Potion Expertise

Story by Luvian on SoFurry

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#4 of Luvian's Luck

A continuation of Potions 101, but not from Luvian's viewpoint! This time we continue from the eyes of Kyzyr, the potion-making dragon previously introduced, and one who has many, many plans for the wolfbird.....

Kyzyr often found himself tempted by customers. It was an unfortunate side effect of being a male dragon with a crazed libido surrounded by tasty looking people, but he dealt with it as best he could. He'd done pretty well, if he said so himself. Sure, he snuck in the occasional extra potion when dealing with the really cute customers, but he'd never used it to take advantage of them, and he'd never had any complaints. The only problem on his end was the potion-soaked (and enchanted) apron he'd forced himself to wear, in order to cover the scent of his arousal and hide potential erections. But he'd been good!

Until that wolfbird walked in the door. Then his whole world shifted.

He'd never considered himself similar to his more feral counterparts, at least in terms of hoarding both treasure and others. Sure, he teased people who had experience with said tendencies, and joked about them judging him on stereotypes, but beyond a slight desire for gold to always be present in his home (something easily solved by his business) he'd been different. This wolfbird threw out those old ideas, that old primitive part of him buried under generations of civilization forcing its way to the front of his mind and snarling and clawing for him to sink his teeth into the grey shoulder and mark them as his. He succumbed, how could he not? Of course, he tried to fight it, and before losing managed to prevent many things demanded by his snarling consciousness, not least of which involved simply vaulting over the counter and stretching that rump wide.

The interaction was fraught with close calls, but luck seemed to be on his side. No matter how many times he barely held himself back from licking his lips in anticipation, or was tempted to go beyond teasing and straight into barely-hidden propositioning, the wolfbird seemed to either ignore it, or just not be looking at him. The exchange of coin allowed him time to pull together, and focus on his usual vice. With that, the wolfbird left, and the sight of that tight rear walking away nearly made him lose control once again.

He made due once that door closed, rushing forward to close up. He'd lose money in the short-term, and probably anger some customers, but this took priority. The second potion he had given the wolfbird would negate the first potion, and even enhance the lustful 'claiming' feelings, at least towards similarly scaled species. He'd been tempted to give one coded to just himself, but the ensuing fights as dragons, lizardfolk, and the like found the wolfbird claimed and unable to entice would be a huge issue. Plus, it would be quite interesting to see just how many creatures lived near the hybrid.

The next ten minutes, to give the wolfbird enough of a head start he wouldn't suspect Kyzyr following, were spent collecting potions, apron abandoned behind the counter. Snarling and panted words followed the drake around his shop as he was filled with many, many ideas on how to treat the little hybrid, ridged, foot long shaft throbbing almost painfully in anticipation pre spilling down it's length to drip to the floorboards (he'd have to clean before reopening). When those ten minutes finally finished, the dragon slipped out the back door of his shop and threw himself into the air, glad for the relative privacy that his exit offered. Nobody (save the wolfbird) would know his plans. That sweet scent almost tasted of victory as he allowed it to steer him to his goal.

As he landed, Kyzyr had to admit he could see why nobody really knew much about the wolfbird, despite him being somewhat known in town. After all, the hybrid was quite unique, of course that'd draw attention in Forest's Edge! But looking at the quite well hidden home in front of him, delicious scent almost undetectable under the smell of pine. The fact that it still lived was a testament unto itself. To be fair he'd almost mistook the stop as the wolfbird throwing off any potential pursuers, but the small buildings hidden beneath other trees disproved that notion. Shaking his head free of all that thought, the dragon made his way to the front door, and threw it open to step through.

Oh. Gods and Spirits. That scent.

The wolfbird lay on the wooden floor, panting and matted with sweat. All of this the drake took in, nose flaring as the smell of some sort of heat permeated everything, laying thick on his tongue like melted chocolate. Part of him noted the reaction to what must have been the second potion, but the other part, which had taken over, stomped forward and bent down, picking up the sweat-soaked hybrid by the scruff, licking his lips as his turgid spire throbbed, pressing against that gray belly. "Why isn't this a surprise.....I expected something, but laying at my feet wasn't on it, surprisingly." Kyzyr teased, before noting the glassy eyes and dull expression. "I see you've got nothing sloshing around in that head of yours....Don't worry...." he placated, grin almost shark-like in quality. "I've got plenty to fill it."

