"The Freshman 800" Part 2: A Cheat

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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Years have passed since Riley moved back in with his mother to finished college.

Now Riley and his lover, Robbie the bear, have adopted two children who must help settle their relationship after a scandalous event at Robbie's work.

Jamie had always loved his teddy bear.

_ Cassie gave it to him when they turned four together. It was battered and tossed away in the dumpster behind the bowling alley. Cassie had always wondered who would ever throw something in semi-good condition away. At this point in life, Jamie was having nightmares. As the big sister, Cassie scavenged the streets trying to find anything that could help. She stumbled upon the bear. Its head was sticking out of the lid. Sure, it had a few scratches and the colors on it seemed faded, but it was perfect. Ever since she gave it to him, it was hard for Jamie to let it go._

_ Their parents went missing a year ago. The last thing Cassie remembered of them - the_only_thing she remembered is that they both were running away from something, but she couldn't remember what. Then she woke up with her twin brother in the middle of a parking lot without anywhere to go. Both were in another city far away from home so there was no way to walk back._

_ Cassie had promised him that they would eventually find another home. But for two years, they went without luck. The foxes had to strike out on their own; looking through scraps, begging total strangers for money, and finding a new place to sleep each night. They've had their own run-ins with one or two strangers who have tried to hurt them over $100. Luckily, at the time, Cassie found a rusty switchblade in the garbage while rummaging around. To put things simply, those who tried to jump Cassie and Jamie eventually got tinnitus._

_ It wasn't until last week that they were found. Cassie found a fire escape on the side of a building with the ladder down. She helped her brother climb up to the roof where they slept looking at the stars._

_ When the sun came up the next day, both twins were sitting in a room wearing brand-new clothes. They smelled of soap, something that Cassie had hardly found. They were so used to the smell of dirt and carbon monoxide that the new odor stroked them as odd. Cassie's first thought was,_ where are we? Then, a vixen with snow white fur explained what happened. The building they slept on top of caught on fire and they were eventually discovered. Cassie no longer had her switchblade, but Jamie got to keep his bear.

_ And that's how they ended up living at an orphanage._

_ Only seven days have passed since the fire. Cassie, though glad she has an actual place to live, if only temporarily, still felt protective over her brother. He hasn't said a word. None ever since their parents went missing. The other kids have tried to make small talk with him but to no avail. As a result, they avoid the twins._

_ Which was fine with Cassie. She didn't want anything to do with those other kids anyhow._

_ So, every day when they woke up to do their morning duties and get their small breakfast rations, Cassie did her best to keep her eye on Jamie. She would always give him some of her food knowing he would need the energy. A lot better than living homeless, Cassie thought, but it still could be better._

_ On day eight, Jamie and another little boy got into a fight about his teddy bear. The other kid exclaimed that it wasn't fair that Jamie got to have a toy to keep on him and the others didn't. Cassie stepped up and shouted, "He doesn't have_ anything from before this! You all have your memories of loved ones, but he doesn't. Leave him alone!" It was the first time in her life that she actually growled.After that, the other kids didn't even lift a finger towards Jamie.

_ Life was decent. Cassie did her chores with the others. Jamie stuck by her side. The twins had each other's back and they were going to stomp through any obstacle life had to throw at them._

_ So when the snowy vixen came in with a large bear, Cassie was really surprised. The vixen explained that the bear (Ronnie, was it? No - Robbie!) wanted to adopt one of the kids, everyone was completely frantic. Cassie could not bear the thought of getting separated from her brother. She made him hold her paw the whole time he was there. Maybe he will take away one of the rotten ones so it'll be easier on her._

_ But the bear's eyes skipped over them and onto her and Jamie._

_ "What about them?" he asked._

_ Her heart pounded._ Them.

_ The bear got down to his knees in front of the twins. Now that she was up close, Cassie could see that this man was HUGE. His belly strained against his shirt, extended out like a balloon ready to pop. And his cheeks were noticeably chubby too. His eyes seemed trustworthy. Yet Cassie has seen the same look when her and Jamie almost got robbed once. She didn't trust him._

_ Jamie walked up to the larger man and did something Cassie never expected him to do: he hugged him. Maybe it was the strong resemblance to his teddy bear or the fact that he could find another home, but Cassie could see admiration in Jamie's eyes._

_ The man looked back at the vixen. "What are their names?"_

_ She smiled. "That's Cassie and that's James."_

_ "Jamie," Cassie corrected. "He prefers Jamie."_

_ "Right. Jamie." The vixen looked flustered. Cassie felt bad. She seemed very nice. It wasn't her fault Jamie didn't talk to anybody. He didn't even talk to_ her_; his only sister._ Twin sister. And twins supposedly had a special connection.

_ "I would love to take them home," the bear finally said._

_ Cassie's heart nearly did a front flip. Is it too good to be true? After over two years of being alone were they finally going to have a home? She looked over at Jamie. He had the same neutral look on his face. His tail, however, gave away his mood; swaying back and forth excitedly._

_ Instead of going back to the bedroom, the twins went with the bear and the vixen downstairs. Cassie was still very skeptical of the bear. It's moments like this that she wished she could have her switchblade back. At least that way, she could have some form of self-defense if this stranger decided to try something funny with them._

_ But no. They waited in some office for a bit then the bear - Robbie (she needed to learn names better) - showed the kids out to the parking lot to a big blue car. Cassie helped Jamie get buckled in._ That much she could remember how to do. Then they were on the road heading for a new life.

_ Robbie tried to make small talk with them during the ride. "You kids ready to see your new home?"_

_ Jamie simply nodded his head. Thankfully he knew body language, Cassie thought to herself. "Yes, sir," she said. She tried her best to keep a smile plastered to her muzzle. She should've been grateful that she was getting out of that orphanage, but she always had her doubts._

_ Robbie stopped the car outside of a large two-story house with French front doors and a ramp leading down to the sidewalk. Cassie wondered for a second why anyone would build a house this way. The bear unlocked the front door._

_ The first thing Cassie noticed was the floor. It was marble and it reflected the light. She could almost see her reflection if she looked hard enough._

_ "Riley, I'm home!"_

_ "I'm in here!"_

_ Cassie grabbed Jamie's paw. Who was Riley? Robbie or that vixen never mentioned another person. Who was he? Someone that was going to help Robbie torment the twins?_

_ Robbie showed the twins down a few corridors. Cassie made a note of which directions they turned. Right. Left. Left. The room opened up into a rectangular living room. The TV was on and turned to some movie Cassie didn't recognize. A whole shelf full of movies sat just beside the television. A three-person brown leather couch sat in the middle of the room. And in a wheelchair beside of it is a canine-looking figure with their back turned against them._

_ Once Cassie and Jamie walked around to get a better look, they see that this canine is just a large as the bear. Larger, even. His belly hung low, way past his knees. She could tell even though he was covered with a blanket. His arms were thick. When Riley waved at them, she could see his arm jelly flapping around as it did._

_ She smiled and introduced herself and her brother, making sure to keep him close._

_ They were going to be living with two bigger, and seemingly stronger men. She needed to protect her brother now more than ever._


Two Years Prior.

This was the day that Riley has been waiting for: Moving Day.

After a while of carefully saving their money, Robbie found a good place to live for them both. Thankfully it was only across town so it wouldn't be too hard for Riley. However, being over 1000 pounds will be a problem if he wants to move. For one thing, he hasn't left his bed since he left college to finish his degree at home. Secondly, it is very difficult to move. The weight of his stomach is too much on the Samoyed. His mother had to get a scale built into his bed. Today it reads 1123. Any larger and he might suffer from a heart attack.

Some people online have been urging him to get a surgery to at least get some mobility back. But Riley refused. Not being able to move from bed is something he dreamed of for over five years. Now that he accomplished that, no way is he going back.

Besides, being this large has its advantages. The best thing that Riley could think of is that he has a gigantic boulder of a belly he could play with if he ever gets bored. Something about watching his flab bounce, ripple, and sway was so mesmerizing. In addition, he found a website that sells clips of larger people like himself going all sorts of things: playing with their stomach, trying to fit into old clothes, eating, etc.

Riley gave it a try himself by shooting a small video of himself eating a whole Domino's pizza. Soon enough, everyone wanted to buy clips of this fat pup. Every video that Riley shot, he spent a good six or seven minutes doing so and charged about $12 for each clip. If roughly 100 people buy his clips, he makes over $1200 for every video he sells. At least this takes care of the money problem for him. With the cash he earns, Riley can easily get enough food to last him between clips. At the same time, he made extra sure to save some for house money.

Robbie got an actual profession, which helped as well.

