Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 68: Home (Conclusion)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#68 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Alex struggled through his first day back in the infirmary. It didn't help that his patients by a large majority preferred a certain horny feline healer with a big rack compared to him, a former Other. His day got even tougher when he was thrusted into counseling a despondent student of Ms. Una's. This made the serpent lady realize that there was a much greater problem within the colony as many were still traumatized by the events of December 31st over six months ago....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 68: Home (Conclusion)

Day 174 (evening therapy session, central building)

Ms. Una's counseling session was a collage of recollected stories and personal accounts from the past six months:

...It all started that awful morning...

...When and the sky turned red...

...Then that cloud thing moved in...

...It seemed it was going to be a great day until that happened...

...That was when it all changed... ...The ground shook... ...The rain swelled...

...Everything electronic began to fail... ...Lava erupted from below...

...Vehicle started falling from the skies.. ....The wind blew... ...A conflagration started...

...Buildings started collapsing...

...That's right, I lost my friends, my home my neighborhood...

...There was chaos and confusion...

...When was this horror going to end?

...We only managed to escape with the clothes on our back...

...We were pleading for help any help but there was none to be found...

...Yeah, that was when the walkers came... come with us if you want to live. They said. They touched my daughter and son who trembled and started acting exactly like them...

...I hate the walkers, they took everything from me...

...Then were the monsters creatures who came in the night feeding...

...Or the aliens that collected any and all they wanted...

....The winter was crushing, cruel and heartless...

...It was mean, cruel and unforgiving...

...I watched those that had escaped with me die from hunger...

...I nearly froze to death...

...Many rather than becoming a walker, being fed on, abducted simply took their lives...

"For a while I held out hope. This was just another blip that the empire was going through.. the protests, demonstrations and the revelers. I mean the empire survived the green sickness we could survive this!" The mountain reedbuck exclaimed.

"But that turned out not to be the case." I said to T'hoka.

"When did you realize that help wasn't coming?" The female cobra asked gently as the rest in our therapy circle looked on.

"It was about three weeks after the apocalypse as winter set in."

"Do you really want to call it that?" A seagull seated next to him asked.

"What would you call what we have been through then?" The male deer asked. "As I was saying time passed. Winter hit hard and there was nothing- no knights, no food, no water or shelter. Just devastation."

"And the possessed promising that this was the dawn of a new era. Submit and go with the flow and things would get better!" A jackalope said from the group.

"And now we are in this post end of world, world where there is no structure or order just uncertainty." A mustelid from the circle despaired.

"Is it true that it is just a matter of time before they come for us?" A possum asked the female naga leading the support group.

"Well that is one interpretation we are just dragging out the inevitable conclusion."

"Or we have to take up the challenge push back the growing darkness, defeat the defeaters and rekindle the light to civilization!!!" Commander Rhinox said in a moment of inspirational motivation.

"Yes let's defeat the Others, KLIS and night creatures!" Yogi said. "How do we do that exactly? Their numbers are so large and ours are so.... not."

"Still working on that." Commander Rhinox said to those present.

"Or perhaps our enemies will turn on each other or a faction will switch sides." The male jackalope said cheerfully.

"Thank you all for coming. I think we all needed to vent." Ms Una said. "Many here are in grief, pain and misery wondering how they can even go forward especially in these hard times. Sessions like this where we discuss our pain and put it into context are very helpful. Don't you agree?"

The eight in our group nodded.

"Or better yet for those of us who can't move forward why don't you hypnotize them into forgetting their trauma and pain Ms. Una?" The female possum suggested.

"That would only mask the problem and not deal with it head on. I know Tala that you miss your mate and younglings but asking me to make you forget would do disservice to them and their memory. Instead I would suggest that we meet on a regular basis to talk about moving forward." The naga said.

"I lost friends too. I know in my heart that they wouldn't want me to give up and give in." The mustelid said.

"I want each of you to think of a way to push back the encroaching darkness that is enveloping our world and our lives." The naga said. It may be something as simple a helping your family, friends or neighbors or the this city."

"Like the cleaning project you and you students are working on." The rhino warrior said.

"Yes Commander. I want to thank you all again for coming. This was a very productive first meeting." The she snake said.

