Ending New Years with a Bang

Story by Ash Cinder on SoFurry

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Here's my new story, and it's another Father/Son one, this time with two new characters, that I might do more stuff with in the future.

In this story Kai is a malamute/husky mix, spending New Year's Eve weekend with his dad. They both have a great night together, drinking and setting off fireworks, but when Kai's dad has a little too much to drink, something happens between them that changes everything forever.

Special thanks to my friend Brunauss who caught some last minute spelling and grammatical errors before I uploaded it.

If you guys like this story, consider becoming a patron!

All characters are at least 18 or older.

Ending New Years with a Bang

By: Ash Cinder

"Come on Kai, it's almost midnight!" Dad called to me from the patio.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." I grabbed my drink and opened the screen door.

I could hear the booms of the fireworks going off as I came outside. They were increasing in succession as the night inched closer to midnight. I looked up at my dad, the big malamute towering over me at 6'7" while my smaller 5'11" form stood next to him. Yeah, I ended up taking after my mom in terms of height, though dad would always tell me that I'd catch up to him one day.

Dad put his paw on my shoulder and looked down at me.

"How's that drink treating you?" He asked.

"Just fine." I chuckled and took a sip of my beer.

"Thanks for spending New Years Eve with me." Dad said, patting my shoulder. "I know it's hard choosing between two divorced parents when it comes to holidays, but yeah... thanks for spending it with me."

Dad hugged me close.

"Ah Dad, don't get all sappy on me." I said, giggling.

"Sorry, I've had like 10 of these now." He held up his drink.

"Don't pass out on me before the night is over."

"Ha! Don't insult your old man, you wouldn't believe how many drinks I've had in one sitting, I'm surprised my liver's still functional!"

"Alright, don't oversell it." I gave him a playful push before looking at my watch. "Looks like we have 30 more seconds."

"Alright! Let's get ready for the light show!" Dad said, grabbing a pack of fire crackers and getting the lighter.

"Aw Dad, I hate those things." I said, setting up a Roman Candle. "They're too loud."

"Hey! It ain't New Years without a little firecracker action!"

"Alright, as long as you're having fun." I rolled my eyes and lit the Roman Candle as the we hit the 10 second mark, followed by dad doing the same with the firecrackers and throwing them.

"Ten! Nine! Eight!" Dad started counting down

"Seven! Six!" I joined in and ran over next to him after the Roman Candle's fuse was lit.

"Five! Four! Three! Two! One!" We both chanted.

Then the firecrackers and the Roman Candle went off followed by all sorts of other fireworks all over the neighborhood! I folded my ears over in an attempt to shield them from the loud pops.

"Happy New Year! Woo!" Dad cheered, throwing his paws in the air, splashing some of his drink on me.

"Ah! Dad!" I laughed as some of it landed on my head.

"Heh, sorry Kai!" He patted my head.

"I think you've had enough tonight. I know I have." Downing the last of my drink and tossing my can in the outside trash.

"No way, I could definitely have a few more." He chugged the rest of his drink, and grabbed another unopened can on the patio table.

I stayed out a while and watched more of the fireworks go off with dad, enjoying his company, and the great view we had of all the fireworks around the neighborhood. Eventually though, the fireworks started to decrease, and I got tired of swatting mosquitos off my body and got up.

"I'm gonna head inside," I said, "it looks like the best part has passed."

"Alright, I'm gonna stay out here for a while, it's nice out, but I'll come in in a bit."

I walked inside and grabbed one more drink, laying down on the couch and watching TV before dozing off a few minutes later.

I woke up on the couch and looked up at the clock.

"Three o'clock?" I groaned. "Ugh, I knew I should have just gone up to my room after the fireworks."

I got up and stretched before walking around the couch to head up to my room when suddenly a large pair of arms wrapped around me, making me jump a little before instantly realizing it was just my dad.

"Jeez dad, you scared the shit out of me. Alright you had your fun, now--"

I cut myself off as dad started rubbing my chest with one of his paws... a bit sensually.

"Uh dad, you're--"

"That's right, Daddy's got you now sugar." Dad whispered.

My eyes went wide and I blushed hard. What the hell did he just say?!

"Dad, I think you're officially drunk now, so I'm just gonna--"

"Shhh, I'm not too drunk to have a little fun..."