The morning Riley moved out of his house, his mother prepared him his favorite breakfast: bacon and eggs, French toast, and waffles with extra syrup. All served with a glass of milk. In his mind, Riley wagged his tail. The plate was clean in less than ten minutes. He double checked to make sure no one was watching before he licked the plate free of the syrup, chugged down the milk, and let out a large belch.

"Done already, sweetie?" his mother called out. She had better hearing than he thought.

"Yeah, mom!" He set the plate down on his desk by the bed.

She came in a moment later to take the dirty dishes away. "I have a surprise for you." She smiled. Riley tilted his head and gave a flicker of his ears, curious. "Since you are moving out today, I figured now is the perfect time to give you something."

Mother left the room for a second then came back wheeling in a large chair. Wait a second, Riley thought, this is the chair Robbie showed me a while back. It was wide, grey; a cup holder sat on the left side. Some of the metal bindings below the seat looked like strong metal; reinforced. The chair supposedly was able to support 1500 pounds. "Your bear friend dropped this off last week and told me to give it to you once you were ready to move out," she explained. "What do you think?"

"I like it." He smiled. It was a half-truth. On the plus side, he can now move around without having to lose any of the weight. But he loved the days where he was truly immobile. Him and his mother grew a lot closer over the past several months because he was stuck at home. Riley supposed it could be worse. He'd only use it just to move. After that, he can remain being the immobile fatty that he was.

Mom set it to the side of the room. "Robbie will be here later with a moving van to help you out. I'm so excited for you." She kissed him on the forehead then left.

A couple hours later, Robbie did in fact come over. The bear greeted him with a kiss and a gut rub, to which Riley responded with a deep murr. Two albino foxes with the inability to speak came as well wearing moving uniforms. Riley noticed that they kept to themselves as they moved his desk, TV, and dresser out of the room. "You want some help getting into the chair?" Robbie asked.

"Yeah. It's going to be hard."

"Don't worry. Once we get you in there, you probably won't have to do this again."

Riley took a deep breath. This is going to take a while.

Hours pass by with the movers, Robbie, and Mother coming in and taking stuff out. At around 1pm, it was time to move Riley himself. The Samoyed braced himself. This was the first time in years he was leaving his bed.

It started with Robbie giving him a paw so he could sit up properly. This wasn't too bad. Riley was used to this position all the time.

Now for the hard part...

All five of them agreed that in order to get Riley into the chair, they needed to get him onto his feet. "Once we get his feet to the ground, we might have to carry his gut until he sits down," Robbie suggests. The bear claimed to have been working out between school years. Now that Riley thought about it, Rob's arms looked thicker than he remembered.

Robbie grabbed Riley's paw and pulled him in his direction, turning the fat pup around until he was facing a different side of the room. Riley stared at the floor. It's been a long time since he felt the cool, carpeted ground. His heart was pounding. Whether from anticipation or dread, he couldn't tell. Sitting up, his belly spilled over his lap and his flabby chest came up to his muzzle, his neck disappearing. He could feel the strain on his chest from the excess weight.

Robbie nodded then grabbed Riley's stomach, lifting as much as he could. The movers did the same, not breaking the neutral looks on their faces. As soon as his belly was raised by a couple inches, a powerful musk penetrated the air. Riley's nose tickled from the strong scent of his. "Sorry," he muttered, "I haven't gotten off in a while." A blush formed on his cheeks. Nobody asked.

With the strength of four others, Riley slid off the bed, landing on his feet. He swayed, disoriented. The movers' arms were shaking, trying to hold up his weight. Riley could feel them slipping, his stomach lowering, weighing down on his lungs and heart. He needed to move now.

He gently turned his feet so he stood right in front of the chair, back to seat. "Hurry up, Riles, we can't hold on much longer!" Mother cried out. He stepped back. Once his foot bumped into metal, he reached behind him, hoping to grab onto the chair to gain some leverage.

"Hold on tight!" he said. His paw found the arm of the chair. Digging his heel into the floor, he pushed backwards. He could feel the other's grip on him tighten. For a short second, he was in free fall. A million thoughts raced through his head about how this one miscalculation could end up in a thousand wrong ways. Even if he was off by a centimeter, he would end up tossed onto the floor. What would happen then? Would his lungs finally collapse? Would he die?

The seat creaked as it began to support Riley's full weight. The other's let go of him, catching their breath. One of the movers took out an inhaler for a dose. But the chair held and he was sitting down.

"Sorry I put you guys through all of that," Riley said, his cheeks turning pink.

"It's okay," Robbie panted. "It's over now. We can finally get you out of here and to your own place." Mother kissed him on the cheek, grateful he is all right.

Riley settled into his new chair. It was surprisingly comfortable; extra soft cushion molding to fit his large rump. His belly pressed up against the arm rests, a little flab spilling over to cover them. His gut hung low: past his knees. From this view, there was no way anyone would be able to see his "package". There was a hole on the backrest for his tail to wag freely so it was no longer crushed. Riley took a moment to flex his tail muscles to see if he still could. The thin white tail swayed at his will. Overall, the chair was convenient.

Robbie got behind him and pushed the pup towards the doorway. Riley had to push his love handles inward so he could smoothly exit the room. Going into the hallway of his own house was like entering a whole new world. Riley nearly forgot about the family portrait hanging on the wall near the bathroom. The living room held a three-person couch and a flat-screen TV that looks brand new. Perhaps Mother didn't tell him_everything_ that has happened in the years he was stuck in bed.

Turning left, Riley was lead to the front door, which seemed narrow, but Riley fit through with less than an inch of space between the frame.

Riley inhaled the fresh air. It smelled sweet, like flowers, pine, and morning breakfast. It was much different than the stale, sweaty stench of his room that he has gotten used to.

"Wait," Riley blurted out. "How am I going to get to the new house?" He was right. Certainly, there was no way he would fit into a car. They sat there for a moment, thinking, when one of the movers perked up like he had a breakthrough. He ran over to the moving truck, undid a lock and pulled out a ramp.

Robbie shrugged. "You're just going to have to go in the back of the truck," he said.

Rob, Mom, and the movers helped push Riley up the ramp into the truck. Riley was surprised; not only from the combined strength of four people but the ramp was reinforced enough to support his weight. At a glance, the ramp looked like it was made of strong, thick metal.

Once Riley was on the truck with the rest of his stuff, he noticed the faint smell of sweat emanating from the others. There was a glossy sheen of it across Robbie's forehead. The bear wiped it with his sleeve and hopped off the ramp. "That ought to hold you," he said, smiling at his lover. He reached up for the leather strap that pulls down the door. "I'll see you once we get there."

"I'll be fine," Riley reassured him. The Samoyed blew him a kiss as the door slid down. An audible click told Riley they locked him in.

He was thrust into darkness. The voices outside became nothing more than muffles. A door slammed behind him. The engine of the truck purred to life. Time to head to a new life.

The truck slowly backed out of the driveway. Mother waved the truck goodbye as it left. Robbie sat up front with the two fox movers. He was obviously worried about Riley on the ride across town. The ride wouldn't last longer than ten minutes, if there was no traffic. Still, Robbie couldn't imagine what it was like for Riley back there, shut in the dark while the world shook on the way to a new home.

Robbie tried unsuccessfully to strike up a conversation with the movers. He thought one of them was a little uncomfortable because his large belly was spilling over into the fox's lap. The vulpine did nothing but stare straight ahead while his friend drove. It was slightly amusing when they hit the pothole on Turner Street. His belly wobbled, further covering the fox's jean-covered lap. He noticed that his whiskers twitched as it did. The mover exhaled out his nose heavily. A blush formed on his cheeks. Normally, Robbie would giggle and tease, but nothing came out of his muzzle.

They came upon the street in which their new house sat. Two stories of white scaffolding surrounded their new home. Robbie made sure to get a house with a ramp on the front porch. Two French doors lead inside so there shouldn't be any troubles getting Riley inside the house.

The mover driving carefully parked on the side of the street. The one sitting next to Robbie had to lift the bear's belly out of the way to undo his seatbelt. He blushed as the fox grabbed his stomach to move it. He was positive it was as unnerving and awkward for him too.

Robbie's first instinct when they got out was to get Riley out of the back. He jumped into the ground, ran around to the sliding door, undid the latch and thrust the door open. Riley stared down at him with those cute chubby cheeks popping out of the sides of his face. "Hey there, handsome," the pup said.

The foxes got the ramp back out and rolled Riley down straight into Robbie's waiting arms. Their bellies squashed together, knocking the breath out of them both. Rob give him a kiss. "How do you like your new home?"

Riley looked up, scrutinizing the new house. It was nearly twice as big as his mother's house. It didn't look like he would be seeing the second floor anytime soon. But knowing that he would wake up every morning with the man that he loved for nearly two years, it brought a pleasant feeling to him.

"Yeah. I really do."


Two Years After Cassie and Jamie's Adoption.

