People Shopping

Story by Wisper on SoFurry

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#2 of Commissions

A commission for a very special customer Highly enjoyed the story and the process it went through. He'd come again but he loved it so much he choose to stay with the company.

Enjoy all the entertaining factors these two had to bring. I enjoy having them in my collection.

Mouse and Tiger Rabbit belong to their respected characters

Snow Leopard is yours truly

People Shopping

"You hungry hon?" Trevor asked, holding onto his boyfriend's arm as they walked down the street, his skinny tail wagging from side to side.

"Not really," Tachis replied with a casual shrug, both hands in his pocket.

The two stopped at a light and waited for traffic to pass them by. The small brown mouse looked up at his seven foot tall rabbit-tiger hybrid, smiling widely. Tachis kept his arm out so Trevor could wrap his arm in the loop between them. Tachis looked around observing traffic until Trevor pressed his little pink nose into his blue fur. Tachis smiled down at Trevor then used his free left hand to pet

Trevor's head.

When the light changed, the two walked across the street, though Trevor had to put more effort into his legs since Tachis was so much taller. The two love birds made it across the street and proceed towards the city.

"Trevor I presume?" A voice called out. Trevor broke free of his mindless gaze and looked around to find the source of the voice. "Over here," said the voice, sipping on morning tea.

Trevor and Tachis saw a snow leopard sitting at a table in an outside diner. He wiped his face with a napkin, placed the money on the table, and stood up. Though not as tall as Tachis, he had way more tone than the skinny blue kitty.

"Yes... Who wants to know?" Trevor asked.

"Name's Wisper," he said formally after clearing his throat. He wore a blue collared shirt, brown vest, black pants, and a blue tie with a black hat, though it all fitted him perfectly. "I was planning to come to your house but I recognize you from my profile. Says you owe quiet a bit of money from a recent purchase you made, I'm here to collect it."

"Investment?" Tachis asked.

Trevor squeaked and blushed hard, looking away from Tachis and scratched the back of his head. "Nope, um, doesn't ring a bell."

"You said you wanted it custom made for a loved one," Wisper said with his hands behind his back. "Since you never specified the design you wanted, I invite you to come to my office to discuss it."

Deeply red in the face, Trevor poked his fingers together bashfully. Tachis raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off, looking at Trevor, only helping to fuel his embarrassment.

"N-no, that's okay, thanks though, I'll... I'll send an email to your company about the details. Sorry for the trouble." Trevor grabbed his boyfriend's and attempted to speed walk away.

Wisper sighs a little and flicks his wrists, exposing an enchanted blue glowing wristband on each.

As the mouse and the rabbit-tiger hybrid walked down the block, Whisper aimed his fist at both their necks from behind. A small, nearly invisible thread shot out and pierced, attached to them, and disappeared after glowing blue for a moment.

The snow leopard smirked and snapped his fingers on his right hand.

"Squeak!" Trevor cried as he uncontrollably jumped into the air. Tachis jumped in surprised and gasped as he watched his boyfriend slowly fold in on himself.

"H-hey wait! What's going on?!" Tachis asked.

"Dont worry," Wisper walks over to Tachis as Tachis holds his face, still in shock "I'm just making Trevor more agreeable to the situation. I assure you he's in no harm, and you may just like what he becomes."

Trevor's body flattened out and his legs folded into his back. His 2D arms folded behind his back and his fur changed from hair to cotton. He span and hung upside down, his mouth forcefully opening and his tail pointing out straight.

"Whoa..." Tachis said, slightly impressed by Trevor's slow transformation. "No wait! You can't do that! Change him back."

Wisper smiled and placed a hand on Tachis's shoulder. "Relax, he'll be fine."

The spot on the back of Tachis's neck glowed and the blue rabbit's tension died down slowly. "Oh... Umm... Well..."

