Going Buggo

Story by AnnoyedDragon on SoFurry

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I commissioned Superboo for a fun little sequence involving a insect TF/TG between two male friends. One of them failing to inform the other that his infection would have transgendering consequences, then their method of transferring infection going... a little too far. I've yet to upload it my end, but you can find it on Superboo's page over here.http://www.furaffinity.net/view/27711568/

The concept proved to be quite popular and I received several requests to turn it into a story. I'm not usually open to requests, but this was one I felt like fulfilling ^.=.^

Story follows the same path as the linked sequence, with a lot more detail between the scenes. I hope people enjoy.

Left... right... jump.

Everything else had disappeared as I leaned back into the bean bag and focused on the game. Oh man, I was in the zone. The controller in my hands disappearing behind the veil of muscle memory as me and my bud Sam took on the hoards of AI driven enemy units.

"Get the rocket launcher and climb the right ladder for the 5th wave..." I spoke dispassionately, like a military veteran, eyes darting around the screen for potential power ups and drops to survive the next round.

Once I was in place on the left side, I momentarily glanced to the 2nd coop window to notice that Sam hadn't picked up the weapon or climbed the ladder. Only then, did I allow my eyes to drift from the screen for explanation, to be met with mandibles and antenna.

The sudden shock made me choke on my own spit, my honed gamer reflexes just managing to hit the pause button; right before my hands turned to jelly. A half second heart attack gripped me as my long term memory tried to wrestle for my bodies own internal controller, jumping into the pilot seat and slamming buttons to turn off the alarm.

Yes, this shit was normal, calm down.

"See?" Spoke the creature, "It's not really that bad, you can turn it off and on at will!"

"Christ, man!" I took a moment to compose myself, "don't just change like that, especially in the middle of a game..."

I looked Sam up and down, over his insectoid form draped in the shredded remains of what was once his clothes. Only his t-shirt managed to survive the transition, a new pair of arms poking out from under, which were clumsily holding the controller between their three hard chitin digits. I couldn't imagine them making very effective use of it.

His pants had completely torn in half and were now dangling off his widely spaced legs. They were unable to cope with the considerable fattening of his body, to make way for the gigantic abdomen that now lay besides him. Two large cerci pincers twitching at its end.

Some human qualities did manage to survive, the insect not quite having taken him all. He had proper eyes, two large orange orbs with black dots in the center, as well as a softening of the chitin to allow for a more flexible mouth. It was somewhat interesting to see how the human and animal attempted to compliment each other in a single form, even though it was freakish to witness.

Frankly, it was amazing he had managed to transform right besides me without my notice, you'd think I would have heard his clothes tearing at least. Sam made for a large and intimidating insect, hardly the sort of thing you could miss. I knew I had tunnel vision when immersed in a game but... come on.

"... Look at what you've done to your cloths" I lectured while gesturing over him, "how are you supposed to get home looking like that?" I don't think I had anything in his size, but he could hardly walk home in insect form either. It wasn't illegal but not exactly encouraged either, bugging out was usually reserved for the privacy of the home or specific gatherings.

Sam brought his upper most pair of hands together in prayer and gave the best pleading expression a hard chitinous face could muster. Both his antenna flopped forward and twitching rapidly, as if they were shivering anxiously.

"I just don't want to visit the Hive by myself again this year" he pleaded, "I'd really like you to go with me."

Oh not this crap again... He's been badgering me over it since he attended the last gathering. It's not like he's just inviting me down the pub or anything, it was implicit in that since the Hive was a bug only place; that in order to go I'd have to...

I knew nothing good could have come from him dating that bug girl years back. Yeah she was hot, in human form, so what. When dealing with anyone infected with a transformative virus; whether it be a werewolf or whatever, they have a tendency to pass it on.

I knew he was playing with fire when he went camping with her and a bunch of other buggos, he was the only uninfected one there. So paint me surprised, he comes back with this awkward air about him, boasting how he had scored with her and oh yeah... he's bugged out too now.

Who could have guessed.

Though he wasn't exactly full of stories about that trip. My guess is they did some weird freaky bug stuff out there, I think they're only infectious when transformed? Have to keep my imagination at bay with that one, I can only assume they... while she... So beyond sleeping with her he wasn't keen on elaborating, I wasn't going to push for details either.

Their relationship didn't last long in the end, despite the lifelong implications of his infection. She left, he's still a werebug, life went on. He's still Sam for the most part, there is always that tinge of something else about his type, the odd behavioral quirk. It never really bothered me that he now had this inhuman side, he kept it mostly to himself so it wasn't relevant to our friendship.

Lately on the other hand...

Werebeasts generally inherit some innate behavioural trait from the species they become. Werewolves develop a pack mentality for instance, were as in the case of bug people; they have a whole hive society mentality going on. So the Hive really is a hive, it's this massive structure built in a disused quarry.

Once a year they all go down there and do bug things for two weeks, whatever that may be. I heard they literally built it the 'natural way' as well, with them chewing up wood pulp while in a transformed state to form the structure. The idea of staying in a place literally held together by bug spit never really appealed to me, funny enough.

It sounds alarming, humans being reduced to animals and building a massive hive. Sure enough there were groups that opposed its construction, saying it indulged inhumanity and that they'd use it as a base to spread their disease. Typical slippery slope fear mongering from human preservation groups.

Really though, from what I hear, it's just a hippy commune they visit once a year to chill and discuss community interests. Talk to their werebeast government representative and all that. Most of them put on a tie and go back to being productive human citizens for the other 50 weeks of the year.

Having indulgence periods like these are generally considered healthy for anyone infected, to get all the animalistic urges out of their system and pamper their 'other selves'. A few stay behind as full time community organisers and activists, standing up for trans-species rights and ensuring the opposition on the other side of the fence don't get too much sway.

Regardless, all this should emphasise the point. It's nowhere an ordinary human need to visit and spend time at. It was hardly a holidays spa and the interior is built for wall crawlers, so his attempt to lure me along could only mean one thing...

"Is it really that surprising to you that I'm not keen on your freaky bug STD?" I said as I put the controller down, giving the bug man my full attention. We've had this conversation before, but it seemed as the Hive visitation date approached; he was only becoming more insistent.

"So? You can just turn it off 99% of the time and pretend you don't have it, it's only infectious while transformed; no one need know."

The cerci at the end of his abdomen clicked together a few times as he spoke, the alien appendages drew my attention momentarily but the meaning was lost on me. I wasn't exactly accustomed to insect body language, though I had my suspicions.

"Come on bud, do it for me!" He once again pleaded, his three digit hands squeezing together more tightly in begging.

This is what was supposed to convince me to abandon my humanity, nagging? I could empathise with the guy being lonely on those trips, but it was his own fault joining up over something as foolhardy as fancying a ladybug.

I silently indicated my disinterest by picking the controller back up and resuming my gaze at the paused screen, hinting I was waiting for him to resume playing. Not that he had enough fingers left to play the game. I suppose if he turned back we could put a throw over him to conceal any awkward nudity, not that it would cease to be awkward...

Sure enough the game resumed under his input, but from the corner of my eye the insecoid figure seemed to be remaining. His huge abdomen repositioning to lay casually curled behind him.

His character's movements, to my surprise, didn't indicate any control issues as it darted for the rocket launcher and got into position. I glanced Sam's way and found he was using both sets of his arms on the one controller, giving him 12 digits in all at his disposal. He probably wouldn't have to take his fingers off the stick to access the item menu because of that.

A grin formed behind his mandibles as he saw me looking, indicating he had anticipated I thought there would be problems in buggo form, him taking pride in smacking my assumptions down. Seems he had spent many an hour perfecting this play style for the simple purpose of deflecting criticisms I may have had.

