Kovu's Scar

Story by dr54ui on SoFurry

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'As Kovu is becoming tormented by his own guilt, Kiara's maybe the only one who can help him overcome it. But can she succeed?'

Alright everyone, here's my first 'The Lion King' short story and all the characters in the story don't belong to me, they belong to Disney.

If you're under the legal age, well you get the picture, tap that button right now! XD

Hope you enjoy this short tale!

"What have you done?"

"I didn't....I didn't mean to, it wasn't my fault. I...I DID NOTHING."

"Exactly! And in doing so, you betrayed your pride. Betrayed Scar!"

"I want nothing more to do with him!"

"You cannot escape it. Nuka is dead, because of YOU."




Kovu jerked his head off his paws with a sharp gasp and his eyes were wide with fear. He was breathing deeply, his pulse has quickened. Kovu, while he was taking several deep breaths, he looked around the cave that he's in, inside Pride Rock. Soon he began to realize he was just dreaming. Dreaming about his past. Dreaming about his mother.

Kovu reached up with his paw and touched his eye, at his eye that held his scar that Zira gave him. He let out a sigh and got up real slowly off the cave floor. He stretched out his paws, his claws making loud taps on the stone floor and his haunches was sticking up high in the air. He looked outside from where he's at and he can see the sun's about to rise. He saw that everyone else in the pride is still asleep, including Simba, Nala, and his queen, Kiara. He didn't lay close to her, so that's why she wasn't awoken by his gasp. Which that made him glad, he didn't exactly want to wake her up.

Kovu decided he wanted some air, since he can't sleep anymore because of his nightmare. He can't seem to shake it off. Kovu tiptoed quietly, past several lionesses, trying his very best not to step on them. One of his back paws, almost stepped on someone's tail, but luckily he caught himself before it happened. He shook his head, trying to shake some sleep out of his head, as he walked past another lioness. The black maned lion finally made his way outside and now, he started to head to the rock ledge outside, to go to the very top of Pride Rock. At the spot where Simba and Scar have fought and Simba was the victor, years ago.

After taking his time, he finally made it to the top of the beautiful, tall, rock formation and he trotted his way to the middle of it. He actually pictured Simba and Scar fighting up here, after Simba told him that story. He can practically feel Scar's hate inside his own paws, when he stepped up here. Kovu saw that the dawn was beautiful in the sky and he made his way to the edge of the top of Pride Rock. Looking down over the ledge and saw that he's real high up. Then he stared straight at the dawn sun and he slowly sat down on his haunches, wanting to enjoy the view from up here. Not really every morning, that he gets to sit up here. He usually sleeps in.

He reared back his head and yawned, his jaws opening real wide. Kovu shook his head again, that nightmare still fresh in his mind. He let out a guilty sigh. He thinks, it's his fault. He thinks it's partly his fault, that Nuka died, that day. Zira was right about it, he got his brother killed. And what's more worse, he didn't do a good job at saving his mother either.

Kovu sniffed his nose. He knew that his mother didn't really listen to reason and she didn't let go of her past. Not even when all the other Outlanders abandoned Zira, to join up with Simba's pride to have both the Pridelanders and the Outlanders, as one. Zira just didn't care, she wanted to kill Simba. He even knows, that she did a lot of bad things, using her own son as a weapon. But she was still his mother.

He hates her partly, but another part misses her and is guilty that she's dead. He also misses Nuka and is guilty for his death, as well. He didn't save them both. He wished he did, then maybe Nuka would have a fun life living at Pride Rock. And Zira, would actually let go of her hatred toward Simba and let go of Scar. Let go of the hate, that grew into her for years. That he would still, have his mother.

Sometimes, when he looks at Vitani, she reminded him of their mother. Because of what she looks like. She almost has the same face, as their mother.

Kovu had a tear fall down his face and fell down past the ledge. Falling down from a very long height. Kovu let out a guilty sigh and then he heard a voice, "Gee Kovu, if you look down further over the ledge, you might fall." He jerked up his head, twitched his ears and he looked over his shoulder to see his sister Vitani, coming up behind him. She had a grin on her face, while taking real slow strides.

Kovu giggled and raised a brow, "And you have a habit of scaring me sometimes, so you're lucky that I didn't fall off, because of YOU."

Vitani rolled her eyes and she sat down beside her brother, "Whatever." Then she nudged his side with her leg, "But at least, you didn't fall off of here, like Scar. Don't want to watch my brother, fall to his death." She titled her head questioningly at him, "So what are you doing up here, anyway?"

Kovu answered as he looked back at the dawn, "Staring at the morning sun. Just getting a chance, to look at it."

Vitani joined the view with him and she nodded at the beautiful sight, "It's beautiful." She chuckled, "I can remember the times, when Nuka always complained and whined, when dawn comes at the Outlands. He just moans, all the darn time and me and you can hear him a mile away."

Kovu laughed, "I know!" He placed a paw to his chest, "And he complains to ME, that I have a better spot, than he does! Says that he lays in a spot, where termites get to him."

