Time for digifun

Story by kamikazetiger on SoFurry

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Heya guys! Time for other story. So now we have the complete story based on this picture here! Just like the picture itself this avatar was also made by RedBright.

Just as the picture shows, it's a crossover between Ginsei from the anime/manga Kobato and a few digimons that really should get more art...though Gabumon do have quite some compared to the other two heh.

It was quite fun writing it and Circeus acted as proofreader doing an amazing job at it!

"So? You boys like what you see?" Ginsei asked the three customers. He was pleased with their reactions. None of them voiced any actual opinion, but Gabumon could be seen looking even more shy despite that pelt he wore. and Gazimon and Dracomon didn't even try to hide the lust in their eyes.

Not like the lagomorph needed to look anywhere besides their groins to know they liked to watch him in this state of undress and showing off the goods. All three of them were already on display themselves, despite the members being tucked out of sight when they'd gotten inside the store.

When he had picked this job at Genko's Baumkuchen, Ginsei wasn't exactly enthused by the idea of being on the stupid bear's secret menu. He'd never thought one day it would seem normal that his body was part and parcel of what clients ordered, as long as they paid extra and could keep a secret. It took a while to accept, but at least it made the deliveries of bread and sweets a lot less boring. Plus, you know, the money. Couldn't complain about the extra cash. Besides he did get to meet quite a few interesting characters along the way. Like those three. They said they came from a place called "DigiWorld" or something. Ginsei kept asking, and he was starting to think they'd made it up and didn't know where they came from in the first place.

Which was all the more surprising given that they knew about the secret menu... though they couldn't ask without stammering. Still, Ginsei had no reason to refuse them. And now there they were all, in the bedroom about to get it on after only a little perfunctory chatting. Clearly this was unexplored territory for all three, though the canine, pelt-wearing lizard (How did that even work?!) seemed to be the shyest of them all. He didn't speak much and looked quite nervous, looking all over the room when he came in as if expecting someone to pop out and yell

"Busted, you pervert!". So cute!

"Can you touch yourself?" Gazimon was the first to formulate a request. While he was the most forward of the three, it did seem the other two were interested in a bit of a show. Someone had to ask, and looking like him must have been a factor, but his instinct told him (if they'd told him he would one day have an instinct about that!) that other lagomorph guy was the most naughty of all present! Only time would confirm. Right or wrong, he didn't minded. They all looked pretty sexy. Ginsei grinned back, but didn't bother answering. He just reached for his flaccid member and started playing with it, right under their attentive gaze!

As he started to masturbate, Ginsei closed his single eye and kept immobile so the three digimons would continue to have a good look. He liked to imagine himself doing things with Ioryogi, though he really missed the other guy's human form. Still it wasn't not like Ioryogi's new dog body was all bad for his fantasies. Not that he would ever tell him what he imagined, of course! He just liked to fantasize about both of his forms... he could feel his cock getting quite hard already: such ideas never failed him.

A moan made him open his eyes and he gasped. Despite the situation, he somehow hadn't expected all three digimon to be stroking. Even Gabumon wasn't holding back anymore and pleasuring himself in silence. The same couldn't be said of the others.

"Hot!" Dracomon said, stroking his cream colored length.

"Yeah! Damn! This guy's super hot!!" Gazimon grinned. Ginsei was sure he'd started it and the others followed. All three of them had nice cocks, but although the one-eyed male on the bed couldn't really compare them at the moment, now he had something to masturbate to. Being a male meant you always had more fun in watching something lewd in front of you than just imagining it. He could tell the three digimon would agree with him on the matter.

While this was nice and all, Ginsei didn't want to cum like this, and certainly neither did any of his customers. So he stopped, rested his arm on the bed and just lay there with his exposed erection jutting out in all its gray glory.

"So...? You guys just gonna watch or you gonna participate?" Ginsei teased them, his fakely shy tone accompanied by genuine blush. He was still not over the embarrassment of being the center of attention in these situations.

Wherever they'd come from, they certainly hadn't just to stare. The question soon became who would dare to make the first move. It didn't seem a surprise for anybody present that Gazimon soon climbed onto the bed.

