Summer Days 2: Home Together - [COMMISSION]

Story by Ravi on SoFurry

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This is a continuation of a previous story commissioned by bugs with his characters. Hope you all enjoy!

The end of summer and the rise of fall. A time where the heat and memories of summer begin to fade away. The days spent inside, sleeping in or playing game being replaced with early morning school and homework. Soon enough, the cool breeze of fall would begin to creep in.

Earlier in the summer, two young cubs were enjoying their time together. Just two innocent friends spending the seemingly short amount of free time together. After his trip to visit his family, Thomas and Cassie made up their lost time. The young cubs enjoying the perfect weather. Playing, laughing and simply enjoying their time together. Summer days suddenly felt shorter, nights a little longer and the tale tale signs of fall approaching.

It was late into August at the Goodsons household. Thomas's parents, Hillary and David, relaxed in their living room, watching their son play with his close friend, Cassie. They were playing one of the many board games, Thomas had earned with his strings of good grades in school. Judging by the sour look on his face, Thomas was losing by a landslide while Cassie was laughing at her own victories.

"Just look at them." Hillary whispered as low as she could so neither of them could hear. "I can see her being a wonderful little daughter in law!" She practically squealed.

"With how much she's changed our little Thomas, I'm not exactly against it." He ended with a laugh. "I still remember him clinging to my leg on the first day of school. Little fella was so scared that he wouldn't let go for a solid fifteen minutes." Thomas's father said, trying to stifle a chuckle at the memory of his son clinging to him.

"That's right! I'd nearly forgotten! Poor thing was shaking like a leaf in the wind. Look at him now: he's got a special friend, he's more confident! She's even eating more of his veggies!"

"Is he?!" David covered his sudden exclamation with a cough, hoping the kids didn't notice. Thankfully they were so focused on their game they barely paid him any mind. "I remember it took so much convincing to just eat a few peas now he's eating plates full of veggies? Cassie's working miracles..."

"Isn't she? You know..." Hillary turned to face her husband better. "I truly do think of her as our own in a way. She's just so sweet and she's done so much for Thomas. And they just have such a good connection with one another."

David sat there, taking in what his wife had just said. As far as he was concerned, she wasn't wrong at all. Cassandra has been nothing short of a positive influence on their youngest. He's noticed him standing a little taller and keeping his chin up a lot more than before. Just remembering the first day he met the two of them together surprised him quite a bit. The little raccoon that was scared to be away from his old man being brave enough to walk around the block by himself. He couldn't hide the smile growing at the thought of his youngest growing up so fast in what felt like the blink of an eye.

"Yeah..." He replied, smile still present on his face. They really do make a good pair, don't they hun?"

"Mm-hmm."She held her husband's hand, watching Thomas cheer and doing a little dance at beating little Cassandra just once. Judging by the smile on her face however, she either didn't mind losing or she might have let him win. Just as the couple were thinking of things of the future, the home landline rang.

"I got it." David said, grabbing the phone just out of reach. "Hello, Goodson residence! Yes, this is David. Yeees my wife is here with me also." David's face hardened as the person on the other end spoke. "Sir, we made-... Yes I know what you said but today's not..."

Hillary and the kids tried not to be obvious as they watched Thomas's father and whoever was on the phone talked to discuss whatever was important. He paced back and forth, sighing and trying to get a word in edgewise. The growing irritation in his voice was obvious to everyone in the room.

"Alright, fine." He barked with a huff. "Just so you know, we're not gonna make this easy on you." With that said, he ended the call with a rough press of a button. "Sorry you all had to see and hear all that. Hun, I need to talk to you for a second." Nodding, Hillary followed her husband out of the living room and ear hot of the kids. With the two adults Thomas and Cassie gave each other concerned looks.

"What was all that about?" Cassie spoke first.

"It might have been work." Thomas answered. "Lately mom and dad said they've been working for a rough client. When I asked what they meant, they explained he's very pushy and a headache to deal with. That might have been him on the phone." Before Cassie could say anything, they both heard an approaching pair of footsteps. David and Hillary returned, wearing slight frowns. Thomas's mother broke the small silence between them all.

