Best way to Bond

Story by devilmaycry on SoFurry

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#8 of Forbidden Pleasures

Hey everyone!! Man, its been way to long. But I won' bore you with details. Here's another installment of the hotel you would give anything and everything to go to. Comments are always welcomed and encouraged. I'm not really pleased at how this came out, but it flowed in my head. The flavor of Pokemon in this one are Alola Ninetales, Azumarill, Absol, and Milotic. Hope you enjoy it.

Stephen pumped his fist as he crossed the finish line, his car skidding to a halt as the words 'VICTORY' appeared in gold letters.

"Ha, that's game fellas. You should've known better then to challenge my Shelby Cobra GT."

The other three kids in the room groaned before dropping the controllers.

"I don't see how I got beat. My Porsche is way more overpowered then yours."

"True. But you are sloppy in drifting Phil," Stephen chuckled.

"He's got you there Phil. The tires you had aren't made for drifting," Sax added, stretching his arms.

"Hey Steph, we're out of drinks. You have any more?" the last one in the room, Byron added.

"Yeah. Let me go grab some more. You guys can practice in the meantime," Stephen smiled, standing up before leaving the room.

Hopping down the stairs, he saw his mother sitting at the table with her boyfriend. They never got along cause he thought he was Stephen's father and could boss him around. Well, Stephen put him in his place rather quickly and bluntly.

"Hey mom," he says, walking over to the fridge and opening it.

"Hey son. You having fun up there?" she chuckled.

"Oh yeah. They still can't beat me," he grinned.

"Are you ready for your grandmother's birthday?"

He grabbed four cans of soda before closing the fridge and looking at her.

"When is it?"

"This Friday. Everyone's going. Including him."

The him she was referring to was his father. He never got to know him since they got divorced when he was only one. He had stayed in contact growing up, sending him letters. But all that stopped as he got older. After his eighteenth birthday, he got his last letter and never heard from him again.

"I see. Should I go?"

"When was the last time you saw your grandmother?"

"Don't remember," he replied.

"Then you're going. And rumors are, he's bringing your brother."

Those words circled in his head for a moment. Brother? He thought he was the only child between them.

"Brother huh? DId you know about this?"

"Nope. I cut ties with him at the divorce."

"I see. Guess it'll be an interesting party," Stephen said, hurrying back up the stairs to his room as he handed everyone a soda. "So, who's next to eat my rubber?"

They played for a few hours until the sun started setting in the horizon.

"I'll catch you guys in class tomorrow."

"You bet. Later Steph," they all said, walking down the cobblestone path to the sidewalk and seperating to go their own way home.

He watched them disappear before heading back inside and upstairs, making sure to turn on the porch light and lock the door. Reaching the dresser, he grabbed a pair of boxers before hitting the showers. His mind wander while scrubbing down. Was that the reason his father stopped writing him? Several others swirled in his mind as he dried off and brushed his teeth.

"Wonder if he knows about me?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he put on a pair of shorts and a tank top before sliding into bed. Letting out a yawn, he closed his eyes before he was fast asleep.


"All right, your homework assignment is on the board. It's not due til Friday so you have a few days to work on it," the teacher said as the bell rang signally lunch break.

Stephen let out a sigh as he collected his books.

"Great. I hate essays," he mumbled, stuffing his books in his bag before heading out.

Exiting one of the many buildings that made up Dragonite College, he took in another breath. Fall was upon them as the many trees displayed their array of many leaves of different colors. He preferred this kind of weather. It wasn't too hot or too cold.

"Yo Steph!"

He turned to see Phil walking up with Bryon as he smiled.

"What's up fellas?"

"We're heading down to Marlow's Sub for lunch. Care to join?" Phil asked.

"Yeah. They make a mean cold cut combo," Stephen added, hearing his stomach growl.

They walked off campus and down the street, weaving through the other kids and pedestrians on the sidewalk. The sub shop came into view after about a twelve minute walk. The place wasn't that packed which was a good thing cause this place would get busy at a moment's notice. Walking up to the counter, they were greeted by a young lady.

"Good afternoon gentlemen. What can we make for you today?"

"I'll have a meatball sandwich on wheat," Phil said.

"I'll take a steak and cheese with onions, peppers, pickles, and bacon," Byron added.

"Cold cut combo for me with lettuce, cucumber, pickles, tomatoes, and jalapeno," Stephen finished.

"Coming right up," the lady said with a smile.

They stepped to the side as they watched the employes make their food, cutting the meat and adding some seasoning. After a few minutes, they had their food as they took a seat near the window, munching and chatting away.

"Remember that cute girl Monica I was telling you about?" Byron said.

"What about her?" Stephen asked.

"I asked her out and she said yes."

"Sweet dude. At least one of us will get laid before college ends," Phil chuckled.

"Hey, I'm trying," Stephen defended himself.

"Sure you are. You ahd a girl that was head over heels for you. But you were to blind to see it," Phil scoffed, biting into his sandwich again.

"You mean Megumi? We had nothing in common."

"So? When a girl is throwing herself at you, you don't care about the common things."

Stephen took another bite of his sub. Megumi was a decent girl. But they were two very different people in terms of well, everything. They did talk a couple of times, but nothing came of it. He did have a girlfriend in high school, but it didn't last for long. Only through their senior year.

"Well besides finding out you're going to be single for the rest of your life, what are your plans for the weekend?" Phil asked.

That got him thinking about what his mother said about his supposed brother coming to the birthday party.

"It's going to be my grandmother's birthday party Friday."


"Yeah. But there's one small catch."

"What would that be?" Bryon asked.

"My dad is coming also. And brother."

