and mixed in some sugar before sitting across the table from him. "Come on, I don't have anyone to take and-" She stopped mid sentence to sniff at the air, ears perked up. "And it seems you're still basting in last night's essence. I can smell the cum on you and I know it's not yours." She sniffed again. "Stallion?"

Had Krendius been more awake, he might have blushed. "I dunno, maybe?"

"You don't even know who you fucked last night? You're getting sluttier every month, Kren." She downed her coffee and put her mug in the sink, upside down. "I'm impressed. You sure you don't wanna be in porn with me? You'd be great at it, I'm sure."

"Not with you. Not unless you're wearing a strapon." He suggested as he nursed his drink.

Arnika snapped her fingers. "I'll do it! Let's go sign the pap-"

"No you won't! I was kidding, hun. I'm not interested in being in porn, not even with you. Get me a stallion hung to his knees, cover up my face, and maybe we'll talk." He wagged his tail behind him at the thought of having a stallion again; a bit of irony since his tail was his most distinctive part, not his face. All four 'socks' on his feet and hands as well as his tail were tipped with a purple circuit board pattern, something he'd never seen on another.

She shrugged and yipped at him. "Oh, details. Either way, come on. Get dressed and let's go. I'm not leaving unless you come with me and you know my penchant for being annoying far outclasses your patience." After her threat, she skipped past him and hopped up the stairs two at a time to meet him at his bedroom door.

All the while, Krendius remained sitting at his kitchen table, nursing his coffee. He seriously considered just falling asleep there in the kitchen, but he knew Arnika was not the kind to bluff when the opportunity to pester was presented. She would stick around and annoy him until he accepted defeat, and there was nothing he could do short of physically pushing her out the door and putting headphones on to ignore her inevitable knocking.

He sighed deeply before begrudgingly returning to his room. As he passed her, he scowled a bit in annoyed defeat before swinging the door mostly shut behind him. The moment he saw his bed, he considered returning to it, but his willpower and knowledge drove him to get dressed, instead. After taking off his shorts, he leaned down to put on some socks first, and that's when he heard a creaking of his door opening.

It was Arnika, peeking in and licking her lips. "Hey, you're leaking a bit. Mind if I help ya clean up?" Without waiting for an answer, she slipped in and shut the door behind her. She crawled over and grabbed at Krendius's tail to yank it upwards, exposing his pucker.

"What do you think you're doing?" He growled as he lowered his tail as forcefully as he could.

"Just shut up and let me help you out here. Quit being such a stereotypical fox." She teased as she buried her snout in between his cheeks. Her tongue pushed out to lap at his flesh, eagerly capturing every dip of stallion cum that was leaking out of Krendius's backside; the tip folded and slipped inside in order to ensure thoroughness.

Krendius started by gently snarling a bit, only to have his grumpiness melt away as he came to realize that Arnika's tongue was quite pleasant. Had she been another male, he might have even been turned on. As it stood, he was simply content to let her have a bit of fun. Felt nice and she was enjoying herself.

She did a good job cleaning him up, clearing everything under his tail from the glorious mess of stallion cum that was oozing out of him. When she was done, she licked her lips and stood up, gently rubbing her saliva into his flesh before letting go of his tail base. "There. Now you're more presentable. Come on, we have things to do; I don't want to be kept waiting." She gave one final smack to his rump before hopping out of his room.

"Whatever you say, bitch." He grumbled quietly. There was no doubt in his mind that she heard him, as fox ears were quite keen to the sounds of voices, but he didn't care. Instead of moping about and getting angry about being 'violated' by his friend's hungry tongue, he got dressed, quickly made his bed, and grabbed both phone and ear buds to keep himself busy.

"Good, time to go." She declared as he came out of his room and shut his bedroom door behind him. "Now I don't want to hear any whining from you. Just enjoy the barbecue, eat some food, oogle the guys with abnormally huge cocks, and don't be afraid to get hard. Only thing I don't want to see from you is you moping about not being able to suck all the dicks there. Mmmkay?" She booped him on the snout before he could respond. "Good. Let's go."

No matter how much Krendius loved Arnika, he really didn't want to be out of his house. The combination of his hangover and the general lack of interest in the company he was to be keeping ensured that he was ready for a miserable day before he ever set foot on Ilorek's ranch.

To be clear, Krendius had no prejudice against adult performers of any kind; he just wasn't interested in the kinds of stars that Arnika liked to hang around. She was bisexual, so she was often either with other females or straight males, neither of which interested Krendius in the least bit. Females were not sexy to him, and no matter how attractive the males were he knew he could only look and not touch. He was a little on the girly side, but that wasn't enough.

In his mind, all he could imagine was sitting on the side listening as a bunch of well-hung, likely gorgeous studs talking about pounding pussy and being super macho, brah! He'd just sit over there, on a bench eating roast and likely fantasizing about the horses on the ranch while trying to keep that little bit of arousal to himself.

The only thing that kept Krendius willing to go with Arnika was that this was going to be a barbecue, and if nothing else a barbecue had drinks and lots of meat.

Upon arriving, he was shocked to see just how big Ilorek's ranch really was. Arnika was driving him down the long pathway that led from road to the parking area, which was lined by two massive fields. The one on the right was a thin field that stretched from the road to the barn, with a relatively short distance between the driveway and the forest that lined the ranch to the north. The other pastures and fields were segmented off into what looked like species and gender-based animals such as dragons, gryphons, cervines, horses, cows, and ulokar.

