The Dancing Slave

Story by Isiat Squire Carcer on SoFurry

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#1 of The Dancing Slave

So I wrote a story in a day, and most of it was done on my phone in 15 minute bursts during my breaks from taking calls :P And frankly, I'm damned proud of how it came out! I'm still working on further chapters for this, but it was a spur of the moment idea when I was sitting on the curb outside of my work, berating myself for 'Not wanting to work on anything'. So I started something new, and just ran with it. This is the result so far.

Brutish Dire-Wolves, species divides, and a broader universe at large, in which our star of the show, the ever-lovely FA: xshadi is subjected to performing an erotic and carnal dance for her canine captors.

Without further delay, Enjoy!

The soft, lofty notes of the violin rang in Shadi's large, fennec like ears, the tufts atop their tips jingling with ornamental charms and beads as she twisted gracefully on her toes, her face furrowed in concentration as she tried to remember the steps.

One two three, one two three...

She counted the waltzing rhythm as she bowed, turning and twisting with a grace that seemed unusual for such a short and curvily built feline, but the dancing mistress had picked her out at once for her looks, the much older, greyhound bitch watching her and her dancing partner with a scrutinizing glare.

"Yes, the dance should flow like a river, let it move you as you move for it!" She crisply called from the edge of the wooden-floored hall. It simply shone in the summer light that poured in through the large, arched windows on the edge of the hall. Even if she'd wanted to escape, they wouldn't have worked for her. There was a sheer, six hundred foot drop to the bottom of the hill out of them, never mind the carrion gryphons that would have fought over her body before she reached the ground.

The thought distracted her for a moment, and carelessly, her tail stuck the large wolf moving behind her across his jaw, causing them both to stumble. The violin stopped.

"Imbeciles!" She heard the smack of the leather whip uncoiling a moment before pain lashed across her back, accompanied by the sharp crack of the leather as it briefly broke the sound barrier. She bit her lip to stop from crying out. Behind her, the wolf snarled as the whip cracked a second time, leaving a gash of sore flesh on his back.

Obediently, Shadi turned, the short lioness bowing her head in both submission and deference to their dancing mistress. Beside her, the tall, shaggy wolf did the same. She didn't know his name. It wasn't important enough for her to know his name, just that she performed with him flawlessly as her captors demanded.

"The ambassadors from the northern kingdoms arrive in less than a week hence. A week!" The greyhound bitch growled at them both, recoiling the training whip in her paw.

"They are expected a show, and I have been tasked with providing it. You two low-lives have been selected to perform it, which means I must teach! But you!" She turned, snapping at the wolf directly.

"You move like a mountain, impassionate and hulking, and you!" The dark-furred, wrinkled muzzled bitch rounded her fury on Shadi. She reflexively winced.

"You move like a sparrow, fleeting and unpredictable, going with your whims! The conquest is a dance of precision, of action. You need to follow it, not make it up! That tail of yours is too long! If you cannot control it, I will find another slave to fill your role, and you can go back to the cells! Am I clear?"

"Yes, mistress." They replied as one, lowering themselves in supplication.

A slave. That was all they were to these people. She had been the daughter of the feline kingdoms that had dominated the plains once, who knew how many years before. It was hard to keep track of the months when any record of timekeeping was expressly forbidden for slaves in their quarters. The heavy gold collar around her neck and the midriff of her tail were ever-present reminders of her status, but still, at least they'd seen more value to her than simply putting her to work for the canine war machine in the mines.

She was pretty enough on the eyes and knew how to behave herself around nobility, which had gotten her a quick elevation to the kitchens and the palace staff, as well as access to more than the tattered loincloth that her dancing partner wore. He'd evidently been brought up from the lower levels of imprisonment, perhaps the mines or the foundries if his thickest musculature and arms like tree trunks were anything to go by. The canines did love to make their superiority known, even if it was something as metaphorical as the size differences between partners in one of their interpretive performances...

After all, what red-blooded male wouldn't enjoy seeing a feline as small as her being dominated by a wolf nearly twice her size?

She wondered briefly what his crime had been to become a slave to his own gene-brethren, perhaps incompetence, or disobedience if his dancing was any measure of it.

