The Dancing Slave Pt2

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#2 of The Dancing Slave

Well, here is it folks, another chapter to the Dancing Slave, once more, mostly written on mobile during my spare time. I think I'm getting good at this!

If you read the first part, you know what to expect. Shadi is once more portrayed by the ever-lovely FA: xshadi.


Shadi winced as she slowly sank into the waist-deep pool of spring water, running her fingers through the tendrils of steam that bubbled from the surface. The tan furred lioness was entirely nude save for the thick gold slave collar around her neck and the midriff of her tail, indicating her status as property rather than a person.

Such was her life. Such had been her life for years now it felt, but it was hard to keep track of the time here. Fleeting views from exterior windows were a rare opportunity for slaves such as her, more often confined to the mines, foundries, and bedchambers of her captors. As best she could judge, she had been here two springs, but even now she wasn't sure what season it was.

Her fur soaked up the water gratefully, the heat abating the aches and pains of the morning's dance practice from her worn and raped body. The water between her legs clouded an off white with floats streamers of wolf cum leaking from her sore and abused slit. She reached down, tentatively rubbing at her swollen sex from where her dance partner had roughly extracted his swollen knot from her by force, more of the vile males seed beading between her fingers.

She shook them away with a scowl and reached for the small square of cloth and square of soap she had been provided to clean herself. Mistress still expected her to be clean and presentable for rehearsal soon, and she knew neither her nor the wolf prisoner she was forced to 'dance' with would be fed until they met her exacting standards.

She'd been asked to dance before of course, but usually, it was simply visiting dignitaries or novels wanting some eye candy on display while they discussed business. She and a handful of other collared girls who had some experience would be summoned to slide around naked on polished brass poles, and if their captors so wished, they would slide around and polish their guest's poles afterwards.

She was no stranger to sex. It was practically a currency within itself among the canines. A well-trained pleasure slave could sell for her weight in gold. One like Shadi was merely a war prize, and a small rune stamping into the back of her collar showed her as much. She reached back gently as she sank to her neck in the water, her hair floating on the surface above the glimmering gold band around her throat.

Two fingers wide and a quarter one thick. She let her paw slowly trace the band's path to the point where it had been sealed shut at the back of her neck, the only imperfection in the otherwise flawless collar. She felt each small hammered rune in the surface, so used to seeing them on the other slaves' collars.

This one was her origin stamp. A small triangle that translated roughly to a prize or a trophy, something taken from the field of war. The next one, a small curving circle that represented that she was an experienced pleasure slave, and a fertile one at that. The infertile females had a plain circle to mark them apart. The third, three lines meeting at a single point like a triangle. She was an entertainer and knew how to dance. Most of the canines simply took that mark to mean she knew how to fuck well, and it, unfortunately, made her a popular choice among visitors...

She ran her finger across the last three marks in quick succession. She was of good blood; her father had been a minor noble. She was transferable; No Lord had claimed her as their sole property and branded her otherwise. And the last, she had whelped no pups yet. She was unproven in their eyes.

Some of the girls she had been brought in with had been unfortunate enough to take with cub before they began providing herbs to prevent pregnancy to the slaves, to prevent them from creating too many mouths to reasonably keep starved. Those girls were kept above the slave pens, often in the guards' barracks where they were kept in an almost perpetual state of pregnancy, knocked up again before their cubs were even off the tit.

She sorely prayed that was not the fate awaiting her after her dance, but the entertaining girls were often more valued for their skills to keep men's eyes upon them, both a blessing and a curse here. It kept her from being bred by any bored guard who wandered through off shift, but it also found her being forced to offer herself to their esteemed guests and owners more than she would have liked... Perhaps those down in the foundries were really the lucky ones, she mused grimly.

At least here, she had a few moments of peace to reflect on her predicament and realise how hopeless it all was. Perhaps she would take the window in the end. With a groan, she reached down, and slowly began the process of lathering her fur, washing over her breasts and her slit, in turn, ensuring the parts of her that her captors seemed to judge most valuable were presentable. Mistress would take the whip to her again if she was not properly clean, and the last thing Shadi wanted was to be sore, bruised, and have her skin split beneath her fur coat from the awful training tool.