Pulling the limp hybrid against his chest with one arm, the drake decided to let his musk soak against Luvian (so glad he'd gotten a name...) as he explored, searching for a perfect venue to claim his new companion. Or pet, whatever he decided the wolfbird was going to be at the time. Luckily, despite the obvious work that had gone into this home, there was little going on in complex design, and the bedroom itself was easy to find, Kyzyr grinning as he took in the rather unique structure, fabric and padding arranged like a particularly cushioned nest. "Perfect. Just right for a little birdie like you."

Sprawling out on the (quite soft) bed, the dragon decided to take in his toy, looking over the hybrid. His grin was nearly permanent as he took in the drooling wolf-cock, the dumb expression as his chest was sniffed and nuzzled against. His own shaft, lined with flared ridges that pulsed in anticipation, was dripping pre quite a bit, but he wanted to save that obviously tight rump for something special. Putting the potions he had carried in his free hand to the side, the drake twisted Luvian around, putting him face first against his tip in time to get a spurt of pre across his nose. "Suck."

While he waited for the wolfbird to get started, Kyzyr took in the rump being present, idly burying a hand in that feathery tail and twirling it around his fingers. Well, somebody had seen what a treat the cute male was, and stretched him, but enough time had gone by for the tightness to recover. At least enough some stretching was definitely needed. He wasn't gonna cause the hybrid undue pain after all! That was no way to treat a pet.

Alas, he had to be firm, and as he continued to feel a lack of flesh around his spire beyond a cold nose and wet tongue, action was clearly needed. "I SAID..." the drake snarled, hand not tangled in tail grasping at Luvian's head and pushing. "SUCK." That muzzle gave little resistance, opening and starting to take in his head, spreading it wide with his girth. A punishment was needed though, and he continued to push down, claws pricking in warning until his foot-long shaft was entirely sheathed in that cavern, almost moaning as he felt the tight, (and by the sounds, virgin) throat wrap tightly around the first few inches. Of course, he let the hybrid up for air after a few seconds, keeping at least part of his cock sheathed within until he felt movement up and down his shaft. "Good boy."

Now, back to business. Keeping that tail out of the way, he spread those soft cheeks wide, exposing his objective. Tongue unrolling from his maw, the drake began to press the thin muscle into the wolfbird's hole. Soaking and stretching it. He didn't stop pressing in until his teeth grazed flesh, nearly losing control at the taste. If Luvian's scent was chocolate, his taste was a heavy mead. But he had to keep control. The hybrid wasn't yet prepared, though his heat was definitely improving the sensations if the throbbing shaft pressing against his own belly was an indication.

Lewd sounds permeated from the duo, a large cock being swallowed and sucked by a male, his rump stretched by a tongue. Due to his current hair trigger, the wolfbird came first, cum painting blue scales white, mouth tightening down around Kyzyr's cock. The drake himself finally pulled free, forked appendage retracting with a SLHRP before vanishing back into his maw. His own orgasm probably could have been held off, but the constant taste of temptation, as well as the long wait before this had put him on edge, and so he pressed down until Luvian began to struggle to breath, climaxing with a roar. His cum was a flood, bulging out the grey neck as it spilled down that tight throat. Pulling free, the dragon noted (with a bit of pride) the now pudgy appearance of the wolfbird's middle. He couldn't wait to see how it would look after his next plan.

The contents of his first potion were drunk, the drake setting the empty vial to the side as he flipped the wolfbird upright once more, noting a slow clearing of the fogginess in those golden eyes as he maneuvered Luvian's body into position, back pressed against his scaly chest. Guess one climax was all he needed to end the potion effects. It would certainly make his next plan more interesting. The potion itself was beginning to show its effects, his softening cock becoming hard and throbbing once more, audible churning growing louder as scaly balls began to grow, his spire expanding even as more inches began to exit his sheath. Time to put that spit-slicked hole to work~.