"Thomas, I don't need to tell you who that was, right?" He shook his head. "Good. I'm sorry for this you two but that was someone who we've been working with for a while. He apparently wants to meet us down at our office and discuss how he wants to proceed with getting a new house. Don't go into real estate you two, understand?" Not sure of how to answer, the cubs simply nodded.

"We have to go out for a little while okay? James! Andy!" David called to the back of the house. Not long after, two younger but older raccoon kits came from around the corner. "We have to go to work for a little while. We will hopefully be back before seven if not a little later than that. James," He gestured to the tallest and oldest of their children, wearing a simple pair of jeans and a white striped t-shirt. "I want you to be a big boy and watch over everyone while we're away. There's plenty of snacks in the fridge if you get hungry and we have our cell phones in case of trouble."

"And Andrew, don't be afraid to call us at the slightest hint of anything wrong okay?" His mother said, patting her middle child on the head.

"If anything happens, I'll call you asap!" He chirped, tails shaking behind him.

"And Thomas, you have your own phone now to. It's a big responsibility but we trust you enough to have and maintain it. We'll call you if we have to stay longer or as we're coming home. You have our number, your brothers and all our friends. Be good to Cassie and watch out for her while we're gone okay? Her mom will come to pick her up just past seven so keep an eye out."

"I will mom!" He said, brimming with confidence.

"Alright! So everyone understand what to do and will be on their best behaviors?" Thomas's father asked as they both got ready to leave. They all answered "Yes" in their own ways. "Alright then! We'll be right back!" With that the parents left. Everyone rushed to the windows close to the driveway and watch them get in the car, watch it start and drive away up the street.

"There they go!" Cassie said with a wide smile. "They have such a nice car. I wanna get a car like that one day."

"I'm sure you will." Thomas laughed. "So And-where'd they go?" Cassie and Thomas looked around but neither of his brothers were around. At first the cubs considered they were playing hide and seek or were gonna surprise them. Before the two of them knew, they came back, wearing their bike helmets.

"Where are you guys going?" Cassie asked the older brothers.

"We're heading down to the gorge! With mom and dad out, we can go dirtbike riding on some sweet sweet humps! Feels like it's been forever since I got a chance to ride down there!" Andrew, the middle child exclaimed.

"But dad doesn't like you two going down there. He says it's dangerous and easy to get hurt like that Fergeson guy!"

"That's why he's not going to find out that we're going down there." James walked up to his little brother, squatting down to meet his eye level. "Look. You're a smart kid. You have our numbers and we're just a ten minute bike ride away. All you have to do is call us after mom and dad call you ad we'll be back in no time. If you do that... Uhh..."

"You'll have the whole house to you and your wife!" Andrew pipped in, laughing.

"Yeah yeah! We're just leaving the newly weds alone to kiss and cuddle for the next couple of hours!" He joined in on his brother laughing.

"Hey little bro, when can we expect the wedding to take place?"

"Yeah! Which on of us are you gonna pick to be the best man? Is it gonna be one of us? Michael? Yamin? One of your other little friends?" James kept on. Ruffling his brothers hair.

"Oh what about the pweety flower girls? Can we have one of them as a date?" Andrew said in a cutesy voice to further annoy his little brother.

As the two of them laughed, the hair on Thomas's bushy stood on end, showing he was become agitated. Cassie noticed, knowing the exact reason why it would do that. Not wanting to be upset and deal with the teasing she decided to step in and stop things.

"Don't let them get to you Thomas. They're just a couple of older boys who want to show off and feel all big and strong." She stated. Chest puffed out and full of confidence. The statement caught Thomas's brothers off guard. "So what if he has a wife? So what if we're alone? I don't care what anyone says about me. But Thomas is where I draw the line."

