Contractual Obligations

Story by summerlong on SoFurry

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#3 of Why Rent When You Can Own?

Hello again! Sorry, again for the wait, but hopefully this will be worth it! Another long one, so pace yourselves, heh. As always, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy!

And do make sure to mind the tags before reading, this is easily my meanest series.

Proofread by avatar?user=188394&character=0&clevel=2 SkyWing

Bunch of other fixes by avatar?user=330607&character=0&clevel=2 Torin_Otter andavatar?user=88350&character=0&clevel=2 Dexter Otter

Standard boiler plate: This is fantasy, not real. Simple rule of thumb, do not do things to people without their consent in real life. That is bad. No more to say there than that.


"Roger roger! Come in, home base! This is the Gym-Lobby-Checkpoint checking in: still no sign of bogey. Over."

Eric groaned, squinting as he pinched the bridge of his muzzle. "What the hell are you talking about, Kevin?" he asked into his headset's mouthpiece.

"Oh, I thought that was obvious. I'm still in the lobby. No sign of the doberman we're here to-"

"Ssshhhut up!!!" Eric hissed. "Our people may own this place, but that doesn't mean you can just announce shit like that to anyone within earshot!"

"-pick up, is what I was going to say," the hyena snapped back, more than a little annoyance evident in his voice. "Geez, fuck me for trying to have a little fun with this, huh? It's almost midnight, I'm pretty sure it's just him, us, the guy behind the counter, and that creepy janitor here at this point. Maybe two or three others, but that's it."

"Fair enough." Briefly muting his line, Eric let out an annoyed sigh. "And Doug isn't creepy. He's... observant... He's actually been my lookout on a few jobs now."

"That makes sense. I swear I can still feel that bug-eyed lemur staring at me through the wall."

"Could you just stay focused?" Grumbling, Eric shifted side to side, trying to get comfortable in his spot, hiding in the bushes beside his target's parked car. "Vincent isn't gonna give us another second chance if we fuck this up, alright?"

"Fine, I'll stay focused," Kevin said, grumbling under his breath. "I have a serious job too, you know. But that didn't stop you from cheering me on in the middle of court."

"Oh, that was one time! And I stopped when you asked me, didn't I?"

"No. You stopped when the judge TOLD you to."

"Psh. Now you're just splitting hairs."

The line fell silent for several peaceful seconds, up until the hyena chimed in again. "Hey, you remember our first time together?"

Eric blinked. "Yeah... Why?"

"Remember the guy we shared?"

"Yeah. Twinky rabbit, silken black fur, fingerless mitts cuffing his hands behind his back. All he wore was some kind of sheer lingerie stuff. He also had a carrot-shaped gag locked in his muzzle, stuffed down his throat to stifle all his screaming and squealing. His tailhole was amazing, barely stretchy enough to handle the both of us at once." Eric paused, idly pressing his thumb against bulge showing through his pants. "After, like, the third round fucking him, we got him to cum hands-free. His little prick managed to shoot all over your face, and some got up your nose. That's how we got started with caging our pets. You made him lick you clean while I used a sound to plug him up, then we went right back to it for the rest of the night." Silencing his line as he let out a slight moan, he pressed harder against his cloth-covered cock. "We ended up keeping him for over two weeks, and it nearly bankrupted us."

"That... fuck, man, I was just looking for a yes or no."

"I answered your question, didn't I?"

"Yeah, that was just really... vivid."

"No shit it was vivid. It was our first time together, and it was a-maze-ing. I remember it like it was yesterday."

"No kidding."

"So... why'd you bring it up, exactly?"

"Oh, I dunno, you mentioned splitting hairs, and it kinda just popped into my head."

"What? What does that have to-" Eric blinked. "Oh. Oh, dammit... splitting hares," he groaned, holding his hands over his face. "Great, thanks. Now I'm annoyed and horny while cramping up, squatting in the bushes. Thank you for making this job so much easier."

"Anytime!" Kevin shouted back, making no attempt to stifle the raucous, cackling laugh that followed. "Serves you right for making me remember the nose thing. Damn, I forgot how much that shit burned." He idly scratched at the rim of his left nostril.

"Then we're even," Eric said, letting out a slight chuckle. "So, any updates?"

"Nope, nothing yet. I think the girl at the counter is asleep, and 'Doug' passed by with the floor buffer again. Didn't take his eyes off me once." Kevin shuddered. "So creepy."

"Yeah, well, hold it together, our target shouldn't be much longer."

"Don't worry, I'm feeling pretty good." Smiling as he turned the page of the magazine he was barely reading, Kevin audibly perked up. "You know, if I'm being honest, this is fun! I feel like a spy, waiting to ambush his target. I can't believe you never asked me to come along with you before!"

"You were there when we picked up Joey, weren't you?"

"Please, you can't count that! You didn't even let me get out of the car." Kevin gave an indignant huff that filtered through the line as a crackling burst of static. "...I don't suppose I could join you again sometime?"

"Sure, I guess. Ninety percent of my job isn't like this at all, more enforcement and muscle. As long as this is a success, I don't see why you couldn't come along on my next acquisition though. So stop yammering and keep your eyes peeled, okay?"

"Ten-four good buddy!" the hyena cheerfully, going silent immediately after.

Despite letting out another annoyed groan, Eric couldn't help but smile. It was nice to have his husband along for a job, breaking up the monotony a bit. As good a lookout as the lemur was, Kevin was right about him being creepy. His style of conversation had a way of making one hour feel like days, especially when he got started on his bug collection.

Eric grumbled, stealthily slapping a mosquito that landed on his cheek before it could bite. He found himself wishing the damn dog had chosen to park somewhere with a less buggy hiding spot. Then again, it was in probably the most well-hidden area in the entire lot, so it had its advantages. More than anything, the only real thing on his mind was getting home once the job was done and splitting some hares of their own... No, dammit. Splitting horse... He shook his head, quietly cursing the fact that the terrible joke had gotten stuck in his head. And his damn pants were still blatantly tented too. Of all the times for-

"Hey, Eric?" Kevin chimed in again.

"For crying out loud!" Eric scream-whispered through clenched teeth. "Stay! Quiet! Why is that so hard?"

"I was just gonna tell you he's heading to his car and no one else is around. You're all clear. But if you're gonna be a dick about it, never mind."

"Oh... Sorry, Kevin. Thanks." Eric dropped down to a soft whisper as he saw the doberman strolling to his car. "I'll let you know when it's done, going silent."

"Good luck! Love you!"

" you too..." Eric whispered back, smiling as he readied his dart gun. Aiming it toward the approaching canine's neck, he waited patiently for his target to get just a little closer.

Jace obliviously hummed as he approached his car, keeping his ears pinned back against his short-cropped black headfur. His fur glistened in the moonlight, still slightly damp from a long post-workout shower. He had changed out of his gym clothes, now wearing a tight black t-shirt and blue jeans, showing off his wiry, lightly muscled form. A bulging duffel bag was slung over his shoulder, swaying back and forth with each step.

Getting his first good look at the doberman though his gun's scope, Eric quickly understood why his boss was so eager to claim him as a pet. The brown-and-black-furred dog clearly took pride in his appearance, well-groomed and fit, with a chiseled, yet slender runner's build. He was masculine, dominant, and so very, very fuckable. Despite his best attempts to maintain a laser focus on his aim, Eric couldn't stop himself from picturing him all trussed up in latex and chains while bent over the back of their couch, getting his ass railed to its very depths. Slowly exhaling through his nose, he calmed himself, holding perfectly still as his target fished his keys out of his pocket and popped the trunk of his dented sedan. The instant the dog tossed his duffel-bag inside, Eric pulled his trigger, firing a dart with a barely audible pop.

Staggering backward a step at the sudden painful stinging sensation, Jace slapped the side of his neck. "Damn mosquitos..." he grumbled. Feeling something odd, he grabbed hold of the offending item and brought it up to his face. He squinted, showing a slight sneer as he tilted his head, unable to make sense of the small shard of sharp plastic sitting in the middle of his palm. Looking left and right in total confusion, his eyes were drawn to a flash of metal glinting out from the bushes. "What the hell?..." he mumbled, just before stumbling to the side, his eyelids growing heavy as he crashed to the asphalt in a heap.

"Got 'im, make sure no one else is coming and get on over here," Eric said, stiffly crawling out of the bushes. He promptly got to work, hefting the dog into his own trunk beside his bag, cuffing his wrists and ankles, making sure to loop the chains together to effectively hogtie him. As he pulled a simple fabric muzzle from his pocket, he eyed the duffel bag, and a mischievous grin crept across his face. The moment he unzipped the bag, the pungent odor of the contents struck his sensitive nose, forcing him to hurriedly retrieve a bundle of white, sweaty fabric before zipping it right back shut. Stuffing the fabric into the unconscious doberman's open mouth, he pulled the muzzle down over his snout, clipping it behind his head to keeping his jaw trapped shut.

"Nice job! That was pretty easy, huh?" the hyena said, jogging up from behind. He licked his lips, taking a moment to admire their bound abductee.

"It's always easier when we get to do this at one of our legit businesses. No cameras, controlled area, known escape routes. Plus, remember, it's super late, that's always a plus."

"True, true," Kevin said, nodding. "Since it was so easy, how about we cut those clothes off him?" he asked, craning his head down to check out the dog's bulge. "I'm curious to see what he's packing."

"No, not essential," Eric said. He abruptly slammed the trunk shut, turning to face the hyena. "Fun stuff can wait until we're home, okay?"

"Maybe just a peek?" Placing his fists on his hips, Kevin grinned demurely at his husband.

