Monster Orphanage - Part 01

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#1 of Monster Orphanage (Monster Rancher story series)

This story was NOT written by me! It was written by Birdpup.

If you're interested in seeing more of this and other stories then contact me so we can try commissioning more stuff like it! :3

An anime/game like Monster Rancher have potential for lots of art and stories based on that universe. This is just one of those; what would happen if a bunch of dark/evil hares attacked an orphanage just to turn it into some kind of brothel and make the cubs work for them? Guess Wild Hare will find out that in the hard way! And yes it's based on this episode from the anime:

So totodice and me commissioned this first part with Birdpup based on that idea.

Are all pics inspired by this story series! I recommend for them to be looked at least so you know what exactly most of the characters of the story look like though you can also check those out for that:

"Alright kids, gather round. C'mon, dinner's ready."

A small congregation of orphaned cubs began to take seats around a large wooden table, as a lean brown furred Hare dispensed dish after dish, setting them out in front of every child. The silence of their eager faces were soon replaced with the low rumble of chewing and the clattering of wooden utensils against wooden plates. The main Hare himself slumped into a seat and sighed, leaning over a wooden plate of his own, fork in hand.

Wild Hare had been at the orphanage now for going on 6 months, not too long after his recent change of heart and career. Wild Hare had been a thief, specifically fighting against the 'Bad Monsters' around a world that everyone has come to know as 'Monster Farm'. In short, Wild Hare was in the side of the evil ruler, and current invading force known as Master Moo. He has worked in tandem with him and his troop, and inevitably framed two of his lifelong friends, Hare and Fairy. Eventually, through the efforts of his friends, he decided to make amends, which started with the work here in the Orphanage.

Many of these cubs have had their parents defeated and returned into their Disk forms, or their parents have turned to the side of Master Moo and left abandoned. Without a home, and without someone to guide them, they have struggled in life. Fairy, a pink furred hare, had been keeping an eye on them on her own for quite some time, and Wild Hare's return had made it particularly easier on her, to the point where she had taken all the female cubs on a trip of their own. The males couldn't complain, of course: they, too, had had a similar trip merely 2 weeks prior, and were now back into their scheduled routine of playing and eating, and sleeping.

Wild Hare toyed with his food, a mixture of meat and vegetables, and nibbled on it as he scanned over the cubs before him, all of whom were talking and chatting amongst themselves. He was partly glad that he had returned to this life: there was something rewarding about raising children, but part of him missed the action and adventure that he used to have. He certainly wasn't missing all the horrible things he had done, however.

Outside the orphanage in the dead of night, a group of Hares were patrolling the perimeter, talking amongst themselves in hushed tones. Their malice was obvious from their dark red eyes and navy and grey fur, but what confirmed their intentions were the insignias branded on their chest in a bronze broach: the symbols of Master Moo themselves.

"When're we gonna go in, boss?" One whispered to another, who was slightly larger than the rest, and presumed to be the leader. The taller Hare deliberated, wondering when the right time was.

"5 more minutes. I want to make sure we catch them by surprise..." He muttered. Their intentions were ones that were well justified, at least in their eyes. Wild Hare was considered a deserter to their cause, and deserters needed to be dealt with in an appropriate manner, to set an example. The Dark Hares muttered amongst themselves before they finally began to circle in around the perimeter of the Orphanage, stepping back the wooden gate and leaving it ajar. Two of them remained behind to keep watch, whilst a number of them spread out to wander around the yard. The number of Hares was simply too many to count, but there had to be over at least 20 of them.

A number of them stepped torwards the door, hovering just by it as they signalled to one-another, counting down from 3. One of them took the reigns and signalled the numbers down. When he gestured his hand towards the door, he struck it with their feet, kicking it open. Immediately, they were greeted to the sight of the eating children, who's heads whirled in the direction of the door, their eyes wide with fear. Wild Hare quickly rose to his feet as the Dark Hares suddenly swarmed in.

The quietness of the orphanage and replaced by the echoing screams of the fearful cubs, who were captured and subdued one by one, held into position or forced down by the various Hares, making sure they didn't have any opportunity to run. Two of the Dark Hares quickly forced the door shut as Wild Hare attempted to fight back, but even he was outnumbered, and quickly subdued by a good number of the evil Monsters. He was forced down onto his knees, his arms tied behind his back, and the Dark Hares chorused their triumph.

"Wow, that was too easy!" One exclaimed in delight.

"Yeah, let's trash the place!" Another was still pumped on adrenaline as he flipped a table, the plates of food scattering everywhere. Wild Hare gritted his teeth hand stared down them, a growl escaping his throat, but he knew he was powerless against them. They tipped tables and knocked over wooden ornaments in a cacophony of cheers and whoops, until they eventually began to quieten down.

"You bastards..." Wild Hare said after a while with a snarl. "I'll get you for this!"

"What're you gonna do, huh? Face it, Wild Hare. You've lost. We took control so easily, and there's no-one around here to save you now." One of them guffawed, and a fist wildly lashed out, punching across Wild Hare's jaw. He grunted in response to the assault, hanging his head.

"Uh...what do we do now, boss?" One of the Hares said after a moment, and the sheer gravity of the question forced the other Hares into a quiet silence as they deliberated their options.

"Let's stick around for a while," The leader of them decided. "It's been a long journey to get here, why not have some fun with it? Plenty of fresh meat around here to get our fill from...if you know what I mean."

Wild Hare widened his eyes, shocked by the sheer, off-cuff remark he had made. He wasn't sure what idea was worse: that they might eat the children, or do something altogether more horrible. Either option was sickening to the stomach.

Their first victim was a young bear cub, who was left cowering on the floor, a large foot planted down onto his back to keep him firmly against the ground. He was tiny in comparison to the other cubs, with a large head and round ears. A red scarf sat over his shoulders and neck, covering his chest. His large paws covered his eyes, his tiny body quivering. A Dark Hare approached him, gesturing for his comrade to ease off and let him stand.

Like most of the Monsters around the world, the need for clothes and modesty is more or less nonexistent. Nearly every Monster in the world doesn't care enough to wear any sort of garments, leaving themselves completely in the nude, and the Dark Hares are no different. Each one bears varying sizes of humanoid cocks, flaccid, with a hanging foreskin, and the poor Bear Cub is more or less the same. As he gets to his feet, the Dark Hare's eyes drift down and settle upon the dangling little cock hanging between the bear's legs.

"Beata, right? You think you got what it takes to withstand me?" The Dark Hare snapped, and in response, and the cub shook his head, covering his ears with his large paws. Slowly, the Dark Hare crouched down, a smirk playing upon his lips.

"Didn't think so." He yanked the cub closer, and forced his lips onto the boy's mouth. Beata squirmed in protest and batted his fists against the Dark Hare's chest as the large tongue forced itself into his mouth, making him recoil in disgust. He felt a large furred hand around his underage genitals, and let out a muffled cry of fear as he felt the fingers toying around with his little cock, pulling and tugging it between his fingers.