There was only one creature in the thin field, a partially feathered horse with light brown hair, chestnut mane with golden highlights, chestnut tail with gold tips, and dark black feathering around his hooves. Krendius tried his best to not tense up at the size of that stallion, even though he could see the bulging of sheath between its hind legs. That part of him was not something he was prepared to share with anyone, not even Arnika (Even though he was pretty sure she already knew.)

"Just be nice, okay?" Arnika insisted, breaking him out of his dreamlike stance. "I know you're not into straight guys, but I really want to have fun and you can have a good time without having to lift your tail to everyone and everything that might be interested."

Krendius flipped his hair back and laid his ears to his skull. "Come on, Arnika. Have a bit more respect; I'm a slut, not a vortex of anal suckage."

"Forgive me, oh pious ass vortex, for I definitely feel that you can be sort of anally absorbing. Wait, what's this I feel? A light breeze drawing me in! Where's it going? Oh god, it's taking me under your tail! Nooooo!" She leaned over and made a few silly facial expressions, as though an actual black hole were sucking her into his tailhole.

"Ugh, ew! I wouldn't want any of you in me. What if your vagina touched my taint or something? Would that turn me straight? Would I get the straight?" He made a fake gagging motion with tongue out. "What if my friends heard? Would I ever be knotted again knowing that bitch parts were in that very same hole?"

Arnika gave him a gentle punch and pushed him into the door as she rolled into a parking spot, laughing. "Shut the fuck up, superfox."

He scoffed. "Come on, can we lay off the F-word? I know you're just being your usual bitch self, but I have feelings, too."

"Sure you do. Feelings of fist in ass...but that's a plot for another time. Come on, time to go meet everyone." Arnika shut off the car and the two of them stepped out.

The ranch was nice and big but also simple; the homestead area had the house at one end, with a barn-attachment serving as a stable to the gryphon pasture behind it, while a deep chestnut colored barn was on the opposite corner by the end of the long pasture that housed the sexy looking feathered equine. Parking was in the other corner, with all the area between that, the barn, and the ranch home itself open for the dozens of people who were at the barbecue.

Above all else, a gentle scent of roasting meat came wafting from near the house itself, a delectable smokey scent mixed in with a dozen sauces and seasonings that made the entire ranch smell like a smokehouse and grill. Off to the side, a series of tables with various appetizers, chips, paper plates, dips, nachos, and various other bits of food to gorge on before the main meal was served.

He tried his best to learn everyone's name and occupation, but there were too many people to name off. Krendius wasn't the type to be all that social unless he was drinking, and this volume of people made him even more self-conscious about his semi-hungover state. He just didn't want to be here and certainly wouldn't be too engaging to most people. He kept thinking up all sorts of scenarios where people asked him about his favorite scenes, and he'd talk about how much he just loved the smell and taste of cum, then he'd blush and the whole world would cave in on him. "Can we just go back home? I'm really not sure I'm digging this." He mulled.

"Oh, don't be such a spoilsport, at least give them a chance before quitting. Lots of awesome people here." She grabbed his hand and tugged him along - as she liked to do - before starting to introduce him one at a time to every one of the guests at the barbecue one at a time.

She would cart him over to Ilorek and his wife Valencia first, letting the hosts know exactly who he was and that he was not a porn star. They made a joke about how everyone is a porn star if you get enough alcohol in them, then proceeded to direct Krendius to the outdoor bar that had been set up. After that, Arnika systematically walked around to every group, talking about all the guys and gals she'd done scenes with, described many of the scenes in great detail, then shared funny anecdotes about cum in the ear and a week-long fright when she got a plug stuck in her, which got locked in when her natural body's cycle took that opportunity to close up around it.

Krendius didn't take much note of most of the people that Arnika talked about or introduced him to, he mostly just faked a smiled, nodded, shook paws, and maybe fist bumped if that's what the others wanted to do. There were a few that stuck out to him, but only because of how much he wanted to lift his tail to them. There was this well groomed chestnut stallion named Rannik who seemed to have a permanent case of 'crotch bulge', with a cock that likely went down to his knee when semi hard. There was another guy, a wolf hybrid that walked with a hunch and was built like a were got mated by a stallion and hybridized with the bulk of a dragon. Apparently his cock was so big that Arnika couldn't even fit the shaft, let alone the knot.

There were, of course, many blokes at the barbecue that Krendius would have been happy to get to know, but his mind kept drifting back to that feathered horse alone in the pasture. He needed some love, companion, or just a good bit of affection; no stallion should be kept away from love.

Eventually, He just drifted away from the crowd as Arnika started reminiscing about her times with the stallions in the group. He felt that he could make a much better use of his time fantasizing about the various guests than he could talking to them. That was, until the roast was finally declared complete, and it was time to carve off a bit for everyone.

Krendius shrugged and accepted that it might be time to go get some food. His seclusion would have to wait when there was a whole ulokar to be had. Such meat was common in this region, but Krendius wasn't as familiar with it due to how expensive it was compared to pork, chicken, and beef. As it turned out, the giant slab of ulokar hide he enjoyed actually had slight flavors and textures from all three, ranging from the sweetness of pork to the husky bitterness of beef and the lightness of chicken. No wonder it was such a delicacy, and apparently Ilorek had a whole one on a roasting spit.