"C-C-Cassie!" The embarrassed little raccoon tried to stop her from continuing. Cassie placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Its okay Thomas. They know that they wouldn't dare hurt their new sister, right? I'm sure Mr and Mrs.Goodson wouldn't like any bad to happen to me, you or any of us." Both boys looked at each other nervously before sighing.

"Y-yeah..." Andrew stuttered.

"We... We know not to do anything bad." James answered. The oldest kit wasn't sure what was scarier: Just how right the young fox was about everything or what kind of woman she'll grow up to be in the future. He shuddered at the thought of trying to get in her way.

"Good boys!" She barked.

"T-Thomas, we're gonna go head out now. The house is yours until we get back. Stay out of trouble and call us right after mom and dad call you, okay?"

"Don't worry guys," He reassured his brothers. "I promise to call you ahead of time so you don't need to worry." Nodding and taking the hint from Cassie, the brothers left. The young cubs rushed right back to the same windows from before and watched them bike down the road. After a few seconds of making sure they didn't suddenly peddle back, Thomas let out a deep sigh of relief, falling back into the couch cushions.

Not saying a word, Cassie joined Thomas. She laid down the opposite way, leaving the tops of their heads touching.

"I can't believe they actually went down there again... Last time they did and got caught, dad nearly lost it. I never heard him yell like that before."

"I don't see what's so fun about getting in trouble over a dumb gorge. Anyway, let's just forget about them for now! We're finally alone again!" Cassie said, switching to a sit up position, now looking down at Thomas, obscuring the light above him. "We can finally do that again!"

She didn't have to say another word. Thomas remembered their last little time together. Ever since the first time, the two cubs wanted to do it again. However, they found it to be more difficult than either could have imagined. If it wasn't Cassie's mom and dad, it was either or both of his parents. They all would keep careful eyes on the two of them, making sure they were safe. They both understood why and a loved their parents for watching out for their health but it got in the way of their special activity. The two cubs shared an unspoken staring contest, as the realization began to hit them. From Thoma's position, he saw her left ear twitch every so slightly.

'She's ready to snap into action.' He told himself. Whenever she saw something or something caught her attention, she would immediately focus in on it like a laser. He noticed this happened whenever she played games or was super focused on a task at hand. He never knew why it was the left one but it he knew he was always right about it.

As fast as he could, Thomas leapt from the couch, momentary catching Cassie off guard with his sudden limber and speed. She stepped off and ran right behind the speedy cub. She was right on his tail, as close as they were when laying on the couch. Thomas was fast but Cassie is a lot faster and being taller, gave her a longer strides. Thomas could hear her laughs as clear as clean water as the two raced upstairs to his room. Just as they turned the corner to the living room, Thomas felt his shirt being tugged from behind. Cassie used the opportunity to blitz past him, dashing through the open living room while her racoon boyfriend was now a few feet behind her. She counted every step of the stairs in her head with every step, almost like a pre victory lap. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight-

Just as she was about to take another step, Thomas caught up and grabbed her shirt, knocking her out of her victory daydream. He attempted to pull her shit over her head but she stopped him, countering by grabbing his belt and pulling it off, surprising him long enough to get him off her shirt. She looked at him with a wild grin and all he could do was tense up as she pounced on him, resulting in a wrestling match between them.

With Cassie on top,She grabbed and pulled attempted to pull off his shirt, exposing his light gray furred underbelly. Thomas used the chance to poke at her stomach, earning a laughing yelp of surprise. Thomas grabbed her pants, trying to unbutton them but Cassie grabbed and rolled them down, moving to the bottom with Thomas on top. She ran her fingers up his stomach and tickled him back, At her mercy, Thomas was reduced to a laughing fit, while she gleefully enjoyed having power over him.

"S-s-s-s-stoo-o-o-opp!" He wheezed out in between laughs. Cassie didn't let up her assault, knowing full well just how ticklish he was and all his sensitive points. His neck, stomach, underarms and sides. Tears were running down his eyes as he was reaching his limits.

