Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 140: A Dream Is A Lie, But A Nightmare Is Real (All Of Our Tomorrows Were Yesterday Part Two)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#141 of Counter Earth Chronicles

Last Chapter

Alex, Lady Ursa, Lea and her new boyfriend, Lian attended a medical convention at the Prominence Hotel. The group witnessed many wonderful, magnificent, forthcoming medical tools and marvels before meeting a mysterious unicorn who had a product that he claimed was going to rock the empire to its very core. What did that mean?

Counter Earth Chronicles

Chapter 140: A Dream Is A Lie, But A Nightmare Is Real (All Of Our Tomorrows Were Yesterday Part Two)

Day 1046 (continued)

"Mistress, what happened?" I asked.

"I, I don't know. I haven't been feeling all that well since mid-day." She said to me before...

"ACHOO!!!! ACHOO!!!! ACHOO!!!! ACHOO!!!! ACHOO!!!! ACHOO!!!!"

(Whoa, did the entire lair just shake?!)

"You sound very congested." I said checking her forehead which was warm and then her neck which was slightly swollen.

"I also feel dizzy Alex."

"Wait a minute- your symptoms. What you are experiencing should only happen if I didn't... If I hadn't been giving you... if we are away from each other for an extended period of time. But we mated just this morning!"

(Is my treatment regime no longer working?! Now that is a disturbing thought...)

"ACHOO!!!! ACHOO!!!! ACHOO!!!! Ow. My nose hurts." The sick brown bear moaned.

"Hmm... lay still." I said removing my clothing. I placed my shirt, pants, and undergarments at the far end of the sectional and then seductively crawled toward my incapacitated ursine warrior.


"It is time for your essence of winter mistress. Well another dosage anyway." I said crawling on top of her.

The brown bear struggled to bring her right paw to rest onto my back as I aligned my mouth with hers- we then kissed. As my lips separated from her snout I shot her with the clothes removal ray which we keep close by for obvious reasons.

My warrior bear's clothes disappeared from her body and reappeared next to mine at the far end of the sectional. My perfect person was now as naked as I was.

I gave her a once over- those lovely breasts with the brown nipples I slept on at night- check, that flat stomach- check, the fantastic muscular bulk the houses her power and strength- check and her cub tunnel that I loved being inside of and that nubby tail I love wearing- check and check. Seeing that gorgeous territory quickly ended my flaccidity. It was that and the supreme joy I was about to receive that reminded me of why it was great to be a male.


I told me lover to just relax, I would soon cure her condition and have her back to normal in no time.

I looked into my she beast's gold eyes as I prepared to conquer this magnificent warrior. We kissed again as I had her spread her legs open. Upon which I started caressing her labia up and down, down and up- before moving on to the lips and then her clitoris. Of course my beautiful brown bear started moaning.

Realizing that she was nice and ready, I aimed my penis at its target and slid right in- slowly, carefully enjoying every moment. I then leaned forward placing my hands at either side of her shoulders. Lady Ursa reached for my arms as I gently rocked forward and back inside her.

It wasn't even a minute before I felt that familiar tickle and knew my jizz was more then halfway on its journey to exit my penis. When the moment was nigh, I leaned forward, gave several quick thrusts and grunted- loudly.

(For you my love.)

I spurted the usual nine ropes of my essence deep inside her inner most depths before moaning myself and collapsing on my beloved.

"How do you feel mistress?"

"Pet, there is no change; it didn't work!" Lady Ursa said alarmed. "But it has always worked!"

"Let me try one more thing." I said as I gently pulled out of my panicked warrior bear. I then had her roll onto her tummy and proceeded to enter her in the other hole wearing her tail. Again I thrusted into and out of her grabbing two handfuls of her beautiful hindquarters in the process.

As my moment came once more, I leaned forward and emptied myself into her again and again- giving her everything I had.

Unfortunately the result was the same. Despite the messy couch, it was like my mistress had not received her daily dosage of Alex goo at all.

"Pet, what if I have become resistant to your treatment and my condition returned?! I wouldn't be able to function, I could no longer perform my duties and I can no longer be a knight!"

