Waiting Up

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#6 of My Husband's Girlfriend - A Cheating/Cuckolding Series

Chemical finds herself waiting for the father of her future child and love of her life to arrive, while he is decidedly busy elsewhere.

This story was written for Fyrdrgon. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, rough sex and themes of infidelity. :3

Waiting Up


Chemical glanced at her phone as she lay back on the couch. The green and black scaled dragoness giggled in glee. In a few minutes, Ropes would be here. She set her phone down on the coffee table close by and lifted her now free hand to her bare, scaled stomach. To her rounded, swollen belly, heavy with new life granted to her by that incredible, intoxicating, irresistible man. A soft moan escaped her lips. Then another, and another as she continued to stroke her belly for a short while longer before letting that hand drift up towards her breasts, plump and ever larger as her pregnancy progressed, her nipples full and sensitive. All the while, with her legs hooked over the sides of the couch, the dragoness' other hand strained to reach her pussy around her increasingly bulging belly. She gasped and growled happily as her fingertips grazed her clit, but god... she couldn't wait for Ropes to get here. His tongue. His fingers. His tentacles. His cock. Anything and everything he had to offer, to sate the burning lust which threatened to consume her each time she even thought about him.

And of course, considering that since he had made her belly bulge she hadn't been able to stop thinking about him, Chemical's body was on fire.



Fyr had been waiting for this for weeks. She'd been desperate. She'd been at the end of her tether. She had been out of her mind waiting for her husband to stop paying attention to that bitch Chemical, and realise that he didn't have to dote over a pregnant attention grabbing whore when the woman to whom he had devoted his demonic existence through marriage was right here, ready to give him everything he craved so long as he would do the same for her in return. She had been trying so hard to get him to notice her, pulling every trick in the book to earn his attention, but in the end she had absolutely no idea what had prompted her success. Had it been something she'd worn the previous day? Something she'd said? Had it been the way she'd looked as she lay asleep that morning, or was it nothing to do with her at all, and something to do with Chemical?

Hell, for all she knew Ropes had just gotten bored, and deciding that he couldn't be bothered to drive all the way over to Chemical's place, he had just decided to settle for the nearest pussy. The nearest pussy, which just happened to belong to his wife.

Since she'd woken up that morning with Ropes' tentacles pinning her to the bed, the demonic puma looming over her like some wild, feral beast with his eyes burning and cock dripping, he hadn't stopped. They hadn't stopped. He had fucked her once, and it was as though that had opened up the flood gates for both of them. Fyr had been so pissed off at her husband, so ashamed and humiliated not just by his cheating, but by the reason for his cheating. It was one thing to have a pleasure demon partner. Much as it still burned her up inside she knew that Ropes would never be the monogamous type, and indeed in a way the fucking and fooling around had always added an extra spark to their relationship. A drive to always keep the other on edge, to always keep them wanting more under, not to mention keep them wanting to give more under the threat that if they failed to do so, either one of them could just go and find it somewhere else.

But with Chemical, it hadn't just been sex. Fyr could outfuck Chemical every day of the week, she believed that with all her heart. But Chem... that fucking bitch, she'd gotten herself knocked up by Ropes, and that, for whatever reason, had intrigued him. It had made him pay attention to her. To go back to her when he normally might have simply disappeared from her life and never darkened her bedroom doorway again, just as he no doubt had for so many nameless bimbos over the years.

Chemical had made Ropes care, at least that was how it had felt to Fyr, and that was what had hurt so badly.

Now though, after a day spent being ravaged by Ropes like the first time he had stolen her away from this realm and into the carnal, depraved dimension of sexual torment that his demonic side called home, it was perfectly clear to Fyr that her husband still cared. He might have been distracted by Chemical, he might have even been bored by Fyr's jealous attempts to win him back from the other woman. But now that he was buried inside his wife's hot pussy once more and now that he had felt her claws in his back, his teeth piercing the scales of her neck, the pure, carnal savagery they had only ever been able to let loose upon one another, he wasn't distracted any more. He wasn't bored any more.