"You know what you have to say!" She sad over his cackles.

"Y-y-you win!! You win!! you win!!"

Pleased with the answer, the fox cub released him, giving him a break and letting him breath. She stood over him, arms stretched out in victory and cheering to the sky above.

"And I win again!" She cheered. She stepped off her boyfriend, letting him catch his breath and rest up. She sat down on the first stair step and patiently waited for him. After about two or so minutes, Thomas managed to sit up, back against the wall close by, smiling at his best friend. "Ready to go upstairs now?" She asked, heard in her hands as she patiently waited for her best friend to fully recover.

"Yeah... I'm okay now. But wow Cassie! How are you so fast?!" He exclaimed.

"Well my legs are longer and that means I can take longer steps than you of course. My mom said she could out run my dad before she my little brother or sister started growing inside her belly." She explained.

"When are they suppose to come out? It's been a long time now."

"She says they're gonna come out in the next couple of months from now. I really hope it's a girl! Then I'll have a little sister around!" Thomas wasn't sure if he could handle another Casse around. He really cared about her but a second Cassie might be to much for his little heart.

Thomas got to his feet and began his walk around the house. He closed the blinds to all the windows, checked the locks for the front door and backdoors. He triple checked, just to be safe and sure no one could get in or see inside his house. Cassie waited, looking at his new phone.

"I'm impressed your parents trust you enough to give you your own phone.Mom says it'll be a little while before I can get my own, haha." She held the phone in her hands, taking in the choice of a light red case and the smooth screen.

"Thanks! When you get you-wait how did you get my phone?" Thomas reached into his pockets and he was sure it was actually his and not something that looked like a phone.

"When we wrestled I saw it fall out of your pocket while we were rolling around on the floor. It's so pretty and smooth, isn't it?" She held it up to him and took it from her. "I can't wait until I can get my own. I'm gonna have you and everyone in it. Mom and dad, your mom and dad, your brothers and my sister and all our friends!"

"No doubt about that Cassie, haha."

"Say... Are you ready?" He tentatively asked.

"Of course" She got up from her stair seat and stood in front of him. "This time, we take off a piece of each others clothes. I'm just really curious with how yours feel compared to mine. They looked more... Fabric-y?" She tilted her head, not really sure what would described how she felt.

"Okay! You wanna go first?" Thomas offered.


Cassie grabbed his oversized shirt and pulled it up high enough for him to pull his arms out followed by head. She liked how comfy it looked over him.

"My turn!" He said as he shook his loose whiskers back into place. He pulled up her orange blouse carefully by the hem. Cassie pulled her arms out the sleeves just like he did it came off, with an explosion of her red hair from the neck hole. He felt it in between his hands. It was a little loose like his shirts but the fabric felt really different. A lot smoother, kinda like a marble in a weird way. Looking up at his best friend and future wife, Cassie's stomach still looked like it did the last time he was able to see it. Fluffy white fur spread over it and lead up to her chest region with the same small bumps as before.

Cassie looked him over, seeing his light gray underbelly and the lack of fat that was on it some time ago. She though it might of had something to do with them playing and him eating a little healthier than before. She felt a little proud of helping him. Seeing as it was her turn, Cassie went to finish the job she started. Unbuttoning his shorts, with him stepping out of each leg, she pulled off his shorts, leaving him in a pair of white briefs. She hated the name of them. She marveled at the number of pockets he has. Front back, side to side along with more on the sides.

"How many pockets do you need?" She asked as she counted each one.

"They're camping shorts. Really good for holding onto a lot of stuff!" His bushy tailed wagged behind him.

She was compelled to look into them but felt it would be really rude to do so. She placed them on the floor alongside his shirt and waited for him to go next. Understanding, Thomas reached for her shorts and unbuttoned them. He had a hard time getting hers off, noticing how little space the pockets actually gave her. Cassie pulled her legs out easily, stepping back and letting him examine her shorts. He dug into the pockets, eyes widening at just how little space was in there.

"How are you supposed to have anything in here?!"