This caught them both off guard as they looked at Stephen, mouth still full of food.

"Seriously?" Phil questioned.

"Yeah. It was a surprise to me when my mom told me."

"Damn dude. What are you going to do?" Byron asked.

Stephen took another bite, wiping his mouth before shrugging.

"Go with the flow I guess."

"Does your brother know about you?"

"Don't know. But I'll find out at the birthday party," he added, looking at his watch. "Better head back for class."

They cleaned up their table before exiting and heading back.

"You working tonight?" Byron asked.

"Yeah. Picking up a shift so I can have the weekend off."

"Okay. Well, we'll see you later," Phil said, giving a two finger salute before walking off with Byron.

Stephen let out a sigh before heading to his class, thinking about the party and what will happen.


Stephen let out a grunt as he loaded the last few suitcases in the plane's luggage compartment.

"All right, she's good to go," he says, hopping down the stairs turning to lock and secure the latch.

Once that was done, he climbed the stairs up to the airport entrance, walking up to the front of the plane and smiling.

"You guys are good to go. Happy flying out there," he said to the captain.

"Thanks a bunch Steph. We always seem to leave ahead of schedule with you around."

"I have a good support team backing me up. I'll catch you again Lee," Stephen said, closing the door as the flight attendant locked it.

He watched the plane head out before letting out a yawn and stretching. Looking at the time, it read five in the morning, which meant it was lunch time.

"Heading to lunch Pierre," he said into the headset.

"Copy that. Have a good one."

He walked into the terminal, heading to the break room. That was one reason he liked the graveyard shift. It was quiet and not a lot of planes leaving until around six in the morning. Getting to the lunch room, he saw a few of his co workers relaxing inside.

"Hey guys," he said, opening the fridge and grabbing his lunch.

"Hey Stephen. Lunch time for you?" one of them asked.

"Yep. Always around this time before the busy rush."

"I don't see how you can do overnight. I could never stay awake," another chimed in.

"It's not that bad. Plus the time goes fast."

"I need my beauty sleep," a lady chuckled.

Stephen chuckled as he took a bite of his sandwich. His mind wandered again about the upcoming party and meeting his supposed brother. What would he even say to him when the time comes? He had to admit, he was a little nervous and even a bit anxious to meet him. Halfway through his lunch, his headset came to life.

"Hey Stephen, hate to bother you during lunch, but think you can cut it short? We're down four rampers this morning."

"Sure thing Pierre. Give me a second and I'll head back out."

"I owe you. Any time left I'll make sure you get paid for."

Grabbing his trash, he tossed it all in the barrel. Water in hand, he headed back out. The bags were coming down hot and heavy as he and the crew hurried to load the planes. He even stayed an extra forty minutes to get the flights out on time.

"Hey man, thanks for staying extra," Pierre said, wiping his forehead.

"No problem. Gotta get these planes going."

"I like that attitude. You're taking tomorrow night off right?"

"Yeah. Family birthday party."

"Gotcha. You have fun. Gonna suck without you. Especially on the weekend."

"You'll be fine," Stephen chuckled. "Have fun."

"Take care."

He slid off his headphones, returning it to the equipment room before heading out. Waving bye to the some to customer service agents, he exited the terminal and stood there in shock.

"Hey son! Long time," a tall man said wearing a pair of brown slacks and black shirt.

Stephen had to do a double take, still shocked to see his dad after so long. The only thing he had to remember his father was his letters and a picture his mother kept of their wedding.

"Umm, hey dad," was all he could come up with.

His dad chuckled at that, getting up off the hood of the car as he walked over and gave him a hug. Stephen was frozen even in the hug until he hugged back.

"You look good," his dad said, looking him over with a smile.

"Umm, thanks."

"Come on. I'll treat you to come breakfast and we can catch up on everything."

Stephen nodded slowly, following him to the car and getting in. His dad was all smiles as he pulled out of the terminal and onto the highway.

"Pancake House sound good to you?"


He took the next exit and down the street a couple of blocks before the restaurant came into view. Getting a spot, they got out and headed inside where the waitress showed them a table and menus.

"Pick whatever you want. My treat."

Stephen looked through the menu before ordering three eggs scrambled, bacon, sausages, hash brown and a waffle. Once his dad ordered, the waitress took their menus, coming back with two cups of tea.

"So good to see you after all these years son."

"Why;d you stop writing me after my eighteenth birthday?" Stephen asked.

His father went quiet at that, his face turning sad.

"Things happened. I'm not going to make excuses. After your fifth birthday, your stepmom gave birth to your brother. I never once stopped thinking about you. But I kept forgetting to write you since I was taking care of your brother. He took most of my attention. I called your mother to get a number for you, but she refused and hung up on me. I'm sorry."

Stephen listened intently to everything, arms crossed before reaching for his tea and sipping. So he did have a brother for real.

"Meh. Past is the past. What's happened has happened. Nothing to do but to move forward."

His father had a tear in his eye which he wiped away and smiled.

"Thanks son," he said softly as a Clefairy brought them their food with a smile and a bow. "Let's eat."

They both started to eat, Stephen loving how the waffle melted in his mouth with just the right amount of syrup. Then he remembered something as he looked at his father.

"I have a brother huh?"

His father swallowed his mouthful before nodding his head.

"Yes. His name is Calvin. I'll show you."

He dug into his back pocket and fished out his wallet before producing a picture of a teenager. He had silver hair that was tied in a ponytail as he had on a black gown and held a diploma.

"He just graduated high school and heading to get his accounting degree at Haunter University."

"Sounds like fun. Math wasn't my strongest subject."

"You prefer using your hands. Thus the reason you work at the airport and going for your degree in computer repair."