"Oh, we intend to do more than just 'participate'! You're quite the unique item, you knowi. Such a shame you're not a Digimon..." He locked eyes with the male that could almost pass for another Gazimon, then looked away to focus on the grey erection. "Would be nice to always have you around." He obviously wanted to sound like a smooth talker, but the sheer hunger in his eyes kinda broke the charm.

"Thanks... you guys aren't bad either." He wasn't lying. A perk of the job was getting to meet such unique and interesting mate.. His words seemed to have triggered something as Gazimon got closer and held his face between his paws.

"You are cuter though." As if that sealed the deal for good, the smaller cabbit got even closer, slowly, as if he worried the other might run away. Once he was close enough, he went for the prize. A quick kiss first, as if to test the waters. Ginsei wondered if this was the first time either or both of them had kissed someone that wasn't from the same world. Then Gazimon kissed him again. This time he planted his lips firmly on Ginsei's, and the rabbit was quite eager to return the kiss.

"G-Gazi...!" from the surprise on his voice it seems that Gabumon wasn't expecting Gazimon to start off that way. What he was actually expecting, Ginsei would never know. Not that he cared: a kiss never killed anyone (and the idea it could hurt someone strong as himself was doubly laughable). Besides, Gazimon quickly turned out to be a competent kisser, his tongue prodding in against his lips. He didn't tease and allowed it passage immediately.

While Ginsei had the advantage--after all his tongue was bigger and the battlefield was his mouth--he let the smaller male dominate the kiss as he wished. The sloppy sounds echoed though the room, mixing with the lewd noises from Gabumon and Dracomon's frantic masturbation.

Just when the larger cabbit was closing his sole eye to focus on the kiss, Gazimon broke it. Ginsei watched the cute, yet mean-looking hybrid slurp the string of saliva that briefly connected their mouths. It turned out he was intent on tasting more than just his mouth, though, as next he went for Ginsei's neck, his paws exploring the naked furry chest while doing it. Meanwhile Ginsei diverted his lone eye to see Dracomon and Gabumon still at it. He could swear their cocks were noticeably bigger than before. Maybe they were full size now?

Before he could make more observations, he found himself distracted and letting out a cute whimper. Gazimon have somehow found one of the nipples hidden under the thick gray fur and was sucking and licking at it. What a guy doing something like this...! But it didn't last and soon Gazimon continued his journey downwards, kissing and licking along Ginsei's body as if wanting to feel every centimeter of him. Ginsei wasn't used to so much attention. He got more excited as time went on and he wondered what Gazimon would do once he got to his crotch. Soon he had his answer.

" Awww...looks like someone is very happy to see me."

Ginsei couldn't believe he was hearing such a corny line! His floppy ears twitched and suddenly wasn't the one blushing most out of them. Dammit, he was supposed to be the one teasing people here!

"Since he's that eager... does the little cabbit want to get sucked off?" Gazimon asked, using a claw to rub up and down the erection. It sounded like he'd used that line quite a few time sin his life.

"I.... I'm supposed to-"

"NOT what I want to hear!" as if punishing a kid, Gazimon lightly slapped the erect penis, sending it waving from side to side like a lewd metronome. Ginsei barely noticed the gasps from Dracomon and Gabumon, who were most definitely enjoying the situation. "I asked you if you wanted to be sucked, you little digislut!"

Ginsei didn't know were to start with that question: that he wasn't a Digimon or that the trio would need to pay more if they wanted to take things the rougher way--the idea of objecting to being called a slut was beyond him at this point. Not like it mattered in the end. As if reading his mind, Gazimon was already smacking his cock again the second the rabbit's mouth was open. Yet he wasn't content with watching the penis swerve around this time, and wrapped his paw over the one-eyed male's grey furred balls to clench upon them.

"Ah~" Ginsei couldn't believe it. Finding himself at the mercy of a male... no a trio of males, wasn't what he had planned for! Even though he should have expected it coming from the obviously perverted Gazimon. Still... Maybe it wasn't all bad. His cock throb as he answered.

"Yes. Yes! I...I want it."

"What is it that you want? You need to be clear, digislut!"

