Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 117: Honoring The Dead By Frightening The Living

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#117 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

It had been a while since Alex had experienced an alternate reality/alternate life vision, well his latest despite being only a continuation, revealed a possible clue to the whereabouts of some friends of his from World Six he thought were lost long ago...

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 117: Honoring The Dead By Frightening The Living

Day 344 [December 19th] (continued) 6:59 AM Lady Ursa's Chambers

"Are you sure little cutie?" My lioness asked skeptically. "I mean it could be just coincidence."

"Truth is, this past year I have experienced many alternate realities that have caused me to ponder this reality that I share with you two- right here, right now."

"For instance pet?" My bear asked insistently, wanting me to cite examples.

"I know that Panda Lee Ling and Milo Silver survived the fall and are traveling with the Manassas."

"You mean you think they are because in another reality you were traveling with them." Shakara said.

"Yes, I was their spacecraft's AI. It gave me an idea of what it is like to be Feleen, Overwatch or Wheels." I said to my devious person. "It felt weird not to have a physical form but yet be able to observe events anywhere on their ship."

"You also believe that your consortium colleagues Ember and Cinder survived world fall and are working for the KLIS." My fierce ursine warrior said skeptically.

"Well an outlier; a female scientist of theirs because I was working with Ember, Cinder and Triceraton aboard her ship in yet another reality."

"Alex is right, big cutie." My lioness said redirecting attention. "Angi did say that she, Naka and Arthur were helped by two mysterious aardvarks when the rest of their group were captured by the KLIS a few months back."

"I remember the report. And those two aardvarks fit Ember and Cinder's description." My lady bear said.

"Mistress should we tell Shira?"

Meanwhile on the other side of the city....

"Boy get up, you are going to be late for school!" A voice said, opening the door to Arthur's room.

"It is morning all, ready Mr. Black?"

"It is." The akita said to the groggy hedgehog.

"How do you know?" Arthur challenged his roommate.

"I just couldn't wait for the day to begin." Midnight Black said, extending his left arm. Glommed onto it was a sleeping female monkey.

"My beautiful, hunky akita..." She mumbled in her sleep.

"Yeah, I guess we should get the day, well technically it is still night started." Arthur said, stretching.

7:30 AM The Central Tower showers....

"Looks like we are the first ones here." I said to my bear and lioness. "It would be nice if we had our own bathing facilities back at the lair."

"Naah." The red eyed lioness concluded. "I like communal bathing."

"You mean you like the public bathing part Shakara." Lady Ursa said, stepping into the showers with us.

I took a generous portion of soap foam and started sudsing my brown bear starting at her shoulders, then down her back, rump, legs and tail and tail-star before moving on to her front.

While I was doing that, Shakara was lathering me and when my perfect person and I had finished we moved on to my devious person.

"So truthfully should we tell Shira?"

"Well it is rather obvious that she holds Commander Rhinox and Lady Barq responsible for the destruction of her colony." My lady bear said rinsing.

"But they were just following the orders of the previous ruler." My lady lion countered.

"Still even after that, it is amazing she decided to join our colony. But neither of you answered my question."

"That is because it is a difficult one pet. We could be giving her false hope." My warrior bear said moving me in front of the blasting water. "What if you are wrong?"

"But what if he is right?" My devious person countered. "Doesn't she have the right to know?"

The three of us soon finished, dried off and reclothed before leaving the shower room to another trio who had just entered and started bathing....


"Watch those quills of yours boy!" The black akita said to the hedgehog who was leaning against the shower wall and almost him as well.

"Sorry. I guess morning came too soon."

"It tends to if you stay up really late." Midnight Black said as he started soaping the naked she monkey in front of him. She was really enjoying the attention. "What were you doing up late anyway?"

"Stargazing and thinking."

"In what order?" Minka asked her friend.

"Living here the last three months there is so much that is so new like the constellations in the heavens." The hedgehog explained as the akita finished lathering Minka and they switched places.

"Wash your back?" The cheeky monkey girl said hungrily.

"If you must." The akita assassin said to his roommate.

"And so much that we don't know like that banana shaped fruit that turned Russell into a puddle." The hedgehog boy said, citing another example.

"I suppose." Midnight Black said candidly. "For younglings like yourself this world must be very new and wondrous... *YIPE* MINKA!!!! THAT WASN'T MY BACK!!!"

"I know!!!" The girl monkey said looking up and drooling.

9:56 AM Colony Council Chambers....