Cassie was completely used to the smell of smoke as the bus barred down the street after dropping them off at home. Cassie held Jamie's paw tight as she unlocked the door to their house and stepped inside. The twins kick off their shoes in the closet beside the front door.

"Dads! We're home!" she yells.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Robbie shouts in reply.

Cassie notices the faint aroma of chicken and vegetables. She admired Robbie's meals for them. All though she's a carnivore and sometimes gets the urges to sink her teeth into a steak, Robbie always makes sure she eats a little healthy too. Jamie hardly touches his peas and carrots. For him, diet has never been a priority. But Cassie always makes sure he gets enough food to keep his stomach full. After living on the streets for so long, she has sworn to make sure he always has a full stomach.

The twins trot into the kitchen and hop up onto the barstools that sit in front of the granite countertop. Robbie stands in front of the oven, wearing jeans and a grey t-shirt, as well as a green apron that Cassie finds a bit tacky. The large bear, that has come to be one of her fathers, sets out a plate with a little chicken leg and a small pool of veggies. Cassie tears through the veggies right away. In her mind, if she eats those first, she can get rid of the bland taste with the chicken later. Jamie nibbled on the chicken first.

Robbie ate with them, opting to stand and eat with the plate in his hand. Chicken grease and crumbs slick his fingers and chest up. "So how was school today, kids?" he asks.

Jamie shrugged. Cassie said, "It was just fine. Second grade isn't as bad as it looks. I'm just happy they stuck us in the same class again."

"Do you like your new teacher?"

"Mhm. Mrs. Karen is very nice." She truly was. Robbie told her about Cassie and Jamie's troubled past and she was one of the rare people who didn't say "Sorry to hear about that" or offer some other fake sympathetic statement. She only said, "I see." Cassie knew from that moment alone, she was going to like this teacher.

Robbie then turned to Jamie. "How about you, kiddo? Do you like your teacher?" The little fox nodded his head eagerly.

In the first few months that Cassie and Jamie lived with Riley and Robbie, Jamie instantly had a connection with Robbie. Probably because of the teddy bear I gave him, she always thought. Every once in a while, Jamie would beg Cassie to sleep with him in Robbie's room. She would only tag along to keep her brother happy, even though she and Robbie hardly have a deep relationship. Yeah, he would ask her how she is doing, but they don't really get into anything too deep or personal.

"I'm going to go finish in the living room," Cassie stated. She got up with her dinner in paws and walked the three paces into the living room. The television was turned on some video game. She sat on the couch next to Riley, who had his own seat.

The white pup paused his game once she took a seat and quickly covered himself with a blanket. Cassie knew he was completely naked underneath. It was like a silent agreement between the two of them; they don't talk about it ever. "Do you have your father's permission to eat out here?" Riley asked. He returned to his video game, giving it half the attention he did before.

Cassie dug into the chicken, the sweet and salty taste pouring over her taste buds and filling up her muzzle. She shrugged. "Are _you_okay with me eating out here?" she asked.

Riley nodded. "Just make sure to clean up any mess you make."

"I will."

Cassie finished her meal, watching Riley play his game. Something about a gunman needing to assassinate some foreign ambassador. Cassie knew that the game was completely fake; just a bunch of compute programming to give the appearance of a war on the television screen. She watched Riley play. His thumbs moved all over the controls like they had a mind of their own.

Cassie wanted to earn money of sorts to buy a separate controller so she could play with Riley one day. Riley was her favorite of her two dads. He didn't have a care in the world, like her. He was very open minded and charismatic. Cassie loved to stay up late at night on weekends to watch TV with Riley until they both passed out. The next morning, Robbie would always shake his head in disapproval, but then make French toast and forget about it.

Robbie came in about fifteen minutes later to take Cassie' empty plate away. She completely forgot about it, and felt bad that she made her father clean up after her. The bear came back a while later with Jamie in his arms. "I'm going to get my shower, hun. I'll come down to sponge you later."

"Thanks, sweetie!" Riley called over his shoulder. Robbie always announced that he would "sponge" Riley every other day. Cassie knew that he meant sponge bath. She could hardly imagine how they manage to do that. For now, she just watched Riley shoot away at strangers trying to mug him on the TV.


Giving Riley a sponge bath was something Robbie always looked forward to. It was pretty much one of the moments when they would be alone and they could be naked together.

Robbie came downstairs with a large bucket full of soapy water and several towels. Riley finally put down the video games and was watching the news when the bear came in. "Hey." The bear put on his best smile and kissed his lover on the mouth, something rare that happened anymore. Riley kissed back with a tease of his tongue.

"Hi there, gorgeous," he murred and wagged his tail. Riley tossed the blanket off him, shivering as his naked body became exposed to the air conditioning. Robbie gives his ginormous belly a quick rub.

Robbie set the bucket down, soaked up the sponge full of soapy water and started to scrub his lover's body. Riley leaned back in the chair, uttering a few moans. The water trickled down his chest and belly, dripping onto the floor. This was why Rob brought a few towels down with him. He set them out on the floor under Riley. He made sure to take extra care around Riley's fat rolls, having to lift up his moobs to scrub underneath. Riley couldn't help but giggle, causing his stomach to shake.

"Hold still, silly pup," Robbie said. He flicked some soap bubbles onto Riley's face.

The Samoyed cried out, "I can't help it! I'm very ticklish!" Robbie ignored his laughter, even though it was starting to become contagious, and continued to scrub his oversized stomach. He reached underneath Riley's love handle, trying his hardest to clean every square inch of him. That only seemed to drive more hysterical laughs from him. It's always fun to know his weak spots, thought the bear malevolently.

Next, he moved on to the navel. Riley's belly button, this up close especially, was pretty big; about the size of a quarter. Robbie stuck a finger inside of it. He managed to dig his whole finger in all the way. Riley looked down at him with a lustful look in his eyes. A look that Robbie was very familiar with years ago. Because once upon a time, the two had sex before Riley moved out and became immobilized. It has been too long since they've made love together. But Riley refused to get out of that chair no matter what. Robbie did his best to try to respect that.

"Can you lift your stomach, hun? I need to wash under your belly too."

Riley complied, wrapping his arms around his belly the best that he could. They can hardly fit halfway around his gut. Straining, the pup lifted his mountain of flab the best that he could, which was hardly a couple inches. But it was enough for Robbie to slip the sponge up under his overhang and clean his thighs and sheath. Riley moaned a little louder at the touch of his crotch. He hasn't been able to paw off in years. The stench coming from under his belly contained mostly sweat. The pup was so desperate to cum. He _needed_release.

Robbie stood up, stretching his back with a loud crack. "I need you to get on the couch today," he said. "It need to wash your butt again."

Riley let his ears drop. He hasn't been asked to get on the couch in a while. Both boys were surprised that they could figure out how to do it the first time. Robbie simply pulled Riley onto the couch cushion while Riley rotated, allowing the furniture to bear most of the weight. While effective, it is very exhausting and it knocks the wind out of him.

"Do we have to?" Riley whimpered. He was having a great time sitting in his chair 24/7, never having to worry about getting up to risk burning calories. And trying to get on his stomach definitely burns some calories.

Robbie sets the sponge back in the bucket then crossed his arms at him. "Riley, you know I have to do this at least once a month. If we don't, you'll eventually get fused to that chair and you'll never be able to leave it ever again."

"Exactly! What do you think the word _immobile_means?" Riley asked, half sarcastically.

Instead of him heading off with the dirty bath water like he had hoped, the bear stood his ground. "Listen, I know you love being this big and there is nothing that I can do to make you change your mind about that. But, I still want you to have the option of getting out of that chair if you want to change your mind."

Riley groaned. Here we go again. This was the fourth or fifth time that Robbie has given him this speech. It started around the time that Riley reached the 1200-pound mark. To him, it was an accomplishment. It was near the weight of the world's fattest person. Pretty soon, he would easily surpass that record. However, as soon as _Robbie_saw that number, the bear has shown hints of worry, something he's never done before. It's not like he was trying to push Riley to losing weight, but he continued to hint at possibly gaining his mobility back.

The pup looked his mate in the eye. "Babe, I know that you're worried about my weight or my ability to walk, but I'm just fine. I have you and that's all I need right now." He leaned up and kissed him on the nose.

"Pup, you haven't walked in four years. Are you sure you're not even a little curious about being back on your feet again?"

Riley shook his head a little too furiously. "Nope. I do not enjoy being mobile. I like being this fat." He stood his ground. (That was a terrible pun.)

"What about the kids?" Robbie pointed upstairs where Cassie and Jamie are sitting in bed. "You really think they want a father who's going to be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life?" Robbie's voice began to rise in tone. Riley could tell he was doing his best to keep the volume down. "And what about sex? I haven't gotten to make love with you in years too because you chose to move out before your last year of school."