Vitani rolled up her eyes and groaned, "No wonder, he kept calling you little termite. Cause he kept laying with them." They both giggled and stared and enjoyed the view. Then after several minutes, as the sun was getting a bit higher now, she looked at him and asked, "Kovu, are you ok?"

Kovu turned his head toward her, "What do you mean?"

Vitani was gazing suspiciously at him, but also with concern, "Kovu...I saw you woke up with a gasp." He didn't make any expression, it was just blank. Vitani went on, as he was just looking at her, "I couldn't sleep anymore and I was just laying there with my eyes open. I saw you jerk your eyes open and gasped. Everyone didn't hear it, but I did. So I watched you leave and followed you up here."

Kovu looked down at his paws and Vitani said by pressing him with a more concerned look now, "Kovu, what's wrong? Was it a bad dream?" She laid her paw over his, "Want to talk about it, or no you don't want to talk about it?"

Kovu raised his head to stare straight ahead, at the Pridelands, as he and his sister are towered over them, "Vitani....Do you hate mom?"

Vitani's expression changed when her eyes went wide, "Uh...Why?"

He shook his head, "Look, I'm just asking you this question, do you hate mother?" He looked at her and asked again, "Or do you miss her and think about her, even after she threatened you?"

Vitani glanced up at the sky, thinking of her answer, "Well...I kinda hated her for threatening me, not to mention she was KINDA black hearted. Never really gave us a REAL cubhood, back then. All she did, was plot to kill Simba, for years. Never thought about, anything else. But...I do miss her too."

"What about Nuka?"

A very sad, haunting expression has now been drawn on her and she slowly dipped her head to look down over the ledge, "I miss that idiot, too. I know he annoyed me, for such a long time, but...I didn't want him to die." She looked at Kovu and asked, "Why? What's with the questions?"

Kovu let out a breath and hung his head, "I had a nightmare this morning. About mother...Right after Nuka died." Then he pointed at one of his eyes that has his scar, "On the day he died and she gave me this scar in anger. I was just thinking about it, in my sleep."

Vitani nodded slowly and said, "I can remember that day well. You really didn't want to hurt Simba or Kiara. You saved Simba's life and then our brother took his place in death."

He lowered his paw back to the ground, "I know it has been awhile, since they're both gone. But I just keep thinking about them. It's frustrating." He honestly, wanted to tell her about his guilt and that's the reason why he kept thinking about them. But he couldn't. He knew that if he did tell her, what could she do about it? The past, is the past and none of them, can't change it. But Kovu still wishes, he did change it.

Vitani actually gave him a comforting smile and leaned her head onto his shoulder to nuzzle the side of her head on him, "I know, how that gets, believe me. But that memory will go away. I know that I miss them, but I won't let it stop me from having to live the life, all of us Outlanders wanted." She chuckled deviously, "In fact, I think I told you that I found a boyfriend for me. A rouge, can you believe it?"

Kovu formed a smile too and giggled, nuzzling back, "Hey, I hope you know what you're getting yourself into."

Vitani growled a bit at his statement, "I'm smarter, than you think." She moved her head to look at his, while she's still on his shoulder, "And I hope YOU know, what you're getting yourself into."

Kovu gave her a mock expression, "Excuse me? Kiara's not a troublemaker."

Vitani teasingly shot at him, slugging his leg with a paw, "SURE, she isn't. I can think of many devious things, just cooking up in her mischievous brain, right now. I can bet, she'll pounce on you, when she gets the chance."

He rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Oh we both know, THAT won't happen. I'll be the one pouncing on HER."

Vitani's stomach growled and so was his. Both their expressions went wide and Vitani shrugged her shoulders, getting off her haunches, "Well, we know what that means. Time to have my morning hunt."

Kovu said when he got off his haunches too, "I wish us guys can hunt better, than lionesses do." He playfully narrowed his eyes at her, "And you and the ladies share that food, or I'll be fighting for it." He flashed her a big toothy grin, "After all, I'm the king now and you have to do what I saaay. And we both know, that I'll win."

Vitani shoved her paw to his maned chest, "And if YOU do that, I'll be fighting back. And you know better, that I always win in a fight."

He shot at her, "You do THAT, I'll be exiling you."

Vitani waved a dismissive paw, "We both definitely know, you wouldn't do that. But if you did, I'll be having a handsome rouge to move in with."

"You're weird."

She let out a small laugh, "So are you." Then she flicked the tuft of her tail at him and began to stroll off, he was following up behind her, "I'm done talking now, brother. I'm going to wake up the other lionesses and hunt for the pride."

Kovu nodded, as they went down the rocky ledge to head back down, "Yeah, lets go." As he was padding behind his sister, his guilt came back to him. He wanted to tell her, what he's REALLY thinking about, right now. But he just held himself back. He didn't want to put her in his mess.

As far as he knows, she's not living with that guilt, like him. And besides, there would be nothing, she can do to fix his problem.

He's just going to keep quiet and not put her into anything.