His paw drifted down into my underwear, making me instantly hard as he grabbed my member.

"Oh? I thought you were a lady, but that's cool too." He growled lustfully and squeezed my member. "Was wondering why your chest was so flat." He ran his paw around my chest fur.

Shit, I thought to myself, he doesn't realize it's me. I wanted to shout and wake him up from his drunken stupor, tell him it was me, Kai, his own son. But as my member grew harder in his paw, I started enjoying the feeling of this moment. His embrace holding me tight, his warm breath on the back of my neck, and the feeling of his strong, firm paws moving up and down my body, it felt really nice.

"How about we have a seat over here?" Dad asked.

He led me over to the couch and took a seat, pulling me down with him with a yelp.

"Aw, don't be so shy, you cute little thing you. I know being in the arms of such a big strapping malamute like me can be a little intimidating, but I can be gentle."

He slowly pushed down my underwear to reveal my erect, knotted member and started stroking it.

"Damn, boy, you're packin' quite a tool here." Dad complimented, licking the side of my neck, making my fur stand on end.


"Nervous?" He growled in my ear, licking it a little and making it twitch.

"V-Very much so, yes..." I said, my body shaking.

"Well, you don't need to be, just let Daddy do all the work."

He kept jerking my erect member, while his own rubbed against my ass crack.

"Could you please stop calling yourself that?" I asked, blushing hard under my fur.

"Awwww, okay." He said, giving my cheek a kiss.

He rubbed my chest and belly with his left paw while jerking me off with his right one. My heart was pounding hard in my chest as I was felt up by my own dad. I knew I should have tried to break free from his grasp and tell him "Dad, it's me, Kai! Stop!", but another part of me wanted him to keep going, I was enjoying being held like this by my strong Malamute father. It was no secret that I liked guys, even dad knew that and was fine with it, but I'd never felt this way about him. But I had to admit, it felt good to be held and jerked off by a man so much older than myself... and part of me found it even sexier that the man was my own father!

"Hm, already leaking, I see." Dad said, giving my neck a nibble, making me jump slightly.

"Uh huh..." I moaned, continuing to look down and watch my dad's large paw move up and down on my cock.

"That's it, that's it..." Dad sighed, starting to jerk me faster.

My cock leaked more pre and I started to pant and whine as I got closer to climax. I squirmed in my father's grasp while he kept pawing me off.

"C'mere..." He said, turning my head with his other paw to face him.

When I realized what he was about to do, I tried to speak up first.

"Dad wait--"

But I was cut off as dad pressed his muzzle against mine. My fur stood on end and my entire body grew hot as I was kissed so passionately by my own father. There was something so wrong about this, so forbidden, but so hot at the same time. I closed my eyes and focused on him pushing his tongue into my mouth. I let out a moan, grinding my ass against his rock hard member, making him chuckle deeply.

"That's right, cum for me." He growled through the kiss.

Dad thrust his cock in between my cheeks and I let out a whine as I came jets onto the coffee table and into his paw, my entire body shaking as I finally released. Dad chuckled drunkenly and rubbed my chest with his paw.

"Yeah, you liked that, didn't you?"

"Y-Yes, sir..." I said.

I still couldn't believe that just happened. I'd really just let my father jerk me off and grind his cock against my ass. I felt a huge knot in my stomach and felt like I was going to faint, but at the same time my body was aching from the pleasure that dad had just caused me.

"Good, so did I."

Dad grinded his member against me again, making me yelp a little. He laughed at my reaction before holding me close to him again.

"Now, normally I'd keep going till I let off too, but I think I'm going to pass out for a little while."

Dad pulled me down with him, laying down on the couch and cuddling me close to him, his hot breath hitting my neck.

"How about a nice sofa cuddle though?" He asked, wrapping one leg around me.

"Uh... sure..." I said.

I let dad cuddle with me on the couch and just stared at the coffee table with my cum still on it. I couldn't believe this had just happened. Was this all just some extremely fucked up dream I was having? It didn't seem like it, everything about this was real, the feeling of dad pressed up against me, the smell of my cum in the air, dad snoring in my ear. There was no doubt in my mind that this was reality. And as a result, I realized that I needed to get out of here before dad woke up in the morning when he was sober.