"So you've been keeping up with me?"

"Of course son. Just because I'm not in your life physically, doesn't mean I can't keep an eye on you."

Stephen chuckled at that as he handed the photo back. So his brother already graduated high school and heading to college.

"He can't wait to see you at the party. Or maybe earlier if you like?"

"It would probably have to wait until the party. I'm pretty stacked until then."

"Understandable," his father said with a smile.

They ate and chatted more, catching up on everything over the past few years. It wasn't until Stephen let out a yawn that made his father chuckle.

"I've kept you up long enough. Let me drive you home," he said, leaving some money for the food and tip.

"Sounds like a plan."

They got up and left, hoping in the car and heading out. It didn't take long for them to reach Stephen's house as the car pulled to a stop on the sidewalk. His mom was on the porch, sitting on a chair and gave a small wave. Stephen got out and looked in the window.

"Thanks for breakfast."

"Anytime son. I'll see you at the party," his dad smiled, giving a wave to his mother before driving off.

Stephen watched the car drive off before heading up the porch.

"So does he have a son?" his mom asked.

"Yeah. I saw the picture."

"Good for him."

He let out a chuckle at that. She still had feelings for him but decided to play it tough.

"I'm going to grab some shut eye. Busy night last night."

"Sleep well."

He nodded his head before walking in, slipping his shoes off and stretching his toes with a sigh. He passed by the living room where the boyfriend was watching a show on TV. Shaking his head, he headed up to his room, stripping down to his boxers before laying down with a sigh. It didn't take long for him to pass out with a full stomach.


Friday couldn't come quick enough as Stephen was in the car with his mom. He picked up a new puzzle for his grandmother along with a picture frame and puzzle glue to keep it all together. She loved puzzles cause it kept her mind active.

"What are you going to say to him?" his mom asked.

"Don't know. Been thinking about that for awhile. Basically just hi," Stephen shrugged.

"Better then nothing."

The car drove a couple more minutes before coming to a two story house with cars already parked along the curb. Finding a spot, they got out and walked across the street where the laughter and music was coming from. Walking up the short, cement steps, he rang the bell as it chimed. The door was answered shortly by an elderly gentleman who gave a smile.

"Stephen and Eliza! Welcome! So good to see you again," the man said giving them both smiles and hugs.

"Hey grandad," Stephen said.

"Greetings Francis," Eliza added.

"Come on in. The party's started and everyone's having fun."

They walked in as everyone was talking and laughing away. Walking into the living room, he saw his grandmother all smiles.

"Well hello there stranger. Long time no see," she smiled.

"Sorry grandma. Been a bit busy with school and work."

"Understandable," she chuckled, standing up and giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Brought you a five thousand piece, wolf edition," he said, handing her the bag as she took it.

"Can't wait to get started. Go make yourself something to eat and have fun."

Stephen smiled as he went to the kitchen where other family members were along with a wide assortment of food. He had to give her credit. She could cook with the best of them. Grabbing a plate, he helped himself to mac and cheese, sweet potato chunks, vegetables and some corn bread. Food in hand, he went out to the back porch and took a seat on the chair. He was just about to dig in when he heard his name.

"Hey son. Glad you made it."

He looked back to see his dad with his brother he was guessing.

"Hey pops."

"Son, met your brother Calvin."

Calvin walked up and held out his hand with a smile. Stephen nodded and shook.

"So good to finally meet you. Dad told me alot about you," Calvin said with a smile.

"Did he now?" Stephen responded.

"Yeah. Said he was proud of you and that you turned into a fine son."

Their father blushed at that before chuckling.

"Well its true. You're doing a damn fine job. You two catch up. I'm going to grab some food before your uncle takes it all."

Stephen watched him go back inside as Calvin took the seat next to him. He had a large piece of cornbread in his hand along with a can of soda. Looking him over, he still had that ponytail showing his light grey eyes. His body was pretty fit to, if a bit on the thin side which wasn't much.

"I bet you're a little confused huh?" Calvin smiled.

"A little. Just wish pops was more upfront with this," Stephen replied.

"Yeah. I didn't know what to think either myself. But, here we are."

Stephen chuckled, munching on his food.

"So, what do you like to do as hobbies and stuff?" Calvin asked.

Stephen smiled at that before speaking. They went back and forth, each explaining about themselves. And to Stephen's surprise, he was about similar to him. THey both like racing games and reading. Calvin told him how he loved math and going to be an accountant at the Meowth National Bank. He already had an internship and just waiting to graduate. He also had an Umbreon at home that was dear to him. Stephen hadn't bothered with getting a pokemon at the house. Wasn't sure if his mom would let him since he was still living with her. The spent the next hour or so just laughing and joking away.

"I see you two are getting along just fine."

They both turned to see Eliza standing there with a smile.

"Hey mom."

"Glad to meet you Calvin," she said looking at him.

"You to," he smiled back. "Stephen here is a cool guy."

"I should hope so. I raised him to be that way."

"And it shows."

Eliza chuckled at that before turning around.

"We'll be leaving shortly Steph. Get ready."

"Okay," he replied.

They watched her leave before looking at one another.

"Well, this was fun while it lasted. Got any plans for the next week?" Calvin asked.

"Work and school."

"That's no fun."

"Well, me and a few friends get together and play some GT sometimes to relax and clear our minds from the hectic school work and such."

Calvin gave a smile at that.

"I happen to be pretty good at that one. May I join you guys one day?"

"Sure. Come on by Wednesday. It's the day we usually get together cause our classes are pretty much the same somewhat."

"Great! I'll be there."

