Welcome to the B.U.S.T. Club - Episode Two

Story by Galaxian_Mouse on SoFurry

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#2 of The B.U.S.T. Club

Pepe, Sylvester and Pitu continue their adventures in muscle sex within the old city set. I hope you enjoy the sexploits and growth of the three massive, hyper, muscle toons.

Welcome to the B.U.S.T. Club

Episode Two: Welcome to the City

This series contains copyright characters from a number of different series by a number of different companies and they are all copyright their respective owners. All characters featured are over 18 and are conscenting adults in the events that progress. These stories are not for profit and are only for fun... that being said... on with the fun parts.

Pitu gave the pair of Sylvester the cat and Pepe le Pew a little bit to regain their composure after what they had just seen. They were both silent and so he restated his question in his thick French accent, "Which painting would you like me to show you how to get into, mes amis?"

Sylvester blinked a few times, before he replied back with his signature lisp, "Just give us a moment."

Pepe looked around and marveled at the possibilities before he saw one that intrigued him with the night infinite possibilities. He pointed at a painting with a green light, "Zat one! Zat eez ze one we should go to."

Sylvester and Pitu looked at the portrait of a massive city from above. He scooped up Pepe and Sylvester in his massive arms and held them close to his gargantuan pecs as he said, "Right zen. Ere we go!"

Without any warning he simply leaped into the painting and the trio found themselves falling and falling fast towards the ground. Pepe and Sylvester gripped to the massive pecs hard as the ground was coming up fast. Pitu just chuckled.

Then they hit with a massive boom that shook the city scape like an earthquake. Cars flew off the street around them, a crater sixty feet in radius and twenty feet deep formed on impact and the buildings on either side of the street from them collapsed to the ground. Pitu held his friends till the dust clouds cleared.

"Well zat was fun, no?" asked Pitu.

Pepe wrang his hands together, "I'm very excited, but what about the people?"

"Zese sets are abandonned as zey are not needed for any more cartoons," Pitu explained, "We can do whatever we like to zem. Do you know how many paintings and back drops zey make for our cartoons? Zere are so many."

"Well then let's flex on up!" Sylvester said excitedly. He flexed his muscles in his smaller form. He flexed again and got a bit bigger. He hit another pose and swelled larger and larger still. He kept flexing and growing till he reached Pitu's height, his clothes were as thought they had been painted on, one more mighty flex and his shirt and pants shredded off, leaving him naked, buff, and ten feet tall with a two foot long soft cock that hung over his twin beach ball sized testes. He stomped the ground and made a crack explode forth from his massive foot that shattered the street and went to a nearby building, collapsing it down on itself, "What do you think?"

Pitu let his cock do the talking for him as it ripped out of his thong in a moment, and hung in the air from his body at a 90 degree angle and eight feet long. Precum ran down the buff skunk's cock as he watched the flexing cat.

Pepe chuckled and said, "Zat is pretty good, but let's see what zis skunk can work up pour vous."

With that he adjusted his jeans and then straightened his leather jacket. The romantic french skunk had years of experience to play off of and decided to take a bit more time in his foreplay. He started by pulling a boom box out from nowhere then rested it on his shoulder. He hit the play button and a jazzy tune started to play.

Pepe le Pew started to dance a sensual dance and led the pair of toons out of the landing crater. They walked into a nearby building with a fancy lobby and he set the boom box down. He got a bit more sensual in his dance then started to flex. Little by little the skunk began to grow. his muscles got bigger and bigger till he stood seven feet tall and his massive muscles filled the leather jacket and blue jeans till they were stretched totally taught. Sylvester and Pitu watched with mouths agape, drooling on their hard, eight foot long erections.

The skunk turned and shook his bulbous bubble but at them through the tight jeans. That's when he flexed his calves and they exploded out of his blue jeans, turning them into jean shorts. The skunk then turned to face them, the massive bulge in his pants forcing his zipper to nearly bust open as the skunk's thick, soft. cock snaked down to his knees. He stretched his arms out to his sides and then brought up his right bicep to a flex causing his arm to burst from the sleeve, leaving only a leather cuff. He flexed his left bicep and the leather popped loudly and sent leather fragments everywhere. The leather jacket was then reduced to a mere leather vest with cuffs at his wrists.

The massive skunk bounced his pecs, that protruded far from his jacket, in time to the beats of his song. He encircled the massive toons with him and traced his hands over their gargantuan musculatures with a smile. that's when he brought his arms down and let out a sensual moan as he flexed all his muscles at once, then in a moment he grew from a mere seven feet of muscle skunk to twelve feet so that the other toons faces only came up to his pecs. The skimpy clothing that was on him was exploded off by impossibly strong muscles in but a moment. The fragments of denim and leather bounced off the faces and muscles of his fellow muscle toons. His massive cock dwarfed that of Sylvester and Pepe as it stood erect as long as they were tall. Ten feet of sensual throbbing skunk cock that spurted precum like a firehose.

"Zat... zat... zat was..." Pitu was at a loss for words.

"That was incredible..." Sylvester trailed off, "I want you both inside me... NOW!"

Pepe and Pitu looked to one another and grinned. Pepe leaned into his cousin, "You take ze front and I will take ze back?"

"Zen we can meet in ze middle and zen some, cousin," smiled Pitu.

Sylvester purred loudly as Pitu walked up from behind and put his hands in the sexy cat's armpits. Then he lifted up his soon to be lover. Pepe had to push his cock down as it wanted to point straight up and he was afraid it would go through the 15 foot high ceiling with how turned on he was. He moved in position with Pitu to guide Sylvester's rump right to that massive thick throbbing skunk shaft.

Once in position Pepe asked, "Are you ready my pretty kitty?"