"Lady Ursa, Alex Winter and Shakara Kubari, what brings you to our neck of the woods?" King Dragon said as we entered the room. He was sitting at a long table flanked by the members of the council including Masha, Shira, Song and Haem.

"A matter of some importance your majesty." Lady Ursa said striding in confidently.

"What might that be?" The white chakat asked.

"Alex." My devious person said pushing me forward.

"Alex?" Masha asked.

"I guess the only way to say it, is to say it. Shira, I believe some members of your former colony are still alive."

The saber tooth tigress gasped at my revelation.

And you know this how? The octopus monster with the numerous eyes signed with his limbs.

"I had a vision. In it I saw Basil, Rose and Kip. They were being held at the Maximum."

"The Outpost Of The Forgotten? You and Lady Ursa lost a portion of your lives there." Sorren said.

"Correct and I have a strong hunch that those three and perhaps other members of World Six were sent there just before the collapse a year ago."

"And you would like to propose a trip there to check it out?" The ugly pitbull female asked.

"But it has been almost an entire year! How do you know that they still are alive?" Song asked.

"But still if my dear friends are alive after all this time..." Shira theorized. "Your majesty, I second that proposal."

"You should know that the prison is in a distant corner of Counter Earth and very hard to get to." My bear knight warned.

What would you need for this mission? Haem signed.

"Two hover vehicles. I suppose the place is heavily fortified." I responded.

"Then there is also the warden, an enigmatic being of great power- Alex and I fought and lost."

"That was over a year ago. We don't know what has become of the place after the collapse of the empire." Masha warned. "Frankly you don't know what you would be walking into."

"But Alex and I are familiar with the prison... too familiar." My pregnant she beast said.

"We will need to think about this little buddie- every time the spacegate is used we run the risk of being discovered by the enemies we fled from." Sorren said.

Meanwhile in Ms. Una's classroom....

"...And that is why the suns come up late in the morning and depart late in the evening children." The female naga said to her mixed class.

"Because the days are eighteen hours long on this planet?" Angi said.

"And our time system is from Counter Earth where days are only 12 hours long." Yogi added.

Ms. Una nodded. "Perhaps we need to change our system to account for the extra 12 hours?"

"It is actually more than that." Mia interjected. "There are many things on Chaundoon that we don't know enough about."

"Yeah, Russell confirmed that." Corbin said chiming in.

"Yes without our allies' assistance we would know next to nothing. I feel if we all are to thrive on this world, we will need to rebuild that which we lost." The naga said slithering around her class room.

"We will need scientists." She said looking at Corbin, Minka and Arthur.

"Explorers." She said glancing at Little Corey, Mia and Kiwi.

"Adventurers." She said looking at Addy, Angi, Yogi and Arugula.

"Builders." She staring at Corey, Rumble and Khai.

"Artists and entertainers." She said locking eyes with Gia.

The she snake's closing speech was mystifying but inspiring. Some of her students wondered if their teacher had hypnotised them.

"...good speech..." Rumble grumbled.

"Glad you feel that way Rumble dear because our next few assignments are going to be all about community service. There are several projects taking place in and around World Seven that could benefit from extra staffing. I want all of you to pick one and donate some of your time whether it is the community garden, assisting with building stabilization, city clean-up or park construction."

"Rumble and I are actively involved in last one Ms. Una." The black haired teen said while his were-creature snorted in agreement.

"What about the rest of you?" The she snake asked.

Collective groans were heard throughout the classroom.

2:35 PM World Seven Garage....

"Well what do you think Alex?" The meerkat asked.

"You Meena, Tilikum and Khai did an amazing job restoring Attack Beast, it is almost like it is brand new."

"It was somewhat challenging, but we were able to barter for the supplies we needed. However it falls short of the blue, red and silver prototypes." Gluay said.

"Well it doesn't have surveillance equipment it is really more for attacking." I said looking over the finish.

"True, but it needs something more...." The male meerkat said. "By the way, have you heard anything more from King Dragon?"

I shook my head. "Still thinking about the implications I suppose."

Meanwhile at Friendship Park....

"...Thanks..." The escaped lab creature said to the hedgehog and monkey.

"Less talking and more working!!" The black haired teen said, scolding his wolf. "Rumble plant that sapling over there. Um Gia, that flower bed over there could use some freshening up."

"And us?" Arthur asked.

"We are working on the walking trail." Mr. Collins said.

"That sounds hard." Minka frowned.

"Think of it this way, when we are finished the park will finally start to like a park."

"You mean that it will no longer be a patch of gravel and dirt?" Arthur said smiling.

