The Coliseum

Story by NanashiSpaniel on SoFurry

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#1 of One shots

This one is for Eyazen (my bf) who wanted a story happening in the Kemo Coliseum world. I had fun writing it but it was rather hard, tbh. I couldn't put every kink I wanted to put in it...

It was the middle of summer in the Kingdom of Kornelia, and a new edition of the famous tournament was about to begin. Eyazen, the wolf mage, had decided he was to be the next "Gladiator", in other words the winner of this tournament, so he had travelled to the capital city to sign up. He had managed to book a comfortable room in the chic neighbourhoods, definitely determined not to share a crappy inn with the commoners, where he could catch fleas.

The wolf dropped his bundle onto the floor, gazing around him with satisfaction. The room was very clean and pretty big, he'd be at ease to enjoy his upcoming victory with some rare tea and some fancy cookies. But first, he had to sign up.

Eyazen left his room and walked towards the Coliseum of Kornelia, where the event was going to take place. There was a short queue, so he didn't have to wait for more than ten minutes. Behind the counter, a short dog was sitting, writing down the candidates' names one after the other. When the wolf showed up, she spoke in a bored voice.


"Feld, Eyazen," the wolf answered, a bit irritated by the lack of deference.



"Obviously," she stated, gazing at the wolf's robes and build without showing any emotion. "The rules of the tournament are as follow: you'll be called to fight a random opponent, whose specialty can be anything. You're not to fight mages preferentially. In order to win, you'll have to break your opponent's armour. Killing is strictly forbidden. If you win, you'll be called for another combat the day after, and so on. In the strong eventuality of a defeat - as there will be only one Gladiator - you'll be humiliated in public. Professional volunteers will sexually use and abuse your naked body in front of the crowd. You'll be free to train and try again next time. If there are sexual acts that absolutely disgust you, please write them on the paper. Please also state your sexual orientation, and sign the form. If your no-go list is too restrictive, we'll allow ourselves to broaden your horizons, so don't even try to write something like 'everything'."

The wolf knew the rules, but blushed a bit nonetheless. The way he was treated was a bit humiliating already. Whatever, he filled the form and handed it to the dog. She gave the mage a piece of wood on which a number was carved.

"The draw will take place tonight, mister Feld. Good luck. Next!"

The mage left the counter, a bit pissed off, convinced that people of his rank deserved a bit more consideration. But well, everyone was welcome to compete, so it meant that the woman had probably seen more peasants than aristocrats, so Eyazen decided to be indulgent and forgave her. Just this once wouldn't hurt.

In the evening, Eyazen went back to the Coliseum for the official draw. A crowd was watching an old panda drawing pieces of paper from a box, one at a time, and magically carving them into a big piece of wood picturing a matching tree. The wolf would fight number 83 around 2PM the day after. It would be sunny and hot. As a mage specialised in fire magic, he didn't really mind the heat, so it could be to his advantage. He looked at the people in the crowd to spot his opponent, but couldn't get a hint. A bit disappointed, he headed back to the inn to eat and to get a good night's sleep.

The following day, Eyazen showed up a bit before 2. He was welcomed by the same female dog as the day before.

"Good afternoon, mister Feld. Is that... All you're wearing?"

Eyazen was dressed in red wizard robes, and he was holding a magic staff in his right hand.

"Why yes, I'm a mage."

"Even battle mages wear some plates, you know."

"Weak ones," the wolf declared with contempt.

The dog shrugged.

"You're next," she said. "Good luck!"

A heavy portcullis was lifted, and Eyazen entered the arena. Rising above the cheers from the crowd, he could hear a magically enhanced voice introduce the competitors.

"And now, citizens of Kornelia, for your greatest pleasure, the next fight will oppose Eyazen Feld the mage to Karl Mahogann the warrior!"

The crowd shouted in excitement, noisily clapping and chanting the names of the fighters. Karl was a muscular lion; he was wearing a light armour made of leather and metal plates. He was holding a sword and a round shield.