"I know right? But those are the kinds of clothes that are in the girls sections. Most of them anyway." She shrugged. "But don't my panties look cute?" She spun around, showing Thomas her light pink underwear.

"They look okay." She couldn't help but laugh at how blunt his reply was.

"Here, touch'em." Thomas looked down at her panties and nodded. His curiosity over the underwear got the better of him. He closed the distance between them and gave them a very light tentative poke. They felt incredibly smooth and thinner than his own briefs. "They feel really smooth don't they?"

"Yeah! It kinda feels like... Hmm... Like the insides of my pillow but even smoother at the same time! It's kinda hard to think of anything good to compare them." He said deep in though. Cassie was trying her best not to laugh at him taking the idea so seriously.

"Come on, let's head up stairs!" She said as she jogged upstairs. Thomas grabbed their collective clothing and followed her upstairs. He was thankful it wasn't winter and they would have had a lot more. As he arrived he heard the springs of his bed squeaking from his friend jumping onto it.

"Your room is so cool!" She squealed. "A race car bed? I could never get my mom to get one of these for me! It feels so comfy and nice. And just big enough to lay down in!" She demonstrated by stretching and sprawling over his bed, trying to grab the edge. Thomas carefully folded and placed their clothes down on the floor and turned around to see Cassie take off her panties and place them on the ground by his bed. "Come join me!"

Thomas was a little surprised but nodded, following suite and taking off his briefs and joining her in the bed. He felt his heart thump a little harder than before as they laid down. It was like the time just before he left to go on his trip. Just being close to her felt right to the racoon cub.

"Your privates still look weird to me, haha." She interrupted his thoughts with the same bluntness he showed her earlier. He covered his crotch with his hands as she said this, blush still apparent on his cheeks.

"Hey, come on, it's not that weird."

Cassie pushed his hands aside and gently grasped his small limp member. Thomas gasped and felt the blood on his face turn a darker shade of red as she lightly fondled and held it. She flicked it side to side, watching it flop about like a fish out of water. She thought about how soft and smooth it felt in between her fingers. somewhat spongy but more solid.

"But look at it. It's all floppy and smooth! And you have that little round sack underneath it! It doesn't hurt or get in the way when you sit down?" Thomas shook his head.

"Nope, they never really gets in the way while sitting down or anything. Only if something hits them would it ever really hurt."

"Isn't that true for pretty much any place on the body?" Cassie retorted.

"You got me there. But what about you?" Thomas turned around to poke at her small slit. "How come you don't have anything there? Doesn't it hurt?"

"Nope!" She chirped. "It's never hurt ever. It's just kinda there." She pulled her hands away and made room for Thomas to explore her. He poked all around her opening and went as far as to spread her slightly to look inside.

"Ewww, you look so red, hahaha!" Casssie slapped his hands away as he kept laughing.

"I am not! I'm pink!" She huffed, sitting up slightly to look at him. "I looked at it plenty of times in the mirror to know that!" Cassie's eyes turned from Thomas to his phone sitting on the counter by his bed. "I just got an idea." Thomas sat up along with her.

"What is it?"

"Let me take pictures of your privates and you can take pictures of mine!" The fox cub sounded extremely excited to do the act. Thomas on the other hand wasn't sharing in her energy.

"I don't think we should do that Cassie."

"Aw come on, it'll be fun!" Cassie reached over Thomas's head, now holding the phone.

"No Cassie." He said, a little more firm than before. "We shouldn't do that. Come on, let's just do what we've been doing before?" Cassie looked down to Thomas, her smile gone and replaced with a small frown. "... Alright, fine. Just one picture each and that's it." As much as he didn't want to do this, he hated seeing the normally bubbly fox down and sad.

"Yay! Alright, you stand up and I'll take the first shot!" Thomas unlocked his phone and stood up waited for Cassie to take the picture.