"Mistress, calm yourself. I will go get our healer. Perhaps she can figure out what is wrong." I said trying to comfort my warrior bear.

The sexy lioness was on site within the hour studying my sick bear.

"ACHOO!!!! ACHOO!!!! ACHOO!!!!"

"Lea what is wrong with her?" I said as the gorgeous lioness examined my naked perfect person.

"Well her nose is leaking and she is also leaking from two other orifices."

"Apart from that." I said blushing.

"Oh, well- I am not quite sure. Her motor skills have started to deteriorate, she is congested and has a slight fever. Have you stopped 'treating' her?"

"Not at all." I countered. "We mated three times today with no effect."

"Lea, I can't live like this." My bear knight said to our healer.

"Let's go to my lab. I am going run some tests until I find out why you stopped reacting to Alex's treatment." The lioness said motioning me to help escort her.

"This has been a very odd day." I said to the sexy lioness.

"Alex explain." Sir Ram's assistant said giving me her full attention.

"This is the third beastial I have seen fall ill today. A canine fell ill this afternoon while I was on surveillance. Previous to that Diana Wild fell ill when I was having lunch in her restaurant." I said eyeing Lea's green shirt and black pants that were encased inside that white lab coat of hers. "Coincidence?"

"Let's not jump to conclusions just yet." She said trying to comfort me.

Lea and I walked Lady Ursa to her lab after reclothing my beautiful naked bear, where she started running test after test after test the rest of the evening and into night while I watched and waited. At the end of the day the lioness was no closer to an answer than when she started.

"So what did Lea say?" I asked my sick warrior.

"All the tests came back normal. She has no idea what is causing this. For all intents and purposes I should be healthy, but I am not."

"That doesn't sound promising at all." I blurted out stupidly which made my fierce ursine warrior even more anxious.

"Alex, what if my condition can't be reversed and I become a virtual vegetable? If I can't be a knight in service to my master, then who am I?" My lady bear asked trembling.

"The beastial that I love who is smart, wise, fierce, powerful and insanely strong despite what has befallen you." I said kissing her. "Lea will get to the bottom of this mistress she just needs time. In the meantime, you rest."

Sanda relieved Lady Ursa from duty until further notice. I ended up spending the night with my she beast in Lea's lab trying to comfort her and assure her that the rest would right itself.


_Hello again little human. _The small golden fennec said to me.

"Feleen!" I said staring at her. She was completely nude (again) save for her gentle stare and the broad smile on her face.

_We meet again. _She said as she approached me. We were in the long hallway of the relay station again.

"What am I doing back here?" I said examining my surroundings.

You and the others returned to continue studying- this place. While you were studying this station and me, I have been studying you Alex Winter especially after our last encounter.

"Really?" I said staring at the hologram.

_Yes, I noticed how you looked at your companions the last time you were here. You were impressed by what you saw, in fact you couldn't stop thinking about it- you were attracted to them- all of them. _The naked fennec said smiling.

"Your point?" I said impatiently.

_You won't admit it, but deep down inside you are attracted to not just female beastials but to male beastials as well. Especially those closest to you. It must be quite hard remaining so faithful to your lover. _

_But no matter. Since I can no longer defend this facility, I have decided to develop other interests to amuse myself. _The naked she beast said stopping right in front of me.

"Feleen what are you talking about?"

I have placed your colleagues under my spell. They are once again incapacitated.

"What did you do to them?"

They are watching me dance and sing like that night in the forest, oblivious to what is happening around them.

"Meaning?" I asked staring at the beautiful golden fennec.

_I am going to help you realize something that you have kept repressed for quite a long time, something you refuse to admit- even to yourself. _Feleen said snapping her paw finger.

As she did Chemar, Coal and Springer entered the hallway I was standing in from three adjacent rooms. The cheetah, donkey and buck were all stark naked.


It is just us here. They will never, ever know. Give in to your desires human give in...