Kiara's in the savannah and is now trotting back to Priderock, after already having her fill from a nearby antelope. Tasted pretty good for her stomach. At least, she had a good teacher and it was Kovu. It has been about several hours, after dawn has come and go. The other lionesses are still off hunting, since she doesn't see any other ones back here. Kiara hear grass rusting and her ear flicked toward the noise. Then she began to have a smile across her muzzle and threw her voice over her shoulder, "You can come out now."

Then she heard two voices at the same time, "Hiya, Kiara." She laughed and turned around to look at the tall grass, seeing her babysitters from back then, Timon the meerkat and Pumbaa the warthog, coming out of there. Kiara giggled and asked, "What are you two doing? Did my dad sent you to spy on me? I'm not a kid anymore, you know."

Timon looked up at her and shook his head and raised his hands in defense, "Nah, actually me and my good buddy, Pumbaa here, just came back here from eating more grubs."

Pumbaa let out a big belch and let out a satisfied sigh, "Yep and those grubs are good for my tummy. Especially the slimy ones."

Kiara reared back and made a disgusted face, "Ewww, gross. You know, I don't understand still, why you two just eat bugs. I don't even feel like they're a good treat for MY tummy."

Pumbaa cocked his head at her, "Uh, your papa ate bugs with us."

She raised both her brows, "That's different! I'm not daddy!"

Timon giggled and strode up closer to her, "Well your handsome king, ate some grub with both of us yesterday."

Pumbaa gave a big smile, "Yeah! He didn't mind eating bugs with us, one bit."

Kiara waved them off, "Well Kovu, can have all the bugs and leave me out of it. I DON'T WANT TO EAT ANY SLIMY ONES."

Timon crossed his arms and raised a brow, "You want to know, what I think?" She gazed at him and he finished with a flick of his little finger, "I think the reason, why you don't eat grubs like your father and Kovu, is because you're a girl."

Kiara let out an annoyed sigh, "What's your first clue? You already know, I'm a girl!"

Pumbaa said, "I know that! I never forget, you're a girl."

Timon rolled his eyes, "Gee, pal. Don't have to rub it in her face."

Pumbaa turned to his little buddy, "What? I was telling her, I never forget."

Timon turned his whole body, thrusting a hand at him with a narrowed look, "You forget that you're a pig."

Pumbaa crouched down to him in a threatening stance, like he was going to charge at Timon, "Call me, Mr. Pig."

Kiara tossed back her head and laughed and Timon just asked, "Just to ask you a question, my fine warthog friend." He patted his chest with both hands, "What am I? I'm proving to you, that you usually forget."

Pumbaa put his foot to his big chin and muttered loudly in thought, "Uhhhh."

Timon asked again, "Who's the brains, in the outfit?"


"My point exactly." Pumbaa groaned in shame and Timon said with a bit of a pity look, "It's the hard, but normal truth, Pumbaa. Live with it."

Pumbaa let out a sigh, "I wish I had a brain, like you Timon. Also, I wish I let off a few pounds."

Timon shot at him, "Then quit eating so many grubs, in one day."

Pumbaa shook his head, swinging his big nose back and forth, "But I can't help it. I'm always hungry."

Timon nodded, with a big grin, "Right, that means, you're-" He raised a hand and flexed two fingers, "Mr. Pig."

Pumbaa held up his head proudly, "You better call me, Mr. Pig."

Kiara nodded, "Yeah, you better call him, Mr. Pig. Or else, he'll run you over."

Timon started to walk away, while waving his hand back at them over his shoulder, "Whatever. I'm going to take a LONG nap."

Pumbaaa started to chase after him, "Wait for me!" Kiara watched him catch up to Timon, before he almost ran over the little meerkat. Timon let out a high shriek and Pumbaa skidded to a stop. Then Timon wiggled a finger at him and scolded him, while Pumbaa was having an apologetic face. Kiara giggled and decided to follow them further back to Pride Rock.

All three of them got near the entrance of Priderock and saw both Simba and Nala, walking out of the cave. Simba's red mane shining a bit off the bright sun. They saw their daughter and their dearest friends coming up toward them. Nala smiled brightly and said to Timon and Pumbaa, "Well you two look tired right now. What have you been doing?"

Pumbaa went in the cave, while Timon stopped and answer, "We both ate grubs and now we both just want to sleep." He waved at her, "So later, babe." Nala giggled as he trotted his two feet in the cave after Pumbaa.

Nala looked at Kiara and asked, "So how was your hunt, today?"

Kiara hummed in delight, "Got myself an antelope today. But there was also a zebra, too." She giggled to herself, "I had a hard time choosing which one to get, so I decided to go for antelope."

Simba laughed and said, "Hey, at least there'll be other times for zebra, to feast on." He gave his proud daughter, a wink.

Kiara laughed too and nodded, "Got that right, daddy."

Nala chuckled and nuzzled her mate, both of them purring as Simba nuzzled right back into her. Kiara smiled at them, seeing them makes her picture them as her and Kovu. Then as his face popped up, she remembered that Kovu's been acting kinda weird lately. Not sleeping close to her, like before. Sometimes, keeping a good distance and not even speak to her. She still feels bothered by what he's been acting lately. She even remembered a few times, he had this odd look on his face. A look of guilt, like he did something wrong.