With his plate full of roast meat, Krendius grabbed a drink, filled up on a dozen other appetizers and bread, and headed off to the far corner of the homestead, nestled in tight between the barn and the fence to the field with the feathered stallion where nobody else could see him.

Finally at a state of rest and peace, Krendius was able to smile and eat. However, as he was enjoying himself, the stallion came lumbering over with his head bobbing up and down, golden tipped mane glistening in the midday sun. "Hey there." Krendius cooed at the horse with hand outstretched. "You're lookin for the right attention, I see." He gave the horse a gentle scritch behind the ear, checking to see if he was interested in his touch.

The stallion seemed to enjoy being caressed, so he turned his body to the fence to allow Krendius to give a proper rub down his flanks, gently leaning against the boards with tail swishing and head dipped over the side.

This made Krendius just a little bit awkward, as he was trying to hold his plate of food with one hand while scritching with the other. After a few failed attempts at using his tongue to 'lap up' a nacho, he put the plate down on the ground and returned both hands to the stud. "Here, this is a bit more like it I think." He said as he leaned in close, nuzzling at the mane while his hands lightly tickled and rubbed at the equine's shoulder and neck. Before long, he found himself descending into a quiet trance that blocked out the noise of the party around the other side of the barn.

His serenity was disrupted as he heard a voice. "His name's Oceris."

Krendius' ears perked up and he pulled his snout from Oceris' mane. When he turned and looked, he saw Ilorek leaning against the barn near the corner. Having no other thoughts to respond, Krendius nodded. "It's a nice name. Haven't heard of anything like that before."

"He's an interesting specimen." Ilorek explained as he came closer to Krendius and leaned over the fence, reaching out to give Oceris' haunch a bit of a stroke. "Has an interesting cycle within him, allows him to be incredibly versatile while also being horny all the time. Your friend Arnika has taken advantage of this before, in some of her most popular videos."

He gulped as a swelling formed in his pants. He couldn't help but blush and lift one leg to obscure the line of sight between Ilorek and his crotch; he had no interest in letting this guy know that Krendius was in fact quite turned on by that fact. "Is that so? Wasn't sure if you guys were doing that kind of stuff here; I've never actually seen any of Arnika's videos, since I'm really not into the ladies." In a way, he hoped that encouraged Ilorek to go away and leave him be, but Krendius wasn't the type to be rude or demanding, especially when he was a guest.

Ilorek reached around to rub at Oceris' haunches right at the base of the tail, his touch urging the stallion to arch its back and lift his tail. Krendius couldn't see, but he knew that Ilorek was lightly massaging the horse's pucker. "Well, you don't have to watch her videos to know what she's into, right? Have you ever thought of being in video? You're a good lookin' fox and-"

"N-no thanks. I'm really not interested." Krendius cut off, immediately feeling rude for his interruption. "I mean, I just don't want to be in porn, is all. I enjoy watching it just like everyone else, and I enjoy fantasizing, but it's really not something I'm interested in. Mostly I just like being in solitude, alone with my own thoughts."

"That's fair." Ilorek acknowledged as he gave one final rub up between the stud's rump cheeks. "Just keep my offer in mind if you ever do feel the need for a few extra coins in your pocket. I'm always willing to work with new talent, and I'd be happy to give you a mask or find a way to obscure your identity, if that's what you're worried about."

Krendius couldn't help but smile. That was one of the reasons, but not the only one. "I appreciate the offer, but my other body markings are quite distinct, so I don't think a mask will do it. To be honest, I'm just here because Arnika dragged me here. Oh, and the roast is seriously good. Thanks for sharing and opening your ranch to us all."

Ilorek smirked before he turned and walked away, tail swishing behind him. "Just don't forget my offer. As long as I run this studio, it will always be open. We don't do a lot of gay stuff, but that's a huge market I'd be eager to explore with you. Personally, if I have to. Anyway, enjoy the barbecue!"

As he walked away, Krendius couldn't help but stare at his rump, that powerful and well muscled rump swaying with every step. He could only imagine the massive cock that was hidden in those jeans. However, as he was trying to look at Ilorek, he caught sight of Oceris' massive member dangling at almost full mast between his hind legs. The stallion's shaft was as thick as Krendius' thigh, and hung nearly to the light green grass of the field, truly a sight to behold.

After taking a quick glance around to see if anyone was watching, Krendius faked crouching down to pick up his plate from the ground, only to extend a hand between the fence slats and gently cradle Oceris in his palm. He could feel the gooey sliminess of the stallion's precum soaking his hand and dribbling down between his fingers, so he gave a gentle squeeze and tug to coax more from him. As Krendius remained crouching next to the fence, a powerful musky scent wafted up from under the horse, putting every strand of fur on the fox's body on end.

Oceris nickered and snorted, lowering his head and bucking his hips into Krendius' hand, forcing palm down as his flare swelled and expanded. The spongy tissue was soaking wet with precum and lube, little spurts erupting everywhere in and on the grass below him.

Krendius could feel his heart racing as he wondered if and when someone would be roused by the sounds that Oceris was making, so he quickly yanked his hand out from between the slats and grabbed his plate, attempting to appear nonchalant as he stood up. The copious gooey mess in his palm was easy to see as it was glistening in the sun, so he wiped it off on his chest to dry off, yet that only made his entire upper body smell like stallion musk, a scent that made his pupils dilate and sheath swell.

