Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 72: That Which Means The Most To Us (Rising Part IV)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#72 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Alex was actually allowed to accompany Lady Ursa, Lady Barq, Russell and Addy on a away mission to the nomadic colony to treat those who were suffering from the itching epidemic. Naka and his followers were hiding in a swamp which offered them refuge from their pursuers (or so they thought) that was until the KLIS showed up and tried to take some souvenirs with them. They were thwarted by a certain badger lady who stood up to them proving to all why she was the 2nd strongest warrior in the former empire (and a total badass)....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 72: That Which Means The Most To Us (Rising Part IV)

Day 179 (World Two, 5:14 PM)

"Alright every beast in position?" The female gorilla whisper-shouted.

Oliver Justice, Theresa Branch and myself immediately took offense.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant every person." The rebel leader said starring at our target, a former hotel. Now just a broken structure of concrete, steel and wood. But it was inhabited as evidenced by a makeshift wooden door on the ground level. The female gorilla believed our objective lay inside.

"We are ready!" Theresa said holding her weapon.

"A pitch fork? Perhaps something a little more offensive Ms. Branch?" I suggested.

"It is what I could come up with Alex."

"Same here." Oliver said his makeshift club at the ready. Actually it was a rowing oar.

"Ready let's do this." Lady Barq said her spiked mace at her side.

"Agreed." My mistress said drawing her sword.

"Hey, do I get to eat anything I find?" Nezera said looking around to uneasy stares from her companions. "My aren't we a motley crew?"

"Many coming together for a single cause, to take back this city." Lune said to the vampire bat. "Alex!"

*Side-pods engaged.*

*Tractor hooks engaged*

I lined up the cross-hair on the wooden door and pressed the left toggle switch on the weapons console.

THOK!!! The tractor hooks had made contact.

"Very well, let's bring it!" I shouted powering on the prototype.


Day 179 (5:14 AM, the trunk of the blue prototype)

"Wake up pet." My brown bear said kissing me on my forehead.

I was lying flat on my back looking upward as my fierce ursine warrior was lying flat on me looking quite ferocious. To anyone unfamiliar with our relationship it looked like I was in the process of being mauled. But the opposite was true.


"Mistress?" I said as I woke up to some sloppy kisses.

"Congratulations Alex you slept through the night. It looks like your biological needs are starting to reassert themselves."

"Well, it looks like my insomnia is gone." I said looking into her golden eyes. "Sorry."

To some beastials that would be the sign of a challenge- but we had been through that already.

"How long has it been since your last shimmer?"

"A few days." I responded as she kissed my forehead again.

"What about alternate reality visions?"

"Same. The last one I had was about Naka and his followers being betrayed by Mr. Day."

"I think our lioness was right pet. That is another ability of yours that took its time manifesting."

"I say it did. Three years after my arrival on this world mistress."

"Even so, like your precognition and healing ability. It has proven its self useful." Lady Ursa said as she removed my shirt and pants.


"I am in need of one of your abilities right now little human." She said as she started removing what clothing was left on my body before doing the same with her own.

"Right now? Won't Naka, Barq and everyone else hear? You know you can be REALLY loud when you are enjoying yourself very much." I warned.

It was at that moment my brown bear raised her eyebrow in the curious way she does. In the curious way I have come to love over the years.


*Yes Lady Ursa?*

"Engage privacy mode."

*Privacy mode engaged.*

"Now that is new!"

"I believe you have some labors to perform pet." She said looming over me.

I obliged. I started at her lips with a long kiss, before moving to her cheeks.

"That feels nice." She rumbled.

I then kissed her neck, then her upper torso before fixating on her breasts, those wonderful pillows I have come to love kissing and sucking on each nipple.

That also elicited moans from my brown bear as I continued my journey lower and lower and lower. Next was her stomach and finally her groin. When I arrived there, I licked my finger and stuck it in her cub tunnel exciting her.



"Ah at long last it is time to please you master." She said as I started pointing.

Lady Ursa leaned forward as she raised her beautiful backside up and then lowered herself down enveloping my penis.

*UGH* I moaned as she took control before a thought crossed my mind.

"Mistress wait!"

"What is it pet? Am I hurting you?"

"No. But we are in the middle of nowhere! Um, how are we supposed to get cleaned up afterwards?"

"Tch!" She responded placing both paws on either side of my head. "If I were you, I would worry about finishing before your lover, especially when she is in control."

"I love it when you take control." I moaned as she started raising and lowering that rump of hers. The feeling was beyond magnificent.