Kiara walked up to them and asked, "Hey guys...Did you talk to Kovu today?"

Nala and Simba both had frowns and Simba said, "Yeah, we did." He cocked his head, "Why?"

Nala asked with a concern in her voice, "Are you guys, fighting about something?"

Kiara's face widened at her question and she shook her head, "Mom, no. We didn't fight about anything." Kiara sighed, softened her look to a worried one and went on, "Guys, I didn't say anything to you before, cause I thought I was seeing things. But...Lately, he's been acting kinda distant."

Simba nodded in agreement, with a bit of a worried look, "Yeah, he's been distant to all of us, lately." Then he added with a small smile, "But, we all did see him and Vitani together this morning and he appeared to be fine."

Kiara lowered her butt to the ground and said, "But why am I getting a feeling, that he's not telling me everything? Like he's holding something back?" Kiara hung her head and said, "I think, I know why, he's acting weird. I'm...Feeling nervous, like he probably is."

Nala walked up to her and nuzzled her daughter, "What's wrong, sweetie? Talk to us."

Simba came up to Kiara too, standing beside Nala and laid his big paw on her shoulder, "We're here to help you, in any way we can. You're our daughter."

Nala nodded, "Right and Kovu's your king, so at least tell us and maybe we'll help you both out with it."

Kiara shyly glanced at them and stuttered a bit, "Do you guys....Smell this particular smell, floating around...Right now?"

Simba was frowning at her, "What-" Then his nose began to twitch and he gave it a long sniff, so did Nala too. Then they both realized what that smell was. They both smelled it before.

Their daughter's in heat and they can smell it.

Nala smiled at Kiara, "Aw, I see what's going on. You're both nervous about...THAT."

Kiara shrugged her shoulders, "I guess, that's what Kovu's problem is. And I don't blame him." She cocked her head at them, "Daddy, mom, how did you guys deal with THAT? I mean...I know how it works, but we never did anything like that before. I just have a feeling, like I might get hurt or something."

Nala gestured a paw toward her, "Oh, you won't get hurt, honey. It's normal to feel this way, but that doesn't mean, that Kovu would hurt you." She motioned her head toward Simba beside her, "I was with your father that one night, when it happened and I didn't feel TOO hurt by him, at all."

Simba admitted, "At first, it would, but then it gets better. And Kovu cares about you and if you want to stop, then he'll stop. You know that he cares about you." He nuzzled the side of her face, "Look, I know that you're scared about this, but there's nothing to be afraid of." He gave his daughter's cheek a lick and pulled his head back, "I wouldn't worry about it, too much. There will be other times for that to come. If you both want a cub, then you can try it when you're in heat, but you don't have to rush it at all. Something like that, doesn't have to be rushed."

Nala nodded in agreement, "Right, and both of you still have time for that decision. Give it some thought and remember, there's nothing to be afraid of and Kovu should think that too."

Kiara stared at them, letting their words just sink in. She thinks that, they're right. There will be time to plan for it. There's nothing to rush about. If she's ready and if she's not afraid anymore and if Kovu's the same way, then they'll do it. Kiara started to smirk at them, "I think, you're right."

Simba giggled softly, "And besides, I'd make a good grandpa. I'm not a king anymore."

Nala laughed a bit, "And we'd have to get Timon and Pumbaa to babysit again."

Kiara laughed and exclaimed, "Goodness, guys."

Kovu came up behind Kiara and said to her with a smile, "Hey, girlfriend."

Kiara looked over her shoulder and beamed at her love, "Hi, handsome. Did Vitani share her food with you?"

Kovu came up alongside her and pressed his muzzle to her cheek, planting a kiss, "Oh she did, and I'm stuffed."

Kiara looked at his body and chuckled mischievously, "I can tell, you're getting pretty big, like Pumbaa."

Kovu tossed back his head and laughed. Then he made an impression of Pumbaa with his voice, "Call me, Mr. Pig."

All four of them laughed hard and Simba exclaimed, "That's Pumbaa for you."

Kovu twisted his neck to pop it, "I'm going to lie down now, so talk later."

Kiara asked with a hopeful tone, "Can I join you?"

Kovu's eyes shone what appeared to be guilt in them. But it washed away and he nodded at her with a big smile, "Sure, c'mon."

They both walked alongside each other, through the mouth of the cave, while Simba and Nala were standing there, grinning at those two behind them. Kiara still had their comforting words on her mind. Knowing that it's normal to be nervous, thinking about doing this kind of thing. Knowing, that there's no rush at all. She'll wait for that time to come and Kovu will too. They won't rush it. Kiara and Kovu found a spot in the big cave to lay on, the spot is not far from where Timon and Pumbaa were at. They were both snoring very loudly. Timon was laying his back, against Pumbaa's side, his hands on his lap. While Pumbaa was sleeping on his back, his big tongue hanging out of his mouth. His big body rising up and down with each snore he's making.