I wasn't sure why he'd think I'd make that an issue though. If there was any reason to turn into one of those grotesque things, gaming in the comfort of your home wouldn't be the first to come to my mind.

We played for a while longer without further talk and sure enough; he could use medkits and plant mines without having to stop moving. This gave him a clear strategic advantage and his score was beginning to reflect that, much to my irritation. It also didn't help that I had to occasionally wipe the sweat from my forehead, costing valuable seconds in controller input. Sam was managing to stay cool, despite apparently not needing to sweat.

"Think of the perks..." he eventually said, neither of us taking our eyes off the screen.

I scoffed dismissively.

"No really, if there is a nuclear war we're inhering the planet mate."

That one did make me chuckle. Though surviving a nuclear war just to be forced to spend the rest of your life as a giant bug to ward off the radiation; isn't exactly a desirable outcome. Sure it may work technically, but would you really want to?

"Life's too short to experience it only one way, you know what I mean?"

"That's an argument for being a werebeast, not a bug ugly" I quipped. "Maybe I'd prefer running with the wolves rather than scurrying under a rock, you consider that?"

His antenna perked then hanged low immediately after, his glossy eyes narrowing as he seemingly took offence.

"Those fleabags?" He spoke in a more raised voice. "Hell no, if you wanted to spend the rest of your life picking hairs out of your clothes and furniture; you'd get a dog. You'll have every neighbor walking their mutt either trying to hump your leg or bite it off; thinking you're competition encroaching on their territory".

He allowed one of his arms to leave the controller momentarily to brush across his antenna, as if neatening up intangible hair. Him seemingly having an air of dignity about his motions, as if considering himself to be a better sort than those canines.

"Believe me man, you don't want to be compatible with all the parasites and diseases that go around because someone owns a dog on every street."

"Right..." I responded dispassionately, not expecting him to have so much to say on the matter. "...and bugs don't have their problems? What happens if someone whips out a can of pest spray?"

"Ha!" He dismissed mockingly, "they banned problem pesticides back in the 50s, try again!"

My brain did scramble for other issues to point out, some reason that would definitively put the bug issue to rest, but then I asked myself the point. Why did I need to justify anything?

"You know this isn't a competition, right? I'm not going to let you infect me just because..."

The game paused, he did it this time.

He turned to face me and the controller slumped down; with all four arms still attached. Despite his hard exterior, he still somehow managed to look like he was upset. He took in a deep breath, using the lungs his hybridization brought to the insect biology, then slowly let the air out... before beginning to speak.

"... I could tell you what a thrill it is to be super strong, or to be able to crawl up vertical objects, or even try to sell you what enhanced senses bring to your experience of the world...

He continued.

"But you would then just tell me that all these things are unnecessary. That being super strong in an industrialised society is pointless. That if you crawled up a skyscraper, you'd just be arrested. That being able to taste and smell more would make food designed for humans just taste weird... You could bat down everything I tried to sell you."

He gave me a moment to let those points sink in. Then he put the controller down, got onto all fours... sixes rather, then returned his upper most hands to their earlier begging. Gazing up at me once again in pleading, for one more attempt to sway me.

"I'm asking as a friend... will you do it for me? If you say no now, I'll never bother you with it again, I... I promise..."

A strange itch ran across my skin, like a shiver but with heat and hundreds of prickly legs racing across my surface. My body trying to convey its feeling towards this proposal.

It's really hard to describe, how we associate feelings with things and ideas. The feeling of the idea of insects. The texture that idea left in my mouth, the sensation it left in my brain, the bodies language for the concept of bug. I wondered if it was different for everybody or some common biological language that had long been forgotten?

How could the body possibly articulate becoming... that thing. The idea of transition, to acquire foreign flesh and limbs, to experience something so alien and then to... just go back. Like it never happened, like everything is just normal. Despite moments earlier, looking outward from a different species.

I had lost all motivation to continue playing the game, so I put the controller down. Sighing in the process. I looked at the animal known as Sam in front of me, over his body, from the antenna of his head to the circi of his abdomen. Mentally taking him in and preparing myself for my decision.

"Fine, but don't expect me to enjoy it..." I diverted my gaze; my cheeks reddening. "Especially considering what you're going to have to do to give it to me... I'm straight you know?"

"Ah man, you're the best!" Sam came alive, immediately returning to his hind legs and clapping together his four hands. His abdomen's circi clicking together in anticipation of what was to come. "No worries, it will only be this one time. I'm androgynous like this anyway".

Oh dear, what had I just agreed to... I know of course, the excited jittering of his circi pincers not needing a degree in entomology to understand. The werebeast virus, of course, was a sexually transmitted disease. Only transferable through blood or... intercourse. The circi for his species of insect, was a copulation tool. It's increased activity reflecting anticipation of what is to come.

He mentioned being androgynous, as if that helped. I don't think what we're about to do would be any easier had he been a girl. God, I'm going to have to stick my dick in that thing, aren't I? Then it dawned on me. No, that wouldn't be right, if the goal is infection then it would be better for him to...

I groaned audibly "Fuck me..."

"Well, that's the plan isn't it?" Sam tilted his head sideways before grinning. Don't push it Sam... I can still change my mind.

"Can't we just cut our fingers and touch or something?" I asked, hoping to find some means of achieving the desired end result without taking our friendship to a whole new level.

"Erm, chitin!" Sam held one of his hands up and tapped the fingers together, producing a solid clicking noise. Clearly drawing blood from his finger wouldn't be the mere scratch it would be to me. "Besides, that would take forever to turn you" he continued. He was right, a few exchanged drops of blood wouldn't compare to the infectious fluid transfer of... outright fucking.

We... we're really going to do this...

The realisation of the inevitability left my body confused, expectant of stimulation but also fearful of it. I found myself with an awkward semi boner forming in my pants, stealthily tugged in to the side, but shying away from becoming a full erection; as if semi-realising I wasn't the one who would be doing the penetration.

My arse was not ready, nor did I expect it ever could be...

"Try not to think about it" said Sam, as he stepped one leg over his own abdomen to bring it curving forward in front of him. "I'm not exactly thrilled about it either, but short of you sucking me off; it's the only effective way. So what do you want to do?"

"Well not that!" I answered promptly, without hesitation.

Sam chuckled as he grabbed the end of his abdomen and pulled it towards himself for closer inspection. The legs splayed either side of him working to stabilize his large body in that position. His middle pair of arms hugged his bug butt closer, while his upper pair set to work.

I could only imagine what having such a chunky and exotic appendage would be like, never mind as he began poking about its end; I could only assume looking for orifices. His hybrid expressions giving only minimal insight as to how it all may have felt, to interact with parts of the body displaced and reconfigured beyond recognition.

His hands took on familiar motions, self fondling was recognisable regardless of the species. My cheeks turned yet redder as the thought of his human self wanking off before me came to mind, wasn't that what was going on here? He was massaging and squeezing the end of his abdomen, pulling at his circi, teasing for his manhood to come out and play.

The sexual awkwardness in the air was palpable, though it was hard to read Sam in this state; so it could have just been me. For all I knew his attitudes were very different when it came to his bug body, not seeing its nudity or stimulation in the same light as his birth form. He certainly wasn't the sort to fondle himself in front of a friend like this, yet here he was stimulating his insect equivalents.

Sure enough, the tip of something peeked from the abdomen's end. Then suddenly, slid out at length with the speed and agility of a lubricated viper. Two foot of fat glistening insectoid manhood curled about; throbbing for attention.

"The hell is all that going up my arse!" I cried, horrified at the sight of it.