"Seriously, no," Eric said, crossing his arms as he puffed out his chest. "We don't fuck where we eat.'"

"That's... huh?"

"It's one of the biggest rules to the job, especially after an incident last year where one of our guys stopped to play with an acquisition before getting him to a secure place. Someone else came wandering along, then ran and got a cop... It was a whole thing. By the end of it we had to take them all in. I think the cop and 'good Samaritan' are still working in the brothel." Eric paused to scratch the back of his head. "You know that skinny gray wolf they keep strapped belly-down to a sawhorse in the brothel's lobby, right?"

"The one with the dental gag and spiked sheath-cage? Oh, I definitely remember him."

"Yeah, well, he's the one that fucked it all up. They 'demoted' him to be a public-use fuck-hole for life because he couldn't keep it in his pants. So you can see why I'd like to avoid any further fuck-ups, right?"

"Damn..." Kevin crossed his arms, giving a small chuckle. "So that's who that is, huh? Interesting. I've fucked him a couple times."

"Me too. And his throat." Eric couldn't help but smile, doing a bit more reminiscing over the times he'd spent slamming his crotchfur against his former coworker's nose. "If you're done yapping, I'll take his car, you take ours, and we'll meet at the quarry to stage the accident. Once we're back home you can see all the doggy dick you want, okay?"

Grinning toothily, Kevin held his muscular arms behind his back and took a step forward, going chest to chest with the shorter wolverine. "You know, seeing you all serious, confident, and commanding all night was a huge turn-on," he said, locking eyes with his husband.

"And seeing you so... giddy and excitable was weirdly hot too," Eric replied. Grabbing his husband in a powerful bear-hug, they locked muzzles in a deep, loving kiss. Pulling back from the hyena's hot mouth, a lingering strand of saliva still linking their lips, he simply smiled. "Now, how about we get this wrapped up so we can get back home to Joey? I'm rock-fucking-hard right now."

"Me too."

"Think he's ready to take us both?"

"I think so, but either way, ready or not, here we come, right?"

Snickering, Eric stepped back, slugging the hyena's left arm. They shared a final grin before each going their separate ways, heading out to finish the job.


Abruptly snapping awake, Jace opened his eyes, pulling back into a pained squint when a bright, oppressive light assaulted his senses. The all-encompassing whiteness added a distinctly agonizing quality to the brutal migraine thundering in his temples. He shook his head, blinking several times as he began to stir, trying to clear his head and remember what the hell had happened the previous night. Mostly, he was simply praying that he hadn't relapsed, though, given how he felt, he wasn't optimistic. There were enough problems weighing him down as of late without his alcoholism showing up again.

Glancing around at his immediate surroundings, he was relieved not to see any bottles nearby. On the other hand, the fact that he did not recognize where he awoken - apparently on the floor of an unfamiliar room - was sending a chilly tingle of dread creeping up his spine. As the grogginess gave way to fear-based clarity, he noticed that the mystery room had no windows, only one heavily locked door, and contained a genuinely upsetting selection of chains and other restraints.

Wishing to get a better look at his surroundings and find some kind of an explanation, Jace rolled onto his belly, making a weak attempt to stand up. Much to his growing terror, he found that his arms and legs had been bound behind his back, keeping him from doing much more than awkwardly writhing on the floor. As far as he could tell, he had been hogtied. That was the last straw, sending him into a full panic, frantically pulling against his restraints, crying out for help as hard as he was able.

Or, at least, he tried to call for help. Something had been locked on his face, keeping him from moving his jaw at all. Frustrated, he bit down on a thick wad of padded cloth stuffed in his mouth, causing the pungent taste of his own musky sweat to flood his senses. Pressing against the cloth with his tongue, he recognized the salty cotton as his damn jockstrap. His jockstrap was stuffed in his mouth, held in place by a muzzle.

The realization only made Jace scream harder, though, at best, his cry of abject terror filtered through his impromptu gag as little more than a squealed whimper.

As if triggered by his waking struggles, the room's only apparent exit unlocked with a metallic clank and swung open. Jace folded his tall, pointed ears back, holding completely still, simply watching from his corner as a pair of blurry figures strolled in, slamming the door shut behind them. Focusing his eyes, he made out what appeared to be a wolverine and hyena walking into the center of the room, turning to face him, revealing a third figure standing between them.

...A horse...

...A familiar horse...

"JOEY?!?" Jace choked out, nearly inhaling his jockstrap in the process. The horse was barely recognizable, looking so... so exhausted, disheveled, defeated, and... almost totally bare. Still, even with the bridle and blinders partially obscuring the horse's face, he had no doubt this was indeed his missing friend... standing naked between two strangers... in some sort of folksy, nicely furnished dungeon... with... with some kind of metal object glinting between his legs.

Hearing the canine's cry, the newly arrived trio looked his way. Joey demurred, turning away the moment he caught eyes with his captured friend. He was too ashamed to acknowledge the dog's presence, especially knowing that if it weren't for his own endless stupidity, he never would've destroyed the dog's life.

"Looks like he's awake," the hyena said, "You want to give him the whole rundown, or do you want me to do it?"

"Eh, It's late," the wolverine replied, giving a tired shrug. "I say we have our fun with Joey and handle him in the morning. The sedatives will probably have him somnolent again in a few minutes anyway."

"Come on, Eric, it's too late to deal with that nonsense. You're not impressing anyone, just say sleeping, okay?"

"Oh, fuck you, Kevin. I like that one." Crossing his arms, Eric snorted at the hyena. "So, are we gonna get started or are you gonna keep bitching me out?"

"I'm fine either way, frankly," Kevin said, smirking. He grabbed the wolverine by his shoulders, pulling him in close while sandwiching the nervous horse between them. They gazed at each other over the pinned equine's shoulder for several seconds, sharing a loving smile. "I think at the moment I'd prefer the former option."

Jace blinked rapidly, both in complete disbelief, and utter confusion. Even if he wasn't so thoroughly gagged, he would've been stunned into speechlessness by the whole situation. It had to be some kind of nightmare. He had been too focused on Joey going missing, and he was having a nightmare. Nothing more. Any minute, he'd wake up and this would be a bad, fading memory.

And yet, somehow, through the exhausted haze clouding his mind, he knew all too well it was all too real.

These two strangers were treating him like he was an item, like he wasn't even there. And Joey... something was seriously wrong with Joey. His friend was just standing there so timidly, so broken and meek, a far cry from his normally cocky, confident, admittedly dickish self.

When the wolverine and hyena released Joey from their group hug, Jace's eyes widened, seeing that the equine's shapely rump not only seemed to feature the letters 'E' and 'K' blatantly tattooed across the cheeks, but the base of some sort of plug was just barely visible under his tail. He might've missed that detail, if not for the long pump dangling down from the toy like a rubbery second tail.

That last part was especially confusing... Jace knew from personal experience that as far as sexual proclivities go, the horse was as straight as an arrow... So... why would he...


...unless the miserable bastards had kidnapped him as some sort of sex slave? Was... was THAT why he went missing!?! It made sense, as much as he hated to admit it...


He had solved the mystery. He found his friend. And all he had to show for it was getting captured just the same. He did have to wonder how exactly they found him when he had absolutely no idea what had happened to the horse, but that was a concern for another time.

Finally understanding the depths of his predicament, he felt energized, inspired to break free at any cost. He thrashed wildly about, pulling against his bonds, flopping this way and that, futilely struggling to get any part of his body free. For all his efforts, all he accomplished was learning that - same as the horse - he had been stripped down to his fur. He let out another muted scream, his attempts to kick out wrenching painfully on his wrists as he writhed atop his corner futon.

As he continued to fight, filling the room with muffled grunts and the tinkling of his metal cuffs, an unnatural exhaustion began to wash over him. His eyelids grew heavy as his breathing grew labored, the fog addling his brain steadily worsening due to his exertion. In spite of the dizzying haze, he willed himself to stay awake, ceasing his pointless struggles long enough to figure out some means of escape.

Ignoring the dog's unimpressive outburst, Kevin reached behind the horse's back and cupped the ass-cheek marked with a 'K', giving it a rough squeeze. He held his grip firm, slowly running his claw around the rim of the puffy, plug-stuffed tailhole, letting out a low cackle at the frantic panting that followed. "What do you say, Joey?" he asked, going nose to nose with the horse, "Ready to officially join our family?"

Joey shifted his weight from hoof to hoof, glancing over his shoulder toward the doberman. For once, he was grateful for the blinders he was forced to wear; not only did they allow him to escape the dog's worried, confused, almost accusatory stare, but they also hid his own reddened, tired eyes. Then again, they did nothing to spare him from the hyena's hungry gaze, mere inches from his face.

All at once, looking back into those unblinking eyes, the deal Joey had made with the otter came thundering back into his mind. Do whatever he's told and Jace will... will have a better... will be... Jace will be safe. He held back a sigh, burying any dignity he had remaining as he gave an accepting nod. For Jace's sake... for his only friend's sake... over the next two weeks, he would resign himself to being nothing more than an obedient little toy for his... his masters. "...pleesh ug my ash..." he mumbled past the bit with his eyes fixed on the floor.

"Hey, good to see a little enthusiasm!" Eric cheerfully shouted from behind, giving the horse's 'E'-marked ass-cheek a playful slap. Dropping down to one knee, he grabbing hold of the butt-plug's dangling rubber bulb and twisted the valve, allowing the massively inflated toy to deflate. After several long seconds of hissing air, Eric gave the plug a firm yank just before it shrank to its smallest size, roughly wrenching it free from the sloppy, cum-filled tunnel's grip with a squelching pop. "Looks like he's still slick from his stay with the boss."