Both Kiara and Kovu giggled at the sight and both of them laid down on their stomachs, lying real close and their bodies touched each others. Both the lovers laid their heads on the ground and began to close their eyes. First it was Kovu doing it, then came Kiara. Both of them, ready to have their nap.


Kovu was stirring in his sleep, and he moaned a bit. His eyeballs under his eye lids were twitching, like he was dreaming. Then he awoken with a very quiet gasp and jerked his head off the ground. He was shaking a bit and his eyes were just wide. He looked around and saw the whole pride sleeping and saw that the outside through the mouth of the cave, is still night. He can see the beautiful stars outside and the outside being shined down by the moon. Kovu turned his head to the right and saw that Kiara's still sleeping close to him. She wasn't awake by him.

Kovu turned his gaze onto his paws, hanging down his head and sighed. Now he knows he can't sleep, right now. He needed to get some air, again. So with that, he slowly got up on all fours, trying not to wake up Kiara in the process. She moaned and whimpered a bit, as his body left her. He began to sneak past several lionesses and even Simba, Timon and Pumbaa nearby. Just like this morning, he was trying his best not to make any noise and tried not to step on anybody. Soon enough, he managed to make his way outside, he looked up at the shining moon and began to let out a big long stretch. He moaned a bit in his throat and shook his head, shaking his black mane a bit. Then he began to walk down the rock path away from the opening of the cave and at the end, began to walk away from Pride Rock. He was feeling thirsty.

The handsome lion was padding on the savannah, late during the night. He didn't exactly care how late it was. He can't sleep. He saw the watering hole up ahead far off away from Pride Rock, and formed a small smile on his face. Knowing that pretty soon, his thirst will go away. After several paces, he's close to the edge of the water, lowered his head and began to lap at the water with his tongue, taking several swigs of the cool refreshing water.

Kovu raised his head above the surface and sighed in content, his throat already started to feel better. Then he started to look right at his own reflection, and while he was at it, his reflection began to change into something that's not him, but Scar. His eyes went wide in fear, looking at the evil lion who murdered the king Mufasa, his own brother. Kovu made a swift swipe at the surface, making the water splash and leave behind big long ripples. He turned his back on the water and trembled. He didn't want to look at himself anymore.

He didn't want to look at his own scar, cause if he did, then he'd picture himself as Scar. Even though, he never met Scar in the first place and they weren't related at all, he still sees himself as him. Because of that scar left by his own mother. Kovu shut his eyes real tight and dug his claws into the dirt. He growled to himself in anger, toward himself. When he sees himself as Scar, that's when he realizes it was his fault, his mother and brother died. It makes him feel like, he's a bad guy. And he thinks, he is.

He and his sister are the only family left and Kovu's still blaming himself for their deaths. He still thinks, if it wasn't for him, they'd be here. Kovu tried to move on all day, but he can't. When everyone's acting like themselves, he's not. When Kiara's acting like herself, he's not. He let out a sad breath. How he longs to change the past, how he longs to bring his brother back, how he longs to bring his mother back and then change her perception on Simba. How he actually, wanted to hug her. He wanted to hug both of them.

Kovu heard a voice interrupt his thoughts, "Kovu?" He looked and saw Kiara actually walking very slowly toward him. She was frowning at him with each step of her paws, "What are you doing out here? It's late."

Kovu put on a smile, wiping away his sad, guilty expression, "Oh, I was just...Taking a drink."

Kiara apparently wasn't buying it, she must've saw his expression before he changed it. She said as she got right in front of him, "Kovu, something's bothering you. I saw it, on your face." Kovu wiped his smile off his muzzle and Kiara got her head closer to his, a worried look in her eyes, "Kovu, what is it? You got up during the night and woke me up and here we are now, outside. I thought it was something else, but now I don't think that's what it's about. It's something else entirely, I can feel it."

Kovu turned his gaze off of her and she said, "Kovu, what's wrong? I know you and I know that look. Please, my handsome king, tell me. I want to help."

Kovu shook his head, answering her this, "You can't help me."

She reared back her head with a shocked face, "What? Why?"

Kovu took a few paces away from her, his back's turned on her, "Because, there's nothing you can do about it."

Kiara shook her head, denying that answer, "No, you're wrong. I can help you. It's not like, I haven't helped you, before."

Kovu turned around fast and snarled, "YOU CAN'T!"

She screamed back, with a narrowed look, "WHY NOT?! What is it, you're not telling me?!"

Kovu hesitated at first, tried to swallow a lump, then finally he screamed his answer, real loud at her, "I killed Zira and Nuka!!!"

Kiara dropped her narrowed face and raised a brow, "What...What are you talking about?"

Kovu took a deep breath and let it out, "If it wasn't for me and if it wasn't for what happened, then both of them would still be alive." He planted a paw to his chest, "If I've just told your father the truth sooner before, then Nuka wouldn't have died by those fallen logs. And if I didn't just stand near the edge of the gorge and just saved my mother, then she'd be alive too. I didn't do anything." He took a step toward her with his guilty look, showing up in full force, "I got them killed, and I didn't save them."