Sam seemed particularly cool about it, wiggling his apparently prehensile member about; like a toy he hasn't played with for some time. It's alien nature seemingly didn't bother him, no doubt he had long made peace with it during many a private session.

"It would probably cause serious damage if it did..." he smirked, running one of his fingers along its moist underside and savouring the sensation it offered. The phallus curled against his fingers touch in response, like an animal seeking affection. "What... did you think I would go all in off the bat? You literally couldn't take it mate."

Was that an ounce of pride I sensed there? I supposed if you live with something long enough, you can take pride in anything.

I personally wouldn't be so enthusiastic about showing off having an animal dick, regardless of how impressively hung I thought I was for that species. But little by little things were becoming real in my mind, the reality of what I had agreed apparent. That the alien manhood before me... would soon be my own.

Satisfied with his display, Sam then went on to explain how my conversion was going to work.

"Right... the more of the virus we can get into your system, the faster the change will be. Which means you can get back to being your boring ordinary self sooner until it's time for the trip. So it's in your interests to do this the most infectious way mate."

I nodded reluctantly, my nerves on edge at the sight of what I was expected to take.

The bug dick seemed to become thicker and more erect as Sam squeezed the end of his abdomen, the circi straining wider as he did so. Some sort of sexual organ must have been in that area, as his stimulation caused the member to excrete what looked like pre-cum. Apparently many of the sexual processes humans built up to; Sam could do on demand...

He retracted the dick in and out of his abdomen a few times, further lubricating its already glistening surface. Before settling it inside with some of the tip protruding from the exit, a swell of sticky bug juices practically drooling from where it sat.

"I think you can handle this much..." Sam grinned, "wouldn't want to pierce into any internal organs, would we now?"

I averted my gaze, feeling my cheeks burning with the awkwardness of it all. A discomforting uneasiness building up in my rear and flowing upward through my bowels. I've had my mouth respond to the prospect of a bad taste entering it, but never my butt...

The truly awkward aspect of all this was just how hard it was making me. Despite how I may have felt, the solid boner threatening to reveal itself was telling a very different story. I didn't like that my body was contradicting my expressed feelings, but it couldn't be helped.

I stepped up from the bean bag and began unbuckling my belt, facing away from Sam; trying to avoid revealing the sight of the erection aching against the tight confines of my trousers. Some enhanced genital control would have actually come in handy right about now.

Pulling the pants from myself allowed my junk to pitch a tent more comfortably, but of course the underwear had to go; along with my socks. The t-shirt I figured could stay, given that Sam was managing to wear one well enough. So I stretched the material over my crotch, placing my hands over it to conceal the hard member I was holding down beneath.

This had the effect of further revealing my butt, a fact I only realised when I looked over my shoulder and Sam had to contain himself; at the sight of me apparently presenting myself to him. "Just get it over with!" I narked, diverting my eyes in shame.

He chuckled as he let go of his abdomen and allowed it to return behind him, getting onto all sixes and casually making his way over to me. His bug butt appeared to be more raised, I assume to avoid wiping off any precious lubricant by dragging its end against the floor. That or he was feeling somewhat 'erect' himself, though who could say.

Maintaining my attempts at concealment, I got comfortable on the floor; allowing my erect member to press between my stomach and the ground. For the best, as it only hardened further as I felt Sam walk over me. My brain visualising how his long alien body may be hovering above my own; impure intentions in mind.

I watched as multiple legs stepped around my body, getting into position. Taking a closer look at the insect toes resting on the floor besides me. There was no visual difference between his hands and feet, they all had the same three digits; with one of the digits acting as a thumb. For a moment I wondered if his rear legs could act as hands, but now really wasn't the time.

I'd find out myself.

Sam bringing himself lower down made me involuntarily gasp, my body shivering at the intimate closeness between us. I could almost feel his abdomen curling, aligning, somewhere out of sight. The moment drawing nearer.

What was it about this that made my body so excited, so hard. I wasn't gay, I didn't fancy bugs... I think. Maybe I'm just a closet xenophile, the alien nature of the partner I was about to lay with teasing out desires I didn't realise I had? Who knew... A bug was about to ram me and I had a stiffy over it, I burned with shame.

"Right... We'll take this nice and slow buddy, just hang in there" Sam spoke softly over my shoulder, allowing a moment for me to compose myself; before he began his work.

I felt something incredibly moist and gooey suddenly push between my butt cheeks, a sensation that made me tense up. It rested against my anus length ways, like a slimy hot dog between a bun, then began to rock back and forth between them.

I gave out a few confused noises as the fat worm licked up and down the crack of my arse. The muscles below my waist juddering between moderate and high tension in response.

After a little while they did finally began to relax, becoming more submissive to the invasion. With each moist push between my cheeks, I became a little looser, a little more lubricated, a little more open to further exploration.

I must say... it wasn't unpleasant. It was just a shame it was coming from a guy... with his penis.

A withdrawal from between my cheeks drew back further than the usual and then stopped. I sighed contently from the anal massage, my muscles back there feeling now completely relaxed. But I couldn't completely let go, because I knew what came next.

"You ready?" asked Sam, to which I breathed deeply; savouring the calm before the storm. Then, I gave him the go ahead.

The fat worn resumed its forward push between my cheeks, however it stopped half way. I could feel its end wiggling about, feeling its way towards my anus, then without delay it pushed in. I gasped loudly as it broke through and entered me, it wasn't too painful thanks to the relaxation efforts, but nothing can quite prepare a guy for being anally invaded for the first time.

I felt the moist chunky rod widen me as it pressed through, not exploring too deeply; seeming to test the boundaries of my interior before withdrawing to safety. Sam was exploring and getting a feel for me, seeing what he had to work with. I suppose I should have appreciated him keeping my safety in mind, but he was excessively prodding someone who wasn't used to a buggering!

As my mind fought through the invasiveness of this new experience, the burning of my no longer virgin rear, an uncomfortable truth gradually filtered through. Deep inside, Sam's genital lubricants were intermindling with my own bodily fluids. Lubricants which contain an incurable, disfiguring, sexually transmitted disease.

There was no going back now...

I gasped with each explorative push from Sam, all I could do was breath as I rode out the first moments of penetration between two long time friends; turned reluctant sexual partners. There was nothing to say, just to lay here and take it.

Between the compression of my prostate by Sam's wang butt plug, and the odd rubbing of my member against the floor beneath me; with each forward explorative push. There was an element of gratification to be had from this, meager but it was there. The baser part of my brain wanted to further the stimulation, to take hold of my member and push things to a pleasant sticky end.

But that wasn't the goal.

We weren't doing this to get off, transfer of sexual fluids was just the means of infection. That libido was a precious resource I needed to hang on to, because if I vented it; I'd be riding out the rest of this without the horny filter. A prospect I didn't savour.

"Fuck mate... you're pretty tight..." came from above, as I felt his wang push around the edges of my anus; trying to widen me up. My rear leaned the direction as he did so, it wasn't the most comfortable of things and I was beginning to empathise with how a finger puppet may feel.

"Knock it off!" I managed to get out, between the involuntary noises expressing my internal discomfort. Sam chuckled, then I felt him draw his abdomen closer, the plump chitinous hide resting against my rear cheeks. This didn't increase the depth of his penetration, so I imagined he was satisfied with the amount of himself he had allowed in, withdrawing any surplus.

It felt like the internal lubrication increased, him feeding me more infected fluids as he got comfortable above. An odd pulsating sensation could be felt within, flooding my body with his disease, an unusual warmth following its wake.

It was like I was getting a hot water emena, the heat now begining to spread beyond my bowels and rapidly radiate outward to the rest of my body. I began breathing deeply as the heat invaded my extremities, trying to vent all the hot hair through my lungs. But it was futile, my internal temperature seeming to grow quicker than I could push it out.

