Nom-U: Synth Studies

Story by akeroh on SoFurry

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#5 of Vores

Considering how often the faculty and students are indisposed by their vorish tendencies, NOM-U is still a hotbed of groundbreaking and field-leading research. However, it should be absolutely no surprise that the fields that they contribute to most are the study of vore and bio-synthetics. Their easy access to willing test subjects and the researchers' literal hard-on for their discipline means that they attract and train the best and can easily perform tests that many others simply cannot.Professor Michael is one of the leading researchers in the fields of bio-synthetic organisms. His work has led to deep advancements in the world's understanding of AI-based sophonts and their strange and intricate anatomy. With hordes of willing students eager for extra credit opportunities, he has plenty to choose from while experimenting on his synthetic raptor, Vigo, who certainly doesn't seem to mind the extra fuel and fluids.Kirsten, with her cybernetic arm, has always found herself deeply interested in the particular combination of Michael's field of study. Though only a freshman, she immediately caught the good professor's eye. Whether that was because of the shark's bust or because of her passion for bio-synths, he's never admitted.Michael has run into a simple problem studying Vigo's curious replication fluid pathways; all the students that he's crammed down the raptor's cock haven't been able to give him back the data he needs. Vigo and Kirsten, however, have a plan.

"Well, I mean, there's not much more we're gonna figure out from shoving more students into him, Mike," Kirsten said, rubbing her temple as she poured over her tablet.

"I don't know..." The professor said, lounging back in his chair to stare at the ceiling as he worked through their last experiment in his head.

"As much as you two seem to enjoy watching your wards disappearing into me, I must agree. Simply put, the students do not seem to know what they should be looking for." Vigo said.

Michael closed his eyes, nodding as he thought. Kirsten sighed, tossing her tablet onto the science room's tables with a clatter, crossing her arms in front of her. The fingers of her right hand drummed on her other arm, the mechanical joints moving with an alien smoothness. Sleek, jet black muscles flexed along her forearm to drive the prosthetic. Her eyes traced over the raptor that was sprawled out over the other counter. His soft, sleek flesh dented as his sprawl pushed up against the gas valves and support beams for the racks above. However, those static depressions were a far cry from the squirming bulges that pushed out on the feral synth's huge, swollen balls.

"I mean, it's taken me more than a semester to even start figuring out what we're even trying to look for. I've read most of your work and all the notes you've given me, but AP Bio didn't prepare me for this. I'm still trying to understand the regular digestion processes we're going over in class. I know I couldn't tell you what you're asking some of the test subjects if it were me inside of Vigo." Kirsten said.

Vigo nodded, raising his head off a forepaw to yawn wide. It was a biologically useless gesture for him, a lifeform that would be comfortable in the vacuum of space. Conversationally, it had a wealth of meaning to the creatures that he was showing off his slick, cushy maw for. "Even the advanced students that you have been shoving into me have been less helpful than you have wished. Have you considered that your questions simply might not encompass the whole of what you wish to learn?"

"Yes, yes. I know you're getting frustrated with having to show off all your meals to me." Michael said.

"I do not mind displaying my meals, but taking them with a myriad of sensors and the two of you poking and prodding me instead of properly pleasuring me while I digest my fuel has dampened my enjoyment of refueling as of late."

"Vigo, you know we still haven't found any proof that fucking you while you digest organics meaningfully changes the process." The otter shot back.

"I am still eager for more testing. I have several more hypotheses to vigorously disprove."

Kirsten rolled her eyes, shifting to sit down on the countertop facing the synth, resting her back up against the wall. "Man, I still can't believe I had a guy at the last synth rally come up to me and yell about how AI's are just computers."

"Was that you on the news getting maced during that rally?" Michael asked.

"Nah, that was some other busty shark gal with an old-style mechanical arm. Totally different shirt, you see." Kirsten said.