"You just can't find good entertainment anywhere else can you?" Wisper pointed at Trevor with two fingers. As he moved his fingers farther away from each other, Trevor's body split into two, creating an exact clone. The two mouses squeaked as they watched each other transform before each of their eyes. One Trevor sweated nervously after several, small mouths appeared along his face, his body shrinking to the silhouette of a sock. The other Trevor glanced over at Wisper, then at Tachis. Having Tachis watch him transform made the mouse blush heavily in embarrassment.

In a few seconds, Trevor flopped down to the ground, motionless as toeless socks, each mouth fit for a separate toe. Wisper picked him up and slowly placed him on his bare paws.

"Gmmmgrph!" Cried Trevor when Wisper stretched him up to his heel. Each of the snow leopard's toes pushed through the mouth holes and instantly got a lick from each tongue accompanying the hole.

"Oomph!" Trevor said as Wisper slammed him to the ground. Wisper stood on one foot, causing the mouse sock to groan from the excess pressure, to put on the second sock. When on, Wisper wiggled his toes, effectively gurgling the mouse's already muffled plea. When Wisper was done, he stood back up and fixed his tie.

"I'm sorry, I don't think we've been properly introduced. Your name is Tachis, correct?"

"Y-yeah that's me but... Trevor..." Tachis looked down worriedly at his lover. Wisper turned around and lifted his foot up for Tachis to see the back of Trevor's head face the toe arcs.

"He's perfectly fine. No pain, no discomfort," he placed his foot down and walked over to Tachis again "And he enjoys it. He looks good, doesn't he?"

Tachis rubbed the back of his neck, the blue glow returned briefly. His entire head glowed blue for a moment, putting him deeper under Wisper's control. He blinked once and opened his eyes with his pupils swirling.

"Yeah... I think he looks pretty good," Tachis said, blinking again and rubbed his eyes.

"How about you come back to my office with Trevor? I believe the item he requested was for you. We can have it ready and it'll save Trevor money on shipping since you'll have it before the end of the day?"

Tachis nods, smiling and putting his hands back into his pocket. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

"Wonderful to hear. It's just three blocks away, we'll be there in about 5 minutes."

Wisper led the way to his office with the taller tiger-rabbit following him. "Omhp, ooof, mmph, mmrp, rrhomp," cried the muffled mouse. With each step, Wisper curled his toes in the air and splayed them on the ground. Trevor wiggled desperately but his tongue could only lick or suck as the snow leopard put pressure on his body repeatedly. His tail, free from the sock transformation, wiggled around but was useless, save for decoration.

The two stopped at red light and waited for traffic to go by. While Wisper whistled and tapped his foot on the ground, John casually looked around while secretly glancing down at Trevor. The more Tachis saw his mate being abused in such a way, the more his smile showed. The soothing, reassuring words of Wisper flooded his head and he curled his toes, almost wishing Trevor was on his paws.

Wisper noticed and grinned. When the light turned green, he strolled across the street, putting his feet in view of Tachis. Tachis walked across the street, looking down at Trevor's cute tail still flicking. His own little bushy tail wagged as he followed the cat.

Inside one of the rooms of Wisper's building, decorated with a common large circular table, windows, and a digital screen at the end of the room, Tachis sat in a chair against the wall while Wisper sat on the table facing him.

Tachis looked down to see Trevor panting from the long drawn out walk a few city blocks gave him. His tongues hung limb under each toes and the fabric around the toe arcs opened and closed lightly, showing he was still breathing perfectly fine. Wisper wiggled his toes teasingly, getting one last gurgle out of the mouse before crossing one leg on his lap to slip him off.

"As much as I enjoy the comfort his form gives, the color, sadly, does not match my attire," Wisper said, moreso talking to himself as a mental note.

Tachis wagged his small tail again, watching his lover get stretched off the feline's feet. Trevor still blushed in embarrassment as Tachis had a perfect spot to watch his humiliation and abuse. When both socks were taken off, Wisper tossed the socks into the air and clapped his hands once. Trevor's body glowed blue and the two socks smacked into each other hard. The two socks became one and in a faint flash, the original mouse appeared, falling to his face on the floor.

"See Tachis, nothing to worry about," Wisper assured.