"Again! From the top!" Their mistress clapped her paws, retaking her place on the side of the hall to watch as Shadi took her position, her back almost touching the bared, grey fur of the wolf's almost bulging abs behind her.

"Keep your tail down this time, if you don't want me to bite it off..." His voice was a low, deep, baritone growl behind her, and delicately, she spread her arms, taking her starting position while she did her best to ignore the growling fool behind her.

The conquest was a dance of symbolism, contrived as a bit of a cruel joke to the females forced to perform it. Supposedly it had been adapted from a similar dance from one of the mystic, distant kingdoms, and brought back by performers and through stories of traders. Originally, it had been a show of passion, but the adapted version was a show of force, of superiority, and of victory to the canines.

The female represented the felines, and more often than not, it was a smaller feline performing the role as she was. The massive wolf at her back represented the canines, and got to demonstrate to the audience just what happened to the feline kingdoms when faced with their clearly superior foes. The climax of the dance would involve the wolf picking her up, and raping her as quickly and fiercely as possible without tying her, trying to not disrupt the flow of the dance while he did just that. While they were practising, her guards had given her strong doses of plants designed to prevent their forced union resulting in a cub.

For the main event, she would be provided with no such courtesy, forced to bear the shame of her kinds defeat with a swelling belly afterwards, if the fates were unkind, and her breeding was more than a show. She bit her lip as their mistress tapped her foot, setting the tempo for the violinist across from her.


As the bowstrings began their rasping across the instrument, Shadi began her part, starting with a series of twirls and exotic twists that showed off her body to the imagined audience, her tail flowing behind her with a slow elegance, like a silk streamer drifting in the wind.

She ducked and twisted as the wolf behind her began his part of the recital, spinning and letting his paws glide around her frame as if a barrier of solid air separated the two of them. The wolf was clearly restraining himself from just actually grabbing her and having his way with her. He was fortunate to have been selected for this role, unlike Shadi...

The dress she wore for their practice lessons was hardly a dress at all, more just a thin silk shawl that flowed across her body and hid nothing at all. Her pink nipples rubbed against the fabric with every motion, teasing her senses and distracting her immensely from her performance with the unexpected jumps of pleasure that made her tail tip give wild flicks that she did her best to make seem as natural as possible.

She bent forward in front of the wolf, raising her tail high as she had been taught, a series of tin baubles weaved into her fur jingling with a trembling note as she did. From this close, she could hear the wolf's panting as he eyed her shamelessly exposed sex, the back of the garment cut deliberately short to leave nothing to the imagination and to allow her partner easy access during the finale of the dance. The pink gash of flesh between her legs was kept neat and clean as if it were the real focus of the performance. She'd bathed and been cleaner this week than she had at all previously in her captivity.

The wolf's paws ran along her tail base, and Shadi sucked in a breath as he pushed one down along her rump to the split of her thighs, roughly fingering her with two of his thick, scruffy digits. She counted the moments in her head as he forced pleasure upon her, watching the details of the floor, and the lines in the polished wood as she bit her lip and did her best not to moan aloud and disrupt the performance.

One two three, one two three, one two three...

When they'd started at dawn, his paws had been rough and cold, and he'd had to content himself with just rubbing her lips unpleasantly until they'd both warmed up to the open-aired chamber. He'd finally just forced his fingers into her after their fourth attempt at meeting the mistress' standards of performance, and now, while it certainly didn't hurt as much, that hadn't been what had earned Shadi another lash across her shoulders.

After he'd been fingering her for five counts of the rhythm, she spread her paws on the floor, and executed a cartwheel to roll herself away from his touch, his fingers leaving her body still dripping with her arousal. The motion dropped her dress down over her waist where it was tied off with a thin rope, exposing her entire lower half to the world for just a moment until she regained her footing and smoothly moved into the next motion of the dance, trying to hide her pinkened nose.

"Good! Keep going." The mistress's voice was as sharp as the pain from her whip, a pain Shadi was desperate to avoid as much as was possible in her position.

She slid forwards, twirling and pirouetting around her dance partner, the wolf's eyes almost always on her, as was needed to give off the correct impression for her dominant canine captors. His own dance moves were less passionate and fanciful, choreographed around her own like a hunter always a hairsbreadth behind his prey.