"I'll catch you then," Stephen said, standing up to head to the car, depositing of his trash and saying bye to his grandmother, promising to keep in contact.


The doorbell rang as Stephen paused the game. His mom wasn't home, saying her and the boyfriend were going out of town and coming back Sunday. Opening the door, he saw Calvin standing there with a smile.

"Welcome bro. Did you find the place okay?"

"Yeah. Dad gave me good directions."

"Cool. Come on in and meet everyone. Take your shoes off though. Mom's picky about the floor."

Nodding, he took his shoes off and followed him upstairs. Walking into his room, Stephen introduced everyone.

"Calvin, this is Phil, Byron, and Sax. Everyone, this is my brother Calvin."

"Hey," they all said with a wave.

"Nice to meet you guys," Calvin smiled.

"Grab a seat," Steph said, sitting in his computer chair.

Calvin took a seat on the bed, keeping his smile.

"So Calvin, tell us about yourself," Phil spoke up.

"Well, I just graduated high school and about to attend Haunter University for my associate degree in accounting."

"Accounting huh? Don't think I can do that. I'm barely passing math as is," Sax chuckled.

"What kind of hobbies you like?" Bryon asked.

"I like to read, do Sudoku puzzles and listen to music."

"How nice. Find anyone special yet?" Phil asked. "Maybe you have better luck then mister zero here."

"Up yours," Stephen said, tossing a pillow at him.

Calvin was quiet at that, blushing a little.

"A little personal there? Sorry about that," Phil apologized. "Anyway, come to have a go at GT? We're just messing around killing time."

"Sure. Who am I going up against?"

"I'll race you," Steph said.

They started up the game and began to choose their cars.

"A Mazda huh?" Stephe said, customizing his.

"Yeah. Very good car if fixed the right way. I see you went old school with a Shelby."

"Hey. Don't knock her. She's fast."

"No argument there. But we'll see who's better."

After they choose their cars and loadout, they were positioned at the starting line. Stephen revved up his car a couple of times like he usually does before each match. Once the gold letter 'GO' appeared, they both took off, leaving tire marks in the wake.

Stephen shifted gears again, eyes on the road as he swerved in and out of traffic. The controller vibrated with each sharp turn and mashing of the brakes. To his surprise, his brother kept up with him through each turn.

"Not bad bro. Didn't think a Mazda could keep up with a Shelby."

"It's all about how you handle the machine. Plus I'm using your tail wind to keep up," Cavlin chuckled.

"Now why didn't I think of that?" Sax said.

"Cause you were to busy burning all your nitro trying to make ground," Bryon laughed.

Stephen focused on the race, shifting gears through turns and avoiding traffic. He didn't think he would have this kind of trouble but he loved it as he drifted through another sharp turn.

"Damn, look at those two go. This is good," Sax said, watching intently.

The halfway point came up and Stephen still had the lead barely by a couple of feet as Calvin headlights were on his rear bumper. But he knew the track good enough to know when to hit the nitro. He did another drift around the corner, tires squealing on the pavement. To his dismay, that's when Calvin made his move, blazing past him with nitro burning. He hit his own nitro booster, using the same trick as Calvin did to keep up. But it was a bit too late as they both crossed the finish live, Calvin beating him by a mere tenth of a second.

"Holy crap that was a good race," Bryon said clapping.

"Yeah. Didn't think about the stuff you did to stay in the race. Guess I need practice," Sax added.

"Good race bro," Stephen said with a smile, placing the controller down.

"Indeed. Thought I wouldn't keep up for a moment there," Calvin smiled.

"Alright, who's next?" Stephen asked.

They all played and joked away well into the night before calling it.

"Thanks for the fun night," Calvin said, climbing into his car.

"Not a problem. Good to get a bit more quality time together no?" Stephen chuckled.

"You're right about that. I'll be sure to pay you back."

"No need to. As long as you had fun, that's all I care about."

Calvin smiled before starting the car which purred to life.

"I'll catch you later bro."

"For sure," Stpehen said.

He watched the car back up out the driveway before driving off. With a sigh, he headed back inside, grabbing a shower before heading to bed.


Stephen sat in class, writing notes down as the teacher spoke. His mind went briefly to last night. They actually had fun together talking. He didn't think he would enjoy it, but surprisingly enough they had plenty in common. Checking the clock, he had about ten minutes before he was done.

"Homework for tonight will be pages one thirty four to one fifty. Use whatever time left to do what you wish," the teacher said, dusting his hands of the chalk dust.

Everybody started to talk amongst each other, giving small chuckles. Stephen stretched his arms over his head, letting out a yawn.

"Almost done for the day."

Just as the bell rang, his phone vibrated in his pocket as he fished it out. Looking at the ID, it was his boss.

"What's up Pierre?"

"Hey Stephen. Listen, I never call on you in case of emergency. But this is one. I'm short about six people. I was wondering if you could come in now? I know you have school and such, but I'm in a pinch."

"Six people? Seriously?"

"Yeah. I tried getting replacements but nobody wants to pick up their phones. You do this for me, I'll give you double time and Friday and Saturday off. It's pretty quiet those days overnight anyway."

Stephen thought about it. That would be some great money in his pocket. Not to mention those days off.

"All right. I'll see if I can get my assignments emailed to me. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Thanks man. You're a lifesaver."

Stephen hung up with a sigh. This was going to suck. He was scheduled to come in at his regular time, but it was only one in the afternoon. Opening his contacts, he texted his teachers asking for his assignments to be emailed to him as something came up. Having done that, he headed for his car car to go back home for his uniform and ID. It didn't take him long to get to the airport as he saw the massive amount of cars and people heading into the terminal. Waving hi to the service agents, he went into the employee break room and changed. Walking out, he saw Pierre coming to him.