"Annnnnnnnnnd got it! Now I'm next!" She quickly handed the phone off to Thomas before standing in front of him, striking a pose for him. After making sure the lighting was fine, he took the picture. "How do I look?" She asked as she sat down beside him.

"You look fine but can we please delete them?" He pleaded her. Cassie crossed her legs and arms as she sat on the bed.

"Why are you s against this? We're not doing anything wrong." She waited to hear his answer.

"I..." He paused to gather his thoughts. "I just don't want us to get in trouble. My parents trust me and if they were to ever look at my phone and see the photos, they might not let us be friends anymore." Thomas looked her right in the eye as he explained why he's so against taking the pictures. By the way Cassie's shoulders lax and her arms uncrossed, he could tell he got through to her. "Not just my parents but if anyone saw them... I don't want to lose you Cassie."

She was quite as she let what he said set in. She understood exactly what he meant and where he was coming from. Cassie felt the guilt creeping in and a lump beginning to form in the back of her throat. Thomas sat down beside her, an arm around her shoulder. She looked up to him, orange eyes slightly shining with tears. Before she could say anything, in a move that took her completely by surprise, Thomas closed the distance between them and kissed her on the lips. Her heart skipped a beat in the short seconds of their lips touching. In the heat of the moment, she pushed back. Her heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest to the point it felt like it was going to pop right out. Thomas pulled away from her, face a light tinge of red and histail pulled up to the side of his waist.

The two of them sat in silence, contemplating what they just did.

"T-Thomas." Cassie broke the silence first. "I understand what you meant. I just... Wanted to express how I felt about you. That I trust you." Thomas nodded.

"I know Cassie."

Cassie wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a close hug. Thomas didn't think twice to wrap around her chest and return the affection. He couldn't imagine what life would be like without her. He didn't care to think about it. He was just happy to have her in his life and right by his side. The only thing in Cassie mind was how much she cared for and loved her dear Thomas. They could feel the warmth emanating off each others tails as they coiled around one another.



The two cubs nearly jumped out of their fur at the ringing of Thomas's phone. He reluctantly pulled away from Cassie and got up from the bed to grab his phone. He tilted his head.

"Its my mom calling." He told Cassie before answering.

"Thomas?" She said over a loud background sound.

"What's wrong mom?" He began to worry over what was happening with the loud sound over the background of the call. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh yes, we're okay hun! That's just the police sirens! We got a call to come down to the gorge and pick up your brothers. Don't worry we're not mad with you. They admitted it was all their ideas and they left you and Casse alone."

"Where's dad?"

"Oh he's talking with the officers. Your brothers are in the car right now with me and they're both in a lot of trouble." Thomas could tell that last message was directed more towards the two of them than him. Cassie closed in, listening in to the conversation about halfway through, trying to hold back her laughter so she wouldn't bebe heard. He wasn't faring any better, doing his best not to let out a laugh. "I've already called Thelma to let her know you and Cassie are coming over. We just need a couple of hours to talk to the boys. I hope this isn't too much."

"No no, it's alright mom! We don't mind." Cassie nodded. "We've just been playing or watching tv the whole time."

"Good good! Alright, we'll talk with you later and call when you can come back over. If it's a little to dark out, we'll come pick you up! Love you!" His mother said with affection.

"Love you to mom!" With that the two of them hung up. After making sure they were disconnected, the two of them laughed out as hard as they could. Both of them were on the ground rolling around as they laughed over the whole situation to the point of having tears in their eyes. After a few minutes of enjoying themselves, they managed to get themselves together and put their clothes back on.

"Are you ready Thomas?" She asked as she slipped on her top.

"Almost just one last thing." Thomas rushed up to her, phone in hand and kissed Cassie on the cheek and took a picture of them. Cassie laughed and playfully pushed him away "Come on lover boy!" She left the room, already heading towards the door. Thomas looked at the picture before saving it, smiling as he thought about what the future held for the two of them.

"Thomas come on!" She called out from below.

"Coming!" Just as he left the room he made sure to delete the pictures they took of each other before heading to leave with Cassie.