I slowly started to lift dads arm off me, and quietly got up, lowering dad's arm on the couch. Thankfully with dad's drunken state nothing much was going to stir him. Then I quietly got a paper towel from the kitchen and wiped my cum from the table before throwing it out and quickly heading upstairs to my room and closing the door behind me.

I breathed heavily and just stood there, back against the door. My body was still shaking from that insane experience that just happened downstairs.

"Okay, just relax, that was a one-time mistake that just happened. Dad won't even remember that he did that, and I should just try and forget about it." I said to myself.

I turned off my light and stumbled over to bed and got in.

"Just go to sleep and pretend what just happened didn't happen."

But as you could probably guess, I couldn't sleep all night. All I kept thinking about was dad. But not just what happened between me and him, I kept thinking of... doing other things. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw dad. Imagined him undressing, I imagined looking up at him as I sucked his cock, imagined him holding me down and making out with me as he fucked my ass.

I kept waking up every 30 minutes in a cold sweat with these fantasies of me and my dad. Goddammit dad, what the fuck did you do to me? I thought to myself.

I woke up around 1:00 PM after tossing and turning all night and all morning. I couldn't get dad out of my head. I was worried he'd remember everything that happened last night, this could destroy my relationship with him! I just had to stay cool, he was so plastered last night that he didn't even know what he was doing, didn't even know it was me he was doing it to. There's no way he'd know about this.

I took a deep breath and started getting some fresh clothes on. I really should have taken a shower before falling asleep last night, I thought to myself. I felt so dirty after what I'd let dad do to me in his drunken state.

I went downstairs and noticed dad wasn't on the couch anymore. Guess he'd finally sobered up and went up to his own room.

"Morning Kai!" Dad greeted as I walked into the kitchen.

I jumped, the fur on my back standing on end as he surprised me.

"Or, I guess, afternoon." Dad corrected himself, patting my shoulder.

I shook a little at his touch, remembering it from last night.

"You alright, son?" Dad asked. "Yeah, that was a pretty wild night, sorry I drank a bit much, even for me. Hope I didn't do anything stupid last night."

"Nope." I said quickly. "Nothing stupid, just kind of passed out on the couch." I let out a nervous laugh.

"You sure?" Dad asked, looking down at me, almost suspiciously.

"Yeah, you were fine last night." I insisted.

"Hm... well, alright." He said. "Well, it's already after one and neither of us ate breakfast, how about we both go get some lunch?"

"That sounds good." I said, realizing I was starving.

"Well, I'll go get my keys then." Dad said.


Suddenly, I was taken by surprise by dad's paw connecting with my ass as he walked past me. I jumped and clutched my cheeks with both paws, turning around just in time to catch a glimpse of dad giving me a smirk before walking into his office to get his keys. I just stood there dumbfounded. Did he fucking know?

The ride to pick up lunch was silent and very awkward. I wanted to ask dad about last night, to see if he knew or not. Why the hell would he slap my ass like that? Was he just teasing? He'd never done that before.

"So, here we are," Dad said, pulling up to the burger place, "know what you want?"

"Uh, yeah I'll just get a bacon cheeseburger." I said.

"Alright then." Dad said and placed the order at the drive through.

As dad placed the order my heart just kept pounding in my chest as I kept reliving what me and dad did over and over again in my head; his paw on my erect cock, his breath against my neck, and of course that thick member of his grinding against my ass. I also kept thinking about how he'd slapped my ass before we left.

"Hey, Kai?" Dad said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine dad."

"Heh, are you a little flustered after I gave your butt a little slap back at the house?" He asked, giving me a cheeky grin.

"Actually yeah, I am."

"Sorry about that, but you should have seen the look on your face." He chuckled.

"Sheesh dad, you're going to give me a heart attack or something!"

"I don't know why you're getting so uptight today, you used to laugh when I goofed with you like that... unless something did happen last night?"

Dad looked at me and gave me a smirk that made me blush hard and my body shiver. Then he turned to the drive through window paid for our food drove home, all the while he stared at the road with that smirk on his face.

"Y-You knew what you were doing last night?" I asked in disbelief.

"Not really, I was hardcore drunk, that was probably the most drunk I'd ever gotten, can't help it though, we were having so much fun with the fireworks and all. It wasn't until I woke up on the couch this morning with the leftover smell of cum in the air, that bits and pieces of what we did last night came back to me... and I must say, you sure seemed to enjoy yourself last night."