The group disbanded and filed out of the central building. I followed the Commander back to his home, we were in deep discussion over what had happened in the therapy session.

"I did not know just how much physical pain, mental damage and despair there was going around."

"Well what our society has experienced is akin to a extinction level event son." Rhinox said putting his paw on my shoulder.

"Yet despite that the sun still rises and sets, the wind still blows, plants still grow, the flora and fauna still go about their lives oblivious as to what has happened." I said to the rhino warrior.

"Alex the sky outside; it is still red."

"Oh yeah that." I said as we turned another corner. It was weird this street we were on was full of unoccupied vacant houses. It felt isolated and desolate.

"The truth is Alex that it is going to take a long time for all of us to come to terms with what happened if we can at all..."

"How are you holding up sir?" I said looking up at that tan horn of his.

The Commander fell silent.

"Alex, we are surrounded." He whispered to me. "I they are hostile."


"This was premeditated." I said as my clairvoyance kicked in.

"So they are not invaders, they are from within." The Commander said. "Prepare yourself."

"Ready." I whispered.

But that was not the only thing, I experienced another shimmer at the worst possible time.

"Oh not now!" I gasped.

Delivery! The harpy said taping on the window of what looked like an abandoned hover vehicle at what once was a park.

Say what? A brown haired man in a black shirt with brown camo pants said rolling down the window.

We have a special delivery just for you! I said joining Demona who was smiling cheerfully at the derelict.

How is that even possible? I didn't order anything and I have no fixed address! No one does- the city is in ruins. He responded.

It doesn't matter. The female harpy said.

Yes, with what shape the city is in we thought we would do our part to make it better. I said smiling.

So you are bringing food and supplies to those in need. That is rather quite kind. But I thought packages were dropped off at a central point for the recipients to pick up; door to door service was a thing of the past?

Demona looked at me and I at her. As the man looked at the nicely wrapped brown package she was carrying.

Well you are right sir. This delivery isn't for you. She said tossing the box aside.

That is right. It is for our master. I said smiling wickedly.

You're walkers! He said trying to roll up the window of the hover vehicle.

Exactly right but don't despair human everything will be just fine. The harpy said opening the unlocked door.

_That is right we handle our packages with care! _I said booping the terrified man on the nose. He trembled violently as he was delivered into the possession of our master.

Ah, another vessel for our personal use! You two have done well.

Thank you master. The harpy and I said in unison as we were rewarded by waves of indescribable pleasure.

"Alex, you ok son?" Rombolt asked.

*UGH* "That was the absolute worst time for that to happen. *OW* My head!! It burns!!"

So did my chest and butt.

"You were branded." The rhino said looking at the mark on my forehead.

"Branded like how?"

"Cattle." He said to me as blood dripped from his horn. "We were attacked."

"How many Commander?"

"At least four, maybe more. I was busy dealing with the first two. What about yours?"

"Negative sir."


"I had another shimmer."

"So that is what happened."

"What about you sir?" I asked as the Commander helped me to my feet.

"One of my attackers got away. The second, well, he won't be going home tonight." Rhinox said looking at a crumpled gnoll a few spaces away on the stone street.

He appeared to be in his thirties, a young looking face, moderate frame big ears, tuft of fur below his collarbone, nice spots, dark brown paws which made him look like he was wearing gloves and then there was the nasty gash in the center of his chest where the rhino warrior impaled him. He was wheezing heavily.

"Why did you do it son?" The larger warrior asked the smaller one.

"You're have made bad decisions, bad decisions that will doom us all." He wheezed looking directly at me.

I placed my ear next to his chest. "I think you punctured his lungs, both of them."

"He left me no choice, he had a axe, a big one." The rhino said.

"That is.... so that is why I can't breathe." He gasped.

"Well you did challenge the strongest warrior in all the former empire with an axe what did you think was going to happen?" I asked.

"I have some questions for you- and you are going to answer them truthfully." He said to the mortally wounded beastial.

"Don't think so." The gnoll wheezed again.

"Well I do." Rhinox said reaching for his service weapon he adjusted the setting to the truth ray and fired.


"Now why did you do this? What did you think it would accomplish? And who were your conspirators?"