The brief shock of pain buckled Joey's knees, forcing him to lean against the hyena to remain standing. He let out an involuntary, guttural groan, welcoming the emptiness of his gaping hole, even if he knew it was little more than a brief respite. The twitching of his cock inside its cage was far less of a relief, only causing more frustration as it failed to swell through the curved metal bars.

"That's good, let's get right to it. I've been at full mast since the damn parking lot." Taking a step back from the horse, Kevin pulled his shirt off, tossed it to the floor, then unbuckled his belt. He promptly let his pants fall to the floor as well, showing off his lack of underwear as his fat, energetically throbbing cock sprang free.

"Geez, no kidding," Eric said, curiously tilting his head as he looked down at his husband's pulsing shaft. "Did... did you get bigger?"

"No idea." Kevin replied, giving a slight shrug. Placing his hands on his hips, he arched his back, causing a barely audible series of cracks as he stretched. "It sure as hell feels bigger right about now," he added, giving his hips a wiggle, swaying his shaft to and fro.

"Remind me to get the tape measure later," Eric said, tossing the deflated plug away. "Alright then, how were you wanting to do this?" Following his husband's example, he rapidly disrobed, revealing his own engorged cock. "Bottom-and-back or sides?"

Jace's tall, pointed ears crept upright, warily swiveling, gradually realizing precisely what their captors had planned.

"Hmmmm..." Kevin said, tapping his chin with his thumb. "I think bottom-and-back sounds good for tonight. Which do you want to take?"

"Back, obviously," Eric replied. "I wanna watch his hole get streeee-yetched out." He formed a small circle with his fingers, expanding it until his hands separated.

"Can't argue there." Smirking, Kevin got into position, lying flat on his back atop the fluffy carpet. He crooked a finger at the horse, making absolutely sure it was within the blinders' field of view, then gave his lap a couple of slow pats. "Hop on aboard, Joey."

Barely able to control his breathing, bordering on hyperventilating, Joey nevertheless did as he was told, straddling the hyena's waist. He clumsily dropped to his knees and bent over, landing on all fours above his pleased master. Turning his head away to avoid any further eye contact, he flinched when the hyena abruptly bucked his hips off the floor, slapping the tip of his cock against his gaping tailhole. He gnawed fitfully on his bit-gag, reminding himself over and over that he was doing it for Jace. As long as the dog's fate wasn't weighing on his conscience... any more than it already was... he could survive it. After all he'd been through, he could survive a little more.

Unfortunately, as he opened his eyes to see, he realized that his new position put him directly facing the bound doberman. It was too late to try to move, and even if he complained, chances were the sick fuckers did it on purpose, wanting him to watch his friend watching him getting his ass torn apart.

Helpless to intervene, Jace gave a small, sympathetic whimper, attempting to show his friend some kind of support.

Grabbing hold of the horse's waist, Kevin lifted his hips, blindly prodding with his cock until he felt a telltale moist warmth against its tip. Having found his target, he pressed the horse downward, impaling the first half of his cock into the greasy, stretched hole inch by inch. It took scarcely fifteen more seconds for the rest of his shaft to be sheathed within the groaning horse's experienced rear, which was having little difficulty accommodating even his impressively sizable shaft. "Give me a moment to prime him a bit, then you can join in," he said, sighing at the wonderful warmth squeezing down around his length.

"You're not gonna blow early and ruin it, are you?" Eric asked, laughing at the wrathful glare from the hyena.

"One fuckin' time I do that and you can't fuckin' let me forget it, huh."

"Twice. Once with the deer, and once with that chubby fox. You didn't even get into the fox before painting his ass."

"Fuckin' hell, twice, then! I've learned some restraint since, when are you gonna let that go?"

Eric laughed. "As soon as teasing you about it stops being fun."

With a snort, Kevin hid a slight smirk, focusing back on the task at hand. After strengthening his grip on the horse's waist, he proceeded to guide him up and down, effectively bouncing him on his lap while thrusting his pelvis upward to match the pace, altogether vigorously fucking his ass.

Slowly stroking his own cock at the lovely show, watching with rapt attention at the hungry tunnel swallowing a solid ten inches of hyena cock, Eric eventually took his place kneeling behind the horse, straddling both his and the hyena's legs. Aside from lifting the horse's tail to get a better view of the donut stretching around his husbands thrusting length, he was content to sit back on his heel, waiting for the hyena's signal.

Stunned nearly to the point of being outright paralyzed, Jace watched on as well, unable to look away as the hyena mechanically pistoned upward, fucking his friend right in the ass. He was beginning to feel lightheaded again, the pure stress on the situation making his heart race, worsening the effects of the drugs lingering in his system. His stomach was churning as well, which was something of a more immediate concern, given the muzzle locked on his face.

And yet, worst of all, amid the sight of the horse's sweaty, contorting face and the sounds of grunting and wet slapping, he felt a mild heat radiating outward from his sheath. He was almost surprised when he craned his head down to see the red, pointed tip of his cock pushing its way out. Gasping through his muzzle, he tried to curl up in the fetal position, hiding his shamefully growing erection between his thighs. Hogtied as he was, all his renewed struggles accomplished was drawing the wolverine's attention.

"Hey, looks like the new pup likes what he sees!" Eric shouted, giving the horse's ass another swat while the hyena continued his brutal pounding.

Startled by additional impact, Joey looked up at the doberman, and his eyes were instantly drawn to the sight of the half-hard canine shaft standing out against his tan-furred belly. He was stunned into a confused silence, almost grateful for the pain in his rear and the ever-present throbbing in his cage to act as distractions. Refusing to consider it any further, he turned his head away again, chalking it up to a reaction from the sedative.

Beyond humiliated, Jace used every ounce of strength he had left to launch himself onto his other side. It was true he had held certain unrequited feelings ever since they first shared a locker room, he knew the horse wasn't interested in swinging his way. He had spent years dreaming of that ass, fantasizing about any situation where Joey might decide to return his feelings, and as horrifying as this situation was, a purely physical reaction was out of his control. Clenching his eyes shut, he drowned out the ambient sounds by screaming inside his head, wishing for nothing more than his nightmare to end.

"...hnnnwhat wuzzat?" Kevin asked, biting his lip as he ceased pumping the horse's hips up and down, holding him flush against his lap, fully sheathed within his rump.

"Eh, nothing important," Eric replied, grinning at the devastated canine's back and bound limbs.

"Alright then. Our pet's as primed as he's gonna get, come on in."

"Finally!" Sighing with relief, Eric ceased jerking his length, instead pressing it under the horse's tail. "I can't wait till we can get straight to this part with him." After shifting his hips to adjust the angle of his penetration, he worked his tip between the horse's stretched rim and his husband's cock, eventually getting the first inch inside. Steadily, he began pushing forward, inching his length inside bit by bit, the unbelievable tightness of his ass and the pulsing underside of the hyena's cock driving him absolutely wild along the way. He regretted mocking his husbands former hair trigger, already close to popping himself.

Joey, meanwhile, was having a far less enjoyable experience. An extended, pained groan was rumbling past his gag, punctuated only by the odd few grunts and squeals. His fingers had dug several dark scratches into the carpet, while his hooves had done much the same, leaving a wide pair of furrows in his attempts to remain upright. He never would've thought he'd find himself thankful for constantly being forced to wear a butt-plug, and yet, here he was. If it weren't for that unreasonably large torture device prepping his rear night after night... he refused to consider the thought any further. As it was, getting stretched far past a reasonable limit was excruciating, but at least he could handle it.

Shortly after the initial shock had passed, the pain in his backside was no longer his biggest problem; he'd been ridden so much as of late, it was becoming fairly routine. Of a far greater concern was his cock, forced in a downward curve between his balls, throbbing through the metal bars of his cage with an endlessly increasing need. Despite the endless parade of sexual confrontations he had to endure, his last orgasm had been over a week ago, and it was getting to the point he'd do anything just for another real erection.

That right there was the cruelest of the otter's rules... it wasn't having to beg for cock, it wasn't having to beg to service any guest they might have... it was being forced to decline if... IF they ever offered to remove his cage. Swallowing his dignity was one thing... swallowing another man's cum was another... After all he'd endured, trapped in this hell, if he was offered the smallest hint of pleasure, he wasn't honestly sure if he could pass it up, no matter the consequences.

With one final shove, the wolverine's length was embedded entirely within the horse's rump, nestled snugly beside his husband's. The fleshy, equine ring was stretched taut, quivering and twitching around the twin penetrations. His thighs flush against his pet's rounded, tattooed ass-cheeks, Eric let out a deep sigh, grinding his crotchfur against the base of the horse's tail. "Holy fuuuuuuck," he moaned, "this might seriously be the single greatest one we've done yet."

"Can't... disagree..." the hyena replied, grunting between breaths.

"You ready? I'm not gonna last long like this."

"Start... counting... then..."

"Okay, starting now... one..." Feeling the hyena's hands grip his own around the horse's waist, Eric smiled. "...Two..." His thighs were twitching, barely able to restrain his desire. "Three..." Immediately after he had spoken the final number, in perfect unison, both he and his husband lifted their double-stuffed pet upward, removing all but their cock-tips from his rump.

Joey reared his head back, whinnying out a soft moan, relieved that some of the pressure in his colon was removed. Unfortunately, though very predictably, that small bit of grace was short-lived.

"Four," Eric muttered as he and his husband yanked the horse back down, not stopping until his donut had returned to its previous position, touching the roots of both cocks.