To the left, twirl right. Arms out... Shadi braced herself for what she knew was coming as she completed her twirl, ending up with her back flush against the wolf's broad chest, his breath growling in her ear.

"Gotcha..." he snarled, his arms fitting neatly beneath her own, as paws that felt like they were the size of plates stretched wide, and cupped her ample breasts with a rough squeeze, a snarl in the wolf's voice. His fingers pinched at her already perk and stiff nipples, fondling her harshly for a moment before he tore to the sides, and the upper portion of Shadi's dress fell away as she spun once more from his grip, her tan, lightly furred breasts exposed to the chill of the mountain air.

This was all part of the performance of course. The dress she wore was fastened at the shoulders with loosely fitting buttons concealed beneath the light and airy fabric that were easily refitted to mend the torn garment. The actual performance demanded a fine, traditional plains dress like the sort worn by feline nobility, and was typically fitted with all kinds of expensive ornamentation as well so it could be shredded from her before the show was over, and she could suffer the final humiliation of her people, being used to bear a new canine into the world.

One two three, one two three...

She used the little mantra to keep track of her movements, covering her breasts modestly with her tail as she continued to dance. She was supposed to entice and allure, like a piece of meat thrown before the wealthy and important dogs she was to entertain. After the show, she was expected to be the entertainment as well, an attractive piece of eye candy thrown in to sweeten the deals to be made with whichever canine Lord had captured her. She tried not to think of the inevitable consequences of her show. It was a performance that had only one ending...

She bit her lip as another passing swipe of the wolf's paws spilt her dress in the back as she fluttered past him, trying to hide the distress in her eyes as she knew this was the furthest they had made it through the performance without mistress's whip interrupting their mistakes. The collar around her neck felt heavier than it ever had, reminding her of her place. She spun, letting the deliberately split garment hang just above the sash around her waist.

"Perform, or perish. You will clean up nicely, and do what has been asked of you, or you can try your luck with the gryphons, but I am yet to see anybody outdive them on their way to the ground."

The cruel woman's words rang in her head as she sucked in a deep breath, performing the last steps of the dance. She had maneuvered herself back to the centre of the room, facing the open windows, their stone arches almost beckoning her with the prospect of a quick, if undignified death.

She held herself on her tiptoes, arms stretched forward as if reaching to grasp some shred of hope she still held to be rid of her captivity. It was not forthcoming, and the wolfs massive arms engulfed her once more, pulling her back against his chest as he lifted her and span with her as if she weighed no more than a pup, a pup, if she didn't find a way out of her situation, that would soon be in her belly.

He growled as he turned her towards their mistress, and Shadi's eyes fell to the floor as she tilted her head down, proving her with a view of the thick log of deep maroon wolf-flesh jutting from between her thighs, entirely visible beneath the sheer fabric, she stifled her soft moans as his already swollen knot ground across her lips, the length of his shaft on full display as he used her like a toy. Shifting one giant paw, he tore the sash from around her waist and tossed it aside, letting her dress fall to the floor in a pile of silk.

One two three, one two three...

Shadi shut her eyes as the wolf lifted her, the length of his entire shaft, almost an entire foot of formidable dire wolf grinding against her slit lewdly until his tip was poised at her entrance. The windows seemed very far away now...

He dropped her onto his cock, and Shadi felt his teeth against the back of her neck as he drove himself home in a single, swift thrust that pierced her to her core. Whatever shreds of her virginity were long since gone, stollen by guards, fellow slaves, and whatever esteemed visitors had been given their pick of the pens during their visits, and yet she hurt like a virgin when the brute split her.

She didn't moan though and didn't cry out, just leaving her mouth agape in a soundless cry that could have easily been mistaken by the watchers on as pleasure. He raped her with more passion than he had put into his dancing, topping her performance by making her his bitch. He had to be quick though- The flow of the dance demanded it, and her role in the performance was not yet done.

Biting her lip hard, she reached back, and with the help of her designated rapist, swung one leg up high, his cock still impaling her like a spear against the barrier of her cervix, and spun herself to face him, representing the feline's final submission to their canine conquers. This was the conquest. Not in battle, or in victory. The real defeat of her people had been their eventual willingness to submit.

