
Story by Binding Sin on SoFurry

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#7 of Tender Loving

3862 words

A Hawaiian Monk Seal plays out in the waves at her favorite secluded beach. But today she's not quite as alone as she might think.

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Lani swirled her way through the warm waters near Hawaii, floating up near the surface and basking in the sun. The little monk seal had adorable eyes and a round face on a shapely, but curvy body. Even though it definitely wasn't proper, she always chose to swim naked, loving the feeling of the water rushing over her bare breasts, with nothing between her and the water. Besides, half the fun of living in such a remote part of Hawaii was being able to go anywhere you wanted without worry of being seen.

At least, that would normally be the case. This particular day an arctic sea otter was visiting the islands, his white fur practically gleaming as he swam his way through the water, just enjoying the incredible warmth compared to his frigid home. Leopold was actively considering getting a home here, even though he'd only been around for about a week. But since the tourist parts of the islands were so crowded and just... fake, he was having some fun swimming out to the more distant beaches all on his own.

He flopped himself up onto the beach, his body bright on the black sand, and sighed happily, looking up at one of the coconut trees that grew there. It was just so amazing here... fresh food galore, safe and warm waters, friendly locals... A splash in the ocean caught his eye, and he looked towards it, watching Lani leap from the water, soaring through the sky and twisting in the process, giving him a clear view of every part of her body, water flinging off in small droplets. He smirked. VERY friendly locals. He continued to bask on the beach, letting the image sink into his head.

Lani hadn't checked the shore for a while. Her clothes were stored somewhere up there, in a hidden rock outcropping where they wouldn't get wet or lost, but apart from that she didn't have any reason to, and so she wasn't aware of the nearby otter as she floated up to the surface, keeping her eyes closed and letting the waves gently rock her, sunning her breasts in the warm winter air. She let herself drift, listening to the waves that gently rolled onto the beach, then lowering her head to hear the sand sifting and the rocks clicking and clacking against each other. There was nowhere better than the ocean to live... She even preferred it to her house. If only she could actually live a life so simple.

She grinned to herself, her hands going to her breasts and massaging them lightly. A simple life would have so few needs. Just food, a bit of shelter, and someone to share the ocean with. She bit her lip, her hand traveling down her soft, smooth body. Local seals were a real rarity in these parts, but mating with anything non-local was about as big a shame as things got if the family cared about that sort of thing, and hers definitely did. Still, considering the options within the seals here... she wasn't worried about keeping her tastes local.

She sighed, gently playing with her lower lips as she floated in the waves. She really wanted a mate, though. Nothing permanent yet, but she was definitely itching for some fun. Something about being out in nature always made her so horny... it was what she got for swimming naked. She smirked to herself, then dove under the water, knowing exactly what she was looking for. This was her favorite beach, and as such, there were a few things she knew were hidden away in the nooks and crannies of the water.

One of them, her personal favorite, was the glass dildo she kept hidden for emergencies. It always kept to the temperature of the water, making it look and feel like the ocean itself was filling her, and with the gentle rocking of the waves and the muted sounds down there... it was a sensation beyond belief. She slipped her fingers against her lower lips, then settled down into the sand around some kelp, positioning the smooth glass at her entrance before she slowly pushed it in, groaning gently under the water. A few bubbles went up to the surface, but she paid them no mind. She'd have air for quite a while yet.

The otter watched her floating near the shore, his swim shorts tenting as she drifted so openly and played with herself. Clearly she hadn't noticed him yet, but he wasn't going to let that ruin the show... which was what made her suddenly shooting under the water so irksome. He ran down the shore to the water's edge, then stopped, grinning to himself as he thought about things. If she was going to swim around without any clothes on... well, better to do what the locals do, right? And if she caught him, he could just say he thought it was a nude beach, or ask her why she was the same way.

He tossed his swim trunks aside, then dove silently into the water, the warmth surrounding him again, the waves like a gentle pulse against his fur. A part of him thought that the waters here were almost like the womb: warm, pulsing, full of life, and oh so comforting... But that was a part he knew was waxing poetic. He looked around the crystal clear waters, trying to find the local, greyish seal against the dark grey sands, but having little luck. Once he heard her moan, though, his eyebrow arched, intrigued at what she might be doing. He swam through the water, feeling it rush over his naked body, swirling past his throbbing cock, as though it was a rudder adding resistance to him, but he pushed past it to follow the sound.