"And I love it when my males are submissive." She growled planking me.

(Anything for you my love.)

**UNF** **UNF** **UNF** **UNF** **UNF** **UNF** **UNF** **UNF** **UNF** **UNF**

"Mistress!! Mistress!! I am... I am..." I groaned as I felt that familiar tickle enter my nether regions.

"Oh no you don't! Not yet!" She said as she stopped moving.

I shivered and anticipated what was to come.

"You want us to finish at the same time?"

"That riiiiight." She said embracing me.

As the former Knight of Wundagore started reaching her peak she sat on my groin paws cupping the back of my neck, her chin on my forehead. My face was wedged between her cleavage as my hands found their way to her hips.

"Mistress!! I, I, I can't take anymore!!

Apparently she was there too.

"Very well pet- together then let whole universe hear!" She rumbled.

"AAHHHH!!!!!" I screamed as I came hard. Of course that was drowned out by....


I lost how many times I splurted inside her that morning. But when I finished she was kissing my cheek, licking my chest and oh yeah, and my balls ached.

"Magnificent." My fierce ursine warrior muttered when her sanity returned.

"You know it." I said proudly after successfully laying my she beast.

"What was that pet?"

"I mean your roar, it was so loud- I thought that half the planet heard it." I said kissing her. "I love you mistress."

"I know pet. The only thing missing is..."

"Shakara! So you two have grown close." I said smiling.

"We had only each other to lean on while you are away Alex. Despite some foibles- she is a knowledgeable biologist and a effective healer."

"Foibles- is that your way of saying she is horny all the time mistress?" I said burying my face in her cleavage again.

"Yes Alex and devious. Very devious."

*In today's world that isn't a bad thing.* The automated assistant said.

"Thank you Overwatch." I responded.

"What time is it?"

*5:20 AM Lady Ursa.*

"Anything to report?"

*There were a few more skyships flying overhead during the night.*

"Where they KLIS ships?" I asked.

*Their design and configuration were unfamiliar Mr. Winter.*

"It is a shame the probe was lost, we could have used it." I said dejected.

"Overwatch anything on the microprobes that were deployed?" My she beast asked.

*Nothing hostile at our location madam knight. However I am observing something.*

I traded glances with my perfect person. We exited the trunk hastily putting on our under garments as we entered the cockpit.

"Bring it up Alex."

I pressed the third toggle button on the weapons console and the copilot monitor and keyboard emerged from the glove box. I quickly started typing.

"Oh my."

"Place it on my monitor." My warrior bear said.

The view was from the trunk of the silver prototype. We observed the badger warrior cuddling Addy. She was in her avian form.

*That was not what I was referring to.* Overwatch said as my she beast and I snickered.

"Right switching to another probe." I said.

The view was from inside a small tent on the other side of the marsh.

"So that is how Naka and his followers keep clean." I observed.

We watched Kiwi and Song bathing. The chakat had stripped the boy naked and was lathering up his small body with some type of foam- starting at the neck and shoulders then working her way down; she focused on his genitals and bottom last.

When she had finished Kiwi turned around and started lathering her starting at her neck and chest, then arms, tummy, then back, her second back and second tummy and then finally her rump and tail which he paid a lot of attention to.

"I think that area has been scrubbed enough Kiwi." Song said blushing.

"I am just making sure, I know how hard it is for you to reach back there." The boy remarked giggling.

"Now that you mention it, I think I missed a spot too." She said applying some more foam right in between the crease in his butt.

The boy quickly retaliated making sure the two holes underneath Song's tail had been soaped and thoroughly scrubbed.

"Wow, those two are really close." I commented watching their interaction.

"Look at their bathing apparatus pet." Lady Ursa said directing my attention to a series of bins and manual pumps nearby.

"Impressive. It looks like they are pulling water from the marsh, sterilizing it, purifying it, heating it and then using it to bathe with."

"Indeed Alex we should go next." My warrior bear said exiting the blue coupe. "But first let's find their bathroom..."

"You have to go?" I asked.

"Maybe." The brown bear said. "But I am more concerned about you."

"Um, why?"

"When was the last time you pooped or peed for that matter?"

"Mistress!!" I said blushing.

"Not since you have been back." She said picking me up. "I know, I have been watching."

"Mistress this is embarrassing." I protested as we found the bathroom a tent over a small black bog.

"Now pet, if your biological functions have started reasserting themselves, the call of nature should be next."