"I didn't have a choice!" Riley pointed out. And it was true. He was over 800 pounds at the end of his third year of college. At the rate he was going, he was eventually going to be stuck somewhere in the middle of the school. "And anyways," Riley kept his voice down, "I've sucked your dick after the kids went to bed before. What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, but I want to feel your ass too. Sometimes the mouth isn't enough." A blush formed on Robbie's cheeks. Never have the boys discussed about sex this open before. At least, not in the past four years. His big fingers cup Riley's face. "I want to make love to my favorite pup." Playfully, Robbie licks Riley's nose, ears, and cheek.

Electricity flows through their veins. Riley pulls Robbie down further, locking muzzles with him. The kiss was short, but rough. Teeth gnawed on the other's lip. Their tongues brushed and twisted together between their lips. A moan escaped their throats at appropriate intervals.

Robbie broke the kiss, panting hard. "Please let me make love to you," he whispered gently. "I need you."

He took the pup's hand and stuck it under his belly. Riley's fingers rubbed against Robbie's extreme hard on. It was throbbing; thicker than the pup remembered. With kids living with them, they hardly have time to even do oral foreplay. Riley has sucked him off at least once a month though. Robbie's loads were always large; being pent up for thirty days will do that.

And the taste...

Riley licked his lips. What he'd give to put his lips around his cock and gulp down another load of his, releasing a month's worth of tension down his throat. Only this time, Robbie wants to release tension up his butthole. Riley thought back to that night before he moved out of his dorm. The most romantic night of his life; getting to bend over for the love of his life as they made slow passionate love...

It was tempting. Too tempting.


He shook his head. "I don't want to leave this chair tonight," Riley simply said. He didn't have any negative tone in his voice. So when Robbie grabbed the bucket of dirty water and left without a word, Riley thought that he was being completely immature. Whatever. He'll get over it like he normally does.

Robbie, on the other hand, was pissed. He dumped the water down the shower drain and tried not to think about how much Riley has changed since he got into that chair. He's been more demanding, to start. And he doesn't see any reason other than his own. All Robbie wanted was the chance to make some love with his lover, which he didn't get to do for years, and instead, all he was offered was the muzzle. As much as the muzzle is satisfying, nothing compares to the ass when it comes to sex. Robbie would've fucked Riley during the few times he was on the couch, but they both get physically exhausted trying to get the pup on and off the chair and he knew Riley would never be in the mood.

The bear set the bucket in a closet and headed off to his bed. That was another thing he could've brought up: they were boyfriends and yet they sleep in different rooms. Robbie tossed and turned all the time in his sleep. He would kill to have Riley with him here in bed to cuddle with during the night.

Not tonight, Robbie thought. Maybe there would be some way to convince the pup to get out of the chair again soon, but not now.

He set his alarm and curled up under his bed for the 1,614th night. Alone.


The Second Day of School.

Jamie made sure to leave extra room for his teddy bar in his backpack. The school had a strict policy on no toys allowed in class. So every day, the clever fox buried his teddy behind one of his folders. Luckily the teacher never searches through his belongings, which implies the rule isn't heavily enforced.

Cassie was downstairs eating a bowl of corn flakes with Riley on the couch. This morning, he smelled more decent; of vanilla soap, she detected with her sniffer. Much better than his usual, musty smell he usually emits. Much better. The television was turned on to some weird cartoon from the 90s Cassie didn't recognize. Nevertheless, it was more entertaining than most shows that are on at 7am.

Robbie came downstairs a while later in a plain white shirt and blue stripped boxers. The fact that the hem of the shirt only came down to his belly button said two things to Cassie: one, that he isn't ashamed of his body and two, that is a shirt specifically for sleeping. She looked down at her hot pink t-shirt and skirt. Does this look too girly? she thought.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Cassie heard Jamie trudge down the stairs with his backpack in one paw. She knew his bear was secretly inside of it. He hasn't been able to let go of the thing since she first gave it to him. In a way, she assumed it was because of the two years they were parent-less.

Jamie hopped onto one of the barstools in the kitchen and looked up at Robbie, who was pouring himself a bowl of cereal; a lazy meal, but a decent one. "How're you doing?" he asked the little fox. Jamie's whisker's twitched. His shoulders shrugged. The bear slowly poured milk overtop his bowl. "Still not talkative, eh?" Jamie shook his head, the same blank look across his face shown. Robbie was a tad bit worried. If Jamie can't talk, he won't be able to do as much once he grows up.

"Are you enjoying school?" Jamie's head bobbed up and down.

Curious, Robbie leaned forward and whispered, hoping his sister didn't hear, "How come you won't talk to anyone, little guy?"

Jamie just sat there. A look of fear crossed his face as he pulled his knees up to his chest and hugged his legs. His tail drooped. He looked down at the ground, scrutinizing the thin brown lines between floor tiles.

"I said too much, didn't I?" Robbie asked. Jamie stayed in his fetal position.

Cassie came in a moment later carrying two empty bowls. "What's wrong?" she asked her brother as she set them in the sink. He didn't even look up to meet her eyes. He remained still. Cassie took the seat next to him, afraid. "Jamie, what's the matter? Are you okay?" Robbie was standing before them, dumbfounded. Cassie scrunched down her eyebrows in a scowl. "Did you ask him why he wouldn't talk?"

Robbie stuttered for a moment, unsure of what to say. Clearly, he isn't as informed about their history as he should.

Covering her brother's ears, she snarled, "Jamie doesn't talk for a reason. Just leave him alone." She picked him up and carried him off to the other room.

Suddenly the cereal didn't seem so appealing to the bear anymore. Robbie took his bowl and gave it to Riley, who gladly accepted it and started eating in a sloppy manner. The bear grabbed some napkins and dabbed his boyfriend's fur clean. "I'm worried," Rob said.

"What about?" Riley asked between bites. The Samoyed was getting milk all over his chest fur.

"Jamie. He isn't talking at all. I know the kid is intelligent, but even his sister doesn't even know what he sounds like. She once told me that he never yelled or cried as a baby. That's another thing: Cassie is only eight years old yet she's already eighteen." The bear shook his head. "She's growing up too fast."

"She had to." Riley licked the inside of the bowl, getting as much food as he can in his mouth. "Hun, you need to keep in mind these kids were on their own for a long time. And they haven't had real parents for that time either. Of course Cassie was going to take charge and be the adult."

Robbie sighed and shook his head again. "I just wished that they were both still kids. Eight years of life is nowhere near enough to already be an adult."

"I say just leave them be. So Jamie can't talk, there's nothing wrong with that. The kid will talk when he feels as if he's ready to." Riley's belly growled. Robbie took the bowl into the kitchen and rinsed it off. He gave his lover two bags of chips, which should settle him throughout the day while Robbie's at work.

The bear sat down next to him. "Maybe there's some way I can make them feel like kids." When Riley didn't ask anything, the bear continued. "If the kids loosen up a little, maybe Jamie will finally talk."

"You're making a mistake," Riley urged. In his mind, people should be allowed to do whatever they want that makes them comfortable and happy. And if Jamie doesn't wish to speak at all in his lifetime, then he should be allowed to. "Rob, please tell me you're not going to do anything to those kids."

"I promise," Robbie lied.

The bear got dressed in his usual work outfit which consists of a white shirt, his boxers, and jean coveralls. He always had trouble trying to snap the buttons over his shoulders. Even with the biggest size they've got, it's still no match for the decent sized belly Robbie is sporting.

The twins go a little simpler. Cassie wears a white shirt with a golden star over her chest and jeans. (She hated how jeans are skin tight so she asked for jeans one size bigger than normal so they look baggy.) Jamie was in a bright red sweater and khaki pants. Both kids grabbed their bags and headed out to Robbie's car. Since the day they were adopted, Cassie hated this car. It always smelled like oil and gasoline. She tried to breathe through her mouth in Robbie' car.

The bear slipped into the front seat. Due to the excess weight, the car wobbled a little before stabilizing. Robbie's gut would normally press up against the wheel, but since he has his coveralls on, they hug his belly, holding it back enough. Robbie shifted the car into reverse, backed out of the driveway and sped off towards the middle of town.

The city's elementary school was clear on the opposite side of the town. They passed his work on the way. An orange fox wearing a blue cap and similar coveralls waved as they passed. Jamie did his best to wave back. Cassie sat there motionless. "That's my buddy, Dimitri," Robbie explained the first time they saw him.

A few turns here and there and the streets spit them out towards the front of the elementary school, a one story high orange brick building that Cassie always found homey. Once Robbie parked his car, they started the same routine every day. The bear would get out, walk the kids into the school to their room and left. He gently patted both of them on the head, wishing them luck on their second day.