His lips met hers, wetly and hotly as she was forced by one massive paw against the back of her head to kiss him, the thick, slobbering dogs tongue forcing itself uncaringly into her muzzle as she tried to fend him off with her own dainty feline one. He probably mistook her struggles and flinches as twitches of pleasure and eagerness, for his thrusting picked up pace, trying to time his climax to the tempo of the almost frantic violin.

She couldn't breathe, feeling his knot wetly pounding against her battered sex as he fucked himself into her, no doubt eager to get the chance to relieve himself of months of pent up frustration and lust within the depths of her overtight and rippling body. Shadi for her part felt like she was being split in two, huffing through her nose as she did her best to remember her parts. He hurt, but not nearly as much as the whip across her back would if she made mistakes now.

She could feel the wolf's spire throbbing inside of her, spilling his messy lupine essence within her violated body as he conquered her like his ancestors had in the years past. His teeth against her throat bit down harder, and he began pulling and tugging at the fur of her neck, choking off her airway. His arousal was hot as it splashed against her cervix, threatening to push past that final barrier with every moment he lingered inside of her.

The violin had reached an almost ludicrous tempo, and with a single, final piercing note, both the dire wolf inside her and the violinist watching on reached their crescendo.

Shadi gasped as she was tipped backwards, the wolf's thick knot stretching past her abused and puffy sex lips with a wet, resounding smack as she bottomed against his sheath, her netherlips and part of her belly bulged slightly outwards with the impression his cock made within her clenching passage. He tipped her backwards, and with far more grace than she felt, she braced herself against the floor on her paws, her breasts bobbing in the air above her as she looked up across her tilted torso, her legs wrapped around the wolf's back.

He throbbed visibly inside of her as each hot pulse of his cum filled her aching belly, quelling a fire that had long since been smothered by numerous males before him. She could see each pulse as it raced into her belly, smell the hot tank of a male's climax, and the scent of her own dripping sex as she hung from the male's knot lewdly, displayed to the watchers like a strung up sow, raped and bred for their entertainment. The wolf's climax tapered slowly, and with a grunt, he pulled himself back, or at least attempted to. His knot was swollen like a balloon within her, and there wasn't a snowballs hope in hell he would be able to pull it free from her until it went down.

Their mistress clearly caught onto this more quickly than he did though.

"You idiot! Nobody is paying to see people stuck together for a half-hour! If you can't maintain the tempo, don't knot the bitch! This is an art, not a brothel!" The greyhound snapped, and Shadi whimpered as the whip cracked above her, the wolf's knot giving a painful tug on her already stretched insides as he tried to free himself.

The whip cracked again, and again, each time drawing an almost inaudible whimper from Shadi. She felt the air shift as the banded leather whistled above her, striking the male across the chest. On the third crack, he finally managed to pull himself free from her with a messy sounding squelch, and Shadi fell to the floor as he made to extract himself from her, pulling his cum dripping length from her cum dripping slit.

She panted, blood rushing back to the rest of her sore body as she slowly sat up, missing many of the words as she reached down to feel between her thighs. Her lips were swollen and puffy, creamy white drops slowly spilling from her onto the floor with her conqueror's cum dripping from her violated body in a steady trickle, leaving a puddle beneath her that slowly spread outwards as his copious load oozed from her cunt.

"Fine! We break for now. Guards! Take them back to the pens for now, and make sure the feline bathes. Then bring them back before midday. We go from the top until you get it right!" She barked, snapping her fingers with one paw while she rewound the whip in her other.

Shadi shuddered, her paws shaking as she was slowly pulled back to her feet and marched from the room, naked and dripping canine seed from her aching slit. The wolf merely glanced at her dismissively as he was led away, his thick, red pole still standing proudly before him, wearing a grin on his face like he'd won the prisoner lottery.

"Be seeing you soon, cat." He growled as he was marched through a separate set of doors back to whatever pen he had been dragged from.

The windows vanished from sight as she left the hall. She'd be back soon enough to perform her role as she was raped again until the wolf got it right...

Shadi shivered and tried to put it from her mind, instead focusing on the tempo in her head that met with the wet drips between her legs as she was returned to her own kind's slave pens.

One, two, three, one, two, three...