Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 119: Ghosts, Demons and Monsters

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#119 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Lady Ursa, Shira, Alex and Tilikum returned to Counter Earth on one last mission to see if there were any survivors of World Six after the mountain village was raided by the knight core and its inhabitants punished by the High Evolutionary. Their only lead was Alex's return to the Maximum; a vision he had from an alternate reality. It proved true in this reality- however, of the forty five inhabitants of Shira's former colony the away team only found five- oh, and several prison guards trying to prevent their escape....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 119: Ghosts, Demons and Monsters

One year prior:

"Momma I am scared!" Kip screamed, running into his parent's hut.

"Kip what is wrong?" A big bear asked, trying to comfort his adopted son.

"There are strangers here in the village!! Many strangers!!"

Basil looked at his mate.

The female black bear carefully peeked outside their hut to see their scenic mountain village overrun with knights.

"The empire has found us." Rose whisper-shouted.

"Rose, Kip take as many as you can and flee." Basil said, reaching for his club._ _

With that the six foot tall dark brown bear with the grey muzzle left his family to defend his home and village.

Outside he found a large female badger and a stout rhino in silver chainmail talking to Shira and Gia.

"What you have achieved here is quite remarkable." The male knight said. "It is amazing that this village has avoided detection for so long."

"But this settlement is still illegal." The badger said staring the female barbarians down.

"Per the High Evolutionary, all here are in violation of the settlement statute!" Rhinox announced to the scared villagers.

"We don't recognize the master you serve knight!" Basil growled to the knight commander.

"He is a tyrant and his regime is oppressive." Shira announced.

"He abandons and destroys that which he deems defective! My friends included." Gia said drawing back and presenting her spear.

"Regardless of how you feel of our master, he is yours as well; his rule is absolute." The rhino warrior announced.

"What do you plan to do with us?" One of the villagers, a clouded leopard asked.

"You will be judged and punished in accordance to our master's laws." The badger warrior announced.

"That will be the day." Gia hissed. The blond nodded at the female tigress and the brown bear.

"There are some fighters within their group sir." A male hippo said to the Commander of the knights.

"But not enough of them." The rhino replied.

"They feel their cause is just and noble." The junior knight said to his commander.

"It is but we have the technological advantage. Ready the crowd controller!"

"ATTACK!!!" Gia, Basil and Shira shouted at the knights that had invaded their idyllic mountain village.

"Knights counter attack!!" Lady Barq and Commander Rhinox kneeled as their forces behind them presented and fired what looked like shoulder mounted rocket launchers at the attacking barbarians. But what came out of those devices were bubbles- large ones encasing everyone in the village with the exception of a saber tooth tigress who watched in horror as the invading horde collected her friends and neighbors in quite a nonviolent manner. Even those trying to flee.

Day 350 [December 25th] 12:28 AM (The Maximum Prison building fourth floor)

"You two are in some serious trouble." The vulture guard announced standing firm.

"Conducting a prison break at the empire's maximum security prison is on the level of treason." The ibex healer said.

"To an empire you serve that doesn't exist anymore." The female barbarian said aiming and then firing from her crossbow.

"Doesn't exist anymore?" Kendall said trading glances with Gia and Basil. "The rebellion won?!"

"AWK!!!" The guard yelled as his paw was pierced by the arrow. He dropped his service weapon.

I took that as my cue, I charged at the ibex with Merna's pole and noose. Kai charged at me with the one she had taken from the vulture and the fight was on.



A healer and a medic in what was basically a pseudo bo staff fight. I tried to sweep her off of her foot paws with my staff and she with hers. Meanwhile Shira's and the guard's fight was just as intense. She tried several of her darts which failed to hit their mark. Eventually those two coming to blows.


"Wha..." I shouted as the ibex tripped me. I dropped my pole and noose and was looking up at her as she stood over me.

"Not bad for a healer." I hissed.

"Self defense is a requirement to work here prisoner 69."

(Are we back on that again?!)

Quickly I rolled backward and was on my feet again at which time I ran past her pole and noose to hug the she ibex tightly.

"What?!" She gasped as I fired my grappling hook upward. It made contact with the high part of the ceiling about twenty feet off of the floor.


I mashed the retraction button with my nose and up, up, up, up we went!

"Put! Me down!" Kai screamed looking at just how high we were off the floor.

"Um, ok." I said letting her go.


(Healer, heal thyself.)

I liked Kai. She allowed me and Bertha to assist her in the infirmary on occasion while I was here. But she as well as her colleagues were serving a despotic maniacal dictator.