Her tail gave a swish as she stood so she could wash the lengthy appendage, flicking droplets out into the deeper sections of the natural spring. Usually, it would be crowded in the candlelit chamber beneath the keep, but right now, it was between shifts. Soon, it would fill again with a press of slaves, trying to keep some semblance of cleanliness while they could. The last thing they needed was another outbreak of disease spreading through the slave pens.

She washed meticulously, knowing that any trace of her last performance or any imperfections would not be tolerated by her mistress, no matter how slight. It took her some time, but she was allowed it and took every minute her guards gave her. Eventually though, like all good in this place, it ended with one of her escorts appearances.

"The mistress requests your presence in the dance hall." The gruff sounding sable Alsatian spoke from behind the metal full-face visor of his helmet, forged into the shape of a snarling wolf-hound. Shadi didn't see the point. He'd have looked no less intimidating without the facade of the mask.

"I shall attend at her wishes." Shadi nodded, stepping from the water and onto the warm stone. She collected her towel and dried herself, fully aware the guard was watching her every moment, probably drinking up the sight of her naked body and imagining just what she would feel like to take. Clearly, he knew better than to try his luck with her though. The mistress would have had him gelded for roughing up her chosen performer.

She didn't care either way if he was watching her. She knew better than to fight it when they had urges. Enough of the guards in the castle had had their way with her since she'd been captured that they'd all probably heard stories about what a good lay the short little lioness with the serving girls was. She'd lost track of how many times she'd been raped in closets and side passages with a paw over her lips and a canine knot splitting her sex.

"I'm ready now." She nodded and followed him from the room, baubles and bells on her tail echoing through the stone halls. They entered a spiral staircase that ascended upwards from the lower floors where they kept the slave pens, corralling their captives into natural cave systems lined with slowly pulsing glow-lamps that flickered and hummed, powered by some sort of geothermic generator that was beyond her understanding.

All her life before had been lit by torches at night, but she knew of more advanced tools and machines to an extent. She had simply never encountered them in such abundance until she'd been brought here upon an airship, which in itself seemed a sort of marvel of magic to her. Of course, she'd been too busy being stripped of her possessions and forced into her collar to be gawking at the time...

She sighed as she reached the top of the stairway, and the guard led her into a long corridor. Behind the two large doors at the end, she knew her mistress awaited. She gave a soft bow to her escort as he held open the door for her, going through the motions she had been taught to show gratitude to her captors.

"Thank you." She said softly before she turned and stepped back into the hall, feeling the guards eyes upon her bared rear as he closed the doors after her. She glanced longingly at the arched windows at the dancing halls end. She could see traces of vivid green upon the mountains in the distance. Spring or summer perhaps. Had she really been here that long?

A loud harrumph caught her attention as her mistress fixed her with a stern glare, motioning Shadi over with a single paw. Her eyes went down instinctively, but not before her gaze had lingered a moment on the coiled whip attached to mistress's belt.

"Now as soon as that buffoon of a wolf arrives, we can begin. Get dressed, girl." The older greyhound nodded as Shadi took her place on the dancefloor in reflexive obedience. She kept her eyes on the floor and avoided glancing at the windows. Any humiliation they could inflict on her was a less permanent concern than a short drop before being torn apart by scavenging gryphons.

Her tail flicked once along with her ears, the large, fur rimmed points swivelling as she picked up a condition beyond the far set of doors. She hastily garbed herself in the discarded dress upon the floor where it had fallen as she'd been raped for the show.

"...s'not the point! I don't need a whelp like you manhandling me. I know what's expected!" The wolf snarled at the pair of guards escorting him up to the dancefloor, his snapping teeth keeping them a good distance back from him. He paused when he saw Shadi's frightened look that she failed to hide, and simply grinned, holding his manacled paws out to the nearest guard to unlock.