"Champions, salute!"

Karl and Eyazen bowed, showing respect to each other, and the sound of a gong rang out.

With swiftness and elegance, the wolf raised his stick in the direction of the lion. Some strange words were said, and a fireball burst out of the tip of the staff. With a whistling sound, it flew towards Karl at high speed. However, to the wolf's surprise and with a loud ring, the lion easily deflected the projectile with his shield. Eyazen frowned, irritated.

The feline rushed forward, resolute to cut the distance between the mage and himself so he could fight. The wolf sent other fireballs to him, but the other fighter dodged them all. Soon, Karl was close enough to strike.

The armed feline was at a disadvantage for he wasn't allowed to kill his opponent. He had to be very careful when using his sword, and the wolf knew it. He struck with the flat of the blade, but it was a rather predictable move. Eyazen ducked, and with his palm, he touched the lion's abdomen. With a buzzing sound, he sent a shockwave through Karl's body, sending him flying one metre away. The lion rolled in the dust. He got on all fours, coughed and took a second to catch his breath, but he quickly stood up, grinning. He spat some blood.

"Alright, you're good at close combat. For a mage."

Eyazen didn't answer. He was already muttering some weird spell, setting both his hands and forearms on fire, ready to fight back.

"You're a tough guy, eh?" the lion added with a smirk, readying his blade before attacking.

Karl threw himself forward, running fast in Eyazen's direction; the wolf readied himself. When the lion arrived at sword's range, he suddenly jumped, to the canine's surprise. Caught unaware, Eyazen punched, but his fist only touched the lion's wooden shield, which was smashed to pieces. He felt the cold blade against his back, gently sliding into the collar of his robes, and he knew this was over. With a ripping sound, the feline cut through the fabric, and the wolf's clothes fell off, leaving him almost naked in the arena. He had lost.

The gong rang, and the bravos rose.

"Karl Mahogann wins the combat!" the magically enhanced voice resounded. "Congratulations!"

The lion saluted the crowd, who cheered him heartily. Finally, the voice rang out again, announcing what was coming next.

"And now, it's time for what everyone's waiting for... PUNISHMENT TIME!"

The wolf's ears rose suddenly, as he was realising what was going to happen. In fact, he had never really considered he could lose, nor prepared for it, should it happen. He turned his head towards a third porticullis, which was rising to let four people in. It was a pretty heterogeneous party: the first one was a big dragon with shiny green scales, folded membranous wings and a long lizard tail. He was muscular, obviously a warrior of some kind, and was carrying a leather bag. He was joking with a big brown bear, thick furred, whom Eyazen would have qualified of "big bellied". He also had strong arms, and would perfectly fit as a smith. He was carrying a large crate. Behind them came an elegant strong tiger, with a wide scar on his short muzzle. His fur had a weird colour, the wolf thought, as it was mostly tanned and white. His face looked cruel, as if the man had never laughed in his whole life. Finally, a white rabbit brought up the rear. He was, unlike the others, quite thin and rather cute. He had an elegant way of moving, and delicate hands. All of them were naked or wearing only underwear, and seemed to have absolutely no shame about it, unlike poor Eyazen who was already feeling really uncomfortable.

The four of them arrived near the wolf, who didn't know how he was supposed to react or what to say. He chose to remain silent. The dragon and the bear kept chatting casually, the first one passing next to Eyazen without even looking at him, the second one dropping the crate onto the ground with a loud noise. The bunny smiled brightly at the wolf, who could only reply with a nervous rictus before he felt two strong hands rip his underwear open. At this very moment, he noticed that the tiger could smile. Or smirk, to be more specific, while detailing his body meticulously. He was already naked himself. In other circumstances, Eyazen would have found the view quite enjoyable.

"You're way better looking than all those fat peasants," the big cat commented.

He closed the gap between them and whispered to his hear, while locking a collar around the canine's neck.