He stopped at a bit of bright white coral, peeking his head over it to see what was beyond and incredibly glad he'd found something that matched his fur color when he did. His eyes fell immediately on Lani, her legs spread wide, and at this angle, her lips clearly spread wide too, the light that pierced the waves playing over her form and shining on the glass between her legs, revealing even deeper inside her. Warm pink caught his eye, her clit and her inner walls, while her hand pumped the glass rod in and out of her lips, her other hand at her breast. She moaned deeply, the water carrying the sound to him readily, while a few more bubbles escaped her. He watched eagerly, his own hand sliding down his front, gripping his member and trying to time his motions with hers. To him the waters, while colder than his hand, were still incredibly warm, his cock throbbing and pulsing eagerly in them.

The cold glass stretching open her body made her shudder and groan, pumping it into her depths eagerly. Little trails of her slick, feminine fluid drifted past her, dancing like ribbons in the waves as she pleasured herself. More and more bubbles were sliding from her mouth, but she wasn't worried. She could hold her breath for an incredibly long time, and she loved the added excitement of the time limit. She knew she was more than safe, but it still somehow felt more risky, a thought that made her moan and press the toy in deep, right against her deepest barrier, fingers hardly on it while she groaned, her pussy spasming and squirting slightly.

In the beautiful waters, Leopold watched this aquatic beauty pleasing herself, his mind running rampant with what he wanted to do with her. She was incredible, her form curvy and full, though she moved through the water like an angel. He was a bit on the thin and wiry side, though he preferred the term svelte. There was a moment when her body clenched around the dildo that he was worried she would crush him, but still he pumped at his cock, watching eagerly, and letting out a soft groan of pleasure.

Lani threw her head back, lost in the pleasure of pressing herself deep, but at the sound of the groan her eyes shot open, looking around for its source. She didn't even pull out the dildo, knowing someone had to be near, and turning to see Leopold's head duck behind the coral. She squeaked out of fear, flailing to get away, and the kelp instantly wrapped around her, the live, fibrous plants doing an incredible job of locking her up. She flailed a little in a panic, her mind still hazy from the pleasure, and soon she was wrapped up tightly, her legs spread and her arms at her side, even her tail up in the air to one side. The only open parts were her head, looking frightened, and her pussy, stretched wide for all to see.

Leopold panicked as well, half at being noticed, and half at the small squirt of pre that came with it, the current pushing it her direction. He hid for a moment, hearing her struggling, then started to swim away, sure the jig was up. He heard her whine a little, though, the sound carrying through the waves, and he turned as he left, seeing her entirely wrapped up in the kelp like a present. He swam towards her, his want to help her getting past his embarrassment at being caught, and soon had his feet dug into the sand, keeping him anchored as he looked her over. A part of him was mad with himself that he admired her ass, getting a good look inside her open pussy as he pretended to look at the kelp, then actually bothering to see how she was tied up. As he watched, he could see her muscles clamp, another ribbon of arousal leaking into the ocean.

Lani was blushing hard, not only at being caught naked and masturbating, but at the predicament she had gotten herself in. Yet, as she looked at the sleek otter, her heart started to pound in her chest. He was adorable, hot, toned, his fur shone even in the water... and he came to help her. She'd half expected him to rush off after being caught, social awkwardness or shame enough to leave her on her own... instead, he'd come gallantly to her rescue... and got a good look. She didn't blame him, and was sure she'd be laughing about it in the morning, but right now she had two problems: she was locked in the kelp, and she was still horny. She looked at him and whined, getting his eyes to meet hers, but instead of motioning to the kelp, she looked sharply at her tail, then wiggled her rump a little for him to see.

He looked at her with amazement, his mouth popping open and a few bubbles coming free. The silence around them was impressive, no words passing between them for the air that would be lost to make them, but communication wasn't hampered in the least. She wanted him to play with her... to finish her off, if he had a guess, and he wasn't going to say no. He stepped up behind her, seeing her a little high for him to be able to put himself in while anchored to the sand, but he started by caressing her thigh gently with one hand, the other gripping the base of the glass inside her and sliding it free almost to the tip before pushing it back in, playing with this perfect stranger.