"Thanks man. I can't thank you enough for doing this. I know I pulled you away from your studies and I feel bad."

"All good Pierre. They were boring classes anyway," Stephen chuckled, grabbing a headset. "What have we got?"

Pierre handed him manifest making Stephen whistle.

"Hot damn. It's a busy day."

"Don't remind me. I owe you again."

"Yes you do," Stephen grinned heading out to the ramp.

Time seemed to fly by quickly as Stephen and the rest of the crew loaded and unloaded the planes. Once clock out time rolled around, he felt like his arms would fall off.

"Good stuff Stephen. As promised, Friday and Saturday are yours. I'll get people who didn't show to fill your shift.

"Thanks Pierre. I'm going to head home and sleep like a log," Stephen yawned.

He returned all the equipment before heading to his car. Once inside, he let out another yawn. He was going to sleep good. Just before he pulled out, his phone buzzed. Looking at it, it was Calvin.

"What's up bro?"

"Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me on Friday night?"

"Where to?"

"A fan dance. It'll be fun."

"Yeah sure, why not."

"Great! I'll pick you up around seven."

Stephen yawned as he hung up. Right now, all he cared about was sleep.


Friday night found Stephen waiting outside the house for Calvin. He wondered what a fan dance and where it was going to be held. Calvin pulled up in his car and smiled behind the driver's seat. Stephen hopped in as they took off.

"So what is this fan dance you are taking me to?" Stephen asked.

"You'll see. Don't want to ruin anything yet," Calvin smiled.

Stephen watched the scenery go by, not familiar with it. Calvin turned onto a dirt road after the exit, tapping the steering wheel with a smile. A large building came into view making Stephen raise an eyebrow.

"What building is this? Where are we?"

"This is the best kept secret in the world," Calvin replied, pulling into the parking lot and barely finding a spot.

Getting out, they walked to the entrance as the sliding door opened for them, the cool a/c hitting their faces.

Stephen took a look around, seeing the marble floor sparkle and shine with his reflection. A beautiful chandler hung, or rather suspended in the air by he would say the fifth or six floor as a beautiful waterfall fell from the ceiling and down to the basement from the looks of it.

"This is a nice place," Stephen said still looking around.

"I know right," Calvin responded.

THey walked to the front desk where a young lady sat with an Arcanine. The Arcanine let out a happy bark before pouncing on Calvin, licking his face and nuzzling him happily.

"Oooof, hahaha. Good to see you to fluffy butt," Calvin chuckled, scratching along his chin and behind the ears.

"Welcome back Calvin. Good to see you again," the lady said.

"Good to be back."

"Who's your friend?"

"This is my brother Stephen."

She looked at him and smiled.

"Welcome to Forbidden Pleasures Stephen. Great to have you here."

"Umm.....thanks," Stephen said nervously.

Forbidden Pleasures? That sounded very weird to him as red flags started to go up in his head.

"I take it you're here for the fan dance?"

"Yep. Wouldn't miss this," Calvin said getting up, still petting the Arcanine.

"Great. It's starting. Head on down to the auditorium and find a seat. It's a full house also."

Calvin nodded and hooked a thumbs to the left as Stephen followed.

"Hey, what kind of place is this?" Stephen asked.

"Just like Jouce said. This is the Forbidden Pleasures hotel."

Stephen looked at him as they entered the large room where it was packed. Finding a seat in the middle, the lights dimmed a few moments later as a spot light was shown on the curtain. They slid opened as a Delphox, Alola Ninetales, and a Lucario. They were wearing a beautiful kimono as a Hitmolee started playing a biwa. Once the melody started, all the pokemon started to dance slowly, the Delphox and Lucario each holding fans in their paws while the Ninetales had its tails spread out. Stephen watched amazed that a canine could balance so well on its hind paws like it could without falling down.

"This is pretty cool," he whispered to Calvin.

"You haven't seen anything yet."

All through the dance, Stephen just watched the kitsune. He was transfixed on it for some reason. The Ninetales seemed to notice and gave a wink making him blush a couple of times. Once the dance was over, a standing ovation was heard along with lots of whistling.

"That was pretty damn amazing!" Stephen said as they walked out just as another show was about to start.

"It's not over yet. The fun has yet to begin," Calvin grinned as they walked to the lobby where a Gardevoir was speaking with Joyce.

"Ah, Mr. Calvin. So nice to see you again."

"Likewise beautiful."

Stephen watched them talk before his eyes caught something that made him do a double take. Up on what appeared to be the fifth floor, a man had a Jinx against the wall going to town. This made him very uneasy.

"Mr. Stephen?" he heard in his head making him jump in shock.


"Is there something wrong?"

All he did was point up as they looked.

"Ah. It seems that Nora's client couldn't wait until they got to the room," she chuckled.

"Is this even legal? What did you bring me to dude?" Stephen said a little angry making Calvin cringe a little.

"Relax man."

"Don't tell me to relax. Arceus man, what....."

"If I may, perhaps I can explain better. If allowed that is. Please, follow me to my office."

Stephen was hesitant to do anything. But he followed anyway with Calvin right behind him. Walking up the stairs, they reached the office which was marked Manager and walked in.

"Please, have a seat," she said walking around to take a seat behind the desk. "Now then, I know you have questions and I'll answer them all to the fullest of my abilities."

"What is this place?"

"Forbidden Pleasures. Where we strengthen the bond between pokemon and humans."

"There are better ways to go about doing that."

"True. But sometimes, both parties want a deeper connection to their partner. That's where we come in. We allow them that privilege without criticism from others."