Spreading that rump wide once more, using that wonderfully soft and unresisting tail as a guide, Kyzyr pressed his tip against his target, growling with delight as he felt the ring of muscle begin to spread. Definitely tight, especially with his still growing shaft, but not impossible. Licking his lips, the tail was released (along with the wolfbird's rump) to grasp the hybrid's shoulders, pressing that body down until the first ridge pressed against his entrance, a small bulge forming in that furry gut. And still his shaft grew, the groan of an awakening mind soon turning into the groan of pleasurable pain. Humming, the drake grabbed a second potion, pressed the flask against Luvian's lips until the glowing liquid was consumed. Had to make sure the little wolfbird treat wouldn't be harmed.

Releasing the hybrid's shoulders, Kyzyr trailed his hands down until he grasped those sinfully-shaped hips. He pulled the wolfbird up, until only the barest of centimeters remained within, before slamming back down, thrusting against that rump with a snarl of possessiveness, craving the sight of every inch inside the hybrid. His arms pumped the wolfbird up and down, taking pride in the sounds of tiny yips from that cute, cum-stained muzzle. He worked his way past the first ridge, the stretch and pop of entering flesh signifying a tie. But only the first ridge had pushed its way in.

His package had finished it's growth, a monstrously sized log that didn't even look like it would fit in the wolfbird, powered by two scaly orbs that pressed against Kyzyr's thighs and sloshed with each shift he made. A growth made better by his rising lust, fueled by the sight of the wolfbird's belly, clearly showing how much he had taken. And the drake was determined to make sure he'd take every inch, helped along by the potions sliding through Luvian's own body.

He tried pulling the wolfbird up, wanting to hear the sound of flesh being stretched wide and snapping tight until he ruined that hole, but found himself just too big for such a feat. Oh well, he had more ridges to use. He pulled down, waiting until he felt his next ridge pressing against that tight rump, then he pulled himself back up, ears pricking in delight at the sounds of slick flesh sliding against each other. Such a lovely sound. Only matched by another, one that finally came after many hard pumps against that tight ring, POP of a ring being forced open around a ridge, and closing right after it.

Nuzzling against the hybrid's neck, Kyzyr repeated the process for every ridge his massive shaft sported, watching with glee as the bulge of his shaft traveled up, up his pet, until the last, hole-smashing ridge remained, pressing tightly against that loose hole. His boosted size was nearly the size of the wolfbird, the tip of his cock clearly poking against the entrance to the wolfbird's gullet. He couldn't wait. Snarling, pinning the hybrid against his chest once more, he adjusted their position, pressing Luvian against his bed as he railed that rump, enjoying the sounds of squawks, moans, and pleas that rose up. Oh yes, such perfect sounds. The dragon would have teased the slutty sounds, but so deep was his lust he only snarled another claim into those ears, on the very precipice of orgasm. The wolfbird himself didn't have anything left, apparently, the utter abuse of his prostate destroying any sort of control and limitations regarding his climaxing body.

A roar of sound, the final stretch, and that last ridge pushed its way in. But the *pop* no longer sounded out, the dragon snorting in amusement as he saw that broken ring attempting to close around his base. The next thing he saw was wonderful as well, the bulge of shaft pressing from Luvian's neck, the drake teasingly rubbing against it, nearly moaning at the sensation. He'd definitely broken the wolfbird in, that limp breathing form fully impaled on his shaft. Time to fully take advantage.

With his rump stretched so far, it was no issue for Kyzyr to pull his ridges free, something previously prevented by the tightness of the wolfbird's ring, but now something the dragon used freely, rutting into the hybrid fiercely. The bulge of cock shrunk and grew with each thrust, the power limited by the size of his scaly orbs, but the clap of meeting hips still easily audible over the sounds of snarling drakes. Pre leaked from him, each spurt a climax of its own as it softened the shape of his spire. Turning it formless and sloshing, though much of it was shot while fully sheathed, much of Kyzyr's precum pushing up the last of Luvian's throat to leak from his lips.