I knew it was wrong, that I shouldn't but I couldn't help it! I walked over to Springer. The naked buck seemed like he was in some type of daze with a goofy smirk on his face. I ran my hands down his trim chest feeling his slightly muscular frame. But that was not what impressed me the most about him nor his small genitalia. I made my way to his hindquarters where I traced my finger over the heart shaped design that ran the length of both his butt checks. I then placed my hands on his bare behind- it was as soft and fuzzy as I had imagined. I had to force myself to let go.

From there I moved over to Coal, touching and rubbing the naked donkey's black mane following it down his neck to his upper back before leaving that to grab two handfuls of his butt. As I rubbed and caressed the ass' ass, it then dawned on me what Coal's most striking feature was! I quickly moved around to his front to stare at his penis. It WAS the same color of his mane and larger than Springer or Chemar's. I just had to touch it and feel it, its texture, its shape it was a good three inches flaccid and very smooth. I held it for several minutes before my attention turned to the cheetah and those spots on him that seemed to be everywhere on his body but his abdomen and groin. I counted them all- one hundred twenty six.

_I knew you had dark desires little human. _Feleen whispered in my ear.

"I feel so awful." I said as I realized the magnitude of what I had done.

If given the choice you would do so again and again without hesitation. Do you know why?

"I don't want to know!" I said covering my face blushing.

I think you do! You just won't admit it to yourself. Your boyfriend, The Tian mountain dog knows....

"ACK!!!" I shouted.


(What a messed up dream.)

After the very erotic dream I ended up laying my head on the table my warrior bear was resting on dosing on and off the rest of the night.

Day 1047

"Wow. I hope Lea and I develop a deep relationship like that." A bay cat said rubbing my shoulder.

"Lian? What time is it?" I asked stirring.

"8:30 in the morning." The medical researcher said. "I came by to see you two. I heard what happened. How is she?"

"Sick Lian. She has a stuffed up nose, sore throat and the shakes. Lea doesn't know from what so she is running every test she can think of. I just, feel so helpless, so useless."

"I tell you what, let's get some breakfast and let her rest." He said pulling me out of the lab.

We ended up heading to the cafeteria. Which was actually a good thing, because I definitely was hungry.

"So what are you doing here in the castle?" I asked.

"Helping Lea with her research." The bay cat said as we watched the morning crowd- knights, maintenance, gardening and other castle workers enter and leave. It seemed almost every beastial there that morning, was under the weather- coughing, sneezing- congested.

"Hmm..." Lian said. "Perhaps we should get our breakfast to go."

"Where?" I asked.

"Back to the labs." The reddish cat said staring at me with those green-yellowish eyes of his. "I want to show you something." Lian said grabbing me by the hand. "We grabbed our meals and entered a small office off of Lea's main lab. Prominently featured was a map on the city with fifteen dots on it.

"What is this Lian?"

"Reports of ill beastials in World One. Some had diseases that were once cured or controlled suddenly flare up for some strange unknown reason. I put this together while researching yesterday. From what I can tell is that they all seem to originate in the area around where the medical convention was held."

Lian continued working through out the day. I stayed by Lady Ursa's side trying not to worry (but I was worried.) as Lea's tried to figure out what was wrong. However, she kept getting interrupted by other ill knights showing up. She then turned to Sir Ram for assistance.

Day 1048

The next morning brought even more reports this time not just in World One but through out the empire of citizens falling ill. My brown bear's condition had worsened as the symptoms of her degenerative condition had completely returned; no treatment regime Lea prescribed changed that.

I was awakened that morning by conversation Lea and Lian were having in the lab.

"Any improvement?" Lian asked Lea.

"Yes all bad- her congestion and sore throat have worsened as has her fever and this morning, her eyes started watering, her limbs started aching and NOTHING I am doing is making a difference." The lioness said dejected. At this rate she will be a...."

"Virtual vegetable." I said completing the lioness' sentence. "She was headed that direction when I came into her life."

"I heard that." Lady Ursa moaned. "You haven't found a cure yet?!"

"We are still working on it madam knight." Lian said.

"But when you did enter her life, you were able to heal her." The sexy she beast whispered to me.

"Not exactly, according to the KLIS- I was only able to temporarily relieve those systems." I said to the lioness and her bay cat. "The underlying condition has always remained."

"I wonder what has changed?" Lian asked. "Lea..."