His moan switching to a squealed, reverberating wail, Joey could have sworn he had just taken a punch to the gut from the inside. Everything flashed white as he reflexively stretched his leg out straight, twitching it in the air before lowering it to kick at the carpet.

And just like before, the agony was promptly overshadowed by the fact that the immense double-penetration had slammed against his prostate, sending a pulse of agonizingly denied pleasure radiating throughout his cage. He thrashed his head side to side, wishing his gag was gone if only so he could scream. Trapped as a slave, getting fucked by two guys at once with his only friend tied up a few feet away, and yet all he could think of was jerking off.

Unburdened by the horse's crisis, Eric spoke up again, counting off, "One... two... three... four..." in a steady sequence. With each number, he and his husband pulled the horse up, then back down, then up again, setting a rhythmic pace for using his rump as a living fleshlight. After counting through several cycles, he fell silent and let instinct take over. Keeping to the established rhythm, he began moving his hips as well, slapping his thighs against the horse's tattooed ass-cheeks while smacking his and the hyena's heavy testicles together. The mild knocks to his balls only served to spur him on, rapidly picking up speed as he belted out a loud, rumbling moan. The excessive - yet still accommodating - tightness crushing down around his cock was possibly the single most pleasurable thing he had ever experienced.

Not to be outdone, Kevin resumed pumping his hips upward, moving what little he was able to join the wolverine in ravaging their pet's rear. The slight difference in the speeds of their thrusting soon put them out of sync, though the added friction of their shafts moving against one another only added another dimension to the raw pleasure of the act.

Joey screwed his eyes shut tight, sickened by the moistness he could feel spreading out from the tip of his cock. He cursed himself, realizing that he was involuntarily gyrating his hips, smearing beads of pre-cum all over the hyena's crotchfur. The shafts jockeying for space in his tunnel were barely noticeable compared to the screaming within his cage.

After several minutes of furious slapping, alongside a chorus of grunts and moans, Eric leaned forward, biting down on the horse's mane as he increased the speed of his thrusting. Clenching his butt-cheeks, he abruptly slowed to a near stop as he climaxed, pumping shot after shot of cum into his pet's overly-stuffed insides. The moment he was completely finished cumming, he let go of the horse's waist and spat out his mane. Sitting back against his heels, awash in a very welcome afterglow, he panted heavily, his tongue suggestively lolling out the side of his mouth. He looked down, licking his lips as he watched his white goo leak past the horse's tailhole, waiting for the hyena to finish as well.

As soon as he felt his husband's spooge sloshing around his cock, Kevin finally stopped holding back. With another couple upward thrusts, he belted out a cackling howl, firing several more globs of cum into the messy hole. He didn't need to look to know that most of it the mixed fluids were overflowing down his scrotum and onto the floor, and he didn't care. Panting the same as his husband as his wonderful afterglow set in, he took the horse completely by surprise by reaching up to clutch him in a tight hug.

"I fucking love you Joey," he said, speaking directly into the tall, equine ear. "That was probably the best I've ever had."

"Me too," Eric agreed. He groped the base of the horse's tail before moving down to massage his cheeks. "We really owe you for trying to mug me." Snickering, he gave the 'E' tattoo another swift slap. "Maybe we should get him a real bed tomorrow. He deserves a treat, and it'd be nice to try this on an actual mattress."

"We'll see. For now, we should probably get to bed. Been a long day."

"Yeah, good idea."

Joey did little more than mumble. To him, the greatest night of his captors' lives was nothing more than another round of torture. He glanced over at his friend, hearing a soft snoring, probably meaning the dog was asleep, having been overtaken by the sedatives again. Letting out a slight whine, he only hoped he could keep this all up for the next two weeks, or he was sure neither of them would ever sleep so soundly again.


Joey stared silently into the darkness, only occasionally blinking to moisten his eyes. Shortly after he had brought his captors to climax, they unceremoniously removed their sloppy, cum-slick shafts from his rear, wiped themselves clean, and carried him over to the couch, gently depositing his prone form on the cushions. Taking care to lock his collar to a chain on the wall - likely in order to keep him from attempting to unbind his friend - they wished him goodnight and headed upstairs, playfully recounting their favorite moments of the evening.

Even though he had learned to expect the familiar clank of the door locking behind them, this time it was like a thunderbolt, forcing his heart to skip a beat. When the lights shut off, he never felt more alone. All he could do was roll onto his side and stare out into the abyss.

It was nice, at least, that they had neglected to stuff his butt-plug back in before leaving. It was his first night without it since he had first been introduced to his life as a pleasure-slave, and the lack of the massive intrusion was almost a pleasure unto itself. Then again, without the plug keeping all the loads he had taken throughout the day sealed within his ass, he was forced to spend the better part of the night leaking the slick ooze out of his cavernous gape, down his tail, pooling on the plastic-lined couch.

And no matter how disgusted he may have been, his caged prick was only becoming more insistent with its demand for release. Without the prostate stimulation, he had to assume the need would fade over time. Still, he let his hands wander down to his throbbing cockflesh, reminiscing over all the times he had jacked off in his life, before being driven half-mad by pent-up lust.

Rolling onto his side, relieving some of the pressure on his sore hole, he resolved again to get out of there someday, no matter the cost. And Jace. Whatever the cost, he'd find a way to save them both. He craned his head in the direction of his friend's soft snoring, unable to see anything more than an indistinct outline of his body.

As much as he tried to ignore it, Joey's couldn't help but think about the doberman's erection during his previous rape. There was nothing stimulating him, and, so far as he remembered, the drugs they used didn't have any kind of aphrodisiac effects. So why... would... he... All the times they'd shared a locker room, the dog's eyes always seemed to linger a bit while he was changing... was he?..

Joey bit down on his gag, forcibly blanking his mind. It was the drugs, the drugs and nothing else. They had known each other forever, and even through his issues with kleptomania... and inability to hold down a job... and utter lack of self control... the dog was always there for him. They were always best friends, maybe even like brothers. They were that, and nothing else. They were brothers.

And once again, his brother was paying the price for his damned stupidity.

Sighing again, Joey blinked away a growing wetness in his eyes, going numb as his exhaustion finally set in, and surrendered himself to the darkness.


Jolted awake by a wet warmth pressing between his cheeks, Joey gasped sharply, surprised to find that his blinders and gag had been removed during his blackout.

"Mornin' Joey!" a familiar voice cheerfully intoned.

Warily, Joey looked over his shoulder as he worked the kinks out of his jaw, fully expecting the wolverine to be erect, poised over his rump and ready to spear his sore entrance. To his surprise, his master was not only fully clothed, he was kneeling on the floor, off the side of the couch, wielding a bucket of warm, soapy water. The pressure against his tailhole was nothing more than a damp washcloth, cleaning up the remaining dried fluids marking his rump.

"Kevin's off to work, so I'm in charge of cleanup," Eric said, dabbing the cloth back into the bucket. Grinning, he placed the moistened towel under the horse's tail, pushing it just past the loosened ring with two fingers. "You must've had a lot of fun last night, huh? Your cage was positively soaked! I got it all cleaned up before you even made a sound, though."

Joey bit his lip at the slight penetration, absolutely nothing compared to what he had just taken. The mild probing did, however, reawaken his caged prick, pulsing with a dull ache between his legs. He instinctively reached down to stroke at his exposed flesh only to find that his hands had been cuffed behind his back. Deeply exhaling through his nose, he kept completely silent, refusing to acknowledge the wolverine's presumption.

Chuckling, Eric removed the soiled cloth, dropped it into the bucket with a small splash, and leaned over to grab something new. "Since you were so good last night, I thought you deserved a little treat this morning," he said, firmly placing his hand on the horse's shoulder, pinning him to the couch.

Jumping at the touch, Joey began to tremble, picturing whatever new torture was headed his way. Fully expecting to feel a fist shoving up his gaped rump, he was taken aback by the feel of a hair-brush gently passing through his back fur, down over the curve of his ass, then starting over again at his shoulder-blades.

"Don't squirm so much," Eric said, "your fur's pretty tangled, there's going to be a few knots."

Joey continued to hold silent, not even sure how he could possibly respond to this new development. Having his slaver and repeated rapist gently... lovingly... brushing his tail was a special kind of terrifying, but at the same time, with everything else that had happened, getting a fur grooming out of nowhere was a... a nice change of pace.

After several more trips through his back fur, Joey was visibly shuddering under the wolverine's touch, tugging against his shackles as he jerked his hips, subconsciously grinding his cage against the couch's plastic coating. The moment the brush traveled a little lower, continuing down over his tail, he couldn't stop himself from letting out a long, pleasured moan. Clamping his mouth shut as soon as he was able, he ignored the wolverine's distracted laughter, grateful that Jace wasn't awake to witness that.


Looking over at the bound doberman, Joey was horrified to see that the still muzzled canine had - at some point - awoken, and was staring directly at him with an expression split evenly between shock, fear, confusion, and disgust. He wanted to say something to defend himself, but if he opened his mouth, he was certain he was going to be sick.

Mercifully, a resounding chime rang out through the enclosed room, causing Eric to cease his brushing. "Huh," he grunted, rising to his feet as he scratched the back of his head. "Wasn't expecting any company today. One sec, Joey." Tossing the brush onto a nearby counter-top, he unlocked the main door and walked out, making sure to lock it behind him.

The moment they were left alone, Jace began thrashing in his bonds, flopping up and down in an attempt to summon his friend over to untie him. Or maybe just explain what was happening. Joey could only lower his ears and look away. Even if his arms weren't bound, he couldn't risk doing anything that would make things worse for his friend. Not with the otter watching.