(Why does that sound familiar?)

With the female ibex's big drop from such a large height, I turned my attention to the tigress and the vulture. He punched, she dodged and countered. He kicked, she dodged and countered again. That was when he reached for what looked like a collapsible stick from his belt. As he went in for an overhead strike, she blocked with her crossbow before kneeing him in the groin.

As he recoiled she shot him with another arrow. It wound up lodged into the padding on his black uniform.

"You will have to try better than that tiger!"

"Since you asked nicely...." Shira growled hitting him in the face with her crossbow.

The vulture was stunned momentarily, but recovered.

"Here kitty, kitty!!!" He taunted her.

"YOU TWO GET DOWN!!" We heard someone roar.

Shira and I had just enough time to duck before the female ibex was picked up and thrown over us into the vulture who then fell backward onto the rabbit.

"BASIL?!" I asked as the dark brown bear collapsed. "How did you do that?!

The next sound we heard was Shira firing her darts at our assailants.


"You will never get away with this ugh...." The avian threatened.

"Perhaps we should have just killed them." Gia said as the building shook again.

Our attention was redirected to an outer wall of the room- there was a hissing noise. The bear family, Gia, Bertha, Kendall, Shira and myself watched as the outer wall of the gallery was pierced and the red coupe and black utility vehicle forced their way inside, setting down in the gallery.

"You two failed to check in." My fierce ursine warrior said, stepping out of the red prototype. But she wasn't alone, there was another with her.


"Hello little freckled boy. Is nice to be seeing you again." The bear with the v shaped birthmark on his chest said.


"Boris was in administration building when noticed environmental breach in prison building. Went to investigate and ran into pretty lady bear."

"I took him prisoner." My pregnant warrior said.

"Not that Boris mind." The building shook again. "It appears that Warden King has returned."

"Which means we better go now!" I shouted.

"To where?" Rose asked, trying to stand.

"Anywhere other than here!" Kendall shouted.

"Gia, Kendall, Bertha and baby with me." Shira ordered climbing into the trunk of the red prototype.

"Basil, Rose, Kip with me." I said helping the bear family into the cab of Attack Beast.

We quickly departed the prison building fleeing toward the forest. It was only when we were a safe distance away that we turned back to see what had happened. The two spaceships we had passed on the way here were hovering over the Maximum- one over the administration building another over the prison building! The twelve of us watched in awe as both ships seemingly picked up both buildings and carried them off!

"That is something you don't see everyday." Tilikum gasped. "Roadie, activate the front mounted camera and record this."


"Warden King sensed something wrong when supplies failed to arrive. Made alternate arrangements when feared worse." Boris announced.

"He certainly did." Lady Ursa said.

"So despite world fall, a portion of the former empire is going to live on." I said as we watched the spacecraft depart.

*Makes you feel sorry for the souls that are still imprisoned within.* Feleen said wistfully.

"You keep saying that the empire is gone." Kendall said, staring at Bertha and Gia.

"Everyone I will need to bring you up to speed on the events of last year; we have much to discuss." Shira said to the members of her former colony.

"I think we also need to get all of you out of here because the white loin-cloth bare chested look is not too compatible with the weather right now either." I commented.

(Although it was nice to compare Gia's, Bertha's and Rose's breasts.)

One year ago:

"You forty four have been charged with violating the statute settlement and establishing an illegal rogue colony in opposition to my empire. What do you have to say for yourself?" The beastials' high master said observing the residents of the mountain village from an elevated platform from a holding pit within castle Sovereign.

"We don't recognize you as our leader!" Gia shouted from what looked like a large bowl she and the other colonists were in as they stared up at the leader of all Counter Earth.

"Or your regime!" Kendall shouted.

"Really? But I am your creator." The blond haired man in the blue uniform with the fierce eyes said as he watched his rebellious creations rebel.

"Oh really? What master would label those he deemed less than satisfactory 'imperfect?" Basil growled.

"What master would eradicate those he deemed imperfect?" A hare catcalled.

"It is called repurposing." The High Evolutionary said.

The condemned booed loudly at the dictator.

"It is amazing that they were able to remain hidden for so long, sire." Sir Ram's protege observed.

"Yes, they are quite cunning for imperfects." The High Evolutionary said.

"Listen well rejects!! Your master is about to render judgment!!" Billy shouted down to the crowd within the bowl.