Was 'digislut' some sort of sex slang where these came from? Not that now was a good time to ask. Instead of asking... or answering, Ginsei just spread his legs further, his large fluffy tail wagging to the side. A paw reached down to collect some of his own pre, which he then brought up to his face and licked it off. He was still blushing despite his lewd tone:

"Yes master. This digislut would be very grateful if master would dare to pleasure it off by sucking its dick. It knows it's not worthy it, but... if master could be so kind... please?" Through it all he slobbered all over his finger. When he was done talking, he shoved it all the way into his maw, swallowing around it as his eyes drilled into Gazimon's.

Given the voracious and evil grin the Digimon gave him, he guessed that was what Gazimon had been wanting to hear. ...which is why, being the mean and "virus"--whatever that meant--Digimon that he was, Gazimon still smacked his cock one last time before answering.

"Damn right, you don't deserve it! But... I, for one, probably do deserve such a nice looking dick." Gazimon grinned and soon turned his attention to the member in question. This being over, he proved more than eager to get going, already pressing his face in Ginsei's crotch. He grabbed the member at the base and stroked a few times before starting to drag his tongue across the exposed mushroom head.

Ginsei gasped with pleasure. He didn't get too many customers who really cared about his pleasure. And boy did that Digimon care! Gazimon was licking everywhere down there and trying to fit his tongue inside his foreskin. That really got Ginsei going, and soon the digimon was eagerly swallowing up his pre.

It seemed that looking at their friend getting down and dirty was just too much for his friends. "Hey!" Ginsei heard Dracomon's voice and turned around to see the dragon had joined them on the bed, kneeling there with his arms crossed pointedly. "How about me?" he asked right away. Clearly the young dragon was emboldened by Gazi and Ginsei's antics. His erection was throbbing and leaking enticingly, and he seemed beyond caring about whatever it was that left him initially nervous. He just wanted in on the fun. Luckily for him, Ginsei wanted him in on it too!

There was no hesitation as he wrapped his paw around the Digimon's cock, feeling its owner still a bit tense despite his clear horniness. He started stroking. The digimon seemed to love it almost as much as he loved the way Gazimon licked his ballsack. The other male wrapped his tongue around each of his orbs in turn. Even with his eyes closed in enjoyment, he kept on and never stopped his work on Dracomon's cock.

"More!" Ginsei and Dracomon both demanded at the same time. It was risky. What if Gazimon just stopped? He seemed contrarian that way. Either way, he had a job to do. He clenched more tightly around Dracomon's pole, finding delight in the dragon's groaned reaction. He didn't even need to speed up! These guys were an easy work... or so he thought until Gazimon pulled back his foreskin and proceeded to go all the way on his cock, the head jammed firmly in the digimon's throat.

Ginsei groaned and scrunched his face. He couldn't believe Gazimon would go all the way like this! As he worked and looked at the cock he was pleasuring, he wondered if he should do the same with Dracomon?

"Hey!" Oh crap. He'd been about to pull Dracomon's cock into his mouth when Gabumon's voice rang. He'd completely forgot about his third client. How unprofessional! He ears flopped as he turned to face the yellow digimon. Or rather the yellow digimon's fat, yellow cock. Ginsei wondered what the shyest of the three males would ask of him.

"SUCK MY COCK, DIGISLUT!" Well, that definitely was not what the silver cabbit had expected. Not the volume, not the attitude, and not the cock being rubbed all over his face as the order was repeated:" SUCK IT!" He'd thought gazimon had more surprises in store for him. What was that saying? Right, beware the quiet ones. Well, he was getting paid, and even if he weren't... how could he say no to the needy canine? Not that he was likely to: it was too good-looking a cock to pass on anyway.

He looked at the thick member and licked his lips to tease the bepelted mon. He barely had to do anything else: as soon as he opened his mouth, Gabumon just shoved it inside in a single thrust! Ginsei's eyes widened as the balls smacked in his face, cocktip all the way into his throat. Ginsei thanked the gods this wasn't his first time. He gagged once or twice before he could get it under control, then got to work licking the warm flesh. Gabumon pulled back and just let his red cock head in. Not hesitating, Ginsei sucked and licked around it and as expected, the organ soon throb with neediness.