"But I haven't felt the urge to go." I complained.

"For how long?"

"Um... now that I think about it I can't remember when was the last time I relieved myself." I said blushing again.

"That shows just how powerful the entity's influence is. Listen now that you are eating- your body must excrete the waste that it doesn't need otherwise you will get sick. If you like I will help you." The female ursine offered.


Before I could protest she had dropped my undergarments, had clasped my penis with her left paw and began aiming it while lewdly rubbing my bladder with her right paw. But nothing was coming out.

"Imagine a stream, no, a flowing river eager to become a waterfall but it is pent in by a dam. It wants and needs to be free! Alex destroy the dam let the river flow!"

That did it. I urinated for a least a minute. My mistress urging me all the way.

"It is still amazing that you haven't done that for over three months." Lady Ursa said as she stopped rubbing my groin.

"ONE took care of all our needs mistress, mentally, physically and biologically. Maybe someday we will know how it accomplished that."

"Welcome back my little human." She said hugging me.

"Um, we should bathe." I said watching my jizz drip down her legs.

After Song and Kiwi exited their 'shower' we decided to use it.

"Not bad for being in the great outdoors." My bear knight said when we had finished.

"Still doesn't replace what we had before world fall though." I said as we started drying off.

*tap* *tap*

"Did you hear something?"

"You too finished in there?" A female badger said outside of the tent.

"Good morning my lady." I said peaking out.

"For some of us it really is." She said looking inside the tent at its nude occupants (us). "It is time for breakfast."

After hastily drying ourselves, my mistress and I joined our hosts.

"So are you five headed back home?" Naka asked as Nikka passed some strawberries to the bear, badger and myself.

"Well not exactly." I said to the maned wolf.

"Really?" Song asked. "Why not?"

"We are thinking about heading to World Two next." My brown bear said to our hosts.

"What is there?" The maned wolf asked.

"Some friends I made last time I was there. With this epidemic going on, I think it is time to check up on them." I responded.

"So World Two is still standing eh?" Kiwi asked.

"Barely most of the city was destroyed except for a single block." The brown bear responded.

"I read the Commander's report, it is a very dangerous place." The badger warrior said.

"Dangerous?" The grey and white pony took notice. "Yeah about that..."

"Schwee?!" The blue slime said.

"Russell?" Nikka asked.

"Naka how many in this colony do you think are being tracked by the KLIS?"

"Three including Nikka." The former knight said. "Before last night, I didn't think there was a way for them to prevent being taken."

"That was what I was getting to- I think Addy and I could help in that endeavor."

"Schwee?!" Addy asked.

"Yes, you are the key Addy. Plus this is a great opportunity for you to continuing learning. With Barq and Ursa's permission and yours too I would like to stay." Russell said.

"He is just saying that because he likes Nikka." The chakat's boy said.

"Yup it is written on his face." I added.

"All over it." My bear said.

"So true." The badger added.

"Is it that obvious?" Russell said.

"It is." Nikka said taking his paw.

"There does seem to be a connection between those two." Naka said thinking out loud.


"I mean we could use another warrior around here." He said after being elbowed by Song.

"Stay Russell, help our friends here." My lady bear said.

"Addy." Lady Barq said looking at the blue slime.


"I will miss you." The badger whispered petting her on her head. "Take care of Russell- he is completely hopeless."

"Schwee!" Addy said accepting her new mission.

"Thank you for helping us all of you, especially Alex." The white cat taur said.

"Especially during the itch thing." Kiwi added. "To show our gratitude we have a gift."

"A gift?" My lady bear asked.

"Black!" Naka called out to the akita.

The assassin approached me.

"What is this?" I asked.

"It is a grappling hook with a pointed tip. You seem to be the only one in your group without a weapon." The black akita said.

"Um kay." I said as he presented it to me.

"You attach it to your arm. You can press this button here to fire the hook. Press the button again to retract the rope attached to it or if you need to ascend a structure very quickly once the hook attaches to something." Song said.

"Or you can use the pointed tip to impale." Midnight Black said rather darkly. "If you hit your target just right you can cause them to bleed out; it is a very unassuming weapon."

"Wow, thank you! Naka, Song, Kiwi, Black. I don't know what to say."

"Our gratitude for helping me, I mean us in our time of need medic." The assassin said to me.

"This is a momentous occasion- Midnight Black expressed gratitude!" Kiwi said to everyone there.

"Yeah that is something for us to celebrate." The maned wolf said.