If only he could go back in time to the night this all started and reconcile with Jace instead of trying to mug that damn wolverine... if only...

Desperate for a distraction, Joey was relieved to hear the door reopening. Expecting to see the wolverine returning, he went white as a sheet when he looked up to see a business-suit-clad otter staring back at him, a menacingly toothy grin plastered on his face.

"Morning, Joey," Vincent said, theatrically slamming the door behind himself. The otter had the same slicked-back headfur as yesterday, though he was wearing a new suit, this one a rich, vibrant blue. He appeared as smug as ever, hungrily sizing up the new bound canine pet as he stepped further inside. "Eric was kind enough to give us the room for a little while." Turning his head back toward the horse, he narrowed his eyes to slits. "I hope you don't mind if I stop by to have a chat with my new pup, hm?

Paralyzed with fear, Joey was barely able to bring himself to shake his head.

Vincent chuckled, holding his hands behind his back as he confidently strolled over to the scowling dog. Squatting by his side, he rested his forearms on his knees. "So, Jace Carmen, nice to meet you. As I'm sure you've surmised, your life now belongs to me. You are my property." He paused, waiting for the canine to shout some gibberish muffled by his pungent gag. "Finished, pup? Good. You are my property, and you might like to know that you have your friend there to thank for it."

"WHAT!?!" Joey shouted, his eyes flying wide open. The otter had said not to tell Jace anything about their deal, hadn't he? That was absolutely one of his rules! Was he... was he forfeiting? Was he going to let them go?

Ignoring the shout, Vincent remained focused on the canine. "Some nights ago, your friend Joey, there, tried mugging an employee of mine, and, suffice it to say, it went poorly. They captured him and presented him to me as a gift, a brand new live-in slave. All it took was a short tour of my mansion's dungeon for him to break down, offering anything to avoid his fate. After I grew tired of his endless whining, I agreed to a trade: If he offers me someone better to take his place, I'd let him stay with my relatively soft-hearted employees. And, as I'm sure you can guess, he offered you."

Joey slowly shook his head, overwhelmed with confusion. No, that wasn't what happened... At all...

"Just in case you're skeptical," Vincent said, shooting another smug glance as he pulled out his phone, "I thought you should hear this." After tapping it a few times, a slightly grainy audio track began to play.

_ No, this is no time to be vague. Say exactly what you want to happen to your friend. _

_ I... _

_ Say it. _

_ *whine* I... I want you to enslave my friend. _

Hearing that message, clearly recognizing both voices on the mildly grainy recording, Jace stared over at the horse, his expression showing nothing but pure, despondent betrayal. His ears twitched, a low growl rumbling out from his muzzle.

"No!" Joey shouted, frantically shaking his head, whipping his mane to and fro. "That's not-" He froze, biting his lip when the otter turned his piercing gaze straight at him, a maliciously crazed look in his eyes demanding he continue.

"Did you have something you wanted to say, Joey?" Vincent asked, feigning a sing-songy affectation to his voice.

While Joey didn't understand what game the otter was playing, his instincts were aligned, telling to keep quiet. So far as he could tell, it was the right decision, as after several tense moments, the otter's smile began to fade.

"No?" Vincent asked, raising an eyebrow. "Hm. If you have nothing to add, you shouldn't interrupt. In fact, let's put that mouth of yours to better use." Walking over to the couch, he roughly grabbed the horse's mane, pulled him to the floor with a heavy thump, then dragged him over to where the doberman was struggling to get free. After rolling the dog onto his side, he rammed the horse's snout against his sheath, grinding it into the musky fur. "Start kissing that sheath, Joey. I don't want to hear another word from you unless it's through a mouthful of dog jizz, understand?"

His body aching from his hard landing on the floor, Joey nevertheless did as the otter ordered, knowing far better than to disobey the psychotic bastard. Blinking back tears, panting just shy of hyperventilating, he buried his pride, shoving his tongue into his best friend's sheath, wincing as he was struck by the taste of the salty, pungent inner walls.

For his part, Jace made an effort to squirm away, closing his thighs to deny the horse access, but as restrained and utterly exhausted as he was, there was little he could do. He let out a whine, feeling his pointed, bright-red shaft grow outward, meeting the horse's lips. As his tip pressed on into the hot, moist mouth, he glared wrathfully up at the otter, his mewling fading into a deep snarl.

"Anyway, back to the matter at hand," Vincent said, squatting once again by the dog's side, making sure to get a good view of the humiliated horse's blowjob. "While your life belongs to me now, after taking a thorough look at your background... bouncer, bodyguard, avid rugby player, training to join the police academy - ambitious ventures for a skinnier sort - I think you might just be of greater use to me as a free employee than just another fuckpet. Slaves are a dime a dozen, figuratively speaking, of course..." Sighing, he flippantly waved his hand. "But you just can't put a price on good, loyal muscle."

Distracted by the odd direction the conversation was taking, Joey slowed his suction on the eight-inch dog cock growing down his throat, the base of which was beginning to grow outward, pressing unpleasantly against his tongue. He looked quizzically up at the otter, swiftly receiving a smack to the back of his head, making him gulp around the salty, throbbing length.

Gnawing his gag into tatters, Jace, despite his best efforts, was unable to keep himself from grinding his crotch against the horse's face, his stub of a tail involuntarily wagging behind him.

"I better not see any red until you're done," Vincent said, relishing the twin trails of tears steadily flowing down the horse's cheeks. "Now, Jace, I know working for me won't be the same as being a cop. In time, you'll see it's much, much better. Not only will they answer to you, you'll still be keeping the streets safe from criminals like your ex-friend here. Only far more efficiently." He paused to gave the back of the horse's head another swat.

Joey kept his ears pinned back, sucking harder after the bit of extra encouragement, busying himself by twisting his tongue away from the swelling knot. At the same time, Jace was losing control of himself, arching his back, huffing through his muzzle as he bucked his knot against the backs of the horse's teeth.

"I won't bore you with all the benefits, if only because after watching you last night, I'm thinking all you'll need to get on board is right here." A slow, ominous chuckle rumbled out of Vincent's throat. "Believe me, as good as that mouth is, your traitorous companion's ass is even more remarkable. And if you work for me, I'll make sure you get to pay that ass back, WHEN-ever and HOW-ever you like."

As confused as Joey was, he was too terrified to stop and protest. He had the doberman on the verge of climax, already leaking pre-cum down the back of his throat, effectively tying his muzzle with the now fully swollen knot. Just a little more swirling of his tongue around the throbbing bulb of flesh and he could ask... he could... He folded his ears back, absolutely hating himself for following the otter's command so willingly, but he was trapped.

Then again, perhaps it was for the best. The recorded discussion alone was proof anything could be turned against him. Obedient silence was far and away the only reasonable option for dealing with the otter. Growing numb to the distasteful task, he let his mind go blank as he focused on servicing the dog's needy prick.

Jace folded his ears back, panting, almost snorting as he slapped his hips against the horse's muzzle, inching himself ever closer to orgasm.

"You'll have to be properly vetted, that should go without saying, and it will most assuredly be a long, admittedly unpleasant process. We need to know we can trust you before you're given your freedom back, but I have a good feeling about you, pup. I think you'll be a good fit with our family."

As the otter finished speaking, Jace appeared to suffer a full body spasm, giving a long, shaky whine as he shot several spurts of cum sent straight down the back of the horse's throat. Joey suppressed a retching gag, swallowing it all down before he could register the taste. Having completed his task, he shuffled back to get the canine shaft out of his mouth as quickly as he was able. Meeting some resistance as the knot met his lips, he yanked his head back, pulling the fat knot free with a loud pop. He sat back, groaning at the smattering of cum left directly on his tongue, assaulting his taste buds.

"Good boy, Joey," Vincent said, offering a purely condescending smile to the horse before turning his attention back to the doberman. "As good as that felt, consider it a taste of what you can get working for me." He leaned in until he was face to face with the dog. "So, what do you say, Jace? Are you interested?"

Huffing through his nose, Jace refused to even glance over at the horse. Slowly, he looked up at the otter, and after a brief few moments of consideration, nodded his acceptance. Joey said nothing, still recovering from the blowjob, still unable to process the latest twist in his story.

"Well then, welcome aboard!" Vincent said. Producing a small key from his pocket, he used it to first unlock the dog's ankle-cuffs, releasing his legs from the tight hogtie. "Now, I hope you didn't spend everything you had on that blowjob, because it's time for your first test. I'm going to watch you 'thank' your friend for bringing you to me." After unlocking the dog's handcuffs, he stood up straight, stepping off to the side to give him some room. "Fuck him, beat him, punish him, make him suffer, use any of the toys available in this room, I don't care. Just avoid killing, I'd hate to have to replace him."

The instant his hands were free, Jace reached behind his head to unclip his muzzle, happily pulling it off and finally spitting out his tattered, thoroughly spit-soaked jockstrap. He kicked the horse away from his crotch, crawling onto all fours before shakily rising to his feet. Glaring down at the prone equine, he growled out a raspy, "Bastard." He clenched his fists, his shoulders rising and falling with each ragged, panting breath.

Joey closed his eyes. He wanted to shout that that otter was lying, explaining himself, but he couldn't get his mouth to move. Whatever his friend chose to do, he accepted his fate. He'd caused the doberman so much harm over the years, and no matter what, he was always there to help. If he had to take a beating to let his friend go free, then... then he was okay with that. He deserved it. They both did.

He almost wanted to laugh; no one could possibly be more surprised by his decision to self-sacrifice than he himself.