"Mistress would make a more intimidating guard than you two." He sneered with venom, chuckling as he walked towards Shadi to take his place behind her with a low rumble that seemed far louder to her sensitive ears than it was.

"Hello again, kitten..."

She tried to stop her tail from shaking and sucked in a deep breath to steady herself.

"I'm flattered you think so highly of my whip, Orez. Let's begin, shall we? You two can wait outside." She dismissed the pair of guards with an uncaring wave of her paw. Quick as a coiled snake the instant the door was closed, she whirled around, the whip uncoiling in a single motion. The tip carved a fresh red mark across the wolf's forehead. He didn't even flinch from the blow, as if he'd been expecting it, but it still made Shadi jump from how close it had been.

"Begin! You are here to be seen, not heard." She snapped, returning at once to the manner that Shadi best associated with her.

Shadi spread her arms out and began going through the motions, once again using her counting mantra like a coping method. As long as everything was in time, it would be okay. She wouldn't eat the whip again today if she could help it.

One two three, one two three...

She did her best to keep her motions as fluid as she could, arching and spinning as the conquest required, the baubles in her tail shaking with the rhythm. She could feel the air brush past her as the wolf fleetingly appeared in her vision between twirls, his paws often just visible in her peripheral for an instant before she nimbly shifted away.

This time when he 'caught' her, he wasn't gentle, but he had never been any way, and torturously, she counted the seconds as his fingers energetically tore the coverings from her breasts and invaded her depths, smearing around the cum from his first load she'd been unable to scour from her insides.

Her body clenched around him involuntarily. She tried to ignore the sparks of pleasure that threatened to pull a moan from her, even as sore as she was. She wouldn't allow him the satisfaction to know there was even pleasure to be found in his loathable touches. Her nose burned red with her inner humiliation and the depraved thought of it, and she was expected to do this In front of a crowd!

Part of her trembled in terror of the prospect. Another part of her trembled for a reason that was entirely contradictory to her fear. That part made her feel more humiliated than anything he did to her and made her want to retreat into the darkness of her self imposed shame. She should not have enjoyed anything anybody did to her like this...

"Wet little slut, ain't you?" He growled in her ear so that only she could hear him, and Shadi tried to suppress her shame and a moan just a moment longer until she could cartwheel away from his touch. Finally, she heard the change of pitch in the violinist's tune, and practically leapt forward off the mark, his dripping fingers leaving her body as her sex reflexively clenched down on the sudden emptiness.

She cartwheeled away from the brutish male who was at once the source of both her fear and her shame, and span back to her feet, her undone dress hanging loosely around the sash keeping her lower body barely covered. Her tail swished as she tried to focus on what she was doing instead of the inevitable end of the dance that was edging closer with every flowing motion she went through.

Three, one two three, three two one...

She turned her mantra into a countdown as she made her final moves, huffing softly as she bumped back against the males abs behind her, feeling his stiff cock pressing back against her spine, smearing his leaking precum into her fur messily as she spread her arms, lifting her tail as he, in turn, lifted her and span with her until they were once again facing their mistress. When the whip was not forthcoming, he hefted her up, lifting her with one paw by her collar, the other between her thighs as he raised her up.

She gasped as his rough thumb found her budding clit, a sharp tug on her collar momentarily stunning her into a breathless state of submission. She knew once the dance hit this stage, truly, it was up to the conqueror how he displayed his prize, and how he took them, as long as he did it within the rhythm of the song, and finished with it as well. Everything in between was essentially up to her rapist. She didn't get any choice in the matter.

After all, she was just a slave. A pretty little prize for her captors' amusement and pleasure, and their captors would use her as they saw fit. Unfortunately, with her role in this performance, those same luxuries were only extended to the male performer. All that was expected and demanded of her was to raise her tail and accept whoever's bastard they put into her belly at the end of the show.