Trevor groaned and spat a little, trying to get the taste of salty dirty out of his tongue. The intensity of the flavor more than quadrupled now that his eight mini-tongues were turned back to one. The flavor was almost a part of him now as no matter how much he tried to spit the taste out, it remained in his tongue, breathe, and it was almost all he could smell at this point.

"You're right Wisper," Tachis said, still in a faint hypnotic gaze. Trevor pushed off the ground and lifted his head, still facing Tachis. As he lifted his head up, the mouse made direct eye contact with Tachis's tent in his pants. The feline rabbit leaned back in his chair while watching, legs apart with his arms on the armrest.

Trevor's face turned red once again, seeing his lovers cock bulge in his pants from stimulation of the show.

"That's not all," Whisper assured, grinning as he slowly unbuckled his pants. "We still have to get the item you requested into shape." Wisper stood up off the table and lifted his foot. "Wait a moment please."

Before Trevor could talk, or turn his head to glare at the cat, Wisper kicked his butt, shoving his small mousy nose in-between his lover's pants. The heat and musk, combined with Tachis's soft moaning and panting, made the mouse's nose bleed comically. Trevor blinked a few times, sniffing the crotch with pleasure for a moment, before his senses returned to him long enough for him to try pushing away from the crotch. Wisper kept his foot placed on the mouses' butt, eyeing it while he continued undoing his pants. With Tachis pressed against the wall, the mouse was stuck between a paw and a hard place. The more wiffs he took, the weaker his resistance became.

"Well done," Wisper said as Trevor's eyes slowly rolled to the top of his head, enjoying the musky scent. Wisper took off his pants completely, follow by his underpants, and kicked them over to the side. He raised a hand, pointed at Trevor while he was on his knees, a gestured to come to him with a finger.

Trevor's body glowed blue again and his pants and underwear, slightly sticky from his throbbing cock, slid off his body. Trevor squeaked and tried to look behind him, but Tachis pushed his knees together, still panting and enjoying his lover's company right where he belongs.

"If I may," Wisper asked Tachis while grabbing Trevor's tail. Tachis looked at the naked cat, rubbing his rod against Trevor's cheeks, and nodded, spreading his legs again. "Much oblige."

Wisper tugged the mouse's tail, making Trevor squeak again and raised his butt in the air. Trevor finally looked behind him and his eyes widened. Wisper aimed his rod at the tail hole, pulled his tail hard, and plopped it into the rear. Trevor huffed and groaned, curling his toes in pleasure.

Wisper leaned forward to grab Trevor by the back of the shirt. Compared to his size, the mouse was incredibly light, lifting with ease and riding on Wisper's dick. The magic feline backed into the table and sat down where he softly caressed Trevor's chin and humped him up and down on the table.

Trevor closed his eyes, feeling the rod stroke up and down the walls of his ass. His own dick leaked a little and his mind too unfocused to care. The sensation traveling up his body kept him panting and blushing.

Tachis watched the two with delight, slouching in his chair even more with a blush on his face. As he watched with wrapped attention, his hands undid the zipper to his pants. When he undid the button next, the bulge in his pants was set free at long last. It throbbed and leaked from the joy he felt from his lover moments ago. He pushed his underpants down and exposed his hard dick, stroking it tenderly.

Wisper's thrusting grew harder each second as the sensation pleased him the longer he humped. Trevor bit the bottom of his lip and his eyes grew heavy as he felt the rod throb against the walls of his bum. He looked up with his eyes closed, moaning even louder as cum leaked out his hole. The pleasure stirred the mouse's dick. Trevor grabbed his rod and stoked up and down to find his own release like the others.

Wisper noticed Trevor's motion and grinned. After a few more humps to satisfy his urge, Wisper stroked the mouse's side to his belly and all the way down to his crotch. He gripped the rod, making Trevor squeak and jump a little when his gripped tightened. Wisper's hand glowed and placed an enchanted blue glow around Trevor's penis. He removed his hand and the precum Trevor leaked stopped, sealed away to prevent him from cumming. The build up in his rod caused the mouse to squeak loudly and fidget on his ride but Wisper gripped him tightly, getting close to climaxing into the mouse's ass.