"So that is the mark of a true sophont, then? Co-opting reproductive drives for a rush of endorphins?" Vigo asked, a wry smirk crossing his muzzle.

"Oh come off it, mech. You like to, how do you put it, 'dispose of excess replication fluid' even more than I do. Hell, it's half the reason my doctorate thesis is about how synths managed to develop ways to turn organic matter into reproductive fluids." Michael said with a wave of his hand.

"It would be tremendously difficult to self-manufacture a viable facsimile without utilizing the delicious variability provided by organic matter, my curious creature," Vigo said.

"As you've told us so many times before. It makes sense, right, professor? Just about all creatures need some kind of randomness introduced in order to make, well, genetics and evolution even viable." Kirsten said.

Michael nodded, staying quiet as his toes tapped at the air; his mind was elsewhere, working on some question that the last experiment had brought up. He sighed and shook his head as the particular train of thought he was working on settled itself comfortably into another dead end. "Of course it makes sense, but the actual methods and pathways are completely alien to any form of non-synthetic life we've encountered so far."

Stretching along the counter with a pleasured noise, Vigo splayed himself out to show off the softening bulges in his sac. His orbs had already smoothed out some from the skin-tight, latex-like wrap around the student. His shaft relaxed over his thigh, twitching every so often as the student struggled inside of his stretchy sac. He reached down to fondle his thick cock in front of the others, groping along the thick ebony length. His fingers followed the glowing purple lines along the sides of his dick up to his tip. He gave that softer spot a few squeezes before his fingers traced along the gaping entrance to his cock, slipping a short digit into press around, watching the glowing purple lines shift and distort as the circuitry pattern that covered his cockhead bulged out with his finger. "Correct. It is not like I have slutty carbon molecules to bind to every passing element. I continually offer to tell you how my digestion processes work, Michael." Vigo said.

Michael rolled his eyes. "And listen to another half-hour of you recounting how good it feels to digest organics at a level of abstraction far too high to be useful. If it boils down to 'I stuff them into my balls and digest them', it might make for a good story to stroke off too, but it's not why we're here."

"Then we have to go find you some other people to digest or else you complain of being 'hungry' all night," Kirsten said.

"If you insist on having me breed you while I explain the finer points of my reproductive system, I will certainly need to replenish my stores when the previous stock is dripping down your thighs," Vigo said.

Kirsten huffed, crossing her arms. "Like you're going to be able to get away with talking about stuffing your cock in excruciating detail and not get me horny."

"Yes, yes, we certainly know how much you enjoy it. We're getting off track. Either way, Vigo isn't going to be able to describe the chemical processes any more than we'd be able to describe how our nuts make cum." Michael said.

Kirsten nodded and sighed, looking down over the sprawled synth. Vigo seemed like he could care less; he was simply enjoying the process of overfilling his balls. After a few more moments of silence, a wide grin began to spread across the raptor's muzzle. "You would know what to look for." Vigo said, he gaze falling on the naked professor.

Michael scoffed, shaking his head. "You've been trying to talk me into your balls for weeks, Vigo. I won't be able to handle all the observations from outside if I'm in there."

Vigo's grin only widened. Kirsten swallowed, before looking between the two of them. "Well, I mean..." She started.

The professor's eyes turned to her, but Vigo stayed staring at the hybrid otter. Michael raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. "We could add some luminescent markers to you to, ah, give you enough light to study the other markers? And since I've been assisting you, you've had me do pretty much every step over the course of our experiments."

"Are you intimidated by the thought of diving down your pet robot's dick, Professor Michael? You've exhaustively explained and experimented the infinite attributes to me, so there should be little risk." Vigo said.

Michael huffed. "If I do it once, you'll never stop begging to digest me again, you dirty dino."

"Don't you trust me, sir? Not feeding his dick doesn't seem to have stopped him bugging you about it, anyway." Kirsten said.