"...Having trees, ponds and trails helps..." The werewolf said digging a hole for the little tree he was planting.

"You know we have tools for that Mr. Werewolf." The monkey girl teased.

"...imprecise tools..." He countered.

Minka observed the white loin-cloth wearing werebeast for a moment- his brown fur, the shaggy mane, those beautiful pecs, the flat abs and his bushy tail. Yeah he was nice to look at, but Rumble couldn't hold a candle to her akita. Besides he was Corey's.

"Yup, yup just the way I designed it." The black haired teen said folding his arms behind his head admiring his work as Arthur, Minka, and Rumble stared at him.

The dingo girl stared at her fellow workers then back at the snarky human teen.

"What?" Mr. Collins asked. "Ok, maybe some of the items like the trees were donated."

The stare down continued.

"Ok, maybe all the trees were donated."

"...and ponds..." Rumble grumbled.

"Yes Rumble and the ponds." He reluctantly agreed.

"...and flowers..."

"But the trail we are building, that is our contribution!"

"This place is looking much better than it was before." Arthur commented.

"Speaking of looking, I think one of the merfolk, is checking you out Arthur!!" Minka said happily.

The hedgehog boy quickly scanned their surroundings just in time to see something green and scaly dive back underneath the surface of a nearby pond and out of sight.

"Hmm...." He said to himself. If Minka hadn't pointed it out, he would have never noticed.

Arthur, Minka and Gia continued to help Corey and Rumble spruce up the park for a few more hours but they didn't see the creature again.

6:23 PM On the other side of the city....

"You two are late." The akita assassin announced as the hedgehog boy and monkey girl walked through the front door of the home they shared with him.

"We were helping Corey and Rumble at Friendship Park Mr. Black." Arthur said shutting the door and collapsing onto a chair.

"Did you miss us Mr. Akita?" Minka said smiling at the canine.

Midnight Black looked at his roommates and remained silent as he continued to polish his weapons.

"Wow, and the truth shall set you free." The boy commented.

"My akita was worried about me!" Minka exclaimed as there was a tapping at the door.

The three looked at each other as Minka went to answer. "Yes?"

On the other side of the door was a female scaly- green skin, long distinctive fin on her head and shorter ones on its arms with long claws on her hands and feet.

"What do you want creature?!" Midnight Black said rudely.

"Easy, Mr. Black." Arthur said standing.

"It is one of the merfolk. You were in the park earlier." Minka exclaimed.

"Hi, I am Riko you are the Ghost Hunters right?"

"What?" The dark akita asked.

"We used to be." Arthur said.

"Well, I am in need of your services." The she creature said abruptly.

"Really? We were just about to go out to dinner. Would you like to join us?" Minka asked.

_6:45 PM The Wild's Restaurant.... _

"Why is Sorren and the council taking so long to make a decision?!" I asked my lovers growing impatient. "It is either a yes or no question, it is not that hard."

"Are you sure that it isn't just your stomach talking?" My red-eyed lioness said teasing.

"Pet, there is a lot to consider." My pregnant bear said.

"There is just Basil, Rose and Kip. It isn't that hard of a decision, mistress."

"And if we encounter Boris, Bertha or more that also want to leave?" My lady bear, said correcting me.

"We can rescue them and drop them off anywhere they want I suppose."

"What if they want to come here after learning about what became of the empire pet? That prison housed the worst of the worst including a manticore and griffon one of which poisoned you."

"Now that would be an interesting question." My dark tan lioness said. "Should we admit them into the colony?"

"Well Midnight Black was allowed." I said glancing at the akita who was sitting at a table nearby dining with Arthur, Minka and one of the merfolk? What was going on there? Were they making friends?

" as I was saying, I am in need of your services." Riko said to her hosts.

"How did you hear about us?" The hedgehog boy asked.

"Oh that? The Chado spoke of two offworlders who used to investigate the unexplained, strange and things that go I'm gonna getcha! in the night; they think highly of the two of you."

"There is not such things as ghosts." The black akita said.

"Shush!! The kids are talking." Minka said, chastising him.

"We did investigate a lot of paranormal activity on Counter Earth. Not so much here." Arthur admitted.

"Well, we have such a situation now I am afraid. We call her the dark lady." The female amphibian said. "She started appearing in our village a few weeks ago, scaring and attacking anyone she encounters."

"Does anyone know why?" The monkey girl asked

Riko shook her head no. "At this point everyone is scared to go to sleep or even leave their homes."