Those that were watching were already getting aroused, toying with themselves at the sight of the Dark Hare molesting the young boy, and Wild Hare averted his gaze, snarling under his breath. This was wrong. This was disgusting. He could hear the cub's muffled cries of fear as the tongue smeared around the inside of the boy's mouth, tasting his spit as his fingers pulled back the boy's foreskin, exposing the head of his cock before sliding back up.

Despite the fear bubbling away in Beata's stomach, his body was reacting appropriate to the external stimulation, as each tug and yank of his cock stirred his little member into getting harder and harder. Even young Monsters like Beata and the others still managed to get hard and breed, which was a particularly common trait amongst most Monsters. Each touch and fondle only made it grow and grow, until the poor cub was stiff and aching, with each delicate rub making his entire body tingle with pleasure. Despite that, his eyes were wide and wild, the wet tongue pushing right down against his throat, spit dribbling from his chin.

"Look, he's getting hard. Who knew kids got so horny from a little rape?" One of the Dark Hares jeered from the sidelines, making a dark, horrible feeling stir in the pit of Beata's gut. The mouth finally pulled off his own and he was left quietly whimpering and panting, the tears trickling down his face. A hand curled around his rump and tugged him closer. He felt the heat of something pushing up against his body, and he looked down to see the Dark Hare's stiff, throbbing cock, sandwiched up against his own. He was considerably larger than the cub, at least 2, maybe 3 times his size. The large hand that had been fondling him now wrapped around both cocks at once, and began to vigorously rub the pair of them together.

There was a whole other level of pleasure when it came to frotting like this. Apart from the stimulation of the hand jerking his cock up and down, Beata could feel each pulse and twitch against his own member, the pre-cum dribbling down from the Dark Hare's cock and coating the pair of them. Beata had no idea what was going on, nor had he even been taught what masturbating was, and that fear was still particularly prevalent. His breath came out in shuddering, fear-stricken exhales, his entire body tense as the thick fingers yanked on his cock, coaxing tiny bears of pre-cum to the tip.

"You like it, don't you, kid?" The Dark Hare molesting him muttered, grinning to himself and staring eagerly down at their jerking cocks, watching the way the cub's little member twitched and pulsed in his grip. Beata shook his head and sniffled, but he couldn't deny how his body was reacting, of course. His member was eagerly responding to the pleasure in all the right ways, even if his mind didn't want to accept it. The jerking grew tighter and wilder, eventually turning irregular as the Dark Hare's breathing quickened and escalated, his chest heaving and his stomach tucking in.

Soon enough, Beata felt the same pleasure bubbling to the surface as he scrunched his eyes up, whimpering and panting harshly through his nose and mouth. His member was twitching and throbbing wildly from the stimulation, his hips pushing up against the jerking hand. He didn't want to like it. He wanted to hate it and be disgusted with it, but the pleasure was too immense for his underage body to comprehend.

Before he knew it, he was orgasming: tiny dribbles of cum escaped from the end of his cock and got caught up in his foreskin, coaxed out with every tug and movement. The collection of cum dribbled down as the foreskin was tugged back, dribbling down over the skin of his member. The Dark Hare watched with gusto and eventually let out a heated sigh of his own as he, too, orgasmed. His load was much more plentiful than the cub's own, and it was shown by the thick arc of cum that shot from the end of his member and caught Beata on the chin, before splattering down and covering the Hare's digits in tick, viscous, sticky seed.

Soon, their orgasms subsided, and the mess that the Dark Hare had made was almost copious. Strings of cum clung to his fingers and between their cocks, hanging in strings between them. The Dark Hare pulled back and Beata looked weak in the knees, taking a step back himself and trying to turn to leave. However, the Dark Hare wasn't quite finished with him yet, and he hooked his sticky hand around him, dragging him back. Beata shook his head and whimpered, but he wasn't going to let him go so easy. It took little resistance for him to shove the Bear cub to the ground, flipping him onto his back.

"I wonder if your body is as receptive here..." The evil Hare muttered, his hands massaging the boy's plump cheeks, before his thumbs slipped between the crack of his behind and spread his cheeks apart, his red eyes staring down at the taut pink button hidden beneath the plump flesh. Beata squirmed and struggled against him, but he felt a complete and utter lack of energy that made it far too difficult for him to resist. Before he could stop the Dark Hare, he felt the evil Monster's mouth sandwich itself between his cheeks.

He whimpered as he felt the warm appendage of the Hare's tongue right up against his ass, smothering his taut button with saliva. He assaulted the boy's pink ring with spittle, mashing his tongue against the sensitive flesh and swirling his tongue around, making the boy squirm and sniffle in response. His cheeks were flushed, and his body once again reacted to it in a positive manner, despite his mindset. His body liked it, but his mind hated it. Those large hands caressed and gripped his behind, squeezing and gripping tightly as the tongue lashed against his asshole, over and over.

Fortunately, the Dark Hare didn't keep it up for long, and eventually pulled his head back, a string of spittle hanging between his lower lip and the tight ass itself. He rose himself up and mounted over the top of the boy, forcing him against the wooden floor as his thick, cum-stained cock slid up against the cub's behind, smearing that sticky, salty load between the boy's cheeks.

"Did you know that Monsters can keep cumming over and over without stopping? Well, you do now. Get ready for wild ride, kid." The Hare snickered in response, and Beata let out a whimpering wail of dismay as he felt the thick head of the Dark Hare's cock forcing it's way between his cheeks and pushing up against his tight behind. He could feel the sticky warmth of the head pushing against his ass, and he tried his best to squeeze down and reject it, but the Dark Hare was determined to force his way in. Eventually, Beata ran out of strength and had to give, and his muscles inevitably relaxed. When they did so, the head of the cock spread the tight behind open, forcing it's way inside.

The Dark Hare let out a groan of delight, rolling his head back and arching his back as his cock sunk deeper and deeper into the underage monster's behind. Beata was delightfully tight, and quite clearly a virgin: he could feel the way the boy's muscles clamped down around his cock, squeezing with every inch of muscle he had. His hands firmly stroked and massaged the cub's hips as he stuffed himself deeper and deeper, grunting from the sheer pleasure of it all.

"Tight little'll make a good cocksleeve for Master Moo's minions, I'm sure." The Dark Hare grinned, and a number of his comrades snickered in response, openly masturbating as they watched the sight unfold. Beata whimpered into his arms as the Hare began in on a steady rhythm, his hips sliding back and his thick, humanoid cock thrusting down into the bear's behind, making him gasp and tense up in response. Each thrust made him quiver and groan, and his muscles would spasm and squeeze in response.

Soon enough, the Dark Hare was thrusting harder and harder, sliding his cock in and out with little resistance as the stickiness of his own cum, coupled with newly added pre-cum, made for easy lubrication. He was eventually hilting in the boy, and each thrust was accompanied by a wet, sticky slap as his hips bumped up against the boy's own. His balls heaved back and forth, slamming against the boy's backside with each thrust. Beata rose his head and his eyes widened, watching as the Dark Hares were beginning to split up, picking some of the other cubs at random and openly molesting them in some sick, group orgy.