"I'm burning up!" I cried.

"Reading it on my thermometer" Sam teased, I didn't need to see to know he was very smug up there. "Gets toasty doesn't it? That's normal mate, it will pass. This stuff is very good at beating your immune system into submission."

His words offered little comfort as I increased the pace of my breaths, near panting in an effort to push out the inferno burning within my body. It didn't matter that he had gone through this himself, there was no need to make light of me going through it now. Bastard, I'll use his dick as a heat sink!

Sweat ran from my forehead, the rapid spread of the infection being frightening. My organs felt sickly, like they were stewing in the bubbling broth of my own vital fluids. I groaned from the nausea, movements from Sam's meat injection only acting to further provoke the discomfort within.

Then suddenly, the intense heat was contrasted with a thin layer of shimmering cold, just on the surface of my sweat drenched skin. The layer thickened, squeezing inward through my skin, then my muscles, isolating the fire to my core; before gradually engulfing it and snuffing it out. Finally, relief...

Sensation had returned, leaving me sickly and spent. My muscles felt like I had battered them the day prior, my body at the tail end of a bad fever. The virus had won, the battleground scorched, time to await reinforcements from the insectoid meat bridge and rebuild in their image.

"Thermometer says you're over the worse of it... just hang in there bud" came from above. I was more preoccupied with catching my breath and recuperating from the worst flash fever of my life. Some warning would have been nice.

I slumped further against the floor and felt my butt drag our connection down with me. Sam's circi gripped my buttocks as I descended; maintaining penetration. I was content to just lay here like this in a puddle of my own sweat. It being a real possibility that I could just fall asleep; despite being stuffed. Somehow I was still semi hard, probably from my prostate being packed because there was nothing sexy about any of this...

We just lay there together like that for a while, me still being fed mutagenic fluids by the alien creature hovering above. As time passed every movement, every anal tightening, reminding me of the thick connection between us. Then, something began to change.

My body still felt rough, but a strange vitality began to emerge throughout me. Almost like this lead up my butt was a charging cable. Out of nowhere my eyes gradually ceased to droop, my limbs became lighter, I could start supporting my own weight again.

Sam backed up and lifted his upper limbs from the ground; as I got up to my knees, curling his abdomen beneath me to maintain our connection. I looked at my arms, wide eyed in bewilderment, at the foreign energy I could feel flowing through them; strengthening by the moment.

I felt... oddly healthy and reinvigorated.

The feeling built and built, just as I thought it would stop it reached for a greater height. I felt good, no... I felt fucking amazing! I could run a marathon for days, I could bench press a car! My heart and mind raced, I didn't know what to do with this explosion of energy. No feet would be too great!

Of course, all this energy wasn't for me.

It was all suddenly ploughed somewhere else, the rush leaving my brain and burying itself beyond my recognition. Though an ambient feeling remained, everywhere, as every cell in my body underwent the same power up I had just experienced. Only they knew how they were going to spend it.


"Oh boy, here we go!" Announced Sam excitedly somewhere behind; as I was doubled over through sheer physical compulsion to strain my body as hard as I could. I groaned loudly as I involuntarily stretched my back with such force; all I could think of was the inevitability of the damage I'd be inflicting on myself.

Yet somewhere amongst that intense stress I was placing on myself, I felt... more. Were my muscles should have been taken beyond their limit, something new grew to expand that limitation. I could feel their boundaries expanding, were pain should have been a euphoric pleasurable burn took its place.

A healthy vitality enveloped me, followed by a gasp for air in the aftermath; as my body finally ceased its exertion.

Then, another wave hit.

I gritted my teeth once more and moaned my way through it; as every muscle in my body pushed itself right to their limits once again. It is when they are at that limit that expansion could be felt, stretching, growing. Like my body was reaching out towards something more.

When the wave had passed and I was given time to recover, subtle differences could be felt when compared to prior. Aspects of me were thicker, longer, stronger... As the next wave hit, I could literally feel my body stretching longer. Were muscular exhaustion would be expected in the aftermath; I was simply eager to go even further.

I felt amazing, like my whole body was being toned into an athletes. I was errect once again and very much up for more of it.

The waves of change seemed to become less intense; as my body became more accustomed and submissive to being remoulded. Like a pulse, every cell in my body lured into shifting a little more with each beat and the beats were increasing in pace.

I gasped and squirmed beneath Sam, who had resumed standing over me. My movements agitated the penetration, I couldn't help it, though it was feeling looser and not quite as uncomfortable as before. Something was going on back there, though I couldn't quite see what.

There were many things I was feeling that I couldn't comprehend the direction of, what exactly these sensations meant. Everything had a sensuality about it, my flesh plump and eager to be stimulated, a general randiness that craved for something more. Something deeper, something more indulgent.

I looked at my hands, having to do a double take to confirm what I thought I saw was correct. The middle and little finger had in fact... shrunk. They looked like children's fingers, dwarfed by their neighbours who had gone the opposite direction. Becoming larger and thicker, taking up more of the hand.

I really shouldn't have been surprised to see that, to see my hands working towards three dominant digits; just like Sam. But having them was a different matter. I closed my hands to feel the three fingers come together, while their smaller counterparts just ineffectively leaned that direction. It didn't feel natural, nevertheless they were what I had to work with.

I brought them to my chest, clumsy in my inexperience; feeling through my t-shirt to test for nipples before working them downward. Down over the cloth and onto my crotch, seeking that further stimulation I craved... where I found my stomach.

Confused I looked over myself, pulling my top up to reveal a smooth featureless underbelly that ran down a lot further than it should. I didn't have nipples, I didn't have a belly button either. Where my crotch should have been my body just kept going. Wherever my crotch was, it was beyond reach. Along with the junk attached to it that I was intending to play with...

I could still feel its presence, between my legs, pressing against the ground beneath me. My body had grown so long, sweaty and firm, so eager. I wanted stimulation, I craved it as I rocked against where may genitals now lay. Running my enlarged fingers through my now shorter hair in eager frustration, then finding them catching on something new.

They fiddled around through my thinning hair, trying to make sense of the new extremities. I could actually feel them growing as I did so, they being more prominent with each passing moment. Then it was all too obvious, as I caught sight of Sam's antenna hovering above his head. I had no control of them, but no doubt my nerves were being threaded through this new flesh and it was only a matter of time.

Satisfied with their identification, my priorities returned to indulgence. My crotch felt even more barran and distant than a moment earlier, offering less sensation as I humped it against the floor. My options for gratification were becoming limited. Leaving my mind racing on how to seek the stimulus I was increasingly in need of.

But there was something further back... further back than I should be able to feel, subtle but offering promise. The hint of something pleasant developing. Sam's penetration wasn't the same.

I sat up, feeling my still growing antenna brush across Sam's underside. However my body had become so long, my chest simply curved up; leaving my stomach pressed against the ground. So I put by legs to work for better support, legs that didn't operate quite as I'd expect them to.

My feet felt impractically long and heavy at their ends, seeming to droop. As I tried to bring one into view from my position; I found their range of movement had expanded, spreading right out to my side and laying flat. I simply stared at it a moment, the pain of a dislocation never arrived.

The bone beneath my knee had shorted quite a bit, while my foot seemed to be the beneficiary of the lost mass; stretching out just as long. It would be impractical to attempt to walk on such clownishly long feet, however the considerable enlargement of my toes indicated I'd be walking a very different way.

My toes had undergone a similar metamorphosis to my hands, with digits either shrinking out of existence or enlarging considerably. Only they had also lengthened and appeared to be aiming to grow as long as my fingers, the ends of my feet restructuring to resemble the shape of what my hands now took.