Stepehn let it sink in, still not believing he was here at a brothel.

"Haven't you wanted to deepen the bond with someone you care about?"

Stephen thought about his previous girlfriend he got close to. Even though he was young at the time, he enjoyed being around her.

"One person. But that was years ago."

"Then you know what I'm talking about."

"How long have you've been coming here?" he asked Calvin.

"Since I was sixteen. Me and Crescent had our first time here."

"Your Umbreon?"


"Calvin here is a platinum member. I even had the honor of being with him," the Gradevoir chuckled making him blush.

Stephen's mind was in a whirlwind of confusion and curiosity.

"You are thinking to had Stephen. Its better to experience first hand then what other people say."

"But, it's....wrong isn't it?"

"What's wrong about two people having a romantic night together?"

"Are they even safe? What about viruses?"

"We pride ourselves in being very clean. Otherwise, the PCPB would shut us down."

They had the green light from them? They must be in the clear then right?

"Since Calvin is a platinum holder and a regular, I'll do a favor. I'll give you two for two. Two for each of you. You may choose any pokemon you like, except legendaries which is only available for Calvin."

Stephen sat there, mind going a mile a minute before it stopped as a brief vision of that Nintales popped up which the Gardevoir picked up.

"I see Sapphire has caught your attention. She did very well during the fan dance wouldn't you say?"

"Um ...yeah she did."

"Head on up to room ten thirty. Those are our double rooms with two beds. I'll send word for Sapphire to join you shortly. Who would you like as your second?"

"Not really sure. This is a little much."

"Not a problem. I'll make a good choice for you. And for you Mr. Calvin?"

"Surprise me," he grinned.

She nodded at that.

"Very well. I hope you both enjoy yourselves."

They got up and left, heading for the elevator.

"What the fuck have I gotten myself into?" Stephen muttered.

"Sorry man. If I told you what this place was, you wouldn't have come," Calvin said sadly.

Reaching the tenth floor, the doors opened to a lush golden brown rug. Paintings lined the walls of various art as a Machomp was dusting them. Reaching their room, Calvin opened the door to a large room. A makeshift kitchen was to the right with a medium size fridge on a tile floor. To the left and right corners of the room sat a nice size bed fit for two or three. A double window was in the middle wall as the half moon casted it rays onto the blue rug. Calvin took the bed to the right, taken a seat as he bounced on the springs.

"Man, these bed always feel goods," he chuckled, kicking his off his shoes as he saw Stephen still standing there. "Bro, relax and trust me. You're going to love this."

With a sigh, he walked over and sat on the bed, mind still trying to figure things out. Looking up, he saw Calvin take everything off except his boxers, feet kicking off the edge of the bed. Nervously, he started to undress, first the shirt, then the pants. A chill went across his body as a breeze came through the window. They didn't have to wait long as a knock was heard as that same Alola Ninetales came in along with an Azumarill.

"Oh, an Azumarill. She picked good. Enjoy yourself bro. I sure as hell will," Calvin grinned as the rabbit type smiled before walking over and hopping onto his lap.

Sapphire walked over to Stephen with a smile, tails wagging seductively as she placed her paws on his thighs looking into his eyes.

"I saw you looking at me during the dance. Did you like what you saw?" she spoke softly into his mind.

"It was......very interesting. Never seen anything like that."

"Why thank you. Since you have me to yourself tonight, why not indulge and do more then stare," she murred softly before leaning closer and kissing him.

Stephen tensed up, not expecting that. His brain started freaking out, saying to stop. But her soft muzzle lips felt so good. Even the way her whiskers tickled him felt amazing. His eyes closed slowly, hands lifting up to hold her close feeling that silky fur. She let out a soft murr, tilting her muzzle a little to deepen the kiss which he returned, feeling her long tongue lap all around before twisting with his. For something so wrong, it felt damn good. They broke off slowly, eyes looking into one another as she rubbed noses playfully.

"Let me quell your fire," she said softly, lifting a paw to rub his hard erection through his boxers making him gasp.

All he did was nod, still in a trance from the kiss as he wiggled out of his boxers, shaft hard as it pulsed in the air. She looked down at it before sitting on her rear to be level with it, front paws still on his thighs as she brought her muzzle close, taking in his scent before her tongue went out, giving him a lick from the base to the tip making him moan.


"Save that for later. You'll need it," she giggled, giving him another long, slow lick before taking him in her muzzle.

He gasped loudly, the sudden burst of pleasure overwhelming his mind as his hands gripped the bed hard. Looking down, he could see his cock appear and disappear into her muzzle, covered in her saliva, tails wagging happily behind her. He stole a glance at Calvin to see him in a sixty nine position, driving his tongue into the Azumarill.

"This is ...unreal," he huffed out, feeling such high arousal, pre starting to leak out.

Sapphire moved her head skillfully, dragging the tip across the roof of her mouth while her tongue squeezed and caressed his flesh. She lapped up the pre happily with a moan before pulling off with a slurp.

""I think we're ready for the next step hun. What do you say?" she asked, giving his chest loving licks as well as his neck.

" a good idea," he panted out. "How do we this?"

"Lay back and let me take care of everything."

Stepehn nodded, resting his back along the head board with the pillows. Sapphire hopped up nimbly on the bed before resting her rear on his cock. He let out a soft moan as she started to rotate her hips side to side and back and forth, coating him in her honey.

"Here we go. Don't pass out on me," she cooed, raising her rear and getting herself aligned.

Once she felt the tip, she eased down, eyes closing along with his as they let out a double moan. Stephen was in a world bliss. He never knew this was possible of legal. But he felt his shaft hilt fully in her body, hands gripping her waist.