Beata's eyes centre on the sight of one of the other orphans, a young, underage version of the species known simply as 'Dino', and his name is as such. The young reptile is similar to an age-old dinosaur, standing on two legs with average length arms and a stocky tail, like a T-Rex. The young reptile was forced down to the ground as a Dark Hare stepped over him, openly jerking himself off and pressing his thick cock up against the Dino's tight behind.

"Stop, please!" Another orphan stood nearby, held firmly by two other Hares, who forced him to watch and remain still. He was similar to his Dino friend in shape and structure, though his hips were stockier, and his arms tinner. His neck was longer and ended in a more dragon-like snout, but he was notoriously shorter than his friend. He watched, teary-eyed, as the Dark Hare forced his thick cock against the Dino's tight ring, and eased his way inside him. Dino whimpered and cried out in a mixture of pain and fear as another Dark Hare held his head firmly to the ground to stop him struggling.

"You wanna help him?" The Dark Hare holding down his friend spoke over at the Zuum, the Dino's friend, and the reptile quickly nodded. He'd do anything to see his friend not hurt and safe, and the Dark Hare got an idea, spearing a grin across his face.

"Suck off your friend. If you can make him cum before my friend finishes, then we'll leave him alone." He hedged a particularly risky bet, much to the dismay of his friend, who was already half-deep in the Dino's behind. Zuum visibly paled and gulped, his eyes widened at the prospect of having to pleasure his friend. But, if it meant seeing him free, then he'd do what it takes. Slowly, the other Hares let go of his hands, and he tentatively moved forwards.

Thanks to his long neck, Zuum was able to hook his head underneath Dino's body enough to get near his slit. He crawled himself down onto his front and did so, staring meekly up as the moist, thin slit between his friend's legs. He had innocently stared at it on a number of occasions, as it was much like his own, but never had he been so close, nor had he ever had to lick it before. As the Hare above thrust in and out of his friend, the cries of Dino's pain reminded him that he needed to be fast, and good, if he wanted to see his friend go unharmed.

Slowly, he brung his head up, and teased his tongue around the entrance to the slit, sliding back and forth and watching as Dino squirmed against the assault. His tongue pried against the tight entrance and pushed against it, sliding in every so slightly, before pulling back out again. Dino groaned a mixture of pain and pleasure, and eventually, Zuum saw it: the tender tip of his friend's underage cock began to slide from it's housing, growing steadily bigger. Slowly, Zuum's tongue touched to the cock, and he curled his fleshy appendage around the member, feeling it swell and grow against his tongue.

"This kid's a natural cocksucker," One of the Hare's remarked, as he was getting a good angle from where he was standing. "He might actually beat you to it."

"S-Shut up." The Dark Hare grunted in response, firmly gripped onto Dino's hips and pounding harder and harder into him, his breath coming out in hot, heavy pants. Zuum's tongue lashed and danced around his friend's cock until it was inevitably fully hard, pulsing against his tongue and sliding into his mouth. Zuum closed his eyes, taking in the taste of it. He had to do this well, and the best way to do that was to enjoy it. Slowly, he began to bob his head, making sure to twist and curl his tongue this way and that, listening for Dino's groans, trying to gauge what was good, and what was bad.

The Dark Hare and thrusting harder and harder, and his comrades watched eagerly to see who was win: the cub, or their friend. The Hare's hips bounced rapidly off of Dino's behind, his balls smacking back and forth as pre-cum dribbled from the tight ring, seeping down against the base of the Dino's cock. Zuum sucked and suckled as best as he could, but he wasn't sure it was going to be enough.

Alas, it was a futile effort. The Dark Hare had put a little extra gusto into his thrusts when he realised what was at stake, and it didn't take long before he was cumming. He let out a heated groan of delight, and Zuum let out a whimper of dismay as the Hare orgasmed into Dino's backside, shooting up his tight rump with thick ropes of hot, sticky seed. Zuum's efforts to get his friend off began to wane, but Dino was quickly and eagerly panting, and his hips were moving almost with a mind of their own, even so slightly rocking back and forth inside his friend's mouth. It took little effort until he was orgasm just after the Hare, depositing tiny dribbled into Zuum's mouth and giving his friend the overwhelming taste of salt and a slimy texture on his tongue.

"What a shame. Looks like the kid lost." One of the Hares mused, a hand on his chin. He had wanted to see the cub win, if only so he could then molest the poor guy afterwards, but this changed things. Zuum dejectedly pulled his head back as a Hare stepped around the back of him, pulling him to his feet. The Dark hare that was firmly embedded in the Dino's behind eventually pulled back, his humanoid cock hanging half-limp.

"Since you lost, you can clean up." The Hare forced Zuum to bend over, and pushed his mouth up against his friend's gooey, seeping backside. Zuum grunted and recoiled for a moment as the Dark Hare's cum was forced up against his lips, and he was inevitably forced to taste it, having to lick and gulp down the disgusting fluid. The Hares watched and openly played with themselves at the sight.

"Look at that," One nudged the other, grinning. "He's drinking it up. He loves it!"

They jeered and heckled the cub, who whimpered and sniffled as he was forced to anally pleasure his friend, licking up the semen from his ass. Dino hadn't dared to move, cowering his head against the floor. A Hare was still forcing his head to the ground to make sure he didn't move, of course, but he wasn't even attempting to resist now. Zuum's tongue lashed back and forth, scooping up even dribble of cum from that backside and having to gulp it down, shuddering and recoiling from the texture.

"Fuck it. I can't help myself." One of the Hares muttered, and he stepped up towards Zuum, standing behind him. The young reptile paused for a moment and craned his head back to see what the Hare was doing, but he felt it before he could see it. He let out a weak gasp and squirmed as he felt the thick, warm head of a cock pressing against the tight little ring hidden underneath his tail, and he shook his head, whimpering, desperate to say no.

"Shut up. We all know you want it." The Hare grunted in response, and his cock pierced the Reptile's behind, the head popping past the pink ring and sliding deeper and deeper into the cub's behind. Zuum let out a heated gasp and a hiss of pain, whimpering from the discomfort that spread throughout his rump. He didn't have any time to beg for them to stop, however, as a Hare forced his mouth back up against the Dino's backside, and he was forced to lick once more.

He could feel every thrust into his behind, each hump and tug that sent stabs of discomfort along his loins and rump, spreading up his spine and making him squirm on the spot. Tears brimmed in his eyes and trickled down his cheeks as he felt a lone hand sliding around his slit, toying with the entrance in an effort to coax him into getting hard, but it was a difficult endeavour, as each thrust made him more and more uncomfortable.