He was home. And Fyr, frustrated as she had been by his absence, was all too eager to lay out the welcome wagon and have the puma fuck her all over it.

"Take it, Fyr! Aahh... aaahhhfuck! F-fucking take it all!"

Crashing against their bedroom wall, the shattered remains of a mirror lying close by from a prior misjudged impact, Fyr roared as she clamped her legs tightly around Ropes' waist and felt the demon pouring searing hot seed deep into her clutching pussy. It didn't matter how many times he'd cum already that day, his thick and uncut cock pulsed and poured hot, copious ribbons of his seed deep into her body's waiting depths. Their juices splattered and rained down to the carpeted floor below as Fyr screamed and began to cum herself, her pussy clamping down violently over the male's straining cock over and over again, milking him dry as they overflowed together, trembling and snarling and staring hungrily into one another's eyes.

Even as he finished filling her up though, Ropes' thrusts only grew more forceful and wild. He didn't relent. He didn't even consider slowing down to give himself or his wife a break. The pictures hanging on the bedroom wall shook slightly, one already crooked frame leaning more and more precariously on its hook as Ropes' hips drove Fyr's body back into the wall over and over again with sledgehammer-like force. She didn't have to ask. She knew he wasn't even close to done with her yet, in fact for all the dragoness knew the demon was barely warming up. But still, Fyr grunted desperately to Ropes as he remained intent on seemingly fucking her right through the bedroom wall.

"More! Oh... ohhhhh fuck , y-yes. Give me more!"


Chemical's left foot tapped against the kitchen floor as she waited for her dinner to finish cooking. She lifted her phone from the counter-top nearby, glanced at it for just a moment, then slammed it rather roughly back down again.

Goddammit, where was he? He was supposed to be here. Hell, he was supposed to be here fifty one goddamn minutes ago. He was supposed to be buying her dinner right now, grinning as she asked him if he could fuck her in the hallway after their first bout on the couch, where he should have caught her heavily pregnant self attempting to masturbate. Calling her a shameless slut and kissing her deeply as she giggled and nodded, asking him how long he thought the pizza delivery guy would stand and stare at them rutting against a wall before he set the pizza down and left without waiting for a tip of any sort.

She groaned in dismay as she dragged herself free from that fantasy of what should have been, growling as she felt her own arousal dribbling down the insides of her thighs. She could have made herself cum, but she hadn't. It wasn't about whether it was particularly comfortable for her to stretch at an angle that allowed her to masturbate around her swollen belly, it was about the principle of the thing. About not debasing herself with solitary pleasure when Ropes should have been the one on his knees feasting on her dripping cunt.

The dragoness jumped slightly, clutching at her stomach protectively as the over timer beeped, and she sighed heavily as she reached for the oven mitts, ready to pull out the frozen pizza she'd cooked herself in the puma's absence. When he got here, he was going to have a hell of an apology to make. She wasn't just going to put out for him. She was going to sit there and make him watch her eat every last morsel of her pizza, and then, only then would she maybe consider letting him apologise by way of his tongue down her throat and his tentacles ravaging her g-spot.

No, admittedly he hadn't even texted her yet to confirm that he was still on his way. But maybe he'd gotten caught in traffic, and maybe his phone was dead. After all, that could be the only rational explanation. Ropes didn't dodge her messages. He didn't ignore her. He didn't avoid her. That was the kind of bullshit he pulled to get away from Fyr to spend time with her.

He'd be there. He'd be there soon. And when he arrived, Chemical would ensure that he was so apologetic that he would never, ever dare be late to an engagement with her ever again.


Ropes snarled as his wife's ejaculate gushed out over his face, clawed fingers gripping tightly at her trembling ass as she bucked and humped at his muzzle, muffled gurgles erupting from her own lips while she simultaneously forced herself to gulp down every last drop of the demonic puma's cum.