Kiara was speechless at first, and she shook her head, "You didn't kill them, it's not your fault."

"Yes, it is!" She jumped a bit back from his scream and he went on with a growl, "I still dream about them, night after night, after night. I still dream about them!" He pointed at his scarred eye, "And that scar, on my eye. Every time, I look right at it, I see myself as your great uncle. I feel like, I'm Scar!"

She was shaking her head, "...No..."

"Kiara, you remember that he had this darkness inside of him, that he couldn't escape. Well I said to you that night, that there's a darkness in me, too." He waved a swift paw, "I was RIGHT and there is! My mother said I can't escape it and Nuka's dead because of me! And she's right, I got him killed!!" He lowered his head, not looking at his love at all, "They're both dead and it's my fault. My sister would still have a mother and brother, if it wasn't for me. I...I wish, I told you and your father everything, sooner. But I mostly wish, that I haven't came here. If I only knew, what would've happened later on, I would've just backed away from my mother's plan."

Kiara replied after all that, "Don't say that."

Kovu yelled, "And I'm afraid, since that darkness's in me, I'm afraid I'll get you hurt, too!" He was shaking now as his eyes began to water, as his sobs were threatening to come out of him. He said, "I don't want anyone else hurt, because of me. Not Vitani, not Simba, not Nala, not....Even you." He finally raised his head to gaze at the beautiful queen, "I won't forgive myself, if you're dead because of me. Just like, I can't forgive myself for losing my family. I...I don't want to be Scar, but I feel like I'm him." He turned his head away from hers and went on as a few tears finally came down off his eyes, "I...I can't take this anymore, I can't deal with all of this. I...I think, I should leave."

Kiara gasped with a couple tears of sadness and pity fell down her cheeks too and her lover went on, "I don't want to hurt you, Kiara. I love you, but I can't take the risk. I...I have to leave the Pridelands."

He began to trot away from her and Kiara ran in front of him, to block his way, "Kovu, don't go." He shook his head and tried to walk off in another direction, but Kiara was quick and she blocked his way again, "No."

Kovu waved her off, said with a stern tone, "Kiara, leave me alone."

Kiara turned her whole body to face him, "No, I won't leave you. All the things that you're saying, that's not fair. You didn't do anything wrong."

Kovu shut his eyes tight and sat down on his haunches, "But I did, do something wrong."

Kiara came up and buried her face into his neck, "No, you didn't." She let out a sigh and lowered her hind end to sit down too, "Kovu, we all sometimes make mistakes, but you didn't kill your brother and mother. Your brother died by accident and Zira...." She sighed again and continued to rub her muzzle into his mane, "I know, I was there. I tried my very best to save her, but she couldn't let go of her past. We all wanted her to, but she didn't. That same darkness that Scar had, got her killed. You didn't kill her, it was her own fault."

Kiara pulled herself off his neck and looked kindly into his eyes, "And you're not my great uncle, you never were. I know I never met him, and yes you have that scar now, but you're still the same cub, I've met years ago. I don't see you as Scar, I see you as Kovu." She gave Kovu's nose a long lick and said, "And I love you. After all the horrible things your mom wanted you do to, you still stood up to what you wanted. You wanted friends, you wanted a home that isn't the Outlands, and you wanted love. You would never hurt anyone, not even me. You have feelings, just like me. Scar and Zira didn't feel anything, but you do."

Kovu tears were streaming down real fast now and his chest shook as he sobbed, "I wish mom, did feel something. I...I wish she didn't accuse me...Of killing Nuka."

This time Kiara reached up around the back of his head and planted her muzzle against his, giving him a small tender kiss, "So do I, but she didn't and it's not your fault. Don't blame yourself, there was nothing you couldn't have done. Some things, are way too beyond our control. Don't say you killed them, cause I doubt it. You're not a murderer. Compared to Scar, you're not."

Kovu broke down finally in sobs and wrapped his paws around her, embracing her tight and burying his head into her neck. Kiara was rubbing his back and shushing him, while crying a bit too. He was sniffing his nose and sobbed some more. They were like this for a long time and Kovu removed his head off her neck, having no more tears to shed. He said this, "Kiara....I'm sorry, I've been distant lately. I....I should've told you this a long time ago, but I was afraid you couldn't do anything about this."

Kiara shook her head, "I don't blame you, from what it looked like, it looked unfixable. But it is and I know what'll help fix you more."

He titled his head at her, "What's that?"

Kiara gave him a devious smile and giggle, "Lately, including today, did you smell something off of me? This odd smell?"

Kovu knew what she was talking about, he knows that she's in heat. For the past few days, every time she walks past him, or sleeps closer to him, he can smell it. He nodded with a small grin, "I know what you're asking."

Kiara rubbed her head against his and purred, "I want it, Kovu. I'm not afraid to do it, now. I want to try it. I want to start a family. I want an heir to the kingdom."