I curled the three freakish digits inward and found them grasp closed like a hand, one digit to the side adopting thumb like manovability. It was really an odd sensation to perform hand like gestures with what were essentially my feet, their functionality apparently being interchangeable.

My fascination was interrupted by an all too familiar buzz announcing itself somewhere behind me. Sensual, throbbing, needy... Once again, my attention was drawn back there, towards the best source of the gratification I sought.

Things... had been quite busy back there.

As I moved my body around, getting a feel and trying to gain sight of the activities behind me, it became clear that my buttocks were no more. Something very alien had taken its place, something far beyond my prior experience. I felt my first antenna muscles perk in intrigue, as I became aware of my immature abdomen.

It was plump and tender. My body cautiously exploring into new territories; under the direction of the virus. I attempted to move it but it was beyond my comprehension, I didn't know how to even begin to command such a thing. I felt it nevertheless, suckling on Sam's beastly manhood of its own accord and apparently finding it to taste. The anal discomfort of earlier giving way to something far more inviting, the member within me was welcomed and accomodated.

I moaned lightly, all the sexual yearning I had experienced earlier had been transferred to this new alien appendage. Despite my inability to directly control it, it was part of me and there were ways of making use of it.

I used the still somewhat familiar muscles of what used to be my arse to lift the thing up, then pushed back against Sam. The feeling of just earlier felt like just a tease, there was so much potential going untapped, so much depth unexplored. My new bug butt ached to push past that boundary.

"Oh, do you like that?" Grinned Sam, no doubt also finding my newly acquired backside to be a more preferable fit for his own. "Well it couldn't hurt to slip in a little more... just for fun."

The feeling as I felt more of him enter me, simply to feel his insectoid flesh push through my own freshly acquired equipment. I wasn't prepared.

My delighted moan stuttered as it left me, the foreign pleasure simply being too much. Like a stone penetrating the surface of water; it sent a ripple of sensation through my abdomen. Tantalizing areas capable of receiving pleasure I couldn't even identity. They glowed achingly at their teasing, demanding that it be taken further.

The stimulation awoke my mind to the existence of these new nerves, highlighting the pathways for communication. I found... yes, I had some control, some movement. Which I promptly took advantage of to rock my slowly fattening bug butt into the source of its enjoyment.

For a change I heard sounds of pleasure coming from above. Sam's mandibles and antenna twitched excitedly, I could feel his circi squeeze my arse that little bit tighter. Threatening to take things further than intended.

I wasn't helping, taking to humping against Sam; regardless of whether he reciprocated. I had found my source of gratification and by god; I was going to make use of it. Whoever or whatever it was attached to.

More insectoid sounds of pleasure came from above, Sam panted eagerly, struggling to maintain his restraint. But he was an animal, human sensibilities can only go so far when you've already got your dick in. Sure enough, Sam began to hump in return, his large swollen abdomen softly rocking against my own.

Mutual grunts and gasps filled the air around us, needy panting, unspoken understanding. We were friends, but we were also damn horny and already in each other. It couldn't be helped, what was the harm?

To actually have his member rocking in and out of me was the line that needed crosses, the insides of my bug butt shuddered excitedly at the stimulation; returning greater pleasure in reward for my submission.

Good god did it feel amazing, the surface area of pleasure receiving flesh in my still growing abdomen was far greater than that of my human manhood. I struggled to get my mind around it, what I was feeling was too much, it surpassed all my human experiences and this was just the beginning.

Why, why did it feel so good?

Drool accidentally escaped my mouth as it burst open in a primal moan, the mandibles that poked out from under my lips excusing the base display. They pushed outward and strained against the edges of my lips as I unapologetically declared my pleasure, before returning to original position as the moment of expression passed. Them just managing to stuff back into my mouth, for the time being.

My whole body was still undergoing its transformation, but my mind was preoccupied. I cared not for the fleshy bases swelling on my sides, creating foundations for a second pair of arms. Moments earlier I would have had the curiosity to monitor their development, but now I had other priorities. The only growth that concerned me, was what allowed me to take more of Sam in.

The placement of the premature arms prevented my t-shirt from being pulled down fully, baring more of my body. I made an effort to pull it back down as I felt a little more exposed, but quickly resumed supporting myself against the floor.

The t-shirt now felt like a thin remnant of humanity, delicately draped over the sweaty monstrosity I was becoming. A token nod to my prior humanity, inadequately concealing my feral nudity.

Flesh felt tender and swollen as it was resculpted. I could feel organs migrating internally and making their way downward into the newly expanded living space of my abdomen; only swelling it further. My eyes felt sticky and enlarged, though whether my vision was affected; I didn't care to spend time on. All that mattered, all that existed, was the connection to Sam.

The change helped the feelings grow all the more delightful, luring me forward; away from humanity. The more insect I became, the more my body was equipped to experience pleasure this way. No doubt I looked monsterous on the outside, but for the time being that didn't matter.

Why... why was it so good...

I cried out silently, my larger mandibles straining even more strongly, a drip of drool once again running down my stuffed mouth. My internal reproductive organs must have been massive, because the surface area throbbing and aching pleasurable within the abdomen felt as big as a melon. Yet it was still growing, still swelling. If Sam's was an indicator... My eyes lit up at the potential, the orgasms of this species must be insane.

"Oh man..." escaped my lips, while Sam softly rode me, genital juices leaking between our abdomens as they throbbed and squeezed together. "I hate to admit it, but this feels pretty damn good..."

A feral but noticeably chirpy sound emitted from Sam, seemingly pleased with my approval. "Yeah you're definitely infected, hehe." He gave a particularly deep push into me, letting me know he could go further if he wanted. My eyes bulged in response.

This pushed me into a particularly vocal announcement of enjoyment, before I came back down and was left embarrassed by my display. Not that I didn't appreciate that feeling, but this dynamic between us was unexplored territory. These weren't the sort of buttons I was used to him pushing...

"I had to be careful at first..." He continued, "would have probably hit internal organs if I went all out. But now you've got a bit of an abdomen it's all fun from here." Another deep push sent me involuntarily squealing, god, he could get so deep into me... and it was all good. I could compose myself as he resumed his usual soft humping, catching my breath from it suddenly being forced from my lungs.

I... I had questions...

"I'm just surprised by how good it feels, almost natural, like we're supposed to connect like this..."

Sam went quiet for some reason, his members activities within me being less steady; suggesting his mind was wandering. Something was up.

"Yeah, about that..." eventually he said. "I've never turned someone before, so my knowledge is a little... rusty." He averted his gaze above me, reluctant, clearly not sure how I'd react to whatever he was about to tell me.

"I kind of forgot the change made the partner compatible, so, it's probably changing your gender as well..."

Compatible? Changing my gender? What on Earth was he on about by... then it hit me. The pleasure I had been feeling, how comfortable his penis felt within me, how us coming together like this felt... natural.

"...So right now we are literally... Oh come on, that was pretty important info dood!"

"S... sorry!" Gasped Sam, his mind fighting through my internal feel. "It's not like you're going to be spending much time in this form, right? What does it matter what g... gender it is?"

Sorry? Sorry that he failed to inform me that I would be undergoing a sex change every time I turned into a bug! I wasn't just going buggo, I had female reproductive organs, my penis wasn't simply absorbed; it was gone!

We were literally fucking right now, as in literal penis in vagina fucking!

Granted, I also had a bug butt and antenna, among other things that were developing. Should I really be that unnerved by a gender change when I was turning into a giant insect? It's not like I planned to... do anything like that in this form. It was just... just this once, for the infection.

It just came as a bit of a shock, knowing forehand would have been nice.