"Damn...this is hot!!" Dracomon commented. He was probably regretting that he wasn't the one who had demanded oral first. Ginsei couldn't exactly say that there would always be next time and he would be glad to give the draconic mon his mouth then, but he wished he could've said it.

Gazimon was now sucking on his cock as though Gabumon had ordered him too. Like Ginsei, he was focusing on the head but growing adventurous and trying to fit more, inch by inch, inside his eager mouth. How Ginsei he supposed to work on both Gabumon and Dracomon without letting one feel unsatisfied like this?! Thankfully, Dracomon seemed to be happy with a handjob at the moment.

He speed up to make sure the green Digimon wouldn't complain, lewd noises growing louder. Ginsei's other paw was busy with groping Gabumon's hefty sack, making the lizard moan and unlikely to stop thrusting into his maw. While he was still clearly eager to fit it all he seemed more willing to let Ginsei do it on his own terms now. It took longer, but soon the Digimon had managed to fit his entire cock back inside, ballsack rubbing against Ginsei's chin.

The lapine thought it funny how the other didn't control himself at first, but now wanted to focus on the pleasure instead of rushing for the payload. Maybe he was just less excited now that he was actually getting some. Cute. Ginsei kept sucking and couldn't help but groan around Gabumon's cock himself as his own was still getting a nice workout thanks to Gazimon. He wondered how many digital dicks that guy had sucked on before.

The paw working on Dracomon was a mess of dragon pre. Clearly he seemed to be enjoying the show. Surely he was already considering what more than a handjob he could get. Inside Ginsei or... one of his friends? Heh. It wasn't in his place to fantasize about that, though he could hardly help it. He loved to be the center of attention like this, sucking and stroking cock while his own got a fair share of attention.

After some time, Ginsei started to wonder which of his or his client's stamina would prevail. As if wanting to make sure his did, he started to move harder alongside Gabumon's thrusts, making it easier for him to keep claiming his maw. So it wasn't a surprise when he heard the yellow's Digimon next words.

"I'm...close!" Ginsei could have told the portly male that! The yellow length was already telling him everything he needed to know. From amount of pre and the throbbing, no way the canine male could last much longer. And he wasn't the only one in that situation. Dracomon's member was giving a similar vibe even if the green dragon was pretending his best to be manly and holding his moans back to seem like he had more stamina than he did. Ginsei, having his paw wrapped around that cock, could not be so easily fooled. And that was not to speak about his own cock! That Gazimon knew his way around it, leaving the eyepatched hybrid groaning between sucks. Between the sucking stroking, getting sucked, it was all a question of who would be blasting first.

"Me...me too...NHGG!" 'Close' was an euphemism: Dracomon didn't even finish his sentence that he became the first one to cum. Still busy sucking Gabumon, Ginsei didn't get to watch, but he certainly felt it, both Dracomon's pulsating cock and his cum, messing not only the bed sheets but also Ginsei's fur as it reached all the way to his neck, head and ears.

"That's...D-DRACOMON!!" Whatever Gabumon wanted to say just turned into screaming his friend's name as he joined in. As if to make sure Ginsei wouldn't waste a single drop of his seed, the digital male held on his head with both paws until he, cock stuffed down that hungry throat.

Ginsei knew to expect something like that and just closed his eye, letting the Digimon do as he wanted. He only got to taste the tail end of the load when the lizard pulled back, most of it lost to the depth of his throat. The rabbit was thankful the male hadn't elected to coat his face in the stuff. It was hell on earth to clean up cum from his eyepatch, harder than getting it out of his fur--another fact he never expected to learn before taking on this job.

Just as Gabumon was finishing, as if satisfied with his good work and ability to hold back, Ginsei's own orgasm finally crashed through his entire body. With gabumon's cock still inside his mouth (no way he would let it out even as Gabumon squirmed from the overstimulation), he couldn't warn the digimon. Semen erupted in Gazimon's mouth, choking the surprised male with his volume. He took his time, sucking through and thoroughly until eventually he managed to get it all down.

As the other three leaned back, panting a little in their afterglow, he smirked and wiped his lips before hopping on his knees. He spread his legs to himself properly, then announced, precum dripping down his entire length:

"Alright, who wants to play with this bad boy?"

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