Problem was, Oceris was getting increasingly agitated. He was snorting and nickering and pacing back and forth along the fence, cock swinging with gooey strands of fluid spewing webs all over the grass. He reared up and tensed his member, flare exploding into a double-fist sized mass before deflating again.

Krendius considered trying to find a way to make Oceris calm down, but the horse quickly jumped and bucked, leaning to gallop down the pasture towards the road and back again. He was running at full speed, and didn't seem to be slowing down even as he approached the fence. In a brisk sense of panic, Krendius came to realize that Oceras was not stopping.

Indeed, the stallion leapt high and tall, his front hooves clacking at the top rung of the fence before he landed heavily in the grass next to the barn. He kept his pace and bowled his way through the crowd, only to then leap over another fence and make his way into the field next to Ilorek's ranch house. The only creature in there was a clipped-wing gryphon of black and white.

Every one of the patrons at the party dismissed this peculiar situation at first by nervously chuckling, only to then realize what was going on. Ilorek commanded some people to head to the barn and get some tools, while others started rushing around in a bit of a panic. Krendius remained silently watching the whole event unfold from behind the barn, peeking out around the corner with his food plate in hand. Didn't need anyone knowing he might have played a role in exciting the stallion.

As he remained an observer, he was quite shocked to see what had actually happened. The stallion had made his way to the gryphon field, and Ilorek had hurriedly followed. Upon reaching the gryphon, though, the stallion tried to mount. The gryphon resisted and tried to get away at first, but Oceris was persistent and kept rearing up, front legs flailing and eventually catching on either side of the gryphon.

Krendius took a big bite of his roast, putting the plate on the nearest fence post as he started idly rubbing himself.

The gryphon slipped out from under Oceris and ran past Ilorek, bounding forward and hopping high into the air with wings spread; she flapped once and easily sailed over the fence to land in the middle of the barbecue, knocking over a table of appetizers and skidding to a stop in the grass with a dozen patrons around her. She looked terrified, until Valencia came out of the crowd and started to calm her.

From the pasture came Oceris again, still horny and still moving swiftly towards the fence that he, once again, hopped over with ease. Like the gryphoness, he bowled through the table and came to a skidding stop, rearing up and exposing his member to all the porn stars. When he went to mount the gryphoness, Valencia held her in place to ensure that a mating happened.

Two people came from the barn with cameras in hand, one with a tripod stand and the other with just a hand held camcorder. Turns out that's what Ilorek had sent them to do. As they turned on the cameras, Arnika and another canine both got in real close to the gryphon's backside, partially in between her and Oceris, helping to guide the stallion into gryphon pussy.

With a few aggressive thrusts, Oceris' cock found its place under the gryphon's tail, aggressively slamming his hips to hers with an audible squelch as Arnika and the other girl leaned in to daintily lick at the resulting mess that came pouring out.

Krendius was a little turned off out by it all, but only because he really wasn't into gryphon pussy. He could, however, imagine being in her place as Oceris buried every inch of that massive shaft deep into him. While still peeking around the corner, he found his tail was raising high and the faintest bit of the stallion seed was dribbling out of him. He was hungry at both ends and needed to do something about it.

Arnika and a few others filmed a brief scene in an impromptu manner there in the middle of the ranch, sucking cock and fisting gryphon pussy for the camera before one of the biped stallions enjoyed some sloppy seconds. When the whole ordeal came to a close, they put the filming equipment back in the barn and Arnika took some personal time licking out the gryphon before both ferals were returned to their respective fields.

The rest of the party carried on as normal, with Krendius finally able to come out from his shell to socialize a bit more. The casual demeanor of the entire group made him feel a bit more at home and at ease, like he didn't have to hide his slutty side. He still wasn't comfortable admitting that he was as into stallions as he was his own kind, but he also didn't worry too much about it because he knew that this crowd clearly wasn't one to judge.

Still, he was going to keep that part of himself a secret. Ilorek didn't need to know just so he could have something to exploit. Krendius did go home with some spare roast, but it was the meat in his cock sheath he was more interested in tasting, especially after watching that powerhouse stallion have a go at the gryphon.

"What an eventful day." Krendius sighed to himself as he flopped back onto his bed. After the party, he had been dropped off back home by Arnika to take care of himself, since she had a hunch he'd been pent up a bit. The scent of stallion all over her seemed to trigger his arousal even more during the car ride home, so he knew he needed to take care of certain personal needs before he'd be functional in the world again.

Problem was, nothing was quite the same as being mounted by a particularly virile stud. He had toys, sure, but it wasn't the same as a throbbing, pulsing, precum-pumping hoss dick buried sheath-deep under his tail. He could likely get away with giving his old friend Rannik a call, since he was always eager to have a go, but he remembered that Rannik wasn't an option due to being away with his girlfriend for the weekend.

As he lay there in bed, staring at the ceiling with the faint sounds of traffic in the distance, his hormone-addled mind took over and started concocting a devious plan to fill himself with all the stallion seed that Oceris had to offer. He wasn't really thinking straight, but he knew that he could figure something out to satisfy his carnal lust that had been teasing him all day.

His mind raced with a dozen plausible situations - most of which revolving around fence hopping at night - before coming to a surprisingly good plan. Ilorek was a professor at the Klyneth Academy of Science and Magic, which meant that his days were mostly spent at the school when not producing films. During the day at the barbecue, Krendius had heard that Ilorek had a lecture at around noon for three hours, and that his wife would be with him. This meant that the ranch would be empty and abandoned for a few hours in the afternoon.