Such a thing was quite noticeable, but the wolfbird was given no awareness (though that was something utterly beyond him at this point) of the dragon's impending climax. At least, not until the drake grabbed his muzzle and closed it, claws wrapping around it to keep it closed as the drake pulled out enough to exit Luvian's throat....and came.

If the previous, non-potioned Kyzyr's climax had been like a flood, this one was like a tsunami, the wolfbird's belly exploding outwards, filling up the nest-like bed in an instant. The sides of it were next, the hybrid being blown up like a balloon, gut sloshing as he expanded with seed, flesh stretching and starting to creak from the strain. There was no sense of a wind-down, no knowledge of how much seed was left beyond the slow shrinking of scaly balls. The dragon watched with glee as Luvian was forced off his limbs, the appendages sinking into the giving flesh of his gut as he was made level with the drake's crotch. And then beyond.

Kyzyr could have watched Luvian's expansion over and over again for many moon cycles, a rather magnificent experience. But even the wolfbird seemed to have limits, increased as they were from potions, and soon he had cum flooding from his muzzle, even past sharp teeth as it cascaded from lips and nose, staining muzzle and belly further white with dragon cream. A sensation soon followed by cum spraying around the loose grip of Luvian's ring around his cock, cum soaking into the floor.

Finally, many, many minutes later, the dragon's orgasm came to an end, and as he panted, mind finally returning, he took in the scene. A bloated, fucked-stupid wolfbird, belly occupying the entire nest, and much of the room besides it. Cum staining the floor, continuing to leak from the wolfbird's rump and maw. A successful 'trial run' of his new pet. Now only one thing left to do.....

Kyzyr pulled free, a gush of seed now escaping and flooding over his legs from the escape route now available. The dragon allowed it, grinning at the thought of how long it would take before the wolfbird would have his home free of the scent of his seed. While he allowed the hybrid to drain, the dragon himself dragged himself over to the remaining potions he had brought, gulping down both. The first had a definite effect, the monstrous package beginning to shrink. It was, after all, mobility impeding and impossible to hide even with his apron, not something he'd want to keep. As for the second, he needed a little boost in magic for this next part.

The drake moved himself to the hybrid's back, taking in that sweet, well-bred form while sending a silent thanks to the gods for it being accessible without having the wolfbird fully drain. Raising a paw, he traced a claw over the wolfbird's spine, grinning as black lines followed. Perfect. The 'painting' took several minutes, but when he stepped away in a splash of seed, there was an intricate design marking Luvian's back. A symbol of Kyzyr's claim, mixed with another symbol most similar to the word share. 'He'll be finding himself quite the popular little toy....' the dragon thought with a smile as he gathered up his vials, glad he'd taken enough time on the mark that his package was back to normal, before noting one last potion, frowning before he remembered the reason for it.

The wolfbird's maw was pried open, the glowing liquid poured down a cum-flooded gullet. The dragon turned to leave, smiling as the sounds of splashing cum stopped during his trip down the stairs. "Can't deprive people of that tightness, now can I?" He called over his shoulder, even as he stepped out the door. "Don't worry your pretty ears, though, I'll be back to give you a stretch now and again."

'After all,' Kyzyr thought as he strolled back to his home, taking in the sights of the forest that seemed so ethereal in the evening light. 'I have plenty of other potions I'd like to test with you.....'

The End.

Potions 101

The market was bustling and full of other individuals, all browsing the various wares set up in the various stalls, manned by shopkeepers shouting over the din in an attempt to attract potential buyers. It made sense that everything was this way. While...

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Back Into the Fire Again

Luvian dragged himself through the forest, wincing with every step. Everything hurt, especially his rump and throat. The shark, finally deciding to release him from his 'service', made quite the effort to ruin both his rump and maw. The threat of...

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Out of the Fire, Into the Water

'This was not going to end well.' That was the constant mantra running through Luvian's head as he dashed through the forest underbrush, the loud sounds of forest destruction behind him signifying the continued presence of the dragon chasing after...

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