"How....does it.....feel?" Sapphire panted out.


"Just what.....i want to hear. Let the start."

She lifted her rear, pulling out to the tip before sliding back down. The motion was smooth and fluid. She rested her front paws on his chest for better leverage, soft whine coming from her as she moved her body. Stephen was in a different world as his hips started to move to match her movements, going even deeper making her yip in pleasure

"Yes, that' hun. Give me."

Screw if this was legal or not. The pleasure was just too good to pass up. He wrapped his arms around her body, bringing her close as he felt that soft fur on his chest. He buried his nose into her neck, the subtle scent of peppermint hitting his nose. A groan escaped him as he pulled her down with each hard thrust, muffled sounds of their bodies coming together in harmony.

"'re so.....deep in me," she whined, squeezing down on him harder and harder with each push, body shivering as she was nearing her peak.

He knew he wouldn't last much longer, surprised he didn't cum already from the pleasure. Another groan escaped him as he went faster, shaking the bed as Sapphire let out a howl at the increase of speed. She matched his tempo, feeling his cock throb hard in her walls as he squeezed him.

" your seed. I...want it," she whined, claws digging into his shoulders.

She wouldn't have to wait long. Those velvet, convulsing walls were making Stephen lose his mind. His balls pulled into his body, the jackhammer working on that wall to release the flood.

"Fuck. Can't....hold back," Stephen moaned, working the kitsune's body before locking hips and letting out a grunt as he unleashed into her body.

Sapphire let out another howl of pleasure, joining Stephen in glorious bliss as her honey mixed with is seed before leaking out onto his groin. They both grinded into each other, trying to prolong that sweet release for as long as they could. After a few moments, they both stopped, Sapphire plopping down on Stephen as he rubbed her back softly making her coo and tails wag slowly. A double moan was beard beside him as Calvin and the Azumarill both came at the same time. Moments passed in silence before a click was heard and a cool breeze from the a/c flowed into the room, Stephen enjoying his fluffy blanket as she murred happily on top of him.

"I hope your experience was a pleasant one hun," Sapphire said in a tired voice.

"The greatest," he replied.

She giggled at that before standing up, shivering as his limp cock slipped out of her with a slurp. She stretched her body, making sure Stephen saw her spade which was leaking their fluids before hopping off the bed.

"I look forward to our next meeting hun," she said with a wink, heading to the door along with the Azumarill and leaving.

Stephen laid there looking at the ceiling as Calvin chuckled.

"Awesome wasn't it?"

"Didn't think that would ever happen."

A knock was heard as Serah walked in.

"I hope your time with Sapphire and Charlotte were to your liking?"

"You nailed it," Calvin replied.

"I'm glad to hear that. Your last clients will arrive shortly. Feel free to wash up," she smiled pointing to the bathroom before leaving.

Stephen sat up, still feeling the wetness covering his groin. He didn't know what to think for a minute or two.

"You okay over there?"

"Just taking everything in. I'm going to wash off."

Hopping in the shower, he worked the event off his body, seeing it go down the drain. He still couldn't believe it happened but he remembered vividly what she felt like. Drying off, Calvin tossed him an apple as he walked out, taking a bite of the juicy fruit. Just as he finished, a knock was heard as the door opened and an Absol and Milotic came in.

"Damn. Serah is killing it tonight. I always wanted to try a Milotic."

"What haven't you tried since you've been here?"

"You'd be surprise. Well, hope you got enough for round two?" Calvin grinned as the water pokemon slid over to him and coiled gently around him, a smile on its face.

The Absol hopped on the bed, cuddling into Stephen's chest with a happy murr. Its curved horn was covered in a soft gel that was cool to the touch and made Stephen shiver a little. He rubbed its back softly, feeling the smooth fur. It wasn't as silky as Spaphire's, but it still felt good. He felt its forepaws wrap around its neck before their lips connected softly, both sighing happily. The Absol broke off, kissing alongside his neck as Stephen laid back, enjoying the treatment.

The licks and kisses went lower, tickling his stomach making him giggle. Seeing him relaxed, the Absol turned around to threat that growing shaft, using its paws to knead his abs lightly. Stephen opened his closed eyes lightly before they snapped fully open. Instead of seeing a vagina, he was looking at two fluffy balls along with a white sheath, seven inches of Absol cock hanging out and throbbing lightly.

"What the hell!!" Stephen jumped up.

"Sol?" the canine said, hopping off, head tilting.

Calvin heard him as he put a pause to his work to look over.

"What's.....wrong bro? Fuck, she's.....squeezing so damn tight."

"It's a damn male."

Calvin gave the Milotic a couple of strokes on the neck before speaking.

"Bro, nobody's going to know what goes on in here. Live a little. Don't think of it as a gay experience. Wait, cancel that. It is gay. But the point is, you don't have to take it. They are here to please us and us them. If you don't want to do it, just tell him and he'll leave no questions asked. My advice, don't knock it until you try it."

Stephen let those words spin in his head. Its true nobody would know about this except Calvin. He looked at the Absol who sat on its haunches, its black shaft throbbing in the air. Its eyes held sadness but understanding. Another few moments passed as the moans from the bed next to him were heard. Ah what the hell he thought.

"He's right. Lets have some fun," Stephen smiled making the Absol smile also as it padded closer, nuzzling his chest happily.

Stephen hugged it happily before the Absol broke away and laid on its back, legs spread and giving a seductive murr. Steph got the idea as he crawled over on top, shivering a little as his hard on pressed up against the canine's.

"Sorry for that. Still kind of weirded out but that shouldn't take away from the fact that we're here to have the best time ever."