"The imperfect beastials shall be de-evolved and as for their human companions... I am feeling generous today, they will receive the living death. THIS I COMMAND!!!" The ruler of Counter Earth announced as he was booed again.

"Master sorry to interrupt, but there are some urgent matters that need your immediate attention!" A rhino said entering the holding room.

_"Very well we will put this off until later." _

"Yes sire." The goat and rhino said bowing respectfully.

4:16 AM Somewhere high in the skies...

*Let's see, two warriors- one from the former empire check, another from a fallen illegal colony check. One medic check, one systems specialist check and eight passengers.* The fennec sentinel proudly proclaimed. *Current conditions: wind 35 miles from the east, precipitation 0%. Temperature 66 degrees.*

"We finally cleared the western continent." The female meerkat exclaimed as we looked into the cockpit of the red prototype. "Looks like Lady Ursa and Boris are having an intense conversation over there."

"Um, yeah. I guess we should check on our own passengers."

With that I climbed from the cab of the utility vehicle into the camping unit.

"GRRR!!!" The brown bear said, grabbing me by my neck.

"Basil!! It is me!"

"Sorry. Reflex." He replied.

"What time is it?" His mate asked.

"A little after four in the morning. We finally cleared the western continent." I replied.

"On the way to where?" The female black bear asked.

"To the Nexus. We can rest and you can get something to eat there."

"So what is to become of us boy?" The six foot tall dark brown bear asked.

"That will be entirely up to each of you Basil. Yesterday the eight of you hit rock bottom from this day forward it will get a little better." I said running Shakara's triangular scanning device over each of them including Kip who was sleeping. "Good. You are recovering from the physical trauma your bodies endured. The emotional on the other hand...."

"You have no idea." Basil grumbled.

"Actually I do. I experienced first hand what you have been through and I endured it longer and when it ended I found out that the world I knew had changed." I said to Basil and his mate.

"What did you do?" Rose asked me.

"I leaned on those I had around me- I pouted, I screamed, I cried. But mostly importantly I didn't keep my emotions bottled up."

(I also remembered that my testicles and tail-star ached a lot during that time as well.)

"In the past- year and a half since my departure from the Maximum, I have faced challenges, trials, enemies and terrors that make the Maximum look weak by comparison. So I guess- it didn't break me, it just made me stronger."

We arrived at the Nexus sometime after sunrise. I didn't know what time because I was out like a light. Basil, Kip, Rose and Tilikum just let me sleep.

12:22 PM Nexus Beach

*Poke* *Poke*

"Are you awake Alex?"

"I am now T." I said to the insistent meerkat.

"Wow, you were out for a good six hours."

"You mean we were out for a good six hours." I said correcting her. "The back of the utility vehicle is quite comfortable."

"Nah, I was up and around hours ago. I met the otter family, the trio, Dongo, Doria and even Zhade and Kenna! You missed a very good breakfast by the way."

"Well I am in the mood for a very good lunch." I said stretching.

"Come on, let's find out what everyone is up to." Tilikum said undressing in front of me.


"It is seventy three degrees outside and sunny. We don't need the extra layers or the jackets."

"You brought a change of clothing?!"

"I may have heard we might have a little layover before making our way home." She said grinning at me- widely.

(She must have been taking lessons from Shakara.)

The two of us exited the rear of Attack Beast and found a hyena, his girlfriend, a jackal and familiar grey otter observing the goings on around us.

"Hey guys what's up?" I asked, greeting the four.

"There he is. Welcome to the vertical position Mr. Winter." The brunette said. She was wearing the same yellow bathing suit I had seen her in the last time I was here.

"Are you hungry?" The hyena asked me.

"Very." I replied. Dongo was wearing multicolored shorts and sandals.

"Here." The grey otter said, handing me a plate. "Freshly cooked haddock with a slice of pineapple dig in."

"Why thank you Mr. Xava." I said accepting the plate from the faux otter as the group watched what was going on around us.

"My, they have been at it for hours." Titanous said. "Look how my girl Shira has taken charge!"

I looked at the intense meeting the female barbarian was having with her former villagers. I assumed they were talking about current events and where to go from there.

"Shira, along with Basil and Gia were the leaders of their colony." I said to the jackal.

"Yeah that was the remote mountain village that was discovered last December." Doria exclaimed. "The High Evolutionary had them judged and punished for living away from the empire, if I remember correctly."

"Exactly right dear. Those you see are what is left of that colony." Dongo replied.