"Right, I need to find that out. Now you two shoo." The she lion said kicking me and Lian out.

"Love you!" Lian said winking at his lioness.

"I love you too." She said closing the lab door on us.

"Lea can't do this alone we also need to be helping her too." The reddish cat said to me.

"Lian, exactly how are we going to do that?"

"I am researcher- let's research."

We returned back to the small office off of the the she beast's lab.

"Oh my gosh!" I said staring at the map of World One. Those fifteen dots from yesterday had exploded to over a hundred. "In just three days?"

"I fear this is an epidemic." Lian said glumly. "And it appears to be only affecting beastials not humans."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Good question." He responded. "How do you feel about taking a trip?" The bay cat asked me.

"Uh why?"

"More research. While Lea is trying to develop treatment procedures, I think we can best aid her by trying to determine this epidemic's origin before she and I get sick."

(I did not think about that.)

So Lian and I decided to visit East Hospital on the east side of the city. It was one of the many facilities he normally conducted his research at.

I followed Lea's main squeeze to the rear of the castle, ground floor.

"Well here it is."

"A SMALL white hatchback."

(For a small wild cat.)

"What do you think?"

"It suits you." I said to the medical researcher.

We climbed in and drove to the hospital. The bay cat was interested in finding out if the healers in that facility were making any progress. It took us about fifteen minutes to get to the oval shaped hospital.

As we walked in, I marveled at how small the building was maybe about six floors in all. The facility was about the length of a city block.

(Did that mean that not many got sick on this world?)

Lian approached the shift supervisor of the facility as we entered- a Peter Penguin. He was overwhelmed at the moment and ordered us to sit in the waiting room until he could accommodate our request.

While in there, I ran into Mr. Wild.

"Hue what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I brought Diana here yesterday." The dark haired man with a slight beard said to me.

"How is she?"

"Not so good Alex. Diana's condition has worsened. Yesterday her skin was flushed, she had a sore throat and dizziness. Today it is delirium and fever. The healers do not know what is wrong. By every indication she should be healthy, but she isn't." The entrepreneur said.

"Those symptoms are quite similar to Lady Ursa's." I said to Diana's mate.

(Both got sick around the same time.)

"Alex, what do you think is happening?" He asked me.

I looked back at Lian who nodded at me.

"I think it is the start of an epidemic." I said to the shocked human. "No one knows the cause or the cure- yet. Tell Diana to keep fighting."

It took a good thirty minutes, but the shift supervisor was able to provide a small office and the data that Lian needed to conduct his research.

"You see these are the total number of the sick and ill in this facility. This column here is the symptoms they have been complaining about." The bay cat said showing me a pad he was working on.

"I get it, this column says what species and that column is how many were brought here each day." I said looking over his shoulder.

He was right the amounts had been increasing each day over the last three, all the patients were beastial and had roughly the same symptoms.

"This is getting serious." I said. "The only saving grace in all of this was that no one had died."

"Wrong Alex." He said correcting me. "An Akita by the name of Ping was the first."

"Lian that was the canine who collapsed after attacking his previous owner. A junior knight and I cornered him while on assignment a few days ago."

"Well he is dead. It doesn't say what the cause was." Lian said examining his pad.

We then left to find the shift supervisor who turned out to be a relative of Penny Penguin.

"Yes he is dead the penguin said. He had the same symptoms as the others initially- sore throat, running nose, congestion and a cough. Yesterday it suddenly turned into a high fever and this morning his organs liquified. All of them."


"The staff doesn't know why and we don't know if the others will share his fate." The penguin said dejected.

Lian studied the documentation he had a while longer. "This is more than an epidemic." The bay cat said as we left the facility.

As we headed toward his hover vehicle, it appeared that the word was starting to get out or the human populace had started to notice. Protesters were assembling. We read their signs- Down with our animal overlords! This is the beginning of the end- for you! Counter Earth is for humans only!

(Talk about kicking you when you are down.)

When we got back to Lian's white hatchback, he contacted Lea.

"Lian sweetie, I am very busy." The sexy lioness said.

"Let me guess, the amount of patients have doubled." I said.