They staggered back to their feet, grinning with glistening muzzles to one another as they glanced around the bathroom upon whose floor they had succumbed to their lust before making a decision about where to fuck next on their whistle-stop reunion tour of their home. In the corner of the room stood the large shower, more than big enough for two and the sight of countless fucks in the past. To the side however, nearer than the shower, was their bathtub. Not as big. Not as roomy. Not as naturally sexy. And yet...

"Oh god, Ropes. Yes. Y-yes... I...aahh... aaahhhyes..."

Water splashed and rippled around their waists as Ropes sat back in the bathtub with Fyr straddling him, her knees bent, legs resting either side of the male pinned between his furred flesh and the cool plastic walls of the tub itself. He embraced her, holding her against him and pinning her wings to her back as she clutched at the puma in return, wide eyes staring into his pupil-less glowing whites. The more the tub filled the louder the splashing grew, the heat, the water, the rich bubbles foaming up from the citrus scented substance Ropes had poured into the tub as they sat down in it together, all of it combining to make Fyr's head spin alongside the pleasure of her lover's cock inside her well worked yet still desperately needy pussy. More than once she tried to slow down as her bouncing sent cascades of water splashing out over the sides of the tub and onto the floor beyond, but each time she attempted to reign herself in Ropes would growl something savage and beyond lewd in her ear. A promise, a suggestion, a mere teasing hint of something yet to come, and the water would begin to froth and splash all over more violently than ever.

By the time they were spent once more, or at least, by the time they'd cum hard enough to grant each of them a momentary respite from the frenzied passions of their partner and indeed their own lust-stricken minds, they were glad of the water beginning to cool as the hot water tank of their home ran out and the taps began to fill the tub with cooler, lukewarm water. They sank into it together, surrounded by bubbles and not even caring as the water rippling around them trickled out onto the tile beyond as it gently continued to overflow. Fyr rested her head on Ropes' chest. His fingers stroked the membranes of her wings so gently with their clawed tips that it would almost have tickled if it hadn't felt so relaxing and incredible. They lay together, the male's cock still hard and throbbing inside his wife, and didn't say a word.

Ropes didn't need to tease or mock her for being such a sap right now. Fyr didn't need to fire off some snarky comment about how she was so much better than that slut Chem, even if she was. They had nothing to prove to one another. Nothing to hide. They knew what their lover was thinking and feeling. They knew because they had lived and fucked and fought with their spouse for years already, and thus at times like this, when the fucking and fighting was temporarily on hold, they could always fall back on that third part. Just... living. Living their lives in the way that was so easy. So familiar. So... desirable, even to two creatures as wild and at times utterly unhinged as the two of them.



'Hey babe, where did you get to? Don't wanna sound like the crazy stalker bitch here, but you said you were coming over tonight. Hope nothing's wrong. xxx'

Chemical had sent that message almost an hour ago.

'Hey. Is everything okay? I'm fucking worried about you. There better be a good reason for you bailing on me!'

That one had followed about twenty minutes later.

'You better not be with her. If you've found some other bitch, I can deal with that. So long as you tell me you're gonna be over as soon as she's spent. But I swear to fucking god, Ropes, if you're with Fyr!'

And that twenty minutes after the last.

'Fuck you. You fucking piece of shit. You don't deserve me. You deserve that frigid cunt of a wife if that's who you've chosen over me.'

Now Chemical paced back and forth through her living room, growling and whimpering to herself as she stared down at that final message sent just a few minutes ago. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. She was such an idiot. She had no proof that Ropes was with Fyr. No proof that the father of her child to be was doing anything wrong right now by his absence. What if he'd been in an accident? What if there had been some sort of emergency and he had lost his phone or left it behind or simply let it run out of charge? What if he got back to his phone in half an hour and saw all those messages? What if he saw how needy she was being? How clingy. How desperate. How pathetic.

God. She was acting like his wife.