All the time Krendius spent alone at the ranch, he had been unconsciously surveying the land, noticing that Ilorek's property was walled in by hills on three sides with the north wall being lined by the edge of the forest. It was entirely shut off from the outside world unless someone was deliberately and purposely spying on the ranch.

This meant that if Krendius really wanted, he could walk there and fool around at the ranch all he wanted without being seen, as long as he disappeared into the woods before Ilorek came home. It was the perfect plan, at least in Krendius' mind. All he could think about was being smothered and filled with so much cum that his feet would squish in the puddles he left in every step. He wanted his belly to bloat with a horse's essence, forcing the gooey mess to constantly leak out from under his tail.

Rather than pleasure himself, he spent the night sitting at his computer desk on a massive clear-glass butt plug, preparing his rump for the devious plans he had for it. He got in contact with Arnika about Ilorek's schedule to make sure that his plans were in fact solid. The guise was to convince her he was considering trying out for a porn due to some unforseen expense that came up, so he was asking her about what time Ilorek would be in instead of what time he would be out. When she confirmed his time line, he thanked her and went about his business, edging himself with the plug in overnight.

He even slept with it in, ensuring that his backside remained loose, sloppy, and ready for all the pounding he'd get the following day. Despite being overwhelmed with desire and lust, Krendius used all his willpower to not pleasure himself, as he wished to hold himself back to the best of his abilities. No need to waste perfectly good cum that could mix well with stallion seed.

That, and he knew that if he forced a release of his desire, he might not have the balls to go through with his plan.

The next morning, Krendius woke up and yawned while rolling onto his side, tail jutting out far with the base of the glass plug nestled comfortably between his cheeks. He tried clenching, but found that it just shifted the plug around inside and pleasured him gently.

His early day routine wasn't much changed beyond that, and he was able to get some breakfast, brush his teeth, and enjoy a spot of exercise all with the plug comfortably tied to his foxhole. Yes, foxhole, he liked to call it that, because it was cute and sexy at the same time!

With a belly full of breakfast and a rump full of plug, he gathered some accessories in a bag - including lube, a camera, and a towel - before heading out on his grand midday adventure!

Walking from his house to the ranch up north took a few hours, since he was pretty much in the heart of the city and Ilorek's ranch was on the outskirts of town, nestled between the urban sprawl and the surrounding forest. He was able to walk that distance with ease, since he had a lot of stamina and had brought some snacks with him to munch on as well as some music in his phone. He still refused to take out the plug, since his intention was to leave it in until he got to the farm, which would ensure he remained open for the stud.

Why walk instead of driving or biking? Simple: fewer items to worry about when he was busy. Last thing he needed was to leave a vehicle on the side of the road nearby to attract the attention of others, or to hide his bike and have someone steal it anyway. Just wasn't a good idea.

So instead he was going to walk it. He could use the exercise anyway.

Hours later, he found himself standing tall at the end of Ilorek's driveway, chest puffed out and tail high as he gripped the strap of his backpack. This was the true test of his mettle, to see if his plan was going to work. First thing's first, he needed to see if Ilorek was here. His intention was to cover his bases, see if the man of the house was around before getting to business. If he was, Krendius would feign interest in being in porn, which would explain the porn-related stuff in his pack. This way, his presence wouldn't be questioned even if he 'chickened' out. Contingency plans were important when fence-hopping, and Krendius never went home without about a dozen of them.

He padded his way up the lane, taking careful survey of all the creatures in the various pens. Like before, Oceris was in the long pasture between driveway and the forest, alone. Only this time, he trotted over to the fence to see the familiar face of Krendius! Unable to resist, Krendius took a slight detour to go and give the stud a bit of a pat and a rub down the shoulders before leaning down and checking to see if he was at all excited, and was blessed with the presence of a semi-firm erection dangling between his hind legs.

"Don't worry, mate. I'll come back to take care of you, soon." Krendius assured as he leaned in and gave the stallion a gentle nuzzle before leaving to go towards the house.

The other pens were all full of various creatures from horses to gryphons to dragons and ulokar alike, as well as a pen full of a herd of various cervines like deer and elk. Krendius wasn't sure if they were used for porn or for food (Maybe both), but it made his cock and mouth both water in delight.

After finally making it to the front door of the house, he raised his hand to knock and froze in place, unable to proceed. This was about to become real, and up to this point he'd mostly opted to just imagine everything going perfectly while his contingency plans were only there for formalities. What if Ilorek actually answered? What if Valencia answered? What if a farmhand was around? What if another guest came and-

It didn't matter. He had gone this far, and if anything else failed, he'd just say that he misinterpreted what Ilorek had told him behind the barn before Oceris burst out and made a mess of the barbecue. Given the nature of the ranch and the lewd things that happened there, Krendius had no doubt in his mind that, in the worst case, he'd just act all blushy and bashful about not knowing how to approach the situation.

Finally, he knocked at the door, loudly and aggressively to ensure that anyone inside would answer. Nothing came back, so he knocked again to make sure. Still nothing. Nobody was in the house, and if they were, they were avoiding the person at the door. Possible, but not likely.

Krendius was in the clear, and the moment he realized this his tail lifted up high and a smile spread across his face as his chest puffed out. Things were looking good, and his confidence was quickly rising to the level it needed to be in order to make this happen. He hopped over to the pasture with Oceris in it, a bounce in his step as his rump muscles clenched around the plug. It was about time to have his fun!