"F-Fuck, kid wont get hard...oh well...!" The Hare didn't need to have the cub hard in order to enjoy himself, and he thrust harder and harder, his hips bouncing wildly off the boy's backside as his balls swayed back and forth. Zuum's muscles squeezed and gripped around the thick member, spasming and clenching as it slid in and out of him. The Hare's cock throbbed and oozed pre-cum with each thrust, filling the air with the slick, wet sounds of their lewd, forced sex.

Soon enough, the Hare was grunting his approval, thrusting harder and faster as his cock pulsed and throbbed inside the cub, until he was suddenly orgasming. Thick ropes of cum spurted from the end of his member, followed by wet, sticky dribbles that filled up the reptile cub's insides. Zuum whimpered and hung his head, and no-one forced him to lick out his friend this time. His muscles squeezed down and he whimpered. He knew this wasn't the end, and there was more to come.

Wild Hare can't believe what was happening before his eyes. All around him, the cubs of the Orphanage were being molested, or worse. He gritted his teeth and hung his head, but a Dark Hare grabbed his fur and yanked his head back, forcing him to watch without a word. His eyes centred on a pair of brothers that he felt he had the deepest connection with.

They were Hares, like him, but they were different subspecies compared to him. One was named Scaled Hare, primarily for the rich, forest green scales covering his otherwise Hare-like body structure. He was the eldest of the duo, and his younger brother was called Pulscorn, a strange breed of Hare that sported a mixture of white and blue fur. They were surrounding the two brothers, and Scaled Hare tried his best to shield his younger sibling from the evil creatures, glaring up at all of them with a brave face. Admittedly, both he and his brother were scared, even more so due to the mixture of groans of pain and pleasure coming from all around them.

"Look at that," One of the Hares openly jested. "He's trying to protect his baby bro."

"How cute," Another chimed. "Tell ya what, kid: we'll make you a deal. If you can get us all off, we'll leave your brother alone. Sound good?"

Scaled Hare hesitated, staring up at the three Dark Hares that stood before him, their erect cocks dangling between their legs, standing to attention and making sure he knew what they meant by 'getting them off'. He gulped. If it meant protecting his brother, then he knew he'd have to do it. Slowly, he stepped away from Pulscorn, who took a step back and watched, his lower lip wobbling.

Slowly, Scaled Hare stepped forwards and got onto his knees. Hare's had a low centre of gravity, and their hips were low down in their bodies, so he only had to look down to see all of their cocks twitching up at him, eager for his touch. Slowly, he reached out and groped the one to the left of him, his small hand wrapping around the member and pulling the foreskin back. The Dark Hare smirked and watched that hand moving around his cock, pushing his hips forward and thrusting against the cub's hand.

"You can do better than that." He sneered, and Scaled Hare glared up at him, quickening the pace of his groping as he moved his hand towards another cock, groping and jerking it. One, unfortunately, was left unattended, and the Dark Hare clearly didn't like it.

"You're not gonna save your brother as this rate, kid. C'mon, start using all your assets." The Dark Hare insisted, jutting his hips forwards and letting his cock swing back and forth, showing off how erect he really was. Scaled Hare knew that he didn't have the hands to pleasure them all at once, and he knew what the Hare was implying. Slowly, he lowered his head his lips pressing against the head of the cock in front of him.

Slowly, the underage boy was forced to use his mouth and hands to pleasure the three Hares in front of him, all to save his brother. The Dark Hares chuckled and giggled to one-another, rather amused with the turn of events, and started thrusting up against whatever they were given. The Hares either side of him, humping into his hand as he squeezed and tugged their foreskin back, running his fingers over the glans of their cock. The member inside his mouth slid up against the roof of his mouth, thrusting back and forth as he grunted and groaned, scrunching his eyes up to try and not gag on the member.

"Yeah, taste it." The Dark Hare muttered, placing a hand on the back of the Scaled Hare's head and pushing his mouth further down on his cock, groaning in delight when the head of his cock pushed against the back of the boy's throat. Dribbles of pre-cum leaked right down into the back of the boy's throat as the Hare groaned in delight, throwing his head back.

"He's getting better at this. Maybe he's a natural born whore after all." One of them jeered, eliciting a number of chuckles in response. Soon, their chuckling turn into restrained, heated groaned as their pleasure grew and grew, and the hand on the back of the Scaled Hare's head squeezed and gripped at his fur, pushing him further and further down on the cock until the thick, long member was stretching his throat open to force it's way down. The Hare couldn't breath, and he scrunched up his eyes, holding his breath for as long as he could.

The Hare inside his mouth let out a long groan of pleasure as he finally orgasmed, depositing his thick, gooey load right down into the cub's throat and into his stomach. Scaled Hare was sort of glad that he didn't have to taste it, but the stretching of his throat was beginning to be a little uncomfortable. That hand on the back of head, however, held him firmly down. The Hares either side of him thrust into his hand with gusto, grunting with their own pleasure until they, too, were orgasming, spurting thick ropes of cum across either one of his shoulders, and even onto his cheek. One of them had the gall to reach up and smearing some cum on the Hare's ear, just for show.

"B-Bro..." The younger brother stared at the scene in front of him, his eyes teary and his hands clutched near his chest. He didn't quite understand what was happening, but one of the Dark Hares turned his head to glance down at him, and was rather surprised at the sight. He quirked an eyebrow as his eyes drifted lower, noticing that the young Pulscorn had an erection of his own. Neither of the young Hares really knew a lot about sex, but both of them had already come into their 'prime', as it were.

"Look at that," The Dark Hare mused. "Looks like baby bro liked watching you suck cock, kid."

Scaled Hare grunted, glaring up at the Hares above him. The hand finally let go of the back of his head, and he pulled back, taking in a large gulp of and and wiping his mouth. He felt sick to his stomach, but at least his brother was safe.

"Hey, kid..." One of the Dark Hares stepped towards the cub, his cock hanging limp as he put his hands on his hips. "...You wanna fuck your brother?"

Scaled Hare snapped his head around, staring wide-eyed at the Hare, completely shocked by what he'd just heard. A growl escaped his throat, and the young Pulscorn's eyes widened as well, rapidly shaking his head. He wanted to do no such thing.

"Don't you dare touch him." The Scaled Hare bravely growled, and one of the evil Monsters gave him a rough slap around the back of his head, causing him to growl even more.

"Respect your elders, punk. You'll be a good little boy and bend over for your baby bro's cock, won't you? We don't wanna have to hurt him because you wouldn't co-operate." The Dark Hare replied sternly, and planted a hand on the cub's back, forcing him forwards. The Scaled Hare dejectedly flopped onto all fours, glaring with a teary-eyed expression at the horrible men above him. One of them grabbed the Pulscorn, who whimpered and tried to resist against him.

The young white and blue furred Hare was dragged over to his brother, and his hips were shoved up against the other cub's behind. Pulscorn kept shaking his head over and over, his small, erect cock sliding between his brother's cheeks and sandwiching against his behind.

"I don't wanna..." The Pulscorn whimpered, but a large hand planted itself on his rump, pushing his hips forward. His little cock pushed up against his brother's tight pucker, and he scrunched up his eyes, his little cock throbbing from the stimulation.