Michael sighed, reaching down to knead on the raptor's flank. The synth cooed and stretched lazily out again, spreading his legs a little more to press his smooth, pliable skin against the snake-otter's fingers. "We'll call you in eaten tomorrow and keep stuffing students into me if you're unable to process enough data," Vigo said.

"I enjoy watching people slide down that cock as much as you do, but this might be the best way to a breakthrough. You know what you're doing, and it takes Vigo, what, an hour to digest his prey if he's trying to go slow."

"That should be more than enough time for you to get all the data you need," Vigo said.

The otter's throbbing dicks betrayed him. Both his hemipenes were stiff in front of him as he shook his head. "It might also be the fastest way to get the two of you to stop badgering me about it, too. That alone might be worth it."

Vigo nodded quickly, showing off his teeth in a wide grin. "With haste, then. There will still be time to examine my previous meal."

Kirsten couldn't help but grin as well. Her crossed arms had shifted, letting her fingers surreptitiously fondle her nipples as they talked, but they soon released from their stroking down to reach down to grope the raptor's beefy cock. The shaft flexed in her fingers, the synthetic flesh straining against the smooth steel and carbon fiber of her unnatural hand. Her fingers groped it, enjoying the heat of the synth's dick with the tingling nerves built into her hand--A luxury that she wouldn't be enjoying without their study of synth life. Vigo groaned and stretched out again, grinding his drooling cock forward to drip thick precum over the countertop. A few lines of color, some greens and blues, mixed with the clear fluid. "Looks like he's already done in there, professor," Kirsten said.

The otter glanced back over, a bottle of thick lube in his hand as he slathered the substance over his shoulders and front. He took a bit of extra time to stroke along his drooling hemi's, his thick tail swaying behind him before he padded over to the other two. "It's been a while since I've been vored at all." He said.

"I saw you squirming in professor Noodle's belly last week," Vigo said.

"Yeah, but I haven't gotten eaten since. Been a couple days, that's a lot longer than most people go here." Michael said.

"Well, come on and end that dry spell, prof," Kirsten said.

"I'm going, I'm going," Michael said.

Vigo's chuckle was slow and robotic. He shifted again, the raptor bringing his chest up, leaving his flank resting on the countertop. His heavy dick rested across his thigh and his swollen nuts still laid over the countertop. One had rolled into the sink, stretching his sac out across the cool metal. His toes splayed and wiggled at the otter, earning the big paws and his large, sharp claws a grope from Michael's sticky hand. "I require some assistance getting into position, student Kirsten." He said.

The shark nodded, reaching over to help adjust the raptor. The synth squirmed himself up into a sitting position, relying on Kirsten to shift his overfilled nuts into position. Her fingers sank into the sleek skin of his sac, enjoying the different kinds of warmth between her mismatched hands. The synth's churning balls sloshed as they rolled across the smooth skin inside, forcing Kirsten to be careful while she lifted his heavy sac up over the counter to let it drape down over the cabinets. Her hands continued groping and massaging over the sloshing balls in their huge sac. Vigo smirked, enjoying the treatment as the pair turned him into the center of attention. "Yes, study me...Professor Michael, it is your turn to dive down my shaft. How much time will you need?" He asked with a mischievous smirk across his muzzle.

The otter reached down, groping the raptor's thick cock with a hand. As the lube mixed with the synth's precum, a soft blue glow began to emanate from the fluid, leaving colorful drops along the raptor's shaft. The translucent, luminescent fluid contrasted with the purple lines Vigo's stiff cock, clinging to the various ridges and veins that gave the rest of his jet-black dick texture. "At least fifteen minutes. I know you can slow your process enough to give me almost an hour. Vigo, I swear, if you digest me too fast..." He trailed off as his fingers shifted up to fondle the very tip of the raptor's cock.

"Then we will simply have to do the experiment again," Vigo replied.

Michael huffed, shaking his head. "I'll be very cross with you. I'll have to withhold treats!" He threatened.