"Wow, seriously mysterious. Riko, did anyone in your village make a deal with a dark entity?" Arthur asked.

"For like power, fame, wealth or success?" Minka said, sounding a little like Flo, their former colleague.

"Did anyone die under mysterious circumstances?" Arthur said piling on.

Midnight Black was not believing what he was hearing. It sounded like the hedgehog and monkey were seasoned experts at this; asking probing questions to the mer-girl who, what, when, why and how.

"Unfortunately no, and no. But can you help us?" The amphibian girl pleaded.

"Please excuse us one minute. SIDEBAR!!!" Minka shouted.

She and Arthur huddled while the akita observed.

"So what do you think Arthur?"

"It is going to be rough without our tech Minka, and Flo."

"But still, if we could help them with this- it could foster great relations with our colony and theirs." The cheeky monkey said, smiling.

"There is no such things as ghosts." The black akita said reiterating trying to snap his roommates back to reality.

"Oh really Mr. Akita?" The monkey girl said with a gleam in her eye.

"A former intern of ours used to say the same thing Mr. Black." The hedgehog boy added with a similar gleam in his eye.

"Would you like to make a LITTLE wager on that opinion of yours?" The she beast said to the canine.

"Very well I will indulge you children. If I am right and this is all some sort of hoax you will stay in your own bed at night and not mine girl and you will be more punctual boy." The akita said to the monkey and hedgehog.

"And if we are right?" The monkey girl asked innocently.

"You can name your reward." Midnight Black said, sounding very confident and self righteous.

"Very well then it looks like we have a new case and a new intern." Arthur said as their meals arrived.

"Intern?" The assassin said.

"Riko we will take the case!" Minka said happily.

"Oh Thank you!!! When can you start?"

"We already have... but let's finish dinner first." The monkey girl said smiling.

After treating Riko to dinner Minka, Arthur and Midnight Black left the city. They followed the amphibian through a forest.

"So exactly where is this village of yours?'' The dark akita asked as they approached a small elongated lake.

"Right here." The mer-girl said, presenting the lake to them.

"Wow, pretty." Minka said smiling. "So it is here?"

"Rather under it." She continued.

"Riko, we can't breathe under water." Arthur reminded her.

"Trust me." The mer-girl said with her hand outstretched. Arthur took it then grabbed Minka's paw and she grabbed Midnight Black's. "Each of you take a big breath and don't release it until I say so."

One by one the quartet entered the lake. Riko led them to an underground cave just past its entrance was her home....

A village consisting of coral huts and structures built upon rock formations. In the center was a star shaped garden that looked like a reef.

"Remarkable!!! OH NO!!!" Arthur accidentally exhaled but he didn't drown.

"You can breathe here." Riko said, releasing his paw. "But only here."

"PRETTY!! Say, what is going on over there?" Minka asked.

"Oh dear, there has been another attack!!" The mer-girl shouted.

On the ground was another of the merfolk. An adult male, his face frozen in fright and a small crowd surrounding him.


"Riko? Who are they?" Another adult asked as the latest victim was taken away.

"The Ghost Hunters. The group I told you about. They are here to help."

"Welcome. I just wished it was under better circumstances. I am Rollo the chieftain of the village. Anything you need just ask for it."

The village leader appeared to be slightly older and a little taller than Riko.

"Thank you. Let's start with the history of your village." The hedgehog boy said.

_That night... _

*scribble* *scribble*

"Boy, you have been writing incessantly for the last half hour; is that all you are going to do?" The black akita asked.

"No Mr. Black I was just reviewing what the chieftain relayed to us while we wait for our target to make an appearance. Nothing seems out of place."

"And there is plenty of that taking place." The assassin said looking out of the hut they were in and across the center of the village to another hut where a monkey girl waved back very giddy like. Eek!!"

Just then Minka started making all these paw gestures at him.

"Has she gone mad?!" He asked Arthur.

"No, but it looks like our target has made her appearance." Arthur said as they watched a grey hooded something float from the far end of the village towards its center.

Judging by the boney hands and feet it was the dark lady.

"Hmm.... I thought she would be taller." The assassin said standing. He then confidently walked out the door to confront whatever it was.

"Mr. Black!!" The hedgehog boy shouted.

The akita assassin stood at one end of the village, the spectre at the other end.

"You there! Identify yourself!"

The hooded figure stood silently monitoring the black akita in the brown shirt and form fitting pants.

"You will leave these people alone or else!!"

The hooded figure started floating towards the assassin.