The sound of an angered shout followed by a dull thud made Joey flinch, bracing for a pain that... never... came... Warily opening his eyes, he gasped at the sight of the doberman gripping the otter's throat with his right hand, pinning him against the wall.

"You miserable-" Jace stopped to cough, then spit on the floor. His voice tired and phlegmy, he cleared his throat before finishing his thought. "Miserable bastard. Did you really think I was going to join you? That I was suddenly going to be cool with being a slaver and raping my friend because you told me he stabbed you in the back? Are you fucking stupid!?!" He stopped to cough again, spitting out a stray thread from his jockstrap. "I know Joey's not the best guy, and I don't give a shit. I can't blame him for doing whatever he could to get away from you fuckers." He raised his left hand, balling it into a fist as he aimed it at the otter's face. "Now you're going to get us both out of here, or I'm going to fucking beat your face in."

While Joey was overjoyed at the unexpected turn of events, the fact that his friend believed the otter's lie so easily cut him more deeply than anything else could've. Once they got out of this hell, he was going to clear the air, and quite possibly spend the rest of his life making it up to him. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he felt like smiling.

Despite his predicament, the doberman's rough finger-pads crushing down around his windpipe, Vincent's expression was serene, perhaps even bored. He rolled his eyes at the threat, otherwise showing no reaction to being strangled. If anything, his smug smirk began to return as he brought his left hand up, making a show of curling his fingers around the dog's forearm, grazing the vulnerable flesh through his fur with his menacingly sharp claws. He opened his eyes maniacally wide, baring his teeth as he clamped his fingers down, driving each claw deep into the dog's flesh, earning a loud yelp.

Barely keeping himself from outright howling in pain, Jace kept his hold of the otter's throat. He threw his fist, hoping to knock the vicious mustelid out, only for it to be caught by the otter's free hand. He tried as hard as he could to wrench his fist free, yanking backward, forward, left, right, up, and down without success, biting his lip to weather the catastrophic amount of pain in his other arm. "Let... go..." he snarled between panting breaths, visibly trembling as the otter drove his claws in deeper, causing bits of bright red to trickle through his fur. Inevitably, Jace, overwhelmed with pain, was forced to release sadistic otter's throat, desperately wrenching his arm away from the tortuously sharp claws.

The moment the dog released his throat, Vincent calmly let go of his arm and his fist, giving him a rough shove to stagger him backward several steps. Holding his arm out, he flicked his wrist, extending a collapsible cattle prod from his sleeve into his palm, clicking it on with a bright blue arc of electricity. Saying nothing more, only cackling like a madman, he jammed the prongs of the device between the doberman's bare ribs. He only seemed to laugh harder as his victim let out a shrill scream and arched his back, his whole body seizing up from the powerful shock.

Joey was utterly stunned, forced to watch helplessly as his friend - along with any hope for escape - fell limply to the floor. The dog landed on his knees, gasping, remaining upright just long enough to get another shock to his left flank, sending him sprawling to the floor.

"How very disappointing," Vincent muttered, strolling around the prone, twitching dog like a predator inspecting a fresh kill. "I was hoping at least for a few days of cat and mouse games... You secretly working against me, terrified I'll find out, and just before you escape, THERE I AM!!!" He threw his arms up in a flourish before letting them fall to his sides. "Oh well, can't win them all I suppose." Sighing, he cocked his head to the side. "And next time... not that there's going to be a next time for you... maybe don't bet it all on choking out an aquatic mammal, idiot." He slapped the cattle prod against his hand before jamming it back between the dog's ribs, lighting him up with another brutal shock, lingering there for just a little bit longer.

"STOP!" Joey screamed. The otter stopped, pulling back the cattle prod. "YOU SWORE YOU WOULDN'T KILL HIM!"

"I'm sorry, Joey, what was that?" The otter's crazed expression faded back into his usual arrogant smile. "Could you speak up a bit?"

"You swore you wouldn't hurt him if I did everything you wanted, and I've done everything, dammit! You can't kill him!"

"I'm not going to kill him," Vincent replied with a proud laugh, "But it looks like you just broke our deal." Glancing down at the dog, Vincent grunted, nudging his head with his shoe. He sighed, not getting any reaction beyond labored breathing and an occasional twitch. "Scratch that. Looks like I let myself get carried away, he's out cold. You're lucky, Joey, guess our deal's still on."

"What?" Joey asked, only a shade above a mumble. "You just broke our deal yourself! You've been breaking it this whole time!"

"How do you figure?" Flicking his wrist again, Vincent drew the cattle prod back into his sleeve.

"You told him about our deal first! You lied about it to make me sound worse, but you told him!"

"And that broke our deal, how?" Stepping over the mewling doberman, Vincent made his way to a nearby cabinet as he spoke, unlocking it to look through the assorted items.

"WHAT!?! You told me not to tell him about it! You broke the deal, you forfeit!"

"Listen to yourself, Joey. I told YOU not to tell him anything. YOU never made any stipulations for ME. I can make up whatever story I want to tell him."

"Y-" Joey stopped himself. The otter was right, much though he hated to admit it. That was the exact wording. And that was his game. The entire time he'd been here, he'd been trying to get him to tell the truth, breaking the technical wording of their deal. The absolute bastard... "That's not fair," he said, whimpering, "You didn't tell me I could make... stipulations for you."

"And I never said you couldn't."

"Okay, you can't do that anymore! All that stuff you told me should apply to you too!"

"Joey, Joey, Joey..." Vincent said, shaking his head, "The deal's already been struck, you can't go trying to renegotiate it now." Vincent chuckled to himself, having found the specific items he was searching for: a power drill, a couple of bolts, and a humbler in the shape of a long, curved rod, split into two halves, with three rounded holes spaced out along the length. "That's just bad business." He knelt by the doberman's side and rolled him onto his belly, then pulled his rear up, placing him on his knees. Pulling the dog's dangling nutsack back behind his thighs, he placed its base in the middle divot on the bottom half of the humbler. After pulling both of the dog's wrists into the left-and-rightmost divots, he clamped the top half down, trapping them all in place, and set about drilling in a set of bolts to keep them securely pinned together. Completing the setup, he picked up the dog's discarded jockstrap, stuffed it right back into his mouth before pulling his muzzle on, clipping it back behind his head.

"You absolute bastard..." Joey choked, "you were never going to follow through on our deal, were you? You were always going to do whatever you wanted... this was all just to mess with me..."

"Hm, yes, I was having some fun with you today, but I'm not going to make it a habit." Vincent shrugged. "I honestly did not expect you to last the day, so kudos on that." Vincent shrugged. "As long as you keep doing what you're doing for the next thirteen days and continue to keep our deal a secret, I will fulfill my end of the bargain. I always honor my deals."

"That's not good enough!" Joey was trembling, yet somehow keeping himself together. "That guarantee means nothing! You have to give me some kind of proof you'll actually follow through on your end!"

Vincent silently raised an eyebrow, curiously regarding the horse's sudden boldness. "Very well," he said, letting out a slight chuckle, "If you're looking for a guarantee of my intent, how about this: Tomorrow, when I have the lion come by to mark him as mine, I'll tell him to use a removable cage instead of just having his sheath pierced shut."

"What?... That-"

"Oh? Not good enough? Alright then, I'll also tell him NOT to pull the mutt's teeth and tattoo 'CUMSLUT' across his forehead." Stepping toward the horse, Vincent held his hands behind his back, once more baring his teeth as he spoke. "I'll also tell him NOT to pierce his back with a line of D-rings so I can make him into a living chandelier for parties. And since I'm feeling so benevolent, I'll even tell him NOT to encase his body in concrete up to the neck so he can act as my brand new urinal. Is that GOOD enough for you, Joey?"

Joey was silent, shaken to his very core at the possibility of any those scenarios becoming a reality. He vastly preferred when the otter's worst was left to his imagination.

"Well? Are those good enough?"

"...y-yes..." Joey mumbled, too broken to fight any further.

"Good." Stepping out of his right shoe, Vincent placed his webbed footpaw on the carpet and splayed his webbed toes. "The sooner you learn that I don't HAVE to do anything, Joey, the better off you will be. Now, you should show me some gratitude for being so patient, hm?"

Letting out a slow, whining sigh, Joey shuffled forward, sickened by the otter's sweaty footpaw. Choking back a disgust that was growing into little more than white noise, he puckered his lips, planting a quick peck on the top of the otter's foot.

As Vincent raised his foot, presenting his sole, the dog began to stir, letting out a gurgled groan. "Oh, look who's awake," he said, slipping back into his shoe before stepping back over to the kneeling, humbled canine's rear. Pulling back his sleeve, he checked his watch, giving a mildly disappointed grunt. "It's later than I thought. I should really be on my way."

If Joey was relieved that he had been spared any further paw-cleaning duty, he was close to ecstatic that his tormentor was already leaving. Just being rid of the otter after all that would be-.

"Then again," Vincent said, "it'd be a shame to do all that prep and not give you a ride." After retrieving a tube from a nearby cabinet, he unbuckled his pants and dropped them to the floor, revealing his fully erect, throbbing cock. "It won't matter if I'm a few minutes late," he muttered, kneeling behind the oblivious dog's rump. He squirted a fat glob of lube onto his shaft, worked it all over, then placed the tube at the dog's entrance and, giving it a hard squeeze, filled his tunnel with the chilly goo.

Jace's whole body tensed up at the intrusion, forcing a long groan up from his diaphragm. He began to struggle, promptly stopping when he realized his hands were essentially cuffed to his balls. A whimper filtered out through his muzzle when he felt a slick cock tip probe at his tailhole.