Vigo scoffed, before giving a soft gasp as one of the otter's fingers wormed its way into his cock tip, spreading his cum slit around the digit. He'd tightened up some since his recent meal, but as his sleek internal flesh clenched around the finger, he found his shaft's eager gulps to be markedly weaker than they had been earlier. "I am not your pet, excepting the times when I put the collar on. I'll simply head outside and refuel on any number of willing organics." Vigo scoffed.

"Thing is, the collar's the treat, my cute robopup." Michael grinned.

Vigo narrowed his eyes at the otter, but his legs spread out a little more. "As much a treat for me as you, owner Michael."

"Gods, that would look cute," Kirsten said, "Such a big, vicious, man-eating robo-raptor, stuck with a dripping stiffy on the end of a leash. Remind me sometime, we could get some badass pictures."

"You know my price for play, student Kirsten." Vigo rumbled.

"As much a treat for me as you. Yeah, yeah." Kirsten shot back.

Michael chuckled, shaking his head. He glanced over to look up at Kirsten; she would be bright for a senior, but she was barely halfway through her freshman year. He knew they'd be getting a lot of work done during her education, at least until her bend towards prosthetics took her more towards that side of bio-engineering than his focus on synthetic biology. For the time being, though, he was more than happy to have her working with him. "What's the holdup, Mike? Vigo looks pretty eager." She said.

"Oh, sorry. Just thinking about some things. Be sure to watch for markers and measure out the bulges." He said.

"Yep, I've got calipers and my table right here. Go ahead and feed him." She said.

Michael smiled, turning his attention back to the raptor. His fingertips stroked along the synth's glowing cock tip, squeezing through the tip to feel his digit inside the male's shaft. The raptor gave a soft huff, his big hindpaws pressing back up against the front of the cabinets as he lounged back, settling in to enjoy the process. Kirsten stepped up behind the otter, one hand reaching down to rub along the otter's hips, pressing her crotch against the base of the otter's tail. "Alright, alright, I'll stuff him faster." He said.

She giggled behind him and he pulled his hand back, sliding his finger out of the raptor's clenching tip. He started to stroke the first few inches of that cock with his pointer and thumb, squeezing his other fingers together to press them against the raptor's slit. The synth groaned when those fingers started to sink into his lubed cock. The lubricant dripped down his shaft, dripping onto his swollen balls. Strands of the viscous fluid lit up as they mixed with the precum drooling from the productive raptor.

The raptor's cock spread after a small amount of prodding, enough to tease the otter and let those fingers sink into his shaft. The raptor gave a soft groan as he glanced down from his reclining position to watch the otter's fingers bulging out his tip, forcing the purple circuit pattern to stretch across the durable ebony flesh. His shaft quickly adjusted to the insertion, however. After only a few pumps, the otter's fingers slit back and forth without any resistance at all.

Kirsten's hand slipped around his hips as she ground her slit against the base of his tail. Her breasts, lab coat pushed to the sides, mashed in against the professor's back as she pressed her weight against him, guiding him down. Michael shook his head with a giggle as his horny compatriots, lifting his other hand. He wasn't gentle this time, pulling his other set of fingers out to the tips before he slammed both hands down into the synth's cock.

A roar leaped out of the synth's mouth, leaving his tongue hanging out of his mouth. He attempted to slurp the wet muscle back up off his chest, but he was interrupted by the otter forcing himself down to the elbows. He gave up trying to yank his long tongue back after the next few inches jammed into his shaft, leaving the drool-slick muscle draped over his jaw and chest. Michael licked his lips, looking down hungrily as he watched his arms spreading the raptor's thick shaft, giving him a view down the synth's cock, lit by the glowing lubricant.