Really it put the virus under a different light. I wasn't simply being infected by some werebug virus, it was actively making me compatible with Sam, on every level. It really made it a more personal thing, that who you allowed to infect you should be something worthy of consideration. But honestly, who other than Sam?

"So just relax and enjoy the process, we're nearly done here." Sam continued, apparently sensing my acceptance beneath him. "Don't want to pull out too early, we want you nice and saturated so the change is swift!"

I sighed through my now more pushed out face, feeling the air pass through my muzzle's nostrils, another gift from humanity to the insect form. My abdomen was still buzzing with stimulation and eager to explore further, to grow bigger and feel more of what this body had to offer. Having female genitalia at the very least, made my transition all the more pleasurable, I had to give it that.

I was just too horny to worry about anything else right now.

"Just... go easy on me" I finally said, and with that, Sam resumed the sexing. This time, both of us knowing and understanding what we were signing up for.

Yes, we were fucking, and it felt great.

A miniature set of insectoid arms reached out from under my t-shirt and braced against the floor, doing their little part in supporting me during my pounding. My chest began to heave, moist expressions of insect pleasure escaping my more complicated mouth parts.

Sam wasn't playing any games, I was properly equipped and he was taking full advantage of that. I was getting the full two feet and boy did it make a difference.

I thought we were taking it easy... but I wasn't complaining.

I had enough abdomen mass and control to do a little pushing back of my own, encouraging him even deeper. It stimulated areas previously untouched, their glow joining with the rest, just as I thought I had begun the grasp the heights of pleasure this body had to offer.

Our abdomens wrestled against one another, his was clearly bigger and strong but mine was quickly catching up. Leading to a back and forth behind us, were I'd push him up and he'd push me back down again. Forcing gasps and sexual moans from both of us.

A vigorous sexing between buggos looked like a tail fight. Sam now laying dominatently on top of me; while our backsides did their thing somewhere behind. He had become quite imposing against me, but some part of me liked that. I wanted him to force my tail down, to force it down hard...

A feral squeal was forced from me as Sam's circi jabbed tightly around my end, it no doubt looked harsh but it made me oh so randy. Intensifying the burning need in my rear and making me feel even wetter. Insect foreplay rocked.

I wanted to have a go at jabbing him back, seeing if I could force a squeal out of him too, but found my own circi to be lacking. Out of sight I could barely feel them at all, so I guessed they were more specifically male equipment.

Most of my insect qualities had fully developed at this point, I felt so... alien. My body had become radically more complicated; with additional pieces sticking out everywhere. Yet, somehow, I was comfortable as this. Even the extra set of arms grasping for leverage on the floor felt properly placed.

There was just one more thing that needed finishing, which from what I was feeling; wasn't far off.

The stiffening of my skin felt as if it had reached a critical point, ceasing to harden any further. As I moved I could tell it wasn't the same, something was missing, joints and cartilage working together. Those core supports no longer felt essential, the load being transferred outward. My hard chitinous skin was now the backbone of my bodies supports, not my backbone.

Then just like that, the oddest sensation to describe. Everything internally felt as if it was just set loose, free floating. The momentum of my movements rippling through vital fluids, the position of my organs not being entirely fixed, solid structures such as bones simply dissolved away. I had been turned inside out, wearing my bodies supports on the outside. There were no words.

I wasn't human any more, a monster. Somehow that felt ok and was not as big a deal as I imagined it would be. Beneath the surface, that feeling in my head, yes... that was still me.

Besides, how could something that felt this good be wrong?

I was a newborn bug and this party was just getting started.

Hissing contently, I intensified the pounding, forcing Sam's abdomen higher.

Deeper... deeper!

He returned the effort, pushing me back down.

Faster... faster!

I shrieked as I was then rocked with my first feminine orgasm, my eyes bulging at its approach. The digits of all six limbs digging into the ground beneath me, my head taking full advantage of its extended neck to flex about as I cried out in delight. Genital liquids oozed, leaking down the sides of my bug butt as my internals collapsed inward around Sam's mahood.

Holy fucking shit, the intensity! My head hanged limply in weakness of it, before shooting back up in strenuous declarations of bliss. To have so much internal flesh dedicated to the experience of orgasm, holy fuck, it felt good to be a women!

I panted deeply in the aftermath, before attempting an even more vigorous tail fight with Sam.

More, give me more!

"Oh man" I moaned, "I feel so weird yet so good! You're so deep inside..."

Sam only groaned in response, his hot breath passing over my delicate antenna. His various limbs touching and fondling over the fresh chitin of my body, but none of it being comparable to the action going on behind. He was clearly out of it too, lost in the bliss we offered each other.

That meat inside me, its texture stroking over all the right areas as it pushed through my thick swollen bug butt. It lit me up in ways I couldn't have imagined, caused me to throb and tremble inside oh so delightfully.

Nothing else existed, nothing else mattered. I just wanted to feel good and do it some more. This was the unapologetic indulgence I needed, driving myself towards the next orgasm, pumping myself up to the next rapturous explosion. Animals need not feel guilty, bugs need not apologise, this was only what came natural.

Yes Sam, fuck me, fuck me harder and take me to the brink!

Sam moaned loudly, then I felt myself being flooded. I froze in shock, my breath leaving in a stutter as I felt an internal pump do its work. Burst after burst, I was being filled and my abdomen took all of it.

"Wait..." I finally managed to get out, as the pumping slowed and I felt the rush reduce to a trickle. "Did you just..."

I turned to Sam in awe, whose expression was contorted somewhere between deep gratification and growing concern. Concern that he knew he had just committed a big no no.

"Erm... Whoops..." Sam eventually responded, trying to make light of what had just happened.

Whoops? Whoops!?

"Did you just spunk in me!" I roared, all my enthusiasm having drained; despite my internals instinctively continuing to suckle on his spent member. "Or did you forget that I'm female right now!?"

"No no, I remember, it was just an accident!" Sam raised his upper most arms, gesturing for me to calm down. Which came across as weird; given the number of joints in our limbs. "It will be ok, you've literally just turned, you won't be fertile this early!"

"Get off!" I commanded, encouraging him off my back by trying to get up from under him. He crawled to the right of me, then I felt all of his length slide out as we broke apart.

I awkwardly turned my new body, trying to allow the instincts to work it out but my pesky human mind kept getting involved. I hissed at Sam as he came into view, causing him to flinch.

"You were supposed to pull out, why didn't you pull out!"

He looked away and sulked, knowing he was in the wrong. "I got carried away ok, but don't pretend you didn't either..."

I hissed again.

"I was the newbie, you were supposed to be managing me through it, you were supposed to be in control; not me!" I flicked a wrist dismissively his direction and turned around, not wanting to look at him right now, my mind running with what had just happened..

The virus had worked to make us as compatible as possible and he had allowed his seed to be implanted deep inside of me. God, it's not like they have a morning after pill for buggos!

Looking behind me, I suddenly realised Sam had disappeared. Startled by that, I forgot my anger for that moment and looked around. Until finally I saw him, huddled in the corner, on the ceiling. Looking ashamed and fearful.

... Honestly.

I took in a few deep breaths in an effort to calm myself. I admit I did get carried away... That didn't excuse what he did, but it was a spur of the moment thing.

"So you're sure I won't be fertile yet?" I asked of him, tempering my voice.

"... Pretty sure" said Sam.

"You better be damn sure, or I'm going to..." I restrained myself, my antenna flickering rapidly to vent the built up tension. "...Ok, forget about it, come down here and show me how to turn back to normal. Just to be safe..."

Cautiously, Sam backed up off the roof, onto the wall, making his way back to the floor. Once there, he sheepishly approached and cleared his throat to explain things.