He gave me a very suggestive look.

"Aw, my pup's turning red."

"Stop teasing me dad!" I protested. "This is serious! Do you even realize all that we did last night?!"

"Hm, not fully, maybe you can jog my memory over lunch when we get home? Tell me about it."

"Uh... okay." I said as we pulled into the driveway.

Once we got inside we took our food into the living room and ate it on the coffee table, both of us sitting on the couch, where I proceeded to explain what dad did to me the previous night.

"So, then after you were done you pulled me down on the couch with you and just passed out, and I got up cleaned off the coffee table and went upstairs."

"So, we kissed?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah..." I said, eating a fry.

"How was it?"


"What'd you think of the kiss."


"And be honest with your old man." He winked at me.

"It...It felt amazing." I admitted. "Everything about last night did."

"Is that right?" He smirked at me, taking a bite of his burger.

"Y-Yeah... I mean, I was pretty scared at first, but... it felt good having your paws all over me like that dad."

"Never would have thought you thought about me that way." He chuckled.

"Never would have thought you were bi." I retorted.

"Touché." Dad said, taking another bite of his burger.

"But, I shouldn't feel this way!" I said, tearing up a little. "You're my dad!"

"Hey, hey," Dad said, moving a little closer and putting his arm around me in a hug. "You're an adult now, you can feel however you want to feel about someone... even your old man."

"You don't think it's wrong?" I asked.

"Nah, in fact, I'm kind of flattered you feel that way." He said, rubbing my arm and holding me close. "I guess this old Malamute's still got it."

"Heh, yeah... you've got a lot dad." I admitted.

"Is that so?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, I felt that tool of yours against my ass last night... you're big." I laughed nervously.

"Wanna see it again?"

My eyes grew wide and I blushed hard under my fur, my face getting hot. Dad laughed when he got a look at my face.

"Look at you, your face says it all!" He patted my back as he hugged me close.

"Hey, I can't help it... I'm nervous." I rubbed the side of my face against his chest.

"Heh, even at 20, you're still my cute little pup." He said, nuzzling the top of my head.

"Aw, dad stop." I said, pushing him a little.

"Why? It's not like anyone's watching."

I slowly felt his paw run down my back before resting on my ass and giving it a nice firm grope. I let out a little yip when he did that and he just patted my ass and laughed. I looked up at my dad and he looked down at me. My ears folded over in embarrassment, this was so bizarre, doing all this with my dad, but at the same time, it felt so right.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I was... just thinking about when we kissed last night." I said.

"Hm... I don't think I quite remember how it went," Dad said, giving me a sly grin, "maybe you can give me a refresher?"

I felt him move his paw down my back again, making me shudder with nervousness and excitement.

"Um, well..." I moved my face closer to his, "we just kind of pressed our muzzles together and--"

I was cut off as we both pressed our muzzles together. I felt like electricity ran through my body as my dad held me close to his body while we kissed. I felt my pants tighten as we both held the kiss. I got a little braver and opened my mouth slightly, dad took initiative and slid his tongue inside. I moaned and closed my eyes as our kiss got more passionate. I focused on dad's tongue in my mouth, moving around and wrapping around my own.

Dad moved his paws up and down my body, giving me a little growl and pulling my tongue into his own mouth and letting me explore his mouth. It felt amazing to have my big Malamute father's paws all over my much smaller body and exploring it. I decided to do the same for him, running my paws down his chest, and resting one against his crotch, grabbing it slightly. Dad let out a deep laugh when I did that, slowly pulling away from the kiss.

"Getting a little grabby, pup?" He asked.

"Maybe a little." I giggled.

"You're so cute." He ruffled my head fur.

Dad then opened his legs to reveal his bulging crotch.

"Well, go ahead and do the honors."

I looked up at him in disbelief, then back down at his bulge. I reached out a shaking paw and slowly unzipped his pants, revealing his maroon underwear. I peeled back his undergarments and his erect cock flopped out, making me gasp. It was enormous, just the size I expected for a dog of his physique.

"Impressed, son?" He asked, using his finger to close my jaw that was hanging open.

"I've just... never seen you erect before." I said.

"Yeah, well it looks like you're sporting a fine one yourself." Dad said, gesturing to the bulge in my jeans.