"And over there those two bears have been talking about as long as that group." The grey otter observed pointing to my bear, who was having her tummy rubbed by the father of her cub right next to the red prototype.

"I believe my mistress is asking Boris whether he wants to stay on this planet or accompany her to Chaundoon. I think Shira is doing the same with Gia, Kendall, Basil, Rose and Kip." I said to Mr. Xava. "A lot has happened since the last time each of them has seen each other."

"Well you must stay for at least a few days. It has been a while since we have seen you too Mr. Winter. Besides, I like having company."

"That will be up to Lady Ursa and Shira. We hadn't planned on being away from our home for more than a few days." I said to the creature masquerading as a grey otter.

"You know what? Why don't you stay permanently? Make this place your home!" Mr. Xava said looking at me. I noticed that his eyes turned a deep shade of black. "I could MAKE all of you stay- Mr. Winter. This place is magical, it is all you will ever need."


"Mr. Xava that was not at all the least bit funny." Dongo chastised. "What did we tell you about suppression of free will?"

"We are happiest when we make decisions for ourselves- not when someone makes them for us." The grey otter said.

"You will have to forgive him, he is still working on his sense of humor." Doria added. "Well it is almost time for our play date."

"Playdate?" The meerkat next to me asked.

"It is a little thing we do." The hyena blushed.

"They act out scenes from their favorite novels and plays." The jackal said to the meerkat.

"Tippi and Acala are exploring the steppes so yeah count me in." Mr. Xava said.

"Zhade and Kenna are exploring the desert so we are kind of short on characters. Would you like to join us Alex?" Titanous asked.

(Um, let me think about that... NO!!!)

"Freckles." My mistress' doppelganger said approaching. "She was with a certain tan and white cervine who was wearing a two piece blue bathing suit.

"Bertha, Aboa, what's good? How is paradise treating you?"

"Walk with us." The two females said in unison.


"Dongo, Doria, Mr. Xava, Titanous it looks like I am needed elsewhere but Tilikum would make a nice addition to your acting troupe." I said pushing her toward the ravenous horde.

I quickly grabbed my medkit from Attack Beast and followed the two females on their stroll into the forest.

From the looks of it Aboa and Bertha had bonded- I mean the cervine had given the ex-wrestler a large tee-shirt so she wouldn't have to walk around topless. Bertha was still wearing that white loin-cloth though. Or was it wearing her?

Three months ago:

"Almost there Bertha- one good push!" Kai shouted from within a private birthing room of the prison infirmary.

Bertha looked to her right as her breeding partner took her hand. "The moment has *grunt* arrived when we two become three."

"Does it hurt?" Kendall asked stupidly.

"Like nothing I have ever experienced before." The dark skinned woman moaned. "AUGH!!!"

"I have it. Let's see ten fingers, ten toes, one penis and two testicles... It's a boy!!" The ibex proudly exclaimed handing the tan newborn to his mother.

"Wow, we made this." The former rebel said.

"And if you ever touch me again, I will flatten you." Bertha said, smiling as her son started suckling from her breast.

"Congratulations prisoners- you have completed my program." Warden King said entering the room.

"So what do graduates of this program receive warden?"

"You don't want to know." Bertha responded to her clueless breeding partner as her eyes started tearing up.

2:22 PM Nexus Jungle

"Is everything ok? You do seem to be pushing yourself a lot after just being re-animated." I said to the dark skinned female.

Aboa said something to Bertha and the two females just giggled. I followed them into the jungle and to the hot springs where the two decided to relax. Removing almost all they were wearing before slipping into a large pool.

"Care to join us?" The cervine said, showing me her rack.

"Of course you do." Bertha said dragging me into the pool. I sat between the two of them as they relaxed.

"So Mr. Winter Bertha tells me that you two were rather close." The cervine said looking at me square in the face.

I tried to return the stare but my gaze kept dropping to her bare chest.

"We shared a prison cell at the Maximum." I said frankly. "It was a rather dark time."

"I meant close as in..." She said making a circle with her left paw and a phallus with her right and bringing them together... repeatedly.

"That is right- twice everyday. He was a little unsteady at first but improved with time." My mistress doppelganger said.

"Gee and the only thing he did to me when we were together was touch these." She said grasping my hand and placing it on her right boob.

"Bertha!! Aboa!!!" I shouted blushing. "There were extenuating circumstances for my behavior!! With Bertha it was compulsory, (but not entirely unpleasant) in order to survive where we were." I said looking at the dark skinned woman.

"And in my case?" Aboa asked.