He slipped in between the barn and the fence of the pasture as Oceris followed him. Once he reached the corner, he undressed and tossed his clothes on his bag, nervously stepping in between the slats of the fence to join the stallion in the field. The plug was still in, but Krendius knew he had time so he was going to give Oceris the foreplay and pleasure he deserved before lifting tail and having a proper go at him.

"You ready for me, buddy?" Krendius asked as he leaned in to the stallion and wrapped his arms around his neck. Oceris was a very thick stallion, but the feathers around his neck was so soft, so comforting, and so pleasant to the touch that it was more like a teddy bear than a powerful horse. That only made Krendius a little more turned on, as it felt like he might be gentle!

Oceris nickered and swayed his head back and forth, dark mane glistening in the midday sun. It was clear that he was amicable and sociable towards Krendius, likely an effect of being part of this ranch for so long. Clearly, he was used to seeing people come and go all the time and had brought a certain self assurance upon himself that allowed him to display with confidence in the presence of strangers such as Krendius.

This made the fox incredibly excited. The horse showed no signs of shyness or hesitation, so Krendius glanced out to the driveway behind him to ensure nobody was there before slipping off to the side of the stallion's flank, mostly hidden behind the much larger creature. If anyone arrived they likely wouldn't see his naked form.

As he pressed in tight, he nuzzled up into Oceris' feathers and mane, sniffing at the light aroma of stallion sweat and the faintest hint of musk. The scent tingled his nethers to swell his cock in his sheath, the tip poking out the end to get gently caressed by the warm breeze. A light whimper escaped his lips as he leaned in closer, rubbing his sensitive shaft against Oceris' belly. "Damn stud, I haven't even touched you yet..." His voice trailed off as he closed his eyes and nuzzled into the horse's side, one hand gently reaching under belly to find the stallion's cock.

Oceris raised his head as he felt Krendius' hand grip and tug at his sheath, hind leg stomping gently a the ground while his back arched and tail lifted. He seemed agitated, or at least he would have if not for the fact that his member was swelling and throbbing and growing in the fox's hand, the weight pushing down as a slick moisture dampened his paw.

"" Krendius cooed at himself as the thick scent billowed up to his nostrils; he squeezed and rubbed along the stallion's shaft to smear the musky precum and sweat combination all over, ensuring his hands were soaked. Once he was sure that he was properly marked, he brought his hand up to his muzzle and smeared the mess all over himself, which in turn applied the smells directly to his fur, sticking it there. Even if he rinsed off that delicious, musky and earthy smell would be invading his nostrils for hours to come.

Of course, the aroma and pheromones triggered the last of Krendius' reserved desire, and his cock throbbed to full girth in his sheath, the knot and length swelling so big that everything inch of his shaft was poking out with only knot still hidden inside. The pleasure gained by having his member so close to the warmth of the stallion urged him to go ahead and pleasure himself, but he couldn't do that, he wasn't ready.

No, Oceris would finish him off! The inner fantasy was accented when Oceris lowered his head and grunted, lightly thrusting his hips into the fox's palm, tiny spurts of precum splashing out.

Every passing second saw the fox's reservation and caution melt away, his carnal lust and desire easily taking over where alertness and concern once were. He could feel that massive stallion cock in his hand, smell its scents directly on his snout, and was warmed by the natural warm of Oceris. He could see, hear, feel, and smell every bit of pleasure that Oceris was indulging in, leaving only taste to sample, making up the perfect balance of every one of his senses.

With that in mind, he gulped and licked his lips, glancing one final time over the stallion's haunches before crouching to one knee and cradling the cock tip between his fingers, angling it to his face. Oceris seemed to be enjoying himself, lightly grunting and gently bucking every few seconds as subsequent pumps came splashing out from the thick cock hole at the end. For a fleeting moment, Krendius imagined sliding his own cock into that open hole, but gagged a little at the thought, which in turn made him lose a bit of his erection. Not an appealing thought.

Still, the sight of that thick cock right up in his face coaxed his slutty side out and he couldn't help but lean in and wrap his maw around the wide rim of it, tongue lapping at the spongy flesh and sucking down every bit of earthy-sweet precum directly from the source. His maw's touch seemed to invigorate Oceris, because the stallion bucked harder than before and nearly knocked Krendius off his knee, at least until Kren wrapped both hands around the shaft for balance and control.

Sensing that his maw and teeth might not be the most pleasant for the horse, he twisted his maw off the cock tip and just gave the end a bit of a kiss, nuzzling into the soft flesh to smear more musky precum and sweat all over his muzzle. He lapped and licked and sucked back every bit, but not before letting the gooey mess roll on his tongue and dance on his taste buds first.

Oceris remained stoic but excited, standing in place and occasionally stomping in between tail flicks and head rearing. He didn't kick off or try to move at all, just kept thrusting and hip grinding and tensing up his cock to make the flare expand as goopy precum oozed out over Krendius' muzzle!

After one final loving lick, the fox decided it was time to move on with the fun. He gave a proper kiss to the tip and stood up, his fingers trailing along the underside of the stallion's cock before he walked away, tail up. The plug was still in his rump, and he knew that it was time to let Oceris have a go; he'd been so patient, he deserved it. However, as Krendius walked back to the fence, Oceris followed, head bobbing and cock swinging from side to side as he had done before, with webs of fluid splashing the grass beneath him.