Without even asking, he reached out and quickly unzipped me, making my erection even more noticeable. I gasped, and he smirked at me. I could tell by his expression that he wanted me to pull my underwear down, and I slowly did just that, letting my own cock bob free. Dad whistled in response.

"Woo, now I see what part of your physique you inherited from me." He winked.

I blushed hard and looked back down at my member, I think I was just a bit smaller than dad, but not by much. It actually filled me with a bit of pride, I might not have been as big as my dad in terms of my body, but it seemed I just barely came up short when it came to endowment.

Dad then grabbed his own cock and waved it around slowly.

"I've got a bit of an idea." Dad said, slowly stroking his cock.

"W-What is it?" I asked.

Dad then laid back on the couch and held out his arms.

"Come over here and I'll show ya." He gave me a toothy grin.

I did as he said, laying down on top of him, facing him, both our cocks pressed against each other. Dad wrapped one arm around me, but then grabbed both our cocks with his other paw.

"Comfortable?" Dad asked.

"Uh huh..." I said, my body tensing up as I felt him squeezing my cock against his.

"Good, now how about another kiss?"

With that he pulled me into another make out session and started stroking both our cocks in his large paw. My eyes opened wide as our muzzles locked once again. I couldn't believe we were actually doing this. I never ever thought about dad like this before last night, but what we were doing felt so natural, so real and passionate, even though I knew it shouldn't have.

"Mmmm, you're already leaking pre, won't last long I bet." Dad growled through the kiss before pushing his tongue into my mouth.

I moaned back, grinding against his cock and paw and reaching under his shirt, giving one of his nipples a squeeze. He growled louder when I did that and jerked us both faster, squeezing our cocks even closer together.

"Fuck dad, yeah just like that." I moaned loudly.

"You like that, pup?" He growled.

"Yeah, oh!"

I was about to burst, I couldn't hold it much longer, dad was just exciting me so much, everything he was doing was driving me crazy. Dad pressed his muzzle against my neck and gave it a gentle bite and that was it, I whined as I came in between our bellies.

Dad growled and grinned at me, using his paw to coat our cocks in a layer of my cum.

"Surprised you had a load that big after last night." He said, giving me another kiss.

"Wow dad..." I said, completely speechless as he kept rubbing my cum against his cock.

As he kept coating his cock with my load, I realized what he was planning and my heart started to pound with excitement.

"How about you get down on all fours and show me that cute little ass of yours?" Dad asked me, confirming what I thought he was planning.

"Y-Yes Daddy." I said.

I got off him and took off the rest of my clothes before getting on my paws and knees and presenting my ass to my father.

"Daddy huh?" He asked, standing up and patting my butt. "You haven't called me that since you were six. I kinda like it."

My tail wagged excitedly, before I felt dad grab it and lift it gently, exposing my virgin tailhole. He got close to it and pressed his cold nose against it, inhaling deeply and getting a nice good whiff of my scent. He let out a lustful growl before pressing his tongue against my hole, making me jump a little at the unfamiliar sensation. Dad just chuckled and moved his tongue in circles around my anus.

My body shook and I moaned as dad grabbed one of my thighs and kept holding onto my tail and pushed his long tongue inside me, making me arch my back and gasp. I'd never been penetrated like this before, but it felt amazing, that soft, wet appendage worming around in my insides, getting them nice and slick for what was to come. He gave my ass a little slap as he kept eating me out. My tail tried to wag, but he kept holding onto it.

After a few minutes he pulled out, and grabbed onto my hips and pressed the tip of his member against my entrance.

"You ready, son?" He asked, rubbing my butt gently.

"Yes Daddy..." My voice shaking. "P-Please, I want you inside me."

"Well, since my pup asked so nicely..."

Dad gently pushed his hips forward and slowly slid his thick cock inside me, it slid in easily thanks to the slickness of my cum that he'd rubbed on it and his saliva. I took a deep breath while my father penetrated me, sliding further and further in. It hurt at first, but the pain was slowly subsiding.

"How you doing?" He asked, gently patting my butt.

"My heart's pounding so hard... I-I've never done anything like this before." I said.

"I bet having your daddy inside you's a thrill, right?"

"The biggest I've ever had."

My body was trembling.