"Do it, or both of you are gonna face a lot of pain." The Hare warned, and the Scaled Hare turned his head back, glancing at his brother. He gave him a shaky, resigned nod, knowing that this was the only way. The Pulscorn sniffled and wiped his eyes, lowering his head in defeat.

Slowly, he rolled his hips back and lined up his small cock with the tight pink pucker, pressing the head of his member against it. Neither he nor Scaled Hare had done anything like this before, but it was biologically programmed into their DNA to know how to mate. He knew where it had to go, he simply didn't know how it would feel.

He pressed his hips forward, and the taut ring swallowed up the head of his cock with little resistance, before it began to clamp down and squeeze. Scaled Hare tried his best to make it as pleasurable for the young, inexperienced cub as possible: the better it felt, the quicker he would finish, and the quicker the two of them would be free. Pulscorn let out a breathy, shaky exhale as his member slid deeper and deeper into his brother's behind, all 4 inches of his cock eventually hilting inside him without much effort. He could feel every single muscle squeezing down against him, making every movement pure bliss.

"Are they virgins?" One Dark Hare whispered to the other, who nodded in response. "They are? Shit, that's hot."

The evil Hares watched with pleasure as Pulscorn rolled his hips back, before thrusting down into his brother, letting out a shaky sigh of pleasure. He leant over, placing his hands on his brother's back as he began to move into a steady, shaky rhythm. With each thrust, his pleasure heightened and his breath came out more and more laboured, until his knees were trembling and his breath was accompanied by tiny little whimpers of pure coital bliss. Scaled Hare was squeezed as best as he could, hoping that it was enough to make his brother cum quickly.

In that moment, both of the Hare brothers lost their virginity, in a sense. Pulscorn let out a small gasp of delight and his knees almost buckled in pure ecstasy as his orgasm hit him. Tiny dribbles of cum leaked from the end of his cock, and his hands curled around the fur on his brother's back. He thrust a few more times, the orgasm rocking his entire body. His cheeks were flushed, his breathing heavy, and the Dark Hares that surrounded them were already openly jerking themselves off to the sight.

"Damn, that was hot. I wanna see it again." One of them muttered in delight, and the other Hares got an idea. They grabbed Pulscorn under his armpits and dragged him back, his cock sliding from his brother's behind. The other Hares grabbed the Scaled cub, flipping him over onto his back. They were surprised to find that the young scaled cub was hard and twitching against his own stomach, and that elicited a chuckle or two from the Dark Hares.

"Wow, he liked getting fucked, huh? Lets see if his brother feels the same." The Dark Hares chuckled, and the ones holding Pulscorn carried him over, lifting him up over his brother's body. One of the evil Monsters grabbed onto Scaled Hare's cock, holding it firmly upright and giving it a firm tug or two, as the others began to lower Pulscorn down over the cock, hovering just above it as they tried to pick the right angle.

"N-No, don't...! Please, I'll do anything you want!" The Scaled Hare begged, teary-eyed, not wanting to harm his brother, but the Dark Hares only chuckled in response.

"Whatever we want? This is what we want, kid." One of them pointed out rather bluntly, and after a few moments, Pulscorn's taut, unused pucker pressed down against his brother's slightly larger cock. The pre-cum on the end of the Scaled Hare's cock was enough to lube up his younger brother's tight asshole, and soon enough, the ass was forced down over the cub's cock. Pulscorn resisted as first, letting out whimpers of discomfort as his tight ring was stretched open wider and wider, but he was soon unable to resist any longer. Eventually, his ass was forced further and further down, until he was already halfway down his brother's cock.

Scaled Hare let out a grunt of frustration, squirming underneath his brother as the Dark Hare's held his arms down, making sure he was unable to fight back. One of the Hares settled in behind Pulscorn, stroking the cub's tummy as the young Hare finally hilting on his own brother's cock, his little member pressing down against the Scaled Hare's stomach.

"You like it, don't you? Getting fucked by your brother?" The Hare asked, and Pulscorn shook his head, sniffling a little. He felt discomfort inside his body, and he could feel the way his brother was throbbing inside of him, every inch pulsing against his inner walls.

"Ride," The Dark Hare demanded. "You don't want to know what we'll do if you resist."

Pulscorn wasn't quite sure what they would do, but he was too scared to take his chances. Slowly, he raised his rear up, grunting from the exertion, his knees trembling as his tight rump spasmed and squeezed around his brother. He let out a shaky whimper and pushed his rump back down again, tensing up as he squeezed and gripped with every muscle he had. Scaled Hare let out a small groan and tried to struggle against the Hares, seeing that his brother was in severe discomfort, but he was powerless to stop what the Hares were doing to them.

His brother slowly rode his cock, up and down, milking his member with his insides. Every inch of muscles squeezed as he moved up and down, letting out tiny whimpers of discomfort. He could feel beads of pre-cum inside him that made his movements easier and easier each time. He began to roll his hips each time he slid his rump down, letting out shaky exhales of pleasure each time.

Soon enough, Scaled Hare and letting out more laboured grunts, scrunching up his eyes and tensing up as he tried his best to hold in his pleasure, not wanting to give the Hares the satisfaction of his orgasm. Unfortunately, he could only hold it in for so long. Eventually, he was orgasming, shooting tiny strings of cum into his own brother's behind. Pulscorn whimpered and was slightly relieved for it to be over, settling his rump down and squirming against his brother's pelvis as the Dark Hare's snickered and chuckled at the sight before them.

"You bastards..." Wild Hare snarled from the corner, and the leader of the troop tilted his head, glancing down at the brown-furred Hare tied up next to him. His eyes drifting lower, and he quirked an eyebrow at the sight of Wild Hare's erection. He could see the Monster's face was flushed, and slowly, the Dark Hare leader moved around to stand in front of him, his arms folded.

"We're the bastards? You're the one with the erection, Wild Hare. Doesn't that make you as bad as us?" He jeered, and that elicited a few chuckles from the other nearby Hares. Wild Hare gritted his teeth, bearing them to the evil Monster as he averted his gaze.

"So, what are you then? A Hero to these cubs, or are you just getting in close so you can molest them, hm?" The Hare asked, and Wild Hare gritted his teeth, struggling with the binds on his wrist. He wanted to lash out and attack, but he had no way of fighting the Hare before him. He struggled in the binds before he froze, feeling something warm and soft on his cock.

He looked down and stared wide-eyed as the large paw placed around his member. The Dark Hare and stuck out one of his feet, sliding the sole of his foot up against Wild Hare's member, dragging up the foreskin. His toes curled around the head of the moment, the sharp claws sticking out. Like all Hares, this one had 3 toes in particularly, and they had notoriously large feet. This one, in particular, was far bigger than his own member.

He let out a restraint grunt in response, trying to struggle and move away, but he was powerless to stop it. He felt the toes splaying around his cock, dragging the foreskin down and exposing the head of his member. Pre-cum oozed down from the stimulation, seeping into the Dark Hare's black-furred foot.