She looked under herself and between her breasts as he caressed her thigh, the feeling wonderful, his fur tickling her in the best ways. And then he began to thrust the dildo inside her and she groaned, another few bubbles rising to the surface. He moved in time with the waves, and since she wasn't in charge and was just strung up, open to the ocean, it truly felt like the ocean itself was filling her up. It made her tail quiver in the kelp, her body squirming with delight and clamping tight around that hard shaft inside her. She nodded eagerly at him, her eyes pleading for him to keep going, then slipping down to his shaft. She licked her lips at the look of it, a completely different idea coming to her mind.

He saw the nod and the way that she was reacting, but the more he watched her pussy pulsing around the dildo, the more he wanted much, much more than that. Still pumping the dildo with his hand, he leaned up, his tongue poking out to lick along the outside, tasting her arousal mixed with the salt of the ocean. She was incredibly sweet, the flavor sticking to his tongue, and the warmth of her body matched his, making her squeak and squirm as he licked at her clit. She looked at him hungrily, though he could hardly see past the ass in front of his face, and he tossed the dildo aside, fully burying his muzzle within her warm, wet snatch, his whiskers stuck at the entrance while his tongue dove deep, deep into her.

She threw back her head, moaning out a small stream of bubbles as his whiskers played inside her. They felt amazing, like nothing she'd ever experienced, the otter eagerly eating away at her clam, savoring every last bit of the meat it had to offer. She'd had a boyfriend, a local seal, and he'd done something like this once, his whiskers tickling her outer lips, but it was nothing compared to the full force of this foreign otter lapping along her inner walls and suckling on her clit. She spasmed from pleasure, her legs shuddering as he pushed her closer and closer to her edge.

Leopold refused to let up, lapping away at her honey and suckling on her clit, the pearl of her clam truly worth the attention every time her tunnel spasmed, squeezing his muzzle. He now wished he was above water so he could smell this without nearly drowning himself, but he could feel her juices clinging to his fur, her squeaks and moans and the bubbles rising to the surface showing he was doing a good job. He pressed onward, his cock entirely forgotten about, as he teased and licked this local delicacy, wanting to taste the honey this flower had to offer.

He didn't have long to wait as he pushed his tongue deep, pressing against a very sensitive spot inside her. She immediately started to shudder, a moan rumbling in her body, then escaping in a high pitched cry as she came hard, her muscles clamping and milking his muscular tongue and warm muzzle. He could taste her sweetness on his lips and his tongue, mixed with the natural salt of the ocean, while the feminine lube clung to his fur, coating his face in her lust. He leaned back, licking his lips, then started towards one of the kelp strands when he heard her whine. He looked at her, trying to read what she had to say.

She shook her head, even though the last cry had drained a lot of her air. She was practically panting, even in the water, as her brain coped with the mind blowing orgasm this stranger had brought her to while she was bound up. Being helpless, at his mercy and the tides of the ocean, truly appealed to her, and she whined, wiggling her rump at him while she looked at his cock. As a sign of thanks, she'd get him off in return, then let herself get freed... that seemed fair, right?

He seemed a little confused, his smaller lungs having their own issues with air, but she was adamant that he not untie her, her eyes practically locked on his throbbing cock. He looked into her eyes, then grinned, nodding, before he swam up into position behind her. With the way her legs and tail were tied, it was going to be slightly awkward, but soon he perched himself with her thighs for balance, his cock lining up right with her opening, while his body clung to her back, feeling her warmth through his fur. He reached around, massaging her breasts, before he pinched a nipple, making her jump. That motion pushed his cock into her, and they both moaned, the first bubbles of their first mating rising together, twining into one large underwater air pocket before it disappeared on the surface.

His hands massaged and teased her smooth breasts and twirled the nipples between his fingers, the pinching and twisting turning her on as she was completely at his mercy. She looked at him, her eyes wide, seeing him concentrating on the actual act of mating, his cock sinking all the way into her, the piercing warmth so much more real and alive than the dildo she'd had before. As he hilted fully inside her, he caught her eye again and, smiling, leaned forward, catching her lips in a kiss.