"Such a tight butt you have," Wisper whispered. He lightly bit into Trevor's shoulder, making the mouse moan loudly. Wisper pushed and pulled Trevor up and down on his slick rod, Tachis watched with deep blush on his face, rubbing his own crotch in full display of Trevor when he opened his eyes.

After several hard thrusts, the snow leopard cummed into his toy, filling his belly up. Trevor clinched up, curling his hands, and toes with his ears down, howling like a wolf as bliss washed over him and into him. Tachis cummed and his seed fell to the floor. The tiger-rabbit smiled gleefully at Trevor who blushed and fidgeted on the rod since he couldn't cum himself. Wisper finally leaned back on the table and panted with his tongue sticking out a little.

"That was nice," Wisper said, watching the mouse wiggle on his rod.

"T-That was great," Trevor said almost hypnotically.

"We're not through just yet," Wisper grinned, Trevor meeped and flattened his round ears again. Wisper sat up and petted Trevor's head reassuringly. Trevor smiled nervously before his body started shrinking slowly. He squeaked and looked down. His butt shrunk around Wisper's balls and his legs sunk into himself, making his pants and shirt vanish.

"W-what're you doing to me? What's going on?! Change me back!" Trevor yelped, feeling the tip of Wisper's cock bulge against his stomach.

"T...Trevor?" Tachis sat up in his chair, getting nervous again.

Wisper stood up off the table and walked over to Tachis with ease now that Trevor started molded around his cock. "Rest assured Tachis, you're going to enjoy what happens next. Don't you like Trevor this way?"

Wisper swung his hips from side to side as Trevor continued shrinking. Trevor squeaked and flailed his arms but soon stopped and gave a slightly blissful smile.

Wisper's afterglow feeling of satisfying relief started sinking into Trevor's body. The mouse felt Wisper's cock travel to his chest and his body condensed around it. His fur became flesh and wet, matching the kitty's wet rod and smelled like Trevor's ass when he humped him. The smell and feeling all around made him start to smile, his focus shifting from escaping to seeking captivity and closeness with the cock.

Tachis watched as Trevor opened his mouth to moan again but the cock replaced his tongue. When he closed it, Trevor became the new Wisper cock, only brown instead of pink. Tachis blushed looked over the silenced mouse, getting a little closer to sniff him.

"What do you think?" Wisper asked, putting his hands behind his head. Tachis didn't answer and instead moved closer, pressed his nose to the rod, and inhaled slightly, shivering in delight. "Doesn't Trevor seem so much better like this?"

Tachis nodded. "Yeah... He does look great," the tier rabbit stuck out his tongue and slowly licked from the balls to the top.

While he tongue tasted the combined aroma of his husband and cum from the kitty, Trevor throbbed and blushed red once again.

Oh gosh, Trevor thought to himself, making Wisper grin as he listened to everything his new mouse cock was thinking. This feels... wonderful. That tongue felt so good. I must... be a good cock for master.

"Mr. Tachis, would you mind turning around? I'd like to test your new merchandise."

Tachis looked up and slowly rose up, standing a few inches taller than the feline. He smiled when he looked down at his lover again then turned around. Wisper pushed his back to make him bend, pinning him against the wall. Tachis let his pants slide down and removed his undergarments quickly.

Wisper snickered as he rubbed his mouse barbed between the rabbit's blue cheeks.

This is gonna be great, Trevor thought again. I'm ready for the plug. I want the plug. The plug will please master.

After a little bit more teasing, Wisper placed the tip of his cock against the rabbit hole. Trevor's lips kissed it softly and Tachis started purring softly.

"How does it feel knowing that Trevor's there?" Wisper whispered. He stepped closer and with a quick hump, plugged the hole with his cock. The sensation for Trevor, being pressed against the wall, surrounded by musk and leaking cum out of his penis tip mouth was enough to send a shiver through the cock right back up to his master. "To have Trevor inside you."