"I'll make sure to enjoy every moment of it."

At this distance, the wolf's nose was almost touching the tiger's fur. His smell was, like that of all felines, musky and acrid, and Eyazen could figure that he had probably already had sex in the morning, and hadn't bathed since. Cats weren't known for their love of water. He stepped back, and Eyazen felt a little groggy. The collar was made to restrain the use of magic, so the wizard couldn't use it to defend himself and harm the other males, willingly or not.

"On all fours," he ordered.

The wolf frowned his eyebrows defiantly, but didn't move an inch.

"Go on," the cat said with a sadistic grin. "Resist."

He grabbed the wolf's ear and pulled it painfully, making him whine and fall onto his knees and hands.

"Lick my paws," he ordered.

"What? No!"

The tiger sighed, and only said a word.


Suddenly, the runes on collar shone, and Eyazen felt it weigh heavily on his neck, forcing him to lower it. The smell made him grimace. The cat rubbed his pawpads on the canine's lips, and the latter started licking. The taste wasn't great, and there was some dust on them, but he obliged. With a grin, the tiger pushed his toe into the warm muzzle, forcing the wizard to suck. The canine could feel the rough calloused skin on his soft tongue, the fur on his palate, and the weird taste made him salivate. The warrior pulled out his big toe, and spread all of them so the other one could slide his tongue between them and lick them all clean.

When the tiger judged that his feet were clean enough, he made Eyazen stand on his knees, offering him a stunning view on his white fuzzy sheath. With two fingers, the big male pulled back some of the skin, and the pink tip of his meat appeared, quickly followed by the typical strong scent of piss and cum. As the wolf had guessed, he had already climaxed and pissed several times that day, and he probably hadn't bathed for two days, judging by the strength of the smell.

"Now be a good dog and open up. You've got three other guys to satisfy, and a quite a large audience to entertain."

With a grunt, Eyazen obeyed, opening his maw submissively. The cat let go his junk, pulled the canine's head and slid his sheath between his lips. The wolf wasn't really used to having a furry sheath in his maw, as males were generally hard when he sucked them. He started sliding his tongue into the cat's skin, meeting small barbs on his meat, but that was not what the feline had in mind. Holding the wizard's head firmly, he began emptying his bladder into his muzzle, letting flow a warm acrid stream onto the male's tongue. Eyazen wanted to withdraw, but the cat was holding him firmly, his strong arms making it impossible to escape. Eyazen only managed to spill some piss onto his chin, his white fur turning slightly yellow. He gave the tiger an assassin gaze, which only made him smirk again. He wanted to open his maw to spit it, but the collar shone, and he felt like a stone hand was holding his whole face, preventing him from moving. His mean expression turned to mild despair, and he gulped the disgusting fluid, compelled by the spell.

After half a minute that felt like an eternity to the wolf, the stream ran out, and the big cat let him go. Eyazen coughed and spat, the strong taste of piss overwhelming his senses. With a pat on the wolf's cheek, he drip-dried his sheath, sending some droplets fly onto the canine's muzzle. Eyazen stared at him reproachfully.

"Don't give me that look, pup," he told the wolf. "I can tell you liked it."

He then pressed the canine's half hard shaft with his large foot, making him moan with lust. The tiger raised an eyebrow and pressed a bit harder, and the wolf whined, his manhood swelling.

"Look at that..." he added with a bright smile. "Guys, get the humbler!"

Eyazen had no idea what the so called "humbler" was, but he was about to discover it very soon. The guys laughed, and he felt two strong scaly arms stand him up without any effort, then throw him onto the crate, on his belly. He didn't have any time to struggle, as the dragon positioned himself in front of his face, pinning him down by weighing on his shoulders. There he was, bent on a crate, legs spread and bottom up, nose against the dragon's smelly genital slit. The latter pressed his crotch against the wolf's muzzle.

"Lick it, bitch," he ordered with a bass voice.