"I have been conducting my own research babe, I think this is more than an epidemic, it is attack." The bay cat said to the lioness.

"How did you come to that conclusion?" She asked.

"A patient that was one of the first to experience the epidemic died here at East Hospital this morning. His organs all liquified. Prior to that his symptoms were the same as Lady Ursa's."

"Who would do this?" Lea gasped.

"I know right?" Lian answered her question with another question. "Who has it in for the empire?"

Lea ended the communication saying that she would inform Lord Tiger of their discovery.

"The knights are going to open an investigation. But, I doubt that they will be able to get to the bottom of this before more beastials die." The bay cat said staring into nothingness.

"Lian?" I asked.

"I keep going back to the medical convention Alex and that unicorn." The he beast said to me. "He kept saying that his product was going to rock the planet to the very core."

"Coincidence?" I asked.

"How do you explain that the initial patients all seemed to originate from the area around the medical convention?" Lian said staring at me with those green-yellow eyes of his. "We are going back to check the convention hall."

The reddish cat and I traveled back to the Prominence Hotel near the south end of the city. As we entered- the upscale hotel looked pretty much like the hospital. There were ill beastials everywhere; the epidemic was in full effect. Humans guests watched as beastials were being carried out of the hotel to healing facilities.

Lian started to interview one of the employees a rotund pig when he started coughing violently.

"Please tell me that is a hairball." I pleaded.

The bay cat covered his mouth and then looked at his paw. It was blood.

"Oh no, not you too." I said the communicator on my PDA sounded.

"This is Alex."

"Alex, I want you and Lian to come back to my lab now!" A lioness said in authoritative tone.

"On our way." I said staring at the shocked bay cat.

When we returned to the sexy lioness's lab we found Lady Ursa and Cole each standing inside 4' x 4' cube shaped tub of water both were stark naked and had large triangular shaped devices moving up and down over their abdomens. Lea was looking at the readings from the diagnostic equipment on a pad.

"Ok, you two strip and take their places." The lioness ordered.

"Lea?" Lian asked his girlfriend.

"Do it." She ordered. "Then it will be my turn."

Much to our embarrassment we complied. (Cole didn't seem to mind though.) Then Lea did the same.

Afterwards, we reconvened around the sexy lioness after she finished her impromptu study.

"So what was that about?" Cole asked.

"I had a break through." The lioness stated.

"A breakthrough?" The bay cat asked.

"The agent that is causing the sickness." The sexy lioness said. "I had thought it was biological- a bacteria, ameba or virus."

"It isn't?" I asked.

"No." The she beast said.

"So if it isn't biological then..." The donkey said.

"It is mechanical. My tests missed it because I was looking for living agents not mechanical agents. When Lian suggested that the epidemic was some sort of attack, I expanded my parameters and I found this." The lioness said showing us a mechanical something on her monitor.

"It is ugly." The donkey stated.

"Um what is it sweetie?" Lian added.

"I don't know, but I suspect that this is what is making the beastial population sick. What is worse is that these microscopic what-ever-they-ares are in everyone I tested you, me, Lady Ursa and even Alex!" The lioness said alarmed.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 141: A World On The Brink of Collapse (All Of Our Tomorrows Were Yesterday Part Three)

Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 141: A World On The Brink of Collapse (All Of Our Tomorrows Were Yesterday Part Three)** Day 1055 (Evening, Lady Ursa's lair) "Mistress are you sure you want to watch this?" I asked concerned. My perfect person...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 139: The Most Scariest Thing Of All (All Of Our Tomorrows Were Yesterday Part One)

Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 139: The Most Scariest Thing Of All (All Of Our Tomorrows Were Yesterday Part One)** Day 1044 (Afternoon, Prominence Hotel) "And in closing that is how we eliminated obesity, halitosis and body odor and ailments...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 138: Beyond The Grief

**Counter Earth Chronicles**** ** **Chapter 138: Beyond The Grief** Day 1033 (continued) "Barran!" I shrieked. "Six!" The naked donkey bleated. "No, no, no, no, no!!!" Chemar screamed. "Less screaming more rescuing!" The buck ordered assuming...

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