The more Wisper spoke into Tachis's ear, the more Tachis started leaking again, mesmerized by the thought. Wisper slowly humped, reaching around to Tachis's chest to stroke it. The rabbit held one arm against the wall while his legs bent back and forth to the humping in place. He could feel Trevor getting wet, the cum acting as a lube.

"Don't stop," Tachis said closing his eyes with his head down.

Wisper obliged by twisting his cock from side to side. Both kitties murred in unison while Trevor's mind raced with pleasurable ecstasy. Now throbbing, the mouse started leaking more, feeling his master get excited once again.

Tachis pressed his other hand against the wall as Wisper picked up the pace. With his new barb fully soaked in cum, Trevor heard every 'slush', 'slap', and 'slop' sound made from digging in and out of the hole.

Come master, cum for me, Trevor thought, his mind now long gone from how it use to be. I must make master happy, I love being in here, I never want to leave, never want to lose this feeling again.

Wisper growled and huffed as his climax started to build. Trevor felt his cheeks inflate and his body swell. He tried to hold from cumming like flood gates until his master ordered it. Tachis started meowing and squeaking with each hump until finally, with a firm nip to his shoulder, Tachis raised his head up, pitching a moan of euphoria.

Wisper meowed as he caved. Trevor's mouth opened inside the walls and flooded it with his master's cum. The entire barb was soaked and cum seeped out of the gaps to the tiger rabbit's butt.

Wisper leaned forward, resting his head on Tachis's back to ravel in the afterglow. Tachis panted, looking down to see a bit of his own cum against the wall while the rest dripped to the ground. After a few moments, Wisper stepped back, sliding Trevor out of his lover's rear and leaned against the table.

"Experiment... complete," Wisper said. Tachis turned around smiled goofily at the two, still blushing with his bushy tail swaying around. "I think your new product is ready to be used Tachis, what do you say?"

Tachis nodded and sat back down in his chair, leaning back with his head facing the ceiling and his eyes closed. Wisper watched the tiger-rabbit then looked back down at his Trevor cock. Wisper grabbed his mouse dick and made him turn blue. Trevor peeled off of Wisper's cock like a condom and rolled himself into a ball in the palm of his former master's hand.

Wisper wasted no time by twisting and smashing the mouse, turning him into a brand new object for more use. Trevor squeaked but gave little resistance to the new change in form. His body acted as a cup of playdough, bending and molding to the owner's wishers. It took seconds before Wisper helped up a new fleshlight. Shaped like a flashlight but with Trevor's mouth at the front, he opened his eyes and blushed hard again. Trevor breathed sharply, taking a moment to enjoy the fresh air. He tried to wiggle but all his appendages were compacted into each other.

Wisper squeezed the new fleshlight like a sponge. The pressure forced Trevor to open his mouth, showing a very long tongue sticking out. Trevor couldn't pull it back in himself, until Wisper eased up his grip. Wisper pulled up his pants and walked over to Tachis, who was still moaning blissfully. Wisper raised the fleshlight, squeezed him, aimed, and shoved Tachis's rod right into Trevor's mouth.

"Enjoy," Wisper said with a grin.

Tachis "oofed" and moaned loudly as he felt Trevor's large tongue wrap around his cock. The texture of the toy's tongue did well to lube it's new host. When Trevor blushed and wiggled, it gave Tachis's sensitive cock a mix of warm vibration. Tachis fell back into bliss almost instantly and grabbed Trevor's body. Trevor slid off his member slowly, leaving a trail of saliva off the rod and watched it throb in his face.

Wisper sat back down at the table after pulling his hands up. "Let me know when you've finished your experience. We'll begin with the final paperwork and the add-on feature as a customary thank you for using our services."

Tachis didn't catch any of that, lost in the realm of bliss. He squeezed Trevor again, making him squeak and opened his mouth wide in response. Trevor looked back down and casually humped into the mouse's maw.

"Oomph, oof, mmfrph, gggmph, mmmm," Trevor cried. His eyes rolled to the back of his head, giving in to his new form easily after so much exhaustion from being over used. His body was easily squishable now and his mind gave in to how useful he is serving others. He briefly looked at Tachis's smiling face, watching him blissfully purr with each thrust into his mouth.