A pang of guilt passed through Chemical's heart. Just for a moment. Just for a split-second as she considered whether this was how she had been making Fyr feel by stealing Ropes away from her. But, it only lasted that singular moment. After that she was just angry again. Angry at Ropes for not only making her feel so pathetically lonely and unwanted, but for the shame of making her feel bad for that bitch, Fyr.

She thumbed at her phone in frustration, pulling up the contacts menu and holding her digit trembling, frozen for a moment or two over Ropes' number. She had to call him. It was the only way. To explain her messages, to apologise for her pregnant hormonal freakout, but also to find out once and for all where he was. She had resisted the urge to call him all this time, not wanting to seem needy or clingy, but considering her recent flurry of texts that ship had more than sailed. Now it was about damage control, and it was about finding out what the hell Ropes was up to.

She hit the phone's screen with her thumb, and lifted it to her face as the device began to call the father of her unborn baby.


Ropes spanked Fyr hard across the right cheek of her ass, the dragoness roaring in pleasurable pain as she knelt on all fours at the edge of the bed, her red and yellow scaled form still dripping wet and with a few clusters of slowly fading bubbles still clinging to its scales from the bath they had only recently left. Her husband's cock drove deep into her ass, driving her wild as she reached down between her legs and roughly stimulated her own clit with the same lube-glistening fingers that had loosened up her own back passage just minutes ago while Ropes stood, stroking his cock and watched. She pressed back hard against each and every pounding thrust of his hips, and wailed happily as he grabbed firmly at her hips and began to add even more force and fury to each and every stroke of his cock deep inside her back passage.

Close by, resting on the bedside table, Ropes' phone began to buzz as the screen lit up. They ignored it. They kept on fucking. Ropes snarled and dug his claws into his wife's hips as he began to cum, trailing ragged scores through the scaled flesh beneath his grasp. Fyr shrieked, wings flaring out, spreading open across the breadth of their huge king size bed and beyond as she violently tweaked her own clit, driving herself to a ragged, frantic climax of her own alongside the male.

A few minutes later, Ropes' thick green demonic tendrils pinning Fyr to the bed by the wrists and the neck, the phone began to hum and vibrate again as the puma slurped and feasted on his wife's sopping wet pussy. His rough tongue dragged back and forth over her g-spot, waves of hot ejaculate gushing out over his golden fur and dribbling down his chin, and as Fyr gurgled and whined, barely able to draw breath as the tentacle wrapped around her neck squeezed and restricted her airway almost but not quite to the point of choking, she only just noticed the flashing of the phone's screen and the sound of its buzzing out of the corner of her eye.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and Ropes lay over Fyr, hunched over her body in an intimate moment of fevered but otherwise rather modest missionary. He kissed her. He watched in delight as her face contorted in ecstasy as he pumped deep into her and reached between them to thumb her swollen clit. He saw her eyes widening, her mouth falling open to whimper his name, the only name, the only thought in her mind at that moment. Nothing in the world existed but them. But their pleasure, their passion, their need for one another.

A violent buzzing rang out around the room, and Ropes snarled as Fyr glanced for just a moment with frustration of her own towards the bedside cabinet and the phone trembling and buzzing upon it. Without even thinking one of the male's tendrils whipped out and grabbed the phone, dragging it back to where Ropes could grab it in one hand and stare down at the screen to see who the fuck wanted to get in touch with him so badly.

Fyr whimpered softly, looking dismayed, looking resigned beneath him as though certain of what was going to happen next.

"Is... is it her?"

Her eyes widened however, and her head tipped back in a frenzied roar of glee as Ropes' hips began to pound against hers with ever greater and more savage impact, while at the same moment his tentacle grabbed the phone back out of his hand and flung it full force at the nearest wall. It hit with a sickening crack, and the buzzing stopped as it tumbled, shattered and broken, to the floor.

"It's nobody."

Ropes snarled.

"It's nothing. All I want, all I need right now is right fucking here."