"Commander, Commander! It is no use. He is dead." I shouted at him.

Rhinox checked for a pulse. There wasn't any. I ended up carrying the axe while he brought the gnoll's remains back to the infirmary for examination.

"Cause of death?" He asked me.

"You put your horn right through his chest and punctured his lungs.... sir."

"It was unfortunate that he died before he could be interrogated." The rhino warrior said as I wiped the blood off of his horn.

"What did you know about this warrior?"

"He was a loner from the outskirts of World Three. He claimed that he had lost everything that had mattered to him."

"Well he wasn't alone tonight sir." I said I finished shining his horn.

"Your turn son."

I removed my shirt, pants and undergarments. I then handed Rhinox the dermal regenerator from the medkit that had been secured from the Grand Kingdom.

"How bad is it?" I said as he stood and aimed the tip of the device to my forehead.

"It is bad. They seared in the word Other right above your eyebrow- in big lettering."

"So it matches what is above my left nipple and flank then."

"Apparently so." He said as he started to regrow the burned skin that I had lost.

"I now understand why you wanted a guard placed on me at all times." I said in disbelief. "Fear runs deep."

"It is what I dreaded most Alex."

"What is that sir?" I asked as he finished working on my forehead and moved to my chest.

"The threats to this colony don't necessarily end at it its borders."

"It was never that way before! The nine of us knew that we could trust each other and lean on each other." I said watching the burnt lettering on my chest disappear.

"Well there is a faction within the colony that doesn't support its leadership or has faith in what we are doing."

"So now what?" I asked as the rhino moved onto my rear.

"They will have to be sought out and dealt with; going forward we are not only going to need external guards but internal as well." The rhino warrior said squeezing my butt.


"There, that cute bottom I heard about has been restored to its radiant magnificence."

"Thank you." I said blushing.

Immediately afterwards we started the investigation. The Commander and I started asking the residents on and near the street where we were attacked looking for the gnoll's conspirators. Rhinox even arranged to have a certain ninja keep watch that night inside the city.

"Arugula was a great choice for internal security." I said to the warrior as I crawled into my sleeping bundle in his bedroom.

"For now. The internal rotation will have to be modified- guards at all of the maze exits and guards within the city limits as well."


"Are you alright? I know that you experienced something quite disturbing this evening Alex."

"It wouldn't be the first time nor the last." I said to the rhino. "So when these attackers are found what is to become of them?" I asked.

"Hard to say, we don't have any holding cells here nor is excommunication an option."

So why the rhino warrior slept, I contemplated my predicament. Was it a mistake to return home after escaping from ONE? No, where else was I going to go?

"Welcome to our colony." The maned wolf said to me. "I am Naka, the chakat to my right is Song and that is her boy Kiwi."

"So who do we have the pleasure of meeting this morning?" Song asked staring me down.

"Alex, Alex Winter." I replied.

"Where are you from?" Kiwi asked.

"World One I survived the conflagration there." I said.

"You certainly look like it." Kiwi observed.

"So you are a life support specialist?" Naka asked.

"If you mean medic, then yes." I replied.

"Good we are in need of that." The chakat said. "Welcome aboard. You will be responsible for everyone's well being."

"I have no problem with that. I think I should run full check ups of every member of the colony and I mean FULL check ups." I said looking at the white chakat.

"Are you undressing me with your eyes Mr. Winter?" Song asked.

"Being a taur, how do you wash those hard to reach areas?" I said thinking out loud.

"She has help." Kiwi said looking at the blushing mane wolf. "And he reciprocates."

"AW, you two make a cute couple and with the boy a beautiful family." I coo-ed.

There was an awkward pause as I said that.

_"Anyway I need to examine each and everyone to establish a medical baseline and to make sure no one has something that can spread to the rest of the colony." _

"It will have to wait we will be traveling for the next few days." Naka said.

"We are fleeing our enemies." The chakat added.

"Who are?" I asked. "Those who destroyed our home." The preteen boy said.

"This way, I will show you to where you are staying." The maned wolf said.

_I followed him to another section of their camp. _

"You can make this the healing place." Naka said.

"Wow a tent."