As soon as he was gone Mrs. Karen, a cougar with really dark fur, smiled and asked them to put their bags away and take a seat. The room was divided in two; a carpeted area where everyone in the room got together to do various tasks such as math, reading, or spelling, and the hardwood area where the kids got into separate groups for their morning activities. Cassie and Jamie were in a group with a tiger around their age and a nine-year-old wolf. Cassie thought the wolf looked intimidating, but he didn't make eye contact with anyone else. Maybe as long as they stayed out of his way, he'd remain silent.

The kids took their seats.

During the first hour on the clock, not much really happened in the garage. The boys mostly talked about how their lives were going. "I had this really nice trip to Las Vegas last week," Dominic, a rather tall tiger with white stripes and a huge scar on his face, said. "Trust me when I say the brochures look nice, but most of the motels are infested with cockroaches." A shiver ran up his spine.

Robbie sipped on his mug of decaffeinated coffee. A large wolf with a tattoo of a skull on his shoulder shared a life story of his next. "Man, yesterday was not very amusing for me. I was diving in the dumpster since I find some neat stuff, especially in the one behind the bowling alley. Last month I found a hundred-dollar bill in there! Anyways, I was rummaging through some of the garbage until I found this Playboy magazine." Some of the other guys perk up at the mention of porn. "So, being the sexually active dude that I am, I obviously took it. But I wasn't thinking because when I opened the page, the whole first page was... slathered in dried up cum. The stench was unbearable. I swear I ended up washing my fingers for two hours nonstop." He held up his paw. His fingers had a lot of fur shed off, revealing the pink skin underneath.

Dimitri, Robbie's favorite co-worker, turned to the bear. "You have anything to share, big guy?" he asked.

Robbie looked down into his drink, thinking about his lover and his kids. "No. Not really," he said quietly. He tilted his drink back up to his muzzle to take another swig of his drink.

"Nonsense!" Nat, a golden Labrador exclaimed. "You have kids! You must have _something_interesting that you're not telling us!"

The bear did his best to run through memories of the past two years with Cassie and Jamie. Most of them were with Jamie, who preferred him over Riley, he noticed. "No, I don't really have anything. The kids keep to themselves really. Cass doesn't talk to me much and James doesn't speak at all."

"Not even a word?" Dimitri asked.

Robbie shook his head. "None. Cassie told me he hasn't spoken his whole entire life. It's sad, really." He tried to drink some more of his coffee. Only to find the cup was empty.

A car came into the garage and the conversation stopped. Thank goodness, Robbie thought. Now he can focus his mind on something other than his home life. The guy who came into the shop said his car was acting funky. "No matter how much I push on the gas pedal, the car won't move at all. I tried shifting it into reverse; nothing happened."

"Let's take a look," Robbie said. Dominic popped the hood of the car, a 2000 Toyota Corolla. The bear got into the driver's seat and started the engine. Slowly, he shifted the car into drive and eased his foot onto the gas pedal. The engine purred, but like the guy said, the car wasn't moving. Robbie pushed the gas pedal further. The engine of the car roared only to get the same result: it didn't move.

"Can you guys see the problem?" Robbie shouted.

"Yeah!" Dimitri said. Robbie climbed out of the car and waddled over to him. The fox was pointing to the part of the engine with several tubes running through a line. "The transmission fluid is leaking. That tube over there is completely broken." Dominic turned off the car and handed the keys back to the car owner, a blue fox with one black ear and an oversized tail. "We can probably fix this in about twenty minutes. All we need to do is replace the broken line."

"Thank you very much," the blue fox said. "This is my only ride to the college across town." He sat on the sidelines as Dimitri and Dominic worked to get the transmission line replaced.

As they did, Robbie's eyes wandered around the garage.

Riley slept with the TV on.

He always did. The bright light and the warm, inviting sounds of late-night sitcoms easily lolled him to sleep. Beside him on the seat of the couch sat two empty bags of chips. Crumbs were spread all over his chest and belly. A little drool spilled out of the corner of his muzzle.

His knees became sweaty. Not from his legs, which were inactive, but from his belly. The Samoyed's gut rested past his knees, nearly reaching his ankles. His arms were so pumped full of jelly near the biceps that it became a mini workout just to move them. Maybe another goal of his should've been to be so fat as to where he can't move the rest of his limbs. Nah, he thought, then it wouldn't be so easy to stuff my fat face.

Riley scratched under his moob. Lately it was getting a little itchy between his fat folds. He thought it might be because of the cold air from the air conditioning. He would have to ask Robbie to turn down the A/C later.

A small pain in his chest awoke him from his nap.

The TV was advertising another new version of the classic game Operation.

Next thing he recalled was blackness.

It was around noon when Robbie took his lunch break. Only two cars came into the shop; the blue fox and some Clydesdale whose engine completely blew up. Needless to say, the guys worked up quite a sweat fixing that one.

He stood in the back next to a fan that was slowly oscillating. A silver lunch box sat on the table next to him. Inside was a couple chicken sandwiches and a bottle of iced water. The ice already melted, but the water was still cold enough to make Robbie shiver once the refreshing liquid poured over his lips.

The fan blew some air his direction, giving him temporary relief.

"You hot as well?" A voice from his right asked. Dimitri took a seat on the table. His arms had some spots of oil stuck in his fur.

Robbie nodded. "Yeah. I'm starving too." He stretched the word out for emphasis. Though his belly was not completely empty, he probably would've scarfed down three whole boxes of brownie mix if given the chance. The bear took a huge bite out of his sandwich. Sliced chicken would not have been his first choice to put between slices of bread, but Robbie wasn't a picky eater.

Dimitri just smirked. "How hungry are you?"

The question threw him off a little bit. Robbie never discussed matters like this in public. His belly chose now to growl loudly, giving away his answer. A blush rose on his cheeks.

The fox smiled like it was nothing. "Here, I grabbed some extra food from home just for this case." He reached into his paper bag and pulled out a small tub with what appeared to be brownies inside. The look of the contents made Robbie's mouth water. Dimitri gave them to Robbie.

"Thanks," the bear said, carefully tearing the lid open and trying a bite. The chocolate overwhelmed his taste buds and he actually moaned. "Oh my! These are really good!"

Robbie saw a flicker of Dimitri's tail. "Sometimes I melt a Hershey's bar or two and add it to the brownie mix. It really adds to the flavor."

"I'll say."

The fox looked down, twiddling his thumbs together. Finally, he spoke. "If you don't mind me asking, what is it like to have kids?"

Again, a look of shock came over Robbie's face. Usually the only things Dimitri and him talked about was their hobbies; hardly ever anything _truly_personal. Not that Robbie never listened. He knew Dimitri had a sick cousin that he's really close to; tail cancer.

At last, Robbie shrugged, saying, "They can be a handful sometimes. But they're worth it. James really enjoys my company; we've basically been attached at the hip outside of school. Cassie..." He scrambled for the right words. "... she's a little overprotective of him. I don't really blame her. If I lived on the streets for two years with a sibling, I'd be that way too."

Dimitri nearly did a double take. "Two years?" Robbie nodded. "Yikes! I hope they aren't scarred from all that time by themselves."

"James still doesn't talk. Then again, Cassie said he never spoke a word in his life. And they're about to turn nine here soon."

"Oh dear. Does Cassie talk you a lot?"

"Not really. She's more of a fan of Riley." That fact never bothered Robbie. All kids prefer one parent over the other. Riley always joked that Cassie only liked him because of his video games. Yet they've always ate together.

Dimitri's ears flicker around in disbelief. "Jeez. I don't think I'd ever be able to handle the responsibility of being a parent. Or even a caretaker."

Robbie took a swig of water. The fan blew some more air their way. "What do you mean caretaker?"

"Your boyfriend Riley. Don't you take care of him?"

"Yeah, but..." Something about the way the fox said caretaker rubbed him the wrong way. "What do you mean by that?"

The fox's whiskers twitched. "Well don't you have to feed him and bathe him? Last time you told me about him, he was bound to a wheelchair and refused to get up unless he needed to go to the bathroom. It must be pretty hard to be able to do all that as well as keep a handle on two kids."

Robbie didn't want to admit it but Dimitri was not wrong. Riley has been getting more frustrating by the day. Don't get him wrong; he still supported Riley's decision to stay immobile because that's what the pup has wanted since Freshman year of college. However, after a few years of it, his extreme obesity was starting to take its toll on them. Robbie's weight hasn't gone down either. If Robbie became immobile one day (and there's _always_that possibility), then who would be around to take care of them or the twins? This is another reason Robbie had a gym membership card on him.

He shook his head. "I still love him very much. And he loves me."

"When was the last time he told you so?" Dimitri asked.