"Well... eh, you just sort of visualize your body as yourself and it... it sort of just does it itself." He averted his eyes, his upper most hands anxiously fidgeting amongst themselves. He was clearly shook up, the sexual thrill of earlier vanishing and leaving the awkwardness of our coupling in its wake.

I wasn't exactly beaming with positivity of us having shagged either. Sometimes your drives just take you to unexpected places, particularly if you're not accustomed to them, but what was done was done. Time to put my original head back on and hopefully put this behind us.

I closed my eyes and as instructed; tried to push through the alien nature of the body I felt around me, forcefully inserting a human shape within it. I tried to imagine the feel of skin, of hair, to only have one pair of arms and legs. The human body really did feel rather simplistic compared to what I was right now.

Then, just like that, I felt a great rush as the shape of the exoskeleton pulled inward and was compressed within the human I visualised under it. It was the most bizzare sensation; to feel limbs being rapidly suck back into you, to feel internal structures reform and shapes resume their prior configurations. I underwent my transformation, backwards, at speed.

With that I opened my eyes, then looked down, finding that I was human once again. Everything was as it should be, I was once again male and with the exception of my t-shirt; butt naked. A fact that made me wobble as I tried to make way for my cloths; finding I only had two legs to walk with now. That switching was going to take some getting used to.

"Well that's a good sign!" Said Sam, now sounding more confident. "You couldn't turn back if you were... well, it's good news all round."

Luckily, for both our sakes...

As I continued to dress myself, feeling my manhood become snug in my underwear once again, it all seemed so surreal. Familiarity had been restored, but the memory of a very different way of being was still there. Recalling the sensation of moving foreign chitin coated limbs, of being penetrated in areas that no longer existed. To feel all that and then go back, like it never happened.

What a ride.

Sam, having destroyed his only cloths, settled for spending the night on my couch. I did manage to find him something to wear for the time being, but it wasn't the best fit. We'd drive down to his tomorrow so he could get changed, we had also mutually agreed that our impulsive fuck fest was to not be mentioned again.

As for myself, I was spent for a myriad of reasons and the bed couldn't come soon enough.

That night I dreamed. I dreamt of tunnels lined with brown paper, of chambers without floors or ceilings, of a home.

I felt constrained.

Warmth, closeness. Raw unconditional companionship, physical and without words, embrace with the bodies of others... so many others... Was this the Hive?

What was this tightness around me?

Reaching out for one another in so many ways, beyond human.

I'm distracted, what is this?

I suddenly realised my body was moving about as I slept, my perceptions shifting from the dream to my surroundings. So tight, my underwear was strangling me.

I pulled at it as my legs squirmed uncomfortably to break free. The stressed cloth felt weird against the hard chitin coating of my ken doll crotch, the material distorting around my abdomen poking out from under it, it was completely inappropriate for my body.

Within the darkness of my room came the sound of tearing; as I ripped the underwear from me with great strength, my legs flopping open widely as they were liberated from the human cloth. I sighed in relief, the discomfort in my joints beginning to fade away... wait.

I turned on my bedside lamp to be greeted with a insectoid body, the warm glow of the light shimmering over my surface. I had turned in my sleep? My head was a little fuzzy from the disrupted awakening, it was still night outside and what was... oh... oh wow. What the hell was that I was feeling now?

The constricting underwear discarded, my senses focused on the remaining source of discomfort. I could compare it to a overly full bladder, however the feeling was over my entire abdomen; making it tender and slightly sore.

It felt heavy... The chitin stretched taut from swelling. I made an attempt to lift it under my own strength, the only result being an almost sexual moan was forced me. Make no mistake, this wasn't pleasurable, it was more akin to the discomfort of a slightly beyond capacity stomach. The feeling of fullness, of pressure, of flesh pushed a little too far.

God dammit Sam... I think you were too rough and now I was paying for it... I was familiar with muscle ache, but an overly abused abdomen was a new one for me. It felt like every inch of flesh within it was sore from overexertion.

I whimpered pitfully as I sat up, rubbing across its underside where I could reach; in an effort to ease it. It felt like I had a giant water bottle attached to my rear, gurgling from excessive swelling and liquid weight.

Why did I turn just to have to deal with this... Maybe if I peed it wouldn't feel so full... The idea of getting this thing to the bathroom in its swollen state did not appeal though. That and I wasn't actually sure how to do that in this state... an awkward question for later.

Instead I refocused my energies on returning back to normal; as I rubbed my bug butt to ease the discomfort. Visualization of self, imagine me as my original self within the core of this body, let the damn thing recover as some other part of me...

My mind kept wandering to the swell between my legs. It wasn't easy to imagine how your original self felt when that was so demanding of your attention, which I attributed to the delay in the reversal process taking place. But after some time, I realised it wasn't happening.

I was still a bug, with no sign of that changing.

"S... Sam!" I yelled, hammering the wall next to me a few times, the living room were the git was sleeping shared a wall with my bedroom; so getting his attention shouldn't be hard.

A few moments later, a light appeared from under my door, then Sam wandered in rubbing his eyes; asking what was up. His eyes bulged when he caught sight of me as my bug self, laying completely nude on the bed.

"I think you were too rough with me earlier, my butts all sore..." I said as I continued to rub it. "I woke up like this, tell me how to turn back; the usual method isn't working because I'm too..."

Sam paid little attention to what I had to say, making his way to the end of my bed and staring in awe at my swelling abdomen. Spending a moment to take in the sight of me, before leaving the room with great haste; from what I could hear making a phone call out of sight.


My abdomen made a gurgling noise... I better not be sick. I hoped he hadn't picked up anything else from other bugs and passed it on to me, that would have been all I needed now.

Sam's voice was muffled through the walls, it sounded like he was talking with someone and reading out codes. He had a 106, apparently, whatever that meant. I began to become more alarmed, anything with its own code number is going to be significant.

Then, I remembered Sam's words from earlier, the comfort they had brought me then now haunting as they repeated in my mind. I couldn't turn back if I were... if I were...

Was I... pregnant?

My eyes grew wider and wider at the thought, my heart beginning to race. No... no, no, no it couldn't be that. I mean we did... he did... but... oh god!

"Sam, you son of a bitch! Get you arse in here and fix this!" I roared, the exertion rocking through my waterbed butt like ripples and aggregating that feeling of uncomfortable fullness. I cringed from it, but was intent on fighting through.

My legs squirmed in the air as I attempted to get some leverage over myself, my abdomen wasn't so swollen that I shouldn't be able to move; it was just uncomfortable. I kicked my left one about, trying to roll to my side as Sam burst back into the room.

"You shouldn't be trying to move, they're on their way to help!" Cried Sam, a nervous sweat running down his face.

"It's true isn't it!" I roared, "you knocked me up, didn't you!"

I continued to squirm, gasping and groaning as I heaved my bug butt to the side and rocked my leg to turn that direction. I just managed it, but the weight sent me rolling too far and I was now laying flat on my stomach. The mattress bounced from the impact, wobbling my abdomen about in nautious ways. At least... I got my legs under me.

"Oh god, oh god!" Chanted Sam as he paced the room, still holding the phone. It rang and he quickly answered, taking it next door.

"You get back here!" I yelled, trying to heave myself up onto my feet, all six of them wobbling beneath me as the abdomen sagged; lulling me back down. "I'm not done with you yet!"

What followed was a blur...

Sam kept his distance, fearing having his handiwork roast him. Some people arrived, they looked medical but not the official sort. Their uniforms identified them as being from werebeast interest groups and it goes without saying... It's awkward to have a bunch of strangers in your bedroom, looking and prodding at your naked transformed bug body.

Especially, as they confirmed, I was in the early stages of a buggo pregnancy.