Before Chemical even reached the front door, slamming her car door in the driveway and stalking up the path towards Ropes and Fyr's house, she heard it. The scream. The roar of absolute ecstasy. The sound of two people, two bodies lost to the furious passions of orgasm in the same exact moment. But not just any two people. She recognised Ropes' snarling roar of passion from the many, many times he'd let it loose in her presence. And to her horror, she recognised the source of the screaming too.

With a snarl of her own the pregnant dragoness stamped up to the front door and tried the handle. She grunted in frustration. Locked. She rang the doorbell. She hammered on the door with a closed fist. The cries of pleasure continued. Ringing out through the bedroom window high above. She kept on knocking, pounding at the door. She rang the bell over and over and over again, hoping that at the very least she could distract them long enough, spoil the mood long enough to make them stop. Because if they stopped, if they came to investigate who the fuck was interrupting them, at least Ropes would have to acknowledge her. And if she could get him to see her, she could get him away from Fyr. She could get him to let her in, and soon it would be the two of them fucking, with Fyr sitting dejected close by and watching as she was reminded who her husband would choose when there was any other option at hand.

They didn't stop though. They didn't answer her knocks, her ringing at the doorbell. And indeed as the minutes dragged by and Chemical began to scream up at the bedroom window, fists clenched by her sides and roaring at the top of her lungs, they still didn't seem to pause for even a moment.

"Y-you were supposed to fucking choose me! Not that bitch. Not her! Y-you were meant to be with me, Ropes!"


The bed creaked as Fyr lay over her husband, breasts hanging over his face as he grinned and growled while she pressed her hands against his strong chest, using her arms to increase the leverage by which she could lift herself off his thick cock and bounce hungrily up and down upon it. She moaned loudly as his hands gripped and squeezed at her ass. He snarled in pleasure as her hot pussy milked and squeezed around him, driving them both towards yet another of the innumerable orgasms they had shared that day alone.

It was then they heard it. They'd heard the knocking of course, the ringing at the bell. They knew she was there. Waiting. Listening. But Ropes didn't care, and seeing that Ropes didn't care, that Ropes wasn't even interested in acknowledging her presence... that made it all too easy for Fyr not to give a damn either.

But this...

"Y-you were supposed to fucking choose me! Not that bitch. Not her! Y-you were meant to be with me, Ropes!"

That was harder to ignore. Not impossible. But harder.

Still they fucked. Still they moaned and growled and cried out to one another as the dragoness continued to ride the demonic puma. But as she bounced and writhed upon Ropes' cock, listening to Chemical scream and beg and curse at the puma, Fyr couldn't help but let loose a whimper of frustration.

"I-if... if you want to go talk to her, even if it's just to tell her to fuck off and stop interrupting... I'll understand."

She knew what a risk she was taking by saying that. By being so honest, so vulnerable. It would have been so easy in that moment for Ropes to chuckle. To toss her aside right then before either of them had come, and to vanish out of the bedroom door. It would barely take a minute for him to invite Chemical in, and less than another thirty seconds after that to convince his enamoured mistress that she should not only forgive him, but spread her legs for him to finish off what Fyr didn't have the balls to do herself.

She knew her husband was capable of that. Hell, that was the existence she had been living for far too long as he chose Chemical over her time and time again.

And yet, Ropes shook his head as he continued to buck his hips, to growl, to moan, to rock against his wife's continued riding of his swollen shaft. He grinned, reaching up to stroke one side of Fyr's face with surprising tenderness.

"Why the fuck would I do that?"

He growled, eyes flashing with glee and intense lust as he rolled Fyr over, the dragoness shrieking in laughter and pleasure as he pinned her beneath him and began to pick up the pace of his thrusting, pounding harder, deeper, making Fyr arch her back and shriek in ecstasy. The puma grunted as he fucked her, as he watched her writhe and thrash beneath him, both of them well on the way to yet another round of orgasms together. Far from the first of the day, and still an eternity away from the last.

"Why the fuck would I waste my time on... whoever the fuck that is outside, when I've got you right fucking here?"

By Jeeves

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