"Sorry I have to keep this quick, pup," Vincent said, grabbing hold of the doberman's waist. "Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to spend together soon." Without saying anything further, he rammed forward, instantly burying most of his cock between his pet's cheeks. He gave his groaning victim no time to adjust, immediately pistoning his hips at a ferocious pace. The canine was clearly not foreign to taking it up the backdoor, and yet he was still so tight, and so, so hot. Within mere moments, he had fully breached his victim's defenses, repeatedly hilting his thick length within the tightly clenching ring, mercilessly slapping his thighs against the reddened canine rump.

Leaning down over his new pet, Vincent supported his weight by grabbing hold of the doberman's upper arms, forcing the humbler to tug painfully at his balls. He closed his eyes, grinning as he lightly bit down on the canine's left ear, humping away faster and faster. Already close to marking the dog for the first time, he growled directly into his ear, making sure he knew exactly who was in charge.

Giving another few thrusts, Vincent slowed down, humming as he pumped the doberman's colon full of rope after rope of his sticky seed. He gradually drew to a stop, only giving himself a moment to enjoy the afterglow before wrenching his sloppy cock free of the sucking orifice. Energetically hopping to his feet, he pulled up his pants, tucked away his length, and buckled his belt. He smirked, looking down to see that the doberman had passed out again. A short distance away, the horse was curled up in a ball, facing away from the proceedings.

"It's been fun, Joey, but I really must be going," Vincent said, proudly sauntering over to the door. "Remember, thirteen days." After unlocking the door, he gave a slight wave and hurried through, popping back inside just before it closed. "Oh, and since the lion will be caging him tomorrow, you should probably suck him off a few times before then." He narrowed his eyes to slits, giving his familiar faux-friendly smile. "That's not a command, just a suggestion. If you want to be a good friend." Laughing, he stepped out, tossing out a final, "See you in two weeks," before the door clanked shut.

Craning his head to check on the doberman, Joey winced at not just the cum-leaking rump, but also his clawed-up forearm. He made a mental note to beg the wolverine to take care of the wound, when his eyes wandered over to the knotted cock dangling between his friend's legs, forced hard by the otter's brutal fucking. Torn between the otter's parting words and the unwelcome, lingering taste of his cum marking the back of his throat, Joey could only whimper.


"-altogether, vehicular acquisitions over the past week went as expected. There was a minor incident with the police giving chase, causing minor damage to the vehicle involved, but no one was caught and no bribes were needed. Other than that, there are no new issues to report," a grainy voice spoke, crackling through a small speaker.

Vincent was sitting in his office chair, hunched over his desk, his head resting atop one hand while the other rhythmically drummed a repetitive tune on the polished wood. He let out an overenthusiastic yawn as his heavy eyelids fluttered, caught in his half-hearted fight to stay awake.

"Excellent, Mr. Howards," another voice said, joining the first, this one markedly younger and higher pitched. "I'm in the market for a new sports car, so do let me know if you get your hands on one." A small round of laughter emanated from the speaker, making the otter contemptfully roll his eyes. "By the by, how's your side project going?"

"Oh, the remote unlock hacking device? Good news there, it's close to ready. We should have a working prototype before the end of the year."

"I guess you could say it'll be opening doors for us pretty soon, huh?"

"Haha, of course, sir."

There was another small wave of chuckles, all-too-obviously the kind of laughs that could only be made by employees trying to impress their boss. Vincent had no interest in playing that game, simply grumbling as he dropped his head to his desk, hiding his face within his folded arms.

"Alright, next, the head of slavery and prostitution. What's your status, Mr. Perrin?"

Though Vincent's ears twitched, he otherwise remained motionless.

"Mr. Perrin?... Mr. Perrin?..." The voice could be heard grumbling, then sighing. "VINCENT!" it screamed, finally getting the otter to sit up and unmute his line.

"Fine, you got my attention... What did you want?"

"Your division's status, please, Mr. Perrin, if you'd be so kind."

"Nothing new," Vincent grumbled, once more resting his head atop his hand. "Nothing to report."

"...Care to elaborate on that?"

"No. Move on to the next guy."

The voice sighed again. "We've been over this before, Vincent. You need to grow up and start participating in these meetings. Being a contrarian isn't useful to anyone."

"I'm not being a contrarian, these meetings are a complete and utter waste of time, and I'm simply the only one not willing to sugarcoat it for you. And I'm sure as hell not going to ramble on about nonsense for twenty minutes like Howards."

"Hey!" Howards shouted.

"Vincent." the second voice said, lowering to a growl, "I know you don't care for my management style, but-"

"-that would be an understatement-"

"-BUT as much as it pisses you off, my father left me in charge, not you. You do what I say, or I WILL have you retired."

"No, you won't, Billy," Vincent scoffed. "Ever since your dad kicked it, I've been the only one keeping the empire he founded thriving and you damn well know it. At the rate we've been going with you at the helm, proudly waving your bachelor's degree in business management, wasting everyone's time, you'd be lucky to last the year if you got rid of me."

The line remained tensely silent for several seconds.

"Be that as it may," the second voice eventually chimed in, "I'm still the boss, and my word is law. Next time you choose to fuck around on company time, I don't care how good you are, your ass is out. And you will refer to me as William, or preferably, 'Sir'. Do you understand?"

"Of course, Billy," Vincent said, his words dripping with sarcasm.

A low snarl rumbled through the speaker, ultimately fading as the deer chose to ignore the additional slight. "Now, if you would grace us with your update, we-"

Vincent immediately hit the button to drop the call, almost regretful that he couldn't hear the buck cursing him out.

"Was that really wise?" asked a red wolf wearing a black suit, sitting on a couch at the other side of the otter's home office.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Antagonizing the big boss like that. What are you going to do if he retaliates?"

"He'd have to be suicidal to do a damn thing to me, Loomis," Vincent said. "That's guaranteed to spark a civil war, and aside from Howards, not a single other manager would be stupid enough to support him." Grinning, he folded his hands atop his desk. "Besides, it's not worth playing his game. Some of the other managers have already lined up behind me. As soon as I convince the rest that getting big-headed ideas about their own positions would be, shall we say, unwise, my plans for a hostile takeover can move forward. By the time that idiot could even think to move against me, I'll already be sitting at his desk with him chained up underneath it."

"If you, uh, say so." The buff wolf shifted awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. "How'd your thing with the dog go today?" he asked, swiftly changing the subject.

Vincent sat back, holding his hands over his stomach, tapping his claw-tips together, still showing a bit of dark red staining the left. "Not as well as I hoped, not as badly as I wanted," he answered, offering a slight shrug.

"...What do you mean?..."

Narrowing his eyes at the wolf, Vincent kicked his feet up on the desk, fully reclining in his chair. "I mean the dog declined my offer and the horse has thus far kept to the terms of our deal. I expected the dog would be too virtuous for his own good, but that gutless horse keeping his mouth shut was a surprise." He gave a slight shrug. "No matter, he has thirteen days with an pissed-off dog to get through, he won't last. And even if he does, by some miracle, get through it, I still get a new fuck-puppy out of the deal. It'd be a shame not to have a new piss-sucker that even Milky could abuse, but either way, I still win."

"You're really going to follow through on that deal?" Loomis asked, snickering to himself. "Why bother, right? What're they going to do, complain?"

"Yes. Without a doubt, I will follow through." Vincent sat upright, his expression visibly darkening as he glared at the wolf. "When I make a deal, I may play with loopholes and vague wordings, but I stay true to it no matter the cost. Integrity is what separates a real businessman like me from a sniveling piece of shit like Billy." Stomping his shoe-clad feet onto the floor, he leaped out of his chair, eyes going wide as he darted forward, going nose-to-nose with the startled wolf. Despite being far skinnier, and little more than an inch taller than the muscular lupine, in that moment, he seemed to absolutely dwarf his underling. "The fact that you don't seem to know that I am an honorable otter is, frankly, worrisome."

"No! I know you're very honorable! It was a joke!" Loomis scrambled back on the couch until reaching the armrest, only for the otter to follow, keeping them uncomfortably close. His nose twitched, able to smell the fish from the otter's lunch still on his breath. "I was just saying there was nothing stopping you if you wanted to do whatever you wanted!"

"Nothing's stopping me, hm?... I remember a certain pair of wolves, some time ago, with whom I made a deal to turn against their boss in exchange for cushy new jobs." Vincent drew his lips back, baring his teeth in an open-mouthed smile. "By your logic, there was nothing stopping me from sending you to the slave pens once our business was done. I really only need one bodyguard, after all. If you think my word isn't worth anything, I can still make that happen."

"No, please don't! You're very honorable for sticking to your word! You're a great boss because you're honest like that!"

Vincent went silent, staring wide-eyed at the wolf for several moments until abruptly trading his threatening expression for a polite smile. "Just a joke, Loomis," he said, slapping the wolf's shoulder. "Lighten up a bit!" Backing off from the couch, he allowed the wolf a moment to calm his gasping breaths. "Say, speaking of your partner, where is he again?"

"Oh, he's out with his girlfriend tonight!" Loomis shouted back. Clearing his throat, he lowered his voice to more reasonable volume. "It's their, um, six-month anniversary, I think."

"Six months? He's really been seeing that squirrel for so long already?"

Loomis nodded.

"Hm. Where does the time go?" Vincent scratched his chin. "Has he made plans to bring her in for orientation yet?"

Shifting uncomfortably, Loomis looked away from the otter. "He's... afraid to let her know about the business because he doesn't know how she'll react. He doesn't want to ruin things between them if she freaks out."