Perhaps if she was lucky, it just wouldn't take... Looking down at the thick slab of dire wolf cock she was sitting on like a lewd pole of flesh, she sincerely doubted it. He'd left her bloated and dripping last time. If it weren't for the herbs they'd been forcing on her, she was certain she'd have taken from her first 'successful' rehearsal.

He snarled in her ear, and she felt her body tense in anticipation even as her cunt squeezed against the top of his shaft, leaking sweet feline honey over his shaft. Her dress fell to the floor as he tore the sash away with a rough jerk, keeping her tightly in place on his cock. She felt like she was sitting on a tree branch!

"See? You just needed a taste of it. Moan for me slut, and I'll make you cum like no male ever has." His dominant rumble echoed in her ear, and she shook her head, whimpering softly as he pushed her down on the head of his cock, the spade-like tip spreading her soaked vent like a cheap whore around him.

She winced, trying to count out her mantra as she slid down on his shaft, feeling the way it stretched her tight passage as left the fur over her hips and lower belly bulging from the tree trunk he forced inside of her.

One-two-three! One-twooohhh-three.

Damn her traitorous fucking cunt! She hissed, and her mouth opened for a moment in a gasp, only to suddenly find one of his arousal dampened fingers shoving its way into her muzzle, hooking into the corner of her cheek like a caught fish.

"Awaooh-" She managed to grunt as he used the leverage to yank her hand around, shoving himself into her to the hilt. She could feel his cocktip smashing against her cervix like a drummer keeping time with the violinists increasingly hectic and recess pace while his knot slapped against her fairly stretched sex with messy, wet snacks.

He dropped to his knees suddenly and made Shadi Yelp in surprise as she dropped, his knot ploughing into her far too tight feline body as he pushed her down on her paws and knees, and absolutely fucked her like a bitch in heat. His breath was hot against her ear, practically covering her entirely with the bulk of his torso, teeth nipping and tugging against the sensitive appendages.

"I'mma enjoy plugging that sweet little cunt of yours with a pup when I perform, and you're gonna cum like a little whore for me when I do, aren't you cat?" He snarled quietly in her ear as he violated her very core, her cervix dimpling painfully against his assault. Yet as if to rebel against the wishes of her mind and the degradation she felt being under him, she let out a gasp, nodding as his finger hooking her muzzle made him agree with whatever she said.

She was utterly powerless like this, and her body didn't seem to care about the distress her mind was in, clenching and squeezing around the invading lupine member that was busy ransacking her womb, like a ram being pounded against the gates of her body. His knot was ballooning painfully, stretching her outer lips wider than they had ever been made to accommodate biologically, and she could feel tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

Yet through it all, she fought the urge, the instinct to moan. It felt good, and she knew it shouldn't have! This was how they humiliated cats and the whores who were chosen as breeders, showing them pleasures untold until they went willingly into their captors' beds and laid with them until they grew fat and round with cubs to whelp on milk sagged breasts before being passed off to the next eager guard.

It wasn't how badly they had been defeated as a people in the field. It was how quickly they had bowed once the battle was done. How eagerly and willingly they had crawled into the beds of their conquerors and let their pure lines start to be bred out, and it had all come one pleasured moan at a time. Shadi was determined to not give any canine the satisfaction. She hadn't given it to the first guard who had so gleefully robbed her of her Maidenhead, and she sure as hell wouldn't be giving the satisfaction to the dire wolf raping her now.

His cock didn't care though, and neither did her body. She felt ropes of his thick, syrupy precum splattering within the confines of her womb, and she felt the way his knot pulled back after each tied thrust, yanking her hips back with him. It pulled at something primal and carnal in her, some ancient breeding instinct buried deep in her DNA as the wolf tried to share his own with her.

Each thrust forward ground the wet, cum slick fur of her sheath against her pried nethers and her budding, engorged clit, making her gasp around his finger forcibly keeping her mouth agape in an expression she prayed for her sake seemed willing enough. She bit his finger, both in spite and to stop herself from moaning, and he simply growled at her, huffing his enjoyment in her large, fennec like ears. The violinist's strokes were barely keeping pace with the wolf's thrusting now.