"More important I have a weapon!" I shouted.

"One you need to master as quickly as possible pet." My mistress said bringing me back to reality.


"Russell take good care of yourself. Look out for them too." Lady Barq said hugging the grey and white horse.

"I will my lady." He said as my mistress and I piled on.

"Addy!" The badger called out to the blue slime.


"I will miss you too; whatever you look like. You made me realize that I wouldn't mind becoming a parent at some point. Look after and protect all in this colony and they will do the same for you as well."

"Schwee!!" She nodded.

*All set Lady Barq?*

"Yeah Wheels." The badger warrior said sitting down in the silver coupe.

"We should be going as well pet." My perfect person said.

"Right." I said joining her in the blue coupe.

*Recognized Lady Ursa Senior Knight The Lost City*

* Recognized Alex Winter Medic The Lost City*

"Overwatch assume control of the prototype, engage hover mode and dock with the silver prototype."

*Acknowledged Lady Ursa*

The blue prototype landed on the silver prototype, and extended its deflector to encase both vehicles. We then took to the sky on a trip to World Two.


"So how did it go little cutie?" The horny lioness asked.

"I treated all in the nomadic colony who were affected Shakara."

"Alex also left some supplies in case of future flare ups." My perfect person said to my devious person.

"So I can expect you two back by the end of the day?" The dark tan lioness asked. "The nights have been very cold and lonely without you."

"I am sorry Shakara but that will have to be delayed." The bear said to the lioness.


"We have decided to visit Theresa and Oliver in World Two. Maybe even the Dalmatian couple."

"You mean Mitsa and Lune?"

"Alex believes that if they are suffering from the epidemic we should help them and anyone else in need." Lady Ursa said.

"It makes sense, but be extremely careful World Two is very dangerous place." The dark tan lioness warned.

"Acknowledged Shakara." The brown bear said to the lioness.

"We are prepared this time." I said showing her the apparatus attached to my arm.

"What is that?"

"A gift from the nomadic colony. I now have a weapon." I said proudly.

"That is great news. You will also be happy to know that there haven't been any flare- ups while you were away, oh and Ananias walked into the infirmary today. He was surprised to see me. I think he was expecting you."

*Perhaps it was his way of saying that he misses Alex?*

"That will be the day, but perhaps I should give him a hug when we get back." I said.

"By the way how are Addy and Russell doing?"

"About that Shakara..." My lady bear said to my lady lion.

We arrived at World Two just before 11 AM.

"Ursa you seeing this?" The badger in the prototype below us said.

"Yes Barq, it is as bad Alex described. The city looks like a war-zone; it was just obliterated."

"It is hard to believe anyone still lives there." My mistress' rival said. "My city was flooded, but at least the buildings are intact. Here there are just skeletons of structures as far as I can see, if they are still standing at all."

*And debris, plenty of that madam knight.* Wheels announced.

"There are gangs, mobs, Others- rejects, neo-rebels, entity worshipers and creatures here trying to lay claim to what is left." I said to my companions.

"So there is no structure or order only lawlessness." The she badger exclaimed.

"What is that?" I said as we flew over the city from the northwest.

"Bring it up." The she badger ordered.

I zoomed in on the image using the front mounted camera on the nose of the blue coupe.

"Fellow knights!" My fierce ursine warrior exclaimed watching two a gecko and turtle trying to protect what looked to be two residents a woman and man from what looked to be five bright- yellow humanoid creatures with their wooden spears.

"Can you receive any audio?" Lady Barq said as one of the 'light' people aimed its arm at the turtle. The knight was blown across the ground by some sort of blast.

*I am afraid we are too far away my lady. But it appears that the turtle is saying Ciel they are too strong! The gecko is warning that man and woman rummaging for scraps. You over there! It is not safe! Seek cover!* The automated assistant said reading lips.

"What are those things....?" The badger lady said as we watched in horror as two of the yellow humanoids turned their attention to the man and woman slaughtering them right in front of our eyes. Only muck remained on the ground where they had stood.

"They don't appear to be any type of creature I am familiar with." I shouted.

The beings wore what looked like black markings over their eyes, but the rest of their bodies- limbs, legs were brightly illuminated. The two knights losing to these five creatures were outnumbered.

"They are monsters pet- the unfriendly type." My bear said as the two knights of Warwick tried to regroup only to be blasted by two more creatures advancing on their position.

*We need help.* Overwatch said reading the gecko's mouth.

*From who? There is no one left!* The turtle mouthed.