The creature's flesh was strikingly different from the feel of organic skin. Being used to soft pelts and warm skin, the raptor's flesh was smooth enough to make organic skin feel rough. With the addition of a small amount of precum or lubricant, Vigo's flesh was sleek enough to be almost frictionless. Considering the chemical makeup that formed the synth's body, Michael wasn't surprised that it felt much like latex or rubber without its grippy cling. It was softer, more pliable, too--The texture was completely alien and much stranger than most anything else, but to Michael and a great many others, it was intensely enjoyable.

"With haste, Professor Michael. With so much replication fluid stored, I cannot bear too much foreplay." Vigo growled.

Chuckling, the otter started to lean in, sinking his arms into the synth's stretching shaft. His fingers splayed open as they reached the base of the raptor's heavy cock. The lubed digits splayed as they hit the lake of warm seed inside of the synth, and he could feel a few tiny, pleasurable tingles starting over his hands. "Vigo..." Michael warned.

The synth grinned at the otter, his stretched cock giving a powerful tug at the professor's arms. "I'll digest you as slowly as I can." He said.

"That's hardly a gar-" Michael started.

He was interrupted by two sets of hands gripping his head and forcing his head and shoulders into the raptor's straining shaft. Vigo's muzzle wore a wide grin, matching the one on Kirsten's face as she pulled her arms back from the synth's shaft with a schlorp. Liquid strung between the shark's fingers, a mix of the lubricant coating the professor and the raptor's precum. Michael squirmed, but Kirsten's hips kept him mostly pinned inside of the synth's insatiable shaft. "Thank you for the assistance, student Kirsten." He said.

Kirsten stuck her tongue out at the raptor, taking her time grinding and working her crotch against the otter's tail base. Michael's grumpy rumbling was muffled by the synth's body, as thick fluid and strong, alien flesh squished around his upper half. "We're gonna have to do this a couple times, aren't we?" She asked.

"Of course, student Kirsten. Food Michael simply wiggles too pleasurably for me to hold back my body for too long." He said, giving a playful wink at the shark.

Kirsten giggled, reaching down to grab Michael's squirming hips. She kept his tail between her legs as she hefted him up, shoving him past the chest into the synth. That thick tail dragged along her slit, coating the lube-slick tail with a mix of her honey. "Right. I suppose we'll have to add, "Synths can lose control of their digestive processes after high enough capacity or arousal to our observations?" She said.

"Oh, of course not. That statement implies a great many hypotheses to disprove, and as entertaining as they would be, it is simply untrue and I will not have my name attached to such a falsehood." He huffed.

Kirsten grinned. "Naughty raptor. You're just digesting him faster because you know we'll have to feed him to you again if you do."

A wide grin spread Vigo's muzzle. "I promise he'll be able to make some valuable observations each time. In hindsight, fluid Michael will realize that the requirement of personal observation invited this exact scenario."

"I think he knew that going in. I thought you said that you were going to give him an hour?" Kirsten asked.

"I claimed it was a physical possibility." Vigo said, winking at the shark.

Kirsten grinned, reaching down to grip the otter's thighs. Her hands brushed her professor's throbbing shafts. The male's hybrid hemipenes drooled over the cabinet doors and the raptor's legs. Vigo moaned before relaxing back again, his tongue lolling back out as he enjoyed the large creature squirming inside of his gulping shaft.

Inch after inch of the sleek otter's torso disappeared down the synth's slick shaft. The muscular, stretchy cock gulped, letting precum and glowing lube slough from Vigo's stretched tip. He was only putting on a show for the shark. After so much study, they knew exactly what the synth was capable of. They'd seen him snap down a meal in a few seconds, but Kirsten knew that the synth was savoring this treat.

She was, too. Her mechanical hand slipped off the professor's ass to slide down between her legs. Her lube-slick fingers worked along her honey-slick slit while her other hand continued her vain efforts to shove the otter down the synth's cock. Vigo's shaft kept his own pace with powerful clenches that dragged inch after inch of the otter's torso into his bulging cock. Finally, his tip pressed against the otter's hips.