"Well aren't you just the sexiest?" Krendius commented with a smile. However, much as he couldn't stand the thought of being away from that studly beast or making Oceris wait, he had a plug to extract and a gaping hole to offer! With that in mind, he squatted down, using the fence post as balance as he grabbed at the base of the plug, tugging and twisting as he grunted and pushed down. He could feel is inner rump flesh pushing down against the toy, his fox hole loosening up as tiny bits of lubricant and fluid squeezed out between flesh and glass with a juicy squishing sound.

Curious, Oceris leaned down and started sniffing at Krendius' rump, the warmth of his breath tickling the fox's fur. He extended his tongue to lick, but then reared his head up and peeled his lip back as if he was about ready to mount a mare. At that same time, the plug burst from Krendius in a splatter of self-made fluids and the lube he'd used to get it in there the night before!

Since his ass was gaped open and drooling, Krendius chose to not waste another moment! He grabbed at the fence and went to get up, only to have Oceris rear up and attempt to mount; the horse's sudden action scared Krendius a bit - he could have been crushed under hoof - but his fears were alleviated when he heard a powerful thump on the top rung of the fence. Oceris had landed on the wood slats, with his cock at full mast and spewing cum everywhere over his back.

"Whoa, whoa!" He grunted, mostly to himself, as he reached back to grab at the cock and help guide it. The stallion kept bucking and thrusting into him, every motion making his member tense and flail from side to side even as the veins throbbed and the flare exploded to full girth, which made grabbing at it something of a chore, even if it only served to excite him farther.

After a few failed attempts, Oceris hopped back off the fence and backed off, cock dangling at full flare beneath him and tiny spurts of white being spewed out. Krendius didn't want one drop of that to go to waste so he dove forward and landed on his back, maw open and ready to catch the next drip with his tongue out. His motions spooked Oceris a bit, so the horse reared up again and spun mid-raise, slamming hooves down far away from Krendius before lightly trotting away.

Krendius growled a bit at himself for letting his desire get in the way of reason; of course a sudden lurch in movement would startle an animal, even if that animal did seem to be well trained to have random people pleasuring him. He rolled back to his feet and grabbed the bottle of lube from his bag, dumping some in his fingers and applying it to his rump before gently making his way back over to Oceris, who was now at the opposing fence eating some leaves from the trees.

"Sorry about that." Krendius apologized, not really doing it for Oceris as much as himself. When he got up close, he leaned back into the stallion's shoulder and slid his hand under his belly, once again grabbing at the horse cock that was dangling there. It seemed to be gently wrinkled, as though he had lost his arousal, so Krendius was sure to offer all he could.

With only a few lube-aided strokes, Krendius was able to get Oceris hard as could be once again. The stallion bucked his hips and tensed his pelvic muscles to both expand flare and inflate his cock's veins, accenting every bit of texture he had as another thick spurt blasted out to land in the ground next to Krendius' footpaws.

There was a brief moment of hesitation and contemplation before Krendius bent over next to Oceris, still holding and cradling the horse's member under his tail. He was about to lean back into the thick cock, but was pre-empted when the stallion bucked into him. The flare popped in and pulled out with ease, only to once again end up dangling between their legs. Again, Krendius grabbed at the cock and guided it at his rump, but this time he was in control the entire time; When he leaned back he felt the girth of the shaft and the bulge of the flare plunge into him, spreading his flesh as it slid effortlessly deeper.

Krendius grunted as he grabbed at Oceris' front legs, using them as support as he shuffled under the stallion's belly, wagging his hips and grinding back against the girth that had sunk deeply into his body. The cock was easily thicker around than his arm even at its thickest point, and though Oceris wasn't thrusting back against Krendius, the fox could feel every bit of texture sliding gently in and out of him as he adjusted.

Veins, ridges, a median ring, the softness of expanded flare, and wrinkles along the length were all wonderful, but best accented by the velvet flesh near the stallion's cock base, connecting the shaft to the sheath. Just as Krendius was about to start bouncing forward and back, he was frightened by a powerful buck followed by Oceris rearing up tall.

In a split second, he'd nearly bolted away - an action he knew would leave his rump sore and gaping open with a juicy pop - but he didn't have time to move before Oceris once again landed on the top rungs of the fence, using it as leverage as he leaned in and flexed his hind end to forcefully slam Krendius unto the fence beneath him.

The fox's muzzle was pressed hard against the middle slat as his arms splayed out, barely able to wrap around the wood for balance against the power and force of the stallion. All around him, the long trailing hair of Oceris' hoof feathering tickled his shoulder and ears as the warmth of the horse's belly pressed down on his rump.

Friction from the stallion's member warmed his tailhole as the girth pumped in and out, every thrust applied with the force enough to destroy most people, but not Krendius. His rump had been pummeled and pulverized through years of abuse, tenderized by the likes of stallions and dragons and gryphons! He had trained well, and he knew he had all he needed to handle even the largest of studs.

Even then, Oceris was so well hung that his aggressive motions made the fox feel just the slightest bit uncomfortable. The flare, as it slid in and out of Krendius, tenderized the flesh that smothered it, tugging on the depths and pushing them all back in with an audible squelch followed by a hollow and guttural whoosh, each motion accented by an equine snort and a vulpine whimper. It was wonderful, but it just made Krendius fantasize about what his gut would feel like as he was inflated with seed.