"Yes, well, it's been half a year, tell him he's had long enough. Keeping secrets will inevitably backfire. Better to tear off the band-aid while they're in a controlled environment." Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Vincent casually strolled back to his desk. "Worst case scenario, he gets to keep her as a slave instead of a girlfriend. Best case, they have something new in common. Sounds like a good deal to me."

"I'll pass it along," Loomis replied, nodding.

"Good." Coming to a stop beside his phone, Vincent glanced up at the wolf, tapping his foot. He reached down to press a large, red button, deepening his voice to a commanding rumble as he spoke directly into the receiver. "Milky, report to my office immediately." The moment he released the button, he stood up straight and began to dismantle his suit. "Start undressing, Loomis. I'm in the mood to blow off a little steam."

Perking up, Loomis gave another, more cheerful nod, eagerly removing his own suit piece by piece, tossing his jacket and shirt to the floor in a heap. His bushy tail wagged as he lowered his pants and briefs, the red, pointed tip of his cock already peeking out of his sheath in anticipation of the bull's arrival.

Vincent kicked off his shoes, splaying his webbed toes as he held arms behind his back and stretched, working out a mild bit of stiffness. His throat was still a bit more sore than he preferred to let on, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. It was far more important that he never show any kind of weakness to anyone. Instead, he busied himself, watching his underling's muscular, lupine rump wiggle as it emerged from his underwear. He didn't need to look downward to know that his own fat length was quickly engorging, already emerging from his sheath. Grinning, he wrapped his hand around his cock, slowly working it up and down the growing shaft as it appeared.

Moments later, the office door swung open and Milky stepped inside, the hulking bull nervously gazing at the otter and wolf through the eyeholes of his black latex hood. He timidly approached his master, the thick ring piercing his nose tapping against the zipper keeping his mouth closed, making a faint jingle with each step. The permanently affixed cage over his sheath showed a bit of dried cum, left behind from his long milking the previous day. Craning his head down to the floor, he knelt before the otter's feet and placed his hands on his thighs, waiting for the next command, hoping that he hadn't arrived late enough to be punished.

"Milky," Vincent said, lifting the wincing bull's drained balls with his toes, "Get on my desk, belly down, you know the position."

Nodding, the bull jumped to his hooves, diving atop the empty middle of the desk in his zeal to avoid the otter's wrath. He splayed he legs as he bent over the edge, presenting his perky, well-muscled ass, his puffy tailhole clearly visible between them. Reaching down over the other side of the desk, he grabbed hold of a handlebar attached to the floor, directly in front of the otter's chair. Hiking his tail up as high as it would go, he held his head down, waiting to get fucked once again.

Vincent waved his hand toward his slave, smirking at the increasingly horny wolf. "Ass or mouth, take your pick."

"Oh!" Loomis said, surprised, and perhaps a bit wary at being offered first choice for once. "I'm, uh, good with whatever you prefer... But thank you!"

"I don't care how you're going to fuck your former boss, because I'll be taking your ass. Now make your choice."

Loomis' smile faded under the otter's unblinking stare. "I... uh... what?" he stuttered out, tapping his claw-tips together.

"Is that a problem?" Vincent asked, showing a hint of teeth through his smile.

"No, no, of course not! You just surprised me!" Shaking his head, Loomis nervously chuckled. "You... uh... you always tend to focus your attention on slaves... You haven't actually fucked me since-"

"-since we sealed our deal the night you came to work for me, yes, I know," Vincent interrupted. "After plowing my new pup's disappointingly stubby-tailed rump earlier today, I'm finding myself in the mood for some good, quality wolf tail." He reached over, giving the wolf's bushy tail a rough squeeze. "You know, I haven't actually fucked one of you fluff-butts since that gray wolf in the brothel's lobby, and after all that time running a train on elephants, rhinos, and horses, it was like trying to fuck a hallway. Might be time to re-purpose him and get someone new in there." Disinterestedly shrugging, he suddenly clapped his hands together, startling both the bull and the wolf. "Now, unless you have a problem, Milky looks like he's getting lonely, so take your pick and hike your tail."

Obediently following his command, Loomis took his position at the bull's rump, placing his pointed cocktip between his former boss' nicely rounded ass-cheeks. He extended his arms and leaned forward, propping himself up over the bull's back, incidentally spearing the first inch of his shaft into the greasy, well-traveled tailhole. Ignoring a muffled grunt from down below, he glanced over his shoulder, relieved to see that the otter was lubing his impressive length.

While Loomis was hardly a stranger to taking things up the rear, the otter was larger than his partner, except for maybe the knot. Then again, even that was a close call. Far more importantly, however, the otter was known for being exceptionally rough, a trait he had personally witnessed more times than he could recall. Lost in thought, he jumped when he felt a slick cock-tip jab directly against his clenched pucker.

"Relax, pup," Vincent said, adopting a somewhat sultry tone, "or this is going to hurt." Without any further warning, he jabbed his hips forward, ramming his first couple of inches through the tight ring.

Loomis threw his head back in a powerful howl, overwhelmed by the pain and pleasure both flooding his senses. The force of the otter's thrust shoved his hips forward as well, instantly shoving his unlubed cock up the bull's rear, right up to the knot. The heat clenching around his length was the perfect complement to the dull ache in his rear, driving him wild as he ground his knot against the easily loosened hole.

Taking hold of the wolf's tail in both fists, Vincent began to pound his hips with a blurring speed, quickly hammering his way inside. With each thrust, he also pushed the wolf's knot a little further inside the bull's tailhole, causing his mask-muffled grunts to become more intense the wider he was spread. Just before he had fully buried his length between the wolf's cheeks, he heard the telltale slurp of him tying with the bull, letting the formerly tight ring clench behind the knot. He held still for a moment, widening his stance while tightening his grip on the wolf's tail.

Despite his milking the previous day, Milky could feel a wetness forming where his cage met his master's desk. Quietly groaning through his mask, he made a mental note to lick up the leaking pre before the otter noticed. Leaving a stain on the nice desk was guaranteed to earn him another punishment.

The tip of Loomis' tail was whipping around above the otter's hands as he gnawed on his bottom lip. He was already close to popping, the pressure against his prostate almost too much to handle. Whining out of pure pleasure, he had to wonder if he had just gotten better at getting fucked. The last time the otter had taken his ass, it was pure agony, but now, after the initial discomfort passed, the massive pillar of flesh spreading his colon felt utterly amazing. Before he could consider it much further, the otter resumed his humping, faster than before, moving with pure urgency and need.

Hugging the wolf's tail close, Vincent dropped all restraint, fucking his bodyguard with a fury fueled by all the frustrations of the day. Every thrust sent the wolf slapping against the bull's rear, jerking his knot against his gripping tailhole. At one point, Vincent began to go fast enough to wrench the wolf's knot out, immediately forcing it back in with the next thrust, forcing him to knot-fuck the red, thoroughly tenderized ring.

Milky whined as his caged cock, purely against his will, shot a larger spurt of pre onto the desk, spurred on by the bulbous knot repeatedly popping in and out of his ass.

Moments later, Loomis threw his head back in a much louder howl, trailing on into a whine as he climaxed, pumping several shots of wolf cum up the bull's rear. Exhausted, he dropped on top of his former boss's back, enjoying the warm onset of his afterglow, waiting for his current boss to finish pulverizing his rear.

To his surprise, after a couple more minutes had passed, the otter had yet to slow down, well past the point where his afterglow faded into oversensitivity. He let out a mewling whine, the unceasing friction keeping his knot nice and hard, surrounded by his cum, still occasionally yanked out just to be thrust back in. The bull groaned beneath him, simply hoping that the wolf cum wasn't splattering out, getting all over the carpet.

After another couple minutes had passed, Vincent finally let himself go, slowing to several slow, deliberate pumps of his hips, flooding the wolf's rectum with his seed. He gave the limply flailing tail tip a light nip as he drew to a stop, giving one final thrust before pulling his cum-slick length free. Taking a moment to admire the wolf's sloppy, gaping hole, drooling copious amounts of cum down the back of his nutsack, he happily strolled over to his chair and hopped aboard. After unzipping the bull's mask, he reclined all the way back, placing the soles of his footpaws on either side of his face.

"Get licking, Milky," Vincent said, flexing his toes. "Do a good job, and I might reduce your punishment for leaking on my desk." He grinned at the bull's whimper, promptly followed by a broad tongue lapping at his soles. There was little he enjoyed more than a post-fuck foot bath, especially when the slave in question was motivated not to disappoint. The moment he had an opening, he shoved half of his right foot directly into the bull's mouth, gagging him with the sweaty appendage.

Sighing, he looking up at the wolf, panting but pleasured, draped over the bull's back. "Thank you for this, Loomis. Just what I needed after a long day."

"Thank you too, sir," Loomis mumbled, weakly smiling at the otter.

"You and your partner have been working for me, what, almost two years?"

"Something like that."

"Well, you've both been model employees. I don't say that enough." Vincent splayed his toes inside the bull's mouth, stretching his cheeks while his tongue continued to bathe his sole. "It's far past time you get a bonus."


"Tomorrow, when we go over to the brothel for inspections, I'm going to let you pick out a pet of your own, free of charge. Granted, it'll have to be from the bargain bin, but I'm sure you'll be able to find someone you like. Maybe you could even take the welcome wolf home."

"I'd like that, sir!" Loomis said, sitting up, energized by the thought. "Thank you!"

"My pleasure, Loomis," Vincent replied, grinding his other foot against the side of the bull's face. "My pleasure."