"Uh..." Robbie couldn't answer that question. Back in Sophomore year of college, the answer would've been simple: nearly every day. Nowadays... "It's been a while." Dimitri smirked. Robbie's heart sank. They've been so focused on the kids that they've hardly ever had time for each other anymore. For heaven's sake they only had time to go through one blowjob a month. Having kids around affects that. Robbie has spent countless nights alone with a paw and his thoughts.

Just thinking about a warm muzzle under his belly servicing his erection stirs his sheath, coaxing out his cock.

The fan chose to blow some air their way at the wrong moment. Dimitri's nose filled with the beautiful scent of bear musk. It was faint, covered by two layers of clothes between the surface and Robbie's sheath, but it was there. "Sounds like he hasn't given you something else in a while too," Dimitri said with a clear seductive tone.

Robbie took a step back. Dimitri stepped forward. It was one thing his co-worker was flirting with him, but unless Robbie was reading the signs wrong (flickering of the fox's tail, his twitching eyebrows, and a soft flicker of his tongue on his upper lip), Dimitri looked like he wanted to play.

The bear shook his head. "Absolutely not. I would never do something like that to Riley. And he wouldn't do the same to me."

"Would he?"

Robbie tilted his head. "What are you talking about?"

"You haven't seen?" Dimitri asked. The fox pulled out his phone and tapped a few buttons. Robbie was getting nervous. He knew that whatever this guy was about to pull up on his phone might make him upset. He knew he should walk away. But whatever it is about Riley intrigued him. "Here." Dimitri handed Robbie his phone.

On the screen was a screenshot of his boyfriend eating a Domino's pizza. There was a play button on the center. Robbie tapped it and a video of Riley stuffing his face with cheese pizza started playing. The bear looked around on the particular website that Dimitri pulled up. Clips4Sale. Other videos available included other severely obese people messing around with their bodies. Robbie found several more of Riley playing with his belly or eating or hiding stuff under the folds of his fat.

Riley's naked body. All for the world to see.

"He's been selling videos of his body on the internet?" Dimitri nodded. So that_explains how that pup has been getting money. He knew that Riley had an online job... but he didn't think _this is what he meant. Robbie wanted to get angry, but as he watched his lover's body wobble and sway, a different feeling settled over him. Arousal. All of the flab displayed before him, instead of making him want to confront the pup, it was making his dick even harder.

Eventually, watching Riley play with his belly while eating pizza became too much for the bear. His erection was throbbing hard. If Riley was here with him, Robbie would one-hundred percent get him on his stomach and pound him harder than he ever did before. The has not pawed off in over a week. He tried to save himself in case the pup ever wanted to play again.

Dimitri reached out, fingers ready to grab his crotch. Robbie backed away another step and bumped into a table. At the fox's touch, he didn't flinch. Instead, the bear moaned softly. Dimitri could smell the bear's arousal. He knew Robbie wanted to get off desperately. Slowly, looking into Robbie's eyes for permission, he started to undo his coveralls.

Robbie gripped the edge of the table, but didn't stop the fox from undressing him. The other guys were blocked from view by one of the bigger cars and distracted by a couple more customers with car troubles.

By the time Robbie stepped out of his coveralls and kicked them to the side, Dimitri had started giving him belly rubs. He closed his eyes, relaxed. I've never gotten belly rubs before... They were amazing. Dimitri's paw slowly caressed his large boulder of fat, pushing in a little as if curious about how his belly feels. It was soft, plenty of fat to go around with a thin layer of muscle underneath.

His coworker looked up at him with lust in his eyes, his paw roaming towards his crotch. Robbie's erection throbbed. The bear was admiring Dimitri's body. He was a little fit; not too slim not too fat. His tail was very fluffy and soft, waving around behind the horny fox. But underneath the tail was the true treasure, what Robbie was desperate to put his dick inside of.

Dimitri stood up, keeping his paw on Robbie's cock. "You want to go somewhere private?" he asked.

Without thinking, Robbie nodded. It was as if at this moment, there was nothing but the two of them in the world. He was excited. He was finally going to get some "love" after years without it. Dimitri helped him back into his coveralls. Robbie noticed the fox had a bulge of his own. How long has he been wanting this?

Together, they made their way outside. Behind the garage was mostly forest, trees blooming green in the middle of August. Robbie looked around to make sure no one was looking before he slipped his paw down and groped Dimitri's ass. The fox yelped. His butt was nice and round. A little toned too. Maybe it was tight in there.

"Do you work out?" Robbie asked.

Dimitri nodded. "I mostly do legs. Why, can you tell?"

"Mhm. And I love it." Robbie tightened his grip on his butt on the word love. Somehow, the lure of muscled butt was making his dick throb even harder. If precum wasn't leaking before, surely it was now.

Robbie started to undo the buttons on his coveralls, sliding them down his body. Dimitri did the same. The fox helped tug down the bear's boxers. When his erection sprang free, the fox grasped it and started to lick it. The sensation of a warm tongue threw Robbie off and he let out a loud moan.

Dimitri made sure to take care of Robbie's cock. He wrapped his warm, wet muzzle around the large bear dick and sucked. A shudder when down Robbie's spine. His hips were tense, occasionally thrusting into Dimitri's maw. Luckily, the fox already had developed a good gag reflex. He allowed the large bear to grab his head and push the rest of his dick in his maw, the tip touching the back of the fox's throat.

"Ahhhh," the bear exhaled.

The fox stood up, his own dick fully erect from the excitement of playing with a bear. Robbie wrapped him up in a tight embrace and kissed him. Dimitri parted his lips and started lapping at Robbie's lips. The bear sucked on his tongue, moaning alongside the fox. His big paws explored Dimitri's little frame before coming to rest on his toned ass. The little guy gasped.

Their kiss deepened. Their arms tighten their hold on each other, their breathing heavier, desperate. Robbie pinned the fox against a tree with his belly alone. He could feel Dimitri's dick press into his belly. "I've always liked you," the fox said between kisses. Robbie grunted in reply. Drool started to drip from their muzzles. Their kiss only escalated; their tongues playfully twisting around each other between their lips. "Play with me?" Dimitri begged.

Robbie heard the submissiveness in his voice and grinned. "Turn around then, fox," he growled in his pointy ear.

Dimitri shivered and did as he was commanded. When he bent over, Robbie slapped his ass hard, causing the fox to cry out. The bear gripped his fox's tail and lifted it up. The tight little pucker that rested between his buttcheeks looked _extra_tight. Perhaps he's a virgin? It didn't matter to the bear. All he wanted right now was to get in there and show this fox who's boss.

"I have lube in my pocket," Dimitri nodded towards his discarded clothes. Robbie dug out a small jar, scooped out a little bit of lube, and started to coat the fox's hole with it. Dimitri shook and moaned. Robbie pressed his thumb into the hole. The fox's hold on the tree tightened, the skin under his fur turning white as his hole started to stretch from one of Robbie's big fingers. It hurt, he wasn't going to lie, but Robbie only swirled his finger around until the pain went away. Robbie could tell the fox was enjoying this.

"Does foxy love that?" he asked. Dimitri nodded eagerly. He whimpered like a bitch. He's ready for my cock.

The bear ceased teasing the fox, rubbing the excess lube on his erection. He places his paws on the fox's hips, resting his belly on his back, then started to push into him. Robbie hardly showed any mercy. Dimitri's hole went from tight pucker to gaping open as the bear slid his thick dick into him. The fox couldn't help but howl a little as Robbie penetrated him.

Robbie could not deny: Dimitri's ass was nice and warm. And tight. It squeezed his cock in the right places as it went in; making itself temporary home inside the fox's ass. He pulled out. Then thrusted back in. Dimitri cried out. The sound was music to the bear's ears. His hips picked up a rhythm, gyrating back and forth, pushing deeper and deeper in the fox. Precum came faster than he expected. His climax was building quickly, his penis missing the feeling of another person around it, breeding them.

His balls slapped against Dimitri's leg. The fox tried his best to lean against the tree as Robbie thrusted forward with all of his weight. The imbalance nearly threw him off. But... fuck Robbie's dick felt so good. His big dick throbbed inside of him. Dimitri tightened his walls, milking the bear for his warm load.

"Ah _shit..._I'm gonna-" Robbie edged close to his climax. He pinned Dimitri to the tree, fucking him harder, ready to blow.

The bear let out a roar, emptying his balls into the fox's anus.

Robbie panted, pulling out of his coworker. A large trail of cum leaked from his now-gaping hole. Tears streamed down Dimitri's cheek. It must have been painful for him to get opened up so much. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I kind of... destroyed your tailhole." A blush crept up on the bear's cheeks.

The fox only smiled. "It's okay. I loved it." Without cleaning himself up, Dimitri scrambled for his clothes. Robbie snapped back into reality. Who knew how long they were out there. The other guys would be wondering where they went. Robbie slipped his underwear back up his legs and buttoned up his coveralls. A small pang of regret struck him. The second Riley found out about this...