Kovu's face went wide and he pulled away from her, her face went to disappointment after that, "But, we never did something like that before. Heck, we never even had a family before, either. And...And-"

Kiara cut him off by shaking her head, "Kovu, I know we never started a family, but I have cub sitted before. It's like you're taking care of your own cub, but only it wasn't mine. But, I know how to try to take care of a cub." Kovu glanced shyly away and Kiara said, "Kovu, I'm not afraid of doing it and...I know you won't hurt me, when it happens. And compared to Scar and Zira, with several circumstances and their own personal visions of ruling this kingdom, they haven't stayed together as a family, but we will. And you're not Scar, you'll be Kovu, the loving father of our baby."

She placed her paw over his and urged with a lick to his cheek, "C'mon, Kovu. We can do this. I believe, we can do it. At least, have another thing to be proud of. Add another member to your family. I'm sure, Nuka would want it. And I'm sure Vitani and my mom and dad, would want it too." She gave him her pleading eyes, "Please...Just this once, for me. If you don't want to do this, I won't force it."

Kovu finally looked at her face, she was still giving him that look. That pleading look, that she really wants to do it. That she loves him so much, she wants to start a family and she's not afraid of doing their first mating. That she also, wants him to be so happy, so happy than he was before. He didn't have a real cubhood, compared to the other cubs. But he'll give him child, his real cubhood.. Kovu began to form a smile, giving her his answer. That he'll do it, for both of them.

Kiara's face lit up and she began to nuzzle his chest, both of them purring now. Kovu licked the top of her head, between her ears and she giggled. Then they both looked at each other and pressed their muzzles together, opening their jaws to let their jaws lock together. Now their tongues are licking each others, as they deepened their kiss. Kiara and Kovu closed their eyes and she moaned into his mouth. Kovu reached up with his paw to the back of her neck pulling her more closer to him and Kiara clasped hers on his shoulder.

They were kissing like this for such a long time, they were running out of breath. They pulled away and took short deep breaths. They were chuckling after that and Kovu planted a kiss to her nose. She began to nuzzle him again and very soon, she began to shift her body, until her back's turned to him. She looked over her shoulder, got up on all fours and moved her tail aside, showing her king her sacred cavern. The scent of her heat hit Kovu so much, he actually let out a trembling moan. She laughed, when her tease got to him. Then Kovu's erection came out from between his legs and her eyes went wide in amazement. That it was big.

She looked at her lover's face and he was giving her his tooth filled grin. Kiara smiled back and Kovu moved his nose close to her ready to be taken hole and took a deep sniff from it. Kiara could practically feel his nose to her now. Then she felt something wet near her sensitive spot. She yelped a bit and figured out, that he gave her lips a lick and was doing it again and she jumped a bit in reflex. Kovu giggled and was lapping at her, wanting to taste it and lubricate it a bit.

Kiara's claws were sticking out her paws and were digging into the dirt. She held her ground, trying not to jump up again. She hummed in delight and she backed into him, knowing that she can't take it anymore. She wanted it, right now. Kovu got the message and didn't argue, he wanted it badly too, after smelling her heat. He's going to give her, what she wants.

The former princess of the pride lowered herself to the savannah grass, until her belly was touching it. Kovu knew he's about to have his chance, so he began to waltz over her back, pressing some of his weight on her and nuzzled the back of her neck. His lover purred in response. His lionhood, was getting longer and bigger by the second, until he lowered his hind end on top of hers, as he began to position his thing to find that spot. He tried to aim and thrust once, but it only hit close to her lips. And after another aiming thrust, his tip found the entrance of the tunnel and he began to enter, slowly enter it.

Kiara can feel his hood enter her and she sucked in a breath. Her jaw opened agape as she felt his shaft start to go through her rear. She held her composure and dug her claws softly in the dirt again, trying to steady her nerves. Kovu was about halfway in there and stopped, waiting for the hard part to get over with, wait for Kiara to get used to it. Then he began to push into her again, wanting to keep going. Until finally he felt his tip touch the entrance of her cervix and then her tunnel walls, clenched his shaft tight in response. He let out a soft grunt, when it happened. He took a deep breath and waited some more of their union to get used to. He'll be gentle with his love.

Finally, his instincts started to kick his butt and he slowly began to pull out of her, until the tip of his cock was out of her cavern. Kiara braced herself and Kovu wrapped his paws around her chest, gripped it, took a deep breath and let it out, and gave Kiara her first soft thrust. Her eyes went wide again, as she felt it. He pulled out and stuffed it back in, he was repeating the whole thing and very soon, he began to form a rhythm. Giving her, his massive meat into her breeding tunnel.

At first, she felt some pain, but now she's feeling a lot of sensations, she never felt before. She began to realize her father wasn't kidding that it would get better, cause it IS getting better. Kiara was giving out soft cute grunts and purrs, while he was softly taking her from behind. She was starting to feel pleasure now, coming from the lion she loves on top of her. Kovu gave Kiara's shoulder blade a lick and she purred. Even he was starting to feel some stimulation from her tunnel now.