His glowing tip strained to force around the final big swell of the otter's body. The otter's shafts flexed up, bumping against the underside of the synth's straining cock tip. Mixed precum and lube spread over the synth's sleek flesh, letting Michael's cocks slide smoothly over the synth's stretched flesh. His arms and head swelled out the synth's sac and his arms bulged out the smooth flesh. His fingers groped at the walls of those already-overfilled balls, stirring the mix of seed inside of the synth's nuts while his fingers pushed out against the pliable walls of the creature's slick sac.

A deep moan drew itself from Vigo's muzzle as he flexed again. That cock tugged, hard, and spread the tip apart to accept the whole of the otter's hips and half his thighs. A muffled moan sounded from between the raptor's spread legs as Michael's dicks slid into the massaging walls of the synth's predatory cock. The raptor shivered, arching his hips up off the table as his shaft tugged harder, overstimulated from the powerful stretch but eager to finish off the meal. Kirsten's fingers worked inside of her slit as she leaned back against the opposing counter. Her sharp teeth gnawed on her lower lip as her fingers spread her lips while watching the professor's legs disappear into the synth's shaft.

The raptor's balls hung almost to the floor. Synth flesh was incredibly elastic, but it was still a feat to contain so much seed. Vigo's tongue was still draped along his chest and out of his mouth, but it reeled back as he gave Kirsten a wink and a smirk. He reached down, holding his cock up to make sure she got a perfect view. Kirsten moaned as she watched Michael's webbed toes splay before they slipped into Vigo's sloppy, drooling cock slit. Kirsten hissed in pleasure as she watched the last of the professor's bulge travel down the underside of the synth's beefy cock and into the male's squirming sac. Her fingers were sticky with honey, and it was obvious that Vigo was just as aroused. "Gods, I'm never gonna get tired of that..." She mumbled.

Vigo grinned and nodded, shifting to grope his squirming, sloshing sac with his wide footpaws, showing off his large sac while he draped his cock down to aim his gaping, drooling tip at the shark. "Nor will I, though I will wager that food Michael will grow tired long before he finishes his observations." He said, with a cocky smirk.

"Mngh, as long as long as he puts on a show like that." She said.

"I'll make certain that he does. Now, student Kirsten..." Vigo trailed off.

Kirsten grunted, raising an eyebrow as her fingers dipped back into her slit. "Now that I contain a tremendous excess of replication fluid, I need to find some way to dispose of it," Vigo said.

"Just say you want to wreck me, robot. What about Michael?" She asked, shifting up onto the counter to give the raptor a better angle, though her eyes were still transfixed on the squirms and struggles of the otter inside the robot's overstuffed balls.

"Our esteemed researcher will be fully digested a few moments before he needs to be. He'll have a few minutes yet to make his observations, especially if you don't mind him squirming between your thighs while I breed you, student Kirsten." Vigo answered.

Kirsten returned the synth's cocky smirk, spreading her legs as she positioned herself back against the counter. She gripped the edge, watching Vigo shift himself down. He landed with a surprising amount of grace, his strong legs flexing as his squirming, swollen balls hung a bare inch off the floor. Those huge nuts pressed his legs apart and each step jostled the sloshing seed and squirming otter inside.

Kirsten's mechanical fingers wrapped around Vigo's messy cock as soon as he approached, the strong mechanical hand squeezing and sliding along the synth's well-lubed circuits. Her fingers took a moment to fondle along the raptor's stretched tip, dipping a pair of fingertips into the warm tunnel inside of Vigo's cock. The synth growled appreciatively, grinding his hips up to sink those fingers down to the shark's second knuckle, his cock flexing against the grip of her other hand.