"I was under Mr. Xava's influence."

The two females stared me down as I continued to blush. Then they broke into laughter.

"We had you going freckles- you didn't know what way to jump!" Bertha said.

"Yeah, I guess you did. So did Aboa, did you give the grand tour?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"What do you think?" The cervine said, smirking.

"It is amazing that there is so much right here." The ex-wrestler said.

"The weather is mild, we get our food from the jungle and ocean and our drinking water from the snow in the mountains. We sleep in the RVs and there is a lot of leisure time for activities." Aboa said proudly. "That is a good argument for staying here- Alex and Shira almost did."

"What about this planet you and Ursa moved to Freckles is it nice as this one?"

"You mean Chaundoon? Yeah. It took some getting used to in the beginning."

"How is that?" The cervine asked, stretching.

"Well for starters there are two suns and two moons too and the color of the sky varies."

"Really?" Bertha said crossing her arms and covering her rack which was roughly the size and shape of my bear's.

"Days and nights are six hours longer so it is dark when we get up to start the day and still daylight when we wind down for the evening."

"But how is it overall?" The ex-wrestler said, giving me all of her attention.

"Much, much calmer. There isn't anything trying to hunt, maul, kill or eat you with the exception of cave needles."

"Wait cave what?" Aboa asked.

"Giant walking bees that use their victims to feed their young. Apart from them the beings and creatures we have encountered are curious, but very friendly. In fact the city we live in was donated to us by some of the planet's inhabitants."

"Shira said that the greatest challenge you are facing now is rebuilding that city."

"That and our lives." I replied. "It is no different than the rest of you."

"But do you have hot springs where you can unwind with your lady friends?" The cervine teased.

"Um, working on it?"

"The Nexus, Chaundoon both sound like lovely places to start over." Bertha said taking a deep breath and admiring all the beauty that was around here."

"This place is the only stable place on the planet Bertha." Aboa said piling on.

"But for how long?" I asked as the cervine jiggled her rack.

"Given the state of Counter Earth right now I often wonder what type of future my son will have."

"Where is your son by the way?" I asked.

"His father is watching him." The ex-wrestler said.

"What are his feelings regarding this place?" The deer asked.

"We haven't sat down and really had a conversation about it." Bertha said as the sky suddenly grew dark.

"Is a storm coming in?" I asked as we left the hot springs, reclothed and started heading back toward the beach.

"I don't know." Aboa said.

"What, didn't check the weather report?" I teased.

That was when we saw it- two large shaped diamond shaped spacecraft moving across the sky. Just like the kind that carried away the prison.


"What is that?" Aboa said.

"They looked like the ships we saw before." Bertha said holding her hand to her forehead and looking up."

"Bertha, Aboa!!" I pushed both females back under the forest canopy.

"But what about our friends back at the beach?" The cervine protested.

"They are most likely seeing everything we are seeing right now." I said as the huge ships drifted by.

"Were we followed, freckles?" The dark skinned female asked.

"Roadie didn't detect anything."

The three of us watched as the two large ships moved past the beach and over the ocean, just drifting. After they had disappeared the sun returned and we ran back toward the beach in search of our friends.

"Where is everyone!" Aboa said, panicked. The prototype, the utility vehicles, the RVs as well as our friends had disappeared from the beach.

"Right here Aboa." A puma said sticking his head out like he was hidden behind some type of veil.


"Boris not believing what Boris seeing." I heard a brown bear call out.

"Xava I think they are gone." I heard a female otter say. "We are safe."

Just like that everyone rematerialized.

"I did not know you could do that!" The jackal said to the grey otter.

"You are much more than you appear to be." Gia commented.

"This is Xava's domain; his power is the strongest here." Tippi said, holding his paw.

"All that reside here are under my protection." Tippi's adoptive father said triumphantly with just a touch of arrogance.

"We used to think we were well shielded from the outside world too." Basil said, holding Kip and Rose's paws.

It was obvious that the bear family was quite shaken up.

"You brought this to our paradise!!" Zhade shouted, gritting his teeth.

"Not now Zhade." Kenna said, quieting him.

I looked at my mistress and Shira.

"Roadie run an analysis of those ships." My fierce ursine warrior said.

*At once Lady Ursa. Analysis complete.*

"Let's have it." Shira said as the former members of her colony gathered around the red coupe. Bertha, Aboa, Boris, Dongo and Doria did the same while I stood with Tippi, Acala, Dom, Titanous, Zhade, Kenna, Tilikum and Mr. Xava next to Attack Beast.