"I knew you were horny. I guess you really do want to fuck kids, don't you? Admit it." The Dark Hare demanded, and Wild Hare snarled at him in response. Suddenly, the evil Monster squeezed his toes tight, trapping Wild Hare's cock in between them as he dragged down.

"Admit it." He demanded, and Wild Hare shook his head, refusing. He didn't want to admit that it turned him on. The Dark Hare tutted quietly, loosening his grip as he rubbed his foot up and down, coaxing pre-cum from the head of the cock as he stimulated the Monster.

"No matter. We all know it to be true anyway. You're just as evil as the rest of us. Perhaps there is some hope in saving you yet." The leader mused, sliding his foot up and down faster and faster, catching the entire underside of Wild Hare's cock against his sole, making sure that the head of the member pressed up in the crease between the Hare's toes and sole, in the warmest and cosiest place. Wild Hare let out little groans of pleasure, trying not to get aroused by this. It was horrible, to be pleasured by the enemy.

"S-Stop..." He demanded, but it was too late. His chest began to heave as he felt the pleasure building and building, and the pre-cum dribbling down his member made the Dark Hare's movements easy. He slid his foot up and down, accompanied by the wet sounds of his movements, Wild Hare panting and huffing from the pleasure.

Suddenly, he was cumming, shooting thick, gooey ropes of cum right onto the Dark Hare's foot. The cum coated his soles, seeping between his toes and dribbling down. The leader seemed amused that he had cum so much. Perhaps Wild Hare had a kink for it, or maybe he had been edging himself to the sight of the room for quite some time now.

"Disgusting. I didn't say you could cum on me. You're just going to have to lick it up." The Dark Hare insisted, lifting his foot up and stretching his toes out right in front of Wild Hare's face.

"Are you serious? That's disgusting." The Hare snarled, and the leader quirked an eyebrow.

"Would you rather I asked one of the children to do it, and then did things to them?" He queried, and Wild Hare knew he was in a bind. He lowered his head for a moment, before dejectedly raising his head up, pressing his mouth against the furred foot and suckling the cum right off the fur itself, recoiling each time he had to do so. The Dark Hare seemed amused, smirking under his breath as he watched Wild Hare lick up his own semen.

Eventually, the foot was polished completely. Wild Hare had even made sure to gather up the cum that was in between the Hare's toes. He hadn't even had to tell him to do so. Pleased, the Dark Hare lowered his foot and stepped aside, turning back towards the scene in the room as Wild Hare hung his head, defeated.

In the corner of the room, two young scaled cubs nervously tried to figure out a plan to escape and get help. One of them was similar in structure to the Dino cub, though he was covered in a mixture of brown and cream scales, with a different head structure that included a single prominent horn on the back of his head. His friend was what many called a 'Shell Saurian', covered in thick armoured scales that were, unfortunately, actually quite spongy in his underage state. They were currently being held by a couple of Dark Hares, and they knew the Monsters were getting warmed up to the idea of molestation itself. They knew it was their only chance.

"Now!" One cried out, and Shell Saurian turned to whack a Hare in the face, catching him off guard. The grip on them loosened and they turned, trying to run towards the door. The Dino Subspecies, Spot, turned his head to see the Hares quickly trying to chase after them. The door was in sight. They were going to make it!

Suddenly, something caught Spot's leg, and he was sent tumbling to the ground, his chin smacking harshly off the wooden floor. He groaned and rolled onto his back, craning his neck up to see exactly what he caught him on his run. His eyes widened when he realised it was Beata, grabbing onto his leg.

"Beata, you idiot! I could have run! I could have got help!" He cried out as the Hares began to swarm them.

"And abandon us? You coward..." Beata tearily responded, his immature mind not seeing the bigger picture of the situation. Spot let out a growl of frustration, but knew his efforts were futile now. There was no way he was going to be able to escape, and he craned his neck to see Shell Saurian already running for the door. He blew a sigh when he saw him make it out. Maybe he could send for help.

"Good job, kid. We'll make a minion out of you yet," One Dark Hare remarked as he picked Beata up, holding him underneath his armpits as the little bear cub struggled and wriggled in his grip. "Now for your reward."

He plunged the cub down, spearing his dick into the young orphan's asshole and stretching him completely. He roughly thrust into him, making use of his ass whilst he had it, whilst the other Dark Hares surrounded Spot, staring down at him with their hands on their hips, discussing amongst themselves whilst he lay, quivering, in the middle.

"What're we gonna do with him, huh?" One of them remarked sourly, with the moans of one of their comrades in the background. The Hare was brutally humping the young Beata like a cocksleeve, whilst the bear cub whimpered a mixture of pain and pleasure, occasionally letting out a heated moan.

"Well, no use just using these kids and leaving them at that. You remember our training, back in the day? Maybe we should do the same." One of the Hares suggested, and there was a murmur of approval from the others.

"What, like, converting them? You think it'll work?" One replied, and there was a moment of silence between all of them as they deliberated whether that was worthwhile or not. The Dark Hare that was making good use of Beata like a living cocksleeve was nearing his eventual orgasm, and he began to thrust into Beata with even more gusto as before. Spot could heard the wet sounds of the rape that was occurring, each squelch and slap making him more and more frightened with each passing second.

Then, he heard a final groan of ecstacy, and he could only assume that the Hare was finished with the cub. There was a brief moment of silence, followed by a series of whimpers and a gentle 'thud', and Spot looked between his legs to see the bear cub panting on the floor, his cheeks flushed, globs of cum dripping from his rear.

"P-Please let us go..." Spot begged up at the Hares, who stopped mid-thought to stare down at him, wicked grins plastered on their faces.

"We should start the training now." One of them suggested, and there was yet another murmur of approval that chorused throughout the other Hares. They stepped aside, clearing a path so that one of them could grab Beata and bring him closer. Spot noticed that the cub was hard and twitching, and he had no idea why.

"Flip him over." One of them ordered, and the rest obliged, turning Spot over and forcing him down onto his chest, raising his tail and exposing his rear end completely. Beata stared blankly at the pucker before him, before one of the Dark Hares ushered him closer, making him line up against the cub.

"Fuck him." He commanded, pointing to the taut, virgin asshole. Beata frowned for a moment and didn't quite understand, and so he was lead by the hand. The Dark Hare pushed the boy's hips up against Spot's behind and the bear cub's tiny cock slipped up against Spot's unused rump. The head of his cock pressed dangerously against Spot's ring, and the reptile cub squirmed and struggled against the Hare's holding him down, letting out muffled protests for them to stop.

Beata knew he had no choice in the matter, so he went ahead and did it. Teary-eyed, he forced his cock up against the tight ring and slipped it inside, feeling the muscles squeeze down around the head of his cock. He paused for a moment, letting out a little pleasured grunt, before sliding himself a little deeper. The Hares smirked and watched in delight, some of them openly masturbating themselves, whilst others rubbed their cocks against Spot's scaled body, bouncing their dicks off of his slightly spongy exterior.