His long tongue dragged up the shark's front, slurping from her smooth belly all the way up to one of her heavy breasts. She reached out with her other arm to hug the raptor's long head in against her chest, pressing her nipple against the synth's slick muscle. The creature's flesh was barely cool to the touch. Her fingers began to pump in the raptor's cumslit, bucking back and forth inside of the male's glowing purple tip. He suffered only a handful of pumps before they drew back to let her fingers wrap around the raptor's beefy base. She took careful aim, letting the raptor's cockhead grind along her thighs and brush over her wet slit, before she settled the male's pointed tip against her entrance.

A cry of pleasure tore itself from her throat as the raptor slammed in. His powerful legs drove the whole of his cock deep into her welcoming, soft tunnel. A soft hydraulic hiss escaped his muzzle as his cock throbbed inside of her slit, giving the raptor a few moments to adjust. Vigo, however, was not merciful--those few seconds of holding still were all that Kirsten was going to get.

Kirsten managed to wrap her legs around the back of the raptor's legs in the break, feeling the synth's huge nuts squirming between her thighs. While her ankles were struggling to hook together, Vigo slammed himself forward. His shorter forelegs wrapped around the shark's torso and hips, pinning her against him as his powerful thighs and hips pumped back and forth. The raptor's thick stretched cock sank deep into Kirsten's heated slit, pounding almost to her cervix with little care for his stretched size.

She could do little more than hold on, her hips pinned between the counter's edge and the synth's industrially-strong grip. Her heavy bust mashed against Vigo's muzzle and her sleek skin slid along the synth's smooth, vinyl-like hide. The raptor's hips continued a punishing rhythm. His shaft pumped deep inside of the shark's heated cut, spreading her lips wide around his ridges and his thick base as his heavy nuts smacked her rump and legs. Each thrust dragged a mix of her fluids and his precum from her slit, captured by the thick ridges on his cock to drool down over his swollen balls.

He could still feel Michael squirming around in his sloshing sac. Vigo was certain that the otter would have more than a few choice words for him after this. For now, his ire didn't matter except for the entertained smirk dancing across the synth's muzzle. Michael he would know exactly what was going on. Kirsten didn't envy him trying to keep his concentration either, with so much seed sloshing around him and his body plowing into her thighs with each of the synth's mechanical humps.

Her whole body quaked each time the synth's hips slammed into hers. Her slit ached, but the slight, dull pain only served to contrast with the intense pleasure shooting through her. The synth's cock touched every little pleasure spot inside of her and strained her in all the right ways. The creature's feral thrusts jerked her back against the counter, but her hands and Vigo's forelegs kept her pressed close as she rode the horny creature. "Ooh, f-fuck, Vigo...Gods, that cock!" She moaned out.

The raptor growled, giving another long, slow lick up the shark's front as his hips continued their measured thrusts. Slick flesh clenched around his thick cock, sending tingles of pleasure through his whole form. Each time he bottomed out and his balls smacked against the shark's thighs, he could feel the professor digesting a little bit more. His orgasm was approaching faster than the otter's processing, however. He didn't seem to mind and his thrusts only gained speed.

Kirsten's breasts bounced against Vigo's muzzle as his thrusts sped up faster. She moaned, her arms reaching back to grab the synth's back, her fingers digging into his rubbery flesh hard. Her prosthetic fingers made deeper dents in the synth's flesh. Vigo let out a growl, returned by the shark. His thrusts changed rhythm as he felt her clench and tense around his cock, slowing but giving powerful, deep bucks before burying every last inch of his cock into her.

Her form quaked each time the raptor bottomed out inside of her. Her fingers clawed at the raptor before she leaned forward to bite his neck. Her teeth sunk into the raptor's flesh. The sharp teeth dented deep into the creature's flesh, rocking each time the male's muscles tensed, but never quite managed to break the resilient machine's external layer.

The shark's needy cries of pleasure were muted by her mouthful. Her body did all the talking instead. Her fingers scrabbled and dug into the raptor as her whole body tightened around him, yanking him close and barely letting him pull back for this thrusts. Her slit clenched hard around his shaft before the muscular tunnel started to twitch. Her honey splashed out over their thighs and the raptor's stuffed balls.