"Just let me know if you need me to stop or slow down." He said, rubbing my back.


Dad gripped my hips firmly and began withdrawing his cock out of me slowly, before slowly moving it back inside. I gasped at the unfamiliar feeling of the long shaft sliding in and out of me, just stopping at the beginning of the knot. My arms were buckling as the excitement began to undertake me, but I did my best to hold myself up while dad fucked me gently.

"That's it, just relax, you're doing good." Dad said softly.

"Oh Daddy..." I moaned, my nervousness starting to subside in favor of the passion that was growing inside me.

"Good boy." Dad said, running his paw down my chest and belly, as he started to press his against my back and hump me a bit faster.

My body twitched and I moaned loudly as I felt something strange inside me as dad thrust his cock deeper inside me.

"Oooh, looks like I just hit your prostate, son."

He patted my head and thrust again, making me feel the same pressure, it was almost like I had to pee, but also different, making my cock twitch a bit beneath me. Dad laughed a bit and reached one of his paws down and fondled my still wet cock.

"Hehe, think you'll come again, boy?" He growled in my ear, making my spine tingle.

"Fuck me dad! Fuck me!" I begged, completely giving into my most primal desires as dad's thrusts got even more powerful.

I could constantly feel his knot tapping against my entrance, I wondered if he would shove it inside me. Part of me really wanted it, even though I knew it would be most certainly a very painful experience.

Dad kept fondling my sensitive cock and balls all the while sliding his shaft in and out of me. I felt him lean forward and bite the scruff of my neck, making me moan in ecstasy.

"Fuck dad, are you going to knot me?" I panted.

"Hehe, eager aren't we, pup?" He gave me another gentle bite and squeezed one of my nipples. "You aren't ready to be knotted yet, boy. I'm surprised you've taken as much as you have."

"O-Okay..." I whined slightly, pushing against his thrusts.

"But don't worry..." He patted my back and started to thrust harder into me. "You will one day!"

Dad then gripped my shoulders and started thrusting as hard as he could, his cock making sloppy wet sounds as it slid in and out of me.

"Oh god! Fuck me dad! Just like that!" I moaned, my vision getting slightly blurry.

I was ready for dad to unload into me and claim me as his! I pushed back against him each time he thrust inside me. With one well placed thrust against my prostate again, he made me lose control and cum another huge load all over the floor. I threw my head back and let out a long howl as I did, making dad laugh and start thrusting even harder.

He wrapped his arms around me and bit the back of my neck hard while continuing to drill into me like a bitch in heat. I wondered how much longer it'd take until it was time for him to shoot off too.

I soon had the answer to that as dad bit down even harder, letting out a growl before holding his cock in place followed by a feeling of warmth shooting off inside me. It just happened, I really just had my own father on top of me, shooting the same stuff inside me that helped create me 20 years ago! Surreal wasn't even strong enough to describe this.

Dad just held me there for a few minutes, his paws clutching my chest, and his hips still gently thrusting into me while he continued to coat my insides with that warm, thick fluid. Dad let go of my neck and licked the spot where he bit me, moaning a little.

All I could do was just pant with dad still on top of me, just continuing to contemplate what the flying fuck me and him just did.

Then I gasped as I felt dad slowly slide his cock out of me, followed my a bit of leftover cum, before grabbing me by the shoulders and pulling me back onto the couch with him, sitting me down on his lap and giving me a warm smile, his wet cock rubbing against my leg.

"D-Did we just do that dad?" I asked, my ears folded over in slight embarrassment.

"We sure did, son." He nuzzled my cheek. "Sure hope the neighbors didn't hear you howling." He chuckled and ran his paw down my back.

I let out a nervous chuckle and just kept looking into my dad's hazel eyes and then pressed my muzzle against him kissing him passionately. I no longer cared whether this was right or wrong. I loved my dad and knew that this had just brought us even closer together.

"Woah, looks like you liked that." Dad said, stroking my cheek with the back of one of his fingers.

"Maybe..." I blushed.

"Guess your visits with me are going to be a lot different from now on."

"I guess so..."

I wasn't sure what the future held for me and dad after this, but I knew I wanted to do this with him again. I snuggled with him on the couch and just basked in the afterglow of what had just transpired, as he lovingly nuzzled my neck.

My Patreon Editors

Michael E. Dunlop