"Ursa unless we intervene." Lady Barq started to say.

"Yes, we are watching the final moments of their lives." Lady Ursa said to her friend.

**I recommend caution Lady Barq. We are out of communication range from the lost city and the auxiliary site.* *

"In other words we are on our own Wheels." The female badger hissed. "But I am not about to watch two fellow warriors die."

"Barq, I have an idea...."

My she beast dropped the silver prototype about a block away from the knights. Lady Barq raced to the turtle and gecko as they were being advanced on.

"What is the plan mistress?" I asked my bear knight.

"Pincer attack." She said cryptically.

The silver coupe drove right up to the doomed warriors who were struggling against the creatures and losing badly.

"Knights of Warwick!! The Knights of Sovereign and Wundagore send you their greetings!! Now please step outside of our kill zone!!" Lady Barq said on the silver prototype's PA system.

The turtle and gecko looked at the grey coupe.

*Side-pods engaged*

The turtle and gecko then looked at each other.

*Flame thrower engaged*

The two then ran past the dumbfounded light creatures diving for cover as flames erupted from both weapons launchers from the silver prototype.

Two of the creatures exploded from the intense heat right in front of the remaining three who turned to flee only to encounter a blue prototype with weapons launchers extended. The three remaining were torched before they knew what hit them.

(Man, it feels great to be back in the saddle.)

"Thanks for rescuing us." The turtle said crawling out behind some debris.

"Yeah, thanks. This job has become impossible." The gecko said. "I am Ceil and this is Faust."

"You are most welcome." The fierce badger warrior said emerging from the silver prototype.

"Thank you for the assist, how many of you are there?" The gecko asked.

"Um, just them." I said pointing to the pilots of the prototypes. "Can we offer you a lift somewhere? I should check you for injuries."

Lady Barq decided to drive the knights back to their base station. My mistress and I followed. Listening on the conversation.

"So you are all that is left of the knight core?" The turtle asked Lady Barq.

"A junior knight from World Three survived, Four knights from World One and my Commander and I from World Five." The female warrior said.

"There had been rumors that the destruction was complete." The gecko said. "That is why there has been no word in over seven months."

"Our Commander died during the fall. Most of our comrades in the aftermath. A few even tried to get help from the core in the other cities and were never heard from again." Ceil said.

"Those of us who were left, were picked off little by little." Faust added.

The trip back to the station was made quite difficult because the streets were a mess with rubble and debris, if there was a pathway through it was only large enough for an ATV. We had to make numerous detours before arriving at the knight's base station.

"I have been here before." I said as we arrived.

"Who is in charge?" My warrior bear said.

"Izzy he is the highest ranking knight of what is left of us." The turtle said.

"I remember him, the last time I was here I approached him for help and he turned me over to members of a gang!" I shouted.

"That was a judgement call he made to save the rest of us from The Horde." The gecko said scratching his leg furiously.

Ursa, Barq and I took notice.

"Ceil. I need to examine you right away." I said as we stepped out of the blue and silver coupes.

"Overwatch engage halo-projector."

*Acknowledged Lady Ursa.*

The two knights of Warwick watched as the two hover vehicles seemingly turned into rubble.

"We would like to speak with your commanding officer." My bear said to the warriors.

"This way." The turtle said.

We followed the two of them into the rundown building. Only to watch the gecko and turtle draw their spears.

"You sense that Ceil?"

"Yes, Faust someone else is here."

I looked at the female warriors. My mistress drew her sword, her rival her spiked mace. I had mine weapon at the ready as well.

We followed the Knights of Warwick to the one of the few offices that still stood, inside we found Iggy, Chemar's friend whom, had turned me over to The Horde the last time I was here. He was cowering on the floor as someone stood over him.

"You can't protect the innocent, punish the guilty, ensure our safety or even maintain order. What good are you?! JUNIOR KNIGHT YOU HAVE FAILED THIS CITY!!!" A shadowy assailant said.

"Alright who ever you are paws up!" The turtle shouted.

"Step away from their commanding officer..." My fierce ursine warrior growled.

"Don't make us repeat ourselves." The large badger next to her hissed.

The would be assailant turned around from the cowering lizard to face us.

"Good now come toward us." The turtle ordered.

The assailant was big and muscular, as they finally stepped into some red sunlight from a window, I saw who it was a gorilla, a familiar female one.

"Lady Keiko?!" I shouted.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 71: Now We Are Ready To Be Extraordinary (Rising Part III)

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