Spot let out a delicate whimper, sniffling through his nose as Beata slid his cock deeper and deeper. Being the smallest of the group, Beata's cock wasn't particularly large, but it was enough to cause at least a slight discomfort to the reptile cub, who squirmed and tried to move away, his muscles squeezed periodically around Beata's member. The bear cub knew he wouldn't last very long, but he tried his best to put on a good show, hoping that the Dark Hares might leave them alone if he did.

He rolled his head back, letting out a small, inexperienced moan as his small member slid back and forth, his tiny pouch bumping up against Spot's body and pressing against him. Spot whimpered, scrunching his eyes up as his muscles suddenly clamped and squeezed harder, as if he was trying to push Beata out. Unfortunately, it only served to arouse the bear cub even more, who quickly began to feel the tingling pleasure of his orgasm creeping up his spine. He thrust a little harder, leaning over and gripping his large hands around Spot's tail.

"H-Hnn..." Beata let out a little grunt of pleasure, and his orgasm hit him. His cock twitched powerfully inside Spot's behind, but very little fluids came out, leaving him nothing but a throbbing, pulsing mess. He slid his hips back and his cock withdrew completely, openly twitching in the area. He pushed his hips forward and smeared his cock against the taut ring for a moment, before he staggered back, tiredly panting.

"He liked it." One of the Hares mentioned, amused, and a few of them patted Beata on the back, as if praising him for raping one of his only few friends in the world. Spot continued to sniffle a little, but the Hares eventually let go of him, and he was able to crawl to his feet. If he could find the strength to fight, then maybe he could escape.

"Alright, since that's out of the way, it's on with your first lesson: how to suck a good dick, and make sure they like it. C'mon." One of the Hares pointing to his cock, openly stroking his member and peeling the foreskin back. Spot and Beata stared at the moment, watching as pre-cum oozed from the tip and dripped down onto the floor in front of them. Beata was the first to move, lowering his gaze dejectedly as he stepped up to the member and wrapped his lips around the head of the cock.

"I got one for you to practise on too, kid." Another Hare pointed out, stepping in line beside his comrade and exposing his member for Spot to suck. The reptile looked at Beata, before staring at the rest of the Hares. Could he really overpower them and run? He began to doubt his own ability, and soon enough, he began to doubt he might ever make it out of here. He hung his head and stepped forwards, getting onto his knees in front of the Hare, and placing his lips against the head of the cock.

Almost in unison, the Hares planted their hands on the back of their cub's head, forcing them down onto their cock. Both Hares were similarly sized, and likely just as horny as one-another, and it showed in how eager they were to have their cocks sucked. Beata tried to be as receptive as possible, twisting his head this way and that, letting the member push up against the roof of his mouth and glide along towards the back of his throat.

Spot was more or less having to deal with the same dilemma, but he was just as reluctant to provide a good service as his friend, and the Dark Hare he was pleasing could tell that he wasn't giving it his all. In frustration, the evil Monster forced Spot's head down further, pushing the cock up to the back of his throat, before letting his head slide back and forcing it down again.

"That's it. You'll learn your place amongst the ranks very soon..." The Dark Hare muttered, forcing Spot's mouth up and down his cock, over and over, forcing the reptile cub to gag and scrunch up his eyes. Beata was doing a relatively good job of pleasing his own, who didn't provide much force of his own, since the cub was so receptive with him. The Dark Hares groaned and panted in tandem, their cocks sliding in and out of the boy's mouths.

"Here it comes...!" The Hare grunted, thrusting up into Spot's mouth and forcing his lips down further as he orgasmed, shooting globs of cum into the back of Spot's throat. The cub gagged and coughed, trying to gulp it down, but only succeeded in forcing the cum out of his mouth instead. It dribbled around his lips, seeping down his chin and dripping to the floor. The Hare next to his comrade groaned and rolled his head back, sighing in pleasure as he orgasmed as well, Beata gulping down as much cum as he could, before pulling his head back and letting the rest splatter all over his face.

"See? That wasn't so bad. We'll make a soldier of you yet, kid," The Hare grinned wildly, removing his hand from the back of Spot's head, letting him catch a quick breather. "Your training is just getting started."

Meanwhile, Shell Saurian had made it outside into the cool dead of night, the wind blowing through the small yard that the orphanage owned. The plains before rolled on for what felt like miles, but he knew that there was a town not too far away if he took the path to the right. By the looks of it, no-one was around, either: the gate was wide open. Freedom was in sight. He set off at a sprint, his heart pounding. He was going to make it!

Suddenly, he felt a mass hit him from the side, and he was sent tumbling with the mass towards the old oak tree that set in the yard. He rolled about and his back connected with the rough back, and he let out a weak 'oof' in response, grappling with whatever had a hold on him.

He paled when he realised what, or who, it was. His eyes widened as he stared up at the Dark Hare who was pinning him down, those glowing eyes staring into his soul and a wicked grin on their face.

"We saw your little act of Cowardice through the window. What, you didn't think we had scouts?" The Hare mused, and there was a chuckle from beside him. He turned his head to see another Hare standing over them, and one on top of him finally moved, if only to grab and drag the poor reptile cub to his feet.

"P-Please let me go. I'll do anything you want, if you just let me leave...!" Shell Saurian begged for his life and freedom, hoping that he may make the Hares see sense and release him. The two scouts glanced at each other for a moment, grinning wicked to themselves.

"Will you, now? Alright, then don't move, and let us do what we want..." The Hare suggested, and Shell Saurian raised his head, gulping nervously. The Hares draw in closer, pushing the cub up against the tree, his back against the bark as they lowered their heads. They planted their lips against his scales, avoiding the hardened, armoured parts as they began to stroke and kiss all over his skin, making him nervously squirm against them. One of their hands slid lower, stroking along Shell Saurian's slit and coaxing their fingers against his underage entrance, prizing open his slit just a little and coaxing the sensitive flesh within with a middle finger.

Shell Saurian let out a quivering little groan, closing his eyes and letting them do what they wanted. Their greedy hands roamed his underage body, sliding their hands along his slit and coaxing his small member out of hiding, as another hand slid past it towards the base of his tail. He felt a digit pressing against his taut little pucker and massaging in small circles, making him quiver, his legs trembling. His little cock eagerly twitched from the gentle touches and strokes, until he was eventually fully hard, aching on the hands of the evil Hare.

He let out hot, greedy little pants, rolling his head back and feeling those warm kisses over his chest, the hand openly stroking his member, tugging the sensitive flesh and coaxing tiny dribbles of pre-cum from the tip. He gently thrust into their hand, his loins aching for more and his scales tingling with a desire he'd never felt before. He felt the fingers easing against his tight ring, trying to ease their way inside. His muscles periodically squeezed around the finger, making him groan and pant.

