A Faithful Attendant

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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Eddin tries his hardest to serve his master, but always fears he isn't doing enough. Today he was taken out in diapers...

The result from March's give-me-a-clue poll on FA.

I wasn't supposed to be in the restroom. I mean, I wouldn't get into trouble for it directly, but if Master found out, it would lead to questions, and if my answers weren't good, things might...go bad for me.

But I needed a break. The diaper I'd been made to wear had started leaking, and while I was wearing pants dark enough that it didn't show, boar piss is pungent enough that people were starting to notice.

I know. It's supposed to be humiliating. But you know how it is when the reality doesn't live up to the fantasy. 'Humiliation' was a word that managed to turn me on. But it didn't come alone; it came with its friend 'anxiety'.

So I'd excused myself to the restroom to get my breath, to wash my face, and wait for my heart to stop pounding.

I can stop anytime I want to, I thought.

I couldn't imagine wanting to.

Yeah, it can hurt to obey. But it would hurt more to disappoint him.

I leaned on the sink, staring into the mirror, and let out a deep moan as I flooded the diaper again.

"Oho--what's this?"

I yelped and saw a big hare in the mirror behind me as piss dripped down my legs. Not a situation I wanted to be in with a stranger. (Well. Not just any stranger, anyway.)

"Please, I'm just trying to--"

His lapine nose wrinkled as the scent of piss caught up with the sight of it, and he reached in to squeeze my padded rump. "Oh...you're a porta-porker, aren't you? You allowed to turn away any loads?"

I blushed powerfully and shook my head.

"Good. I've gotta use the facility." Without any further word, he grabbed the back of my pants and diaper, slid out his cock and rested it in the nook alongside my tail, and let loose.

The already-overfilled diaper didn't take it well--how could it?--and soon the hare's piss was commingling with my own, pooling in my shoes.

He had a lot of piss stored up; his paw stroked idly down my side as the hot stream flowed over my furry rump. He leaned in over my back as it began to slow and said "Shame I ain't free to breed you. I bet you've got the softest ass..."

He zipped up and left.

I took my pity party into one of the stalls and locked myself in, trying again to regain my composure.

Breathe in, hold it. Breathe out, wait.

Someone entered the bathroom.

Breathe in, hold it. Breathe out, wait.

There was a knock at the stall door. Sandals showing the gray-hided feet of a rhinoceros, or maybe an elephant.

"Occupied," I said.

"Yeah? Fuck you too," the knocker said, and left the bathroom.

Breathe in, hold it. Breathe out, wait.

The door opened again--this time, with a presence I recognized immediately.

"I hear my pig is broken in here."

There was the sound of the main door locking, then another knock at the stall door.

I let my master in. What else could I do?

He would have an imposing figure even if he didn't own me outright--a burly tiger with fire-red stripes who usually wore jeans cut specially to show off his enhanced genitals.

He never feared anyone's opinion.

"I needed a break," I said. "Please don't hate me, sir."

"Hate you?" He sat on the tile floor in front of me, his eyes looking up into mine. "What would I hate you for?"

"Master..." I lowered my eyes, covering my face with my hands. "You know. I couldn't follow your orders."

He reached up and pulled my hands down. "And why would that mean I hate you?"

"I can't even handle something as simple as wearing a diaper in public. I couldn't be any more worthless to you."

He growled softly, leaning in. "Hey. Come on. First off--you're a person, Eddin, and this is a relationship, and your value as a person and in this relationship is far more than just what you do to get my rocks off, you understand?"


"And I hope you remember the same about me as well. You loved me before I ever gave you an order, yes?"

"Yes, sir."

"Yes who?"

I took a deep breath. "Yes, Mark."

He smiled. "Second off, it's not like this is pass-or-fail. It's good to see you obey, but there's an enjoyment in seeing you do your best even when it's not 'enough,'"--he let go of my paws long enough to make the air quotes--"and even enjoyment in seeing you struggle and fail--at least, when you're enjoying yourself. But this," he said, "this isn't you enjoying yourself at all now, is it?"

I shook my head.

"It's my job to take care of you, and when my friends come in here to find you ugly-crying in the mirror or locked up in the stall, that tells them I'm not doing my job well, and we don't want that to happen either now, do we?"