"Or else it is then." Midnight Black said throwing several daggers right at the dark lady. They easily passed right through her. "What trickery is this?!"

The assassin drew his sword and charged at the spectre passing right through her but not before getting a good look at the face underneath the hood. The creature looked like Rolo and Riko, with fins, sharp claws on its hands and feet, however its coloring was grey not green oh and it was faceless. Wait, what?

Midnight Black continued to slash and stab but his sword was not hitting anything. That was when the creature sped up passing right through the shocked assassin who reacted like he had been run over by a utility vehicle.

Sometime later....

"Mr. Black? Are you still with us?" Riko called out.

The akita assassin came to. He was lying on a cot in a nearby hut. Rolo, Riko, Arthur and Minka were by his bedside.

"Ugh, it got the better of me." He admitted. "But how? I attacked it with my knives and my blade and I passed right through it!"

"Did you get a good look?" Minka said, touching her akita's arm.

"Yeah, she had no face." Midnight Black said dumbfounded.

"Just between you and me Mr. Akita- I think you were run over by a ghost." Minka said smiling.

"How long was I out?"

"About twenty minutes." Arthur said.

"Look outside she is back!" Riko shouted.

The two amphibians, the monkey, hedgehog and akita looked out through the window just in time to see the dark lady replicate herself into four identical spectres all floating around the village center.

"She has never done that before." Riko said.

"It is like she is on a scavenger hunt." Minka blurted out as one of five started toward their hut.

"What is a scavenger hunt?" The chieftain asked.

"It is a human game where players search for items." The assassin said.

"She is coming this way!" The mer-girl shouted.

Before the amphibian could let out another breath the ghost lady passed through the hut. She floated by Riko, Minka, Arthur and the astounded akita to stop right at the chieftain with her boney hand outstretched.

"What, what do you want?!" Rolo said, backing away in fear as the being loomed over him.

"That's it." Arthur exclaimed. "This is a possession- haunting."

"Get away from me!" The chieftain said trying to stab and slash the apparition.

"Possession- haunting?" Riko asked.

"There is an item or object that she has grown attached to." The monkey girl said to the terrified amphibian.

"So attached that she refuses to rest or to move on without it." The hedgehog boy exclaimed.

"ACK!!!!!" Rolo shouted as the spectre entered his body, like Angi climbing into her fursuit.

"That thing just entered him!!" Midnight Black exclaimed.

The possessed chieftain rummaged through a storage bin at the rear of the hut before pulling out a small silver colored necklace. It was at that point the dark lady clasped it and left his body. She levitated backward through the hut wall and out into the village square where she disappeared with the other replicates.

"So that was the purpose of the haunting?" Rolo said dumbfounded.

"Apparently so." Minka said to the chieftain.

Day 345 [December 20th] (8:26 AM Wild's Restaurant)

"Thank you for letting us stay the night Riko." Minka said to the mer-girl.

"Thank you for treating me to breakfast. I think this is my favorite restaurant in all of Chaundoon."

"This is the only restaurant in all of Chaundoon girl." The black akita said condescendingly.

"So it turned out that Rolo had found that silver bobble on one of his swims and brought it back to our village."

"Well in reality that wasn't the only thing he brought back." Arthur concluded.

"I agree don't you think so Mr. Akita?" The monkey girl said, staring at the assassin.

"Yes." He said quietly.

"Now about that bet." Minka grinned.

"That is right, Mr. Black- I seemed to recall someone saying something about ghosts not being real." The hedgehog boy said pilling on.

"State you terms." The humbled canine said as their meals arrived.

"You are to keep that firm body of yours in excellent shape and allow me to admire it morning, day or night Mr. Akita."

"FINE." He said as he started eating.

"Whether it is in your bed, the showers, the street or in the field." The monkey girl said continued.

"As you wish, wait, the field?"

"Yeah about that Mr. Black, Minka and I have decided to resume our paranormal investigations. We could use an assistant." Arthur commented.

"An assistant who has decided to settle down and become a productive member of society." Minka added as Riko observed the interaction between the three.

"Wow, that must have been some bet!" She said.

"It was." Midnight Black grumbled.

And just like that the Ghost Hunters were resurrected, excuse the pun.

Meanwhile at a nearby table....

"Morning Lady Ursa, Shakara, Alex. May I join you?"

"Of course." My lioness said to the sabertooth feline.

"King Dragon has given his blessing on your mission with one stipulation."

"What is that Shira?" I asked.

"I am coming along as well."

Lady Ursa and I looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Alex Winter December 20 YOE 34

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