The stench of his musky fluids started overwhelming the vanquished fighter's senses. Obedient, the wolf started licking the scaly slit. It was already rather humid, and tasted salty and a bit sour. Combined with the smell and the warmth of the weather, he felt his throat beginning to burn slightly.

Eyazen heard someone search the bag, and something metallic was drawn from it. The crowd shouted and applauded in approval. He felt the bear's strong hands slide some metallic thing behind his thighs, and hold it while the rabbit's delicate hands grasped the canine's balls. He whined as the white one pulled his jewels between his legs, and felt the metal restrain close above them and around his legs. It was very uncomfortable, and prevented him from getting up. Then, suddenly, the rabbit slapped his exposed balls.

"AAAAAH!" the wolf shouted as the pain struck him, making his dick twitch.

The rabbit hit him again, and the wolf whined loudly in pain, but also shot some pre onto the crate. With a finger, the white one gave the canine length a gentle stroke.

"What a good boy," he commented with a smile.

He then sat on the floor, between the wolf's legs, facing his hard member, before the big bear positioned himself behind the canine.

The hairy bear grasped a leather flask of lubricant in the bag, and without ceremony, he lifted the wolf's tail. He pushed the bottle's neck against the tight tailhole and pressed the bag with his strong hand. Eyazen felt the strange and uncomfortable sensation of liquid being forced into his hole, and flowing down his skin. It was a bit cold. He heard the sound of the flask dropping onto the floor, and quickly felt the bear's finger penetrate him. He whined softly.

The dragon, for his part, was starting to get impatient.

"C'mon boy, work this tongue, don't be shy."

Eyazen had almost forgotten about him, a bit worried about the bear. Though, he complied, and forced his tongue into the lizard's slit. He had never tried that before. It was surprisingly soft, and contrasted a lot with the hard scales on the outside. It reminded him of the inside of Garelth's sheath, soft, slimy and musky. The inside was coated with a very thick and slimy fluid, allowing the flesh to pass the scaly slit without injuries. It tasted very strong, and smelled even stronger, now that his tongue was keeping the hole open.

He didn't have to go deep to find the tip of the thick dragon cock. As soon as his tongue touched it, it started swelling and leaking more fluid onto the invading tongue. Soon enough, Eyazen had a third of the dragon's length in his maw, dripping copious amounts of slime, forcing him to gulp down. The taste was strong and a bit nauseating, but it was nothing compared to the cat's piss he had to endure before. Anyway, Eyazen was almost sure that due to the thickness of the fluid, he could actually feed on it.

He felt the bear remove his thick finger from his butt and then massage it with his thumb, before pressing his glans against it. He had seen him flaccid when he was walking, and he appeared pretty thick, but he wondered how bad it could be when hard. He didn't have to wait for long before discovering it. The bear pushed forward, and the wolf felt his hole stretch like hell, despite the fingering. Instinctively, he clenched his fists and tried to bite, but fortunately for the dragon, the collar shone again and blocked the wolf's maw. The big bear started rocking his hips, burying himself slowly under the canine's tail, stretching him gradually. He wasn't as big as Garelth, his stallion friend, but his uncut human cock was still pretty impressive, and thick enough to make him cry out a bit.

The bear had some belly, but he was also damn strong, as Eyazen immediately figured out. The hand on his tail had a firm grip, and the one on his hip was keeping him absolutely still despite the thrusts. Within a minute, the bear had buried himself balls deep into him, rather painfully. He adapted slowly, the pain decreasing gradually. That's when the big guy started to really fuck him. Each time he moved back, he almost pulled out, and each time he thrusted, he buried himself balls deep. But what Eyazen hadn't expected was that the bear's heavy orbs were going to hit his own balls, dragged backwards. He screamed as the first wave of painful pleasure hit him hard, quickly followed by a second, and a third. And with each slap, his hard member spurted a jet of pre onto the rabbit's tongue, who had started teasing his tip subtly.