Seeing the love of his life be pleased by his form helped confirm Trevor's decision to stay as a flesh light.

After Tachis placed him back on his cock, Trevor wrapped his tongue around Tachis's rod and his balls, staying on firmly to suck his rod. The sudden move made Tachis jolt and hump into the air, leaking into Trevor's mouth. Trevor moaned and swallowed around it. The magic Trevor had controlling him used the cum he swallowed to expand Trevor's body like a sponge. The more Trevor sucked up, the bigger his form got.

Tachis tried to grab Trevor again and lift him up, but Trevor's suction pulled him back on. With each swallow, Trevor's muscles squeezed Tachis's penis enough to push even more cum out of the tiger-rabbit.

Wisper watched intensely, getting an idea for the final transformation that'll satisfy them and help his business.

Tachis arced his back so much he stood up and let Trevor milk and suck the cum out of him. Due to already being aroused, it only took a few hard gulps before Tachis released another load into Trevor's mouth.

Trevor gulped as much as he could, though a large amount of cum seeped out of his mouth. Tachis laid down on the floor this time, the sheer amount of pleasure left him immobile, red in the face, and sprawled out. Trevor continued sucking lightly, smiling proudly to himself.

Wisper held his hand over the floor and his paw glowed blue. All of the cum and messes on him, the ground, and the wall vanished, leaving only Trevor and Tachis covered in cum. Wisper buckled his pants back and stood up stretching.

"Was that not enjoyable Tachis?" He asked.

Tachis nods. "This has been wonderful."

Wisper walks over to him and leaned down to his ear. "Do you love to have Trevor like this? Forever?"

Tachis looked over at the business cat and gave a slow nod. "I'd love to have Trevor like this, forever."

Wisper grinned at Tachis's hypnotic obedience. "And would you like to be with Trevor, forever?" When Tachis gave yet another affirmative nod, Wisper petted his head. "Then I will make it so."

The blue tiger-rabbit tingled when Tachis's paw glowed blue. In seconds, Tachis's entire body started glowing, except for Trevor, who stopped sucking to observe what was happening. Tachis's body shrunk. His legs left his pants on the ground and his shirt started feeling heavier than before. Tachis didn't resist, but instead looked down at Trevor with a smile. It didn't take long before Tachis's limbs retracted into his body, like Trevor when he became a flipflop.

Wisper kept his paw over Tachis's head until he was turned to two nut sucks, his cock still in Trevor's mouth, but now he was blue. Trevor gasped as Tachis's face disappeared into his brand new dildo form. Tachis couldn't move, couldn't see, and couldn't feel anything, except for Trevor's loving mouth keeping most of him warm and moist.

Wisper picked Trevor up, who now looked as though he had a dick for a pacifier in his fleshlight body. "Now you two can be together. I'll have you displayed on the second floor case, just to give my future customers a 'taste' of what's in store."

Wisper cleared his throat, fixed his tie, and walked out of the room with a grin on his face. Trevor squeaked from time to time whenever Wisper squeezed him. That squeeze around Tachis's sensitive cock made the rabbit blush a little, which could vaguely be seen on the balls dangling out of Trevor's mouth. The mouse accepted his fate happily, keeping his tongue wrapped around his lover's rod like an embrace, sealing the fate of their new lives together.

Office Outing

Office Outing As the elevator door opened to his office, the snow leopard walked out smiling widely, whistling a merry tune as he made his way to his desk at the far end. "I'm back Mr. Khan," Wisper said in a joyous tone. "How's our guest...

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Comfort In Company

Comfort In Company The elevator door opened after reaching the third floor of the building. A snow leopard walked out stretching with a large smile on his face, looking at his huge window to see the sun slowly setting over the horizon. "A nice...

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Cell Inspection

Cell Inspection Starfox leaned forward while sitting on his bed, surrounded by three walls with a small window into the stary space and an electric fence preventing his escape. He sighed and rubbed his face. "I can't believe I got captured again,"...

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