And he will find out (for fuck's sake, Robbie smelled like Dimitri and sex), he might not want anything to do with the bear anymore. What was he going to do?

For now, the bear thought, focus on work. Who knows, maybe there was a way to get away with this.

Cassie and Jamie waited outside of the elementary school for Robbie. Their second day was less stressful than the first. They got to go to the library for their daily activity. Jamie checked out a couple books on bears, but Cassie is sure it's only for the pictures. Cassie got a book on Astrology. Not that she is particularly interested in the subject. She just had to check out a book for the week and this was the first that caught her eye.

The twins stood at the front of the school with the crossing guard, a wolf with dark grey fur that looks black with the name of Terrance. Most of the other kids have been picked up by now. Robbie explained that his work finished thirty minutes after school let out. So the twins would have to stay there a little longer. Jamie dug out his teddy bear from his backpack and hugged it as they waited.

Cassie sighed and looked at the clouds.That one looks like a mushroom dancing. And that almost looks like a boat with two holes in it.

A familiar blue car veered around the corner. Robbie parked on the opposite side of the street. When he got out, he looked sweaty and nervous. And he had a terrible smell coming from him. Cassie wrinkled her nose. Terrance and Jamie did the same, but neither commented on it. So Cassie didn't either.

All three of them piled into the car. "How was your day, kids?" Robbie asked as he started the vehicle and drove down the road.

"It was just fine," Cassie said. "We started some math lessons and we went to the library."

"Find anything good?"

Now Cassie knew something was up. Robbie didn't normally ask her this much at once. And certainly not with a sheen of sweat on his forehead. The air condition in the car was cranked to full blast.

"Yeah," the young vixen said. "I got one on stars and Jamie got one on bears."

"Interesting." Robbie did his best to keep his focus on the road. At least for the time being until he got home and could think about what to do next.

The car quickly filled with the smell of sex. Robbie turned on the radio, trying to drown out his thoughts as he took a couple turns then zoomed across town towards the house. When he pulled up, he still had no idea what he could do. The kids got out of the backseat. Robbie let them in the house.

Riley was fast asleep in his chair in the living room.

Good, Robbie thought, maybe I can get this stench off me and I can completely avoid this conversation.

The bear raced upstairs, threw off his clothes, and stepped into his personal shower. Unfortunately, this shower was one of those that were too small for the bear. He had to waddle in sideways to squeeze inside. Leaning against the wall, there was about four inches of room between his belly and the next wall. Closing the door didn't help; it only added to the claustrophobic feeling. As a result, all of Robbie's showers are with the door open.

He lathered some body wash in his paws and started to scrub his body. Around his chest, under his moobs, all over his biceps, and most of his belly. Once he could not reach any further, he grabbed the brush from the wall. Robbie scrubbed under his belly for a good ten minutes, trying to erase the smell of the fox from his crotch. To him, he couldn't smell cum anymore. Just fruit.

Relieved, but still on edge, he set the brush back up on the wall and rinsed the soap bubbles off his body.

Robbie changed into some casual clothes; a red shirt with the Coca-Cola logo on it and some loose-fitting jean shorts he got online. Most of his clothes he needed to get custom made. Either that or they were hand-me-downs from Riley's college days.

The bear waddled downstairs and tossed the dirty clothes into the hamper. The twins were sitting in the living room with a sleeping Riley. Cassie had turned on the TV to some kid's channel. "Hey," Robbie said, trying to act normal. "Are you guys feeling hungry?"

"A little," Cassie replied.

"What about you, Riley?" The Samoyed didn't respond. His eyes were closed and his head was lolled to the side. A little drool spilled from the corner of his lip. "Hun? You awake?" Rob gently shook his lover's shoulder. Not even a little stir. Odd, he thought. Normally a small shake was enough. Riley was a light sleeper.

Cassie watched Robbie try to wake up Riley for a minute. She tilted her head in confusion when he didn't wake up. Eventually, when Robbie had a panicked look on his face, she got up, went over to the pup and took his wrist. She saw this on a TV show once about nurses. She pressed two fingers over his wrist, feeling for a slight pump within his body that indicated a pulse. "I don't think this is right," she said warily. Riley's pulse was weak.

And he wasn't waking up.

"Oh god..." Robbie raced through his mind through things he should do. "Kids, don't move and don't try to wake him, I think he's in serious trouble." The bear ran (more like waddled; let's face it) into the kitchen, grabbed the phone off the receiver and dialed 9-1-1.

"Hello? I need an ambulance and fast!"

It only took five minutes for paramedics to arrive at their house. They were grateful that Riley was already in a chair. The wheeled him out of the house, off the front porch to the back of a white ambulance that stood in their yard. Robbie gnawed on his claws, worried about his lover. He just cheated on him today with another man and something was seriously wrong with him.

Was he going to die?

No. He pushed the idea out of his mind.Riley cannot die. Not today.

Cassie and Jamie watched from the front door. Their dad, the conscious one, was talking (almost pleading) with one of the paramedics nearby. Cassie seriously hoped that Riley would be okay. But she wouldn't get an answer of some sort just standing around doing nothing.

She grabbed her brother's paw and marched up to the vixen talking with Robbie. "What's going on?" she asked. "And don't try to lighten the news, I'm not just some kid."

The older vixen and bear stared at each other, silently communicating. Cassie had seen this before with adults. After the vixen gave Robbie a slight nod of her head, the bear kneeled before the kids and spoke softly. "Kids... it seems that Riley has had a heart attack while we were gone. They're going to take him to the hospital right away to do everything they can for him."

"Does that mean he's going to...?" Cassie could not form the last word. But the heavy silence proved they all know the question would've ended in die.

It was the vixen's turn to speak. "Not necessarily. But we want you kids to know that he's in good hands right now."

"We can still come with you, right?" asked Robbie.

"Of course. But you should know he might be there for a while."

"It's okay. I just need to be with him right now." I need to tell him my mistake.

Robbie told the kids to get in the car. "Pack as much as you want for entertainment, we might be there for a while." The twins didn't argue. Cassie only took her schoolbag. Jamie took his bear and some coloring books.

As they speed towards the hospital, there was one thing that Robbie had on his mind: that this was how the universe was paying him back for committing an infidelity. He had become one of those people who thought with their crotches and not their brains.

Nobody was in the waiting room when the trio arrived. Robbie, Cassie, and Jamie settled into their own seats. The arm rests hugged Robbie's hips a little bit, his love handles spilling over some into the next chair. Cassie paid no attention to this. All she wanted was for her father to be okay. She already lost one four years ago, she didn't think she was ready to lose another one.

"You think Riley will be okay?" Cassie asked.

Robbie placed a paw over hers. "I'm sure he will be fine. He's a fighter." And he knows this for sure. He fought through so many hardships on college; especially the time he broke that chair during class. Everyone laughed at him, but he managed to get through the rest of the semester so he could finish his degree at home.

What hurt the bear the most was that he took the little Samoyed for granted; tossed him aside for some other boy. Not again, he assured himself. No matter how tempting it might be in the future, there was no way he was going to do that to Dimitri again.

Minutes tick by. Hours.

By 7pm, the twins were yawning every other minute. Jamie had already taken a little nap on the small table they kept in the waiting room. Cassie had already counted how many ceiling tiles there were in the room (218, not counting the ones that disappear through the wall into another room). Robbie was texting Riley's mother, who was stuck in a business meeting for her to come over.

_ _

Please send my little puppy my love L

Don't worry, your son is getting the best care that he can get in this town.

Robbie wanted so much for it to be true that everything would work out just fine. People have survived heart attacks before, right? Surely Riley would walk away from this unharmed. He would walk out of the room without a scratch in his sturdy, reinforced wheelchair with a smile on his muzzle. Then he'd want fast food so they'd all end up going to Dairy Queen or something, laughing over this ridiculous memory.

But when the urge to chuckle rose, Robbie choked it down with his worry. More minutes flew by. With each tick of the clock, more doubts began to rise about whether Riley would ever come back home. The boy was over twelve hundred pounds! His weight was seriously up there near "World's Heaviest Person" territory. Perhaps it was possible that his fragile canine body could no longer support the half-ton excess weight and just... failed...

All three of them perked up from their half-asleep dozes when they heard two different voices muffled on the other side of the door. A spark of hope grew within Robbie's chest. Please let them be saying good things.

A cougar wearing all white clothes and a white cap walked into the waiting room, bright smile on her face. "Good news, kids, Riley is going to be okay."