Then, to his horror, he heard a voice.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Ilorek called out from afar. "Had I known, I would have been better prepared!"

Krendius felt his heart sink in an instant as his eyes practically bulged out of their sockets. He glanced from side to side to see if he could find Ilorek, but couldn't see him anywhere. Furthermore, he couldn't really slip out from under Oceris as the stud was violently mating him deep and hard. A brief moment passed before he managed to find Ilorek, sitting in the open door of the hayloft on the second story of the barn, legs dangling down and a bit of straw hanging out his beak. Behind him, Krendius could see Valencia, hanging from the rafters.

Much as his flight instincts told him to run, he figured there was really no point and he might as well let Oceris finish up. Nothing to be gained by ending it early, even if his member had shrunk and returned to its sheath in embarrassment and fear.

He faked a smile and pushed back against Oceris' thrust as Ilorek hopped down from the hayloft and opened the sliding door, revealing the filming equipment just inside. A second later, Valencia hopped down as well to help him by grabbing a handheld camcorder. The two of them hopped over the fence and made their way towards Krendius and Oceris.

Krendius knew that this was about to take an unfortunate turn, but he felt he couldn't really do anything about it. He was trapped, like a bitch tied to a knot three sizes too big. Couldn't run, and his mind was not running properly enough to come up with some sort of excuse or help him talk his way out of this. As an alternative, he just kept grinding back against the horse cock, lightly bouncing back and forth in between thrusts and bucking hips. It was then that he realized that he could feel the flare bulging out his belly, distending his abdominal wall.

When Ilorek and Valencia got near, Ilorek expanded the tripod beneath the camera and set it in place, aiming it right at the two of them so that it got a great view of stallion cock stretching the violet flesh of Krendius' foxhole. "Come on, smile for the camera!" He said with a jovial tone. "No need to be bashful now, Kren!"

Despite feeling like he'd been embarrassed in his reveal, something switched on in Krendius in that moment; maybe it was the cameras and maybe it was just his defeated sense of pride, but he let all his shame shed off him at once and he smiled as he looked back. His tail raised high and he gripped the wood of the fence, holding it tight as he aggressively pushed back against Oceris, grinding until he felt his haunches pressed against the stallion's hind legs.

To accent Ilorek's view, Valencia leaned in with the camcorder and got a good closeup of the action, focusing on Krendius' cock and ass, as well as the stallion bulge in his belly. She noticed that he wasn't hard or exposed, so she whistled at him. "Come on, fox! Show your excitement! Porn aint fun if you're not enjoying it, too!" Then, as if on command, Krendius allowed his arousal to coax his cock from its sheath while he kept grinding and pushing back.

Oceris could tell that his mare had gotten excited, so he started bucking back, grunting and arching his spine with tail up and head hunched over. His nostrils flared and his mane shook in the breeze as he snorted and thrust, time and time again. The stallion's cock pummeled the fox, thick shaft slipping in and out with an audible squelch every time. The bulge of the flare slid forward and back against Krendius' belly, at least until the beast stopped entirely to fill the fox with his seed.

"Hnnnngph!" Krendius grunted as he felt that massive member twitch and pulse, pumping that cum deep into him. The expansive girth of flare pressed out against his belly, forming a distinct shape in his midsection only to have that definition wane in the wake of the torrent of seed that filled him. He tried to push back and grind, but that seemed to force all the mess out of him with a pressurized spurt, so he simply pulled forward, leaving the flare tied to him just inside his rump.

"Good, good! You're a natural!" Ilorek cheered, bringing the camera in a bit closer to get a better look. "Now, lets get a good creampie shot, mmkay?"

Krendius felt, at this point, like obedience was really the only way to go, so he did as commanded and grabbed a hold of Oceris' softening cock and gently pulled it out, having the partially inflated flare popping out with a juicy squish followed by the expected torrent of cum that splashed and dribbled down his inner thighs. He held his rump cheek to the side, keeping his hole gaping open as more of the mess trickled out and Ilorek got a great shot up his insides.

But no matter how much he wanted to look good for the camera, he wanted that cum a whole lot more. With one swift motion, he turned and squatted down, cupping his hand over his gaping rump to collect as much of the mess as he could to smear it all over his muzzle. At the same time, he wrapped his other hands around Oceris' cock just beneath the flare, holding it in place to lick up every bit of cum that had coated his length, then aiming it at his face to capture the last gobs of semen that burst out onto his muzzle.

He wanted more, but it seemed Oceris was done. The stallion hopped off the fence and pulled away, cock shrinking and shriveling in his hand as it folded back up into its sheath. "No, no no...." Krendius whimpered as he scuttled forward on his knees, not wanting to let that glorious cock go. He kept with Oceris, nuzzling up to the shaft even as it disappeared into sheath. His tongue extended and explored the folds one final time before Oceris lost interest and walked away.

And there he was, covered in horse cum from snout to tail, soaked in it even as more dripped out from his rump end. He sat there on all fours with his back arched and tail raised as Valencia got a nice good view of every glistening strand of mess that was webbed over him. Now that the experience had ended, and he just felt like a fool. A delicious-smelling, tenderized and well satisfied fool, but a fool nonetheless.

The scene now over, Ilorek folded up the tripod and put it under his arm. "Seems we have some things to talk about now, don't we Krendius?"

"Yeah, seems we do. You're not going to release that video without my permission, are you?"

"Depends on how our conversation goes." Ilorek explained with a sly smile. "So let's talk."