Vigo's form hissed as he slammed in a few more times, treasuring the feel of the shark's tight tunnel clenching and spasming around his cock. Each clench from her sent tingles of pleasure through his whole form. Now, finally, after all the feeding, teasing, and after pleasuring this organic, he could trigger his orgasm.

With a growl, he gave one last pump. His cum tanks worked overtime, and as they pulled back, the last of the otter's melting form liquified. He added to the massive load of seed churning inside of Vigo. The bulges that had been smacking the vorephiliac shark's thighs were replaced with the cushy softness of the synth's swollen, smooth nuts.

His cock buried itself into the shark's slit, stuffing past the ridges until his vent pressed against her swollen nether lips. Kirsten let out a cry of pleasure as the very tip of the synth's cock pressed against her cervix, letting the first massive flood of his seed pour into her womb. With a dominant growl, Kirsten's limbs tugged the raptor as hard as she could against her as the machine bred her. Her thighs dug into Vigo's swollen containment units, denting them in as they tugged up closer to the raptor's body, as she rode out each pulse of seed pouring from the creature.

She could feel each flex of his cock inside of her. Each pump of seed was powerful enough to make the synth's cock swell inside of her. The sheer amount of cum pouring into her was not something she'd gotten used to, even after her various trysts with the well-fed mechanical raptor. Heat flooded her and her gut began to swell out, after the second blast of seed. Cum sloshed down over her legs and tail, splashing over the cabinets between pumps as the swells of each shot stifled the flow of seed from her slit. The bare moments between the synth's blasts allowed his thick, multicolored seed to pour out around his thick prick from her leaky slit.

The shark's grasp had turned into a cling. Vigo watched with a smirk as the shark panted and hung on to him as he held still. He was in no hurry to rush the process of pumping shot after shot of cum, with mechanical precision, into the shark's overfull slit. He could feel a growing pool of his converted seed growing around his paws, only filling out more with each pump. Kirsten's belly pushed out to grind against his scaled front. This other creature's curious anatomy allowed hom to push down against it and feel the slight increase in pressure around his cock.

After several long, messy minutes, his orgasm finally slowed. His modest nuts rested against Kirsten's rump while cum drooled around his cock. The shark let her teeth slip from Vigo's neck, gasping and panting as she tried to recover her breath. She slumped back against the cabinets as she relaxed in her afterglow. Her slit still twitched around the thick cock embedded in her; each of her motions made her squirm in pleasure as they shifted her body against the synth's rod. "Ah, wow..." She managed, looking down to examine her belly.

"You requested that I breed you, toy Kirsten?" Vigo said.

"Well, I mean...I suppose I should expect that from you now." She said, "Ah, crap."

Vigo raised an eye ridge at her exclamation.

"I totally forgot to write down the observations Mike wanted me to get." She said.

"Ah, I suppose we will have to do the experiment again. I know liquid Michael will certainly need to make more internal observations as well!" Vigo said with a cocky smirk.

Kirsten grinned wide, licking her lips. "Oops. I guess we'll have to do some more science."

Nom-U: Vorientation

"Welcome to North Oritani Middleton University. Yes, we're aware of the abbreviation and I'll bet it's why most of you are squirming in your seats! Hopefully soon, you'll be squirming in each other, too!" Dominica said. Drake Zania watched...

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Night at the Gym Pt 2/2

You're going to take that fat tiger cock and plow me into the shower wall. You're going to take that fat tiger cock and plow me into the shower wall. You're going to take that tiger cock and plow me into the shower wall. you're going to take that tiger...

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Night at the Gym pt. 1\2

Alien machines towered over Rod. Wrapped in twisting rubber sinew and formed of thick slabs of steel, invaded the room front of the tiger without explanation. Rod gulped, biting his lower lip as he gingerly reached down to prod one of the strange...

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