She reacted sharply, nearly breathing in, but stopped as she felt his lips on hers. Slowly she sank into the feeling, then licked her tongue over his furred lips, only to have his eagerly dart into her mouth, exploring it and dancing with hers. They moaned into each other's mouth, air and breath passing between them as they finally made all the noise they wanted to, the shared pocket of warm air holding the lusty moans of their embrace. He slowly started to thrust, his hips pulling free, then his tail pushing forward, acting like a paddle to slam him home, rocking their bodies and shaking the kelp. She cried out into his mouth as he slammed home, every inch of his cock sliding against her clit, her body giving itself fully to him to do with what he wished.

He thrust fast and hard, pounding into her pussy as she was bound up. He had to do the work for both of them, as she couldn't exactly thrust into him, but he didn't care, as he was in heaven. He may have thought that the ocean was a womb, but the encompassing warmth enveloping his cock showed just how cold the water was by comparison, and now he wanted nothing more than to never leave his island lover. He grabbed her breasts tightly, holding himself to her as he broke the kiss, focusing on thrusting as hard and fast as he could, his lungs starting to burn from the effort and holding his breath for so long.

His weren't the only ones burning, as Lani's lungs were running on empty, though it was partially his fault. His cock was so wonderful, his powerful tail pushing into her, rocking her body and making her cry out in pleasure at every thrust. She had to bite her lip to keep her mouth shut, still moaning loudly into the ocean current, though she kept in her air. She knew she was starting to really run low, but it felt so good, there was no way she was going to give up before he was done. Besides, she had little choice in the matter until he released her.

A release was on his mind, but a very different one, his balls starting to tingle, readying their load for the hot and waiting womb his cock was brushing against. He had no idea if she was fertile, if they were compatible, or even what her name was, but he didn't care, slamming away eagerly, feeling her pussy milking, pulling, clenching, and drenching his cock in her slick honey. Normally he spent his time taking the meat out of clams, but today, he was incredibly happy to be stuffing meat in, with extra cream coming up. He moaned, bubbles rushing from his mouth, as he got closer and closer to his orgasm.

She moaned as well, feeling the air escaping her, but he felt just too wonderful, his deep, needy, pounding thrusts brushing up against every nerve inside her it seemed. Her body was on fire, completely responding to this stranger's cock, as though his very existence was all she craved. She had no clue how safe she was, if he'd even help her... She was just along for the ride, clinging onto what little air she had left as her lungs burned, her loins on fire as well as the tension built for another orgasm. She squealed, trying her hardest not to gasp for air...

Right then he slammed home one last time, clamping his mouth on her and moaning his orgasm right into her, his remaining air rushing into her lungs, a gift almost as intimate and life giving as the warm seed rushing into her womb, the tip of his cock lined up perfectly and his balls pumping away eagerly. She was filled with warmth from both ends, feeling his throbbing in time with her pounding heart as she came as well, moaning back into his mouth, her pussy clamping and milking out every drop he had. They held that position, moaning and shuddering as he spilled his essence deep into her, then held her close, his body against hers.

His lungs were screaming, in need of air as he basked in his afterglow, but he knew she had to be low too. He pushed the last of his air into her with one long, deep kiss, then sank down before kicking off the sand, his tail rocketing him up to the surface. As he breached it, he gasped deeply, taking in a huge lungful, before diving back down. One more loving kiss gave her more than enough air to breathe while he worked on untangling her. It would've been a simple process if he wasn't so distracted by the white fluid leaking from her, filling the water with a small cloud of stringy jizz and mixed arousal, though it was nothing compared to the huge load still locked away inside her. He was proud of the difficulty, though, knowing he'd made that mess.

Finally he managed to free her, and the two of them hugged underwater, kissing once more, before they made their way up to the surface and she got her first real, fresh breath of air in quite a long time. She gasped and panted, still feeling his contribution leaking inside her, before she laughed. "Eh, haole, what's your name?"

The otter blinked, realizing he'd only just really heard her voice, and then laughed. "Leopold. Yours, my tropical beauty that leaves me breathless?"

She giggled. "Lani. Wanna come back to the beach and bask in the glow, or what?" She motioned towards the beach where his swim shorts were located, a bright smile on her face and her eyes shining with hopes he would.

He nodded, then swam over, kissing her deeply. "Gladly. I can't imagine any better way to spend a vacation." He swam with her to the beach, both of them flopping on the sand and letting the air dry them as they listened to the surf, hand in hand.