Sylvester grinned, "I've never been so ready for anything in my whole life."

Pepe then started to thrust forward to that cat that faced him, while Pitu pushed him down onto that massive cock, impaling him and bulging the cat's belly with a clear outline of the cock showing as he stretched oh so nicely.

Pepe pulled Sylvester all the way down to the hilt of his throbbing skunk meat. The black and white cat's balls rested on the black and white skunk's invincible abs. Pepe grabbed that eight foot long cat cock and wedged the slick slab between his gargantuan pecs, they wrapped around the super thick rod in it's entirety. He then grabbed Sylvester by the ankles and willed his cock to lower the cat. Sylvester's mouth was already agape as Pitu got in position.

Pitu pressed his cock against Sylvester's lips and the tremendous and super strong cat sucked so hard that it pulled the hypermasculine skunk forward till his balls rested on his sizable red nose. The cat's sucking went so hard and fast that he drug Pitu across the floor leaving twin indentations where his feet dragged and destroyed the tiles and stone beneath just from his sheer weight.

With Pepe holding his ankles and Pitu grabbing his pecs, the skunk cocks ground against each other within the belly of the beastly cat and made him moan. Sylvester reached up to fondle and squeeze the skunk balls that rested on his nose and he inhaled deeply. Pepe and Pitu began to thrust in and out of the massive Sylvester, only encouraging him to flex harder and grow even larger as they did. The sheer force of their pounding shook the twenty story building's foundations and the weight of their massive muscled bodies caused the floor beneath their growing feet to crack. The three grew with one another as Sylvester got the pounding of his life.

The cat's massive cock fucked between Pepe's white furred skunk pecs till it hit the ceiling with his thrusts and broke through like it were made of tissue paper, causing rubble to rain down on the group. Pepe and Pitu soon realized they had evened out at the same height when their heads hit the ceiling in unison. They ducked down but their growth continued against the fifteen foot tall ceiling and soon they stood together and let their heads blow through to the next floor. The grinding of their massive bodies in time with Sylvester's cock thrusts into the next floor caused the floor above them to simply collapse around them, giving them an even greater space to continue the grand fucking.

It must have been a span of twenty minutes they went on till both skunks and the cat would have stood twenty five feet tall. Their feet having cratered the ground around them from the sheer weight of all that pounding, writhing, incredibly strong musculature. That crater wasn't enough to keep the twenty foot long humanoid cock of Sylvester from pounding into the next floor though but among all that writhing and thrusting the cat let out a moan.

It was sudden and it was powerful. His cock suddenly expanded another five feet in length to really impale that ceiling and it doubled in thickness. His balls tensed with such ferocity that they shook Pepe in his thrusting. Then he came. The hyper masculine cock sandwiched between Pepe's pecs erupted. It fired forth with a force that filled floor after floor with his cum and just kept shooting till it blasted the building away from atop them and shot into the sky. He fired with such a force and volume that the cum rained down for miles around. Pepe and Pitu were so turned on by the sight that they scarcely had time to react before shooting off themselves.

The two massive skunk cocks, that frotted inside Sylvester erupted at the same time and with a volume equal to Sylvester's own. His muscles were so strong that he was able to keep it all in him and he flexed hard to keep from expanding too large, but despite that, he expanded from the thousands and thousands of gallons erupting in him regardless. They came so hard that Pitu forgot to hold on and the power of his cock erupting blasted him away from his lovers.

He was flung back after a good thousand gallon spurt of cum over Pepe and Sylvester but it didn't stop there. He turned and aimed his cock to fire a tidal wave of cum that blasted through every building he took aim at. Meanwhile Pepe's grip slipped with all the cum and precum that had blasted over his hands from the massive cat and he fired him like a bullet several blocks away.

Pitu kept aiming at buidings and blasting them down while Pepe did the same, though not intentionally, he was more concerned with Sylvester. He leaped into the air, still blasting cum and only blasted himself back away from the cat of his desire. He landed with an impact that took out the city block around him as his orgasm finally came to an end.

When Pepe and Pitu tapered off they found each other and then ran, plowing through buildings and cars after Sylvester. They found a massive bloated cat as big as a McDonalds, laying atop his own belly and leaking more cum than a whole city of men could cum in a month. He saw the others approach and smiled, "That was some of the most fun I've ever had."

Pepe breathed a sigh of releif when he noticed all of their cocks were still rock hard. That's when they saw it come in from above. It headed towards the city like a rocket and landed on a building, collapsing it down to a pile of rubble in a single blow. The trio stared through the dust of the collapsed building that was just across the street from them but found the toon hard to make out.

An incredible amount of dust was kicked into the air by the impact and that's when they heard the mousey voice, "Oh no... I'm allergic to dust... ah... ahhhhh.... Ahhhhh.... AHHHHHHH... CHOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

The tornado that billowed forth from sneezer the mouse put even the most powerful winds of Earth to shame. He erupted with such force that it not only cleared the dust cloud but half the remaining buildings of the city in the process. They saw the 9 foot tall mouse sanding with a heroic pose after as he looked to them and said, "Bless me..."

He let out a high pitched chuckle and then walked over to the others, crushing rocks under his heavy feet as he did. Sylvester clenched up and flexed his muscles hard, using the protein and only becoming bigger. He now sat on the ground a hundred foot tall cat with and eighty foot long erection which dripped a small river of precum down it's length. The cat let out a burp and said, "Scuse me."

"What do you say mes amis?" asked Pitu in his French accent as he flexed a bit larger, "What would you like to do now?"

Pepe and Sneezer, not to be outdone, started flexing up larger as well, "What say we fuck till we crack ze Earth's crust?"

Everyone shared a devious grin and let the real fun begin.

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