"But it is what we have. Make yourself at home but not too at home, we will be leaving within the hour." He said patting me on the back.

I walked toward the 7' x 7' structure. Despite being larger than the rest of the tents in the camp it was still small to me.

Inside I found a black akita dressed in brown leather blazer and pants rummaging through some containers.

"Excuse me it is impolite to rummage through someone's possessions." I said interrupting him.

"Yes, perhaps I should have waited until after you moved in." He said to me.

"Perhaps. I am Alex Winter." I said extending my hand.

"You are the life support specialist." He said refusing to shake it.

"Medic actually and you are?"

"Midnight Black, distrustful, mercenary, assassin and human despiser." He said pulling out his weaponry.

"Um, nice knives." I said as he held a particularly curved one in front of my field of vision. "Mostly decorative right?"

_The akita gave me quite a demeaning glare before walking out of the tent. _

_(Right not decorative.) _

Before I could really settle in the twenty members of the colony started packing. I decided to assist these new souls I would be caring for. In doing so I was quite surprised how quickly they could assemble and disassemble their camp.

"Naka our enemies are close." The akita said to the maned wolf.

"How close Midnight Black?"

"A day and a half behind us." The canid assassin announced.

"I know of a place where we will be safe from our pursuers." A mole said to the colony's leader. "It is a large hill in the steppes, about a days walk from here."

"If it is high enough, it should be defensible." The white chakat said to the trembling wolf.

"Very well. Black guard or rear. Mr. Day you take lead." Naka said.

(Wait, this seems very familiar.)

The colony walked the whole day from the outskirts of what was World Three to the west, past a forest, plains to some hills rising from the ground probably leading to mountains.

"Lovely isn't?" Mr. Day asked.

"It does have its own unique beauty." Kiwi commented.

"So where is this safe place you were talking about?" The white chakat said

_"That hill off to the right." _

"It seems so isolated from the others." I commented.

"Maybe but we will be hiding in plain site." Mr. Day snickered.

And so our group made our way to the isolated hill making sure to hide all traces of our presence from our pursuers.

"Look it has a door." The chakat's charge said.

"How did you stumble on this?" The maned wolf asked the mole curiously.

"Quite by accident- get this it is a fragment of some ancient sky structure, there is technology in there more advanced than anything in the empire."

_"I am hearing amenities!" A wombat said cheerfully. _

"Awesome! I hope there is running water too!" A caprine said running toward the doorway.

"Do you think so?" Kiwi said perking up. "That would mean baths or a shower!"

The pre-teen said getting sucked into the hype.

"Conveniences does sound nice." Song sighed.

_"Come on let's find out." The maned wolf said following the rest of his subordinates into the hill. _

"Our young leader is very impetuous." Midnight Black said.

"Meaning?" I said to the Akita assassin.

_"He left you alone... with me." _


"I am going to leave you two bickering lovers out here. While I give the rest a tour." The pink nosed mole said walking into the structure.

"Now Mr. Black how long have you harbored your deep seated hatred of humans?" I asked.

"All my life." He said walking confidently towards me.

"Even though I personally have done nothing to you?" I smiled.

_"No, but your kind has. The pain and misery before, during and after the rise of the High Master. It was because your kind that the empire did not discover the conquer of worlds until it was too late." _

"And killing me and young Kiwi will rectify this great wrong?" I said as he drew his knives very confidently.

"No but it will make me feel better." The black akita said to me.

"Wait, wait!" I pleaded.

"What?" He said as he was about to stab me.

"It has been awfully quiet since they went inside. How long has it been?"

"About 17 minutes." The canid assassin said. "And it is getting dark out here."

I looked at him and he at me. We ran toward the hill.

"It is about time you two decided to come inside." Mr. Day said greeting us at the door.

"Is everyone ok?!" I asked stepping inside.

"Just fine Naka, Song, Kiwi and the rest are getting acclimated... as vessels for their new master."

"They have been turned into walkers!!" Midnight Black gasped.

"I call them Others. My client was looking to shore up its forces in this part of the fallen world after a slight miscalculation." The mole said as we were surrounded by the nineteen members of the colony who now were sporting blank stares with goofy grins.