Kiara's tunnel was starting to moisten up and Kovu can take her more easily now. Kovu lips formed a growl, he tightened his hips onto hers and he began to sped up his thrusts a bit, giving it to her more harder than the beginning of this. Kiara was letting out a sharp cry of bliss, as she was being taken hard and fast now. She moaned for his name, "Kovu." Then she cried out after another thrust came and he wasn't bound to stop now.

Kovu was bucking into her hips, again and again, not slowing down, not even thinking about stopping, he was giving her what she wants. He was giving her pleasure. He groaned, as her walls tightened in reflux to his massive cock again, but he still didn't stop. Kiara gave out another sharp cry and her claws gripped tighter on the soft dirt, making deep goughes in it.

Kiara's lover was slamming his shaft repeatedly still in her rear end and she cried out again, "Kovu! Fill me! Give me your cub!"

And with that, he bit down on her neck, but not hard enough to hurt her and she cried out in pure pleasure, as it washed all over her. He was rutting her roughly, while holding her down with his jaw. His paws gripped her real tight around her chest, as he was giving her all he's got. Her frame being bucked over and over again, by his fast hard thrusts.

Soon Kovu can feel a pressure building in his groin. He can feel it coming and he's going to release his seed into her. To give her his cub. To have a family with her. Both their pleasure, were getting intense. Kiara was roaring to the sky, as her orgasm came and now her walls were clenching real tightly around Kovu's breeding tool. He growled again in response and his thrusts started to become erratic. He wanted to finish off their mating, as he was real close to cumming.

With several more erratic thrusts, his jaws let go of her neck and he licked it. Then with one hard final thrust, his tip went through the entrance of Kiara's cervix and he reared back his head to give out an earth shattering roar. He climaxed after that and they both moaned as Kiara was being filled in the womb by Kovu's seed. His thing was cumming in big spurts, like a proud lion he is.

His white cream was still going in her and he bucked into her hips only once, wanting to feel some pleasure again and so did she. His tail jerking up and down rhythmically, as he was still shooting his essence in her. Until his spurts began to trickle, he was done giving her his life giving essence. Kovu slumped onto her back, both of them moaned and feeling spent. He has mated her and now she'll bear his cub. They were both still breathing in both pleasure and content and Kiara looked over her shoulder and giggled. He did too, as he looked back at her.

Kovu reached his head forward to hers and pressed his muzzle against hers, kissing her once more. She let his tongue in her and they kissed passionately, under the night sky. They stopped kissing and soon his cock softened up and popped out of her. Some of his cum came spilling out, he filled her up good. Then he laid down beside her, still too tired to walk back to Pride Rock and she was too. They both just laid there, to enjoy the afterglow of their first mating.

Kiara let out a satisfied sigh, "Thank you, Kovu."

Kovu smiled at her, as he doesn't feel any guilt from his past anymore. After her comforting words and after what they've done, he's not afraid to hurt her or anyone, ever again. He knows he's not Scar now and doesn't feel being him. He knows he'll be a good father and a good king to their child and to Kiara. To the former princess and now queen of the Pridelands. He knows that his brother up in the skies would be proud of him for having his first cub, maybe even his mother would be proud. Kovu said in all honesty, "I loved every bit of it. And Kiara?"

She hummed in question, "Hmm?"

He answered, "Thank you for stopping me, from doing the unthinkable. I...I don't even think, I could live without you. Nor my friends, nor my sister, nor the rest of your family."

Kiara said with a caress of her paw to his cheek, "I wouldn't live without you too. And I wouldn't forgive myself, if I didn't stop you. And, you're welcome." She gave him a wink and said the words, that'll warm his heart, "It's like before, love will find a way."

Kovu's heart was beating happily by that and he replied in agreement, "I agree. Love always found a way. And tonight, it has."

Kiara kissed his nose and said to him with her heart and soul, "I love you."

Kovu licked hers in return, "I love you too, my sweet Kiara." Then she laid more closer to him and buried her face into his mane. He wrapped his limb around her body, not letting her out of his sight.

Now things will begin to return to normal again. And the future of royalty of the Pridelands, will one day come. And he has Kiara to thank for that. And both of them, will never forget this night. He looked up at the stars, feeling that Nuka and Zira are watching him now, not a twitch of guilt in him now. Course, he still wonders if his mother's really up there, but he can just accept that she's up there too, perhaps having peace for the first time in her life. He can even feel that Kiara's grandpa Mufasa, is watching them from up there and he's glad that Kovu didn't leave his granddaughter. Then they both closed their eyes and just laid there on the ground, wanting to sleep this beautiful night away.

The King's Affair

I snuck away from my mate, and my queen in the cave. Carefully not stepping on the other members of the pride, so I wouldn't wake them up. I tiptoed my way out of the cave and as soon as I got out of there, I started to jog on my all four paws away...

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The Legend of Spyro: After the War

I was in a very deep sleep in my bed, I groaned when the sun hit my eyes, and then I raised my head and let out a yawn. I got up on my feet and stretched, my claws digging in the stone floor. I shook my head and walked out on the balcony, looking out...

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