The dragon started humping the wolf's muzzle, his weird textured member coating Eyazen's maw with sticky fluid. Every time he thrusted, the canine's nose touched the smelly slit, and slimy strings quickly connected the two males. Even though he was swallowing the fluids, the motion made him drool, and his muzzle quickly became wet and stinky. The smell of dragon seminal fluids was intoxicating him, and he slowly lost all ability to be angry at the males around him, or at the system itself, which he had almost forgotten. All he could think about at that time was what was happening to him: he was being fucked roughly, his balls were slapped painfully, the rabbit's tongue was teasing his dick and the smell was terrible... And he loved it a lot.

The bear finally buried himself deep as he could, thrusting so hard that Eyazen would have fallen if he wasn't held, sending a violent wave of pain into his balls, and with a grunt, ejaculated a copious amount of seed. With a sigh, he pulled out, still hard, leaving the wolf's hole gaping and leaking sticky cum. He wiped his member on the wolf's butt, and let go his tail. The dragon pulled out too, his member shining with a mix of saliva and thick pre. He was big too, and had a weird appearance, as if his shaft was scaly too.

The wolf grunted a bit as the lizard lifted him with care, the device pulling his balls painfully. The dragon sat onto the crate, and made him sit onto his hard, thick member, holding his legs in the air. The canine moaned as the big rod stretched him, forcing its way in his abused hole lubed with bear cum. Slowly, the large guy inserted himself until the base of his dick, holding the shaky canine in his arms. Then, he lay on his back, dragging the smaller male with him until he was on his back too. He began rocking his hips, spurting pre into the wolf, lubricating him with his thick fluid, making a mess. Eyazen could feel it flow from his used tailhole, coating the base of his tail, and wetting the dragon's belly and his lower back. He was going to stink.

Soon, the rabbit would get up and climb onto the crate, on his knees, looking at the wolf with a bright smile. He had an uncut human cock, like the bear, but much more standard in size. He was rock hard, and showed a nice upward curvature. On all fours, he positioned himself above the canine, looking in his eyes.

"What are you doing, you rodent?" the wolf inquired between his gritted teeth.

"You're my prey, dog," he replied cockily.

"Don't you da- aaah" Eyazen moaned as he felt the rabbit pushing against his - already full - hole. "Nononono, this won't fit, stop!"

He tried to struggle, but moving with his restraints was painful, and the dragon was holding him tight.

With care, the white rabbit pushed, making the wolf whine, and his glans slid into the canine's hole, making it leak more pre. Once again, the public yelled in approval. Slowly, he buried himself alongside the dragon, and his curved member started pressing strongly against the wolf's prostate. It felt painful to the wolf, but also made his dick leak a lot with each thrust. The small rabbit double penetrating him, while staring at his eyes and smiling joyfully, made Eyazen feel deeply humiliated. He felt his blood warm up his cheeks.

A paw grabbed his muzzle, distracting the wolf from the rabbit.

"I still have to enjoy myself, remember?" the tiger told.

He climbed onto the crate too, placing himself above the dragon's and the wolf's heads, his sweaty furry balls hanging above Eyazen's muzzle. He placed his sheath against the canine's lips and thrusted, his member swelling quickly.

The wolf was used as a fucktoy. All his holes were full of cocks and juice. The rabbit's length was strongly teasing his prostate, and the wolf's belly was coated with his own pre. On his tongue, he could feel the barbed shaft moving back and forth, and the smell of the cat's balls invaded his nose each time he reached the back of his canine muzzle. Eyazen was feeling close to climax, but no one seemed interested in touching his own dick. He wanted to stroke himself, but the collar shone again, blocking his movements.

The tiger came first, coating the wolf's tongue with sticky feline cum. The taste was acrid and bitter, and the canine grimaced as the flavour overwhelmed his senses. Still spurting, he pulled out and soaked Eyazen's fur with his reeking jizz, before wiping his junk on the soft muzzle's fur. He then left the crate, satisfied.