"What are we going to do?!" I shouted.

" Why give in of course." The white chakat said grabbing my arm and kissing me on the cheek. My skin immediately crawled.

"True unity, it is very beautiful." The maned wolf said. _" We should never have run from it." _

"We are going to be together forever and ever!" Kiwi said hugging the akita assassin as his fur bristled.

"We are ONE and ONE is all!!"

The sky craft was indeed our new home and it looked like we would be staying there for ever more.

"Until all are ONE!!!"


"NO!!!" I shouted as I came out of what ever I was in.

"Alex, Alex it is alright you are safe." Rhinox said hugging me.

"Commander why am I sharing your bed?"

"It was the only way I could get you to fall asleep."

"I wasn't sleeping- I was, I guess in a trance, having a vision."

"What kind of vision?" He asked stretching.

"A lifelike and vivid one. I need to talk to Lady Barq and Lady Ursa right now."

Day 175 (Rhinox's office, central building)

"Feleen put them through."

"Morning Commander." My mistress and her rival said in unison.

"Why the 5 AM call?" My lioness asked.

"Has there been any progress locating Naka and his colony?" I asked the away team.

"None." Corbin responded.

"Remember the entity's secret base I told you about? I strongly recommend you check there. Carefully."

"Ok, but why pet?" My fierce ursine warrior said.

"I saw it in a vision."

"You are having visions now big brother?" The little mongoose boy asked.

"I don't know what to call them."

"Why haven't you mentioned them to us before son?" The Commander asked.

"Because I thought they had stopped." I replied.

"When did they start?" Lady Barq asked.

"When I was under the entity's control- when it 'powered' me down I would have these out of body experiences- they were weirdly specific and a tad fantastic."

"Explain little cutie." My devious person said.

"It was like my life but in another reality. In one, I was living with Bertha and Spirit in a future city of the empire. In another I was living with you mistress and Boris on a deserted island, in another I was in a loving relationship with a centaur couple, in another I was a slave in the realm of fire and magma with Flo Fuller. The one before this most recent I was a servant of a KLIS scientist along with Cinder, Ember and Triceraton aboard her sky ship." It felt as real to me like I am talking to you now."

"So you had one this morning?" My warrior bear asked.

"Yes, in this one I was a member of Naka's colony. They were being led by Mr. Day who delivered them right into ONE's clutches."

"In that scenario anyway." Rhinox said.

"Is there anything else you would like to admit Mr. Winter?" Lady Barq asked quite sternly.

"I don't know what it is I am experiencing or why it is happening ma'am."

"But it is different from the shimmers?" The dark tan lioness said.

"Yes Shakara." I said simply.

"By the way how are the two of you feeling?"

I looked at the images of the away team on the communicator.

"I told them about what happened yesterday after the counseling session." Feleen said.

"Alex is doing fine after his branding." Rhinox said.

"The marks have been erased." I said cheerfully.

"Unfortunately there is a lot of fear concerning the entity right now and its restrengthening only worsened it." The badger said.

"I am having our forces look for the conspirators who organized the attack." The rhino warrior said.

"One of them was killed during the assault." I added.

"Another was discovered and caught this morning." The Commander said. "They are under heavy guard in holding."

"Good work sir." Lady Barq said.

"Yes good work Commander." Lady Ursa said.

"Alex and I are on our way to visit them right now. We will check in with you later." The rhino warrior said ending the connection.

"Whoa, that was quick!" I said following the jolly rhino out of his office and the central building.

We walked past my street, his street, our neighborhood to the eastern boundary of the lost city to the house I was held in after I returned which has been named the holding house.

Outside was a white female sergal dressed in black robe. Another of the new warriors of the colony. I could not see her face because she was wearing a creepy skull. Her weapon of choice was club, it was made of bone.

"Torri." The Commander said as we arrived.

The sergal did not utter a single word. Only bowing to acknowledge our presence.

"Open it."

She complied. Inside tied to a chair was the so called second conspirator.

The rhino warrior entered the house, I followed right behind him curious to see who was our second attacker.


"Rombolt Rhinox." The human/beastial hybrid said. "You are becoming more and more like a dictator every day."

Alex Winter July 1st, YOE 34

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