"I-I feel..." He suddenly murmured, but it was too late. His cock twitched and pulsed, and he was suddenly cumming, spurting tiny strings of cum against the Hare's hand. He could feel the warm, furred hand wrapping around his cock and quickly, eagerly pumping him, milking his orgasm whilst it lasted, which coaxed a good moan or two from he cub's maw. Then, just like that, they pulled back in unison, leaving him a panting, blushing mess.

"Who said you could cum?" One of the Hares demanded, his grinning face quickly turning serious and sullen, and Shell Saurian widened his eyes, a little confused. He began to stammer out some words, but the Hares grabbed him and pushed him to the ground, where he eased himself onto all fours, confused. He was just about to get up, before he felt a hand on his back, keeping him down.

"We're going to have to punish you for that. You got my hand all wet." The Hare snickered, and the two of them got into position, standing around him. Shell Saurian's gaze snapped up as he stared at the one in front of him, before his gaze lowered to the twitching cock before him, inches from his nose. He whimpered and wasn't quite sure what they wanted from him at first, before it became obvious when the hand cupped his cheek, fingers forcing themselves just behind his jaw. His mouth was forced open with the pressure, and the cock slid into his mouth, sliding along his warm tongue and pressing against the back of his throat.

Meanwhile, the other one was smearing the head of his thick, throbbing cock against the cub's tight backside, coaxing beads of pre-cum against the taut little ring, pressing himself dangerously against the entrance. He could feel how tight it was just from pressing against it, but he couldn't wait any longer. He began to push, and Shell Saurian let out a muffled protest, feeling the cock slide deeper and deeper into him. He groaned out in discomfort, and the Hares above him groaned their own pleasureful sighs. The one behind him leaned over, cupping his hips as he sunk deeper, whilst the other slid his hips back, before bumping them up against the cub's nose.

They spit-roasted him, and neither of them were gentle, or accommodating. Why would they need to be? They were villains, after all. The Hare behind Shell Saurian squeezed his cheeks and began to thrust just that much harder, now that his pre-cum had made it easier to move. He humped his hips back and forth, sliding his member in and out as his cock twitched and throbbed, swelling from the pressure.

"Shit. This kid is nice and tight..." The Hare mumbled in delight, sliding his hips back and thrusting forwards again, sighing in pleasure when his hips bumped up against the cub's backside. The other Hare was already eagerly pumping his own hips in and out of the boy's mouth, his cock sliding back and forth, deposited thick globs of pre-cum in the boy's mouth.

The two of them thrust in an irregular tandem, each one of them grunting and groaning in pleasure, whilst Shell Saurian whimpered beneath them, powerless to stop what was happening. The air was filled with the sounds of their forced sex, a mixture of wet slaps and quiet squelching noises.

"Fuck..." One Hare muttered, thrusting his hips forward against the Saurian's mouth. He pushed his cock up against the boy's mouth and closed his eyes, sighing in bliss when he finally orgasmed, shooting a thick, gooey load into the boy's mouth, right down into his stomach. Shell Saurian gulped as best as he could, tears welling up in his eyes.

"So soon? You're a lightweight." One Hare teased the other as he leant back, before to hump and fuck rapidly, his hands gripping into Shell Saurian's hips and pounding into him, slamming his hips back and forth. Soon enough, though, he was orgasming as well, his thrusting slowing down considerably as he unloaded his hefty nuts into the cub's backside. His balls tucked up against his body and he let out a warm sigh, his cock throbbing periodically in the boy's behind.

The two were spent. After a few moments, they finally pulled back, leaving the poor cub a used mess, and he whimpered against the ground, before weakly holding his head up.

"Y-You'll let me go now, right? We had a deal." He asked, and the Hares exchanged a glance. They snorted their amusement and grabbed either one of the cub's arms, dragging him back towards the orphanage. The cub whimpered and struggled as he was dragged back, powerless.

"Lesson number one. Never trust a villain, or a whore." One of them smirked as they stepped into the Orphanage, chucking the cub towards the floor and stepping back out into the night again, shutting the door behind them. Shell Saurian was scooped up by a few other Hares and dragged back towards the centre of the room.

All the Cubs has been mercilessly used and abused, and with every Hare spent, they began to lounge and discuss their plan. The Leader, who had been standing next to Wild Hare the entire time, joined them, but they kept a close eye on their prisoners. Wild Hare was in the corner, tied up and powerless to fight, whilst the cubs were brutally flung into a heap in the centre of the room.

"So what should we do now?" One of them queried, unsure.

"We need time to convert these new, and old recruits," The leader spoke clearly. "I suggest we make this our base of operations, for the time being."

Wild Hare hoped they weren't going to stay long. Fairy Hare was bound to return quite soon, in about a week's time. He didn't want her caught up in this mess.

  • x -

2 days has passed since then. God knows what the Hares might have done to the children in that time, but coming over the hillside were a pair of travellers. One of them was a Hare with cream and brown fur that everyone knew simply as 'Hare', whilst the other was one that everyone called Tiger of the Wind, a leanly built Wolf with white and blue fur. Hare carried a large satchel in his hand, filled with food and supplies. They looked to be heading towards the Orphanage. The Hares that had been scouting outside were nowhere to be seen in the sunshine.

"There it is. We made it just in time for lunch!" Hare beamed down at Tiger, who sighed and closed his eyes for a moment as they trotted along.

"All you think about is food."

"Food is the most important meal of the day."

"But you eat 3 meals a day."

"Then it's the top 3 most important meals!"

"Ugh...right." Tiger muttered, stopping by the gate. Hare could be really dimwitted sometimes. They stepped through and were about to make their way to the door, when Tiger paused. He felt on edge. Something was amiss.

"Hold." He sternly replied, and Hare blinked his surprise, dropping the satchel. They stood on the path, waiting hesitantly, and Tiger slowly made his way up to the steps. Just as he was about the push the door open, it swung wide on it's own.

"Glad you could join us." Two Hares grinned from behind Hare, and one swift attack knocked him out. Tiger turned and growled, realising he was quickly surrounded.

"Surrender, Tiger of the Wind, or we'll harm the kids inside." The Leader spoke cleared from the steps of the Orphanage, and Tiger bared his teeth, staring him down. He knew all was lost. Slowly, he lowered his head, and a flurry of fists pummelled into his back.

Hare groaned from the floor, cocking his head slowly. His vision was blurry, but he could make out one thing.

The last thing he saw was Wild Hare on his knees, his chest crusty with an unknown substance, his face dejected. Then, everything went black.

Time for digifun

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Meowth's double trouble

"JESSSIIIIIIIIIE!" no answer...already knowing it was probably hopeless, the male meowth called for the other name he was so familiar with." JAAAAAAAAAMES!" and waited, but the only sounded that he heard as an answer for his calling was of the wind on...

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Moonspirit hunting

``It should be somewhere around here...'' or so Mata thought. The felyne was good following monster trails but he certainly was divided on this one; at the same time he wanted to find the monster, he also was afraid of meeting it alone. Damnit...why...

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