The rabbit kept working his prostate, driving the wolf mad with lust, close to orgasm but forbidden to touch himself. A few moments later, he came into Eyazen, panting. Smiling, he pulled out, and dragon fluids under pressure spurted, soiling his tail.

The dragon then held him tight, and started rocking his hips, burying himself deep with succion noises.

"Gghhh- Aaah!" the wolf complained, feeling the big guy's length move inside him, mixing the fluids in an awkward fashion.

But it wasn't the weirdest thing he was about to sense. The dragon finally bit his shoulder, and thrusted as if he was trying to impale him. Eyazen shouted in surprise rather than pain, and heard the crowd yell and applaud. Then he felt it: the dragon came, and it was like if he was peeing directly into him. The wizard could feel his guts swell with warm dragon cum, and a lot of it flew directly through his abused tailhole, no matter how hard he tried to clench around the fat dragon meat. He started panting hard, the thick fluid forcing its way into his guts. He lay, waiting for it to end, his crotch exposed, his shaft twitching and leaking copiously.

"Now it's your turn," he heard the rabbit say, and he felt some gratitude for the first time of the day.

He waited for the delivering hand that would stroke him, but it didn't come. Instead of that, he suddenly felt a strong pain in his balls: the bunny was slapping them. The wolf yelled, trying to escape the strong grip of the dragon, and the crowd applauded, shouted and whistled. The wolf was actually enjoying that... It didn't take long before he came, and his own jizz soon coated his muzzle and the laughing dragon's face. But it was really frustrating, as the wolf had felt almost no pleasure from his neglected rod. He silently promised to himself he'd fap as soon as he'd return to his room.

The tiger finally freed the canine's shaking legs and abused balls from the humbler with a grin. The red meat was already getting flaccid, and sliding back into the furry sheath. Eyazen could finally let his legs lie on the dragon's. Eyes shut, the wolf listened to the noises around. He could hear the lizard's breath next to his ears, the others handling metal in the bag, and the crowd shouting things. It seemed to him that the rabbit was answering to what the commoners were yelling, but he wasn't able to understand.

"People of Kornelia!" the wolf suddenly heard the magically enhanced voice shout. "As further punishment for such a quick battle, you have requested that the fighter should be caged! So be it!"

Eyazen reacted quickly, trying to stand up, but the big dragon kept him lying on him, and the wolf could feel two strong arms grip his legs.

"NO!" he yelled. "You've got no right to do this!"

"You signed!" the dragon's big voice answered.

Helpless, he felt the rabbit's delicate hands install a metal cage around his sheath.

"Wizard!" the magical voice rang. "As a punishment, you will wear this chastity cage until you win a fight in the Coliseum. You don't have to become the Champion, only to win one fight, next year or later. As specified in our rules, we won't take your life, so you can train and improve your skills. Now, you're free to go."

The crowd applauded as the wizard was released and his collar removed. He walked a bit funny at the beginning, as his sheath was locked tightly and uncomfortably, and he could feel large amounts of fluids escape his insides and flow onto the dusty ground with each step. He glanced at his naked crotch. There was no lock on the cage, only a glowing blue rune... It would probably be impossible to break with tools, and he was a caster, not an enchanter, so he could probably not break the magic seal by himself. He was condemned to play it fair.

He had to get back to the inn naked and coated with cum, but fortunately, the city was rather empty, as everyone was watching the tournament. Sadly, the owner was also in the Coliseum, and he'd have to wait until the evening to take a bath...

Schoolmates - Part 2

Friday afternoon. The last day of school was about to end, and Nanashi was wondering what he was going to do during the weekend. The last chemistry lesson was boring as hell, so he discreetly drew his phone from his pocket and sent a message to Malik,...

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"You should definitely stop staring at him, man," Malik declared. "One day, he'll notice, and he'll beat the shit outta you. I mean, come on! In the locker room, in the shower... If I can see it, so can he." Nanashi shrugged. "It's fine. You worry...

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