"Sol," the canine said with a lick to the cheek.

He sat up, taking a hold of his still saliva covered cock and aiming at that puckered opening. Pressing the tip towards it earned a shiver from them both. Pushing in earned a gasp from him and a soft whine from the Absol. He thought Sapphire was hot and tight. THis was on a whole different level as he slid inch by slow inch inside into the Absol's body until their hips met.

"Arceus....this is....unreal," Steph groaned out, feeling that hot tunnel grip him hard.

"Ab...." the Absol panted out, pre squirting out and covering its belly.

Steph pulled out slowly, leaving the tip in before pushing back with a moan. The motions were slow and steady, hilting with each thrust making the Absol whine in need. He hunched over, pressing his forehead against the Absool as he rocked its body. The Absol gave him a few licks before kissing him deeply, front paws on his shoulders as its rear legs wrapped around his waist, holding him close.

His hand reached between them to grasp his shaft, using that slick pre to stroke him up and down. The Absol broke the kiss, letting out whines as his hips bucked weakly into that smooth hand.

" that huh?" Steph said, breaths coming in pants as he worked that cock in his hand.

"Ab.....sol....sol," the canine whined.

Stephen never thought he would be doing this. But he'd be lying in saying it didn't feel fucking awesome. Every thrust into those warm walls felt like magic as the Absol squeezed and caressed his shaft. The canine started to buck a bit harder and faster, taking Stephen deeper in his body and tickling that prostate. He felt something round grow at the base of that black phallus making him get to his knees as he looked down. It grew fast, those fuzzy orbs drawing into its body.

"Looks like.....someone's gonna cum. Go ahead.....release yourself," Steph huffed out, never breaking his motion of his hips or that hand as he watched the Absol squirm under him.

The canine squirmed, whined, and whimpered underneath Stephen. Soon the pleasure was to much to handle as it let out a yowl, crushing Steph's cock in a hard climax. That black phallus in Stephen's hand throbbed hard before unleashing thick ropes of seed onto the Absol's chest in long lines. All Stephen could do was stare in rapture, his own cock throbbing but not ready to unleash.

"Good.....boy," he huffed out with a smile, sweat coming down his chest.

He laid on his side, holding the canine close and lifting a leg, pushing into those tight, quivering walls that were covered in his pre. He buried his face in that fluffy neck fur, nipping and biting the skin making the Absol whimper loudly.

"That's it bro. Take it," Calvin said, leaning up to kiss the Milotic, thrusting into its body making it coo loudly.

Only after a few moments in that position did Stephen realize it wasn't the best cause he was using more stamina then usual. But he fixed that quickly, spinning the Absol on old fours. The canine laid its chest on the bed, pushing back into Stephen's groan wanting more. And more did he give, rocking the canine hard, hips coming together with muffled slaps as the bed shook.

"Fuck. So....good. Not last much.....longer," Stephen groaned out.

"Sol.....Absol," it moaned out, cock leaking pre mixed with cum and forming a puddle underneath it.

The death grip Steph had on it hips lesson as he reached under to stroke him again. The other hand gripped the scruff of its neck making it yowl again. His climax was so close he could taste it as he groaned and doubled his speed.

The Absol bore down on him, milking him hard and wanting that seed. And he was going to get it as Stephen hunched over him, balls pulling into his body ready to unleash the second load of the night.

" it....comes. I'm....cumming," Stephen moaned out, slamming into that tight rear a few more times before locking hips and spewing his seed, coating those fleshy walls.

The Absol let out another yowl, joining him in climax as that hand stroking him was covered in his seed along with the sheets. He grinded into him, giving him everything he had before getting light headed and plopping to his side, holding the canine close.

"That.....was great."

"Absol...." it murred, cuddling closer.

The a/c clicked to life, cooling the room down. A knock was heard moments later as Serah walked in.

"Good evening. I take it you enjoyed your companies?" she asked.

"Absolutely," they both said.

The Absol wiggled in his grasp, both of them gasping as he slid out with a pop. It gave him another nuzzled followed by a kiss before hopping off and leaving along with the Milotic.

"I'm glad your evening was plentiful. We look forward to your visit again. Thank you for choosing Forbidden Pleasures," Serah said with a courtesy before leaving.

Stephen laid there again before looking at the white streaks and puddle that covered the sheets.

"What a night huh bro? A great way to bond huh?" Calvin smiled.

"I prefer a few drinks and a card game," Steph replied making Calvin laugh.

"But you enjoyed yourself. The way you pounded that Absol was hot."

Stephen blushed at that. He didn't think he would be into it as he was.

"Anyway, lets wash off and I'll drop you home."

Stephen heard the bathroom door close and water turn on. He looked down at the puddles of cum that was staining the sheets, evidence of what just happened. Even though his brain argued with him on every step, after it was all done, his brain was on cloud nine smoking a cigar.

"Hey bro, shower's all yours."

After a nice shower, they both headed down to the lobby where Serah and Joyce were as they smiled.

"We hope to see you back again Mr. Calvin and Mr. Stephen. The four legendary birds will be here next weekend," Serah said.

"For real? Oh you know I'm down for that. Been dying to have a chance with Zapados," Calvin said with a grin. "Your choices were spot on as usual cutie. Nice job," he said, giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"You're to kind Mr. Calvin. We welcome you again anytime."

They both left as the brisk night air made them shiver a little as they walked to the car and got in.

"Well bro, how'd you like it?"

Steph was quiet before chuckling.

"Very interesting to say the least."

"Gonna join me next weekend for some legendary fun?" he asked starting the car.

Stephen thought about it before grinning.

"Race you to see who'll get sloppy seconds."