"The one guy did use my diaper."

"I've no doubt he did. Hake's like you, he gets caught up in the role. But that's not the point. I'm here to do my job, and take care of you, and get you out of this diaper, and take you home, and give you all the care and affection you need after a day like this, understand?"

"Yes, Mark."

It was a relief to get home and take a long shower alone to release the day's stress.

By the time I'd come out and dried off, Mark had snacks ready, the TV was going, and he was sitting on the couch in briefs that did nothing to cover the soccer-ball-sized scrotum that was spreading his legs apart.

This wasn't him trying to be seductive. He didn't have to try to do that.

I joined him on the couch and we binged black-and-white sitcoms till the day's breakdown was forgotten, my sex drive was remembered, and my hand was straying down from the tiger's chest to rest on his bulge.

"Feelin' ready to get back in your diaper, porker?"

That was the scene, wasn't it, I thought. Diapers, obedience, humiliation...

I moved my paw away. The arm he had around my shoulder pulled me closer.

"Hey, don't worry," he said. "I won't make you go through that again. But we do have a whole pack of padding to get through now. Maybe we can do 'baby piglet wants to suckle milk from papa's udder'?"

I blushed deeply.

He pressed his paw against my snout. "You're adorable. Go get padded."

I went and put the diaper on and joined my master in the bathroom--the tub being the only place in the house I could receive his upgraded loads without having to inflate the kiddie pool.

The tiger was sitting nude on the rim of the bathtub, that glorious scrotum of his on full display as he stroked himself.

I remembered days before Mark, when I'd lust after guys like this on the Internet. And how somehow he found me, a boar like any other, and made me his...

Once I would have given anything for the opportunity to bury my face in a big ball of fur like the one hanging below his hefty cock. And now... I approached and gave him a deep kiss before kneeling at his feet in the tub.

"Love you, sir."

"Love you too, boy. Diaper wet yet?"

I shook my head.

"Will be soon," he said, standing over me and jerking himself harder. "Daddy's milk is coming. Open up--"

I barely had time to get his slit in my muzzle--there's no way I could take the whole thickness--before I felt the first blast of cum hit the back of my throat.

My gag reflex went off, but was immediately overwhelmed by the powerful shots that kept blasting down; the force of it could be felt all the way down my throat, building a current that churned in my belly.

Mark leaned in against the wall, pushing his dick against my muzzle to keep it in place with enough force that I could feel the throb of his heartbeat behind the pulsations of his cock--and still the cum kept coming.

It flowed through me like a cascade of warmth, forcing its way through my stomach into my intestines with an intensity I couldn't contain; after only a couple of seconds of pressure my ass gave way and the torrent of cum passing fully through me began to fill my diaper.

I felt like I was a condom, just a conduit for Mark's cum to gush through and collect in the reservoir that was my padding.

Somewhere above me he was still talking--carrying on the daddy scene, no doubt, but at this distance, with the roar of cum moving through me I couldn't even hear him; I was a receptacle for his cum, nothing more, and even though it was uncomfortable to the point of pain--I couldn't even breathe--I was treasuring every second of it.

I rubbed the front of my cum-sodden diaper as it started to leak my master's seed into the tub; the pressure tearing through my ass had my dick hard in my padding and as my paw worked it through the accumulating sliminess I knew my own climax was near.

It would only be a drop in the bucket, of course, but I needed to get off--I was about to pass out from lack of air, and if that happened, Mark probably wouldn't let me have an experience like this again.

I focused on the river of cum flowing through me and worked my bulge hard through the diaper.

The cock and balls that filled my world began to fade from view as I started losing consciousness.

I felt my cock pulse and add its seed to my master's.

I passed out.

I woke up to the tiger kneeling over me with worry in his eyes. "Eddin!"

"I'm--" Before I could get words out, my throat rebelled, and I coughed up cum and slime for half a minute. "Ergh... I'm okay."

"I'm pushing you too hard."

"No!" I yelped, coughing again and hating myself for it. Why couldn't I do anything right? "Please don't give up on me, sir."

He gave me that distressed look he always does when I'm afraid, put an arm around my cum-glazed shoulder, and held on to me. "Never, porker. And you know it."

I wanted to know it. I wanted to believe. And I hoped someday I would.