*Those are the same ships that moved the Maximum Lady Ursa.*

"Why did they leave the western continent?" Tilikum asked.

"Boris think that Dowd had greater aspirations than just being warden."

"And with the collapse of the empire he can now make them a reality." Bertha said collecting her son from Kendall.

"ONE, TWO, the monster king, the KLIS and now that Dowd." I replied.

"A new enemy has entered the field." My fierce ursine warrior said dejected.

*That is five plus all the monster creatures running around. The planet is done for.* Feleen said quite candidly.

"Feleen!!!" I said chastising the former sentinel.

*That is my conclusion based on my observations of the enemy. Would you like me to restate my assessment? This planet is fucked.*

"My, she doesn't mince words does she?" Rose said.

"Feleen used to spy on our enemies for us." My perfect person said.

"So let the new enemy fight it out with the other four. We are safe here and all who choose to reside in my domain will be protected from what is out there." Mr. Xava said. "I extend that offer to the new comers as well."

"That is a generous offer sir." The female barbarian said.

That evening...

"Lady Ursa, Boris do you want any more?" Doria asked.

"Boris is quite full thank you. Have not eaten like that in long time."

"Quite a while, it appears." My fierce ursine warrior said to her breeding partner.

"Would pretty lady bear care for walk along the shore?"

I watched as my mistress and Boris left Aboa's RV.

"They make a nice couple." Dongo commented.

"I think it is a given that he is going to follow her anywhere." Doria responded, cleaning the dinner table.

"How about you two? We have plenty of room in World Seven." I said trying to sell my former consortium colleagues on the idea.

"Thanks Alex. But this place has become home." The hyena said to me.

"Besides, Acala wouldn't be able to come with us." The brunette replied.

"Yeah you would be leaving Tippi, Mr. Xava and Acala behind. Zhade and Kenna decided not to come with us when we went off world as well." I said looking out the window. Shira was talking with Basil, Rose, Kip, Gia, Kendall again and Bertha. Dom and Titanous were listening in on the conversation as well.

Just then the door to the RV opened. It was a familiar cervine female who I was quite acquainted with.

"Evening Alex. Looking for a place to bed down for the evening?" She said smiling at me.

"We will talk to you later Alex, Dongo and I have to do something."

"We do? Oh we do!" Dongo said as his squeeze gave him a weird look before pulling him outside.

"Thanks Aboa, I already have made arrangements though."

"Yeah Bertha told me that you already have a perfect person."

I nodded.

"So you are still planning on heading back to Chaundoon?" Aboa said sitting down at the kitchen table with me.

I nodded again.

"Your arrival and constant visits have generated a lot of discussion within our group." The cervine admitted. "Life on another planet far from the crazy on this one. It does sound very tempting."

"Are you thinking about coming along?"

"I have thought about it, but I have kind of grown to like this one regardless of what state it is in."

"Based on what I have experienced this year, Counter Earth is descending into chaos from the various factions vying for control. This is going to lead to a prolonged war and most likely devastate the planet and its inhabitants. I have experienced that twice in my life before and do not wish to for a third time."

"I have confidence that Mr. Xava will protect our paradise from what is out there. Doria, Dongo, Zhade, Kenna, Dom, Titanous, Tippi and Acala will help too. So... how many from your group do you think will want to stay here?"

"Hard to say. Say, Aboa do you want to go for a stroll along the beach?"

"I would like that." She said, smiling.

I decided to enjoy my evening with her and my friends in the Nexus, knowing that in the coming days we would each go our separate ways possibly for ever.

Alex Winter December 25th YOE 34

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 120: Remembering Where You Started, Knowing Where You Are and Thinking About Where You Are Going To Be

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 120: Remembering Where You Started, Knowing Where You Are and Thinking About Where You Are Going To Be** Day 354 [December 29th] 11:00 PM (King's Chambers Central Tower) \*GRRRRRRR\* Sorren growled...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 118: A Greater Darkness Than The One We Fight

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 118: A Greater Darkness Than The One We Fight** **_One year and three months prior:_** _"You can't go! I won't let you go!"_ The Tian mountain dog protested. _"You have to let me go sweetie. I...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 117: Honoring The Dead By Frightening The Living

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 117: Honoring The Dead By Frightening The Living** Day 344 [December 19th] (continued) 6:59 AM Lady Ursa's Chambers "Are you sure little cutie?" My lioness asked skeptically. "I mean it could be...

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