Cassie waged. Actually wagged. Robbie hadn't seen that happen in months. Jamie's tail soon followed the pendulum-like motion of his tail. The bear stood up. Four hours of sitting in a chair finally hit him in a wave. His butt was in a deep sleep. His vision was blurry, and the world was spinning a little bit before he righted himself. "May we see him?"

"Yes you may! Follow me." The cougar nurse spun on her heels and walked back down the hall. Robbie and the kids followed. They passed through a series of doors, most unoccupied, but a few with someone perched on the bed, dressed in a blue robe and a red wristband. Robbie wondered what their stories were that ended them up in here.

Eventually, the cougar came to a stop outside of a door marked 1127. Inside, Robbie can see a huge figure slumped on the bed, covered in an oversized blanket. Riley.

The bear let the kids enter first. The room was big. A large window took up one side of the room. Two green chairs sat in the corner. The countertop sitting next to them had a sewing kit and a few medicine vials resting on them. Cassie swatted Jamie's paw away when he curiously reached out for them.

Riley was on the bed, breathing steady. Robbie did the trick Cassie did to detect his pulse. He had one; strong and alive. It was such a load off his chest that Robbie wanted to cry right then and there. He reached for his paw and gave it a tight squeeze as if to say I'm here. Now please wake up. I need to see those beautiful eyes and that smile of yours.

Cassie climbed up on the edge of the bed, looking down at her father, noticing something strange right away. "He looks smaller," she said.

"Oh yes," the nurse said, "we needed to remove some of the fat in his chest to reach his heart. Had to remove over 200 _pounds_of it."

"Do you know what caused his heart attack, ma'am?" Robbie asked.

The cougar shrugged. "They speculated it was because of the weight, which doesn't surprise me at all. He looks too big, almost like the size a bear should be." Robbie tried not to take the comment as an insult. "When he wakes up, make sure to let us know. We have to give him some medication and we want to ask him about possibly having a weight-loss surgery."

Robbie snorted.Good luck with that. The nurse left.

But the pup would be disappointed to find out that he lost over a sixth of his body weight; a body that he's been working on for over five years. At the rate Riley was going in terms of weight gain, that was about a year and a half wasted.



Slowly, the pup's eyes fluttered open. The last thing he remembered was sitting in front of his television and he passed out after a large pain crept over his chest. Now he was awake in a strange room. His arm had two needles connecting him to a hospital machine. His chest was still in pain, but on the outside of his body, rather than inside.

A heavy weight was covering his hand. Riley looked up, albeit with effort, and saw his boyfriend's muzzle staring down at him. "Hey there," the bear said, smiling.

Riley lifted his head a little and looked around the room. Cassie was fast asleep in the chairs in the corner. The lights were too bright. What time was it?

_ _ "Wha... what happened?" he asked.

Robbie teared up, kissing the Samoyed on the forehead. "You had a heart attack and we got you to the doctor's right away. Oh, pup, I'm just so happy that you're safe and sound." He pressed another kiss onto his muzzle.

Riley murred. "Thanks, sweetie."

His lover's face grew seriously for a second. "Listen, there is something I need to tell you, Riles." Riley tilted his head. What on Earth is happening? Robbie took a deep breath. He looked ashamed. "I had sex with a coworker of mine today."

That was not what the pup was expecting.

The words almost broke his heart. Robbie cheated on me? How could he? He sat there, frozen in shock. How did one respond to that? A scene from last night came to his mind. Robbie was giving him a sponge bath and asked him to turn onto his stomach, but he refused. Robbie wanted a blowjob, but Riley said he was too lazy to give one right then and there.

Riley had been asking for Robbie's help since Sophomore year of high school with help in his immobilized life. Yet maybe he didn't think about what the bear wanted from him.

Finally, the puppy sighed and said, "Have I not been the best boyfriend to you?"

"What? Of course you have! I wasn't thinking. I was upset you wouldn't let me make love with you then Dimitri started to seduce me by showing me your videos and... I got carried away. And I'm deeply sorry about it. Can you ever forgive me?"

Riley supposed that it was his fault. He should've kept in mind that Robbie had needs and wants too and that his life didn't completely revolve around taking care of him. If they were going to continue living together, they would need to get a few understandings together. With a large smile and the caress of his cheek, Riley said, "Yes. I forgive you." He leaned up and kissed the bear on the muzzle. Robbie returned the kiss for a second.

In this moment, there was only the two of them. Bear and dog; boyfriend and boyfriend. No matter what life had to throw at them, they would always love each other. Sure, they still had a lot to learn down the road. Then again, isn't that what life is all about?

"Daddy?" A voice startled them. Neither of them have heard this pitch before. Riley thought the word sounded forced out. Both men looked around, but the only other person in the room who was awake was Jamie. He stood there with his teddy bear tightly wrapped in his paws. The young fox looked up at Riley, a shy look on his face.

It couldn't have been... "Jamie?" Riley asked.

Jamie took a step closer to them, opening his mouth. No sound came out at first. But then chocked one of the most wonderful words Riley has ever heard. "D-Daddy?"

Robbie gaped and covered his mouth. Jamie talked. Jamie talked!"You can talk," the bear said. The room started to fill with excitement. The young fox stepped closer to the bed, only Riley within his sighs.

He swallowed before saying the word again. "Daddy."

"Oh my goodness," Riley whispered. Truly, it was a beautiful moment. For nine years, Jamie never spoke one word. Not even to his own sister. But the fact he is looking directly at Riley, calling him his dad brought tears of joy to his eyes. "James! You can talk!"

Jamie wagged enthusiastically, seeming excited to have said his first word. He continued to say it, trying the word out on his tongue. It felt weird after all these years of silence. He looked over at his sister, who was fast asleep. He couldn't wait. He ran over and shook her awake.

She snapped into focus, trying to pass it off as if she wasn't sleeping at all. "Huh? What's going on, little brother?" she asked.

Jamie looked reluctant to talk in front of her. Then, Riley realized, that he was trying to say something new to her. "S...S-Si... Sister." Cassie's eyes widened, bulging out of her head. He smiled and wagged, proud of having accomplished said two different words.

"Brother! You can talk!" she squealed. Unable to help herself, she wrapped her arms around her twin brother. She didn't want to let him go. She was very proud of him. He hardly communicated with anyone. Now he seemed like a real chatterbox.

Robbie and Riley held each other's paw as they saw the twins happily hugging. This was another reason that Riley forgave Robbie for his actions. No matter what; people do dumb shit for their own selfish reasons. But Riley wanted to set a good example for the kids, which he wanted to help raise, by showing that forgiveness is better than holding a grudge. However, there was also a silent agreement between the boys that they would never speak of this again. (And that Robbie should get an STD test soon. Just to be safe)

The nurse came into the room a while later, looking perky as ever. She held a couple bottles of pills and set them on the side. "Hey there, Riley, how are you doing?"

Riley looked around and saw his kids hugging tight, and his paw encased in Robbie's. Without thinking much about his heart attack, the pup said, "I'm doing great, thank you for asking."

"You will be able to go home soon. We just ask that you stay the night just to make sure that you're well enough to go home." Riley didn't want to argue. He could tell that Robbie was about to but the pup shut him down. Not now, hun. "When you get home, you need to take these pills about once a day for the next two weeks and you'll be completely okay."

"Thank you, Nurse Talia."

The cougar flipped through her clipboard notes then said, "Oh! I was hoping to ask of you if while you were here, you wanted to talk about possibly getting a weight loss surgery. You know that being your size is very unhealthy for a canine such as yourself."

Riley has heard this speech hundreds of times in the past. It's not healthy. You could die any second. And he supposed that the second part is true. His life expectancy will do down with each pound he gains. However, he doesn't plan on thinking about that for the rest of his life. The reason he finds his immobility excited is because of how large his body is. But he enjoys being bound to the same place for long periods of time like his wheelchair. Mother would probably jump in and say that she'd want her son to experience more in his life than seeing the same things over and over again.

But looking at the kids and his boyfriend, Riley has come to realize that he has everything he ever wanted in life.

So, he gave Nurse Talia the same jaw-dropping answer he's given before.

"No thanks. I'll pass on the surgery."

The Freshman 800

Awesome! My first commission! This is so exciting for me that I finally get to do what I love for a living. Someone from a different website (not going to reveal names because I don't want to get sued) asked me to write a story about their fursona...

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Book 1, Chapter 1 (Welcome to The Under)

It all ended with a flash. The Dalmatian opens his eyes. His damp paws stick to the floor and make a squishing sound as he tries to sit up. Only a towel covers his thin, naked body. The overhead lights strain at his eyes and he has to blink. ...

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Toby Tries Incest

_"__Sweet home Alabama / Where the skies are so blue!"_ I have no idea why Alex wanted me to have this as his ringtone for him. I guess it's because he's one of the only friends that I truly have. Reaching into my pocket, I grab my phone and answer...

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