ONE Twoaahahah three! One! Fuck!

Shadi clenched her eyes shut and bit down hard on his finger, tasting the coppery tang of blood in her mouth as he snarled at her, yanking her head to the side. His finger slipped free, sadly still attached to the rest of his paw, and his lips forced themself against hers, trying to prise a moan from her throat as her passage clenched violently tight around his impaling spear. The unwilling moan left her as barely more than a split instant of sound.

She came, and disgust flew through Shadi's swimming head as she saw stars behind her eyelids, and the wolf's tongue violated her muzzle as thoroughly as his cock has violated her womanhood. The absolutely loathable beast had been fucking as good as his word, and she wished death upon him in her mind in the moment before it was utterly overwhelmed with pleasure from her spasming cunt.

She felt the tears on her cheeks as acutely as she felt every throb of the wolf's veiny cock deep in her core. She felt shame as sharply as each splash of her hot cub batter against the far side of her womb. She loathed herself for finding any pleasure in the carnal and savage act she was being forced to perform, just as much as she loathed the wolf who could somehow force pleasure and pain on her in equal measure to make her body react like a plucked harp.

His pleasured snarls filled her ears as he emptied himself once more in her belly, millions of his swimmers no doubt fruitlessly trying to force his heir upon her. She was grateful for the herbs more than ever, even as her body trembled like a leaf in the autumn breeze, a wet pat pat pat making itself known as the volume of her rapist's climax spillers back along with her own feline honey, dripping onto the floor between her forcibly spread legs.

She could feel his paw on her hips as it slowly shifted to her belly, feeling the faint bulge his generous deposit and his pole of a cock made in her, his fingers tracing the roundness of her. The touch sent shivers of disgust through her, and she had to fight back the urge not to lose what little food was on her stomach as he whispered threateningly in her ear.

"Soon, little cat, it'll swell even more..."

She let out a gasp as she realised the violist was making the final few notes of the song, and looked up, suddenly alert and afraid. No, no! He'd tied her again, the dumb mutt! Now they would both get the whip!

As if reading her mind, he grabbed the back of her neck, pulling on her collar at the same time as he pushed at her hips, yanking his own backwards forcibly. Her breath fled her lungs as his knot was forcibly extracted from her with a messy and equally loud pop of suction being broken.

Cum spilled from her spoiled and ravaged sex in a messy puddle, and the pain was tremendous, but Shadi bit her lip and forced herself to kneel, her arms obediently going by her sides as the wolf rose into a triumphant pose behind her, his still twitching shaft just visible in her peripheral vision as they took their poses just in time for the final note to fate.

Shadi panted with exhaustion, feeling sweat or tears, she couldn't rightly tell which, beading down the side of her face. Their mistress simply looked on impassively, her face an ever unreadable mask until she was praising them or yelling at them.

The whip didn't uncool as she walked across the floor, and Shadi felt her knees quaking, her legs threatening to buckle beneath her in the final moments.

"Good. It is not perfect, but at least you have shown you can avoid getting stuck together now." She stated like it was a casual observation. I've seen better her words mockingly rang in Shadi's ears, the lionesses face flushed with humiliation. Never mind that she had just been raped in the name of entertainment. The mistress had seen better rapes. She wasn't even a good rape.

The wolf behind her relaxed, panting loudly.

"It is a start. Guards! Have water and bread brought up, and a bucket and rag as well. Clean and refresh yourselves, and then we go again. We have six days to make your performance perfect. I will accept nothing less, and neither will the Lord's and ambassadors. Unless you would prefer your heads on the walls afterwards..." The idle threat hung in the air, but Shadi knew there was enough truth behind it.

Those who failed to 'meet expectations' in their fields, be it in the mines and foundries, or in the number of men they pleased or cubs they whelped, everyone was disposable. New slaves could always be found. Shadi looked at the windows again, as if to tempt fate.

Two strong, gauntlets paws grabbed her, and dragged her away to a corner of the room, leaving a trail of her shame across the floor as they did.