Let me tell you, things work pretty quickly in the insect kingdom. A matter of hours since I was... fertilized... and my body was already well on its way to swelling in order to accommodate the eggs. Nothing can quite prepare a guy for being told about his eggs.

They informed me that it was good that we didn't wait until morning to contact them, because it would have been much harder to move me; once my abdomen had swollen to full size.

This right now, to my horror, was not full size. Oh boy, was I just delighted to hear that I had a lot of growing ahead of me. I could barely move now and I was only getting started.

Just... delightful...

They wrapped some specialised straps around me, a sort of stretcher focusing on supporting my abdomen rather than my body, then slowly led me out of my home. Wheeling my bug butt behind me.

I was utterly thrilled to find, upon exiting my home, that despite it being the AMs; multiple neighbours had come out to see what all the fuss was about. Hello misses Smith, lovely night we're having here...

They no doubt couldn't see that I was the naked pregnant buggo making my way to the adapted ambulance slash truck thingy. But of course, this was my residence. Didn't take much to put two and two together, especially when they find I'm not home tomorrow morning; when they stop by for the details.

Thanks for that Sam... wherever it is you were hiding right now.

They weren't going to take me to the local hospital no doubt, I don't think they'd know what to do with me. Instead, we drove for quite some time, I having nothing better to do for the trip than to stare at the ceiling of the vehicle and watch the cast shadows dance across it. A few hours in, I couldn't help but notice those straps supporting my bug butt were becoming a little too snug. The rate at which I was growing really was frightening.

It was as dawn broke that the vehicle finally came to a halt. To my surprise, I exited to the assistance of several other bugs. All naked with the exception of a few utility bags to carry their equipment. A rather surreal experience, but I appreciated the company of... my own kind. They seemed to know what was going on with me and how to best accommodate it.

As we turned from the ambulance, I saw it. The brown papery structure towered above us, despite the depth it no doubt also ran underground. We were at the disused quarry, at the Hive. The sheer scale of it was shocking, they really spat this out? Sure, it wasn't tall like a skyscraper but anything that could fill the hole of a quarry and still climb that high was impressive indeed.

I grabbed my crotch and moaned pitfully as that familiar full bladder ache swelled through my abdomen once again. I was beginning to feel like it was leaching substance from my body to fuel its growth, my tongue parched and eager for moist energy rich food.

"You really shouldn't be on your feet" spoke one of the bugs, revealing a masculine voice. "Come on now, we've got plenty of appropriate accommodation spare, we'll take good care of you here."

With that, they led me inside. The radiant rising sun disappearing behind me; as I entered the circular papery entrance of this so very alien structure.

I woke from a pleasant dream. I was comfortable, as snug as a bug could be.

This place was a persistent temperature and humidity, so I never really felt too hot or cold here. Falling asleep was easy, even without a blanket. However you couldn't tell night from day, my world had become papery browns from head to ceiling, warmly lit through biological luminescence. Just bright enough for these eyes.

There was one sight I had to become particularly accustomed to while here, and that was my now giant swollen abdomen.

They weren't joking about there being a lot of growth ahead of me, my bug butt was now several times my size; leaving me completely immobile. So this single papery chamber really had become my world, I filled it, my only view being my swollen arse and the various limbs poking out around my field of view.

The growing pains had thankfully ceased days ago. My abdomen feeling healthy and as normal as it can be, just at multiples its original scale. Occasionally people would visit from an entrance to my chamber, which was directly above. They'd bring food, medications, moral support and... ahem... occasionally clean up.

Bug people had little respect for human mobility and stuck openings to rooms wherever they damn pleased. I had to learn wall crawling hands on myself when I first arrived here, with others supporting the weight behind me. Which highlighted just how new I was to all this. They were very concerned about someone being turned and ending up in this state, no doubt Sam got a lecturing for it.

They didn't exactly have WIFI or even electricity in most rooms. They kept it as all natural as possible, bordering on obsessive. Technology was isolated to only specific areas, apparently some bugs complain about discomfort from electronic signals? This of course means no computers, no television, not even a radio to be seen.

Bug folk were actually relying on newspapers and magazines to get their news while here. If you wanted to make a call, you had to travel to one of the external walls were there was a cable connection; as mobile signals didn't penetrate into the hive very far. Again reminding, I cannot move...

I could understand wanting to get back to nature, but it was bordering on ridiculous.

I should have been bored out of my mind stuck here, but there was something about this place. It was alive with activity and I seemed to feed off that energy, even though I was stuck in this single part of it. I had so little, but was content with it. At the very least it was a break from life, from the usual things us humans preoccupied our days with.

It's funny what conclusions you can reach when you're not constantly distracted, the confusion and issues you can resolve internally when you have the time to breath and focus. Matters that bothered me for some time had now been mentally organised and filed, sometimes you really just need time to do nothing and sort your head out. To think on your priorities...

We only live once... was I really content with living it the way I was? There were so many things I hadn't tried, opportunities for experience I didn't explore. It's easy to forget that with a TV and a stack of games to fill the empty hours, but right now it was inescapable. Was my rigidity denying me a rich life? Was I stagnating in comfortable familiarity?

It's just a shame that I had to be a knocked up buggo to get the time for some much needed internal reflection. Even being here, like this now, introduced some colour to my otherwise bland life. Taking me out of my comfort zone and experiencing other ways of being.

Though, perhaps that was prolonged exposure to my insect femininity warping my view on things?

I was about to curl up with my butt for an extended snooze, when I heard the scratching of someone approaching from above. A familiar face appeared from the hole in the ceiling. Don't ask me how it was familiar, I couldn't really say how we told each other apart. But that one, that one I could never forget.

"Hi there buddy!" Declared Sam as he poked through, looking nervous.

"I, erm, brought you some fruit. It's full of stuff that's good for..." He looked between me and the fruit he clutched, seeing by my expression that I wasn't exactly swayed by his veg market peace offering. "So, how are you settling in the Hive?" He eventually continued, changing the subject.

I glared at him silently, before finally responding.

"... If my arse wasn't so heavy with YOUR eggs, I'd crawl over there and give you a smack!"

Sam pulled back further into the hole, averting eye contact to hide his shame. "I'm really sorry man, you know I didn't intend any of this... I'll make it up to you, I swear."

"Yeah, you better... I'd be angrier, but I suppose you heard the news?" I sighed while looking at my stuffed abdomen, some strange instinctual part of me having a tinge of disappointment. "I really was too freshly changed, they're infertile, my body just doesn't know any better and is following the natural process. So we lucked out, this time..."

It didn't change I was sat here with an egg swollen abdomen, it didn't change that I was going to have to squeeze every one of those little bastards out of me; when they were ready. But this could have been a hell of a lot messier, I'd hate to think if they were successfully fertilized.

I picked up a magazine and threw it at Sam, he nearly dropped his fruit but managed to catch it. On the cover was a silhouette of two bug people at it, with a title about safe sex. I turned away and blushed internally, my chitin cheeks being incapable of it but I felt its phantom presence all the same.

"Just... make sure to read up next time..."

"N... next time?" Stuttered Sam.

"Yeah... next time."

Going Walkies

"Bye mum, I'm taking Buddy for a walk!" The young woman zipped up her fur collared jacket and proceeded to shut the front door behind her, lead in hand. Walking just ahead of her an unusual creature indeed, like a dog yet not. Smooth teal blue...

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Paying for college

The only way I could be worth more is if I was female. That's what they told me. Only a small percentage of the population are born part animal, with the dragonic amongst them being a particular rarity. Some believe that under certain...

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Resolving compatibility error

"There, it's done!" I said to myself; wiping the sweat from my brow, as the machine powered on to the sound of whooshing fans and beeping monitors, text filling the screens as the operating system began to load. It took many hours of overtime...

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